How did you start your multifaceted platform that promotes size inclusivity and empowers women of all sizes?
What is the mission behind your cult favorite beauty brand Megababe?
I started my blog, The 12ishStyle, to help women who were a size 12-plus find stylish clothing. Once this began to take off, I realized most women, regardless of their size, were also unhappy with their bodies. I wanted to help change that narrative, which is what I aim to do through my blog, Instagram (@katiesturino), podcast, and solution-oriented beauty brand, Megababe.
Our mission at Megababe is to help tackle “taboo” body issues and provide effective solutions for people to feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin. Things like thigh chafe, boob sweat, and B.O. are typically known as taboo topics that people don’t discuss. But in reality these are everyday issues women face. I love being able to create products that solve these problems, like our Thigh Rescue chafe stick, Bust Dust, and our full line of clean deodorant, like our newly launched Cream Deo.
Your #SuperSizeTheLook and #MakeMySize content series have created a body positive environment on social media. How did the idea for these come about?
#SuperSizeTheLook kicked off in 2015 to show that style has no size. It’s a weekly series where I re-create the look of a celebrity or public figure whose style I admire. #SuperSizeTheLook is never about who wore it better, because that mindset only keeps us down and pits women against each other. My #MakeMySize campaign is when I try on the biggest size a brand offers just to shed light on how small it is on me. It’s a way for me to speak up to these brands in hopes they extend their sizing, and some brands have actually listened, which has been really rewarding.
Katie Sturino
For this body acceptance advocate, author, and entrepreneur, confidence is the most important accessory BY KATHERINE LANDE
I’m really into self-care! I love taking care of my skin and daily wellness rituals like meditation using my Insight Timer app, morning walks on the beach, and [stopping] working at 7 p.m. My nighttime skin care routine is always a must—my face is always glowing before bed, and I wake up looking new! I’m loving the Sunday Riley Good Genes lactic acid treatment right now. What’s an unexpected lesson you learned when writing your book, Body Talk?
What would you tell your 18-year-old self today?
I would tell her to put her confidence on first. Truly, what people react to is confidence, and when you’re not confident, people pick up on it.
Describe your self-care routine or recommendations.
Megababe, Katie Sturino’s cult favorite beauty brand, helps people feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin with an array of products that tackle “taboo” body issues.
It was quite hard for me emotionally to relive some of the stuff in Body Talk. You’d figure that after all of this work throughout the years, I’d be numb to it and it would be easy, but it wasn’t. Overall, it was a really great healing process for me getting everything out there. I have loved connecting with women about the book and their own journeys.
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