PATV Fall Newsletter

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Public Access Television, 206 Lafayette Street, Iowa City, IA 52240

! N I D E N U T

PATV's New Contract Brings New Guidelines -Josh Goding Starting in August of 2013 PATV has a new contract with Iowa City, and some new guidelines that go along with it. First the great news, PATV services are free to Iowa City residents and organizations! This means if you are a person or group with an Iowa City address it’s free to access cable channel 18 and provide your non-commercial programs to the viewing area. It’s also free to take PATV’s production workshops in order to access our state-of-the-art hi-def video production equipment, green screen studio, and editing computers. As always, the way to get started is to take PATV’s Guidelines orientation workshop. Guidelines is a free class that is the prerequisite to getting involved with the access center. Once you take the hour-long orientation and sign a statement of compliance you’ll be able to begin turning in shows and registering for our production workshops. Guidelines is usually held the first Monday of each month at the PATV studio, 206 Lafayette St. in Iowa City. Starting this fall the PATV Guidelines workshop will also be held at the Iowa City Public Library, approximately once each month. The areas that border Iowa City (i.e. Coralville, North Liberty, Tiffin and University Heights) can also use PATV access services for an annual dues payment of $75 for an individual or $150 for an organization. Instead of a cash payment our “non-local” producers can work off their membership dues at $10/hour in-kind, and are encouraged to do so. That way, individuals from outside Iowa City, but inside the channel viewing area, can work off a yearly membership to PATV with just 7.5 hours of volunteering. Most of the time, volunteer opportunities will include fun options such as helping out with the shows of other producers. Volunteering at PATV is also a great way to network with community producers and even find a crew for your own show. Our new agreement with Iowa City doesn’t allow people outside the channel 18 viewing area to be formally involved with PATV or to utilize the channel. This would include Iowa cities such as Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, and Davenport. Persons outside the local cable franchise area should seek collaborations with Iowa City residents or organizations in order to interact with PATV. “Non-local” persons seeking to play back on channel 18 must find a PATV member with a local address to provide the show and to sign for the content. Non-profit organizations may also contract with PATV for production services or equipment rental. In this way, PATV will be able to continue building our reserve for a time when cable funding is no longer available. A schedule of services and equipment is being developed this quarter at PATV. There has never been a better time for residents to get involved making community media as part of their very own Neighborhood Network. Now that all PATV access services are free to Iowa City residents, excuses are running out for not getting started on making the television show you’ve always wanted to produce! Sign up or drop in to the Guidelines workshop this month. See you at the studio!






Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm

Saturday 9am-6pm Workshops by Appointment • • •



w e a n t P S ' A T T V? A H W Studio Upgrade for PATV PATV advances to HD studio

-Sara Tate

At the end of August, PATV will be making the switch to a high-definition (HD) studio. We will be replacing the three standard-definition (SD) cameras with three Panasonic AG-HVX200 high definition cameras. We will also be replacing our NewTek TriCaster (live switcher in the control room) with an HD TriCaster. What does this mean for PATV producers? Your shows will look much clearer and if you use the green screen, the image will be much crisper. With our new tricaster, we will also be able to record your shows right to the machine, so we will no longer need to record to DV tapes and capture it into Final Cut Pro later. Files made from productions in the studio will HD in 720P format. PATV is streamlining the production process and making your shows look much better. Come check it out end of Summer!

Welcome Back to PATV, James!

PATV has a new staff member! James Mims, who worked at PATV from 2000-2002 as our programming coordinator and served on our board of directors from 2008-2012, has spent the past several years working in our community with area youth. Now he brings his talents to PATV as our new Outreach Coordinator. James, originally from Iowa City, will be working with people and organizations throughout Iowa City to help bring our services to those that could use them and increase our awareness in the community. “PATV has lots of things to offer our community. We provide an avenue for all citizens to share their views and expressions on television, the most dominate medium in America,” says James. “PATV is a valuable resource to the community, however, many citizens are not aware of us and all that we bring.” And that is something that James is looking to change. “Not only is PATV a resource for individuals to share their opinions or their art, but we also can be a valuable vehicle for local politicians or non-profit organizations to spread the word about who they are or the services they provide.” If you would like to speak with James about how PATV can help you, feel free to contact him at our station.

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PATV 18 is having a contest for a new


Do you like to draw, create, do graphic design? Public Access Television is seeking local artists to contribute to our upcoming “PATV Logo Contest.” The winning artist’s design will become our trademark, and be used on our new t-shirts, web applications, printed materials and television shows. A video segment will be produced about the artist’s logo and featured in PATV’s staff made program, “Access Update.” We are seeking a design that is more iconic than past logos we have used. When seen on the air or in print, we’d like the public to remember the logo and begin to associate it with the various programs that PATV cablecasts. The logo should include the words “Public Access Television”, or “PATV”, and ideally the channel number 18. We will begin accepting artist submissions on September 1st and will end the contest on November 1st. You can enter 2 ways, you can send your file via email to or drop your work off at our studio at 206 Lafayette St. Iowa City, Iowa. Digital file formats are asked to be submitted as either a vector graphic or high resolution raster at least 500 pixels square, and in both CYMK and RGB color profile.

past logo designs: • • •



Making the Switch Final Cut Pro X makes its way onto the editing stations at PATV

-Sara Tate

Final Cut 7

Final Cut X

PATV has started the switch from Final Cut Pro 7 (FCP7) to Final Cut Pro X (FCPX). All of our editing stations still have FCP7, but three of them also now have FCPX. This means that this new editing software is now available for PATV producers. PATV staff members have been using it for a few months now to make sure the program is suitable. Producers will need to take the FCPX workshop before they begin using it because it looks and acts quite a bit different than FCP7. Although it looks different, you might enjoy some of the new features. FCPX came out with a new multi-cam feature that allows you to sync up multiple camera angles from the same event. It automatically syncs the clips for you and then you can watch your footage, see all of the angles at once and switch angles live using the number keys. Another feature that is new to FCPX is the ability to preview your effects before you add them to your clip. FCPX worked hard to streamline the features that FCP7 had. For example, there are a few types of edits that would take multiple clicks or key commands in FCP7, but now FCPX has incorporated them all into one click or key command which saves quite a bit of time. Once you have learned the new interface, it is very easy to use. If this sounds interesting, stop by or give PATV a call to set up an appointment for a free FCPX workshop.

Areli Jamal River February 14, 1978 - July 27, 2013 Jamal was PATV’s programmer and production specialist for eleven years. Jamal was a musician, composer, actor, and visual artist. He was also a loving, deeply caring person. He produced hundreds of programs for PATV, including longrunning series such as; Cold & Grey, The Jubi Show, Naughty Poo Pie, and Songy Challenge. He was a dear friend and will be sorely missed.

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PATV Covers

Mission Creek


-Nadia Honary

Thao and the Get Down Stay Down performs at The Mill during Mission Creek Festival

This March marks the third year of PATV’s coverage for the annual Mission Creek Festival. Celebrating a plethora of music concerts, art, literature, and food; Mission Creek is a week long event that covers all things good in life. From the crazy performances at the Englert Theatre by bands like The Mumfords, to the subtler moments with performers like Skye Carrasco performing in a courtyard with a handful of listeners, PATV was right there throughout the whole week to capture it all. Alex Persels, Jason Smith, Nadia Honary and Yda Habibi were armed with HD cameras, two DSLRs, and audio equipment. The usage of HD equipment has certainly changed the quality of the videos. Talk show host extraordinaire Yale Cohn collected interviews with not just the musicians and the writers, but the people behind the scenes of the festival as well. Needless to say, the staff walked away from the festival with hundreds of hours of footage as well as an inside perspective into the Mission Creek magic. The best part about Mission Creek is that the festival encompasses what the Iowa City community is all about. This creative little town is filled with artists of all forms and Mission Creek does a great job bringing that fact to light. You can catch the festival on anytime you find yourself yearning for some spring time festival fun, or wish to relive some of the best moments of Mission Creek. Capturing performances from showstoppers like Deerhoof, Thao and the Get Down Stay Down, Exit Music, and Frank Fairfield, and getting interviews with Gloom Balloon, Trouble Lights, and Lonelyhearts, (to name just a few), rest assured, PATV has got you covered.

Julianna Barwick sings at Gabe’s

Ramona performs outside of the White Rabbit

Yale Cohn interviews one of the artists who sold merchandise • • •


Public Access Television 18 206 Lafayette St Iowa City, IA 52240

Cut Here

Cut Here YES! I want to help build community media at Iowa City Public Access Television Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of

Please make your check or money order payable to PATV and send or drop off to:

PATV 206 Lafayette Street Iowa City, IA 52240





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