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Feedback & Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

For more Frequently asked Questions, visit our website at placedesarts.ca/faq.

Can I join a class that has already started?

Late registration is accepted at the discretion of Place des Arts and where space is available. Please inquire at the registration desk.

Why are class age limits strictly adhered to?

Our classes are organized according to the developmental abilities of each age group. By adhering to set age groups, we ensure a quality experience for all students in the class.

Can I view or try out a class before committing to the entire session?

We do not allow customers to view or try out a class before registering. It is best to consult with our knowledgeable registration staff regarding any questions or concerns you may have. In some instances, we can arrange for you to have a discussion directly with the teacher.

Do I pay a registration fee for my Sep-Jun class and/or private lesson each season?

Yes. The registration fee is charged each season, and covers administrative costs associated with registering new customers, enrolling students, payment processing and transaction fees associated with our registration software. It also helps to cover the cost, repair and upkeep of equipment in our facility. If you or your child remains enrolled in at least one Sep-Jun class or private lesson, the registration fee applies to an unlimited number of Sep-Jun enrolments per season for that specific registrant.

Can I rent space at Place des Arts?

Yes! Place des Arts has several spaces available that are perfect for hosting your own activities. For more information on rentals: 604.664.1636 ext 30 • rentals@placedesarts.ca placedesarts.ca/facility-rentals/

What’s the difference between Sep-Jun and fall, winter and spring session classes?

Fall, winter and spring session classes and workshops run anywhere from one day to twelve weeks of classes each session. Sep-Jun classes and private lessons follow the school year and run throughout that period. Find out more about how to register for these classes on page 46.


Our mission is to inspire the artist in everyone, and we are committed to ensuring your experience here is indeed inspiring, and that our teachers and staff make you feel comfortable and free to be creative.

Is there something you want to share with us about your experience at Place des Arts?

Do you have suggestions for improvements or want to let us know that we did something great? Fill out the feedback form on our website at placedesarts.ca by clicking on the Give us Feedback link in the footer of our website. We welcome testimonials from our clients which can also be entered in our Feedback form.

Off-site Class Questions

For those of you taking classes at the Evergreen Cultural Centre (1205 Pinetree Way) or at other off-site venues, feel free to contact Jessie Au, our Sr. Fine and Performing Arts Programmer with any feedback or questions you may have. Staff are generally available during regular business hours, 9:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday. 604.664.1636 ext. 33 • jau@placedesarts.ca