Editorial (Seeking the Path - Ñāṇavīra Thera)

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Editorial Notes 1.  letters to venerable ñå~amoli 1954

[EL. 1] 1. Saturday: Undated, but probably late March, 1954. 2. Ven. Ñå~amoli (then Osbert Moore) accompanied the Ven. Ñå~av⁄ra (then Harold Musson) to Ceylon in 1949, at which time they both took ordination, receiving the upasampadå in 1950. They carried on a prodigious correspondence from about 1954 (when the Ven. Ñå~av⁄ra left the Island Hermitage) until shortly before 27 June 1959, at which time the correspondence was discontinued by the Ven. Ñå~av⁄ra. The Ven. Ñå~amoli (who is remembered for his translations of the Majjhima­ nikåya, the Visuddhimagga, and other Pali texts) died due to heart failure (coronary thrombosis) in 1960. 3. Siri Vajiråråmaya is known Sri Lankan Buddhist temple due to the renowned resident monks. The temple in the heart of Colombo was founded in 1901 by Venerable Pelene Siri Vajirajana Maha Nayaka Thera. It has been declared a Sacred Site by the State on 6 September 2009. More on www.vajirarama.lk. 4. Salgala Arañña (Forest Monastery) is in the Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka. It is around 60 miles (100 km) from Colombo. 5. ekaµsa: With robe over one shoulder only. [EL. 2] 1. crackers: a firecrackers (fireworks). 2. Hermitage: The Island Hermitage, Dodanduwa, Sri Lanka, was a centre for Western Buddhists. The Ven. Ñå~av⁄ra spent some of his early years there and returned in later years for visits. The Hermitage was founded in 1911 by the German-born monk, the Ven. Ñå~atiloka Mahåthera, nowadays there are living only Sinhala monks. [EL. 3] 1. bomba: A tree whose leaves, boiled in water, yield a detergent which does not cause vegetable dyes to fade.


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