INGLESE 24-giugno-2019

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EX ALLIEVI Newsfl N ewsfl aass h YEAR 8 - ISSUE 34 - 24 JUNE 2019

Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco

English Edition - (translations: Veronica Messano - Nisaury Ventura)

Thank you!

THE VOICE OF THE RECTOR MAJOR Three stoles, three wonderful stories and a heart that doesn’t forget

My dear friends and readers,

I’d like to share with you a simple reflection about two things that happened to me during my visits with Salesians around the world. The protagonist, in each case, is a stole. Certainly, I need to begin by explaining what a STOLE is since not all our readers may be familiar with this term. The stole is the distinctive element of the liturgical vestments that the priest wears. The priest puts it over his shoulders, behind his neck, and lets it fall down past his belt. It marks the priest’s distinct dignity and consecration as one who is to serve the People of God; it brings to mind the sweet yoke of our Lord, the obligations of the priestly office, and it symbolizes in some way the sheep whom the Good Shepherd bears on his shoulders. In recent months, I was given three stoles that hold great significance.

The stole of an anonymous woman The first stole was given to me during the feast of Mary Help of Christians, May 24, at Valdocco. It’s a beautiful stole, hand-embroidered with gorgeous gold thread, which had to have taken hundreds of hours of work. A lady devoted to Mary Help of Christians and to Don Bosco wished that it be worn for the celebration of Holy Mass and in the great procession of Mary Help of Christians that evening. It had been made with great sacrifice, simply, and with such great generosity and so much love for the Madonna. I celebrated the Eucharist wearing that stole, and I prayed in the procession with that stole, offering all the prayers of the thousands and thousands of people who were there, and my own in particular, for that woman (whom I didn’t know because the gift had been made anonymously), whose heart overflowed with love for the Help of Christians and with faith in the Lord.

The stole of the youths under bombardment I received the second stole at Damascus, Syria, on an afternoon when hundreds of boys and girls were gathered in the oratory. We celebrated Holy Mass that afternoon with more than a hundred young university animators. At the end of Mass, believing ardently that peace was near, just at the moment when we released a white dove as if to say to everyone that they could rejoice for peace, some mortars fell very close by. So that afternoon those wonderful young animators, with solemn faces and a faith that they really lived, gave me a handsome stole on which was embroidered in Arabic, «Remember us whenever you celebrate the Eucharist».

The stole of the young prisoners I received the third stole a month ago, during my visit to Mato Grosso in Brazil. At the end of a meeting with the young, one of the teachers On the cover: The Feast of "Thanks" to the Rector Major


EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019

I want to carve into my memory and yours the inestimable value of every human encounter, however brief or lengthy, deep or quick it might be. If it is a human encounter, it is always special and we have to make it special. We will have a much better life if we live it this way. gave me a stole bearing on its back, written with indelible ink, the first and last names of the 56 young people in our Salesian house. These aren’t young people with just any story. They’re young ones who are sentenced to what once was called juvenile detention, a reformatory; they’re young people deprived of their freedom, because of some offense, who after a hearing have been entrusted to us. They couldn’t come to our meeting, but they’d sent me the stole with their names, asking that I not forget them and promising that they in turn would remember me. I can assure you that every day I remember them at the Eucharist.

I believe I believe heartily in the attunement and communion of hearts. I believe strongly in prayer, especially when we pray for others. Praying for others is an expression of true love, whether we know them or not, people who come to dwell in our hearts at the moment that we remember them. In these years, I’ve come to understand ever more clearly why Pope Francis implores us with insistence to pray for him. That’s why I want to leave you this testimony of the precious value of these three stoles.

I want to carve into my memory and yours the inestimable value of every human encounter, however brief or lengthy, deep or quick it might be. If it is a human encounter, it is always special and we have to make it so. We will have a much better life if we live it this way. I want to etch into our minds how faith succeeds in moving hearts and wills. I have seen this everywhere in my journeys around the Salesian world.

I want to state for the record that every day I understand better what Don Bosco wrote to the boys at Valdocco when he was far away from them. He called them “thieves”. Yes, that’s what he called them: «You’re all thieves», he said and then he added, «because you’ve stolen my heart». It’s so beautiful to feel that one’s heart can be stolen freely and in a very oblative way when it seeks only the good of other persons.

I bless you all, and I promise you that the next time I put on one of these stoles I’ll also remember you, with whom I have shared the profound meaning they have for me. Don Ángel Fernández Artime Rector Major

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019


GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco,

As every year in June, we celebrate the unique and special feast for Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco. On the 24th of June, along with the celebration of the feast of St. John the Baptist, we celebrate the anniversary of our foundation. Exactly on the day of the 24th June in 1870, a well-known story happened. Carlo Gastini with a group of the first Past Pupils of Valdocco visited Don Bosco to congratulate him on the day when he celebrates his name day. They thanked him for the invaluable gift of education and his unprecedented love for them.

With the gift of coffee cups – “tazzine“ – this was the very first moment when Don Bosco spoke to his boys as Past Pupils. From historical sources, we know that he invited the first past pupils to stay with him and with the Salesian Family. He said to Carlo Gastini and his friends that he may love them more than when they were with him every day in Valdocco.

The first gift of the Past Pupils to Don Bosco were coffee cups. It is interesting because besides the great coffee culture of Italy, Don Bosco himself used to work in coffee and chocolate shop for a while when he was a young boy. After the death of the shop’s owner, as he had no children, he received an offer to stay and to run the shop but Don Bosco decided that there are different things awaiting for him.

An interesting parallel thought comes to my mind when thinking about the coffee cups. Today, especially when speaking about coffee,to track its origin, we speak about crop to cup chain. With Don Bosco and the coffee cups that he received as a gift, we move to the opposite direction - Cup to crop. I think those first coffee cups for Don Bosco, they were more than a gift for us.

I believe we can fill them today, after 150 years with the goodness of our work and projects. We are invited to fill these cups with results of our 150 years of history as past pupils.

Don Bosco then but also today invites us to stay with him. His love and friendship is not a temporary thing. It is not something that lasts for years of his life neither. It is an offer and invitation to be good Christians and honest citizens then, now and forever. In this special time of remembering the love of Don Bosco, I invite you to stay with Don Bosco, to appreciate his love and his education.

This year, on the 24th of June it will be 149 years from that very special gathering in Torino – Valdocco.


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In a year we will be blessed to be witnesses of the 150th anniversary since the foundation of our group. Indeed, it is a very special occasion. Because of that, I would like to announce that in one year, from 24th June 2020 we will celebrate Jubilee year of Past Pupils of Don Bosco all around the world. From today I am inviting you to start preparations on every level of our association – world, regional, national, local but also personal.

I invite you to reflect what does it mean to be past pupils in the everyday life of today´s world. What is the identity of being a Past Pupil and what we are called to be in the future? I invite you to bring your gift to Don Bosco also this year.

As love and values remain the same, the world is changing every day. We do not live anymore the life of the northern Italian city of Torino under the Alps, with its economic and political situation and challenges.

We need to update our identity as Past Pupils for the challenges of today's world. The challenges of new ways of communication,new needs and problems. We need to understand the new kinds of poverty of those, whom we are supposed to help.

I am not afraid that we would not be able to be true sons and daughters of Don Bosco as Carlo Gastini and his friends way back in 1870. May Don Bosco bless all of his Past Pupils and Friends around the world. Yours faithfully

Michal Hort President of World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco

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WORLD DELEGATE Don Bosco’s Educative Vision

My dear Past Pupil Friends,

Greetings from Rome on our anniversary day - 24th June. As we get closer to our 150th Jubilee year in 2020, we go back to the roots and draw from the wellsprings of Don Bosco, particularly from his Educative vision, for our own wellbeing and that of the Confederation. As the new academic year begins all over the world between the months of June and September, let us relive the educative system of Don Bosco which has given us life. Having experienced DB’s style of life characterized by a youthful dynamism through Salesians, we are called for a serious, creative and inculturated commitment to education by cooperating with those who build a society more worthy of man. I highlight here a few important elements of his vision: ~ It had God, young people and loving kindness at its core, held together by “pastoral charity”. It is “pastoral” because it seeks the salvation of souls by making young upright and responsible citizens and good Christians/religious persons. It is an “educative charity” because it finds a resource in education that helps young people to develop all their energies for good.

~ The characteristic style of Don Bosco’s education consists in leading young people to a life of faith through a path of love, patience, reasonableness and human understanding. The art of understanding a human heart is at the heart of Don Bosco’s educational method.

~ The Salesian vision is to reach out to the unreachable - the poorest at the periphery: it is injustice that so many children and young people are without quality education even today. This is clearly stated in the fourth objective for Sustainable Development - (United Nations, Agenda 2030). Bro. Matthew Thaiparambil who died in Kolkata recently after having served thousands of young dropouts for more than forty years with tenacity and creativity is a wonderful model of spending ourselves for the growth of the needy ones. ~ Don Bosco’s vision of education inspires us to work for justice and peace in the world. We draw inspiration from the two great missionaries assassinated recently, Fr. Antonio César Fernández and Fr. Fernando Hernandez in Burkina Faso in Africa, have been working tirelessly seeking justice with hunger and thirst, especially by educating young people.

~ Use of Digital media in Education: “What social networks would Don Bosco operate in today?” was the question that the directors of the Salesian Bulletins were asked recently. “He would use all current digital media, above all YouTube”, was the answer. May you all stay blessed in building up your lives with gratitude, your families with the Godly values and contribute to a better world by promoting education. God bless you all. Yours in Don Bosco,


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Fr. Jayapalan Sdb World Delegate, Rome

EDITORIAL Dear Friends,

The party of "THANK YOU"

The party of "THANK YOU", in its simplicity, is a day dedicated to communion, just as Don Bosco wanted his boys to be; also with their different characters, with their defects, but that they made group, communion; that they were together. The origins are far back, dating back to the dawn of the Oratory at Valdocco.

June 24 is the feast of St. John the Baptist. The name of Saint John the Apostle was imposed on Don Bosco in baptism. In Turin the feast of the Precursor of Jesus Christ was very popular, honored with large bonfires and with rifle fire from the troops deployed; so the young people began to praise, applaud and offer him flowers on this day, believing him to be his name day. Affection, esteem and gratitude to Don Bosco had no limits. The occasion to demonstrate these feelings was precisely the feast of St. John the Baptist. In 1847 and 1848 the internal students were content to read some brief but affectionate compositions of good wishes, the young externals offering them some flowers.

From the Biographical Memoirs (vol. III, pages 534 and 535) we have the chronological detail of what happened in 1849. ÂŤWe are in 1849. Carlo Gastini and Giuseppe Buzzetti have a happy idea and secretly work for several months to make it happen. They buy two silver hearts saving on food and jealously keeping their small tips. They want to make a real surprise. And they succeed. Don Bosco's room is close to that of young people. It is the eve of St. John. In the evening when all the companions are already in bed, they go to knock on Don Bosco's door. Despite the hour, very late, Don Bosco lets them in. His emotion and his wonder at seeing the two hearts of silver and hearing the few but cordial words of greeting is so much... The following years a commission of internal and external young people is set up to organize his party. And with the offers they buy a gift for Don Bosco that they regularly bring to the evening of the eve of the party in his roomÂť.

Even today in all the Houses of the Salesians and of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians the feast of "THANK YOU" is celebrated. Celebrating does not mean simply partying, but together giving thanks, asking for help, entrusting... It is a particularly emotional "family" moment. Not only for those in charge of guiding the educational community, but for all those who, for various reasons, are the Don Bosco of today. The rise of the Past Pupil Movement dates back to the initiative of a small group of ancient artisan students from the Oratory of Valdocco in Turin. Led by Chief Bookbinder Carlo Gastini, they present themselves to Don Bosco on the day of his name day, precisely on June 24, 1870, to express their gratitude to him and give him a small coffee set. With them there is also the Turin parish priest Don Felice Reviglio, who accompanies some students. Next year, together with Don Bosco's many past pupils, we will celebrate 150 years from those moments! Pierluigi Lazzarini

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"So that my joy may be in you" (Jn 15,11)

Holiness for you too


• It is a close-by thing, real, concrete, possible. Indeed, it is everyone’s fundamental vocation. • Being holy is not difficult; indeed, it is easy and God awaits us in heaven after our journey of holiness. “Far from being timid, morose, acerbic or melancholy, or putting on a dreary face, the saints are joyful and full of good humour”. (Gaudete et exsultate, 122). • The path of holiness cannot bypass the dimension of the cross, but it is also full of joy: “Here we make holiness consist in being very happy”. • Sanctity does not distance us from our duties, interests, affections, but it integrates them in charity. Holiness is the perfection of charity and it therefore responds to the fundamental human need: to be loved and to love. The more human, the holier because, “life does not have a mission, but is a mission” (Gaudete et exsultate, 27). • Holiness is not an “extra”, an optional and a goal only for some. It is life to the full, according to God’s plan and gift. It is therefore a path of humanisation. True spiritual life is the flowering of whatever is human.

“We need a spirit of holiness capable of filling both our solitude and our service, our personal life and our evangelizing efforts, so that every moment can be an expression of self-sacrificing love in


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the Lord’s eyes. In this way, every minute of our lives can be a step along the path to growth in holiness” (Gaudete et exsultate, 31).

• Holiness is a duty (that is, a vocation, a responsibility, a commitment), but above all it is a gift. Holiness is participation in the life of God, not a perfection that is moralistically understood and presumed to be achieved only with one’s own strength. On the other hand, it is not a goal that is accessible only to the “best”, in the sense of the “best prepared”, either. It is above all welcoming God, drawing on the instruments of the Church, including a solid sacramental life and piety. • Together, it is easier. Holiness and walking together and an experience of

communion. This is beautiful and at the same time demanding.


• The fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, benevolence, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control. Holiness is not quarrelling, contention, envy, division, haste. “Holiness does not make you less human, since it is an encounter between your weakness and the power of God’s grace”. (Gaudete et exsultate, 34). • Virtues: not only rejecting evil and attaching oneself to Good, but being passionate about good, doing good well,


[doing well] all what is good ... “We grow in holiness by responsibly and generously carrying out our proper mission”. (Gaudete et exsultate, 26). • Communion: holiness is experienced and achieved together. Saints are always together (even integrating the male and female component). Where there is one of them, we always find many others.

For example: Fr Cafasso, Don Bosco, Mother Mazzarello, Rosmini, the Marquises of Barolo, Fr Guanella, Fr Rua, Sr Maria Romero Meneses, Laura Vicuña, Ceferino Namuncurá, the young martyrs of Pozna , Bro. Zatti, Chartoryswki, Beltrami, Stuchlý, Zeman, Braga…, and many others. The holiness of daily life makes communion flourish and is a “generator of relationships”.

• Creativity and inventiveness of the Spirit. Holiness is never repetitive: the 31 groups of the Salesian Family – and others undergoing recognition – have flourished from Don Bosco, and they have sometimes been able to express very different sensitivities, even if they are converging towards their root. Imitating the saints does not mean copying them.

• Ecclesial communion. Nobody is “for Paul, Cephas, Barnabas”, but all “are Christ’s and Christ is God’s”. Being Salesian Family does not mean turning Don Bosco’s message into an absolute, but enhancing it by including it in the fullness of the Church. Some things cannot be asked of Don Bosco, since God has given them to the Church through others. Therefore, those things will be asked of other non-Salesian

saints, of other spiritual traditions in the Church. This does not mean being less Salesian, but believers in love with the Church, in the variety of its charisms, and conscious of becoming part of it starting from one’s own specific perspective. Don Bosco himself drew on this plurality and polyphony of holiness that preceded him: Ignatius of Loyola and Philip Neri, for example, not only Francis de Sales, etc. This approach cutting across various types of holiness is also present in some figures of our holiness: Ignatius Stuchlý was close to the Jesuits; Vandor initially was attracted by the Franciscans. In the prison camp, Vendrame lived an intense experience of fraternity with the Carmelites and was a great devotee of St Therese of Lisieux. • The fame of holiness and of signs, understood as a persistent echo of the beauty of the life [of a person], of its evangelical fragrance, of the richness of its message. The effects are always much larger compared to the apparent causes. Thus, even in “ordinary nextdoor holiness”, it is important to value the bonds that generate good relationships and friendships, joy. IX. PATHS OF HOLINESS TODAY

• “We must not put into sanctity more perfection than what is really there” (Adrienne von Speyr). That is, heroic Christian living is not heroism; Christian perfection is not superhero perfectionism. • We know that some are holy, but we never know who is holier than somebody else. God alone knows the hearts. There is a special beauty in everything. There are many paths to get to Heaven. One should not ask of a person what

he/she cannot and should not give. To say this is encouraging, healing. Otherwise, many will be convinced that they cannot be saints, because they will never succeed in being so in the manner of some saints proposed to them as models. • So, even “small sizes” (Adrienne von Speyr) can, in their own way, be perfect.

That is, holiness is never discouraging. Let us not be afraid of sanctity. “In my Father’s house there are many dwellings”. Paradise is like a garden: there is the humble violet or the sublime lily and the rose.

• Every saint is a word of God made flesh. There are no two equal saints. Imitating the saints does not mean copying them. Everyone needs one’s own time and has one’s own path.

What word of God am I? What does this call me to? What word of God do I understand the young person next to me is? How to help him/her understand and live it? • Holiness is also measured through the category of fruitfulness, but not that of the practical efficiency we are used to today. • Holiness makes one responsible. There is something that only YOU can do. – “Apart from me you can do nothing”. • The experience of a “healthy dependence”. The path of holiness is commitment, but never self-sufficiency. Holiness is lived together and it generates communion. Saints for sure, but saints together! First of all, saints are God’s masterpiece. • Holiness is leaving a mark and experiencing the fruitful dependence on ties with others. EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019



Hand-over in Don Bosco International

(ANS – Brussels)

Don Bosco International (DBI) is the office of the Salesian Congregation advocating for youth rights before the European Institutions. After serving four years in Brussels as Executive Secretary of DBI, Mr Angel Gudiña is concluding his mandate, being replaced in this function by Mr Renato Cursi, former Secretary of the Youth Ministry Department of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Rome.

On the occasion of DBI General Assembly in 2015, the organisation’s Council of Administration was renewed, with Fr. Fabio Attard sdb, General Councillor for Salesian Youth Ministry, being elected as President of DBI and Mr Angel Gudiña being appointed as Executive Secretary. As well,


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the whole structure and working methodology of DBI were strengthened and reformed. A strategic plan for three years was adopted, monitored, evaluated and then renewed in 2018.

The following three priorities for the advocacy work of DBI were set: poverty and social inclusion, migration and transition from education to employment.

Not only did these choices allow the Salesian Congregation to better focus its advocacy work before the European Institusions, but they also contributed to raise awareness about European Union among the Salesian Provinces of the Salesian Centre-North Europe and Mediterranean regions; leading them to be actively involved in this field.

Between 2015 and 2019, DBI was able to achieve many different results: from highlevel meetings and interactions (e.g. with the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the President of the European Parliament and the European Commissioner for Employment of Social Affairs), to the integration of DBI in both civil and ecclesial European networks and platforms, the publication of policy papers by DBI (based on the reflection of experts from different Salesian Provinces on topics of interest, such as youth poverty, inclusion and participation), the institutionalization of the celebration of the Feast of Saint John Bosco in Brussels with relevant partners, a stronger and more intense interaction within the international Salesian networks and platforms, such as Don Bosco Youth Net and Don Bosco Network.

Before joining DBI, Mr Angel Gudiña, Past Pupil of the Salesian house of Coruña (Spain) and current Secretary General of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, worked in the Spanish National Center of Salesian Youth Ministry in Madrid, in Confederación Don Bosco (Salesian youth centers), and he was also actively involved in civil platforms such as the National Youth Council of Spain. His future destination will be the Salesian Missionary Procure of Madrid, Spain, where he will be in charge of institutional and corporate relations, starting his new mandate on 1st June 2019.



(ANS – Veržej)

Meeting of Salesian Provincials in Central and Northern Europe

The meeting of Salesian Provincials in Central and Northern Europe opens tomorrow, May 7, in Veržej, Slovenia.

In addition to the participation of as many as 18 Superiors of the region, the appointment will see numerous other Salesian figures, starting with the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, and the Regional Councilor, Fr Tadeusz Rozmus.

More than a simple regional meeting of the Provincials of the Salesians of Don Bosco, the appointment will be a broad meeting to reflect together on the future of the Salesian charism in the Old Continent.

Representatives of other territorial realities outside the region's borders will also take part, as well as representatives of other groups of the Salesian Family or Salesian entities: the Superior of the Province of the Middle East; the Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from Slovenia and Croatia; the Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family; the World Director of Don Bosco Volunteers; the World President of Don Bosco's Past Pupils; the Secretary of "Don Bosco International". Work starts tomorrow afternoon with the presentation of the themes and of the participants by the Regional Councilor, followed by a first moment of open dialo-

gue between participants and the Rector Major on the topic: "Today and Tomorrow in our Congregation's Provinces".

The conversation between the Superior General of the Congregation and the various Provincials of Central and Northern Europe will continue on the morning of Wednesday 8 May; in the afternoon there will be an excursion to Maribor, the birthplace of the Servant of God Fr Andrej Majcen, which will be completed with a celebration of thanksgiving to the Rector Major and a festive cultural evening led by Salesian youth groups in Slovenia.

On Thursday, May 9, several specific topics will be explored: the Salesian presence in European organisms and

structures; the animation of the Salesian Family in the region; the formation of the Salesians; the Project "Exallievi MOR 2020". Furthermore, each Province will have the opportunity to present the provincial journey undertaken and to be undertaken towards the General Chapter.

The afternoon will be dedicated to learning about the Salesian charism lived and experienced in the host Province and the "Salesian Craft Center", located in Veržej. Finally, on the last day of work, Friday 10, an evaluation will be carried out on the progress made by the various Provinces in the six-year period 2014-2020, and the conclusions of the meeting will be shared.

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Positive opinion of theological Consultors to Cause of Servant of God Augusto Bertazzoni

(ANS - Vatican City)

On 12 March 2019, during the Congress of Theological Consultors held at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, a full positive opinion was given regarding the heroic exercise of virtues, the reputation of holiness and signs of the Servant of God Augusto Bertazzoni, archbishop of Potenza, born in Pegognana (Mantua) on 10 January 1876 and died in Potenza on 30 August 1972. The Servant of God attended the Salesian oratory in Turin and met Don Bosco, who had a great influence on his formation.

The Positio was presented on 27 September 2013 by Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, SDB, Postulator in Rome; among the speakers: Fr Daniel Ols, OP., followed by Fr P. Zdzisław Kijas, OFM Conv., and as a collaborator Msgr. Gerardo Messina, former vice-postulator, assisted by Dr. Lodovica Maria Zanet, collaborator of the Salesian Postulation. It is nice to remember that this funda-


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mental passage of the Cause took place on March 12, the day of the death of Saint Luigi Orione who, with the young Augusto Bertazzoni, was a pupil of the oratory

of Valdocco in Turin. Both were among the boys who in 1887 offered their lives for the salvation of Don Bosco; while for his part the Saint of the Young had prophesied that the young Augustus would become bishop.

Mons. Bertazzoni was a good Pastor and father of the poor, a true man of God, a man of faith and prayer, a tireless preacher of the Word of God, attentive to the spiritual needs of the faithful and even non-believers, for whom he spent his life to the very end, offering to God, for the good of the Churches that he had led as a bishop, the sufferings that led to his death.

He was a father to the victims of war and to the Jews confined to Basilicata, a farsighted educator of the young, and he spent his time so that the priests of his diocese, together with men and women religious, dedicated themselves to the formation of young people, both in schools as in “Catholic Action”; he would recommend to all of them to have a "spirit of paternity" for the new generations.

After this step, the next takes place in the Ordinary Session of Cardinals and Bishops, after which the Supreme Pontiff authorizes the promulgation of the decree of Venerability.


A special prize for students distinguished in sport


Swaziland, officially the Kingdom of eSwatini (or Ngwane, name adopted at the proclamation of independence but little used), is a state of southern Africa. Manzini, Eswatini - april 2019

On 12 April, at the "Salesian High School" in Manzini, belonging to the Vice Province of Southern Africa (AFM), the ceremony was held to award special prizes to students who have distinguished themselves in sport.

The Headmaster, Petros Horton, himself a past pupil of the Institute, congratulated them by encouraging them to be good ambassadors for school and society.

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Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Fr Silvio Galli, SDB, begun (ANS - Rome)

On 12 June 2019, the 7th anniversary of the ascent to heaven of Fr Silvio Galli, the bishop of Brescia, Msgr. Pierantonio Tremolada, was presented with the Supplex libellus, that is the official instance with which the Salesian Congregation asks for the opening of the diocesan Inquiry into the virtues, the fame of holiness and signs of Fr Silvio Galli, Professed Priest of the Society of Saint Francis of Sales.

Fr Silvio Galli was born on 10 September 1927 in Palazzolo Milanese, the first of eight brothers.

After attending the Salesian Institute "Sant'Ambrogio" in Milan, he carried out


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the novitiate in Montodine (CR), made his first profession as a Salesian on 11 September 1943 and perpetual profession in 1949.

Ordained a priest on 1 July 1953, he completed practical training in Varese and fostered a deep spiritual friendship with Domenichino Zamberletti, a little boy who died in the concept of holiness.

Destined for the house in Bologna, he obtained a degree in Literature and from 1959 until the end of his life he was in Chiari (Brescia), dedicating himself in the first years to teaching aspirants to Salesian life and then, over the years, more and more in the generous service to the poor, immigrants, prisoners, those who


are hungry, those who have no homes, drug addicts, alcoholics, the mentally ill, and varied forms of material, spiritual and moral poverty.

In the reception of very many people he exercises the ministry of listening, of consolation, of reconciliation and of exorcism.

He animates and takes care of the formation of the Salesian Cooperators, of the members of the ADMA, of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco and of numerous volunteers who collaborate in his charitable work.

With the help of generous volunteers and benefactors, he founded the "Auxilium" reception center.

With life and word he teaches us to discover and serve Christ in the poor, bearing witness to the love of the Good Shepherd.

This is how he presented himself: ÂŤI am but a poor priest ... It amazes me also that all the people afflicted by problems, sometimes unsolvable, turn to me ... Only with prayer, a very powerful weapon, with faith in the Madonna and her son Jesus, sometimes these problems are solvedÂť.

He concludes his earthly life on 12 June 2012, surrounded by a widespread reputation for holiness and signs. With the Cause of Fr Silvio Galli, the candidates for the holiness of the Salesian Family rise to 169.

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Past Pupils of Don Bosco of the Dominic Savio College of Haiti

The Association counted 50 members in 2017. We opened a chat group where we invited others and by 2018, the number rose. Today, there are 236 past students, teachers, and priests within the group.

The most important goal of the past pupils of Don Bosco of Haiti is to create opportunities for children of lesser means to have access to basic education at a prorated cost.

The second goal of the association is to create in IMPACT in our community by helping past pupils and youths of our country by continuing the mission of Don Bosco. Work to help Past Pupils of Don Bosco become “Salt of the earth and light of the world”. Put our knowledge and competences, as lay professionals, at the service of our members, the Salesian Family and Society, by fulfilling the motto: “Honest Citizens and Good Christians”.

Our first meeting of former pupils of Don Bosco was in Florida in May 2018. That was a reconnect meeting where most of us that have not seen each other for many years. We exchanged ideas and created plans for the future of the association. Among our


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first accomplishment, we have sponsored the participation of the students of College Dominique Savio Haiti in the Diamond Challenge of the University of Delaware in April 2019. We are all dedicated and involved but we needed more insight. We needed to streamline our plans.

After a year of planning, the second ACODOSAH reunion occurred in Boston, MA from May 24 to May 26, 2019. The theme: Celebrate the past, shape the future.

On our first day, we were welcomed by Professor Yves Devaris and his spouse at his residence. Some students that had missed the reunion last year were present making the meet and greet even more exciting.

R.P Bonny Francois in charge of Salesian School came from Haiti to participate in the weekend of past pupils, say the welcoming prayer.

The evening continued with our singers Iselande D., Romane P. Joseph, Jean Michel C. and our guitar player with the first song dedicated to Don Bosco. Through laughter and joy, we reminisced. We ate the delicious hors d’oeuvre prepared by our hostess. The night ended much later than we had expected. Although quite late in the night, the committee met for a few hours

to concretize plans for the upcoming gala.

May 25th, Saturday morning, Jude Elie met with the former pupils committee to finalize the plan for the gala. At 1900, the gala started. Our guests of honor were R. P Hector Pascal responsible of former pupils of Haiti, with the presence of R.P Bonny Francois. The master of ceremony Ms. Romane opened the ceremony with a prayer led by Fa-


ther Bonny. Follows with the speech of R.P Hector Pascal about the contribution of the Salesians missions in the Haitian community.

Elder Germain past pupil, presented the values of the association. Sang. Recited a poem. The attendees sang the Don Bosco and Dominique Savio songs. Played several musical tunes.

Gratitude plaques were given by Patrick Dorce to: R.P Hector Pascal, R.P Jean Sylvain Jeannot, and the profesors: Mme Carole A. Devaris, Michele Comeau, Marie Catherine Auguste, Pierre Arnel Napoleon, Johnson Dolce and former pupil Gérald Thermil for his support to the salesian students in Haiti.

R.P Bonny present to the assistance the needs of the school and pupils in Haiti and requested the support of the past pupils. Then a scrumptious buffet style dinner was served. The Gala ended at 2300. The devoted committee chose to have a meeting after the gala to brainstorm any issue that had or could have arisen. On Sunday morning May 26th, the committee and former pupils met at Professor Devaris House, there was a definite need for the guidance of the elders. We had requested the presence of R.P Hector gra-

ciously, joined us to clarify a number of issues, concerns and questions about our missions, goal, the chart of the past pupils, the various project that we have for our community and our participation to the Jubilee of 2020.

At the end of this three day meeting, we believe we have identified several past errors, we have designed plans for growth.

We are confident that our next meeting will be more fruitful and we expected to have more past pupils in the association. The date for the next meeting is not yet determined but the location is in New York and we hope the presence of other past

pupils from the world association of Don Bosco will attend to help us create in IMPACT in our community. The theme will be “WHAT HAVE I DONE?”. Each member of the committee is expected to bring about an accomplishment that he/she will proudly present at the meet and greet day. The expectation is that each member of the committee, each members of the association must be a role model for others in the community by living through the rules of the association and Don Bosco.


Jude Elie President of Past Pupils of Don Bosco Haiti

(Association des anciens eleves du college Dominique Savio d’Haiti past pupils of Don Bosco was created in July 2017)

The original committee members included: Jude Elie, Président Patrick Dorcé, Vice-Président Remy Exant : Spoke person and Helena Blanc: Assistant Spoke persons in the United States Paul Wilner: Treasurer and Lesly Dieudonné: Assistant Treasurer Yanick Louis: Secretarie, Kethlie Pierre Louis: Assistant Secretarie and,Islande Derosier: Consultant. Elder Germain , Hervé Jestimé: Delegates Pierre Richard Alexandre, Carasco Arias, Jean Michel Caceus : General members Yverose Francois and Gusman Saint Fleur: Spoke persons in Haiti EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019




A commemorative plaque for Fr Boleslaw Rozmus, SDB

Slovakia - june 2019

On June 1 in the Tatra Mountains there was the ceremony of installation and blessing of a memorial plaque for a young Salesian, Fr Boleslaw Rozmus, who died in 1996 while leading a group of students to this area.

In addition to several representatives from Slovakia and Poland, there were also representatives of the formation houses of the novitiate of Slovakia and of the Krakow theologate, with the director of the novitiate, Fr Peter Timko, and the Provincial of Krakow (PLS), Fr Adam Parszywka.


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The Eucharist was presided over by the Councilor for Central and Northern Europe Region, Fr Tadeusz Rozmus, older brother of Fr Boleslaw.

For 23 years Fr Boleslaw's past pupils have been meeting regularly every year on the first Sunday of October in the Tatra Mountains and celebrate a Mass in his memory in the Chocholowska Valley. In the memorial cemetery of Strbske Pleso there are currently two Salesian tombstones: Fr Boleslaw's and a novice from the Czech Republic, who also died in the mountains in 2007.



Celebrating Easter in Shuuwuu Ulaanbaatar Mongolia – april 2019

The small Catholic community of Shuuwuu, 50 km from the Ulaanbaatar community, is made up of 40 faithful from the parish and it celebrated the Easter vigil with three Salesians, in the traditional Mongolian tent called "Ger", used as a chapel. The Salesian Delegation of Mongolia currently has ten Salesians located in Ulannbaatar and Darkhan, and carries out a technical school, three youth centers, various agricultural and social development projects.

In addition to the 10 Salesians, the Salesian Family in Mongolia is made up of 5 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, 18 Salesian Cooperators and some hundreds of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, who are gradually trained and organized.

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Mumbai, India - march 2019

A new hockey field for Don Bosco Matunga

For over 30 years the hockey team of the Salesian “Don Bosco Matunga� School in Mumbai has dominated the school circuit of this sport, which has been in crisis in recent years.

To relaunch the practice, on March 30 at the "Don Bosco Matunga", a new field in synthetic grass was inaugurated, of standard size and approved by the International Hockey Federation.

After the opening ceremony, chaired by Fr Godfrey D'Souza, Superior of the Mumbai Province (INB), a match was played between a team of national hockey stars, former Olympians, and another of the pupils and students of Don Bosco Matunga.

South Africa Johannesburg, South Africa - may 2019

In preparation for the Provincial Chapter of the Africa South Vice-Province (AFM), the members of the chapter participated, from 5 to 10 May, in the spiritual retreat led by Fr. Jayapalan Raphael, World Delegate of the Past Pupils Association, on the theme "Live Jesus, give Jesus".


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Spiritual retreat in preparation for Provincial Chapter


Meeting of Oswiecim Schools Past Pupils


Oswiecim, Poland - june 2019

The past pupils of the Salesian Schools of Oswiecim gathered for their annual meeting in the Salesian Don Bosco Institute in Oswiecim (PLS).

The program included, among other things, a meeting of past pupils with their then teachers, the Eucharistic celebration, a souvenir photo and a picnic at Piazza Don Bosco. There were also moments of sharing memories of previous years related to education in Salesian schools in Oswiecim.

Photos: don Paweł Gacek SDB

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On Monday, May 20, the Deputy Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Duarte Cordeiro, paid a courtesy visit to "his" school, the former OSJ. He was accompanied by past pupils Rodolfo, Hélder and Antonio, who were his classmates and are currently considered entrepreneurs.

«It's a pleasure to come back to our school. Review this house and meet again Salesians who helped us grow, Dr. Orlando and Fr. Marcelino. We liked it so much that our children and nephews are here too and they feel very happy», he said. Fr. António Marcelino, SDB Source: Boletim Informastivo Hoje

The Past Pupils of the Salesians of Funchal celebrated on May 4 the Regional Day of the Past Pupils. As in previous years, the Center for Past Pupils was helped by many in organizing the meeting: Salesian community, educational community and students.

The number of gifts was very significant and we even had the great satisfaction of receiving past pupils from countries far away, who made a point of scheduling their trips and thus adding sparkle to the celebrations. The strong bonds of friendship that bind us were, once again, reinforced. We are and will always be Salesian Past Pupils! João Luís Fernandes Source: Boletim Informativo Hoje 22

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Secretary of State Duarte Cordeiro in the Salesians of Lisbon

Regional Day of the Salesian Past Pupils


The cream cake that came to Papa Francesco


He is a past pupil of the Salesians in Lisbon and during the Pope's visit to Portugal, on the centenary of the Apparitions of Fatima, JoĂŁo Castanheira made Pope Francisco the famous Portuguese pastry. These were produced by the Aloma pastry shop, of which it owns and that has been three times winner of the title of best cream cake of Lisbon.

From Vatican, later received a message of thanks from the advisory services of the Secretariat of State of the Holy See.

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Great Britain

Salesian Old Boy honoured by Queen (ANS – Rome)

Father Michael Fava, the most senior Catholic Army Chaplain, has been awarded the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. Fr Michael is a former pupil of Salesian College, Farnborough.

In November 2018, Fr Michael was appointed Deputy Chaplain General, the first Catholic to be appointed to this post.

Speaking of the Honour, Fr Michael said «I am stunned by this news, but very grateful for the acknowledgement that it represents for Catholic chaplaincy in the Army, and of the role of the Catholic Bishopric of the Forces. It is a tremendous honour to receive this on everyone’s behalf». He was commissioned into the Royal Army Chaplains Department in 1997.

As well as serving in the UK and Northern Ireland he has served in Germany and Cyprus and served on operational tours of duty in Bosnia, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, and


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Afghanistan. He was created an Honorary Chaplain to the Queen in 2017.

He was Apostolic Administrator of the Bishopric of the Forces during the period ‘sede vacante’ May 2015 – Sep 2018. Fr Michael is a priest of the Diocese of Portsmouth and an old boy of the Salesian College, Farnborough.

Bishop Paul Mason, Bishop of the Forces, said, «With over two decades in service as an Army chaplain, Fr Michael Fava has distinguished himself though his unique blend of dedicated professionalism and sensitive pastoral and priestly service. In receiving the CBE Fr Michael’s faithful commitment to his priestly vocation and his service as chaplain to the British Army are recognised and valued in a very important way.

All of us in the Catholic Bishopric of the Forces are very proud of him and very happy to see him honoured in this way by the Queen». by Barry Hudd



The first Center of the D.Bosco Past Pupils celebrates 110 years of existence (ANS - Asunción)

On 19 March 1909, the "Juan Bosco" Center of the past pupils of the Salesian Institute "Monseñor Lasagna", the first Center of the Don Bosco Past Pupils, was founded in Paraguay.

Since then, the Center has operated uninterruptedly, with weekly Board meetings.

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Aleksandrów Kujawski: centenary of Kujawskie Institute

(ANS – Aleksandrów Kujawski)

Many "miracles", large and small, have occurred to Aleksandrów Kujawski in recent decades.

Above all, "miracles" of Salesian education, which have generated so many fruits in the lives of the many young people who have grown up in the classrooms of the "Kujawskie" Salesian Institute during its 100 years of existence. For this reason, on Saturday 18 May, the entire educational community and the school family celebrated the important anniversary. Preparations for this great celebration lasted for several months and involved many people who are very concerned


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about the idea of education in the spirit of Don Bosco. The celebrations of the centenary of the Kujawskie Institute, which this year coincide with the Feast of the Province of North Poland (PLN), based in Piła, began with a solemn Eucharist in the parish church of Mary Help of Christians, presided over by the Provincial, Fr Roman Jachimowicz, SDB. After the greetings of the Director of the Institute, Fr Grzegorz Gruba, all those present - past pupils, students, parents, employees, benefactors, representatives of local and Salesian authorities - were able to hear the homily of the Provincial, who drew a brief outline history of the institute and encouraged everyone to continue to take care of its good development


and to involve future generations of citizens and the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. Then, at the end of the Eucharist, Fr Jachimowicz gave souvenirs to the Salesians who this year celebrate their anniversaries of religious profession and priestly ordination. Then the celebration's participants, accompanied by a musical band and songs about Don Bosco, crossed the streets of the city to the Institute, where the artistic part of the day awaited them, work in which the history of the Turin saint was remembered, as well as referring to the centennial tradition of the school. Finally, after reading the commemorative letter from the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and the wishes of the

Minister for National Education, Ms. Anna Zalewska, several guests spoke. Further celebrations took place in the school's sports field: it was a moment of meetings between teachers and graduates, shared photos, dances and visits within the Institute.

Noteworthy was the presence of many past pupils, in particular of the 1940s and 50s, as well as the high school graduates. On the occasion of the centenary of the Institute, a special publication was also published, entitled Kolegium Kujawskie 1919-2019. Zatrzymane chwile. Fr Krzysztof Tomeczkowski, SDB Photos: Aniela Mazurkiewicz, Grzegorz Chojnacki

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75-year success at "Revolución" thanks to charism of Don Bosco (ANS - Guadalajara)

The Salesian center of "Revolución" in Guadalajara has recently celebrated its 75th anniversary.

The celebrations began last May 24, on the occasion of the feast of Mary Help of Christians, with the Eucharist presided by the Provincial of Mexico-Guadalajara, Fr Hugo Orozco Sánchez, in the presence of the center's Director, Fr Óscar Miguel Martínez, of the Rector of the church, Fr Arnulfo Fajardo, of many Salesians, members of the Salesian Family, pupils and past pupils together with their families, parishioners and many sympathizers of the Salesian house. The Salesian center on "Avenida Revolu-


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ción" began when the local archbishop, Msgr. José Garibi Rivera, in 1935 entrusted the care of the chapel dedicated to Mary Help of Christians to the Salesians.

Soon the chapel, in addition to offering Eucharistic celebrations, became a festive oratory.

Beginning in 1947, through the work of Fr Ignacio Sandoval, the "Mexico School" was born, which took care of children and young people most in need.

Later, in 1963, the school was incorporated into the Secretariat of Public Education and opened its doors to become the "Anahuac Revolución" Salesian School, exclusively for males; next to the church of


Mary Help of Christians was the girls' school; and all this complex, for decades, has formed a single Salesian presence.

During the homily of the Mass, Fr Orozco recalled «Mary Help of Christians as a maternal example, companion and mediator, as a loving figure who discovers that she is loved by God».

After the celebration, the “75 años de luz” festival was held in the school premises, a circus arts show that ended with fireworks and that represented an allegory of day and night, of lights and of shadows, in homage to those who through this time and in that place have been light for hundreds of children and young people.

Fr Martínez, for his part, said on the sidelines of the celebrations: «The success of these 75 years has been the charism of Don Bosco, the way of treating children.

We have been a home where they have always been able to feel loved and welcomed: we have become a family, a courtyard where we can meet and make friends, a school where we can find God and discover sacramental life».

The Salesian center in "avenida Revolución" in Guadalajara is currently composed of the church dedicated to Mary Help of Christians and the Salesian school "Anahuac Revolución", which is one of the three Salesian schools in this city, served by a single community of Salesians.

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Past Pupils to start Mentoring Programme for homeless young persons (ANS – Sliema)

A mentoring programme to assist young homeless persons was launched in May by the National Federation of Past Pupils

and Friends of Don Bosco. This Erasmus+ EU Funded programme will help these vulnerable persons in discovering more about themselves and their environment to follow a path of higher achievement and

stability. The programme was launched under the title “Mentor Power” in the form of a handbook and training manual and over 20 organizations come together to attend the “Mentor Power” seminar. Together these tools will be used by the Salesians in a pilot programme aimed at reintegrating young persons back into the community.

In this European project, there were other partners including “Osanna Pia Home”, Malta; “Zdruzenie exallievov don Bosca na Slovensku” – Slovakia; “Cunamh Teo” (Salesians of Don Bosco) - Ireland; “Centro di Fraternità Exallievi di Don Bosco – Alberto Marvelli” – Italy; “Confederacion Nacional de Antiguos Alumnos y Antiguas Alumnas de Don Bosco” – Spain.

Bryan Magro, President of the National Federation of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco, the lead organisation on


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the project, said: «Our intention was to create a handbook and training guide that would be implemented in our own mentoring programme. But we also wanted to create a tool that can also be used by other organisations in developing their own programmes to help vulnerable young persons.

The response to this project by other NGOs was overwhelming and we are also looking at ways of collaborating with each other on further projects related to mentoring».

The Maltese National Federation will also be opening “Marvelli Residence” this summer, which will be a new home for three young people who are homeless or lack the support of a family.

This project is in partnership with the Maltese Association of the Order of Malta and Osanna Pia Home.

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Saints in shirt sleeves p. Eli Cruz, SDB

A psychologist, Jerome Bruner, once said: ÂŤAdults who do not use narration are losing a powerful allyÂť.

I collected stories of young people who lived and learned from the school of Don Bosco, the "Father and Master of Youth". Through their stories, we have access to their spirits. Through their spirits we capture the concerns and projects that make life meaningful for young people.

I chose the young people of Don Bosco because I wish to honor St. Dominic Savio, who died a teenager saint, the archetype of youthful heroism and holiness. Just as St. John Bosco is the adult saint who has inspired many other young people to show the world that age is not a barrier to living heroic and holy lives.

I chose three young people from the Don Bosco Technical College in the Town of Mandaluyong (Philippines), whose ordinary lives were filled with extraordinary spiritual and moral content: Joseph Sigmund Ocasion, Dorilag Chiminello and Roderick Flores. This memory is dedicated to all young people who can live for a greater purpose than theirs and embrace a wider world than their...


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Chiminello Dorilag the Nobel Prize of God

On December 25, 1983, in the eighteenthcentury chapel of the Don Bosco Technical College in Mandaluyong: while the whole world celebrates the birth of life on Christmas Day, some relatives and friends share the biting sadness of a father, a mother and three brothers grieving for the death of their firstborn, Joseph Chiminello Dorilag.

In the previous afternoon Chim dies of liver tuberculosis. He is 18 years old and is a second year of engineering in Don Bosco Technical College.

Chim takes its name from two Joseph: St. Joseph on the day of the feast in which he was born and Fr. Joseph Chiminello, an elderly priest who his mother nursing at the Scalabrini Rest Center in California. From St. Joseph Chim Chim learns the silence and dedication to work, and from Fr. Joseph the patient resistance in suffering. First child of Fe and Isidro Dorilag, born on March 19. He joined the high school in the Don Bosco Technical Institute in the City of Makati, he considers it the first big success. He graduated in March 1981 with Mr. Vicente Racaza, first lay principal of the school. After graduation the health of Chim begins to give problems: chronic internal pains develop for an enlarged spleen and liver. They prescribe their rest at home. I computer affascinano Chim. All'inizio del secondo semestre mostra con orgoglio il tesserino di studente di Electronic Data Processing, Training and Services (EDPTS). He writes on January 30, 1983: «The Essence of knowledge is to apply it in deeds with love for the service of neighbor; Not

in words for the sake of showing it... This is also true with your faith». The same belief rooted in the notes of the lessons: «A wise Man loves faith and dedication to his work, while a lazy man often seeks money... An intelligent person is one who has original ideas for the wellbeing of his fellows... Man is created to love and not to respond to test».

Tiyoy Artus, writes to a very close uncle: «Since I was 15 years old, I have researched the development of a perpetual power supply (PPS). This machine will generate energy forever. I have already solved the problem, but I have no money to install the equipment... Tiyoy Artus, to tell you frankly, I aspire to be the first Philippine Nobel prize. I know that God is always with me, that Jesus will never miss me, that someday I will have really happened because I trust him a lot... I did this research not to get fame, glory and luck, but to help people, especially the Filipinos... I love my country... I want the world to know that we Filipinos have a voice in the sciences... This PPS will be my signature, the Remembrance of my love for my country before I can go away from the earth».

Chim kept his sufferings hidden except with his dear friend, Fr. Joseph Chiminello, with whom he regularly corresponds. On May 23, 1983, Chim told him: «Father, I have been suffering for three years... sudo profusely; liver and spleen have swollen... This affects me very, physically and mentally. I was humiliated and despised because of bad health. Only a few friends and relatives have remained faithful to me. However, I continued to trust

the Lord. Will, self-determination, faith and hope are the virtues that keep me alive».

Chim starts to study electronic engineering and communications at the Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong City, after computer training courses. But when he entered the first semester of 1983 his health deteriorated. For this he writes his antidote on a prescription sheet from the doctor: «Here Don Bosco is expected to bear fruit». He cannot take the mid-term exams of the first semester. He asks for special exams and exceeds all subjects.

His last entry is a single line under the date of December 12: «First quiz in Physics 235». Loses the test for a more difficult final exam. That morning he is rushed to the San Juan de Dios hospital in Manila. Transferred to the General Hospital of the Philippines for surgery on December 15, 1983, he underwent the first major operation for ten hours. Four days he receives the visit of the dean of the College, Fr. Precioso Cantillas, SDB, then rector of the Don Bosco Technical College and bishop of Maasin, Leyte, in the southern Philippines. On December 23rd still complications; the doctors decide to operate a second time. It's the last chance to save his life. But Chim cannot recover. At 2 pm on December 24, Chim died after a sudden cardiac arrest.

Chim died far away from his ambition to become the first Filipino Nobel Prize winner.

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Roderick Flores

destined to be a teenage hero Roderick Flores (1969-1984) belonged to the Scout Association of the Don Bosco Technical College of Mandaluyong (Philippines). He drowned in an attempt to save two companions, surprised by cramps while swimming. His body was found a week later. ÂŤThe heroic act of throwing oneself to save comrades was only the culminating point of a long succession of innumerable acts of altruism done dailyÂť. This is the testimony of the Salesian Archbishop Francesco Panfilo.

Roderick, for his friends Erick, was born in Mandaluyong (Philippines) on 3 January 1969. He loves doing sports, dancing; awarded at school for good conduct. He attended the Salesian Institute and, before starting the lessons, one of his habits was a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Sacramento in the Chapel of the Institute. He attends the Electronics section and be-


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longs to a group called "430 SLC", like the super-luxury Mercedes car which, in adolescent psychology, indicates how the boys want to aim for super quality.

At the age of 15 he enrolled in the scouts of the Salesian College and participated in a three-day camp, organized by the "Don Bosco Technical College" in Mandaluyong, on an island in the archipelago.

In the early afternoon of August 18, 1984, the "senior" scouts Roderick Flores, Eric Edmund Benedicto and Joseph Victor Giron perceive an imminent danger for the young explorers Glen Magsadia and Noel Briones. Both have a bout of cramps as they swim with fr. Jose San Juan (now a Salesian missionary priest in Timor). Roderick and Benedicto quickly dive into the water, while Fr. San Juan and Giron return to earth to find a rope. They reach

the juniors but a big wave pushes the group towards the open sea. At this point Roderick also feels the bite of cramps and calls Benedicto, who pushes him to the shore. Benedicto turns back to Magsadia who, frightened, clings desperately to his shoulders, sinking them both.

From the shore Roderick notices it and, despite being still in the grip of cramps, in a surge of generosity he plunges back into the rough sea. Grab Magsadia with one hand and feel Benedicto's presence with the other. Just at that moment another giant wave is pouring over them and, when it finally calms down, Benedicto, Magsadia and Briones are safe. Roderick's body does not resurface; it is found a week later on the opposite bank of San Juan, in the province of Batangas.

His death highlights the best in the educative-pastoral community, as witnessed


by Mrs. Enriquetta Benesa, Roderick's councilor and first lay leader of the school: «Trying to help explore the sea we really felt like a big family. It was an occasion of pride because Don Bosco produced a boy-hero». On August 30, 1984 Roderick is buried in the "Salesian garden" of the Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque.

«All of character», testified the Bishop of Alotau-Sideia, Papua New Guinea, Msgr. Francesco Panfilo, Roderick's rector and confessor friend since the boy is in third grade. "His heroism is the culmination of innumerable acts of generosity to help the needy. At least during the eight years of my rectorate, no one surpasses him in generosity and goodness».

The reflective attitude is faithfully captured by Ed Castrillo, a former pupil of the school and a Philippine national scul-



pture artist, who created the bust of Roderick, now positioned in the school.

Since Roderick's death in August, none of his classmates has taken his place in the last row of the 430 class. It has remained empty, the same emptiness that the hearts of the people who loved him still have.

Towards the end of the homily at the funeral Mass, Msgr. Panfilo summed up: «Erick's 15 years have been lived to the full. He did not approach God empty-handed, but in purity of heart, with hands full of acts of love, with a soul pleasing to the Lord. God loved him because he was good, because he was generous and pure and so he took him with him before the evils of this world had touched him». To this day, Bishop Francesco Panfilo keeps a photo of Roderick inside the breviary, to ask for the intercession of the boy in the intentions of his mentor.

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Pope Francis: "What Salesian for today's youth?”

(ANS - Vatican City)

On the occasion of the Salesian Family Spirituality Days, we publish the preface by the Holy Father to the volume edited by Antonio Carriero, SDB, "Evangelii gaudium con don Bosco", a text in which the Salesian Family takes up the message of the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis from a pastoral educational point of view.

«You Salesians are lucky because your founder, Don Bosco, was not a saint with the face of "Good Friday", sad, long-faced, morose... But rather from "Easter Sunday". He was always joyful, welcoming, despite the thousand labors and difficulties that besieged him every day. As they write in the Biographical Memoirs, "his radiant face of joy manifested, as always, his own happiness in finding himself among his children» (Biographical Memoirs of Don Giovanni Bosco, volume XII, 41).«It is no coincidence that for him holiness consisted in being "very happy, joyful". We can therefore call him a "healthy bearer" of that "joy of the Gospel" which he proposed to his first great student, Saint Domenico Savio, and to all of you Salesians, as an authentic and ever-present style of the


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"high measure of Christian life"» (John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, 31).

«His was a revolutionary message in a time when priests lived the life of the people with detachment. The "high measure of Christian life" Don Bosco put into practice by entering the "social and existential periphery" that grew in the 19th century Turin, capital of Italy and industrial city, which attracted hundreds of young people looking for work. In fact, the "priest of the poor and abandoned young people", following the farsighted advice of his teacher St. Joseph Cafasso, went down into the streets, entered the building sites, factories and prisons, and there he found children who were alone and abandoned at the mercy of the owners of work, without any scruples. He brought the joy and care of the true educator to all the boys he tore from the streets, boys who found in Valdocco an oasis of serenity and the place where they learned to be "good Christians and honest citizens".

It is the same atmosphere of joy and family that I too was lucky enough to live and taste as a child, attending the sixth grade

at the Colegio Wilfrid Barón de los Santos Ángeles, in Ramos Mejía. Salesians have formed me to beauty, to work and in being very joyful and this is your charisma.

They helped me grow without fear, without obsessions. They helped me to move forward in joy and in prayer. As I had the opportunity to remind you during the visit to the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians on 21 June 2015, I return to recommend the three white loves of Don Bosco: Our Lady, the Eucharist and the Pope. Today we speak little of Our Lady with the same love with which your Saint spoke of her. He entrusted himself to God by praying to Our Lady and that trust in Mary gave him the courage to face the challenges and dangers of life and its mission. As a second love of Don Bosco, the Eucharist must remind you to start children in the practice of liturgy, lived well, to help them enter into the Eucharistic mystery and, lest we forget, the Adoration. Finally, love for the Pope: it is not only love for his person, but for Peter as head of the Church and as a representative of Christ and spouse of the Church. Behind that white love for the Pope, there


is love for the Church. The question you must ask yourself is: "What is a Salesian of Don Bosco to be for today's young people?". I would say: a concrete man, like your founder, who as a young priest preferred, to the career as preceptor in the families of nobles, service to and among the poor and abandoned children. A Salesian who knows how to look around, sees critical situations and problems, confronts them, analyzes them and makes courageous decisions. He is called upon to encounter all the banlieues and innercities of the world and of history, the peripheries of work and of the family, of culture and economy, which need to be healed.

And if he welcomes, with the spirit of the Risen Lord, the peripheries inhabited by children and their families, then the kingdom of God begins to be present and another story becomes possible. The Salesian is an educator who embraces the fragility of young people who live in marginalization and without a future, bends over their wounds and cures them like a good Samaritan. The Salesian is also optimistic by nature, knows how to look at young people with positive realism. As Don Bosco teaches still today, the Salesian recognizes in each of them, even the most rebellious and out of control, "that point of access to the good" on which to work with patience and trust. Finally, the Salesian is the bearer of joy, the one born of the news that Jesus Christ has risen and is inclusive of every human condition. In fact, God does not exclude anyone. To love us, He does not ask us to

be good. And neither does He ask us for permission to love us. He loves us and forgives us. And if we allow ourselves to be surprised by the simplicity of those who have nothing to lose, we will feel our heart flooded with joy. When these characteristics are missing, here are those long faces, sad faces.

No! To the young you must bring this beautiful news, true news versus all the news that pass every day in the newspapers and on the net. Christ has truly risen, and to prove it were Don Bosco and Mo-

ther Mazzarello, all the saints and blessed of the Salesian Family, as well as all the members who daily transfigure the life of those who meet them because they were the first to let themselves be reached by the mercy of God. The Salesian becomes a witness to the Gospel, the Good News which in its simplicity must deal with the complex culture of each country. Putting together simplicity and complexity, for a son of Don Bosco, is a daily missionÂť.

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019



A book about our History of past pupils of Don Bosco In December 2016 I was invited to edit by of Ex Allievi Newsflash, the official journal of the World Confederation of past pupils. Before taking on the delicate task I took part in some meetings of the World Council, to be even more aware of what were the expectations and desires in my regard. When everything was agreed, I felt I was proposing a literary operation never before faced in the past. «What do you say if we publish a book about our history?». I read the amazement on everyone's faces.

But the placet soon came. After which I added: «My intention is to get the book out for the 150th anniversary of our "birth" as a former student, that is, June 24, 2020».

To make the descriptive overview as complete as possible, I felt it was my duty to reserve this space in our magazine.

Work plan

2017 = Research, selection and acquisition of archival material (books, magazines, newspapers, photos, etc.). 38

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019

2018 = Cataloging ordered in Folders and Files on PC.

To date, in June, after reading and consulting about 450 publications, the situation is as follows: • Photos scanned and divided by topic = 1.350.

• Historical folders = 14 (presumed Chapters of the book) - Cataloged in the individual folders about 1.000 files.

2019 = Writing, composition, layout, coordinated revision of all the material.

2020 = (January-February): printing and installation in the Typography.

Request for cooperation

Each Federation, Union, but also the single past pupil, can send material that includes:

• Historical outline (no more than 4050 lines - on word file) • List of former students dead in war (possibly with photos - jpeg format)

• Historical photos (black / white or colors) in jpeg format.

The files, in Italian or English, must categorically be sent within (and no later) September 30, 2019 to the following email:

I thank all those who will respond to this invitation. Don Bosco will certainly reward those who will feel and be involved in this initiative. It will be a book for an audience that has no age. For young people, who will see "action" names they had only heard about, and for the elderly, who will relive with a hint of nostalgia the best years of their lives.

In the next issues of Ex Allievi Newsflash we will keep you updated on the development of the works. Pierluigi Lazzarini



Technical Institute Don Bosco of Tarlac publishes book for school's 70 years

Tarlac City, Philippines - 31 january 2019

On the occasion of the feast of Don Bosco, the Technical Institute Don Bosco of Tarlac City presented an illustrated book entitled: "The future begins at age seventy".

TARLAC School mascot gray wolves

The book, published by the center's Association of its past pupils, was created to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the institute, the first in the whole country to have been named after Don Bosco. In its pages are told the stories of some past pupils, along with the traditions and educational role played over the years by the institute.

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019




National Pilgrimage of Salesian Family and Salesian Youth Movement Day

(ANS – Fatima)

"With Mary, sainthood is joy" was the theme of the 67th Pilgrimage of the Salesian Family of Portugal to the Shrine of Fatima, held on the weekend of 18-19 May. And also in Fatima, on Saturday 18, the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM), who attend the works of the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), celebrated their National Day. Guided by the Provincial of Portugal, Fr José Aníbal Mendonça, the Provincial of the FMA, Sr. Rosa Cândida Gomes, and by


EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019

the National Delegate for the Salesian Family, Fr Joaquim Taveira da Fonseca, the pilgrimage brought together about 800 people in the devotion to Mary to several SF groups.

The highlight of the activities was reached on Sunday with the Eucharist presided over within the sanctuary by the archbishop of Evora, Msgr. Francisco Senra Coelho. The prelate, a Salesian past pupil of the Don Bosco Institute in Maputo, Mozambique, recalled in the homily the «complete and disinterested priestly testimony» of Don Bosco who was able to «love, defend, promote and give his life


for children, adolescents and the poorest young people."For this reason he invited all pilgrims to be missionaries of God's love through "concrete gestures of the Gospel lived and sharedÂť.

Msgr. Senra Coelho, already the day before, had taken part in the "Salesian activities", joining the young people of the SYM for the exhibition "Art and Faith", which took place at the Paul VI Center, within the program of the National Day of the SYM. Organized by the Salesian Youth Ministry and by the National Delegate, Fr Ă lvaro Lago, the youth meeting brought together

500 young people from the different houses of the Salesians and the FMA of Portugal, who celebrated Mary by living the youth spirituality inherited from Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.

The young participants thus lived many moments together with the Salesian Family, such as the Greeting to the Madonna, the show "Art and Faith" and the Rosary in the Chapel of the Apparitions. During the day, they also participated in various workshops, and finally ended their activities with a prayer concert.

Source: Boletim Informativo Hoje

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019




(ANS - Seville)

Salesian Confraternities, a reflection of St. Giovanni Bosco's charism

In the world of the Salesian Confraternities or Brotherhoods (Hermandades and Cofradías) the liturgical time of the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus occupies a privileged place, because it combines devotion, social action and the protagonism of the young.

On the entire territory of Spain, there are today about 30 entities of the faithful, dependent on the respective archdioceses, and born, largely, in the channel of the Associations of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco.

In places like Algeciras, Morón de la Frontera, Alicante, Malaga, Cadiz, Ciudad Real, Cordoba, Jerez, Mataró, Huesca, Elche or Palma del Río, just to mention a few places, traditional processions will take place from 12 to 21 April with an approximate number of 30,000 adherents. As a corporation born within the Association of Past Pupils, the Malaga Brotherhood has, for example, expressed its marked Salesian character. Its apostolic impulse, service to people, the simplicity of the celebrations, the desire to be present among the young and humble families, work, initiative and profound Marian devotion are all aspects proper to Sale-


EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019

sian spirituality. "For all these reasons, on June 20, 1996, the then Provincial, Fr Eusebio Muñoz Ruiz, gave the title of Salesian Brotherhood and with the desire to deepen the commitment to young people". This desire to expand the sense of confraternity is what has encouraged the process of creating the Provincial Council of the Salesian Brotherhoods. "The Salesian Brotherhoods are represented by an advisory and organizational council, reporting directly to the delegate of the Salesian Family and then to the Provincial. The Coordinator also belongs to the Council of the Salesian Family of the Spain-Mary Help of Christians Province".

explains Manolo Orellana Delgado, Coordinator of the Brotherhoods. The full life of the Salesian Confraternities is not limited solely to a season of penance during the week of the Passion or to the triduums and cults of Lent.

It is worth emphasizing that, in their daily lives, they animate many different initiatives, which are centered on social work, solidarity campaigns, the collection of school materials, toys, food or clothing, as well as paying attention to the people received in nursing homes, schools or associations. Such are a few small examples of the full life of these Salesian brotherhoods, a reflection of the charism of St. Giovanni Bosco.


Statute of the World Confederation PrĂŚit ac tuetur / Guide and Protect Us Roma, 5 december 2015

Chapter IX

Confederal Presidency Elections Art. 32 - Electoral Commission

10 months before the end of the term in office of the Confederal appointments, the Confederal Executive Council will appoint an Electoral Commission composed of at least 3 members including the Secretary General and the Confederal Delegate. The Secretary General is the President of this Commission. The tasks of the Electoral Commission are: a) Draw up voting regulations.

b) Call for nominations for the Confederal Presidency 6 months before the elections. c) In case of the Assembly being convened by post, carry out the final check and count of the postal vote received and proclaim a list of those elected, by means of specific declaration.

d) Ask the elected persons to vote on the shortlist of three names to be submitted to the Rector Major.

e) The members of the Electoral Commission cannot be nominated for the election to the Confederal Presidency.

f) The Confederal Presidency will submit a complete list to the Electoral Commission of all those with voting rights. This list will be published on the Past Pupils’ website, or through other social media, at least 1 month before the date fixed for the elections.

Art. 33 - Nominations

a) Each National Federation can submit up to 3 nominations, 1 of which is reserved to a GEX (young past pupil); the approval of the President, the National Delegate, the Provincial for the territory of membership of the candidate is required and, if married, from his wife or her husband. The approved list will be disseminated by the Electoral Commission at least 2 months before the World Assembly. b) The approved list will be disseminated by the Electoral Commission at least 2 months before the World Assembly. c) No nomination which is submitted after the established date will be accepted.

d) The GEX candidates must be between the age of 18 to 30 years at the time of their appointment.

Art. 34 - Elections

a) Election of the Confederal President, the Secretary General and of the Confederal Treasurer.

The President of the Electoral Commission, after the voting and counting EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019



of ballots are completed, he will immediately compile the complete list of the candidates and their respective votes gained by the World General Assembly. He presents a shortlist of the most three most voted candidates with their number of votes to the Rector Major. The Rector Major will decide on the appointment the World Confederal President.

The eligible voters will elect, from a specific list, the Secretary General and the Confederal Treasurer during the World Assembly. The candidate who obtains the highest number of votes will be elected to the position to which he presented his candidancy.

Candidates may be nominated for two posts. Once elected, the candidate is not eligible for other functions.

If a person is elected for two posts, the Electoral Commission asks him to proceed to choose an option. The person with the next highest number of votes is consequently elected to that function which was become vacant. If no nominations are received for these executive posts, that of the Secretary General and the Treasurer, at the first meeting of the Confederal Presidency, then the newly elected members must co-opt a suitable candidate for each vacant post.

b) Members of the Confederal Presidency: The Regional Councillors

All those with voting rights who belong to a Region can vote for all the candidates of said Region (according to the votes attributed on the basis of Art. 31) to elect the members of the Confederal Presidency. The members of the Confederal Presidency vote for the candidates of the Region to which they belong. The Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family and the World The candidate who obtains the largest number of votes in their own Region becomes Regional Councillor for that Region. The young person who obtains the largest number of votes in their own Region becomes GEX Regional Councillor for that Region.

Art. 35 - Term of Office

a) The Confederal President holds office for 6 years and may be reconfirmed once only, reckoning that any appointments previously taken up in the Presidency are not taken into account. The members of the Presidency hold office for 6 years and, ordinarily, may be re-elected once only.


EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019

b) The same criteria for term of office apply to any members who are co-opted to the Presidency and to the Council. c) In case of the resignation or death of the President or the Senior Vice President, the Rector Major is informed respectively either by the Senior Vice President or the President, who will indicate alternative names from amongst the surviving members of the Presidency who will then appoint a substitute until the normal expiry date of the existing mandate.

d) In case of the resignation or death of a member of the Confederal Presidency, the President will convene the Confederal Executive Council:

~ For the official acknowledgement of the resignation or death of the Councillor. ~ For the usual notice, in case of death, to the Salesian Family. ~ To take the necessary action by way of following up such as the filling of the post of Councillor of the Presidency to the first of the non-elected persons (adult or GEX as the case may be) of the regional area to which the Councillor belonged; and similarly if he or she was a member of the Confederal Executive Council. The new Councillor will be appointed by the Presidency, as set out herein above.

In the absence of an available candidate on the list, the Confederal Presidency can co-opt a substitute. e) Past Pupils vested with important public and private roles, cannot carry out mandates, especially those of President. The Confederal Presidency is competent to assess any special cases.

Chapter X

Information and Notices

Art. 36 - Information bodies

a) Through the Confederation’s official site, the Presidency will publish periodical news and information for the National Federations and for anyone interested in the Association’s activities. The website may be supplemented by the publication of a new-


sletter. b) Each National Federation is called upon to collaborate with articles, news, experiences, that are considered useful, to be made known at world level through the above mentioned bodies.

Chapter XI

Banner, badge, merit awards, days of celebration

Art. 37 - Banner, badge, merit awards and days of celebration

a) The Confederal Banner is kept at the offices of the World Confederation. It shows the face of Don Bosco. It is placed on display at the time of solemn celebrations like anniversaries, international and world congresses, reunions and meetings.

b) The Badge, together with the Banner, is the visible sign of the unity of the Confederation and of the commitment to the organisation. Designed and cast at the request of the Confederal Presidency, it is deposited within the General Secretariat. It substantially reproduces the original design approved during the Second International Congress held in 1920.

c) The gold badge of merit, other certificates of loyalty and special diplomas are awarded for outstanding services. d) The following annual feast days are celebrated:

~ 31st January - Feast of Don Bosco ~ 24th May - Feast of Mary Help of Christians ~ 24th June - World Feast of the Past Pupils in commemoration of Don Bosco’s name day and the birth of the Past Pupils Movement ~ 5th October - Feast of Blessed Alberto Marvelli ~ 5th December - Feast of the Blessed Filippo Rinaldi ~ 8th December - Feast of the Immaculate Conception and commemoration of the beginning of the Salesian Family.

The Past Pupils of Don Bosco also participate in the Salesian Family celebrations organised at national, provincial and local level.

Chapter XII Financing

Art. 38 - Funding Sources of the World Confederation The World Confederation receives its financial means from:

a) Annual membership fees. Paid by each National Federation as expression of belonging to the World Confederation. The National Federations are obliged to contribute towards the sustainability of the World Confederation through fees fixed by the Confederal Presidency in relation to the number of members. The Confederal Presidency will annually decide upon the amount of the membership fee due from each National Federation by taking into account the national average per capita income.

The Confederal Presidency establishes the amount of membership fees each year. In the event that the National Federation is composed by various Provincial Federations, the fee is due from every Provincial Federation. In the event that the National Federation has not been established, the annual fee is due from every Provincial Federation. b) Donations and projects. With these aims the Confederal Treasurer is allowed to organise activities and hold projects. The World Confederation is authorised to receive income and contributions from various sources for the aims prescribed in this Statute.

Art. 39 - Expenses

On this basis of actual income and according to the budget put forward by the Confederal Treasurer, the Confederal Presidency can allocate a certain amount, each year, to a member of the Confederal Presidency for the implementation of a proposed and approved project.

The Confederal Treasurer shall settle the travel and other expenses of members of the Confederal Presidency and of the Confederal Executive Council or of other persons, only if there is a prior authorisation of the Confederal Executive Council. (All expenses must be accompanied by a relevant receipt).

(Continue in the next issue)

EX ALLIEVI Newsflash - 24 june 2019


EX ALLIEVI Newsflash

Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco

Director and Editor EX ALLIEVI Newsflash Opera Salesiana Teresa Gerini Via Tiburtina, 994 - 00156 Roma (Italia) tel. (+39) 06.409.003 Internet: E-mail:

General House Salesian headquarters Via Marsala, 42 - 00185 Roma (Italia) tel. (+39) 06.656.121 Centralino Fax (+39) 06.656.12.556 Internet: E-mail:

Direction and Editorial Coordination Pierluigi Lazzarini (


Name: Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco Bank: Lombard Bank Malta p.l.c. Address: Balzan, Malta IBAN: MT 08 LBMA 0500 0000 0000 0144 0520 986 SWIFT Code: LBMAMTMT Bank Account Number: 01440520986

Editorial Secretary Veronica Messano

Collaborators of this issue Papa Francesco, Don Ángel Fernández Artime sdb, Michal Hort, don Jayapalan Raphael sdb, don Eli Cruz sdb, Jude Elie, João Luís Fernandes, Barry Hudd, Peter Kovác, don António Marcelino sdb, Gian Francesco Romano, don Krzysztof Tomeczkowski sdb

Photography and Images Archivio Ag. ANS, AustraLasia, Boletim Informativo Hoje, Grzegorz Chojnacki, Aniela Mazurkiewicz, don Paweł Gacek SDB

The quarterly magazine (Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese) is available on the official website in these deadlines: DECEMBER 25 (Holy Christmas); EASTER OF RESURRECTION; JUNE 24 (birth of former students); OCTOBER 5 (Blessed Alberto



Ag. ANS - Editorial board

Ag. ANS - Nisaury Ventura

Ag. ANS - Editorial board

Ag. ANS - Nisaury Ventura









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