Early Letters (Seeking the Path - Ñāṇavīra Thera)

Page 32

[el. 21]

seeking the path

[EL. 21]


13 September 1955

The ferment has now ended and the fresh brew is a great improvement—the pa†iccasamuppåda complete refers indifferently to two lives or three (not to one); but you will have to suspend judgement until you see how this is arrived at… [EL. 22]

11 October 1955

I visited Bundala the other day and found it has definite possibilities. Reasonable amenities—water, clean, quiet, shady, bus, dispensary, well-disposed people. Must revisit for a more detailed reconnaissance…

part iii: 1956 [No letters.]

part iv: 1957 (el. 23-51) [EL. 23]

25 April 1957

Arrived last Saturday in good order and a fast lorry. Spent Sunday thinking about groups and sending Amendment List to M.H., having discovered that a field is not a quality, but a combination of two. I don’t understand this, but I was certainly wrong before. Have now stopped thinking about it. On Monday went to Bundala and laid out the site. Fortunately no devastation has been done. Help is forthcoming on all sides. Someone in the village has given 4000 bricks which he had there, so the ku†i will have rubble foundation, brick walls, and tiled roof. Very good. Met the District Revenue Officer in the evening who told me that my site abuts that of a proposed artillery firing range. Fantastic news. Deep depression. Today at the site all day while digging has been going on. Bright sunshine, cool in the shade. Spent my time thinking of 3.7’s firing fifty yards away. Met District Revenue Officer in the evening who, having checked, says the proposed range will now be


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