Course Documentation Semester 4_2010

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READ THINK LEARN Semester documentation by Payal Vats

Documentation Semester 4


Typography Basic Graphic Design History of Design Colour and Form Printing technologies Open Elective Visual Language Indian Theatre

Typography The main objective of the course is to introduce to the elements of typography and layout. And how these elements interact in different formats, structures, functions and contexts. We were exposed to various typographical terminologies and also various layouts and components involved in it. We learned to analyse and observe the type and its appropriate usage. Typography was a great experience and fun. It was a combination of intensive learning along with the fun element attached to it. The discussions were very important. The course was not only about various types but much beyond it where it talked about various issues and different point of views.

Guide: Sanjeev Bothra Credits: 4.50

A. R. RAHMAN Gabriola






Eras Light ITC

Payal vats


Waters Tilting Pro

Felix Tilting


The Great type The assignment aimed towards the appropriate judgement in placing the elements and all over visual balance.

‘Go in peace,’

said the Magus.’ And dry those tears, or tell him that the smoke from the fire got in your eyes.

I have spread my dreams

under your feet;

‘People give flowers as presents

because flowers contain the true meaning of love. Anyone who tries to possess a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if


softly because you tread on my dreams

you simply look at a flower in the field, you will keep it forever, because the flower

is the part of the evening and the sunset and the smell of damp earth and the clouds on the horizon.’ Brida was looking at the flower. The Magus took it from her and returned it to the forest. Brida’s eyes filled with tears. She was proud of her soul mate. ‘That is what the forest taught me. That you will never be mine and that is why I will never lose you. You were my hope during my days of loneliness, my anxiety during moments of doubt, my certainty during moments of faith.’

Paulo Coelho. 03032008. Brida. 262-263. India: Harper Collins Publisher

‘Knowing that my soul mate would come one day, I devoted myself to learning the Tradition of the Sun. Knowing that you existed was my one reason for continuing to live.’ ‘Then you came, and I understood all of this. You came to free me from the slavery I myself created, to tell me that I was free to return to the world and to the things of the world. I understood everything I needed to know, and I love you more than all the women I have ever known. I will always remember now that love is liberty. That was the lesson it took me so many years to learn. That is the lesson that sent me into exile and now sets me free again.’

The Inspowering type The concept was to achieve the gray value and overall harmony in the layout.

Falling in and Infatuation

Dr Peter March, Robin Gilmour. 1988. Eye to Eye. 200. Massachusetts: Salem House Publishers .

4 Preconditions

for falling in love

A Fantasy image

Over the years, an image of the sort of the person who appeals to us will have formed more or less unconsciously in our minds.

A particular situationa social occasion or some stressful event (not particular)- induces in us a state of heightened emotional arousal 3

Conditioned by our upbringing and other social pressures, we expect to encounter a love-object outside our family after maturing sexually.



BUT IS IT love?

One Present

Aroused Emotions

An Expectation of love.

There is present, however, a person whom we connect superficially with our fantasy image and therefore find excitingly attractive.


We are liable, especially in adolescence, to misread our emotional state as a response to the person, rather than to the situation and our expectations, and we “fall in love”

The experience follows one of the

3 patterns:

Mutual Infatuation

Unrequitted Infatuation

We do not appreciate the immunity of our feelings, but our approach is reciprocated and a relationship develops.

The love-object is potentially within reach, but an approach, if attempted, is discouraged and persistence rebuffed.


Young love

Emotional growth may be arrested, resulting in avoidance or same-scenario behaviour.

We discover the elated state of “being in love”- a state of heightened vulnerability and susceptibility.

Falling Out Sooner or later, we may experience rejection or painful falling out of love.


There is insight and emotional growth.

Falling In Sexual intercourse may lead to premature commitment.

The love-object, recognized to be unreachable or highly inappropriate, can be safely worshiped from afar.


Emotional Growth Insight gained though perhaps several episodic relationships to a “courtship phase” in which our feelings are tempered by greater realism. We learn how to discover and respond to the person, not the situation.

We rush into an inherently unstable marriage or state of living. But learning, adjustment, growth and a stable outcome are still possible in many cases.


Remote Infatuation

Lack of self-confidence or fear of rejection may lead to:

Lasting Love There is a progress to a mature love relationship and probably courtship, with a stable marriage a likely outcome.

The Info type The assignment laid stress on achieving a flow and hierarchies of information. Random type The concept was to get a gray scale value from the original art work and rearrange the same patterns with the newspaper strips.

What can I do?

Yes, you got it right, what can I do to save electricity or even what can anyone else? NOTHING. Yes, we cannot do anything. Just sit back and continue with doing what we have been doing. But I want to do something.

Something beyond nothing because if something is not done today, we won’t be left with anything tomorrow. So, it’s me who will try few efforts to do something to save our resources. I have made my choice. NOW THE TURN IS YOUR’S TO MAKE A CHOICE.

This assignment was to make a spread in which all the assignments and learning of the course was to be reflected. It also laid stress on lay outing and structuring the whole spread.

DO SOMETHING OR NOTHING! So, it’s me, Payal Vats taking a resolution for one year to make various efforts to reduce wastage of electrical resources.

concept and design by:payal vats Photograph taken by: Sanchit Sawaria

Change Maker Type “Be the change you wish to see”, was the concept of the assignment and also to handle the scale of art work in different proportions.


Basic Graphic Design The course aimed towards the understanding of the basic graphical elements along with their usage and imposing their meaning on the world. Also, how these elements are depended upon visual communication. What graphic designers do? The designers conceives, plan and execute a design that communicates a direct message to a specific audience. Their work is mass produced in print, film and electronic media- books, magazines, packaging, posers and multimedia. Sustainable graphic design It considers the environment impacts of graphic design products. Uses the resources wisely in present. Reducing the amount of resources in mass production. Using paper and material that can be reused/recycled. What is visual communication? It relies on vision. Depends upon sending and receiving images. Express the experience visually. Guide: Dr. Tridha Gajjar Credits: 6.0




Designing poster for Graphic Design 2010, using basic elements like line, arcs and circles. I have tried to make the poster very abstract and random using lines with different weights and strokes.

Letter Integration I integrated letter P and 3 to get a form which is visually balanced. I have went through series of explorations to get the final form integrated.


REA DY F OR SOM E AC TION ? Object Poster

Object simplification The assignment aimed to simplify an object with less details yet not missing out a lot of them to communicate visually. I simplified a clip and then used that simplified object in a poster with any expression attached to it. The object may have several layers of information and could convey different emotions, expressions and feelings.

Hand made art work

Assignment 4 was to work on a singage which could be informative to the people with just one layer of information with less but all necessary details which does not have any other interpretation other than just one. I worked on a signage which could be used in the institute a various places such as auditorium, class rooms, presentation rooms, KMC and IT centre where there is a need to keep your cell phones on silent or no sound. I have tried to keep the signage very simple and yet informative with no layer of any unnecessary information.

History of Design History is not merely accumulation of facts, it is understanding and finding explanations of past by evaluating, selecting and ordering data. Design is the conscious and institutive effort to impose meaningful order and style describes the combination of distinguishing characteristics that imprints a work of art or design, as the creation of a certain artists or time or place. Ancient world: Stone age (20,000-8000 BCE) Pyramids of tools, essential to the survival of prehistoric man, were shaped from the flint obtained from quarries. Cave paintings: panel of lions and rhinos at Chauvet cave, France. Early civilizations: Egyptian Indus valley Mesopotamia African civilization

Guide: Tanishka Kachru Credits: 2.0

Study of Greek Alphabet The Greek alphabet is a set of twenty-four letters that has been used to write the Greek language since the late 9th or early 8th century BCE. It is the first and oldest alphabet in the narrow sense that it notes each vowel and consonant with a separate symbol. It is as such in continuous use to this day. The letters were also used to represent Greek numerals, beginning in the 2nd century BCE Early Greek was written right-to-left, just like Phoenician. However, eventually its direction changed to boustrophedon (which means “ox-turning�), where the direction of writing changes every line. For instance, you start on the right of the tablet and writes leftward, and when you reach the leftmost end, you reverse your direction and starting writing toward the right. Even more confusing is that the orientation of the letter themselves is dependent on the direction of writing as well. In the above chart, the letters are drawn as if they were being written from left-to-right. If I were to write right-to-left, I would horizontally flip the letters (like in a mirror). The Greeks were the first Europeans to learn to write with an alphabet, and from them writing was brought to the rest of Europe, eventually leading down to all modern European alphabets.

Book binding and covers A book cover is a protective covering used to bind together the pages of a book. Beyond the familiar distinction between hardcovers and paperbacks, there are further alternatives and additions, such as dust jackets, ring-binding, and out-dated forms such as the nineteenth-century “paper-boards” and the even more antiquated hand-binding Before the early nineteenth century, books were handbound using heavy materials such as wood, leather, gold, silver and jewels. For hundreds of years, book bindings had functioned as a protective device for the expensively printed or hand-made pages, and as a decorative tribute to their cultural authority. In the 1820s great changes began to occur in how a book might be covered, with the gradual introduction of techniques for mechanical book-binding. Cloth, and then paper, became the staple materials used when books became so cheap – thanks to the introduction of steam-powered presses and mechanically-produced papers – that to have them hand-bound became disproportionate to the cost of the book itself.

Colour and Form Colour and form was much of a research based course in which we laid stress on one aspect we choose and had to study it in the context of colour and form. Packaging was the area which was taken up by me.

Packaging It is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products from distribution, storage, sale and use. Purpose of packaging Convince for carrying Physical protection Grouping Information transmission about the product handling Security 3 types of packaging

Guide: Immanuel Suresh Credits: 4.50

Primary packaging: holds the products and is in direct contact with it. Secondary packaging: it is the outside the primary packages together. Tertiary packaging: it is used for bulk handling and transport shipping.

Colour and packaging The packaging of the product must make it stand out from the other products and surroundings. Colour affects the way we feel about the product Which colour works well with each other? Which colour blends with each other? Packaging must be simple and convey the information about the product It must reflect the product Basic purpose of packaging How people are able to connect to the product inside packaging How does packaging connect to the product?

Colour usage Attention getter Must go along with the product and earlier usage of colour depended upon the associations made with product during that particular period, time and society but today it is a broader views and comes along with interior, promotion, sales and offers.

Migration of birds Bird migration is the regular seasonal journey undertaken by many species of birds. Bird movements include those made in response to changes in food availability, habitat or weather. These however are usually irregular or in only one direction and are termed variously as nomadism, invasions, dispersal or irruptions. Migration is marked by its annual seasonality. In contrast, birds that are non-migratory are said to be resident or sedentary. It is the mechanism behind the seasonal appearance or disappearance of some species of birds/ animals/ mammals. The primary advantage of migration is conservation of energy. The longer days of the northern summer provide greater opportunities for breeding birds to feed their young. The extended daylight hours allow diurnal birds to produce larger clutches than those of related non-migratory species that remain in the tropics year round. As the days shorten in autumn, the birds return to warmer regions where the available food supply varies little with the season. In India and South Asia, out of over 2000 species and sub-species migrate. In birds, migration is seasonal and in India majority of migratory birds are winter migrants.

Time and Calender A calendar is a system of organizing units of time for the purpose of reckoning time over extended periods. By convention, the day is the smallest calendrical unit of time; the measurement of fractions of a day is classified as timekeeping. Although some calendars replicate astronomical cycles according to fixed rules, others are based on abstract, perpetually repeating cycles of no astronomical significance. Some calendars are regulated by astronomical observations, some carefully and redundantly enumerate every unit, and some contain ambiguities and discontinuities. Astronomical Bases of Calendars The principal astronomical cycles are the day (based on the rotation of the Earth on its axis), the year (based on the revolution of the Earth around the Sun), and the month (based on the revolution of the Moon around the Earth). The complexity of calendars arises because these cycles of revolution do not comprise an integral number of days, and because astronomical cycles are neither constant nor perfectly commensurable with each other.

Printing Technology Printing is the major and most extensively mediums of communication. The learning involved the entire process from the finalisation of the design to the art work to the pre press, nature of printing and post printing stages. It is a process of producing text/ images on paper, typically with ink using a printing press. It is often carried out as a large- scale process, and is an essential part of publishing and transaction printing.

Printing in India Printing came to India as an accident, the ruler of Abbesiana has asked for printing technology from Portuguese. The machinery was being transported along with two technicians. At Goa, one of them died and thus the technology remained in India.

Guide: Tridha Gajjar, Bharta Suthar Credits: 3.0

Classification of printing Conventional printing: It is commonly used for mass production. Multiple copies are produced from the master copy from which the print is taken. Each copy remains same and as the number of copies increases, the cost per copy decreases. There are 4 types of conventional printing: Letter press/ Flexography printing Gravure printing/ Intaglio process Screen printing Lithography/ Planography/ offset Non conventional printing: It is used for short run copies. Here no master copy is required because each copy is not same. Each copy is printed in a new form and is different and cost per copy remains the same. There are 5 types of non conventional printing: Xerox printing process Thermography Magnetography Inkjet Ionography

The course consisted of other technical information about the binding, colour correction, paper proportions, handling of digital tools, pre press, press, post press techniques and also laid stress on costing of the art work, proofing and principles involved in basic printing process. Introduced to different types of paper, weight and sizes and post production techniques and different types of bindings.


National Institute of Design Paldi, Ahmedabad- 7 Ph no. 26621171 [1]

Cover page of the printing document.


Open elective Draping: describes the hang or fall of fabric when made into a garment. Drape-D was very enriching and different course. The course aimed at understanding the fabric along with products and spatial usage. The course was to build the basic understanding fabric, its flow, its behaviour and drapes. Drapes are very essential part of fabric and playing with them can entirely change the behaviour of the fabric. We created garments with drapes and minimal stitching in which fall of the fabric was taken in consideration. We also experimented with products and made installation with kites, also created texture on fabric and studied its properties under the conditions.

Guide: Anuj Sharma Credits: 2.0

Draping fabric


Garment created by news paper cut outs and made into a pattern.

Visual language A visual language is a set of practices by which images can be used to communicate concepts structural units include line, shape, colour, form, motion, texture, pattern, direction, orientation, scale, angle, space and proportion. To carry out the discussion of “visual language,� the elements of language are delineated through the elements of art and the principles of design. A diagram, a map, and a painting are all examples of uses of visual language.

What is visual language? A system perceived by eyes. It has a vocabulary of visual elements- form, colour which carry meanings. The vocabulary can be rearranged to express new meanings. A visual language resides in a context which marks the meaning.

Guide: Suchitra Sethi Credits: 1.0

Modernism Modernism, in its broadest definition, is modern thought, character, or practice. More specifically, the term describes both a set of cultural tendencies and an array of associated cultural movements, originally arising from wide-scale and far-reaching changes to Western society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s.

Modernism at NID Modernism at NID is very much visible in a way that NID still holds its traditions along with modern ideas and ways of doing things. This trend is very much evident in its architecture, designing and space.

Emoticon An emoticon is a textual expression representing the face of a writer’s mood or facial expression. Emoticons are often used to alert a responder to the tenor or temper of a statement, and can change and improve interpretation of plain text. The use of emoticons can be traced back to the nineteenth century and were commonly used in casual/humorous writing Emoticons are usually a way to express one’s feelings through visuals and the elements used in them can be repeated to form a visual language of emoticons which displays various human emotions

Indian Theatre Theatre of India began with Rigvedic dialogue hymns during the Vedic period. During the Middle Ages, the Indian subcontinent was invaded a number of times. This played a major role in shaping of Indian culture and heritage. Medieval India experienced a grand fusion with the invaders from the Middle East and Central Asia. British India, as a colony of the British Empire, used theatre as one of its instruments in protest. To resist, the British Government had to impose “Dramatic Performance Act� in 1876. From the last half of the 19th century, theatres in India experienced a boost in numbers and practice. After Indian independence in 1947, theatres spread throughout India as one of the means of entertainment. India, being a multi-cultural nation, cannot be associated with a unique trend and feature in its theatres. Classical Indian Dance: The most orthodox and complex form of musical theatre based on the Natya Shastra.

Guide: Authonu Bhattacharya Credits: 1.0

Indian Folk theatre: Bhavai (Strolling Players) is a popular folk theatre form of Gujarat, while Jatra has been popular in Bengal, another folk theatre form popular in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh, is Swang, which dialogue-oriented rather than movement-oriented

Modern Indian theatre: Modern Theatre in India is completely urban in nature. It is created by & primarily for the middle class & upper middle class. The plays run the gamut from serious to comic, political to frivolous. Modern Theatre in India owes its origin to development of large urban centres such as Calcutta, Bombay (Mumbai) & Madras (Chennai). Indian Puppet Theatre: This art involves rich costume, music, dance and dialogue. Puppet shows in parts of Karnataka uses all these elements of yakshagana to depict Ramayana and Mahabharata stories. Indian Street Theatre: Street theatre as a form of communication is deeply rooted in the Indian tradition. In recent times this form has been used to propagate social and political messages and to create awareness amongst the masses regarding critical issues. Street theatre breaks the formal barriers and approaches the people directly.

Sources of Information Hand Book of Binding Prctical Printing Graphic Art Manual

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