WITNESS: August 1, 2008

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WorkPlace Ministries forum begins Taking Christ to the office


Why do I exist? What can I offer the world? What’s my purpose? Paul reminds us, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).

ness skills and spiritual life. You’re likely to hear details of a deal transpiring, but also discussions about integrity, a biblical principle, current events and their spiritual ramifications, or prayer being offered to the Lord who cares about our every thought. Frank says, “We pray about everything: their latest romance, the deals they’re working on, life situations—everything. I want them to learn that God cares about every part and every minute of our lives, not just our Sundays. We try, Deo volente, to craft our business and our lives to the glory of God.”

Beginning in January of this year, PCPC business leaders have met monthly at WorkPlace Ministries (WPM) to discuss what it means to be involved in God’s work between Sundays in the workplace. Each month, a different business leader makes a presentation about what God is doing in his workplace. And as the group heard in May, discipleship can take place in the workplace, as well as it can in a place of worship. Some folks are confused about what it means to follow Christ between Sundays and do God’s work. Not PCPC elder Frank Bullock. At the May 28 meeting, Frank explained how he is attempting to do God’s work in his business. Frank’s love for commercial real estate, his thirty years of experience in the field, and his passion to teach and shape the lives of young followers of Jesus led him to form Revere Commercial Realty in 2006. Frank chose the name Revere not only because of his love of history, but because of the man behind the name. Paul Revere was a French Huguenot silversmith famous for his midnight ride. However, he was much more than an excellent horseman. He also taught young apprentices his silversmith craft and was the quintessential networker, connecting various strata of revolutionary Boston society around the common cause of freedom. Add to this the fact that revere is the ultimate term we use to describe our love for our Heavenly Father. Going to the bullpen Visit Revere and you’ll walk straight into Frank’s “bullpen,” where his six protégés watch him do business and relate to people, and where he can coach them both in their busiAUGUST 2008

Justin Schoellkopf, center, is one of the many young people Frank and Susan Bullock have taught and mentored at PCPC, and Justin now works at Frank’s real estate business.

Seeds sprouting There has been an exciting response to this meeting where Frank Bullock spoke. Pat Hamner has accepted the challenge to begin a venture capital company along the same lines of Frank’s real estate company that would combine Christian mentoring, ethics, and success. Stay tuned for more stories as working men and women of PCPC take the call of Christ seriously every day of the week. —Bill Peel WorkPlace Ministries meets the last Wednesday of the month, and after a summer break will resume meeting August 27, 7:30-9:00 am, Oak Lawn West. A free breakfast is served, and any business person, young or more mature, male or female, is welcome. Please let Lawan Andersen know you are coming: 214224-2740 or lawan.andersen@pcpc.org PCPC WITNESS • 17

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