Early Letters (Seeking the Path - Ñāṇavīra Thera)

Page 327


Letter to Family

[ EL. 115 ]

19 September (1951?)1

Dear Auntie, Thank you very much for your kindly letter telling me of my mother’s death. It is good to know that she died peacefully and, as I imagine, without too much pain: may she find herself now in a happy abode. We can none of us escape death and very few, illness. I am glad to hear of your recovery and hope you will long be spared death. I have got over my typhoid successfully and I have just had treatment for some amœbic intestinal trouble, which also promises well—the tropics are not kind to one’s insides. I imagine that my actions in doing what I have done probably appear, to say the least, incomprehensible. It is unfortunate that it should be so, but alas! inevitable—not in a month of Sundays could I persuade anyone (other than my fellows) of the reasonableness of my behaviour—so I won’t attempt it. In case there should be any doubt in the matter, I have no claim whatsoever on anything—money or property—that my mother may have left. If there is anything the disposal of which is not covered by her will, please have Uncle Willy dispose of it as he thinks fit. I am glad of your love—you have mine and my best wishes always, so too does the family. With love, Harold


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