NF.INGLESE.5 ottobre 2019

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EX ALLIEVI Newsfl N ewsfl aass h YEAR 8 - ISSUE 35 - 5 OCTOBER 2019

Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco

English Edition - (translations: Veronica Messano - Nisaury Ventura)

THE VOICE OF THE RECTOR MAJOR The dance of the bronze children My dear,

I greet you from Dimapur, Nagaland, in the Northeast of beautiful India, on the border with other nations. Here the Salesian presence has sunk deep and most beautiful roots of great fidelity to Don Bosco. Indeed, while reflecting on the extraordinary scenes of welcome that I have experienced throughout the whole world, a symbol of love and gratitude comes to my mind: the monument to Don Bosco which his friends wanted to erect to him right in front of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians.

Within a few months, we will celebrate its hundredth anniversary. It has worn well, and like a faithful guardian welcomes all who enter the motherhouse. As often happens, we become so accustomed to seeing it that perhaps we give it only a very quick glance and just keep going. To think that the idea of a monument in this piazza had come from the mind of Don Bosco himself! One day, when they had already begun to construct the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, while Don Bosco was crossing this piazza, which was then still but trampled earth, he stopped to contemplate the outline of the façade that was going up, and then he looked around. With that glance of a dreamer and the decisiveness that was typical of him, he said to the priest who was accompanying him: «Here in the middle I would like to put a monument to Moses as he is striking the rock, and have gush from this rock a stream of water to be collected in a basin». Today, there is a monument in the middle of the piazza. It is not exactly what Don Bosco had imagined, but it expresses something even more.

The epic of Salesian ministry On September 10, 1911, the idea for a monument to Don Bosco on the anniversary of the first centennial of his birth exploded during the International Congress of the Past Pupils. Many persons from all over the world joined in the project immediately. The municipality of Turin gave them the space and made a little contribution. A contest was held in which artists from all over the world participated. The plan that was chosen was the one that sculptor Gaetano Cellini of Ravenna presented. Everything was ready, but the terrible First World War made them postpone the inauguration, which took place at last at 11:00 a.m., on May 23, 1920, vigil of the feast of Mary Help of Christians. When the cloth covering the monument fell, the thousands of persons present broke into devoted and moving applause.

Struck in bronze and placed atop a robust granite pedestal is an epic outline of Salesian ministry. On top, the meek, smiling figure of Don Bosco is surrounded by a crowd of children who seem to dance around him. Don Bosco makes a very expressive gesture which seems to say that he wants to lift up one of the children. It is a magnificent symbol of his mission and that of the Congregation: the word to educate means, precisely “to pull up”, to elevate, to make grow. The tone is joyful, which is a certain characteristic of Salesian spirituality whereby the climate of friendship that exists between the educator and the youth is of great help for personal On the cover: Don Bosco immortalized in large murales, artwork by José Gallino 2

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The monument to Don Bosco in front of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco is a symbol of the Salesian mission in the world

growth. Within the tradition of St. Francis de Sales, growing in faith, even with a guide, would not be possible if there were no true friendship, communication, and reciprocal influence. It is a friendship which reaches the heights of spiritual friendship. The rapport between the Salesian formator and the young has to be imprinted with “the greatest cordiality”, because familiarity brings love, and love brings confidence. The children look up at Don Bosco with trust because they are certain that they are loved.

The mirror Below, a magnificent group represents humanity, bending to kiss a cross presented to it by Faith. «In the beginning our Society was a simple catechism lesson», stated Don Bosco. This phrase brings us back to the origins and roots of the Salesian Congregation. From Don Bosco we learned that evangelizing passion for bringing every child, every person, to an encounter with Jesus. On the two reliefs in the front can be seen, on the right, a mother with a little boy in her arms who sends kisses up to Don Bosco, and on the left a poor leper who looks gratefully at his benefactor. On the two sides, two of the “holy loves” promoted by Don Bosco, the Eucharist and the Help of Christians, are fused in the idea of the mission ad gentes and in that of the family.

On the back portion, three bas reliefs record how much the Salesians have done and are doing in the assistance of immigrants – both those of yesterday and those of today. I think of how many Salesian houses around the entire world have opened their doors for migrants of every age. I think of the refugee camps and of the group homes. On the sides are pictured the Salesian technical and agricultural schools. Each day, thousands of young people enter our houses to become “good Christians and upright citizens”.

As if by a mirror trick, directly behind the figure of Don Bosco, in the center of the façade of the Basilica, the statue of Jesus with the children stands out prominently. «Let the children come to me, for to such as these, in fact, belongs the Kingdom of God» (Mark 10:14). All around the world I have seen the sons of Don Bosco make Jesus’ words come true with unchanged passion. That is why today new missionaries still depart from this place. Above all, I have felt the infinite gratitude of innumerable men and women for what they have received in Don Bosco’s name. Whenever I arrive in a Salesian house, in any nation of the world, it seems that I see again surrounding me that circle of children on the monument, with their joy fulfilled, something which I wish for every one of you, Affectionately, Don Ángel Fernández Artime Rector Major

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GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco,

With joy in my heart, I am writing another contribution for Exallievi Newsflash. It is our official periodical publication which has developed a long way and I am happy to say it continues to improve with every edition. I invite you to read it all and get to know more what is happening in the wide world of Past Pupils. Feel free to be inspired by the examples of other best practicies and projects.

At the same time, there is always the warm invitation to contribute and be part of the Exallievi Newsflash content by sharing your own good experiences and information about projects and successes from your National Federation or local associations.

What is the most inspiring for me in the last days is Africa. This vivid and breathtaking region is full of great Past Pupils with a great will to change the world in the light of Don Bosco´s teaching and love. At the end of the August, I participated on two very important meeting in Africa – Kenya. Our annual Presidency meeting took place in the Kenyan capital – Nairobi.

We had a very intense agenda full of great ideas and challenges. Among others, I would like to stress the upcoming 150th Anniversary of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco.

I feel the blessing of Don Bosco here, also because of recent news about the Strenna (main reflection for a specific year for whole Salesian Family) for the year 2020 which is going to be: “Good Christians and Honest Citizens“ – which we, Past Pupils of Don Bosco use as our motto. This is a special inspiration for all of us to prepare and celebrate the Jubilee Year of Past Pupils with our whole hearts and lives.


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Confederazione Mondiale Exallievi ed Exallieve di Don Bosco

Via Tiburtina, 994 00156 - Roma (RM) Italia

+421 915 966 549

In our second meeting in Nairobi – Kenya, we had the first meeting of Presidents and Delegates of Past Pupils of Don Bosco for the Africa region. With participants from almost all countries, we had the possibility to spend valuable time together as World Presidency and African National Presidents and Delegates. I have to say I saw here the great potential of Past Pupils - as we say - a sleeping giant. I am pretty sure we will hear much more from Africa in coming years. I invite you to pray and support our brothers and sisters past pupils from this region. In next pages you will discover richness of our group in real situations and everyday challenges. Let´s be inspired and motivated. I pray for all of you and for your families. In Don Bosco

Michal Hort President of World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco

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WORLD DELEGATE Past Pupils and Mary Help of Christians My dear Past Pupil friends, Greetings from Rome.

As the salesian family, we are going to celebrate the 8th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians at Buenos Aires, Argentina from 7th to 10th November 2019. Marian devotion is one of the fundamental elements of our Salesian Tradition.

I am sure we can recall with nostalgic feelings the marian month and the devotion to Mary Help of Christians during our time with Salesians. Hence, I thought of sharing with you on this topic. Though the title “Help of Christians” is taken from Don Bosco’s devotion at that time in the context of Christians, Mother Mary is helper of all, irrespective of religions, as is seen in the world famous marian shrines where a great number of Hindus, Muslims and other religions too visit and get her grace. Our Father, Don Bosco, is one of the greatest devotees of Mary in history and in the 19th century it was he who promoted devotion to our Blessed Mother under the title of Help of Christians. The Salesian missionaries carried it wherever they went. Thus the devotion to Mary Help of Christians is an integral part of the Salesian phenomenon in the Church and is a vital aspect of our charism and spirituality. Our devotion to the Help of Christians is also closely and vitally connected with the Salesian mission and the Salesian spirit. Commenting on the intimate link between Mary and the Salesian mission, Fr. Vigano points out: «Mary is the shepherd girl of the dreams, who plans the exact nature of our mission and indicates those for whom we are to work, handing over to us the field of ‘youth apostolate’. It is her characteristic as the Helper of Christians which opens the mission of the Salesians to the wide horizons of the modern social and religious problems, along with a definite choice to serve the whole church as its pastors. It is her maternal goodness which also inspired the salesian mission towards young like us».

Mary is also closely linked with the Salesian spirit which finds in Mary its inspiration and model. We can see an intimate link between devotion to the Help of Christians and the Salesian mission towards the poorest youth. It is not difficult to demonstrate this in Don Bosco: from the beginning as in the dream at the Becchi at the age of nine, to the end as in the dream at Barcellona in 1886, from the catechism classes begun with Bartholomew Garelli, to the way in which he obtained the approval of the Constitutions; from the intimate conviction of Don Bosco expressed on so many occasions, to the external sign of the wonderful work he accomplished. But the origins are only the first fruits of the total reality.

Our Father Don Bosco assures us that the Salesian mission cannot be explained either in its birth or in its continuing development without the continual and maternal guidance of Mary. Often he himself claimed that the Madonna was its foundress and its support, and he assures us that “our congregation is destined to do great things and to spread all over the world, if the Salesians remain faithful to the Rule given to them by Mary” (MB 17,511). He even allowed the following exclamation to escape him: “Mary loves us too much!” (MB 18,273). These words can be addressed to the past pupils too.


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At the coronation of the Madonna at Valdocco on 17th May 1903, Don Rua said: «I have no doubt that an increase among Salesians of devotion to Mary Help of Christians will also lead to an increase of esteem and affection for Don Bosco, as well as a greater dedication to the preservation of his spirit and imitation of his virtues». Don Albera too insists on the continual presence of Mary. He writes: «Don Bosco never tired of repeating that the work he had undertaken was inspired by Mary, that Mary was its strong support, and that in consequence it need fear nothing from the opposition of its enemies».

The Virgin Mary showed Don Bosco his field of labour among the young and was the constant guide and support of his work. We believe that Mary is present among us. Mary who is the Mother of the young, has shown a special concern for them: in John Bosco’s dream at the age of nine and repeated more than once in later years, she herself pointed to the young as his field of activity and to kindness as the pastoral method to be used in educating the young.

As his inspirer and guide she accompanied him with visible signs of benevolence and protection in the foundation and development of the Congregation and the whole Salesian Family. As Mother and Teacher, she supported Don Bosco with the thoughtful kindness she had once shown at Cana and with a clear and universally valid plan for the formation of the young: the Preventive System. Don Bosco used to say: “our congregation is led by God and protected by Mary most holy” (MB XVII, 531). Hence my dear friends, besides accepting as the foundation of our own education. We also learn from Don Bosco, our trust in Mary’s active presence among us will never fail. We believe with Don Bosco that she is our mother and teacher, to the present-day youth and to all of us, past pupils and our families. The past pupils of Don Bosco, as in his time, turns with filial trust to Mary, the Immaculate Help of Christians, who helps him to love as Don Bosco did. With the Sacred Scriptures daily in hand, we welcome the Word as Mary did and ponder it in our heart, so that it will bear fruit and we may proclaim it with zeal.

Mary, Mother of God is the teacher of wisdom and guide of our Family. We contemplate and imitate her faith, her concern for the needy, her fidelity at the hour of the cross, and her joy at the wonders wrought by the Father. Mary Immaculate, Help of Christians, leads us to the fullness of our offering to the Lord and gives us courage for the service of our brethren. We develop a strong filial devotion to her. We recite the rosary each day and celebrate her feasts to encourage a more convinced and personal imitation.

I wish every one of you and your families, Christians and those of other religions, to grow in tender devotion to our Blessed Mother and imitate her. She will never fail us and we will never fail in our lives. Fr. Jayapalan Raphael Sdb World Delegate for the Past Pupils

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EDITORIAL First "Associations" of Past Pupils of Don Bosco Dear Friends,

It was on 24 June 1870, in fact, when a well-known story happened: Carlo Gastini and a group of the first past pupils of Valdocco went to visit Don Bosco to congratulate him on the day he celebrated his name day.

They gave him coffee cups to thank him for the education and love received. It was on that occasion that Don Bosco first spoke to his boys as "Past Pupils". And from that first group arose and spread a movement today that is vast and present all over the world. Carlo Gastini and his associates were part of the oldest students of the Oratory. They gave life to what is considered the "mother" association.

In 1893 in Lille, France, the second was born, in the form of an "association of mutual aid".

It seems that the first local Past Pupil Association, whose regulation is preserved, was founded in 1894 among the ancient pupils of the first festive Oratory in Turin. The Association provides itself with a Statute in which the term "Union" appears for the first time and in 1898 it participated in the inauguration of the monument to Don Bosco in Castelnuovo d’Asti.

1896 sees the beginning of the Past Pupils Union of Parma. There are about seventy members.

Also in the 1896 is the year of birth of the Unions of Nice and Marseille - with the latter which foresees in the Statute, for the first time, a "membership fee" to cover the expenses of the Union.

On Palm Sunday 1897, just sixteen years after the arrival of the Salesians in Faenza, a group of 28 young people gathered to form the "Association of Ancient Students" of the Salesian Institute in Faenza. 8

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Ancient Students of the 3rd year of 1877-1878, gathered on 19 October 1899. The "beard" of Gastini is distinguished, second on the right, in the last row

And also in 1897 in Genoa Sampierdarena held a Convention of Ancient Students, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute.

1899 is instead the year of birth of the Past Pupils in Spain (in Sarrià) and in Belgium, in Liège. Between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century there is a flourishing of Associations and initiatives, stimulated also by the development of that social Catholicism encouraged by the Rerum Novarum of Leo XIII. In 1901 the first Past Pupils of the overseas arise: in Argentina.

Looking at the 150th of next year, the President of the World Federation, Michal Hort, wrote in the journal Exallievi NewsFlash (June, 2019): «Don Bosco then, but even today, invites us to stay with him. His love and friendship are not temporary, but an invitation to be good Christians and honest citizens then, now and forever». Pierluigi Lazzarini

Faenza. The first students of the Institute and the Superiors. At the center sat the first Director don Rinaldi

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World Confederation of Past Pupils focusing on Africa For the first time, the World Presidency members of Don Bosco Past Pupils organized their annual meeting in Africa (ANS - Nairobi)

The meeting was held in the conference hall of the “Don Bosco Youth Educational Services” (DBYES) in Nairobi from 27 to 30 August, and was followed by a meeting with the heads of various Provinces from 31 August to 2 September.

The meeting was chaired by Michal Hort, President of the Confederation, accompanied by the world delegate, Fr Raphael Jayapalan.

The work focused on the preparation for the 150th anniversary of the first Past Pupils' meeting, on reflections on the process "Which Past Pupil for the 21st


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Century?", and on the review of each of the projects included in the strategic plan of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco.

Accompanied by Fr Américo Chaquisse, Regional Councilor for Africa-Madagascar, members of the current Presidency took advantage of their visit to Nairobi to meet with National Presidents and Salesians Delegates for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco in Africa. The representatives of Africa committed themselves to working for the consolidation of the associative structures in their respective countries and to ensure that the Young Past Pupils are included in their


respective Local Unions. They also reaffirmed their commitment as part of the Salesian Family to "work for young people, especially those in situations of poverty and social exclusion".

The Past Pupils of Don Bosco are preparing to celebrate the 150th anniversary of their foundation, and within the next jubilee year (2020-2021), various local and national activities will be organized throughout Africa to boost the movement in the region. The meeting was attended by representatives of 11 African countries, several directors for the coordination and animation of Past Pupils, members of the

World Presidency of the Past Pupils and the Salesian Provincial of East Africa, Fr Simon Asira Lipuku. To continue the animation work carried out by the members of the World Presidency of the Past Pupils in different regions of the world, the next meeting will take place in Asia.

ÂŤIn this way the World Presidency of the Past Pupils has the opportunity to know firsthand the work done by Don Bosco's Past Pupils around the world and does not remain centralized in EuropeÂť, explained the Confederal President. Fresia Mendez Mora

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"Positio super virtutibus" of Servant of God Felice Canelli consigned (ANS - Vatican City)

The Positio super Vita, Virtutibus et Fama Sanctitatis of the Servant of God Felice Canelli, priest of the Diocese of San Severo (Foggia-Italy), was delivered to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on Friday 19 July 2019, his Cause of Beatification being followed by the Salesian Postulation.

The Positio's curator was Fr Zdzisław Kijas, OFM Conv., its Postulator Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, SDB, and as Collaborators: Dr. Lodovica Maria Zanet and Sister Francesca Caggiano, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians.

The "Positio", which presents all the documentary and testatory evidence relating to the virtuous life of the Servant of God in an articulated and in-depth manner, will now be examined by the Theological Consultors of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Fr Canelli was born in San Severo (Fog-


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gia, Italy) on 14 October 1880 from a very poor family.

In 1886 he was orphaned by a father, entered the seminary in 1892 and was ordained a priest on 6 June 1903. In a difficult time for the Church and the Catholic faith, he chose to be "a true priest", poor and indefatigable, a living sign of Jesus among the forgotten, the sick, the popular masses burned by hunger and instigated by the enemies of the Church, the landowners and the bourgeois clergy.

Spiritually attracted by St. Francis of Assisi and St. Vincent de Paul, in 1905 he met the Salesian charism, which he made his own right up until his death. Highly regarded by his Superiors, he was the diocesan director of the Salesian Cooperators and spiritual guide and father of the Past Pupils, Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. By the people he was considered "Don Bosco redux" and a little St Vincent for his great love for young people and the poor.


He made the Salesian charism the lever for the diocese's renewal.

With the past pupils and adults of the Salesian work, he constituted the propelling nucleus of the diocesan lay associations - in the ecclesial, educational, welfare and political spheres - under the banner of Rerum Novarum.

A profoundly Eucharistic and Trinitarian soul, he was a priest who was perpetually reaching out, "outgoing", and of the peripheries.

From 1 May 1927 and almost uninterruptedly until his death, he was pastor of Croce Santa in San Severo, almost a land of first evangelization. With a paternal and familiar style, a virtuous life and the fervor of apostolic works, he became close to the people, helping them with their primary needs to bring them nearer to the Lord. He died on 23 November 1977 in San Severo at the age of 97, after having recited the Glory be to the Father.

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Pilgrimage in places where Word was made Flesh (ANS – Jerusalem)

What have the fruits of the 8-day pilgrimage of the General Council in the Holy Land been? It was a unique opportunity to touch the places of Jesus, to walk in the places where Word was made Flesh and lived among His people! The pilgrimage dynamics generated many profound experiences through a variety of encounters.

The encounter with pilgrims from many religions - Jews, Muslims and a range of Christian denominations. They prayed, chanted, danced, walked in procession, sailed the Galilee, touched the holy places (stones, tombs or icons), lit candles all of which helped to underscore the multi-re-

ligious dynamics of today's world. The overlapping or blending of different faiths and believers in the Land of Jesus thus opens the hearts of His disciples towards the faithful of other religions.

The encounter with many members of the Salesian Family-Don Bosco Past Pupils can be also found amid the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land. Aside from the SDB, there are CancĂŁo Nova, FMA and Salesian Cooperators. The pilgrims had a chance to pray at the tomb of Fr Antonio Belloni, founder of the Salesian works in the Holy Land.

There was the meeting with Salesian Youth featuring both Muslims and Christians. 80% of our students in Nazareth are Muslim and the majority of our Oratory boys in Bethlehem are also Muslims, but at this time, schools in the Holy Land were closed and students home for their summer vacations.

They met with all five SDB communities in the Holy Land - Nazareth, Bethlehem, Cremisan (new provincial house), Beitgemal and Ratisbonne (Jerusalem). The Middle East Province comprises 80+ SDBs from


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22 different countries. The pilgrims had a chance to appreciate the very challenging mission of our confreres in each of the five communities.

Among all these encounters there was ample time to pray, reflect, pause, breathe deeply and experience the places where Jesus grew up in His family, walked the streets and in the fields, ate, performed His miracles, taught about the Kingdom and His Father, suffered and was humiliated and, in the end, crucified.

Many the sites and centuries crossed. Walking in the Holy Land makes the pages of the Gospel and Scripture come alive and real - from the harsh Judean desert to the very small Jordan river.

The Rector Major and his Councillors were especially grateful to Middle East Provincial Fr Alejandro Leon, his councillors and all the SDB communities in the Holy Land who welcomed the pilgrims.

This very strong faith experience of the General Council will certainly have an effect on their ministry of animation and governance. Source: AustraLasia

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Salesian Rector Major visits Dimapur (ANS – Dimapur)

From 10 to 14 September, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, is visiting Dimapur, Salesian Province of Dimapur, which includes the Northeast Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Upper Assam, Manipur and Nagaland. On the afternoon of 10 September, he was warmly welcomed by Fr Jose Kuruvachira, provincial of Dimapur Province, by Salesians and other members of the Salesian Family at Dimapur Airport. The youthful music bands from Don Bosco School, Palin (Arunachal Pradesh), and Don Bosco School, Dimapur, as well as the “Naga warriors” and traditional dancers


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added colour to the reception accorded to the Rector Major, his secretary Fr Horacio López SDB, and Fr Maria Arokiam Kanaga SDB, Regional Councilor for South Asia.

At 6:30 pm, around 350 Don Bosco alumni from the aforementioned states gave a rousing reception to the Rector Major. In his message, Fr Ángel, 10th successor of St. John Bosco, said he was greatly impressed to meet such vibrant units of the Don Bosco alumni in this part of the globe. He told them not to remain just cherishing the happy memories of being Don Bosco past pupils but to actively live the values they have imbibed from their “alma maters”. P. Jonas Kerketta SDB


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(ANS - Rome)

World Meeting of Salesian Family Delegates

From 10 to 14 September, at the "Pius XI" Institute in Rome, the first world meeting of Delegates for the Salesian Family took place. Promoted by the Secretariat for the Salesian Family, it was attended by 36 delegates from 33 Provinces: 5 from AfricaMadagascar, 5 from Central and North Europe, 10 from the Mediterranean, 8 from Interamerica and 8 from America South Cone.

The meeting was coordinated by Fr Eusebio MuĂąoz, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family, with the team of the Secretariat: Fr Giuseppe Casti, Delegate for Salesian Cooperators; Fr Joan Lluis PlayĂ , Spiritual Assistant for Volunteers of Don Bosco (VDB) and Volunteers with Don Bosco (CDB); Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Spiritual Animator of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA); and Fr Jayapalan Raphael, Delegate for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco.

The meeting's purpose was to present the figure and role of the Provincial Delegate for the Salesian Family via the sharing of various themes: "The charismatic identity card of the Salesian Family"; the vocation and mission of the laity in the Church and in the Salesian Family; the relations of the Salesian Family with Youth Ministry and Formation; the provincial and local council; the Salesian Movement.

Significant the talks and participation of


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several world leaders of the groups: Antonio Boccia, Coordinator of the Salesian Cooperators; Renato Valera, President of ADMA; Michal Hort, President of the Past Pupils; the Deputy Coordinator of the VDB. The visit to the Salesian Central Office was much appreciated, both for the meeting with Fr Francesco Cereda, Vicar of the Rector Major, and for the visit to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart and to the rooms of Don Bosco.


English-speaking Salesian Family Delegates

The meeting was opened by Mass, presided by Fr Jayapalan Raphael, Delegate for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, who invited all participants to entrust themselves to the Holy Spirit.

Fr Eusebio MuĂąoz then presented the program and invited participants to introduce themselves and to illustrate the work being carried out in their respective Provinces. After the brief introduction, the participants were divided into five groups, subdivided by Regions, and shared the situation of the Salesian Family in the different Provinces.

During the meeting, of note the presentations of Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Spiritual Animator of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), of Fr Joan Lluis PlayĂ , Spiritual Assistant for Don Bosco Volunteers (VDB) and Volunteers with Don Bosco(CDB), which offered an overview of these two groups, and of Antonio Boccia, Coordinator of the Salesian Cooperators. Great importance too was given to the figure of the laity. Among the approximately 500,000 members of the 32 groups of the Salesian Family, a significant part is constituted in fact by the laity.

In this English-speaking group, there were 35 delegates: 14 from the East Asia-Oceania Region, 8 from South Asia, 2 from Interamerica, 6 from Central-Northern Europe and 5 from Africa Madagascar.

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IX Congress of National Federation of Don Bosco Past Pupils

Sao Paulo, Brazil - August 2019 The IX National Congress of the Don Bosco Past Pupils took place in Sao Paulo from 23 to 25 August; its theme: "Past Pupils Movement: its belonging to the Salesian Family and its inclusion in society", and with the motto "Behold, I make all things new."

The objectives proposed by the event being a moment of animation and formation, studying strategies of joint action with the Salesian Family, reviewing the formation and organization of Local Unions and planning the movement for the next 4 years - have been achieved.


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The presence of the Salesians, in particular of the Provincial Delegates of the Past Pupils, and of Fr Raphael Jayapalan, World Delegate for the Past Pupils, showed their support for the movement and allowed the participants to perceive their belonging to the Salesian Family. Also present was GEX Vice President, Eduardo Pessoa Cavalcante. During the congress the president and vice president of the National Council of Past Pupils of Brazil were elected, respectively Oswaldo Dalpiaz and Daniel Torres. Oswaldo Dalpiaz



Past Pupils FMA and SDB organized "Mariana Campfire" On Saturday, July 6, 2019

In the city of Guayaquil, the "Mariana Campfire" was organized by the FMA and SDB past pupils. This activity was aimed at: introducing the Federation of Past Pupils to young people, in order to promote in them the identity and sense of belonging to the Salesian Family, and thus know the diversity of the actions they can develop as past pupils, as he said Don Bosco: «...The education they have received... transmit it...». In the campfire there was the presence

of 38 young people, who enthusiastically lived moments of prayer integration, reflection-internalization and commitment.

This meeting echoed in the hearts of the attendees and the team of companions was formed, who will motivate young people in this process. In the same way three young people assumed the commitment to be guides and referents of the JEX (young alumni) of their schools; they are: David Cueva of the Domingo Comín College, Patrick Endara of the Christopher Columbus College and Jo-

shua Tomalá of the Domingo Savio College. FMA past pupils called for more initiatives such as this one to be carried out in a longer period of time, allowing them to continue their formation and deepen the Salesian charism, even linking other young people. We are sure that everything assumed in this meeting was the result of the Holy Spirit and was concretized in the generous heart of each youth, which will be reflected in the service to society and the Church, characterized by our Salesian identity and charism.

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A flood affects Don Bosco Sihanoukville (ANS - Sihanoukville)

The heavy rains and strong winds from the tropical storm Lekina, and the impact of the southwest monsoon, hit Cambodia's coastal provinces, causing floods in several areas, including Sihanoukville. Last week, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology had issued a statement, urging citizens to prepare for this serious natural event.

However, the Don Bosco Technical School, the Hotel and Children Fund center of Sihanoukville, suffered flooding on the night between 8 and 9 August.

Salesian Brother Roberto Panetto, Economer of the Don Bosco Sihanoukville Center, described what happened: «Last night at 22:30 (August 8), the heavy rain made me have a walk to check the water level in front of our school. I advised some our staff families and guests at the ground floor of our guesthouse to get ready for some water may enter in their ground floor rooms», said Br Panetto. «The level of the water on the main road in front of our school started to rise and in a matter of few minutes it was overflo-


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wing the dam-wall we had just built to prevent flooding».

Br Panetto said that the large amount of water destroyed the gate and did not spare any of the buildings on the ground floor. The houses of teachers and staff were destroyed and many now had no place to go, and have asked the Salesians for a place to stay. Also, much machinery and equipment used in the workshops (Mechanical, Welding, Automotive, Electrical) were heavily damaged. No one, thank God, was injured du-

ring this calamity. «It is too early to estimate the damage, but I presume it will be closed to one million US dollars», added Br Panetto. «However, we are happy to see many Salesians, Past Pupils and friends ready to help and encourage in this difficult time here. Thanks to all of you for your prayer and sympathy. The good Lord will inspire generous Benefactors to help us in replacing the damaged items and solve in the best way to preventing future floods». Br Panetto took this sad opportunity for a reflection on the environmental conditions


in Cambodia, stating that deforestation is one of the main causes for which similar floods occur. Many trees have been uprooted to build hotels, skyscrapers and shopping malls.

Also, numerous waterways have been reduced to exploit the land on their banks. Furthermore, garbage is thrown everywhere obstructed the already strained drainage system, and in the end, he said,

ÂŤNature takes its toll for the bill for the damage caused to itÂť.

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Novara, Italy - July 2019

On 11 July, at the San Lorenzo Institute of the Salesians in Novara, the "Festival of Families" was held at the "Estatesalesiani" Summer Center.

Like every year, the event involved many people, over 400. Around 50 animators contributed to creating a unique atmosphere of sharing, friendship, recreation, to bear witness to parents, grandparents, and relatives how much is lived in the summer camp every day.

Among the attractions, the show put on by the children of the dance and theater workshops, the inflatable games for adults and children and the amazing performance of Marco Migliavacca, a past pupil of the Salesian high school, today a juggler of the "Cirque du Soleil", who gave an incredible performance, together with the testimony that following your dreams really takes you far, beyond all your expectations.


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Over 400 people attend Salesian Family Festival in Novara


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First Salesian Lay Mission Partners Handbook published in Japan (ANS – Tokyo)

In the Salesian school and education institutions, parishes and social works, finally published is a guide for all people who work for the young with Salesian Family members: “Let's educate them with the heart of Don Bosco!”. The contents of this Handbook were prepared during the past 3 years, focusing on Don Bosco as a model (episodes of his life) and summarizing Don Bosco's Way of Education. This Handbook is for all (Catholics, believers of other religions or non-believers) who want to educate with the heart of Don Bosco, who want understand him better and guide the children and young people for a better future. Presenting the volume was Chihiro Okawa, Past Pupil of Don Bosco. How did the idea (need) for the Japan province Lay Mission Partners Handbook come about?

«The idea was born in the process of meetings on reshaping the Japan Province. First, the Salesians of Japan wanted 26

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to be consistent with the terms they used regarding Don Bosco's educational system, for better collaboration with lay mission partners in their offices.

From 2016 to 2018, the training course for the Salesian Family teachers and staff (guided by Fr Urata Shinjiro with FMA, Caritas sisters and Lay coordinators including myself) succeeded in covering almost all of the main points of DB's Education from 2016 to 2018. And from 2019, we have started the second cycle of the course! The Handbook is the fruit of the past 3 years efforts in education». How many SDBs or Lay people were involved in the “compilation process”?

«A lot of them! The members of the SDB Provincial Project Team, the Coordinators and participants of the Salesian Family teacher and staff training course, and also many of the Salesian Family members in Japan with the young people.

Their opinions are well reflected in every part of the book».


What is the aim of this Manual?

«It is intended for the children and young people in today's Japan to receive better education and nurturing in SF schools, orphanages, and parishes and to live happier every day. In order to realize that, as assistants to the young in the Salesian educational environment, we have to share the educational principles and values better through Don Bosco's education methods. We hope this booklet would be useful both for personal reflection and for the formation sessions in each Salesian setting».

Is there any other similar project (volume 2) in the pipe-line?

«This publication - handbook is a trial version, and will become a final version after listening to the voices of teachers and staff. This book deals primarily with Don Bosco's educational philosophy, so we will publish a separate casebook of practices in each field (school, kindergarten, nursery, orphanage, and parish) later on». Source: AustraLasia EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 5 october 2019




20 years of Past Pupil of Slovakia

New past pupils, Alberto Marvelli awards and foreign guests. The whole world knows about the celebration of 20th anniversary of past pupils in Slovakia

The members of The Association of Past Pupils in Slovakia, extended Salesian family and friends of Don Bosco celebrated jubilee 20 years of official activity of the association on Saturday 22th of June 2019 in Sastin.

More than 650 pilgrims met at this thanksgiving pilgrimage. Most of them were brought by the special train, which picked on pilgrims in Trnava and Vajnory station. Members from local centres from Presov, Bardejov, Partizanske, Nova Dubnica, Piestany, Cierna Voda, Trnava, both centres in Bratislava, Zilina, past pupils from school of Sastin and also the oldest past pupils-seniors met at this celebration.


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Past pupils were also accompanied by several Salesians, sisters FMA, past pupils FMA, Salesian co-operators and members of VDB and ADMA groups.

During ceremonial holly mass in basilica of Sastin- Straze celebrated by Salesian provincial don Jozef IĹžold SDB, eight new members joined national association of past pupils of Don Bosco.

For the first time in history two out of eight new members were friends of Don Bosco, who have not gone through Salesian education. However, they have been touched by Don Bosco´s charisma, they sympathize with the association and also participate in its various activities.


«I wish past pupils, who celebrated 20th anniversary, to spread in the spirit of Don Bosco the idea of faith, education and build a rightful society to be able to benefit their own families but also the whole society and the Church», the provincial Jozef Ižold said. After the holy mass the program was moved to the football pitch next to basilica and dormitory where all guests had lunch together.

For the first time past pupils awarded Albert Marvelli award, the first blessed past pupil. The laureates of this award were past pupils, who contributed to the spread of good in the association or in the society

in a specific way. The prize for association development was given to the current world president of past pupils Mr. Michal Hort with his wife Martina and to Mr. Marek Slezak, a longtime former president of Slovak past pupils association with his wife Jana. The award for social projects was awarded to Alexandra Mruk Papaianopol who initiated advent social project called “Smile giving”. Within the category culture Michal Klc was awarded and chief editor of Postoj magazine Frantisek Mucka won award for his involvement in the community. The award went also to Jozef Fribort, who made an effort to network past pupils in 1991 and was their secretary for more

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than 20 years. Members of the World executive committee of Past pupils had their speeches from the stage and were recognizable from previous video greetings.

gland. The principal superior of Salesian family don Angel Artime SDB spoke to past pupils through video: «You have a very special thing in your life besides you have been in some Salesian house.

The invitation for the celebration accepted also past pupils from Thailand and En-

Anna Hortová sang to adults and Miro Jílo to children. His concert ended up with program for kids who had fun on inflatable castles and games with animators from the local union - Cierna Voda.

Besides world president Michal Hort and secretary Peter Kovác also Eusebio Munoz SDB, delegate of the rector major for the Salesian Family, Bryan Magro, both president of past pupils in Malta and world treasurer and Ángel Gudiña, vice-president of world confederation the youngsters past pupils participated in celebrations.


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More important thing is, that you learned and lived in Salesian houses gospel and Salesian values and these values you have kept in your heart and life. Try hard to be constantly present in this world with a huge ability to spread this witness».


Everybody could get to know the biography of Bl. Titus Zeman thanks to Michal Klc, past pupil who wrote a book about him called “Man of action”.

As a commemoration of this monument celebration of the association anniversary all participants got USB with the record of Titus Zeman biography recorded by don Ivan Žitnanský in cooperation with Radio Maria and also the common photo of all past pupils and their families gathered on the playground in the shape of Roman number 20. Attendants of 20th anniversary celebrations in Sastin had the opportunity to taste for the first time DI BOSCO coffee. By the

presence of foreign partners from Thailand and England this international project that brings coffee from past pupils (farmers and producers) to past pupils has been presented for the first time in Slovakia. Celebrations were in the spirit of gratitude for many gifts that past pupils had received through Salesian education.

About these gifts were also the speech of current president of past pupils Robert Mruk who emphasized a desire and effort of past pupils giving from the gratitude to the society, communities they live in, to the youngsters and to Salesians themselves.

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Salesian Polytechnic University: for 25 years committed to training professionals of academic and human excellence (ANS - Quito)

The Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador (UPS) celebrates 25 years of institutional life in 2019 with a Cultural Caravan started last June 18 at the Quito site. In a festive atmosphere the entire university community gathered to enjoy music, traditional dances, dances and theater, of which the young people of the various groups of the Salesian Association of Universities (ASU) of Ecuador were protagonists.

The central idea of this celebration lies in the consideration that culture has always been a fundamental pillar of Salesian pedagogy. «A Salesian house without music is like a body without a soul», said Don Bosco. For this reason several groups have been


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formed at the UPS, which become real spaces for the most varied artistic-cultural events, themselves an integral part of personal and professional formation.

From a historical point of view, this Salesian institution of higher education was born on August 4, 1994, and began to work with about 800 students from the Faculties of Electromechanics, Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Livestock, Agro-industrial, Technical, Administrative, Engineering. and Religious Sciences. Currently the UPS of Ecuador is the Salesian institution of higher education that hosts the largest number of students in the world (24,500).

In 2019, for the first time, it entered in the ranking of the top 100 universities in Latin

America, of the 4,000 in the region. Currently, in its three sites (Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca) it features 27 degree courses and 10 doctorates, 62 research groups, 10 educational innovation groups and 98 ASU groups.

Also present at the inauguration of the Cultural Caravan was Fr Francisco Sánchez, Salesian Provincial in Ecuador and Grand Chancellor of the UPS, who said on the occasion: «These 25 years of service to young people are an expression of our Salesian vocation...

It is here that we try to recreate a youthful environment where every boy can develop his qualities and qualities not only academic, but also human».

The Provincial also gave a message to


students, reminding them that they are the protagonists of Don Bosco's educational proposal and that the Salesians and lay educators will always be ready to accompany them and stay close to them in what concerns them, because what they want is that they become transformative agents of society.

Another of the authorities present was Dr. José Juncosa, Vice-Rector of the Quito office, who underlined the growth of the institution because, he said: «In this time that has passed. we have become much more university students, much more polytechnic, much more Salesian». He then also invited all those who belong to the university community to adopt the concept of "good Christian and honest citizen" that Don Bosco himself delivered.

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Two and a half decades, Hail Salesian University!

In the past Friday 21, in here, Cuenca - Ecuador, we celebrate 25 years old of Universidad PolitĂŠcnica Salesiana. I share with you a brief poem for it Turners and electricians got together one day, around his leader Don Luciano who had in mind, do something different for the cause of the poor, university education for all those young people, learn by doing to do by learning, a gospel of life, for a more accurate world, a professional who decides and a human who does not press, working with joy, doing science with awareness.

It was an August of ninety-four, in the middle of the Andean summer, when the news was able to beat hearts in great harmony, and bow faces and wills to divine mercy, a new work by Don Bosco, in the American Cuenca was born, which added the school of pedagogues that there were in the Capital, and in the Paute with an agricultural school they did trilogy, Polytechnic University, a name that smells like science, And Salesian clearly, because that is its evangelical essence.

Two and a half decades have passed, that of work and joy, Salesian administrators and educators have been infected, and all have conspired to form honest citizens, in light of the gospel of one Jesus, as good Christians, to be prophets of their land, to announce the good news,


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that work for equity and their voices do not shut up in the face of injustice, that the goal of the human being is to achieve full happiness, but this is not complete without the happiness of the brother and sister.

Thank you to everyone who contributed in due course, for the growth of today's sovereign and great "La Salesiana", many names in history sign up to be remembered, with respect and affection that of the Salesians: Bellini, HerrĂĄn and Botasso, Farfan, Jara and Jaramillo, as well as Lunardi and that of friend Gavicho, and many other names of Salesian and consecrated lay people, whose humility and action at work, paradise is assured, because the intercessor Don Juan Bosco, has proclaimed it. Two and a half decades, young Salesian Polytechnic University, and you've already made history inside and outside the Ecuadorian border, two and a half decades, alma mater of humanized science, cradle of preventive education of personalized kindness, two and a half decades, of much work and glory achieved, Hail Salesian, at your silver wedding, forever be awarded. Dr. Fredi Portilla F. (21 June, 2019)



Salesian Youth Movement 43 years in Colombia

Ciudad Bolívar, Colombia - July 2019 On July 20, at the “Juan Bosco Obrero Promotion and Formation Center”, the 43rd anniversary of the presence of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) was celebrated in Colombia. The event was attended by 100 young people and adults of various generations of the SYM, who have walked together with Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians during these years.

Fr Jaime Morales, SDB, as a precursor and founder of the SYM in Colombia, was honored and thanked, along with Sr. Marta Díaz, FMA, and Fr Fernando Peraza, SDB, and a group of young people of that time. During the event the Symphonic Band "Juan Bosco Obrero" and a group of circus artists who also created a workshop with the participants performed. The food tastings created by the youngsters of the gastronomy program of the center were then presented and it was also possible to see the performance of the musician David Díaz, a past pupil of the Salesian Institute "León XIII".

110 years of "St John Bosco" social center of Campinas

Campinas, Brazil - June 2019 The Social center "San Giovanni Bosco" of Campinas celebrated its 110th anniversary on June 28th with an event presided by Fr Justo Ernesto Piccinini, Superior of the Salesian Province of Brazil-Sao Paulo (BSP). The ceremony was also attended by religious and civil authorities and people who are part of the history of the center: past pupils, employees, benefactors, Salesians, collaborators and people who identify with the service offered by the house. The Salesian center in Campinas was an elementary school for 85 years: then, 25 years ago, it changed its educational approach and began to assist more than 2,200 people daily, including children, adolescents, young people and adults living in vulnerable social situations.


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ÂŤDon't linger on looking after the young, otherwise they won't take care of you!Âť (Don Bosco) The words of Don Bosco, spoken in Paris in 1883 during his trip, are still relevant because if we think about it today's society is not very different from that of the 19th century. Today as then, we perceive and live the change. Although it represents a step towards modernity, for our young people it is synonymous with insecurity and inner turmoil especially for those who are more fragile.

In a world like this it becomes difficult to have healthy principles and live in a way that respects them. In this context, associations play an important role in every field of social activity, promoting active citizenship. And we, sons of Don Bosco, who believe his education is fundamental, cannot back off, we cannot stand still and wait for time to flow. We have the right but above all the duty to live by giving our contribution to so-


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ciety. That's why it was decided to continue to bet on young people, our most important resource, our present and our future.

Every young person has the right to be welcomed and guided within the community life, having a clear vision of the latter's vision and mission.

Starting from this, in Bari there was a formation in the association field, starting from the dynamics at the base of an association and from the sense of belonging that everyone should have to be an active part within it. This, however, was only a spur for participating in the consultation.

Starting from the "basics" a refresh was then made, of the activities carried out with young people and for young people in recent years, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Last but not least was the illustration of



the Mentor Power project, in which the Italian Federation participated as a partner of the Maltese one, by G.Ex who participated in the first person.

There have been moments of joy and sharing, lived thanks to Team Working and conviviality exercises, which "broke the ice" favoring the confrontation and collaboration between the participants.

Before the conclusion of the work, the "homework" were assigned, both individual and group, stimulating the children to commitment and collaboration.

This year was the consultation of trust, hope and alliance. In the end, Don Bosco said that: ÂŤEducation is a thing of the heartÂť, and educating is wanting the good of the young and we, children of Don Bosco, cannot but work with the young for the good of the young! Nicoletta Iuliano

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Sofia Melim Telmo de Sousa mia, a bone marrow transplant was needed, with his only brother (six years older) as a compatible donor. Therapies were scrupulously followed and humanly speaking everything possible had been done and fulfilled.

Much admired and loved by everyone, Sofia went to Heaven to meet her Jesus face to face.

Almost six years have now passed since I promoted a crusade of prayers networking between the Salesian Family and friends, in favour of this niece of mine who fell seriously ill. We do not know the ways of God. It is not always easy to understand and accept His will, always holy and merciful. Sofia started to walk along her Via Crucis, with several stations, since the tender age of four years, which lasted until four days after his tenth birthday: a bad cancer forced the doctors to amputate her right leg. Two years later, due to a severe leukae-


Meanwhile she continued to go to school, always cheerful, and attended the catechesis classes held by the Salesians. She prepared herself and celebrated her first Holy Communion. Sofia remains so lively and transmits an extraordinary force: she jokes, plays and even does what she can to help others, even with her singing, dancing – which she liked so much - allowing her joy to boast in contagious laughter, showing such a vitality to make us envious of her... and so much moved. She challenged herself in keeping on trusting, relentlessly, believing in her recovery.

But the second leukaemia came up, stronger and malignant. Oncological therapies intensified. The doctors are amazed by the child’s optimism, before so many tests and continuous transfusions. But they also have to admit that all ways have been tried with no avail; the situation is desperate. Parents and the whole family, friends and companions, the Salesians themselves, they do not know any more what to do... Prayers are intensified, asking the heavenly intercession of the Beatified Members of the Salesian Family: Fr. F. Rinaldi,

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Alberto Marvelli, Alexandrina M. Costa, and also of the holy shepherdess-seer of Fatima, Jacinta, whom, testified Sofia, while alone in the hospital, used to come and spend time playing with her, and then disappear (The reader should know that Jacinta had been hospitalized in the same hospital in Lisbon, where she died in 1918). Sofia did not even know her name; but passing with her mother on the will chair from the infirmary to the corridor, surprised and excited, she was pointing with joy: «Mom, she is the one! Within the frame: that girl is coming to play with me!»... It leaves us speechless...

Parents especially have really carried on the battle to the end and greatly suffered from the expensive and difficult situation, never loosing hope. They believed in a miracle. The 25th April she turned 10 and asked to celebrate at home with family, school mates and friends ... No one expected the proximity of her final sunset. On April 29th Jesus came to pick her up. Few days before, Sofia wrote not all that straight, on a sheet of lined paper: «O Jesus, if you wishes, take away this bad sickness of mine, so that I will not suffer so much any longer». Jesus heard her prayer. Deo Gratias! Antonio G. Pires Former President of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco



Past Pupils of São Gonçalo Institute join together to donate blood Cuiabá, Brazil - June 2019

More than 130 Past Pupils of the São Gonçalo Salesian Institute launched a blood donation campaign in Cuiabá on June 17th, which will end on August 30th.

The objective is to obtain 1,125 donations, to increase the blood supply of the city collection center and to increase the number of registered regular donors.

With a single donation up to four lives can be saved. The initiative of the Past Pupils is inserted in the apostolic activities promoted on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the arrival of the first Salesian missionaries in Mato Grosso, and is the first of others that will follow for the benefit of society.

Sanctuary Our Lady Help of Christians

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A different youth camp: first "Meet" of young Syrians in the heart of Europe

(ANS - Benediktbeuern) At first glance, it might seem like a normal Salesian youth camp, one of the many organized by Salesian youth centers and oratories throughout Europe; but just pay a little attention and you realize that all the posters are in Arabic! The reason is very simple: it is the first camp for young people of the Middle East in Salesian environments, mostly Syrians, who live as refugees in various European countries.

The Middle East Province (MOR), with the support of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco and the German Province, organized the first "Meet" of young refugees in Benediktbeuern, Germany, from 21 to 26 August. The work, coordinated by Fr Munir El Rai, developed the theme: "You too can be a saint". Under the motto of sanctity, therefore, about 35 young people from Spain, Ger-


many, Holland, Belgium, France, Sweden and Italy met again three, four or five years since the last time, that is, since when the war forced them to leave their homes in Aleppo, Damascus or Kafroun.

The life and integration of the young people who have had to leave their homeland has not been easy and on many occasions European societies have not helped them. In this sense, Fr El Rai observed: ÂŤThis meeting is a reunion with oneself, a time to pray and set aside the difficulties, and give these children the opportunity to support their strong Salesian identity that war and the condition of refugees have put to the testÂť. Activities and sports, musical and spiritual animation, walks in the woods and a cultural trip to Munich were the main activities these young people experienced

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over six intense days. Furthermore, the Strenna of the Rector Major for 2019 was presented to them in detail, "Holiness for you, too" as was the specific identity of the Past Pupil of Don Bosco.

On Saturday, August 24th, the young people of the Middle East had a dialogue with the Provincial of Germany, Fr Reinhard Gesing, and with the "Consultive Body of Young Past Pupils of Europe", which was preparing the activities of Don Bosco's young Past Pupils for the next two years. During the "Meet" some of the young people shared very difficult personal stories, which emotionally moved the group. Now for the Salesians the most important thing is to accompany them and help them in the places where they live, so that they can find Salesian support in their daily life in Europe.



Former students go back over 90 years of history at the Salesian Oratory Last November the Buonarroti theater in Civitavecchia (Rome) hosted the presentation of the book "90 years of history Salesians in Civitavecchia". Curated by the local Unione Past Pupils and edited by Carlo De Paolis, the book is a trait of Salesian history, of different testimonies; a work of a golden age for the Salesians, from their arrival in Civitavecchia on November 17, 1918. The story of an oratory, a parish, a training center, a safe place to grow and confront. When, during the Second World War, Civitavecchia was destroyed by three bombings ÂŤthe Salesians worked with their hearts and arms - writes in the presentation to the book Don Cesare Orfini, parish priest of the Holy Family -. After the war it was a city to rebuild and the Salesians fought to accompany this reconstruction, above all spiritual, moral and educationalÂť. A book in which former students often ex-

press themselves personally, protagonists of many stories. Until the sixties that dusty square, in the center of the city, has been the reference point of entire generations of children. Of course, if an imaginary oratorian was catapulted from the time machine in the current reality would be shocked: there is no more the dusty square but modern multi-purpose fields. But the Salesian spirit has remained unchanged. It is only adapted to the times.

During the presentation, the moment of the delivery of two copies of the book by a 90-year-old past pupil to two boys attending the Oratory was significant. A sort of passage of the witness that has excited. This is why, for Carlo De Paolis and his former students, all Salesians are mythical, even if with different characteristics and sensibilities: they left an indelible mark on their life, that of Don Bosco.

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Don Bosco immortalized in large murales, artwork by José Gallino

(ANS– Salto)

A huge mural of Don Bosco has appeared these past few days in one of the main arteries of the city of Salto, work of the famous Uruguayan graffiti artist and former Salesian student José Gallino.

On the occasion of the start of the centenary celebrations of the Salesian College “Nuestra Señora del Carmen”, in Salto (located north of the country, 500 km from the capital) founded on 16 August 1920, the murales of Don Bosco measuring 6 meters wide and 10 meters high, which covers one of the building's external walls, was commissioned, and stands right next to the entrance door.

José Gallino is 33 years old, originally from Salto, and for 7 years he has dedicated himself to immortalizing various Uruguayan folk figures on the walls of the


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whole country. Artists, footballers, writers, communicators and even the technical director of the Uruguayan national football team are the protagonists of his works of street art.

The artist is very close to the ecclesial and, above all, Salesian world. He studied in the boarding school “María Auxiliadora”, his brother at the Salesian college, his mother is a catechist and his father was sacristan in the Cathedral of Salto. He first began his art by drawing graffiti based on animals and motifs related to the countryside and nature. He painted the Don Bosco mural in just three days and he said it’s the highest one he has ever painted. He created it with an airbrush, setting down a foundation by brush and then applying a new layer with the airbrush. When asked for the process of mural's




execution the artist explained that the first thing he does is study; then, at the time of putting his ideas on a sheet, he creates a diagram that he then takes as a reference in the process of painting it on the wall «so the gigantography is well diagrammed».

«When I was little I wouldn’t finish my works. I always left them half finished. I didn’t finish a work of art that I started painting. Now it's different; not only do I finish them but many times I restore them as I did for the mural of the footballer Cavani that I painted some time ago in Salto», said the artist. «Painting for me is a therapy. I don’t usually see how it’s coming, but once the work's at an advanced stage I move away and see what I’ve done. Sometimes I make mistakes, but the larger the work, the more precise they can be», he concluded. Francisco Ardaix

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Participation of Sebastián Núñez at NASA campsite and "TED Talks" (ANS - Asunción)

Sebastián Núñez is a Salesian Past Pupil who completed his studies at the "Salesianito" School of Asunción, Paraguay, in 2018. A few days ago he spoke of his 2018 experience at NASA in the "TED Talks".

TEDs are online conferences whose slogan is: "Ideas worth spreading". Sebastián's achievement is not just an idea, but an experience worth making known, especially among young people in search of their vocation.

In July 2018, Sebastián Núñez received the best news of his life: he was accepted into NASA's "Space Camp" program at the "Space & Rocket Center" in Huntsville, Alabama, USA.


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The young man said he went through a long process before being selected.

To win the competition, he had to present numerous documents, reference letters, an experiment he had done and had had to document with photographs and videos. «It was a goal we achieved because I've always dreamed of being part of a NASA program and even working there», Sebastián said.

«As difficult as it may seem - some more, others less – for those who have always dreamed of being an astronaut», Sebastián continued, «it seemed such a distant objective, yet I went ahead to achieve it. The experience of the Space Camp was a further step forward that brought me clo-




ser to what I had always dreamed of», he said.

After completing his experience at NASA, in July 2019 Sebastian was sent to participate in the "TED Talks" which, as mentioned, is an online program where young people talk about their dreams and their experiences.

«At home I had no internet, but I had a collection of encyclopedias and books». Sebastián explained to the audience, «and I would spend my time drawing planets and comets.

At night I spent hours looking at the sky and the stars. As a child I cultivated this dream of becoming an astronaut. I'm happy to share my personal experience,

to show that it is possible, with the utmost dedication, to fulfill one's dreams».

Participating in this conference, Sebastián not only narrated his experience, but also listened to other stories, of other young people, which are a source of inspiration for others. He then wanted to emphasize that the future of nations is in the hands of the new generations.

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“At Salesian school it’s not just about academics but we learn about life experiences” (ANS – Nairobi)

Pius Sebastian Mutemi, a 26-year-old Salesian past pupil of Embu Salesian Seminary School, Kenya, is now a Welding Instructor at “Don Bosco Boys Town”, Nairobi, Kenya. Here he shares his thoughts about his Salesian experience.

What would you say is the difference between a Salesian school and a public school?

«I had been to both Salesian school and public school so I can give a comment on the difference between the two. What surprised me at the Salesian school is the fact that we as learners could actually play football with our principal and other teachers, something I had not experienced at a public school! At a Salesian school there is interaction


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between learners and teachers. Salesian schools offer learners the opportunity to approach teachers without fear because the teachers are so friendly. At a Salesian school it’s not just about academics but we learn about life experiences. Another big difference between them is the fact that discipline at a Salesian school is very different from public schools. From my own experience, I have never heard of any of my classmates who were involved in crime; so yes, one could say that Salesian education helped us to be good citizens.

At the Salesian school we also learnt values such as the importance of the spiritual life. When you are near to God, you can deal with challenges of life. Other values we learnt were Respect, Generosity, Discipline and Hard Work».


What are your hobbies and interests?

«I am a very keen cyclist. It is a very new sport in Kenya. When I am stressed or have many things on my mind, cycling helps me to relax and forget about my stress.

You feel the freedom when you are on the open road with or without other cyclists. It nourishes you and you feel refreshed. The other reason for me being involved in cycling is that I am part of a charity cycle group called Miles of Hope which helps poorer youth with education, especially youth who cannot afford school fees.

Every week we cycle as a group and each member must contribute 200 Kenyan shillings which goes towards funding poorer youth».



Advice to young people?

«We must remember that nothing comes to us on a silver platter. Nothing comes for free unless you put hard work into it. Have a passion for what you do and you will see things moving. I coped with peer pressure when I got involved with cycling because there is no time for idling around. When you are idle, then that is when things like drugs and drinking take over your life. Look for something that can keep you busy rather than doing something wrong. At the moment in Kenya, there is a big issue with relationships among youth. Many youth commit suicide because they have been rejected. Go back to God even if you don’t go to church, at least pray, have some kind of spiritual connection with your pastor, parents or friends. People don’t recognize God and yet God is always there». Clarence Watts, SDB

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 5 october 2019





Missionary Week: over 1,000 youths committed to building Kingdom of God (ANS - São Paolo)

In Brazil the month of July is traditionally the period of school holidays. But at the same time, for many young Christians, it is also the period in which rest and leisure are put aside to devote time and energy to their faith: thus the experience of the Missionary Week promoted by the Salesian Youth Ministry of the Province of Brazil São Paulo (BSP) through the Mission Animation Service - an experience now in its 25th edition. In 2019, for the second consecutive year, there were over one thousand young people involved in the mission.



EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 5 october 2019

They are pupils and past pupils of the Salesian Schools Network, young people who attend social works, parishes, institutes of higher education and oratories of Salesian presences in the State of São Paulo. Accompanied by more than 100 leaders and spiritual assistants, in a climate of Salesian youth spirituality constantly alive and joyful, the young people divided themselves into groups in the parishes of 11 cities within the State of São Paulo: Alambari, Angatuba, Cajuru, Cunha, Jacareí, Lorraine, Morungaba, Rio das Pedras, Saltinho, Tatuí and Tuiuti. For a week the groups of boys, girls and


young people made their operative bases in the parish structures, from which they then departed every day on an expedition: they carried out visits and blessings in the houses, animated liturgical celebrations and workshops and games with the community, offered training sessions...

Some groups also visited organizations active in the social sector or helped organize the feast of the patron saint, such as the Salesian groups of Americana, Araraquaraquara, Araras and SĂŁo Carlos, who were on a mission in the city of Cajuru and actively participated in the novena to St. Benedict, patron of the local parish, whose liturgical feast was cele-



brated on 11 July. Now empowered by the experience of 25 editions, Mission Week is more and more a pastoral project with a double value: on the one hand, it leaves an important mark in the communities that welcome the young people, who are contaminated by new joy, faith and spirit they carry with them; on the other, it also indelibly marks the young missionaries, who have the opportunity to learn about new realities, help other people, deepen the Salesian charism, form groups and networks, put themselves on the line and make their talents available in an unusual way. Anderson Bueno

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 5 october 2019






Akash Bashir's family receives statue of Mary Help of Christians from Rector Major (ANS - Lahore)

As part of his Visit to the two Salesian houses in Pakistan, namely in Quetta and Lahore, the General Councilor for the Missions, Fr Guillermo Basañes, paid special attention to the family of Akash Bashir, a Salesian Past Pupil who died to prevent an attack on the church of St John Bosco in Youhannabad.

Fr Basañes wanted to personally meet the family of the young Akash, a Salesian Past Pupil who, just twenty years old, gave his life on March 15, 2015, while serving as a security guard in the church of St John Bosco. That day, in fact, he prevented a man who carried explosives from immolating himself within the parish, where hundreds of people were celebrating Palm Sunday Mass. To avoid the explosion, Akash bra-


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vely embraced the terrorist and died saving the lives of all those who were praying inside the church.

Fr Basañes then dedicated his last afternoon in Lahore to meeting with the young man's family, to whom he delivered a small statue of Mary Help of Christians. It was the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, who wished to send the statue from Turin, as a sign of respect and appreciation for the life and martyrdom of Akash. The family members accepted the blessings of the Rector Major and the gift with great joy and gratitude.

The General Councilor for the Missions also had the opportunity to visit the church of St John and observed the exact place where the martyrdom of the young Past Pupil took place. He also visited the




monument dedicated to his martyrdom and finally prayed at his tomb.

The Salesians of Pakistan, united with Fr ร ngel Fernรกndez Artime, continue to give thanks for the life of Akash Bashir, as he is a symbol not only for the Past Pupils, but for all the young religious who live in Islamic countries. His heroism and martyrdom are a pride for the Salesian Congregation and for the whole Pakistani Christian community.

In fact, already in January 2017, Fr Francis Gulzar, pastor of the Church of St. John and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Lahore, sent a letter to the Archbishop of Lahore, Msgr. Sebastian Francis Shaw, "to formally request to start the official procedure to declare Akash Bashir Martyr, to honor his sacrifice for his community in the parish of Yauhanabad".

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 5 october 2019






Young people and politics: «Being able to spread commitment is important» much less am I involved in party politics. The idea is to accompany young people, from the youngest, in the humble practice of thinking about how we are in relation to what surrounds us. The research was geared towards accompanying reflection».

(ANS - Montevideo)

Motivating to the commitment and care of what surrounds us, as well as responding to concrete questions that challenge the present, taking on critical and objective positions and that lead to reflection, were some of the reasons why the Salesian work "Centro Monsignor Lasagna" (CML) organized a program of meetings on youth policy.

Victoria Vega is 23 years old, a Salesian past pupil, and was one of the team members who accepted the challenge to carry out this initiative. «I don't have much knowledge of politics,


The challenge was born from the interest in demonstrating to young people that politics is everywhere and that there is no reason to fall into partisan politics: «Politics emerges where we study, in the family, among friends, in the oratory, in everything that surrounds us. We wanted to show that we can do social militancy on a particular cause that concerns us if there is a real desire to change it», explains Victoria.

The young woman argues that it is important that young people engage in politics, and with politics she does not refer only to elections, but also to the awareness of having a position on the issue and to act accordingly.

«Every person is born in a certain time and in certain circumstances: the vision of which everyone is a bearer contributes to completing the discussion at a ge-

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neral level, and is authentic», she emphasizes. «There is great confusion today on the concept of politics», she continues, «and so we find ourselves with speeches with no interest and, in short, what we do is to ignore everything that surrounds us.

Party politics is confused with what happens every day in our home, in our study centers and even on the street. This generates a distant political discourse. It is important to consider the parties, because they are the ones we then vote for and determine the proposals that define our reality, but we must not forget that politics is much more than this». Even in Salesian circles there are young people with interesting projects and innovative ideas who intend to make a real change, becoming protagonists. The challenge is to see what a political position is, because it happens that many young people do not realize that they are constantly doing politics.

«The solution is between ourselves, being an example to others so they engage in the world of politics. Being able to spread commitment is important; we need to be active in participating, without thinking that we have to wait to be perfectly trained to take action», concludes Victoria.



19 Pilgrimage of Salesian Family in Aparecida th

Aparecida, Brazil - August 17, 2019

On August 17, under the theme "Holy Mother of God, pray for us", the Salesian Family of Brazil experienced moments of emotion and recollection in the house of Mother Aparecida, where the 19th Pilgrimage of the Salesian Family took place.

All the communities of the Province of Brazil-São Paulo (BSP) and the representatives of the other Provinces of Brazil participated in the Pilgrimage. Also present, representatives of ADMA, the Association of Salesian Cooperators, the Past Pupils and Canção Nova. The Pilgrimage took place in the presence of Fr Justo Ernesto Piccinini, Provincial, and of Sr. Elena Gesser, FMA Superior.

During the Pilgrimage, ADMA - which celebrates its 150th anniversary - received from the hands of Fr Silvio Cesar, Salesian, the image of the Aparecida, which will now travel among all the Salesian houses in the Province where ADMA is present.

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 5 october 2019



Statute of the World Confederation PrĂŚit ac tuetur / Guide and Protect Us Roma, 5 december 2015

Chapter XIII

Disciplinary Rules and Penalties

Art. 40 - Disciplinary Rules and Penalties

a) Membership of the Association can cease through personal choice of the Past Pupil, or due to a considered decision of respective Presidencies at all levels. After having proof of unbecoming conduct which is not in line with statutory rules and regulations, or that, is causing injurious damage to the organisation or community life, or due to other serious reasons, the respective Presidencies can decide with the consent of of their members oni: ~ A motion of no-confidence and a request for resignation. ~ The dismissal from office (in case of an official). ~ The expulsion of the Past Pupil from the Association. b) The decisions in the foregoing section may be appealed against by an immediately higher structure. c) If a written complaint is made concerning a member of the Confederal Executive Council or the World Confederal Presidency, the Confederal Delegate after holding consultation with the Central Delegate of the Salesian Family and the Rector Major, will take a decision concerning the requested sanction (suspension, expulsion) with a common understanding with the remaining members of the Confederal Executive Council and the World Confederal Presidency.

Chapter XIV

Text - Interpretation and Amendments Art. 41 - Official Text

a) The official text of this Statute is the one drawn up in Italian and


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deposited with the General Secretariat bearing the signatures of the Rector Major of the Salesian Society, the World President, the Central Delegate of the Salesian Family, the Secretary General and the World Confederal Salesian Delegate.

The various translations into different languages must be authorised by the Confederal Presidency and must expressly show the approval obtained.

b) Any controversies concerning the authentic interpretation and enforcement of this Statute and of the National Regulations shall be referred to the Confederal Presidency.

c) The present Confederal Statute can serve as a model for drawing up the Statutes or Constitutions of National or Provincial Federations, and even those of Local Associations.

d) The National or Provincial Statutes must be presented to the Confederal Executive Council for approval and they come into force after obtaining it. This also applies in case of future amendments.

e) All the members of the Confederal Presidency and the National Federations may put forward amendments to this Statute. Definitive approval is the responsibility of the General World Assembly and requires a majority of 2/3 of the members with voting rights of those present.

Art. 42 - Headquarters

The headquarters of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco is established in the General House of the Salesian Society of Saint Francis of Sales, currently at Via della Pisana 1111, 00163 Rome, Italy. Promulgated on 5 december 2015 Memory of the Blessed Filippo Rinaldi


Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime Rector Major

Michal Hort World President

Don Eusebio Muñoz Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family

Domenica Sapienza World Secretary

Don José Pastor Ramírez Fernández World Delegate

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 5 october 2019


EX ALLIEVI Newsflash

Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco

Director and Editor EX ALLIEVI Newsflash Opera Salesiana Teresa Gerini Via Tiburtina, 994 - 00156 Roma (Italia) tel. (+39) 06.409.003 Internet:

General House Salesian headquarters Via Marsala, 42 - 00185 Roma (Italia) tel. (+39) 06.656.121 Centralino Fax (+39) 06.656.12.556 Internet: E-mail:

Direction and Editorial Coordination Pierluigi Lazzarini


Editorial Secretary Veronica Messano

Collaborators of this issue Don Ángel Fernández Artime SDB, Michal Hort, don Jayapalan Raphael SDB, Francisco Ardaix, Anderson Bueno, Oswaldo Dalpiaz, Nicoletta Iuliano, don Jonas Kerketta SDB, Fresia Mendez Mora, Antonio G. Pires, Fredi Portilla, Gianfrancesco Romano, don Clarence Watts SDB

Name: Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco Bank: Lombard Bank Malta p.l.c. Address: Balzan, Malta IBAN: MT 08 LBMA 0500 0000 0000 0144 0520 986 SWIFT Code: LBMAMTMT Bank Account Number: 01440520986

Photography and Images Archivio Ag. ANS, AustraLasia

The quarterly magazine (Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese) is available on the official website in these deadlines: DECEMBER 25 (Holy Christmas); EASTER OF RESURRECTION; JUNE 24 (birth of former students); OCTOBER 5 (Blessed Alberto Mar-


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