How to Release your trapped emotions

Page 179

The Emotion Code


Keep your fingers in the correct position. If you place your fingers on the bones of their wrist, their arm will weaken because the body will attempt to protect the wrist bones. You want your fingers to be just above the wrist bones. Your fingers should be placed just above the bony prominence that can be found on the back of your hand on the little finger side, just above the wrist. (See photo)


Remember that the person you are testing has to be willing to be tested. If their attitude is cynical or skeptical, it will be harder for you to test them. Don’t waste your time with people that don’t want to be helped, or that are not open to being helped. Life is too short.


You can experiment with various arm positions to see what works best for you and whomever you are working on. Another option is for them to hold their arm out to the side rather than straight out in front of them. Testing Yourself Now let’s take a look at some ways of using your own muscles to get answers. As you try out these methods, it’s easiest to make statements that you already know to be true or false. That way you can know with certainty if it is working for you.


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