PSU International Student Handbook 2013-14

Page 23

Steps that will help you through the Cultural Adjustment Process: Be aware of the cultural adjustment process. Realize that it is natural to miss your family, friends, and home. Talk about these feelings with someone you feel comfortable with, or someone who has experienced the same feelings in the past. Spend time with people from your home country or other international students. There are many international student organizations that you can join to meet new friends. Find an American to be a cultural informant for you to gain insights into American culture. Also, try asking several different Americans the same question. The differences and similarities in answers may surprise you. Stay busy. Get involved in activities, but also continue hobbies and sports that you enjoy in your home country. Maintain your sense of humor. Anyone who has lived in another culture has funny and/or embarrassing stories. You are not alone. Laughing at these situations can ease the tension. Keep realistic expectations. It may take longer to accomplish tasks in a new culture, a new academic environment, and a new language. 23

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