Interview with Arturo Cañedo

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Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club


Arturo Cañedo Lima, Peru 15th June 2020 by Paul Mei – Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo Cañedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Arturo, can you please introduce yourself to our readers? I was born in Lima, the capital of Peru, my interest in photography was from a very young age studying painting, drawing and communications, but the political and economic situation of my country in the 90s made me change course; I studied economics and developed in it for more than 10 years. But I think it is never too late to fulfill your dreams; I resumed my career as a photographer and today I am happy dedicating myself and living from my passion as a documentary photographer.

For how long you've been into street photography? As part of the development of documentary projects many of them I carry out on the street for what they are almost 20 years doing documentary and street photography. 5 years ago I started a project as an ethnographic record and over time it developed and became an experience of technical search and learning of the effects of different lighting techniques, which I call DOWNTOWN LIMA, carried out in the center of the city of Lima, personal essay in process.

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

How would you describe your photographic approach? The project that I am going to carry out with the photographic language that I am going to use in the project is deeply linked. It is these two elements: PROJECT and LANGUAGE that will determine my PHOTOGRAPHIC APPROACH.

Where do you get your inspiration for photography? Of the external world and my internal world. All those elements that make up these worlds are part of your photographic result.

Which travel and portrait photographers have influenced you? Not only photographers in general, as I said before, everything around you inspire me and influences when shooting. Photography is a totally sensory and personal experience, therefore mentioning just a few names of great photographers would be totally unfair. I would also have to mention names of painters, musicians, sculptors, architects, heroes, pioneers, poets, writers, etc. But definitely if I could mention two names: Oscar and Alicia, my parents.

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Have you ever missed what could have been a memorable shot? Always, for many reasons, for example: Not having been located with the right background or the right composition or not having arrived at the right time or because the shot was simply not aligned with my photographic ethic due to respect, culture and idiosyncrasy in that moment.

Do you have any projects planned for the year? Yes, I am developing it at home on the subject of the pandemic that afflicts the world, rather than a documentation of what happens to us at the level of the effect on physical health, it is rather a personal essay on the effects on behavior caused by from quarantine.

What are your preferences for types of lenses when you shoot the streets and why? For the projects that I do on the street, I specifically use a 24mm, this focal allows me to have a very close relationship with the subjects in order to maintain an identity in the series of the photographic project.

If you had to give an advice to a novice street photographer what it would be? In general, the profession or hobby that one chooses should be carried and guided by passion and respect for your conviction and environment. Remember that the street belongs to everyone and from the moment you photograph you must do it with great respect because the street is not only yours. It is essential that this attitude is always reflected in the way we conduct ourselves on the streets.

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

Monday, 15th June 2020

Street Photo Club

Interview with Arturo CaĂąedo

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