5 Common Knee Injuries & their Treatments Option

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5 Common Knee Injuries & Treatment Options

1. Anterior Cruciate Ligament ➢ ACL Injuries are considered as serious and may require surgery ➢ ACL extends diagonally across the front of the knee which provide critical stability to the joint. ➢ Athletes participating in soccer or football mostly get ACL injuries.

2. Bursitis ➢ The bags are small pockets full of fluid that soften the knee joint due to which tendons and ligaments slide over the joint. ➢ These bags can swell and become inflamed with excessive use or repeated pressure on the knees

3. Tendonitis ➢ Tendonitis in the knee is known as patellar tendinitis. This is a tendon injury that connects the kneecap to the shinbone. ➢ With the front of the thigh patellar tendon works to extend the knee so that the person can run, jump and perform other physical activities. Consult a doctor now for knee pain diagnosis

4. Tendon Tears ➢ Tendons are basically soft tissues that connects muscles and bones. In the knee, a common tendon to injure is the patellar. ➢ It is common to the athletes and any middle aged person involved in any physical activities.

Your knee got injured during sports? Consult a doctor!

5. Meniscal Tears ➢ The meniscus consists of two wedges of gum cartilage between the femur and the shin. ➢ The cartilage pieces can tear suddenly due to aging and during sports activity ➢ This is results in pain, swelling and increase in tightness for few days. Consult now!

Treatment Options ➢ Treatment varies depending on the cause of the knee pain and the details of the injury. In cases of strains or injuries, rest and ice usually allow the knee to heal over time. ➢ Treatment may also involve controlling pain and inflammation with drugs. In most cases, a person will have to rest for a period of time. ➢ Tears induced injuries may require surgery. After surgery, a person will not be able to use knee and may need a wheelchair while recovering.

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ProHealth Center is a holistic health and wellness center. We oer an integrative approach to healthcare. We do this by focusing on removing the root cause of the symptom so the body can heal itself. Services we oer treatments like Regenerative Therapy, Functional Medicine, Chiropractic care, etc. Consult Now!

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