Worlds End Participant Guide 2022

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k c a b w o r h T n o i t i d e th e

Photo Circa 2015 2

Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania



The 8th Annual Worlds End Ultramarathon

CONTENTS Sponsors ......................................................... 06 Acknowledgements ......................................... 08 Race Schedule ................................................. 11 General Information ....................................... 12 Race Rules ...................................................... 14 Course Maps .................................................. 20 Aid Station Charts .......................................... 27 Course Records ............................................... 28 Crew Directions ............................................. 32 GPS Guide .................................................... 36


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

may you soar R E H G I H R E H G I H &

19 0 2 a c r i Ph oto C A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania



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rca 2021


“The best way to find yourself is to l Our supporters have helped make this race one of the premier ultramarathons on the east coast. That wouldn’t have happened without a lot of help from a lot of great people and organizations. Thank you to:

Volunteers with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, and the HAM teams that tie our aid stations, support staff, and emergency personnel together with reliable communications across a remote and challenging landscape. The personal time and equipment these individuals Pennsylvania DCNR, our host for allowing us to commit on race day to make this a safe race is use this priceless public land and for providing easily overlooked as they diligently work in the the wonderful staff at Worlds End State Park and background. Make no mistake, without these Loyalsock State Forest District. These professionals guys and gals, there would be no way to host these have enthusiastically embraced our races from the long distance races! beginning (a luxury many other races don’t enjoy), and we deeply appreciate that. The passionate and growing army of local trail runners who give generously of their time, energy, An extensive network of first responders from and skills, volunteering hundreds of hours to keep across the area, coordinated by Sullivan County our trails in prime condition. Emergency Services, and supported by doctors and nurses from our racing community. Even with all A second and growing army of dedicated volunteers the careful planning we do, it's incredibly difficult who help set up and manage the race, work the aid to predict exactly what emergencies might arise on stations, prepare the food, and support the event race day and we appreciate the fast thinking and in so many other ways. prompt care these individuals provide to the race. The Alpine Club of Williamsport, conscientious caretaker of the Loyalsock Trail.


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022


lose yourself in the service of others.” Highlighting a few indispensable people who have continued to give an enormous amount of time and heart to this race: Bill Kocher has been the Worlds End State Park manager for the past 19 years and has been instrumental in the coordination of all the park staff leading up to and on race day, helping to facilitate logistics, communications, and emergency support, and just being a cheerleader for the race on the state level since day one. He has been a key member in getting the race where it is today and is considered by all of us as family. This year, Bill accepted a position at Bald Eagle State Park, and we will miss him very much! Thank you Bill - for all the energy that you poured into the race over the years and making Worlds End a spectacular race for our trail running community. To our supporters, past, present, and future: THANK YOU!

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A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania


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LOYALSOCK TRAIL The Worlds End Ultramarathon was designed around the famed Loyalsock Trail, a rugged, scenery-dense single-track trail with an elevation profile that resembles an irregular rhythm EKG. With it’s beautiful vistas, punishing rocky climbs, and mountain stream waterfalls to run along, the Loyalsock Trail does not disappoint. The scenic and challenging Loyalsock Trail runs roughly parallel to its namesake creek, Loyalsock Creek. The name Loyalsock Creek is taken from the Indian phrase “Lawi-Saquick,” meaning middle creek, and flows between Muncy Creek and Lycoming Creek.


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

Worlds End Ultramarathon The Worlds End Ultramarathon is a challenging foot race that explores the Loyalsock Trail, Loyalsock State Forest, and Worlds End State Park in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania. The routes are largely rugged, scenery-dense single-track trails with some fairly remote sections, several waterfalls, and multiple vistas of the beautiful Endless Mountains. This is not a beginner-level ultra and participation in the race should not be taken lightly. As John Young writes in Hike Pennsylvania, “If you want to do some hiking in the Worlds End region, you should know that hiking here means climbing”.

RACE DETAILS Race date: 6/04/2022 100k start time: 5:00am 100k cut-off: 12 midnight (19 hours) 50k start time: 7:00am 50k cut-off: 7:00pm (12 hours) There is no day-of registration.

SCHEDULE PACKET PICK-UP (CLIFF PAVILION) Friday 5:30-7:45pm: Race bib pick up (Mandatory for all runners.) 7:45: Race Pre-race meeting (Highly reccommended.) RACE MORNING SCHEDULE (CLIFF PAVILION) Saturday 4:00am: Check-in station opens. *All 100k runners must check in. *There is no bib pick up. Fresh-brewed Bason Coffee and breakfast available! 5:00am: 100k Start 5:30am: Check-in station re-opens. *All 50k runners must check in. *There is no bib pick up. Fresh-brewed Bason Coffee and breakfast available! 7:00am: 50k Start

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 11

General Information Worlds End State Park - Parking is limited in the lot nearest the Visitor Center – please use the large main parking area at the park entrance first. Once that lot is full, use the overflow parking up at the Visitor Center. - Race check-in and the start/finish line are at the Cliff pavilion on the north edge of the main parking lot. There are also trails down to the Loyalsock Creek, picnic tables, and a great playground near the pavilion. - The drop bag collection point is at the Playground Pavilion located across from the overflow parking. - We’ll have 5 porta-johns near the Cliff Pavilion, there is a bathroom building to the right of the start/finish line and the Visitor Center facilities will also be open during normal park hours. - Please remember that alcohol is not permitted in the State Park, except at the Cliff Pavilion during the race. We need to be good guests and respect this. Alcohol is permitted in the State Forest, which means you can have a cold one at any aid station except for Worlds End and Canyon Vista. Drop Bags Use drop bags if you have things you need but don’t want to carry the whole way – warm/dry clothing, a special snack, head lamp, etc. We’ll transport your bags to designated aid stations and have them waiting for you. The drop off location will be at the Playground Pavilion for Friday evening and race morning. - 50k: We’ll take drop bags to AS4-Worlds End (only one 50k drop bag site). AS4 is at the picnic tables across the road from the overflow parking lot; please DO NOT go to the finish line!! - 100k: We’ll take drop bags to the following 3 aids stations (use as many or as few as you’d like): AS4-Worlds End AS7-High Knob AS10-Brunnerdale Drop bag guidelines: - Close your bag securely and label it clearly with name, bib #, and the aid station it’s meant for. - Drop off at the collection point no later than the start of your race. - We can’t promise to protect your bag from the weather, so a waterproof bag is best. - We’ ll get them back to the Playground Pavilion as soon as possible. Communications Worlds End is a remote area and cell phone service is very limited – it’s unlikely you will be able to talk with your runner, crew, etc., by phone. We will have radio communication with each aid station through our communications command bus – if you have an urgent need to contact a runner or crew, please see a race official at the finish line or any personnel at the communications command bus. Spectators Spectators are welcomed and encouraged. The start, finish, and AS4 are all easily accessible on foot from the main parking lot. Other aid stations with easy access and adequate parking are AS5-Canyon Vista, AS7-High Knob, and AS12-Fern Rock. See “Guide to Crew Accessible Aid Stations” below for directions. We expect spectators/guests to follow the same rules as our participants – no littering, courtesy and respect for all trail users, etc. Post-race Food Finish line food and refreshments are for registered runners only (and a pacer if you finish with one.) Crews and pacers are more than welcome to participate in the finish line celebration but please come prepared and bring your own food to the party.


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

Cliff Pavilion (Start/Finish Line) Playground Pavilion (Drop bags)

Gate to Cliff Pavilion

Bathroom Building

Overflow Parking

Aid Station 4 Main Parking

Park Entrance


Worlds End State Park - Race Day Map

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 13

Race Rules Runner Rules 1. No unofficial runners – No unofficial or unregistered runners permitted. 2. Bib visibility - Every runner's bib must be clearly visible on the front of the body at all times. 3. No course cutting – Follow the marked course at all times – it will be clearly marked with orange survey ribbon, directional arrows, and with reflective tape after AS10. If you depart the marked course, you must return to the point of departure before continuing. Cutting the switchbacks is cheating, and leaving the beaten path to avoid mud or water is just bad trail karma – please don’t. 4. Mandatory gear – A head lamp or similar lighting is mandatory if you are running before daybreak and after dark. If there is any chance that you’ll still be out there after 8:30pm, make sure you’re carrying a light or have it in a drop bag or with your crew. 5. Optional race aids – Hiking poles, headphones, GPS devices, heart rate monitors, and similar devices are allowed – but ONLY IF you use them safely and responsibly (so you are aware of what’s around you and not a danger to yourself or others). 6. No unauthorized crew support or aid drops – Crew access and drop bags are allowed only at designated aid stations. No one is allowed to drop or store supplies along the race route, and runners are not allowed aid between checkpoints unless it is an emergency. 7. Pets – We love trail dogs, but not during a race. Please no pets on the course. Pets are welcome as part of your crew, and at the start/finish area, but they must be under control and they must be on a leash while within the state park. If your pet is disruptive, we may ask that you remove them from the area. 8. Do not litter – You can either carry your trash or dispose of it at the aid stations. We are operating under permits from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and litter could threaten future permits. Anyone caught intentionally littering along the trail will be disqualified. 9. Passing other trail users – The course uses many popular hiking trails and bridle (horse) trails, so please be respectful of all trail users and yield as needed. Be careful, courteous, patient, and safe while passing competitors or other trail users. Communicate your intentions clearly (“Passing on your left”), and remember that it’s a long run. 10. When nature calls – Almost all the aid stations will have bathroom facilities, either a permanent structure or a port-a-john. If you have to pee, find a tree. Anything else, use the outhouse. 11. Accountability – We’ll be tracking your progress around the course – it’s your responsibility to make sure your race bib is visible, and to check yourself in and out of each aid station (even if you are just passing through without stopping). The communications team at the aid station will record your arrival and departure, and relay your progress to race headquarters. 12. Cut-off times – Aid station captains will strictly enforce the cut-off times that are posted for designated aid stations (see aid station chart). Aid station captains also have the authority to pull you from the course if it is clear that you are physically unable to continue in a safe manner. Their decisions are final, and if you refuse to vacate the course when directed, you’ll be disqualified. 13. Dropping out of the race – If you can’t complete the race, you must notify an aid station captain and surrender your race bib, which will officially withdraw you from the race. If you leave the race and don’t show up at the next aid station within a reasonable time, we’ll assume you’re lost and will notify authorities. This could threaten the race’s future permits. Leaving a race without informing an aid station captain means automatic disqualification and possible restriction from entry into future races. 14. Responsibility - All runners and their crews are responsible to know the rules prior to participating on race day. 15. Finishing - Any runner who crosses the finish line after the 19 hour limit will not be an official finisher.


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

Pacer Rules 100k runners may use pacers, according to the following rules: 1. Pacers must register – Complete an emergency contact and waiver form at the aid station you are going to pick up your runner at before running, and wear the pacer bib you receive there while you are on the course. 2. Pacer starts – Pacers may start at AS7-High Knob, AS8-Dry Run, and AS10-Brunnerdale. 3. One pacer at a time – Standard practice, one pacer per runner at a time. End of story. 4. No “muling” – Pacers are there for safety and moral encouragement – not to help carry your stuff (or you). They can help you at aid stations just as your crew would, but they aren’t allowed to carry water, food, or other supplies for you or physically assist you in any way out on the trail. They may run beside you or behind you, but not in front of you – this is your race, not theirs. 5. Accountability – Pacers must check in and out with the aid station communication crews at each station just as the runners do. We’re just as concerned about their safety and accountability, so we need to know who is out on the course at any time. 6. Pacers may use aid stations – Pacers are free to use the aid stations they visit with their runner. Crew Rules A crew can be an important part of your race effort, and they are welcome for both 50k and 100k runners, according to the following rules: 1. Crew support only at designated aid stations – Your crew can help you in pretty much any way, but ONLY while you are checked-in at the aid station – nowhere else along the race route. Crews are NOT PERMITTED at AS1High Rock, AS3-Devils Garden, AS6-Coal Mine, AS9-McCarty, or AS11-The Gate. 2. One crew vehicle per runner – Parking is limited at many of the remote aid stations, and some of the access roads are narrow and dusty. It will be nicer – and safer – for everyone if there are fewer vehicles moving about. 3. Aid Station flow – Aid stations can be busy places, and it’s important that runners have a clear route in and out, with easy and quick access to the station. Please find an out-of-the-way place (but within 50 yards of the station) for your crew activities so you don’t add to the congestion, and please obey the instructions of the Aid Station Captain – the station is their space and their responsibility. 4. Crews may volunteer – We’re really one big trail family when it comes down to it. Crews are free to help other runners if they want to, or to help out the aid station crew (if it’s alright with the aid station captain). Safety Rules It’s a wild backwoods Pennsylvania mountain trail – of course it can be dangerous! That’s one of the reasons we love it, but we really don’t want anyone to get hurt, so we expect you to take some reasonable precautions, and to know what to do if something does go wrong. 1. If you get injured – Stay on the trail and wait to inform another runner that you are injured and ask that they notify race officials at the next aid station. Cell phone service is very limited on the course, but there will be a communications team at each aid station that can talk to race headquarters and to a centrally-located ambulance/ EMT crew. If you need help, that aid station communication team is your fastest and most reliable answer – go to the nearest aid station (forward or back) or relay the message to them. 2. You are a pedestrian – You must obey all laws pertaining to road pedestrian crossings; vehicles have the right-ofway at all times. Before you cross any road, remember what your mother told you and look both ways. 3. Course knowledge - The race will do everything they can to provide an adequately marked trail, but it is necessary for runners to continually remain alert as they run the course. On occasion, weather, animals, and persons not associated with the event can alter or remove course markings. A working knowledge of the course is highly encouraged. You are ultimately responsible to follow the correct course. You can also carry the course using your phone’s built-in GPS to see your location on the course at all times even while in airplane mode or without cell coverage. Cell coverage is poor or nonexistent in portions throughout the course.

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 15


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Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022


Race Bib Placement While racing with us at the Worlds End Ultramarathon, it is required that all racers wear their bib either on the front of their shirt or on the front of their shorts, pants, tights, or bikini (hey we won’t judge). It is also required that you do not fold or obstruct the bib number in any way. If your entire bib number is not plainly visible to race officials, we reserve the right to stop you until your bib is fixed or disqualify you if you do not comply to this rule.

7 1 0 2 a c r i C o Ph ot A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 17

e g d i r B n o r Th e I k ee r C k c o s l a over the Lo y 2021 18

Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 19



Worlds End 100k Course Map


AS6 Coal Mine



AS7 High Knob

AS8 Dry Run

AS11 The Gate AS9 McCarty Rd !!"#!"$%&"'



AS10 Brunnerdale 20

Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022





AS1 High Rock

AS4 Worlds End !!"#!"$%&"'

AS2 Sones Pond


AS5 Canyon Vista


AS3 Devils Garden


AS12 Fern Rock




1750 1500 1250 1000 ft mi


5 Aid Station 1 High Rock 4.3 mi



Aid Station 2 Sones Pond 10.3 mi

20 Aid Station 4 Worlds End 19.3 mi

Aid Station 3 Devils Garden (H2O only) 15.9 mi

Aid Station 5 Canyon Vista 22.2 mi




Aid Station 6 Coal Mine 27.7 mi



Aid Station 8 Dry Run 41.6 mi Aid Station 7 High Knob 35.8 mi



Aid Station 10 Brunnerdale 50.0 mi

Aid Station 9 McCarty (H2O only) 45.4 mi

60 Aid Station 12 Fern Rock 57.9mi

Aid Station 11 The Gate (H2O only) 54.9 mi

Finish Worlds End 63.8 mi


A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 21

Worlds End 50k Course Map

AS1 High Rock 4!$!4$*(5$6

!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2


AS4 Worlds End


!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2

AS6 Coal Mine 4!$!4$*(5$6


10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2 AS5 Canyon!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 Vista

AS3 Devils Garden 4!$!4$*(5$6 4!$!4$*(5$6


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2

!"#$%"&"$' 10#-

'()*+$,--./0 -2&$"$3"#$022-2

!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2

!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2


AS2 Sones Pond

!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2

!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2


2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 ft 4!$!4$*(5$6


510#-2&$"$3"#$022-2 !"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 Aid Station 1 High Rock 4.3 mi



Aid Station 2 Sones Pond 10.3 mi

204!$!4$*(5$6 Aid Station 4 Worlds End 19.3 mi

Aid Station 3 Devils Garden (H2O only) 15.9 mi


!"#$%"&"$'()*+$,--./0 10#-2&$"$3"#$022-2



Aid Station 6 Coal Mine 27.7 mi Aid Station 5 Canyon Vista 22.2 mi

Finish Worlds End 31.4 mi

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 23

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Course Markings The Worlds End Ultramarathon course is well marked with a combination of orange flagging tape, orange arrows and highly reflective flagging provided by our sponsor RUseeN. Turns are typically marked with 3 pieces of orange flagging tape before and after a turn. Know that there are MANY intersections and you need to stay vigilant during the entire race. You are ultimately responsible for staying on course.


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 25

o t o h P


6 1 0 2 a C i rc

Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

Worlds End Ultramarathon 100k Aid Stations Support Aid Stations

AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS6 AS7 AS8 AS9 AS10 AS11 AS12 Finish

High Rock Sones Pond Devils Garden Worlds End Canyon Vista Coal Mine High Knob Dry Run McCarty Brunnerdale The Gate Fern Rock World End SP


Section Total Drop Miles Miles Crew Bag Pacer

4.3 6.0 5.6 3.4 2.9 5.5 8.1 5.8 3.8 4.6 4.9 3.0 5.9

4.3 10.3 15.9 19.3 22.2 27.7 35.8 41.6 45.4 50.0 54.9 57.9 63.8

Cutoff Time

pace from pace from start last cutoff


Yes Yes Yes Yes



Yes Yes

2:30pm 5:00pm

20:35 20:07





10:45pm midnight

18:23 17:52

13:17 12:43







Worlds End Ultramarathon 50k Aid Stations Support Aid Stations

AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS6 Finish

High Rock Sones Pond Devils Garden Worlds End Canyon Vista Coal Mine World End SP

Section Total Drop Miles Miles Crew Bag Pacer

4.3 6.0 5.6 3.4 2.9 5.5 3.7

4.3 10.3 15.9 19.3 22.2 27.7 31.4

Cutoffs Cutoff Time

pace from pace from start last cutoff


Yes Yes







A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 27

Ph oto C i rca 2020

100k Course Records Men’s 100k Course Record

Wesley Atkinson 10:50:38 (2019)

Women’s 100k Course Record

Kristina Folcik 13:29:42 (2017)


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

50k Course Records Men’s 50k Course Record

Eric Kosek 5:05:23 (2018)

Women’s 50k Course Record

Kristina Folcik 5:49:20 (2018)

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 29

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g n i d n e desc d n e s d worl k r a p e t a St

Driving Directions to Crew Accessible Aid Stations Worlds End Visitor Center to AS2-Sones Pond (7.7 miles - 17 min) 1. From the Worlds End State Park entrance, turn left onto PA-154. 2. Follow PA-154 for 5.6 miles, then turn left onto Rock Run Rd. 3. Follow Rock Run Rd for 2.0 miles, then turn left onto Loyalsock Rd. 4. CAUTION: Watch for runners – the race route follows part of Rock Run and Loyalsock Rd. 5. Aid station is to the right, next to the pond. Parking starts in the parking lot on the left. When the lot is full, turn around in the lot and park on the right hand side of the road. Runners enter from north east edge of Sones Pond, leave to the east on Loyalsock Rd. 6. NOTE: Once turned around in the parking lot, park only on the right side of Loyalsock Rd for runner safety as they need to use this road to reconnect to the trail. AS2-Sones Pond to AS4-Worlds End (7.7 miles - 17 min) 1. Return to Rock Run Rd and turn right. 2. Follow Rock Run Rd for 2.0 miles and then right onto PA-154. 3. Follow PA-154 for 5.6 miles, then right into the Worlds End State Park entrance. 4. Park in either the main parking lot or overflow parking lot, walk to the visitor center and then directly south across PA-154 to the picnic area along Worlds End Tr. Runners enter the area behind the Worlds End Visitor Center from the east along Loyalsock Creek, then turn south on Worlds End/Loyalsock Tr. to the aid station. AS4-Worlds End to AS5-Canyon Vista (3.2 miles - 9 min) 1. From the Worlds End State Park entrance, turn left onto PA-154. 2. Follow PA-154 for 1.0 mile, and then turn right onto Mineral Spring Rd. 3. Follow Mineral Spring Rd for 1.5 miles, then turn left onto Cold Run Rd. 4. Follow Cold Run Rd for 0.7 miles to Loyalsock Canyon Vista. 5. Aid station is on left between vista and parking area. Runners enter up from the south on Loyalsock Tr, then leave down Cold Run Rd to the southeast on Loyalsock Tr. 6. NOTE: Park only on the right side of the road but do not block trail access. To avoid congestion and to allow safe passage of our runners, please adhere to this parking pattern. AS5-Canyon Vista to AS7-High Knob (7.8 miles - 21 min) 1. Return on Cold Run Rd toward Mineral Spring Rd for 0.7 miles, then stay left onto Mineral Spring Rd. 2. Follow Mineral Spring Rd for 0.7 miles, and then continue straight onto Shanersburg Rd. 3. Follow Shanersburg Rd for 1.8 miles, turn left onto Worlds End Rd, then immediately turn right onto High Knob Rd. 4. Follow High Knob Rd for 4.6 miles to High Knob Vista, (stay right at 2.3 miles where Dry Run Rd joins from straight ahead. You’ll know you missed the turn if you are driving on a gravel road.) CAUTION: Watch for runners – the race route follows High Knob Rd for 0.4 miles between Bridle Tr and Ketchum Run Tr near the Fern Rock aid station, and the final 0.3 miles before the vista. 5. Aid station is at the vista parking area. Runners enter from the southeast along High Knob Rd from the Loyalsock Tr, leave to the southwest on High Knob Tr. 6. NOTE: Park only on the right side of the road but do not block access to the aid station.


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

AS7-High Knob to AS8-Dry Run (4.3 miles - 12 min) 1. NOTE: High Knob Rd is a one-way loop around the vista area – continue clockwise from vista parking to complete the loop and return to High Knob Rd. 2. Leave High Knob overlook parking and continue around loop for 1.2 mile to intersection with inbound High Knob Rd. CAUTION: Watch for runners – the race route crosses the exit road. 3. Turn left at stop sign and follow High Knob Rd for 1.4 miles, and then turn right onto Dry Run Rd. 4. Follow Dry Run Rd for 1.7 miles to the Dry Run Falls trail head parking and picnic area on the left. CAUTION: Watch for runners – the race route crosses Dry Run Rd about halfway to the aid station. 5. Aid station is in picnic area above the waterfall. Runners enter from the southeast from Dutters Tr, leave to the west crossing Dry Run Rd to follow Old Bark Tr. 6. NOTE: Park only on the right side of the road but do not block trail access. AS8-Dry Run to AS10-Brunnerdale (6.1 miles - 16 min) 1. Continue down Dry Run Rd for 2.1 miles, and then turn left onto PA-87. CAUTION: Watch for runners on the paved road near the ranger station at the end of Dry Run Rd. 2. Follow PA-87 for 0.7 miles, then turn left onto Ogdonia Rd. 3. Follow Ogdonia Rd for 3 miles, then stay left onto Brunnerdale Rd. 4. Continue on Brunnerdale Rd for 0.3 miles to the trail head parking lot on left. 5. Aid station is to the left in the parking lot on the Loyalsock Tr. Runners enter from northwest on Loyalsock Tr, leave to northeast on Ridge Tr. 6. NOTE: Park only on the right side of the road. AS10-Brunnerdale to AS12-Fern Rock (8.9 miles - 21 min) 1. Continue on Brunnerdale Rd for 4.1 miles, then turn left onto PA-42. 2. Follow PA-42 for 1.9 miles, then turn left onto Worlds End Rd. 3. Continue on Worlds End Rd for 2.9 miles, then turn left onto High Knob Rd. Make an immediate right into parking lot. 4. Aid station is at the Fern Rock covered shelter near the rear of the parking lot. Runners enter from the north up the wooden steps from Fern Rock Nature Trail, leave to the north on Bridle trail along Worlds End Rd. 5. NOTE: Additional parking is available in the Bridle parking area on the other side of Worlds End Rd. AS12-Fern Rock to Finish (3.0 miles - 7 min) 1. Return to Worlds End Rd and turn left. 2. Follow Worlds End Rd for 2.8 miles, then turn left onto PA-154. 3. Follow PA-154 for 0.2 miles, and then turn right into the Worlds End State Park entrance. Remember crews, this participant guide has 2 detailed maps that include roads that can help you navigate from any point on or around the course. If you are not using the driving directions in the order listed in this guide, just find your current location and refer to the maps!

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 33

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Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 35

GPS Guide to Crew Accessible Aid Stations Aid Station Start/ Finish


Coordinates 41°28’22.2” N 76°34’56.0” W

Cliff Pavilion (41.472836, -76.582220) 41°28’18.4” N 76°30’52.5” W


Sones Pond (41.471778, -76.514583) 41°28’16.0” N 76°34’54.0” W


Worlds End (41.471111, -76.581667) 41°27’45.0” N 76°34’30.5” W


Canyon Vista (41.462500, -76.575139) 41°26’37.7”N 76°40’42.8”W


High Knob (41.443806, -76.678556) 41°25’49.2” N 76°40’14.1” W


Dry Run (41.430333, -76.670583) 41°23’06.8”N 76°40’05.8”W


Brunnerdale (41.385222, -76.668278) 41°26’15.4” N 76°36’29.9” W


Fern Rock (41.437611, -76.608306)


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

Description Start/Finish line is at the Cliff Pavilion on north edge of main parking lot Sones Pond parking area on Loyalsock Rd, 0.1 mile west of intersection with Rock Run Rd Picnic area on Loyalsock/ Worlds End Tr, south side of Rt. 154, directly across from Worlds End Visitor Center Picnic area between Vista and parking area on Cold Run Rd Parking area is at High Knob Vista on High Knob Rd Picnic area at Dry Run Falls on Dry Run Rd at intersection with Old Bark Tr and Dutters Tr Brunnerdale picnic area on Brunnerdale Rd at intersection with Loyalsock Tr Fern Rock Nature Trail trail head parking area at intersection of Worlds End Rd and High Knob Rd

Ph oto C i rca 2017

Cliff Pavilion The Loyalsock Creek flows in a tight “S” deep in the canyon where your journey will begin on race day. It’s not unimaginable, from the view of the AS5 Canyon Vista overlook, to believe what some say was the first settlers’ description of the densely forested place where seven mountain ranges intertwine: the World’s End.

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 37

haelsock C r ee k T Loy 2018 38

Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 39


Worlds End Ultramarathon • June 4, 2022

Ph oto

C i rc a


A challenging foot race through the untamed Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania 41

18 0 2 a c r i C Ph oto

tough never times but tolast peopleugh do

Ph oto


C i rc a


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