Park Cities People March 2018

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MARCH 2018 VOLUME 38 NO. 3



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French soprano Stephanie d’Oustrac makes her Dallas debut as the 2018-19 season brings ‘Carmen’ and other favorites. PAGE 14 MAXINE HELFMAN FOR THE DALLAS OPERA







Residents meet to oppose the possibility the new school could have three floors and office-building-like architecture.

Children interview pro athletes, meet broadcasters, and spend time on either side of the camera.

Former area cyclist will travel 11,327 miles, through 31 states to bring awareness and raise money.

2 March 2018 |

Mother’s Death Brings Back Memories of Mysterious Disease


hen I was a little girl, my mom used to get sick, crawl into bed, and stay there for days. I can still vividly remember as a 10-year-old sitting in front of her locked door on the beautiful wood floors my dad had reclaimed from an old home being torn down in the neighborhood to make way for condos. As a child, I did not understand her illness. But, I knew its cycle. I knew that it was unpredictable and that almost as soon as her flare ups came, they were gone. It didn’t get easier to understand my mother’s illness as I aged. Doctors told her it could have been a host of things such as Lyme Disease, Lupus, or even a mental disorder. Unfortunately, the idea that stuck was that she exasperated her own illness, because she was sick mentally.

“It is attacking women at a far greater rate than men.” It wasn’t until my mother was nearly paralyzed by her illness that she was officially diagnosed with multiple sclerosis – better known as MS. She died in January. Most people have heard of MS. Some may even know someone suffering from it.

BIANCA R. MONTES But most of us have no idea what it really is. In honor of my mother, and with March being MS Awareness Month, I hope to inspire you all to learn more about this neurological disorder that affects more than 2.3 million people worldwide. I hope to motivate you to take this message to social media, and share that despite its reach, it is unknown what causes MS, there is no cure for MS, and it is attacking women at a far greater rate than men. If you’re looking for a great cause to donate to, check out a story on Page 46 about a former area resident who’s biking across the country to raise awareness and support for MS research. Bianca R. Montes, Assistant editor


Crime ............................ 4 News .............................. 8 Community ................. 14 Schools ........................ 18 Sports .......................... 22 Camps........................... 29 Business ....................... 33 Real Estate.................... 36 Society ......................... 38 Weddings ..................... 44 Living Well................... 46 Classifieds .................... 51

ParkCitiesPeople EDITORIAL



Editor William Taylor

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Park Cities People is published monthly by CITY NEWSPAPERS LP, an affiliate of D Magazine Partners LP, 750 N. Saint Paul St., Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75201. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission. Submissions to the editor may be sent via e-mail to editor@ Correspondence must include writer’s name and contact number. Main phone number, 214-739-2244

4 March 2018 |

Crime S KU L D U G G E RY of the MO NTH


A front-porch package thief better own one hungry feline after stealing an Amazon delivery from a home in the 4300 block of Bordeaux Avenue. The delivery, valued at $637.48, was filled to the brim with household goods and cat treats, such as Greenies Dental Treats, Purina Friskies Party Mix, and Purina Whisker Likins. According to the homeowner, the box was left on her front porch around 5:49 p.m. Jan. 7, and stolen sometime before 4:25 p.m. Jan. 10.


CRIME REPORT JAN. 8 - FEB. 4 JAN. 8 Stolen before 7 a.m.: a wallet left in an unlocked blue Mercedes GL300 parked overnight in the 4600 block of Edmonson Avenue. While the homeowner noted that the vehicle’s door appeared ajar, she didn’t think anything of it and had no idea the wallet, which belongs to her daughter, was missing until contacted by police. JAN. 9 Stolen around 7:40 a.m.: a wheel and tire, valued at $400, from a 2016 silver GMC Sierra parked overnight in the 4100 block of Bryn Mawr Drive. JAN. 10 Stolen before 10 a.m.: an iPad, valued at $200, and an iPhone, valued at $300, from a 2013 white Lincoln Navigator left unlocked overnight in the 3700 block of Purdue Street. JAN. 12 Tagged: a metal pole and other property belonging to the town of Highland Park near the 4200 block of Lakeside Drive. Officers were made aware of the graffiti – “KRACK 77” written in white letters on a pole – around noon; “HD” in large white letters on a nearby brick wall; and “KRACK A51” on a sidewalk along Wycliff Avenue. JAN. 13 Two jugs of Tide liquid detergent, valued at $43.98, were stolen around 3:40 p.m. from a CVS in the 3000 block of Mockingbird Lane. JAN. 15 An Apple laptop computer, valued at $1,000, and a Kenwood stereo, valued at $300, was stolen between 7:20 and 8:10 a.m. from a 2009 GMC Yukon parked outside of Highland Park High School. JAN. 16 With temperatures dipping below 30 degrees in the morning, a University Park resident found himself left out in the cold when his running, unlocked, and unoccupied

2017 gray Toyota 4Runner – two North Face jackets and several pieces of athletic gear – were stolen outside of his home in the 4200 block of Southwestern Boulevard. JAN. 17 Stolen around 9 a.m.: a wallet, including $300 in cash, from a 2015 white Lexus Gx460 parked outside of University Park United Methodist Church. JAN. 19 From a Panda stress ball to an Oster wine bottle openers, around $1,000 in merchandise stolen in January from Highland Park front porches was recovered and returned to several homeowners Jan. 18 and 19. HP officials say they are working to get all property returned to its rightful owners. JAN. 20 Stolen before 8 a.m.: a pair of brown rimmed prescription glasses, valued at $100, from an unlocked 2017 white Mercedes C30 parked overnight in the 4400 block of Rheims Place. JAN. 21 Four fur coats, collectively valued at $20,500, were stolen around 12:20 a.m. from a home in the 3400 block of Potomac Avenue. JAN. 23 At 5:30 a.m., a trespasser entered the backyard of a home in the 4000 block of Hanover Street. JAN. 24 Taken overnight before 5 a.m.: the rear tires and wheels [$1,400 value] off a 2018 GMC Yukon parked in the 3200 block of Bryn Mawr Drive. JAN. 26 Taken at 3:15 p.m. from a CutN-Edge Lawn work van in the 3500 block of Mockingbird Lane: two Toro mowers, a RedMax leaf blower, and a Stihl hedge trimmer. JAN. 27 Shoplifted between 2:06 and 2:19 p.m.: a $1,090 Loubiclutch purse from the Christian Loubou-

tin store at Highland Park Village. Surveillance video shows two women and a man enter the store together and one of the women hide the clutch in her handbag while the other woman bought a $730.69 pair of shoes. JAN. 28 Taken before 1:12 a.m. from a 2016 Hyundai Sonata parked in the 3500 block of Hanover Street: $300 Hunter rain boots, a $250 Barbour jacket, $250 sunglasses, a $50 leather purse, a $50 Kate Spade wallet along with driver’s license and credit/debit cards. The driver thought he locked the car but may not have. JAN. 29 Stolen around 4:30 p.m. from a gym locker at the Moody Family YMCA: A wallet holding $150 in cash and several debit and credit cards. JAN. 30 Around 2:30 p.m., two men attempted to break into a detached garage apartment in the 4300 block of Livingston Avenue while the resident was home. The men fled when the 34-year-old woman peered through the window. The front door of Saint Laurent at Highland Park Village was propped open long enough around 2:45 p.m. for three women to empty an entire shelf of purses – forgoing payment – with a value of at least $20,000. JAN. 31 A man living in the 3400 block of Princeton Avenue reported around 4:10 p.m. that an order he placed back in September with Exotic Car Sales in Oxnard, Ca. for a $5,000 piece of custom luggage for his Ferrari never shipped. Burglars could have one impressive kitchen after walking away from an unoccupied home for sale in the 4400 block of Lorraine Avenue with thousands of dollars worth of top-of-the-line appliances. Sometime after 3:30 p.m. Jan. 28 and before 10 a.m.

Jan. 31, the burglars used a large, brown landscape stone to break a section of double-pane glass patio doors to enter the home, walking out with goods such as a stainless steel Lacanche cooking range, Scotsman ice maker, and Asko dishwasher. A package containing $131 worth of Shakeology merchandise was stolen sometime between 1:09 and 1:50 p.m. from the front porch of a home in the 3200 block of Centenary Drive. A brick was thrown through the window of a home in the 3600 block of Marquette Street around 2:05 p.m. A 26-year-old man residing in the 3500 block of Ashbury Avenue reported to police around 3:24 p.m. that he’d been receiving threatening text messages. An Irving woman reported to police that while dining at a restaurant at The Plaza at Preston Center between 6 and 6:30 p.m. her Kate Spade purse, valued at $350, was stolen. Property from inside the purse was valued at $2,000 and included two iPhones and a Kate Spade wallet. FEB. 1 Stolen before 6 a.m.: the thirdrow seat of a 2014 silver Chevrolet Tahoe parked overnight in the 4100 block of Hanover Street. Power tools valued at $704 were stolen between 4:05 and 4:10 p.m.: from a home in the 3800 block of Bryn Mawr Drive. FEB. 3 Shattered before 6:30 a.m.: the driver’s side window of a black Chevrolet Tahoe (no year given) parked overnight in the 4300 block of Glenwick Lane. Damage was estimated at $600. FEB. 4 At least $200 worth of makeup was stolen around 9:10 p.m. from a CVS located in the 3000 block of Mockingbird Lane.

8 March 2018 |



Residents: Keep Hackberry natural, a beautiful place to explore By William Taylor

People Newspapers


ighland Park officials have made preparations for doing substantial work in the Hackberry Creek greenbelt corridor before. This time, they hope to come up with conservation and restoration plans town residents will accept. “They’re passionate,” Mayor Joel Williams said, saying many residents haven’t been bashful about telling him what they think about “the most beautiful natural resource in Highland Park.” “What I hear is, ‘Don’t mess it up,’” Williams said. The town has hired landscape architecture, planning, and urban design firm MESA to develop a master plan for the creek corridor and budgeted $5.8 million over 10 years in the Capital Improvement Program for projects. Work would begin with a $1.5 million phase in the 2018-19 budget year, followed by about $500,000 annually after that, town administrator Bill Lindley said. The plan will cover a mile-long stretch from near Byron Avenue generally southward to Armstrong Avenue, including Prather and Davis parks, but excluding locations that cross private property. It will propose projects to address erosion prevention as well as the condition of banks, landscaping, and pedestrian bridges in the corridor, and could include new walkways, benches, site amenities, landscape lighting, and irrigation,

Designers are studying the condition of pedestrian bridges, creek banks, and vegetation.

depending on what residents want. To gather public input, the town has been conducting an online survey and meeting in person with residents.

“Parks are all about memories at the end of the day.” Stan Cowan “Obviously, we are talking about something you care about,” Williams told 51 residents attending a late January meeting at Armstrong Elementary School. “I want to assure you – each of you – that the council you elected cares very much

about Hackberry Creek, too.” Residents at the meeting were divided into groups and asked to look over creek maps and photos and put their thoughts and desires for the greenspace to paper. Common themes emerged: no additional concrete, no additional bicycle and pedestrian amenities, no public art. Keep it “Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn like,” “natural and wild,” a place where children can explore and play, not an attraction for outof-town visitors, they said. Director of town services Ronnie Brown noted how in 1992 the town was ready to move forward with improvements to the creek, but backed off when residents ob-


jected to plans that proved too aggressive and that would have added amenities such as boulders that would have made the creek “too much like Colorado.” This time the focus is on preserving its existing beauty, he said. “I’ve had the chance to walk up and down the creek as you have. It’s a wonderful experience.” MESA managing partner Stan Cowan said his team looks at the creek corridor from the standpoint of what people experience and feel as they move through it. “Mother nature has done a wonderful job, and we respect that,” he said. “Parks are all about memories at the end of the day.”


The Hackberry Creek Master Plan will cover:

4,500 16 7 3 1

Linear feet of creek


pedestrian bridges

tennis courts

swimming pool

10 March 2018 |

Rowers File Title IX Lawsuit Against SMU Injuries blamed on poor care, coaching


FROM LEFT: Alex Zalkin, Meghan Klein, Lindsay Heyman, Kelly McGowan, and Jessica Clouse.

By Bianca R. Montes People Newspapers

Relearning how to stand and walk weren’t part of Meghan Klein’s academic plan when she decided to go to SMU. But two hip surgeries later, that was her reality.

“. . . my health and wellbeing will always be an issue for every single day of the rest of my life.” Meghan Klein Klein, who graduated in 2017, claims improper and often unsupervised training, along with questionable rowing techniques taught by former SMU head rowing coach Doug Wright, have compromised her quality of life. “I don’t know exactly what 23 holds for me, but I can tell you what 25, 30, or 35 looks like,” she said. “Having to take weeks or months off of work to get a hip replacement when this one wears out; being on bed rest while pregnant because my body physically can’t support the weight of a child; and knowing that my health and well-being will always be an issue for every single day of the rest of my life.” Klein has joined seven other current and former Mustangs in a Title IX lawsuit that claims the university provided inadequate medical training resources to its women’s rowing team, leading to lifelong injuries. In a written statement, SMU chose not to address the lawsuit, but said its foremost concern is always for students’ health and

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well-being, and the university is committed to complying with Title IX in its athletic programs and throughout the campus. Title IX prohibits gender discrimination in education programs that receive federal funding. The plaintiffs include Klein, Jessica Clouse, Lindsay Heyman, Kelly McGowan, Sydney Severson, Rebekah Tate, and two other plaintiffs identified as Jane Roe 1 and Jane Roe 2. Each of the plaintiffs suffered labral tears at SMU and has had or will have to have surgery to repair a hip. The lawsuit, which was filed in federal court in January, claims SMU discriminated against the female rowers by providing the team with unequal funding and second class resources. Alex Zalkin, an attorney representing the women, said SMU systematically discriminated against female rowers in particular. Zalkin joined the California-based Zalkin Law Firm about seven years ago and has primarily focused on university cases where students are suing their schools for mishandling sexual assault reports and harassment. “SMU has treated Title IX as a numbers game,” he said at a Jan. 19 news conference. “Female athletic programs, such as the rowing program, were created simply so SMU could say, ‘Hey look, we’re complying with Title IX. We have the same number of male and female athletes.’” But that is where he said the equality stopped. Zelkin said unequal access to competent medical care and quality coaches and training staff has been an issue for more than two decades at the university. “SMU had the opportunity to correct this,” he said. “It simply chose not to.”

12 March 2018 |

Highland Park Presbyterian Shifts Master Plan Changes forgo rental home demos, focus on Hunt Building

Outside, the dated porte-cochere will be torn down, and the drop off location will be moved to Shannon Lane, creating a new, safer drop-off location on the west side of the building. The proposed $73 million renovation also will create straight, widened connections throughout the campus. “This is so much better suited for what we want to do,” Juliette said about the better blend of the campus. “This is for all generations. It is important that all generation interact from young to old.”

By Bianca R. Montes People Newspapers

Highland Park Presbyterian Church has scrapped initial plans to demolish six adjacent rental homes near Shannon Lane to make way for a 350-spot underground parking garage. Preliminary plans revealed last year also would have added 35,000 square feet to the campus and renovated interiors, but didn’t align well enough with the church’s long-term vision or deliver enough benefit for the money budgeted. “It was a nice plan, but what we were finding was, one, it was a lot more expensive than initially expected,” longtime member Ross Coulter said. “We [were] investing a whole chunk of the project to just a stand-alone garage. There was probably a better way to be good stewards of our money.” There was. A new preliminary plan instead focuses on rebuilding the Hunt Building – the campus’ newest structure. Coulter, and his wife Juliette Coulter, said issues with the Hunt Building range from a confused entrance space to a dimly lit hall where Sunday’s contemporary worship takes

K E Y P L A N F E AT U R E S The Hunt Building will be rebuilt to add parking garage, better flow. place. While some of the budget from the original plan would have addressed aesthetics in the building, many of its challenges couldn’t be solved due to the building’s configuration. The new plan still allows the church to address one of its largest problems: parking. With the rebuild of the Hunt Building, the church will have the opportunity to include a two-floor parking garage under the structure. The garage will add at least 150 parking spaces to a church that owns only three for its 4,700 members. Juliette said the new plan is more suited with the church’s vision. Renderings show a complete transformation of Elliott Hall into a bright, fresh, and


open room designed to enhance the contemporary worship service. A new stage will sit in front of a window lined wall that seamlessly blends into the Gothic Revival structure. A new front door and drop off will create a grand entrance into the Hunt Building, and a patio along University Boulevard will echo the one in front of the main sanctuary. The entrance will lead into a large, lightfilled gathering space where a two-story mezzanine will create a welcoming area where guests can gather and fellowship. The picturesque setting will nearly be mirrored in the Highland Kids Ministry building where movable walls will help add three early childhood classrooms.

• A new front door along University Boulevard • 13,200 square-feet of new indoor gathering space inside the rebuilt Hunt Building. • More than double the number of adult classrooms • Thousands of square feet of new and renovated gathering spaces in the Highland Kids Ministry building • A new, sunlit contemporary worship and fellowship space • New gym space and substantial playground renovations Learn more at

14 March 2018 |


Season will bring favorite productions, new performers to Dallas By William Taylor

2018-2019 SEASON

People Newspapers

THE FLYING DUTCHMAN Oct. 12-Oct. 20, 2018


he forward-thinking life of the Dallas Opera’s music director comes with moments of confusion, such as when he’s planning future performances and someone asks what he’s doing next season. “I know the titles we’re doing for 10 years, but then I don’t know what I’m doing next year,” Emmanuel Villaume explained on an afternoon in late January. “And I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow.” A day earlier, he was out of town. “I was not in New York, I was in Chicago, where we are singing Faust, and I literally didn’t remember what was the opera I was there to rehearse,” Villaume said. “Faust? Oh! That’s good.” His joking aside, Villaume knew recently the planned main stage performances for 2018-2019 as he joined interim general director and CEO Kern Wildenthal in announcing “Swept Away,” a season that promises many Dallas debuts and some of the most popular operas. “This season is the result of years and years of work,” Villaume said.

CARMEN Oct. 19-Nov. 4, 2018 MANON LESCAUT March 1-March 9, 2019 LA BOHÈME March 15-March 31, 2019 FALSTAFF April 26-May 4, 2019 Full season subscriptions start at $100 and go on sale to new subscribers April 4. Visit for details on these as well as Family Performance Series performances. MAXINE HELFMAN FOR THE DALLAS OPERA

Mark Delavan will star as the Dallas Opera presents Verdi’s Falstaff for the first time. The season, sponsored by the Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger family, features Richard Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman, Georges Bizet’s Carmen, Giacomo Puccini’s Manon Lescaut and La Bohème, and Verdi’s Falstaff. “The 62nd International Season, filled with captivating stories

and unsurpassed music performed by some of the world’s greatest opera stars, will provide superb entertainment for patrons from across North Texas—as well as the many people who travel to Dallas these days, in order to experience opera at its best,” Wildenthal said. Performers will include Ameri-

can bass-baritone Greer Grimsley, French mezzo-soprano Stephanie d’Oustrac, American soprano Kristin Lewis, French tenor JeanFrançois Borras, South African soprano Pumeza Matshikiza, and American bass-baritone Mark Delavan. “The next season, when it comes

to the level of casting, is without precedent in Dallas,” Villaume said. “I say that with confidence. And it’s again because we have established ourselves . . . as one of the most important players in the field. “Today we have artists who are approaching us, who want to sing with us, who would not have even answered our phone calls a few years ago,” he said.

‘Stormin’ Norman’ Bagwell a Hands-On Leader

Education advocate honored with Virginia Chandler Dykes award By Maria Adolphs

Special Contributor Norman P. Bagwell, CEO of Bank of Texas and executive vice president of BOK Financial, loves hardware stores and do-ityourself projects. “I’ll try pretty much anything once,” he said, recalling how when he was young and broke he installed a sprinkler system, an arduous endeavor that involved, “digging holes, laying pipe, and running wires. “That’s the job you do one time,” he said, laughing. The hands-on ‘Stormin’ Norman,’ as his friends call him, has served for years as a leader in business and the community – work that has won him recent recognition from Bank of Texas, Texas Woman’s University, and Texas Woman’s University Foundation. They selected him to receive the 16th annual Virginia Chandler Dykes Leadership Award on Feb. 21 at the Belo Mansion and Pavilion. “Texas Woman’s is thrilled to honor such an inspirational leader for his ongoing commitment to improving life for others,


Bank of Texas CEO Norman P. Bagwell serves on several boards, including those for the Baylor Healthcare System and the Salesmanship Club foundations. including helping so many to achieve their dreams through education,” said Carine Feyten, chancellor and president at Texas Woman’s University. Bagwell has an approach to living life

and facing challenges: “No matter who you are or where you are from, whatever hand you are dealt— play the hand to the very best of your ability to get the best outcome.” Whether it was adjusting to the move from small town Monroe, Louisiana to the “big city” of Dallas where he knew no one; getting his start in banking in the 1980s, when failures and the savings and loan crisis dominated headlines; or facing health issues in his 40s, Bagwell sought to do his very best, keep a good attitude; and ultimately learn from and use his experiences as stepping stones to move forward, he said. “I want to be around him because he has the most contagious, positive outlook,” said Kevin L. Knox, an assistant dean for SMU’s Cox School of Business. Bagwell, an SMU graduate, credits the “good hands” he’s had to the “greatness of our city and our community,” his career in financial services, and his parent’s guidance. He sees promoting education as a way to help others obtain good outcomes, too. “Education lifts people out of poverty and propels people to fulfill their personal

aspirations, is mission critical for our community, and needs to be accessible by all,” Bagwell said. Mark B. Wade, Bank of Texas president and COO, describes Bagwell as a great mentor and friend who “has inspired our people to be the best that each one of them can be.” To be his best, Bagwell’s vision for this year involves balancing his roles as husband, father, holder of numerous titles, and member of several boards. He half-jokes his long-term dream is to open Norm’s True Value Hardware and Ice Cream.

A B O U T T H E AWA R D Established in 2002, the Virginia Chandler Dykes Leadership Award, named for a TWU alumna known for her work in occupational therapy and philanthropic service, is given annually to a Dallas leader who improves quality of life and education.

March 2018  15

Too Many Tune Ups

LEN BOURLAND “Diagnostics” is the key word that has governed my life lately. Bodies, automobiles, and computers all are run through diagnostics when in for a tune up of some sort. Not being able to sleep on my right side took me back to the orthopedist. Since I’ve already had rotator cuff surgery, the diagnosis was bursitis attributed to what we boomers hear with regularity, “aging.” A shot of cortisone later I’m back to doing plank position in Pilates. Mechanical and indispensable high-tech devices that don’t moan or groan are a bit trickier. I went in for a car wash at the dealer and came out with a new car. I didn’t mean to, but with my lease a few months from expiring, they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I’m still trying to figure out the controls. They did away with the left-handed cup holder, and guess who’s a southpaw? Remember when you could set your radio by dialing to a station, pulling out the button, and punching it in? Now it requires a menu bar, pre-sets, rolling between screens, or hitting the talking head on the steering wheel and yelling out the station for it to set. “Lexie” doesn’t understand Texas Southern, so often it ends up calling somebody or turning on the heat instead. I ended up at the dealer’s technology clinic one Saturday with other befuddled new car owners. We learned “Siri” on our phones likes us more than “Lexie” in our new cars. When in doubt, use your phone, but the command “call Betty” which morphs into “Calling Best Buy,” will be screwed up by either. Which brings me to the Apple store. I’m postponing getting the new iPhone battery, since it’s backordered, but when the MacGal on the support phone call couldn’t fix my snowy laptop screen, I ended up at the Genius Bar. Two phone calls, three trips to the store later where nothing was diagnosed wrong, they nevertheless backed up and reinstalled everything while replacing a battery. I’ve just realized my dishwasher cycle is running for hours without cutting off. I realize these are First World problems, but I cannot take another diagnosis. Is it Spring Break yet?

16 March 2018 |

Letters to the Editor UP NOT A BIKE DUMP I am a typical middle school kid [and a member of Boy Scout Troop 70] who enjoys riding my bike, but my opinion of the bike sharing program is that it is bad for our community. If someone chooses to ride a bike through a bike sharing app, then what happens when they arrive at their destination? They have to leave it somewhere on public or private property, which is abandoning it. The city of University Park states that abandoning a bicycle is illegal. University Park even has a place on its website to report these abandoned bikes so that they can be removed. University Park has always been a pretty community that is now littered with bicycles in every color. It has become a joke in our family to count the number of abandoned bikes on our family outings. I would like to see rules and regulations in place to help control the bicycle population in our community and keep our community from looking like a bicycle dump. Tie Smith University Park SAY NO TO UNHEALTHY TURF Daniel Luzer in his article “Artificial turf and cancer risk” published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 108, Issue 12, 1 December 2016 writes: • Amy Griffin, associate head coach of women’s soccer at the University of Washington in Seattle, first began to wonder about artificial turf and cancer in 2009. She noticed that two of the goalies came down with

with artificial turf because of fears that the rubber could be dangerous to health. • The Baltimore Ravens replaced the artificial turf in their stadium with grass due to health concerns.


Highland Park residents gather at Bradfield Elementary for a meeting on whether to allow synthetic turf in front yards. Ordinances only allow its use in back and side yards where it can’t be seen by neighbors, but some want it as an option for places where grass won’t grow. Town staff conducted a survey and plans to make a recommendation to Town Council soon. lymphoma. By December 2015, she had “a list of 230 soccer players, nearly all goalkeepers, who have played on artificial turf and developed cancers.” • “In 2010, researchers from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in Atlanta evaluated the concentration of lead in synthetic turf by collecting samples of fields. They determined that the level of lead in turf fiber material and in field dust exceeded the limit for children’s consumer products and

concluded that synthetic turf can deteriorate to form dust containing lead at levels that may pose a risk to children.” • The tiny black crumbs that come home after playing or walking on artificial turf are carcinogenic and contain mercury, benzene, and arsenic. Additional health concerns: • At least 30 clubs in the Netherlands have stopped the public from using fields made

Other considerations: • Artificial turf has an impact on ground water and the town will lose many of our beautiful trees due to lack of water in the soil. What is the impact of dry soil on house foundations? • Artificial turf likely will kill many creatures that live in the soil and prevent the aeration of the soil. • Will people adequately clean up their pets’ waste when using someone else’s artificial turf? • Artificial turf will absorb heat and increase the ambient temperature. • If some people feel that the studies on artificial turf are not conclusive, as was the view for 30 years on asbestos, is artificial turf the only solution? They can plant Asian jasmine, liriope, mulch, or gravel in the shaded area as many residents have done successfully. • What will happen to the artificial turf when it needs to be replaced? Can the town force the owners to change the turf when it begins to look bad? Should it be taken to dumps that accept hazardous materials and how much that cost will be? How much of the extra disposal cost will town residents have to bear? Highland Park is one of the most beautiful towns in America. Please let us keep it that way. Iraj Rastegar Highland Park

18 March 2018 |



Pierce loves night sky, advocates for new planetarium By Spencer Allan

Special Contributor


onna Pierce, an 83-yearold astronomy teacher, devoted Girl Scout, and diehard Rice University alumna, is known to students and faculty at Highland Park High School simply as “The Star Lady.” From her planetarium, tucked in a corner of the high school, lessons demonstrating her keen knowledge and enthusiasm for the night sky have been as consistent a part of campus life as her sharp wit and Mars-red lipstick. Pierce has taken students to visit The University of Texas’ McDonald Observatory since 1983, when she founded the high school’s Astronomy Club. Her role on the observatory’s Board of Visitors has spanned even longer than those 35 years. “I have a [board] pin with more stars on it than most people,” Pierce said. She also has been a faithful Girl Scout for 77 years, taking her own Troop SU160 camping and showing the girls the night sky, of course. Pierce remembers growing up

in Pampa, Texas in the 1940s. It may have been small— she didn’t see a television until college— but it was a lively community. Her parents frequently had guests to their house, and those visitors would often ask Pierce what she intended to be when she grew up. “I would always say, ‘a nurse,’ and my daddy would look down at me and say, ‘Why don’t you want to be a doctor?’ And I just think that hit like an explosive,” she said. “I can be anything I want.” Years later, when Pierce wanted to be a Boy Scout merit badge counselor, she signed up as “D. Pierce” to disguise the fact that she was a woman. During World War II, instead of wearing the leather boots her ration book provided, she opted for a pair of steel-toed boots from her father’s workshop. “They were ugly as heck, but when you line up as a little kid, you say, ‘You can’t step on my toes. I have steel toes,” she said. After completing an architecture degree at Rice, Pierce worked as a volunteer at Fair Park, educating herself about astronomy and giving free shows for Dallas


FRONT ROW FROM LEFT: Christi Krikorian, Abbey Govett, Olivia Ashley, Donna Pierce, Miya Malouf and Rachel Rogers. BACK ROW: Spencer Allan, Trevor Schillaci, Matthew Forbes, William Dunnill, Victoria Taverna, and Allison Baker. ISD students. Pierce helped organize the planetarium shows at the Science Building for 15 years. The Science Building closed with the opening of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in 2012, leaving Dallas without a public planetarium for the first

time in decades. Pierce and other area astronomers, are hoping to get the Frontiers of Flight Museum at Dallas Love Field to install a fixed dome, bringing planetarium shows back to the residents of Dallas. “I am the mother hen, and I get us together for meetings,”

she said. “When we found out the Perot had left out a planetarium, it really hurt. They have a new exhibit about space, yet they won’t even upgrade the Astronomy Hall.” Spencer Allan is a junior at Highland Park High School.

office park?” The architect wasn’t alone in fearing an office look to the new school building. Others used a similar description and pointed to the district ’s “ugly ” new elementary school building on Durham Street, near Northwest Highway, as an example. Their concerns also include the prospect Hyer could be rebuilt with three floors, instead of two, giving it a height residents see as out of proportion with the neighborhood. Boerder, uninvited, created a two-story traditionalist design concept for the Hyer rebuild, but said he was met with indifference when he showed it to district leaders. “They have their ears plugged up,” he said.

District leaders said they are listening to residents during on ongoing design process. “We are going to make sure every voice is heard, so we know how our community feels,” board vice president Kelly Walker said earlier that day. By a show of hands, most of those at the neighborhood gathering, including Boerder, indicated they would prefer Hyer remain as is. Preservation Dallas executive David Preziosi, who attended, said the Hyer building has historic value because of its “fabulous, wonderful design by Mark Lemmon,” whose work includes Highland Park Presbyterian and Highland Park United Methodist churches. Others contended that district enrollment doesn’t justify additional elementary school construction, but if Hyer must be torn down and replaced it should be done right – to appropriate scale and style to fit among its University Park neighbors.

Many Hyer Neighbors Dread Rebuild Keep elementary as is or similar, they say By William Taylor

P e o p l e N e w s pa p e r s Most architects don’t know how to give new buildings the traditionalist style that predominates in Park Cities neighborhoods. That’s what architect Larry Boerder, a specialist in traditionalist design, contends. The University Park resident has designed Park Cities homes for years and worked on the Highland Park Town Hall renovation, which was completed in 2014. Now he’s among those worried about what Hyer Elementary School will look like after Highland Park ISD has it torn down and rebuilt in the 20192020 school year. “I care deeply about Hyer, because my daughter went there,” he told more than 50 other concerned neighbors recently at University Park United Methodist Church. They had gathered to discuss options for convincing


TOP: More than 50 residents meet at University Park United Methodist Church to discuss concerns about plans for Hyer Elementary School. BOTTOM: Uninvited by HPSID, architect Larry Boerder came up with a traditionalist design (left) for the Hyer Elementary School rebuild project.

district leaders to change directions on the project. “Neighborhoods are the backdrops of our lives,” Boerder said. “Do we want this to look like an | March 2018  19

Ready To Wear The White Book Sharing Belles name 2018-2019 lieutenants

Comes to HP Village Little Free Library promotes reading By Sahar Jamal

People Newspapers


FROM LEFT: Talle Olsen, Brooke Marvel, Grace Dodd, Kate Kilpatrick, and Riley Cheek.

Talle Olsen, Brooke Marvel, Grace Dodd, Kate Kilpatrick, and Riley Cheek will lead the Highland Belles for the 20182019 school year, strutting in the signature mostly-white, fringed lieutenant uniforms when football season resumes in August. The Lieutenant Strut is an adaptation of the officer entrance performed by the Kilgore College Rangerettes, according to The new lieutenants were se-

lected recently after a rigorous process in front of a panel of judges, the Belles announced in January. The Highland Belles drill team was started in 1983 and added lieutenants a year later. The five officers lead the team in every practice and performance with each lieutenant in charge of a group of girls and responsible for teaching and critiquing all dances. – Staff report

Albert Einstein once said, “The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” Under a tree at the northeast corner of Royal Blue Grocery, visitors to Highland Park Village can locate a new Little Free Library, built in the Spanish and Mediterranean style used throughout the shopping center. In the past several years, similar libraries have popped up across the country, often located in yards, shopping centers, and public lands to encourage reading and promote sharing in a community. The basic idea: take a book, leave a book, according to On a recent afternoon at Highland Park Village, the buzz of activity around the library included college students sitting around studying, and parents making quick stops after picking their children up from school. “We’ve seen some people using it – many of them young 7-10 year olds with their parents,” Zac Porter, owner of Royal Blue Grocery, said. “The number of books in the Little Free Library seems to grow by the week, too.” Behind its unlocked glass door, the library held a children’s book, travel guide, cookbook, magazine, and a novel. Contents change as people borrow from or add to the collection. “I loved the book I picked up from the Little Free Library,” Royal Blue Grocery employee Sarah Sharpe


Contents of the Little Free Library change as people take and leave books.

said. “I’m excited to explore new authors and donate my old reads.” Officials with the Highland Park Harvey R. “Bum” Bright Library see the Little Free Library as another opportunity to encourage reading as well as a place residents can share books they hope others will enjoy reading. “Town residents of all ages will benefit from the titles in the Village’s Little Free Library and have an opportunity to discover a new favorite read,” town librarian Kortney Nelson said. Town administrator William Lindley added, “While our residents certainly know the location of the Highland Park Harvey R. “Bum” Bright Library, the next best experience is their visiting the Highland Park Village’s Little Free Library while enjoying a warm cup of coffee from Royal Blue Grocery and a delicious dessert from Bird Bakery.”

20 March 2018 |

Happenings on the Hill Spanish sculptor Dallas’s first exhibition dedicated exclusively to one of Spain’s most celebrated modern sculptors is now on display at the Meadows Museum at SMU. The Eduardo Chillida exhibition, which shows through June 3, includes 66 of the artist ’s works, f rom his sculptures to his drawings, collages, graphic works, and a selection of his books. The display focuses on the mature part of Chillida’s career, when he produced works such as Peine del Viento XV (Wind Comb) in 1976 and

Embrace III, 1991. Iron. COURTESY SMU Elogio del Horizonte (Eulogy to the Horizon) in 1990, while also presenting important, rarely displayed works.

Wilderness Women A new exhibit hosted by SMU’s DeGolyer Library features narratives and memorabilia of women who faced massacres, famine, and blizzards in the American wilderness. “OK, I’ll Do It Myself ” opened in January and runs through March 28. The exhibit also features 144 books, photographs, and manuscripts by 101 women, dating from 1682 to 2015.

Medal of Freedom Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has received the Tower Center Medal of Freedom from SMU’s John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies. The honor, presented every two years, recognizes “extraordinary contributions for the advancement of democratic ideals and to the security, prosperity and welfare of humanity.” “In the aftermath of the worst terror attack on U.S. soil, Michael Bloomberg led New York City out of mourning and back into its place as one of the most im-

Michael Bloomberg


portant cities in the world, SMU Trustee Jeanne Tower Cox said. “He took the city’s public education system and poverty issues head on during his two terms as mayor.”

Remembering MLK with Unity Walk, service projects

SMU students and faculty take a Unity Walk. More than 350 students fanned out across North Texas late January to provide community service to 10 agencies in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Projects included organizing food pantries and clothes closets, preparing


community gardens, and assisting at animal shelters. SMU president R. Gerald Turner led students, faculty, and staff on the annual Unity Walk under the oaks on the University’s Bishop Boulevard. - Compiled by staff

22 March 2018 |



District road games will get shorter for defending champs UIL REALIGNMENT FOR THE 2018-19 AND 2019-20 SCHOOL YEARS DISTRICT 6-5A Div. 1 (football only) Highland Park Bryan Adams Lancaster Mansfield Legacy Mans. Timberview Samuell Sunset Woodrow Wilson

DISTRICT 11-5A (other sports) Highland Park Bryan Adams Carrollton Creekview Carr. Newman Smith Carr. R.L. Turner Conrad MELISSA MACATEE

Highland Park High School new district includes teams from Lancaster, Mansfield, and Dallas.

Thomas Jefferson Woodrow Wilson

By Todd Jorgenson

People Newspapers


ighland Park will have an entirely new set of district opponents in almost every sport for the next two years. Instead of looking north and east, the Scots can now look south and west to find their new rivals after the UIL released its biennial realignment. In football, HP is in District 6-5A, Division I, in which the Scots are grouped with Lancaster, Mansfield Legacy, Mansfield Timberview, and four Dallas ISD schools: Bryan Adams, Samuell, Sunset, and Woodrow Wilson. In basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, and track, the new District 115A includes HP along with three Carrollton ISD schools (Creekview, Newman Smith, and R.L. Turner) and four Dallas ISD schools (Bryan Adams, Conrad, Thomas Jefferson, and Woodrow Wilson). The football draw is favorable for the Scots in terms of the relative lack of travel involved to road games. The competition level will generally be strong for the two-time defending state champions, however, as Lancaster is a perennial 5A power and Legacy nearly knocked off HP in the Region II final in 2016. Timberview pushed the Scots to the wire during the regular season a year ago, and Woodrow Wilson is almost always among the top teams in DISD. Class 5A Division I Region II also will

be a gauntlet in the playoffs, with the Frisco schools, Mesquite Poteet, Tyler John Tyler, Lufkin, and College Station among those looming as possible early-round opponents. The Scots also have set a difficult nondistrict slate that includes Rockwall, Mesquite Horn, and Frisco Lone Star. They will host Plano East in a scrimmage in late August. The new district alignments cover the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years. Alignments for other UIL sports such as soccer, swimming, and wrestling will be released later this spring.

SCHEDULE NOTE: Exact dates are subject to change. Game times and visiting stadium information will be announced at a later date. Aug. 31 Rockwall Sept. 7

Mesquite Horn Sept. 14 at Frisco Lone Star Sept. 21 at Bryan Adams* Sept. 28 Woodrow Wilson* Oct. 5 BYE Oct. 12 at Mansfield Legacy* Oct. 19 Samuell* Oct. 26 at Sunset* Nov. 2 Lancaster* Nov. 9 at Mansfield Timberview*

* — District 6-5A games

Scots Celebrate National Signing Day

Jones picks Arkansas as football, soccer standouts announce schools By Todd Jorgenson

People Newspapers Even before he led Highland Park to back-to-back Class 5A Division I state championships, John Stephen Jones dreamed of playing football at Arkansas. Two title-game MVP awards and numerous school records later, Jones signed the Razorbacks on Feb. 7, continuing his family’s legacy. Several of Jones’ teammates also were recognized at a National Signing Day ceremony, including Thomas Shelmire (Boston College), Matteo Cordray (Army), Conner Allen (SMU), and James Herring (Harvard). “I’ve always been an Arkansas fan growing up,” Jones said. “When they offered me, I knew


FROM LEFT: Sarah O’Neal, Frances Ann Matise, Rachel Wasserman, Sierra Jones, Matteo Cordray, Conner Allen, James Herring, Felix Van Cauwelaert, John Stephen Jones, and Thomas Shelmire. that was where I wanted to go.” Jones grandfather, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, was a co-captain on the school’s national championship squad in 1964. John Stephen’s father, Cowboys vice president Stephen Jones, also played for the Razorbacks. At Arkansas, Jones will play

for new head coach Chad Morris, who left SMU. Morris’ son Chandler was Jones’ backup last season. Shelmire, a three-year starter at offensive tackle, committed to Boston College. He found the opportunity to play in a different part of the country appealing.

“They treated me like a person and not just a football player,” Shelmire said. Cordray emailed about 300 colleges after his junior season, before he became the full-time kicker for the Scots. The coaches at Army were among the first to show interest.

“I started to see what an amazing place it was,” Cordray said of the U.S. Military Academy in West Point. “It’s not the typical college experience, but it truly is meaningful and worthwhile.” Allen became one of HP’s top running backs last season. As a preferred walk-on at SMU, he will follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, HP head coach Randy Allen, who played for the Mustangs and was recently honored as a distinguished alumnus. HP soccer signees included Rachel Wasserman (Penn State), Sierra Jones (Texas Tech), Frances Ann Matise (South Carolina), and Sarah O’Neal (Vanderbilt). The Lady Scots capped an undefeated season with a Class 5A state title last season, and hope to repeat this spring.

24 March 2018 |

Baseball Team Faces Tough Schedule


Coach Yoder: Pitching, defense should bolster Scots

By Todd Jorgenson

People Newspapers Each season, in almost every sport, roster turnover leads to some uncertainty as the season gets underway. But for Highland Park baseball coach Travis Yoder, this spring will begin with more questions and more challenges than any in recent memory. A lineup that features five returning starters still has several spots up for grabs. And the Scots will navigate a daunting schedule that doesn’t offer many breathers along the way. Still, Yoder is optimistic as the team looks to improve upon an area-round loss to Prosper in the Class 5A playoffs a year ago. That dissappointment followed on the heels of four consecutive trips to the regional quarterfinals. “The kids are working really hard,” Yoder said. “We’re really young, and we have probably our hardest nondistrict schedule we’ve ever put together.” Specifically, of the 19 nondistrict games — scattered between three pre-district tournaments and three Saturdays in April —15 of them are against Class 6A teams, and 16 are against playoff squads from last year. Solid pitching and defense should be strengths for the Scots, and experience will be critical. On the mound, HP will turn


Grant Kipp (third from left) returns as Highland Park’s ace pitcher this season. to right-handed ace Grant Kipp, who has committed to Yale. Others who could see time include Clayton Rejebian, lefthander T.J. Spackman, Cory Wanic, and Christian Clarke. “Our pitchers need to do their jobs and pound the strike zone and keep us in the game,” Yoder said. “We just need to learn how to manufacture runs.” The Scots have a handful of returnees to anchor the lineup, such as Kipp — who will play first base when he’s not pitching — second baseman Benner Page, third baseman Patrick Shearer, and outfielders Jack

Kemendo and Wills MacKay. Sophomore shortstop James Henry leads the newcomers. HP will play its home opener as part of the Scotland Yard Classic on March 8, and will start District 15-5A play the following week. Yoder hopes the difficult schedule will have the Scots prepared for postseason play. “We’re in a tough district that going to get stronger,” he said. “Playoff success is just kind of a standard at Highland Park. That’s what they work for, and it’s instilled in them.”

February 22 Coppell** 3 p.m. 22 Frisco Wakeland** 5 p.m. 23 at McKinney Boyd 10 a.m. 23 Arlington Bowie** 12:30 p.m. 24 Frisco Independence^ 10 a.m. 24 at Prosper 12:30 p.m. March 1 1 2 2 3 8 8 9 9 10 13 16 20 23 24 27 29

Sachse** 2:30 p.m. Keller Fossil Ridge** 5 p.m. at Allen 10 a.m. Frisco# 12:30 p.m. Frisco Liberty** 10 a.m. Denton Guyer 11 a.m. Midland 4 p.m. Sachse 11 a.m. Belton 4 p.m. Georgetown 12:30 p.m. at Lovejoy* 7:30 p.m. Lovejoy* 7:30 p.m. North Forney* 7:30 p.m. at North Forney* 7:30 p.m. Flower Mound Marcus Noon West Mesquite* 7:30 p.m. at West Mesquite* 7:30 p.m.

April 3 6 13 14 17 20 21 24 27 28

at Mesquite Poteet* Mesquite Poteet* Forney* at Forney* at Royse City* Royse City* at Waco Midway Wylie East* at Wylie East* South Grand Prairie

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Noon 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Noon

* — District 15-5A game; ** — at McKinney Boyd ^ — at Prosper; # — at Allen | March 2018  29


SUMMER CAMPING ON CAMERA Students give sports broadcasting a try By Cynthia Mendez

People Newspapers


n 17 years of organizing sports broadcasting camps, Jeremy Treatman and Steven Goldstein have noticed something about those who attend: The children love talking sports. That’s a great head start on a career in the business, if the campers are interested. “The kids who come to our camp are sports fanatics,” Goldstein said. “They know every player, every team, every stat. What we do is we take that knowledge … and we put them on camera and teach them all aspects of sports broadcasting.” Sports Broadcasting Camps is based in Philadelphia, where founder and co-owner Treatman worked in broadcast media. Co-owner Goldstein handles the business end of SBC. Two years ago, they added Dallas to the roster of Play by Play camp cities that includes Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The inaugural Dallas camp drew 24 children, and last year’s had 36, Goldstein said. “We’re hoping to have between 40 and 50 kids this summer.”


Play by Play campers spend time on both sides of the camera. A feature of every camp is the chance to interview a professional athlete. Last year, it was Dallas Cowboys defensive back Anthony Brown. Campers also learn from professional broadcasters. Texas Rangers broadcaster Jared Sandler and Dallas Mavericks

radio voice Chuck Cooperstein participated a year ago. At the SMU camp, students will make play-by-play tapes of pro football, baseball, and basketball games and make sideline reporting tapes. A list of participating sportscasters, athletes, and coaches hasn’t been announced yet. “Every kid gets something different out of it,” Goldstein said. “For the younger kids, they’re on camera usually for the first time; they enjoy that. They enjoy meeting the celebrities, and it’s kind of a dream week for them.” Older campers can get an idea of what parts of the business they may want to pursue as they head to college, he said. “Did they like the reporting part of it? Did they like anchoring? Did they like hosting shows? Or maybe they liked writing their own scripts.” Forbes Magazine reported in 2016 that increasing media rights deals are creating a demand for broadcasters and content producers in a sports industry that could generate $73.5 billion by 2019 in North America. “There has never been a better time to

break into the business of sports journalism,” wrote Forbes contributor Jason Belzer. Goldstein said the camp gives serious broadcasting hopefuls a head start. He recalled hearing back from a former camper who went on to study broadcasting in college. The student said, “‘I was so far ahead of these other kids as far as on-air. None of these kids did what I did at 13, 14, 15, 16 years old,’” Goldstein said. But the camp is for anyone, whether they are serious about becoming broadcasters or not, he said. “And other kids want to come just because they love sports and they love talking sports, and for them, they just have a blast during that week.”

M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N WHEN: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 25-29 WHERE: SMU WHO: Ages 10-18 COST: $650, day camp; $1,295, overnight camp CONTACT:, 800-319-0884

30 March 2018 |

Area Colleges offer camps


SMU swim camps start in June. The learning doesn’t have to stop when schools close for summer break. Colleges and universities, including many in North Texas, continue the education and fun with camps covering a variety of academic, athletic, and artistic topics. In this month’s paper check out some of the opportunities available at SMU, the University of Dallas, the University of North Texas, the University of Texas at Arlington, and the University of Texas at Dallas. Children in middle school or higher grades can get a taste of college life while improving their skills and perhaps gaining insight into future careers and goals with programs that include hands-on learning as well as have one-on-one lessons with some of the top instructors in Texas. Learn a language, kick a ball, practice an instrument, program a computer, and make new friends. College camps are designed to motivate and help educate while still making sure children have fun. – Compiled by Sahar Jamal


Advanced Engineering WHAT: Students get an introduction to engineering and explore various engineering topics. WHO: Grades ninth-12th WHEN: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., June 18-22 COST: Not yet available CONTACT: Registration opens March 1. Visit and search for the Lyle School of Engineering. Engineering Design Experience WHAT: Students learn about the four main disciplines of engineering: mechanical, electrical, civil, and environmental and get a better insight into engineering careers. WHO: Grades 11th-12th WHEN: Girls, June 11-15; Boys, June 18-22 COST: Not yet available CONTACT: Registration opens March 1. Visit and search for the Lyle School of Engineering.

WHEN: June 3-7 and June 10-14 WHO: Swimmers ages 9-17 (must be 10 or older for overnight camps) COST: $650, overnight campers; $525 day campers. CONTACT: or call 214-768-2200 Hilltop Sports Camps WHAT: This camp focuses on keeping children active and healthy through a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. WHO: Grades second-sixth WHEN: June 4-8, 11-15, 18-22, 25-29 COST: $300 CONTACT: or call 214-768-3367 SMU Men’s Basketball Camp WHAT: Camps will focus on basic skills and techniques. WHO: Half-day for students kindergarten through 12th grades; full-day for those in

grades third-eighth WHEN: June 11-14, 18-21, 25-28 COST: $175, half-day; $350, full-day CONTACT:, (214)-768-3501 SMU Boys Soccer Camps WHAT: Young players learn skills and techniques and get introduced to goalkeeping, while older athletes hone their skills and prepare for college play. WHO: Half-day camp for ages 5-13, fullday camp for ages 8-13; residential camp for ages 10-14, college pre camp for ages 15-18 WHEN: Half-day and day camps, June 1115; residential and college pre camps, July 7-10, 11-14 COST: $185, half-day; $285, full-day; $605, residential camp; $625 for college pre camp CONTACT:, 214-952-4441

SMU Volleyball Camps WHAT: Various camps in July will focus on the skills needed to play various positions on the court as well as on teamwork and serving. WHO: Grades sixth-12th WHEN: July 9-10, July 11-13, July 16-18 COST: Camp 1, $150 for one day, $225 for both days; Camp 2, $275; Camp 3, $275 for commuters and $375 for boarders. CONTACT: Jason Tanaka: or Cristine Dixon: SMU Mustang Swim Camps WHAT: Swimmers work hands on with coaches from around the world especially Olympic winners such as Eddie Sinnott with sessions on stroke, dryland, training, and racing.

Registration opens March 1 for engineering camps at SMU.

COURTESY PHOTO | March 2018  31 WHO: Grades ninth-12th WHEN: August 1-4 COST: Not yet avaible CONTACT: EXTRA: UTA also offers a number of bands camps – Summer Band Camp, June 10-14; Summer Marching Band Camp, June 1721; UTA Honors Horn Camp, July 20-25. Email

University of Dallas

Soccer Camp WHAT: Soccer players learn the latest techniques and strategies to help them become fine goalkeepers, strikers, and field players. WHO: Players ages 7 and older WHEN: June 10-14 COST: Junior and Senior Academies, $749 residential, $649 commuter; College Prep Performance Academy, $989 CONTACT:

Entry to Engineering WHAT: A team of engineering professors and students will introduce campers to a variety of disciplines – aerospace, biomedical, civil, computer science, electrical, environmental, industrial, materials science, and mechanical. WHO: Students entering the sixth through eighth grades in the fall WHEN: July 23-27 COST: $300 (Scholarships are available) CONTACT: or call 817-272-1295


Marching Percussion Camp WHAT: Participants train in the tradition of the North Texas Drumline. WHO: High school percussionists WHEN: June 11-14 COST: $436 resident, $306 commuter. CONTACT: 940-369-7974, edu; 940-565-4124, EXTRA: UNT also offers a Drum Major Camp, June 21-24. Contact Beginners and Intermediate Bass Camp WHAT: Participants will work with excellent teachers and to learn, play, and practice before performing in the grand finale concert. WHO: Beginning and intermediate players WHEN: June 19-22 COST: $390 (before May 2nd, 2018) $425 (after May 2nd, 2018) CONTACT: Bass Camp Coordinator, EXTRA: UNT also offers a String Orchestra Day Camp, June 11-15, for grades second through 10th. Contact elizabeth.chappell@ All State Choir Camp WHAT: Students will receive mentoring as they work on Texas All State Choir music. WHO: High school singers

CAMPS & Summer Programs

Girlgeneering WHAT: Introduction to engineering for young women who want a career in engineering. WHO: Girls entering the fifth through ninth grades in the fall WHEN: July 30-Aug. 3 COST: $300 (Scholarships are available) CONTACT: (817) 272-1295 COURTESY PHOTOS

ABOVE: UNT offers orchestra camp. BOTTOM FROM LEFT: Singers attend choir camp at UTA, and girls explore career options in Girlgeneering camp. WHEN: June 27-30 COST: $364 resident, $264 commuter. Discounts available for Texas All State Members. CONTACT: EXTRA: UNT also offers an Honor Choir Camp for junior high/middle school students, July 11-14. Contact

UT Arlington

UTA All-State Choir Camp WHAT: This camp helps singers to audition and prepare for All-State. They work with experienced clinicians on sight-reading and other skills, make friends, and get an insight on college life.


• Boys & Girls 10-18 • Learn from the pros • Meet sports celebrities • Make sports anchor, reporting, and play-by-play tapes • Participate in sports talk radio and PTI style shows • Day/Overnight sessions available



Nation’s #1 Sports Broadcasting Camp

For more information call 800.319.0884 or visit •

UT Arlington Men’s Basketball Camp WHAT: Camps designed to focus on drills that help better basketball playing skills and techniques. WHO: Grades K-12th WHEN: June 18-21; 25-28. COST: $125-150 CONTACT:, 817-272-9258 EXTRA: UTA also offers a Back to School Camp for all grades, Aug. 13-15. Cost $50-$60

32 March 2018 | UT Arlington Volleyball Camps WHAT: A variety of camps help beginning to advanced players hone their skills, work on offense and defense, and prepare for the school season. WHEN, WHO, COST: Elite Volleyball Camp, July 9, for players, ages 13-18, with three years of club experience, $130; All Skills Full Day Camp, July 10, for ages 10-18, $125; General Skill Half Day Camp I, July 11, for ages 10-18, $65; General Skills Half Day Camp II, July 12, for ages, 10-18, $115; Setter and Hitter Half Day Camp, July 11, for ages 10-18, $65; Serve and Pass Half Day Camp, July 12, for ages 10-18, $65; Team Camp, July 13, for ages 1018, $200. CONTACT: 817-272-2242

UT Dallas


ABOVE: Musicians rehearse during UTA Horns Camp. BELOW: Students do crafts during UTD’s Chinese Language and Culture camp.

Camp Westminster 2018 June 11 – July 27 Half Day 9-12 • Full Day 9-2 Reading Raiders • S.T.E.A.M. Art in All Ways • Inventions & Inventors Building Mania • Fine Motor Fun & More! Ages Older 2’s – Completed Kindergarten 8200 Devonshire Dr, Dallas, TX 75209


Registration information at

Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp WHAT: The camp is designed to help develop Chinese language skills as well as skills and talents in calligraphy, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, folk dances, and crafts. WHO: Children ages 6 and older WHEN: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, June 11-29 COST: $250 for one week, $450 for two weeks, $650 for three weeks. Cost includes a camp T-shirt, daily drinks and snacks, a completion certificate and group photo. Campers bring their own lunch boxes. CONTACT:, 972-883-4860

100 Coding Camps in 11 Weeks of Summer WHAT: A variety of computer programming camps are offered for five levels of learners. Programs range from exploring coding tools to advanced programming. Campers may explore animation, mobile apps, robots, games, and webpage design. WHO: Elementary, middle, and high school students. WHEN: Weekly from June 4 through Aug. 17 COST: $150 for half day one-week camp and $300 for full-day one-week camp. Those who register before March 31 get a 10 percent discount. Last minute registration cost $50 more. CONTACT: (preferred), 972-3576893 Summer Chess Club WHAT: Classes focus on teaching chess to improve and develop reading and math ability and critical and analytical thinking skills while building character and self-esteem. WHO: For beginner, Intermediate and advanced players, ages 4-7. There also are introductory courses for adults. WHEN: June 11-15, June 18-22, July 16-20, and July 23-27 COST: $215, by April 3; $245, April 3-June 12; $265, after June 12. CONTACT:, 972-8834899 Campers try Chinese calligraphy.

COURTESY PHOTO | March 2018  33


FAMILY TRIPS INSPIRE SISTERS’ CLOTHING LINE ESD, SMU alums unveil young children’s fashions By Lisa Ferguson

Special Contributor


pair of Bluff View-bred sisters aren’t kidding around when it comes to the line of children’s clothing they have designed and recently launched. Christian Elizabeth & Co. is the brainchild of siblings Emily Duck and Kathryn Anderson, both alums of The Episcopal School of Dallas and graduates of SMU. The company’s name is a combination of the women’s respective middle monikers. Its Spring/Summer 2018 collection features what the two describe as “traditional” styles for girls and boys, sizes 3 months through 4T (toddler). Its dainty pastel-hued dresses, rompers, and short suits sport detailed hand-embroidered designs. They range in price from $74-$82 at The clothes are also available at Babies on the Boulevard, a Fort Worth boutique, as well as Bambinos in San Antonio, and the Under the Azalea shop in Huntsville, Alabama. Christian Elizabeth & Co.’s New York-inspired Fall/Winter 2018 collection, represented by Katwalk Kids, was displayed during January’s Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market at the Dallas World Trade Center. The wholesale-industry event was attended by retailers from throughout the country. “With social media these days, we’ve been able to connect with a lot of moms out there who … just love traditional clothing and are willing to pay a little bit more of a premium to get those styles and the hand embroidery,” said 22-year-old Anderson, who resides in the Turtle Creek neighborhood. The Spring/Summer pieces are inspired by family vacations the women took as


Christian Elizabeth & Co. offers dainty pastel-hued dresses, rompers, and short suits. children to the Florida coast and Colorado mountains with their father, Dallas land developer Charlie Anderson, and mother Shawn Anderson. Sailboats, starfish, and seashells adorn clothing in the line dubbed Seaside, while cowboy hats, horseshoes, and even fly-fishing lures dot items from the Aspen line. “We spend a ton of time there, and growing up we’d spend all summer and every Christmas” in the small ski town, said Duck, a 29-year-old Lake Highlands mother of two young children. “We recognized that so many Southern families spend the summer in the mountains to escape the heat, and we felt like that was the perfect niche to tap into for this collection because we’ve seen

so many cute little kids (there) that clearly are from the South in their little traditional outfits.” The company’s clothes are similar in style to the duds the women said they wore as youngsters. Their shared passion for fashion has blossomed over the years. “We always were really close,” Duck recalled. “I think the age difference actually brought us closer together. We were never competitive or anything, and we were always really each other’s best friend.” Working with her sister “has been fun,” Anderson said. “I feel like we get along really well, and we can always be really honest with each other.”

34 March 2018 |

Comings and Goings NOW OPEN Crudo Italian Preston Center

Inspired by the traditions of Northern Italy, Crudo Italian is taking a lighter approach to cuisine favorites such as handmade artisan pasta and gnocchi. Under the guidance of executive chef and partner Javier Perez, fresh, high quality ingredients highlight the menu, seafood is flown in daily, and everything is made from scratch.

Mamoun’s Falafel 3839 McKinney Ave. COURTESY PHOTO

Crudo Italian serves lunch, dinner, and weekend brunch.

Known as New York’s oldest falafel restaurant, the family-owned Middle

Eastern chain opened its first Texas location in February. The Uptown menu features the same fare served since the original location opened in 1971, including vegetarian sandwiches and plates such as falafel, hummus, and baba ganouj; and shawarma.


Utopia Food+Fitness 5509 W. Lovers Lane Late February, the Park Cities will get a new health-friendly business designed to marry smart eating and fitness. The scientifically calibrated regimen serves up food prepared by local James Beard nominated chef Mike Smith and promises to melt away pounds with only 40

minutes of workouts a week for six weeks. Utopia also has locations in Plano, Southlake, and Dallas.


Susan G. Komen Dallas County 13747 Montfort Road, Suite 200

All the pink ribbons are packed, and the Susan G. Komen Dallas County office is set to relocate. The nonprofit will move into the Montfort Park office come April 1.

7 Important Organizing Tips for Tax Time While most of us are eagerly awaiting springtime, many do not look forward to tax season. It can bring stress, anxiety, and worry, especially for those who aren’t adequately organized. But if we educate ourselves and know what we need to provide our accountant, it allows us to be better organized. Follow these tips and approach next year’s tax season with confidence: 1. Use a filing system that will eliminate paper pile up throughout the year, providing easy access to paperwork and receipts at tax time. It begins with a plan suited for your individual needs. Hanging files and tabbed folders are a good option. It is very important to use broad

D I N A T AY L O R categories such as financial, medical, legal, etc. Too many subcategories will create a messy file system. Simple is best. 2. Make sure you have a good accounting system for your home or small business. This will allow you to know precisely

your income and expenses. With a clear picture of your finances, it is easy to see where your hard-earned money is going. 3. Save any receipts you may be asked to provide should you be audited by the IRS. If in doubt, check with your accountant. Don’t delay in asking which ones to keep, what notes to make on them, and how long to keep them. 4. Consider a phone app or scanner to scan and eliminate extra paper and prevent fading receipts. Neat Receipt and QuickBooks Self Employed are some good options if you have a large volume of receipts. Both have phone apps available. If you are intimidated by new technology, simply use an envelope system. 5. For those who have a small business,

do not rely on credit statements alone. Again, keep receipts for items the IRS could question. 6. Always contact your accountant before discarding any financial investment paperwork, property files, or tax returns. Be safe – ignorance is no excuse when it comes to the IRS. 7. Finally, ask your accountant how many years of tax returns you should keep. Store each year saved and backup in case of a future audit. With guidance you can eliminate the unnecessary paperwork you have been holding onto for years and free up some space. Dina Taylor, owner of Easily Organized in Dallas (, works with clients in Texas and Florida.

36 March 2018 |

Real Estate HOUSE OF THE MONTH 4201 Windsor Parkway


his stately traditional-style home was custom-built in 2006 and is beautifully sited on a prominent corner lot in University Park. It offers stellar quality and boasts a grand kitchen open to a large living area complete with fireplace for gathering family and friends. Its five spacious bedrooms each have private baths, including


the master suite with its luxurious dual baths. The home’s many extras include a threecar garage, elevator, playroom, handsome paneled study, sparkling pool with waterfalls, and an outdoor fireplace — all within an easy walk to the Dallas Country Club and the shops and restaurants of Highland Park Village.

38 March 2018 |



Lauren and Mark Bachman

Kathleen M. LaValle, Emma and Mark Hiduke, and Hannah and Greg May

Alyssa and Chase Mayeux

Reasha Hedke, Kelcey Hamilton, and Dana Swann

Kay Weir and Nick Barr

Jonathan and Christine Bassham


Jacob Wikander, Kelly Bennett, Austin Fennema, and Michele Morris

Special Edition Band

Elisa Richburg and Alan Cadema

Angela Yotides Yotides and and Melissa Melissa Bednarz Bednarz Angela

Dave McAdams Jr. and Michelle Mai

Dallas CASA Young Professionals raised the anti at the annual CASAblanca casino night Jan. 20 at the Hall on Dragon. With roulette wheels turning, drinks flowing, and the 10-piece Special Edition Band keeping the crowd moving, nearly $100,000 was raised to benefit Dallas CASA, a local nonprofit that works on behalf of abused and neglected children living in foster care. The event was co-chaired by Kelcey Hamilton, Reasha Hedke, and Dana Swann.

40 March 2018 |


Brian Miller, Rhonda Sargent Chambers with Annie the dog, and Mark Soto

Dr. Richard Gray and Marsha Pendelton Gray

Giana DePaul, Mascot Scooter, James Bias, Mascot Snip, Melissa Vullo Bell, and Kristen Greenberg

Kerry Sullivan, Dan Pritchett, and Rose Wise Phyllis Comu, Emi McNair, and Irina Paraschiv Claire Schwarz, Russell E. Dealey, and Karen Urie

Kay Altom and Nancy Franks

Abby Howard, Jennifer Lindsley, Taylor Markey, and Meredith Perot

Aundrea Whalen, Ashley Greenberg, and Beck Penhartz

Sharon Fancher and Betsy Orton THOMAS GARZA PHOTOGRAPHY

Paws Cause was a tail-waggin success with more than $210,000 raised to benefit the Mary Spencer Spay/Neuter and Wellness Clinic at Village Fair. More than 250 animal lovers attended the Jan. 28 event at the Jan Rees-Joes Animal Care Center. Guests were treated to gourmet food from some of Dallas’ finest chefs, imbibed luscious libations like the Purr-ple Rita, and danced the night away to musical entertainment by Goga.

Suzy and Hank Bashore with Gwen and Leldon Echols

Lori Wenrich, Abra Garrett, Melissa Vullo Bell, Tricia Sims, Prashe Shah, and Alanna Sarabia

42 March 2018 |


Dr. John Burruss, Patricia Burruss, Jeff Hensley, and John Vick

Carolyn Anderson, Norma Jean Schaltenbrand, and Kailey Pretzlaff

Christa Collum, Joe Lucido, and Dr. John Burruss

Kathleen and Ban Bywaters

Michele Ritter and Andy Steingasser Lili Kellogg, Greg Nieberding, and Susan Schwartz

Christine Volkmer with Robert and Marianne Frazen

Nancy Natinsky with Tom and Teresa Fishman

Ban Balch and Joe Dealey


Joe and Beverly Dealey with James Thomas

The ultimate retro designer home of Greg Nieberding served as the backdrop for the Boots & Salutes patron party benefiting Equest’s fastest growing program, Hooves for Heroes. Among the 1950s decor, guests learned about the healing power of the horse and the human-horse connection through a panel discussion led by Dr. John Burruss, CEO of Metrocare. A $300,000 three-year pledge by the Joe M. and Doris R. Dealey Family Foundation was revealed at the Jan. 25 event. Kailey Pretzlaff, Norma Jean Schaltenbrarnd,

Peter Townsend, Martha Allday, Nicole and Joanna Townsend Susan Schwartz, and Paiement, Chris Hampton

Andy Walsh, Susannah Denney, and Harley Cozewith

44 March 2018 |

Wedding and Engagements WEDDING





r. and Mrs. William H. Lindley of Highland Park are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Katherine Ann Lindley, to Brian Patrick Byrne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Byrne of Lubbock, Texas. The bride is a graduate of Grapevine High School. She received a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University. Katherine is a physician recruiter for Grace Health System. The groom is a graduate of Coronado High School in Lubbock. He received a Bachelor of Arts in business administration from Texas Tech University. Brian


is a finance officer with Russell E. Womack, Inc. The couple will marry April 21, 2018 at Eberley Brooks Event Center in Lubbock.





achel Deanne Cannon and Jacob Mitchell Koonsman were united in marriage on Saturday, February 3, 2018, at 4:30 p.m. at Highland Park United Methodist Church. Pastor Tova Sido performed the ceremony and Scott Ayers, organist, provided music. Following the ceremony, a reception of dining and dancing was held at The Highland Dallas Hotel. A rehearsal dinner, hosted by the parents of the groom, was held on Friday evening at Hotel Lumen in Dallas. Rachel is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bascom Cannon of Dallas. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cunningham of Waco, Texas; Mrs. Mary Sue Duty of Moody, Texas; the late Mr. Robert Duty, also of Moody, Texas; and the late Mr. and Mrs. James William Cannon Sr. of San Antonio.

Jacob is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Martin Leroy Koonsman Jr. of Dallas. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Lawerence Amidei of Lago Vista, Texas; the late Mr. Sidney Holman Davis of Houston; Mrs. Toni Bannister Wessley of Plano, Texas; and the late Mr. Martin Leroy Koonsman Sr. of Iredell, Texas. The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father. Serving as maid of honor was Sarah Cannon, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids included Meredith Barnes, Mary Elizabeth Burgher, Ashley Holmes, Natalie Johnson, Brooke Koonsman, sister of the groom; Brittany Longosz; Lindsey Miller; Katherine Mitchell; Shelby Strodel; Sara Beth Tunnell; and Erin Weitzel. Serving as best men were Luke Koonsman, brother of the groom, and Ford Braly. Groomsmen in-

cluded Jacob Anderson, Zachary Bodhane, Robert Boone, Alex Cole, Weston DeFrisco, Robert Howard, Tyre Pierce, Malcolm Petersen, Philip Sommers, and Will Washington. Ushers were Cole Burdette and Cheston Goudge. Scripture readers were Will Mogk, Carter Sido, Anna-Princillia Sido, and George Sido. The ring bearers were Ethan Kim and Eli Kim. Rachel is a graduate of Highland Park High School and The University of Alabama where she graduated Cum Laude. She is employed by StreetLights Residential in Dallas. Jacob is a graduate of Highland Park High School and Colorado State University. He is employed by VeriTex Spine in Dallas. Following a honeymoon in Belize, the couple will reside in Dallas.

f8studio: Carter Rose


r. and Mrs. Wiliam Hart Burkett of Houston are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Caroline Louise Burkett, to James Benjamin Williams “Ben” Beecherl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Beecherl III of Highland Park. The bride is a graduate of Stratford High School in Houston. She received a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance from Texas Christian University where she was also a member of Chi Omega soror-

ity. Caroline is a market risk specialist for Comerica Bank. The groom is a graduate of Highland Park High School. He received a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, where he was also a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, and a Masters of Business Administration in finance from SMU Cox School of Business. Ben is an associate at ABN AMRO. Caroline and Ben plan to marry mid-March in Dallas.

46 March 2018 |

Living Well PEDDLING FOR A GOOD CAUSE UTD Researcher Lends Name to Pain Cream

31-state summer ride will fund MS research

Work could bring opioid alternatives By William Taylor

People Newspapers

By Sahar Jamal

People Newspapers


ormer north Texan Claire Nogare, seeking a bicycle trip of a lifetime, found a new cause – one she’s still riding for six years later. “I just wanted to ride across the country,” she said, explaining how she did a Google search in 2012 for “Bike the U.S.” and found the nonprofit Bike the US for MS. The 2010 Highland Park High School graduate moved to Montana, but is working through the winter as a park ranger in the Florida Everglades. She will spend the summer biking through 31 states – her third and longest trip in support of Multiple Sclerosis research: 11,327 miles. In patients with MS, the immune system attacks the central nervous system – the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. “Symptoms may be mild, such


Learn more about Claire Nogare’s 2018 trip at as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision,” according to Doctors don’t know what causes MS nor how to cure it. Treatments focus on keeping the disease under control and restoring damaged nerves. Scientists hope to find the cause of MS, so they can diagnosis it quicker and one day eradicate the disease, according to The nonprofit Bike the US for MS brings awareness and raises

money for MS research and treatment. Cyclists get together for annual cross country biking trips with every participant raising $1 per mile they ride. This year’s route will go from Florida to Maine to Seattle to San Diego and then back to Florida. “Luckily, this non-profit is unsurpassed in what they do, and I found a worthy cause in MS through the service projects around the country as well as the huge checks that we drop off to MS Clinics,” Nogare said.

Ted Price knows pain. As a guy who likes to shoot hoops, he experienced lingering pain from sports injuries that otherwise appear to have healed. As a University of Texas at Dallas researcher, he helped identify pain-signaling pathways between cells – a discovery leading to new treatments for chronic pain. And as an entrepreneur, he and his colleagues established two companies and began developing new treatments – work that is getting attention from magazines, scientific journals, newspapers, and National Public Radio. “Our goal is to try and understand how pain becomes chronic,” he said recently while speaking at Maggiano’s Little Italy in NorthPark Center to the Rotary Club of Park Cities. He talked to the club about the national opioid epidemic, his research and products, and the prospects for more new pain treatments. “You have to be able to detect pain and protect yourself, ” he explained. Likewise, opioids also play an important role, especially with post-surgical pain, he said. “Not treating post-surgical pain could lead to chronic pain.” But Price is hopeful research will produce alternative treatments without opioids’ addictive risks. The neuroscientist’s work has focused on chemical signals sent between nerve cells when injury occurs, including two pathways that sometimes remain active – often for years – even after the body has otherwise healed. “What we are trying to under-

Ted Price


stand is how we can reverse this,” he said, explaining that addressing those two pathways could bring lasting relief. While some approaches address pain with counter irritants such as warming sensation, cooling sensation, or numbing, Price wants to go beyond masking pain to curing it. “You wouldn’t want to mask cancer,” he said. Price helped launch CerSci Therapeutics at UT Dallas’ Institution for Innovation and Entrepreneurship incubator. The company is raising millions of dollars in hopes of beginning human clinical drug trials later this year. Price and his partners didn’t wait for clinical trials before going to market with another treatment. They established Ted’s Brain Science Products to sell online a pain cream made by mixing methyl salicylate from the wintergreen plant with resveratrol, “the red stuff in red wine,” he said. There’s not enough resveratrol in wine to make a difference, Price said. But Ted’s Pain Cream uses high concentrations to “reset nerves to their pre-injury state, eliminating false pain, while allowing important, true pain signals to still make it through,” according to | March 2018  47

Child Anxiety More Complex Than Disruptive Behaviors

H E AT H E R H A H N AND MELISSA GAA Many people experience anxiety symptoms on a daily basis without even knowing. It presents as a protective mechanism to keep us safe and alert us to potential danger. However, an overactive brain (more specifically, the amygdala) can leave one crippled by the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety is extremely common amongst children and teenagers, affecting approximately 1 in 3. Having anxiety does not mean that your child or child’s brain is broken, defective, or unable to live a happy and healthy life; it means your child’s brain is working in overdrive and is having a difficult time understanding that the world around them is safe.

“You can help by creating a safe and secure environment for your child to share openly of their experience and feelings.” Anxiety is typically associated with excessive worry, and because of a developing brain, it can be difficult to calm the concerns, fears, and worries present. If left untreated, anxiety can potentially lead to a lifetime of maladaptive coping skills. Because anxiety has the ability to manifest itself differently within each person, it can be arduous as a parent to identify anxiety from other widespread concerns. Furthermore, your child may not have the language for anxiety or have the ability to recognize what that experience is like for them. They can identify that something isn’t quite right and feels wrong or off, but may

not have the knowledge that anxiety is behind those feelings and symptoms. How can I tell if my child has anxiety? First, pay attention to the timing, intensity, and frequency of the presenting concerns. Are they presenting after an experience that was embarrassing for your child, prior to an upcoming event, in a particular environment, or before/after the same occurrence? Is it happening at the same time every day, before school, at bedtime? Look for patterns. Next, be aware of symptoms. Anxiety can present as deep thoughts, fear, or excessive worry; however, because our mind and body are interconnected, it can also show via physical complaints, anger, or in familiar statements your child shares with you. Some things you can look for are: • Headaches, body aches, stomachaches; • Change in emotions – especially anger, irritability, aggression, restlessness, and sadness; • Negative thinking, rigidity, over-exaggeration; • Avoidance of a particular experience or place; • Difficulty with bedtime; • Increase of tantrums or regression to previous behaviors; • Change in appetite; and/or • Constantly seeking “what ifs” and “but, but, but.” Children often feel unsafe because of anxiety, due to the unsettling and startling onset. It can be helpful to let them know they have the power to tell the anxiety that its presence is not necessary. You can help by creating a safe and secure environment for your child to share openly of their experience and feelings. Because of the elasticity of the brain, your child has the capacity to learn skills to help regulate their nervous system and break the cycle of anxiety. Sometimes, the manifestations of anxiety are more than you/your family are able to manage – there is no shame in reaching out for assistance. Heather Hahn and Melissa Gaa, licensed professional counselors, trauma informed yoga therapists, and co-owners of Aspen Counseling Services, treat individuals, couples, families, and groups. Visit

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48 March 2018 |

Spring Cleaning The Green Way

STEPHANIE CASEY Over the years, I’ve made adjustments to household cleaning supplies and materials to cut down on toxic substances. Here are the things which have stuck for years. Try out a couple (or all of them) if you, too, would rather not spray toxins to clean and are interested in cutting down your waste footprint. SURFACE CLEANER: One part filtered water to one part distilled white vinegar with a good shake of your favorite essential oil. Recycle a store-bought spray bottle for your concoction. After using this in my house for many years, even the eco cleaners sold at stores smell like chemicals to me. The water/vinegar combo cleans every surface even leaving mirrors streak free. Vinegar smell will dissipate quickly, and you’re left with a clean, no-lingering-chemicals surface. SCRUBBING CLEANER: Instead of bleach, Comet or even a metal dish scrubber try baking soda. It scrubs and shines up just about anything. Much gentler than metal on any delicate cookware, it’s a totally natural substance that won’t irritate your skin like a commercial scrub would (in fact, you can use it

to wash your face, scalp, teeth, etc.). It whitens and brightens any surface and will remove grease or scrambled egg residue readily. RAGS: You can completely cut out paper towels, if you choose. Repurposing T-shirts, towels, and even old sheets which are past their prime as household rags is a great way to extend the life of those items and clean your house. Anything 100 percent cotton will do. Cut the item into rag-sized pieces and keep a pile underneath each sink. If there’s an especially gross clean up, just toss the rag with the goo into the trash. That stained T-shirt was heading there anyway; you just gave it more shelf life and cut down on plastic and transportation waste by not purchasing paper towels. As a bonus, there’s no residue with cotton, so when you wipe a shiny surface there won’t be any fibers left behind like with paper. CLOSET CLEAN OUTS: Be sure to donate any usable items. One person’s trash is definitely another’s treasure. There are donation intakes all over the place (big guys such as Goodwill or Salvation Army plus smaller intakes for charities, thrift stores, and such) or look around for a specific place you’d like to help out such as a family center helping women in conflict, etc. Yes, it’s faster and easier to just toss unwanted things in the trash bin, but the set of plates which just don’t fit into your aesthetic anymore might make someone else’s kitchen supplies complete. And grandma’s collection of vintage board games will probably make someone’s day at a thrift store. Find Stephanie and other Lovage notions on Instagram and Facebook @lovageinc. | March 2018  49

Finding Inspiration For The Dinner Table


HOME + KITCHEN Some of my favorite dishes begin without the benefit of a recipe. Instead, I spot a single ingredient in the market, and before I know it, my mind is playing with spices, herbs, and complementary ingredients that when combined, will create a medley of flavors to tantalize the taste buds, while the dish dazzles the eye. By the time I’ve left the market, I can almost picture in my mind the finished dish, and I can hardly wait to get into the kitchen to transform this idea into an enjoyable taste experience. This approach to cooking is similar to my approach to creating a tablescape. When I set a table for a gathering, I usually begin with inspiration from a single item. It might be a color, the pattern in a dinner plate, the texture of a placemat, the shimmer in a length of cloth, the hue of a candle, or what’s happening in nature outside my windows. Using this inspiration as the foundation for my design, I begin to pull items from my cupboards to create a one-ofa-kind table setting that’s a feast for the


This festive springtime table setting was inspired by a set of teal cotton napkins. Paired with woven blue towels, sky blue glass chargers embellished with a white swirl, scalloped-edged salad plates, and Chinese bread-and-butter plates, this simple but impressive table setting features depth, texture, and the beauty of brilliant color. senses. Tablecloths, placemats, chargers, dinnerware, glassware, colorful napkins, the shine of metallics, and blossoms and herbs gathered from our gardens – each is like a flavorful ingredient in a recipe, that when combined, leaves a lasting visual impression. This month’s thrifty recipe began with a simple package of chicken legs. I had no menu in mind, but I knew there was a bag of potatoes in my pantry, and that these two humble ingredients could be the foundation of a flavorful, farmhouse-style roasted dinner.

Best of all, this would be a one-dish meal that would take less than 30 minutes of preparation and no more than an hour in the oven. I paired the chicken with quartered potatoes, carrots, onions, sweet bell peppers, a generous helping of fresh garlic, and herbs; then sprinkled it with a seasoning mixture. One hour later, dinner-for-a-crowd was ready. What a perfect dinnertime solution for a chilly, early-spring evening! For more from Christy Rost, a cookbook author and public television chef, visit

Farmhouse Chicken with Roasted Garden Vegetables INGREDIENTS: • 4 1/2 pounds chicken legs, about 12 • 2 1/2 pounds russet or gold potatoes, rinsed, peeled, and quartered • 3 large carrots, rinsed, peeled, and chopped • 1 sweet onion, peeled ,and chopped • 1 large yellow sweet bell pepper, rinsed, seeded, and chopped • 4 large cloves garlic, peeled, and coarsely chopped • 2 tablespoons fresh sage, chopped • 1 1/2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped • 1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt • 1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt • 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper medley • 2 tablespoons olive oil DIRECTIONS: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Arrange chicken legs around the perimeter of a large roasting pan. In the center of the pan, combine the potatoes, carrots, onion, and bell pepper. Sprinkle the vegetables with chopped garlic, sage, and rosemary. In a small bowl, stir together kosher salt, seasoned salt, coriander, black pepper, and pepper medley. Sprinkle the mixture over the chicken and vegetables, and drizzle with olive oil. Roast, uncovered, 50 to 60 minutes or until the chicken is done, the vegetables begin to brown, and are tender when pierced with a sharp knife. An instant-read meat thermometer should reach 165 degrees when inserted into the center of the meat, but not next to the bone. YIELD: 5 to 6 servings


Does Allie Beth Allman Have a Secret Formula?

How did Allie Beth Allman & Associates become the number one real estate firm in Dallas’ most prestigious neighborhoods? Keith Conlon, Allman’s general manager, said there are several reasons. First, the firm has combined the stellar reputations of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway and of Allie Beth Allman. Second, the Allman firm is attracting some of the highest caliber agents in its key markets. Third, the firm allows its agents to brand themselves and their teams, which is attractive to agents who want to market their name with the top real estate firm in Dallas. And fourth, Allman encourages its agents to be entrepreneurial. The results are spectacular. The Allman firm ended 2017 as the top brokerage firm in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow and in all of Dallas County for the sale of homes valued at more than $1 million, more than $2 million and more than $5 million. “We are thrilled for the success our agents and the firm had last year,” said Allie Beth Allman, president and CEO of Allie Beth Allman & Associates. “We have the best agents in Dallas.” To learn more about the Allman firm, visit www.alliebeth. com.


Largest unit in Highland Gates listed by Tiners

European elegance is at the heart of the distinctive Highland Gates residences on Katy Trail at 4608 Abbott Ave. Martha and McKamy Tiner of Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate are offering Unit 119 ( for $1,472,380. The 3,236 square-foot home (per tax appraisal) features three bedrooms, three full and one-half baths, and a two-car garage with storage. It is the largest unit in the beautifully landscaped complex by more than 200 square feet and features more than 30 recent upgrades in an ideal location -- the outdoor terrace overlooks Knox Street. On the first floor is a guest bedroom suite or study with built-ins. The second floor has great flow for entertaining, with the chef’s kitchen, dining, formal living area and den opening up one to the other. On the top floor is 21-by-16-foot master retreat with walkin closets, a full-size laundry room and spacious guest suite with window seat. For more information or to schedule a showing, contact Martha at 214-533-5058/ or McKamy at 214-354-6903/ Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate ( is a division of Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc., with five locations that specialize in Park Cities, Preston Hollow, North Dallas, Lakewood, East Dallas, Uptown, Kessler Park and Farm & Ranch properties.



Highland Gates on Katy Trail in HPISD

Residences At The Stoneleigh

Offered for $1,399,000, this stunning home includes all the amenities you need while also enjoying a central location near Knox-Travis corridor.

The 22-story Residences at the Stoneleigh offers an opportunity to design the home of your dreams with customizable floor plans, large covered terraces and panoramic views from every floor, making each residence a custom home in the sky. “Elegant architecture, top-quality construction, stateof-the-art technology and the finest amenities combine to make Residences at the Stoneleigh a new landmark on the skyline,” said Kyle Crews, with Allie Beth Allman and Associates, listing agent for the remaining developer owned shell units. Homes at the Residences offer views of downtown, a large onsite dog park, covered balconies and numerous amenities, including 24-hour concierge service, valet parking, a banquet room with a kitchen and bar, a 28-seat media room, a heated pool with a spa, an outdoor living area with a fireplace and a grill, conference rooms and a fitness center with dual steam rooms. “For finish-out, Residences at the Stoneleigh will work with you to create your dream home and deliver sophisticated finishes and remarkable interiors for each residence,” Crews said. Contact Donna Smith at 214-326-2575 for additional information about the Residences at the Stoneleigh.

This stunning home located at Highland Gates on Katy Trail in HPISD is within walking distance to the many restaurants of the Knox-Travis corridor. 4608 Abbott #101 is a rarely available front, corner location, with a large covered balcony and sought-after floorplan that includes three bedrooms, plus a study/gameroom. The beautiful French style architecture with stone and brick exterior highlight the walk-up of this home. Top of the line features are located throughout and include a luxury marble master bath and a granite island in the kitchen with Viking appliances. Other amenities include landscaped common areas with an outdoor fireplace, dog park, fountain, cooking center and secured access to the Katy Trail. For more information on any of our other listings please contact Laura Michelle ( for more information or visit

50 March 2018 |


High-Style Traditionals in Highland Park


Mooney offers updated four-bedroom home in HP

This impeccable California Mediterranean at 4530 Fairway St. ( is 3,810 square feet (per appraiser) with four-bedrooms and four-and-a-half

4415 Lorraine Avenue, represented by Joan Eleazer Elegant estate homes. Cool contemporaries. It’s all possible in Highland Park, where your neighbors may be CEOs and style-setters and where the schools are second to none.

baths. The home has been lovingly and sustainably updated, and is now offered by Susan Mooney of Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate for $1,750,000.


Bigger in Texas


Exceptional Properties Recently Sold

The real estate website had named the estate at 10711 Strait Lane its favorite listing in Texas. “Proof everything is bigger in Texas: 10 bedrooms, a bowling alley inside,” the website said. The list price for this North Dallas home on 4.4 acres of fantastic living space is $23,950,000.

4144 Shenandoah Street, sold by Becky Frey The market remains strong across North Texas. In 2017,

Recent improvements include: the addition of an

Offered by Beth Allman & Associates, the home is a

Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty, founded in

attached two-car garage with metal-seamed roof; refreshed

Here, some exceptional Traditional-style homes there

tblend of European elegance, Caribbean resort, top-of-the-

1960 in Dallas and now with more than 500 exceptional agents

landscaping; designer light fixtures; wide-plank hardwoods in

represented by Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International

line athletic club and private theater.

across 10 offices in North Texas, realized an outstanding

the kitchen and family room; and in the kitchen, white Carrera

Realty, which, per North Texas Real Estate Information

marble countertops, white cabinets, and more.

Ten minutes from downtown Dallas on what may be the

$3.05 billion in sales volume. The data from North Texas Real

most coveted street in Dallas, this estate was designed

Estate Information Systems is evidence of the brokerage’s incomparable commitment to its clients and agents.

Systems, sold more homes in Highland Park in 2017, priced

The home has an open floor plan, allowing light from the

in 2003 by renowned architect Robbie Fusch as both an

more than $1 million, than any other brokerage. See them all

new sliding glass doors off the dining area to flood the formal

elegant living space and a recreational center for family and


living area. A second living area with wood-beamed ceiling


4415 Lorraine Avenue: This elegant new home boasts steel-and-glass doors, a marble foyer and a barrel-ceilinged master bedroom. It is represented by Joan Eleazer. 3821 Shenandoah Street: This Greek Revival–style manse features a center hall that opens to the formal rooms, family room, library and kitchen. It is represented by Ralph Randall and Kyle Baugh.

opens to a large outdoor living area. Also downstairs are a gourmet kitchen, guest room and study. The colorful tiled stairs lead to the foyer of the master suite with spa-like master bath. Also upstairs are two en-suite bedrooms, separated by a third living area. For more information, contact Mooney at 214-558-2887 or email

4433 Bordeaux Avenue: This classic 1930s Georgian-

Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate ( is a

style home has been meticulously updated, and includes

division of Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc., with five locations

dentil crown molding, a winding staircase and state-of-the-art

that specialize in Park Cities, Preston Hollow, North Dallas,

conveniences. It is represented by Caroline Summers.

Lakewood, East Dallas, Uptown, Kessler Park and Farm &

4521 South Versailles Avenue: This clean-lined

Ranch properties.

Transitional-style home offers a 120-bottle wine wall and an

The formal rooms radiate elegance with a spiral staircase in the front entry, chandeliers, art nooks and fine finishes. Every formal room has special ceilings. For recreation, there are an indoor basketball court, outdoor sport and tennis court, a bowling alley and a water park with three slides, an interactive Lazy River with Animatronics, waterfalls and much more. The outdoor entertaining space is in a thatched-roof palapa. With a 10-car garage, multiple kitchens, movie theaters and guest suites, this estate satisfies the adult and the kid in you. To learn more about this listing, visit 10711straitlane.

outdoor living area with fire pit and pool. It is listed by Gretchen Brasch and Elly Holder.



A Trio of Allman Rising Stars

How to Curate Art for Your Home

3412 Wentwood Drive, represented by Jean Bateman Sotheby’s International Realty recently revealed some key steps to curating an art collection that not only speaks to you, but is displayed at its best. Identify your taste. Instead of trying to conform to an idea of what art should be in your home, go for what instinctually draws you in. Focus on mood. Art can shape not only how a room looks, but also how it makes you feel. Perhaps the wave-like quality of a smooth marble sculpture reminds you of peaceful shores, or

Preston Hollow, the future looks very bright. It is attracting outstanding new associates that finished a great year helping clients buy and sell homes. Debra Williams, Gailya Silhan and Laurie Mah described 2017 as awesome. Williams, who previously owned the Medieval Inn and Ben’s Half Yard House, said becoming a Realtor with the Allman firm was “a natural.” She has strong entrepreneurial genes from her parents who owned businesses where she worked since she was a child. Gailya Silhan said she “can’t imagine working with any

maybe the mirrored shards of a mixed-media piece help shift

other firm.” The daughter and granddaughter of West Texas

your focus to self-reflection. You can amplify or transform

homebuilders, she sold her first home at 18. She started

moods with your collection.

her career in radio, becoming the top sales person for a

Frame it right. It isn’t about an actual frame: It’s about what works within the space. Decide what a focal point will

nationwide radio company, then Dallas’ youngest station general manager.

visit 1918 North Olive Street #3602, downtown: New owners are enjoying this magnificent home on the 36th floor of Museum Tower, complete with 360-degree urban panoramas, exotic marble flooring and a super-sleek kitchen. Listed for $2,400,000. Sold by Faisal Halum. 4144 Shenandoah Street, University Park: A Charles Dilbeck gem, this 1934 charmer offers its new owners modern-day luxuries such as a fire pit in the back yard and a wet bar in the posh master bathroom. Listed for $1,995,000. Sold by Becky Frey. 4244 Potomac Avenue, Highland Park: This Tudor-style 1929 home has been updated and now includes a saltwater pool, oversized covered patio and see-through stone fireplace.


What the Smartest Homes Are Wearing

For Allie Beth Allman & Associates, which finished 2017 as the top brokerage firm in the Park Cities and

Here, just a few examples of the firm’s recent sales. To learn about its world-class agents and to see all their listings,

Listed for $1,360,000. Sold by Susan Matusewicz.


Maureen Frieze Presents Stunning Custom in UP

With Spanish Colonial character and charm, this new home

40 Braewood Place, represented by Vicki White

melds its sought-after location in the Hyer Elementary School fairway of University Park with exceptional craftsmanship, ar-

Speakers that can wake you up and turn up the A/C.

chitectural planning and interior design.

Ovens that “listen” to the food baking inside. Wi-Fi routers

A refined home tailored for luxury living by John Gilley of

so attractive you’ll never hide them again. Briggs Freeman

Edinburg Custom Homes, the property offers more than 6,000

Sotheby’s International Realty already offers smart homes of

square feet of sunny and serene living space accentuated by

all sorts, equipped with energy- and timesaving devices galore

soaring vaulted ceilings, floor-to-ceiling windows and state-of-

— see all its homes at — and now smart

the-art finishes.

homes are getting even smarter. Here, a few must-haves that are on the market now, or about to be. Speakers can now do everything from wake you up in the morning to answer your burning questions. (“How many miles is it to Manhattan?”) Many smart speakers can control other smart-home devices and even catch you up on the news. Combining traditional technologies with radio frequency,

Transitionally designed for an easy flow and entertaining, the home features a light-filled dining room that adjoins the open kitchen and great room with a large bar and temperature-controlled wine closet. An outdoor living area invites al fresco gatherings and relaxation, while the second floor beckons family and friends with a full wet bar and game room.

the Miele Dialog oven purports to communicate to your food

Five bedrooms, five full baths and two powder baths include

throughout the cooking process, adjusting intensity as it

the welcoming downstairs guest suite. Quietly tucked upstairs is

be: a breathtaking view, a sculptural sofa, a prominent lighting

Laurie Mah, who worked in the hospitality industry in

fixture. Fill the area nearby with complementary — but not

New York City and Singapore before she became a Realtor,

monitors how much energy the food has absorbed. It can

the master suite with a balcony and spacious marble bath, plus

overpowering — furnishings and works.

increased her productivity substantially last year. She

greatly reduce cooking time, too.

three additional bedrooms with private baths.

However you decide to curate your collection, let it reflect

attributes her success with the Allman firm to her “tireless”

Made up of multiple routers with overlapping networks, an

Added amenities at this home loaded with upgrades include

your personality and how you live. To see all the exceptional

commitment to providing a high-level concierge service in

in-home mesh Wi-Fi system works to virtually eliminate dead

custom cabinetry, a laundry room, Control 4 lighting, and many

homes, ranches and land offered by Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s

each transaction.

zones. Most mesh systems also represent a leap forward in

energy efficient features.

International Realty — across North Texas and around the world — go to

For help buying or selling your home, call one of our expert associates at 214-521-7355.

aesthetics: You won’t feel compelled to hide these elegant routers behind your houseplants.

3804 Southwestern Blvd. is offered at $3,450,000 Contact Maureen Frieze at, 214-929-1166. | March 2018  51 To place your ad in People Newspapers, please call us at 214-523-5239, fax to 214-594-5779, or e-mail to classified@peoplenewspapers. com. All ads will run in Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People and online on both websites. Pre-payment is required on all ads. Deadline for our next edition is Mon., March 5. People Newspapers reserves the right to edit or reject ads. We assume no liability for errors or omissions in advertisements and no responsibility beyond the cost of the ad. We are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion.


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Local Expertise, International Reach

expose listings to buyers across the globe. According to Mary Frances Burleson, president and CEO of Ebby Halliday Realtors, the reason to list with a luxury organization is often two-fold: exposure to more buyers within a broker network and more exposure for a home through targeted marketing efforts. “LeadingRE is responsible for more broker-to-broker

Ebby Halliday Realtors and its sales associates

referrals than any other group,” Burleson says. “And,

possess a unique understanding of the global real estate

Luxury Portfolio generates extensive exposure for your

market. This understanding is a result of the locally owned

home through its award-winning internationally focused

firm’s affiliation with Leading Real Estate Companies of the

website and an unprecedented global print advertising

World, a network of premier real estate brokers in nearly

program. Simply put, by listing with Ebby Halliday you

50 countries, and its luxury division, Luxury Portfolio

significantly increase the chances of attracting a qualified


buyer to your luxury home.”

When marketing a luxury home, Ebby Halliday Realtors

Learn more about Luxury Portfolio International at

taps the network of Luxury Portfolio International Learn more about Ebby Halliday

members and utilizes its website,, to

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