PAXtradings Is Offering Online Bitcoin Trading In Nigeria

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PAXtradings Is Offering Online Bitcoin Trading In Nigeria

As an online trading platform, PAXtradings has been formed with the goal of easing trading in Bitcoins in Nigeria. On this platform, one can trade in Bitcoins from anywhere in the world, and that includes Nigeria and Ghana. Swiping Bitcoins for gift cards from online market stores like Amazon is now possible on this site. The PAXtradings platform has eased Bitcoin trading as unlike the traditional platforms; trading is not restricted to some countries and not others. Said one of the Founders of PAXtradings, “We have tried to make trading on our platform as easy as possible for our clients. The simple and easy to follow steps are straightforward allowing one to sell or buy Bitcoins online. Should you have problems, we are available to chat with you directly to assist in the smooth trading experience. If you have Bitcoins to sell, you can contact us on WhatsApp using +8801700884901 or through online chat. You then state the amount you are interested in selling and wait for a response. You are then offered payment options in either Naira, Cedis, Paypal or RMB. Once you have given us your choice, we carry out the transaction on your behalf and remit the payments to you through your preferred mode of payment.�

To know Bitcoin price in Nigeria online is easy. By contacting PAXtradings through chat on their website or through their WhatsApp number, they will answer all your questions including the value of Bitcoins in Nigeria. At the close of the year 2017, the Bitcoin capital stood at $71,655,491.947 and 1 Bitcoin was selling at $4315.28. Bitcoin is still the strongest among all other cryptocurrencies. Continued the Founder Member at PAXtradings, “We complete a Bitcoin transaction in five minutes. Whether one is selling or buying, the time taken to conclude the transaction is the same, and the money is credited to your account. Since the introduction of crypto currency some eight years ago, the Bitcoin has emerged the strongest of them all and continued to hold its sway. The use of block-chain technology has given cryptocurrencies the power to serve the market purpose. Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies have come to save the world’s economies, and that is a fact.”

PAXtradings is committed to showing their clients how to sell Bitcoins online. One can trade Bitcoin on margin in order to increase profit. What this means is that earnings are from the movement of the coins in the market. Bitcoin margin trading involves trading with borrowed funds and not the traders. Some fees are of course levied for using margin funds.

About PAXTradings

It is an online Bitcoin and other crypto currency-trading platform available in Nigeria. PAXtradings allows crypto currency trading not only in Nigeria and Ghana but from other countries of the world as well. The platform was launched with the aim of making it possible for traders in Bitcoin be able to trade since there were some countries where trading was restricted on some traditional trading platforms. Traders can secure the value of their Bitcoins online to avoid loss. PAXtradings at the moment has on offer over forty digital currencies on different exchange sites. Source URL:

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