News flash en 2017 1

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THE VOICE OF THE RECTOR MAJOR «My dear young, I trust in you completely and for you I pray. Be brave and go against the current» (Pope Francis).


(…) In full harmony with Pope Francis and – I am sure – with lots of you, I also trust really in young people, pray for them and encourage them to be humble, strong, robust, protagonists of their own lives and ready to go against the current.

In a recent journey to Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Cuba I met active and brave young, being happy animators of other boys and girls; hardworking young who keep on studying and working to help in their families as well as to have major opportunities in their lives.

I saw young aged between 20 and 25 serving in the liturgical celebrations without any embarass as altar servers, taking part in the church choirs and revealing themselves as excellent artists and dancers on stage in an afternoon of leisure and fun.

They are our young. To them I say that, as adults and elder brothers, we are so many to place a great hope in them, to encourage them to be capable and audacious in their

lives, by admitting that the world we offer is difficult, tough and with rare opportunities. It’s not their fault, of course. And like Pope Francis I also spur them to find the strength to go against the current when the call to fidelity, to themselves and to Jesus echoes strongly in their hearts. Dear young, I remind you that the world of today needs you. It suffers from the lack of the great ideals which are typical of youth and its youthful dreams.

The whole world, in all the five continents, more than ever needs young people full of hope and strength, without fear of living, dreaming, looking for a deep and authentic happiness to leave a place for God in their hearts.

This world of ours needs young attracted by a real commitment, capable of sacrifice and love. Young consistent to their commitment, ready to donate their time and themselves. Is that too much to ask ? I think it is not.

It is a high aim, undoubtedly, but it is what Don Bosco in Valdocco used to ask his boys for, in the simple daily routine and in the heroism of taking care of the sicks of plague.

I remind these today’s young that we need them because lots of other young people need them too. The young are able to understand the other young better because the “discouraged, disappointed and disenchanted” young who fail to feel enthousiastic for something, are a lot.

As said by a beautiful prayer by Michel Quoist: Love means to meet each other and to meet someone it is necessary to come out of oneself to go towards another person. Love means to comunicate and to communicate to someone else it is necessary to forget about oneself for another person, to die to oneself completely for another person. Love makes us suffer. Because, after the original sin, love means self- crucifying for another.

This message of mine is an invitation to generosity of many young people worldwide and a call to us grown-up people, to stay by their side, to listen to them, to keep on betting on them, believing in them, trusting, in them, praying for them. For those who have a living faith and for those who are in search of themselves or simply feel lost. God never loses any of His sons and daughters. Be happy. Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime Rector Major



MY DEAR FRIENDS, It is with great pleasure that I am writing this first message to wish you all, the presidency team and all the delegates and animators of the world Past pupil Federation. At the very outset, I am deeply grateful to our beloved Rector Major for his trust in me in giving me this wonderful ministry. I am extremely happy to take up this ministry, as I myself am past pupil of Don Bosco. It is the great love of salesians for us poor boys, that inspired me to become Salesian, son of Don Bosco. With great joy and commitment, I offer myself to serve you all in whatever way I can.

Dear Friends, I am very happy that you are reading another edition of our Newsflash. It is the work of a team of past pupils led by the new Chief Editor Pierluigi Lazzarini. It is great to see how our team is expanding. The work of past pupils from all over the world is also growing and developing.

1 April is the day Don Bosco was canonized a “Saint”. We are children of a Saintly Father. While we thank God for this wonderful gift of Don Bosco to all of us, we should also remember his words to the boys and particularly to St. Dominic Savio, his pupil: All of us should become saints; Becoming a saint is easy; Holiness consists in being cheerful. st

The season of Holy Week and Easter reminds all of us of the great love of Jesus for every one of us and that we are “Easter people and Alleluia is our song”. Everything is not over with Good Friday. There is always Easter Sunday.

Already in the last few months I have seen the hard work and commitment of our presidency team, Mr. Michal Hort and the team. I am proud of all that the previous Salesian world delegate Don Jose Pastor SDB and the presidency team have done. With great joy and optimism, we can move forward to build up the World Past Pupils Federation. We have miles to go. With the assurance of the Risen Saviour, we can make all our past pupils worldwide to experience the joys of the Risen Christ in their own personal and family life, and thus prove to be true sons of Don Bosco. Wishing you all a Wonderful Happy Easter and invoking His special blessings on all of you and your family members Yours in Don Bosco Don Jayapalan Rapahel Sdb World Delegate of Past Pupils Federation

There are various good examples, several best practices, so much work is being performed everyday by past pupils and by members of the Salesian Family.

I am glad to announce that we now have a functional secretariat in the Casa Generalizia in Pisana, Rome which is managed by Mrs. Silvia Bruni. We are starting the work on the worldwide database of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco and we will also be improving our website with the section of news and best practices.

I invite you to be part of all these mentioned activities and events as part of your everyday lives and decisions. We should always be thankful for the gifts that Don Bosco gave us and is still giving us. We are all called to put into action the dreams of Don Bosco. As he was not afraid to dream broadly, neither am I.

I also dream of a great family of past pupils, I dream of a large worldwide network of our members, I dream of more sharing of best practicies which will inspire not only the Salesian Family but all societies and communities, I dream of more social projects, I dream of our Association as a large loving family. I believe that Don Bosco would have had these same dreams for us today. I invite you to read this edition of Newsflash and to know that some of these dreams are becoming true. Michal Hort


“Do not be afraid!”: that was the invitation of Saint John Paul II at the beginning of his Pontificate, while exhorting us to open wide our doors and our hearts for Christ.

The responsibility of being concerned with the journalistic and layout organization of “Exallievi NewsFlash” is not a negligible task; in my small I have been involved in an exalting mission, but a frightening one as well.

In the Salesian Family the attention to social communication is “ancient”, just think of the intense publishing activity of Don Bosco, and, above all, of his great capability in communicating.

Enthousiasm is at least equal to the challenge that awaits us. The important is to make it possible that the editorial message be like the compass which orientates the readers through both attractive and useful modern educational instruments.

“Exallievi Newsflash” wants to continue to be a clean and clear voice, which with simplicity proposes an enlightened and motivated answer to the countless provocations of our time.

Let us support it with our prayer, collaborating, sending news, flashes, reports of significant events. And then spreading it through the environments that we attend.

Let us not be afraid! Let us open our arms to Christ without surrendering to compromises, to the tricks of the enemy, to our present time illusions, to the lies of the world. Pierluigi Lazzarini




Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco Via della Pisana 1111 – 00163 Roma Il Rettor Maggiore


WE ARE A FAMILY! Every home, a school of Life and Love


1. WE ARE FAMILY! And we are born as a family! The 2006 Strenna was already one focused on the family. We have been referring to it ever since.1 At the same time, the ecclesial events that we have experienced after two synods and the apostolic exhortation “Amoris laetitia” of Pope Francis, demand – gladly for us as Salesian Family – that we focus our educational and pastoral attention on the family. All of us have the strong personal experience having been born in a family. We are born as a family, with the beauty and limits of every family, but ultimately within a family – a family that is the very concrete human reality where the art of life and love is Learned.

The family, we know well, is made of people – of persons who love, speak, share, and sacrifice themselves for the other members of the family, defending at any cost their own lives and the lives of their own. One becomes a person living in a family, growing, usually with one’s parents, breathing the 1

Pascual Chavez, Letter of the Rector Major: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years and in favour with God and man’ (Lk 2,52)”, ACG n. 392, pp. 3-46.

warmth of the home. It is in the family, in the home, that we are given a name and therefore dignity; that we experience affection; that we cherish intimacy; that we learn to ask permission, ask forgiveness, and give thanks.

The family is also – and we know it – the first school for children, the group indispensable for giving the young a sense of belonging, and the best refuge for the elderly. All this is something of what all of us have lived in one way or another – the human, anthropological dimension of family.

At the same time, we do not lose the perspective of what the reality of the family means and of what God, who is Communion-Love, means, because the family is a great sign-sacrament of the Triune God who is Communion-Love. The family is also the mother’s womb in which the Son of God makes a journey of humanization. Besides, the addressees of this strenna are also the Salesian Family, which has a strong and ever growing sense that “WE ARE FAMILY”.

As a religious group (congregations, institutes, associations of apostolic life, associations of believers, etc.) we have a strong sense of the bond of religious family that unites us. Almost all our Salesian Family groups have collected in the various statutes the family spirit

and the family atmosphere as a constitutive part of our being, and also our pastoral activity toward the family, with families, for families. This foreword explains our duty as Salesian Family. Our duty is not only not to look in another direction than the one in which the Universal Church is strongly involved, today under the leadership of Pope Francis. Rather, our duty is to give the Church’s direction a “Salesian reading” – as educators of children and youths – and to offer our humble contribution.

2. An invitation to a calm, open reading with a ready heart

I make first of all an invitation to a calm and open reading, one with the heart ready for dialog and encounter with what the apostolic exhortation says, so that it may help us as Salesian Family to discover what the document offers. Such a reading is a gesture of love, as a Salesian Family, on behalf of the reality of the family, acknowledged and extolled as a great gift of God for all. And it is also a gesture of love toward those who have successfully lived in fullness this plan of God and who need our help, and maybe our accompaniment, to implement their plan for a life of conjugal and family love, which sometimes is broken or faces great difficulties. The document is a service to humanity from the perspective of Catholic belief, and a true spiritual and pastoral treasure. And we get involved in it from the awareness that “we are a Salesian Family.”

The exhortation of the Pope is based on the teachings of previous Popes, St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and of the synodal assemblies of 2014 and 2015, whose final reports are frequently quoted. It summarizes the ecclesial reflection of many years, but it also introduces, at the same time, a change of tone, language, and perspective from the canonical level to a pastoral one. The Pope himself says, «We need to be humble and realistic, acknowledging that at times… we have proposed a far too abstract and almost artificial theological ideal of marriage, far removed from the concrete situations and practical possibilities of real families. This excessive idealization, especially when we have failed to inspire trust in God’s grace, has not helped to make marriage more desirable and attractive, but quite the opposite» (AL n. 36). 2.1 A synthesis of the content of the Pope’s exhortation: to discover our duty as a Salesian Family with families

The text contains the already known characteristics of the magisterium of Pope Francis; it is a realistic, close, direct, and suggestive text. It is an open text that invites us to enter actively into the theme, not only passively receiving its ideas, but trying ourselves to live the mystery of life and love within our own life and personal vocation. It is not a document that speaks of the family in an abstract way, but one that touches life, to give a word of encouragement to many people who need it. In the apostolic exhortation, the Pope traces the biblical and theological, moral and pastoral “summa” concerning the family, underlining the importance and beauty of the family based on matrimony, inviting us to deepen the values of conjugal love, a true gift of God for the life of human beings. It invites us to bring out the positive and humanizing aspects of human love, which is a reflection of God’s love, which is always stronger than the failures of our human plans.


The document contains nine chapters that illumine the reality of matrimony and of the family from different points of view, trying to harmonize the presentation of the beauty of the divine plan with the realistic and merciful attention to the many shortfalls and painful situations that occur in real life. Each chapter admirably intertwines fidelity to the truth with compassion and mercy. The document is illumined from the Word of God, without ignoring the present situation, always from the perspective of faith in Jesus Christ. Love in the family is always the main theme, with the richness of fruitfulness and the education of children, and with pastoral suggestions that may help on the journey in situations of fragility and imperfection.

Chapter 1, “In the Light of the Word” recalling the unity of doctrine and praxis needed in the Church, underlines at the same time that, on the basis of cultures, traditions, and challenges of various countries, some aspects of the doctrine of marriage may be interpreted “in a different way.” It confirms the beauty of matrimony formed by a man and a woman, and states the importance of dialog, of the spousal union, and of family tenderness. It defines the family not as an abstract ideal, but as a “craftsman’s task.”

In chapter 2, “The Experiences and Realities of Families” the survey extends to the reality and the challenges of families, with the desire «to keep firmly grounded in reality» (AL n. 6), with a sociological and cultural perspective that seeks also to offer a nuanced, realistic, and hopeful vision. It



the sacramental reality, the complexity of irregular situations, and the transmission of life and faith to the children. «The experience of love in families is a perennial source of strength for the life of the Church» (AL n. 88).

Chapter 4, “Love in Marriage” articulates in a beautiful way the well-known hymn to love of 1 Cor 13. It does so with delicate beauty and displays the various aspects of reality, without idealizing («It is not helpful to dream of an idyllic and perfect love» AL n. 135) but aiming at the ideal: intimacy, shared life, love of friendship, dialog, conjugal love always in a demanding dynamism of transforming growth. Recommendable are the words that Pope Francis directly addresses to the young (nn. 131-132)...


flees oversimplification, because the range of themes and particular contexts requires a nuanced look. The exhortation does not capture a «stereotype of the ideal family, but rather a challenging mosaic made up of many different realities, with all their joys, hopes, and problems. The situations that concern us are challenges. We should not be trapped into wasting our energy in doleful laments, but rather seek new forms of missionary creativity» (AL n. 57).

Chapter 3, “Looking to Jesus: the Vocation of the Family” opens the door to the witness of the Gospels, the teaching of the Church,

Chapter 5, “Love Made Fruitful” speaks of a love that is expansive, fruitful, dynamic, passionate: words such as fruitfulness, generation, understanding of the father and the mother in the process are key words. Rich is the reflection on “discerning the body” (AL nn. 185-186) and suggestive are the pages on “the extended family”: children, grandparents, brothers, and sisters, from “a big heart” (AL n. 196), also inviting families to be places of integration and points of contact between the public and the private spheres. A pastoral chapter was essential in order to enter concrete life in depth. Chapter 6, “Some Pastoral Perspectives” speaks to pastoral workers about marriage preparation and accompaniment in the first years of married life, and does it with bold realism. It invites us to «cast lights on crises, worries, and difficulties» (AL nn. 231ff.) because they provide a nuanced, dynamic, and complex approach in which to locate particular questions. “Toward a Better Education of Children” is the theme of Chapter 7 (AL nn. 259-290). Children are the hope that is open to the future. Through these pages appear the necessary closeness and presence, the ethical formation, the figures of authority, the contexts, sex education (realistic and valid, without fear or superficiality), and the transmission of the faith.

At the same time Pope Francis hopes that “everyone should feel challenged by Chapter 8,” which is entitled “Accompanying, Discerning, and Integrating Weakness” (AL nn. 291-312). Those who are looking for precise, severe norms will be disappointed. The Pope proposes pastoral gradualism, invites to discernment, assumes the way of the “internal forum” (AL n. 300), highlights mitigating factors in pastoral discernment (AL n. 301) and places in the center the logic of mercy (AL n. 307). «This offers us a framework and a setting which help us avoid a cold bureaucratic morality in dealing with more sensitive issues» (AL n. 312). The ninth and last chapter is dedicated to “The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family” (AL nn. 313-325). In a stimulating and easy way, the Pope invites us to a spirituality of exclusive and free love, which is a spirituality of care, consolation, and incentive. From faith Christ unifies and illumines family life, even bitter days. Because of this, “Let us walk, families, let us continue to walk, and let us not lose hope”. (Continued in the next issue)

ment. Every sector of the society, the government, the Church, military units, businesses and teaching levels are formed and influenced by Don Bosco’s influence. Everyone had their say at the Congress.

The World-Wide Confederation is well organized, with great targets and plans; with a leadership of quality. And many global initiatives. The ex-students represent a large group of the Salesian Family, with over 100.000 members coming from over 100 countries.

Melbourne, Australia, December 30, 2016 – After a must due consultation with the Provincial Council and with P. Peter Hoang, Delegate Inspector of the Salesian Family, the AUL provincial nominated Mr. Ashley Trethowan as Provincial Delegate of Salesian Ex-students, starting in January 2017.

Mr. Ashley is an alumni of the Sunbury Salesian College (Melbourne) and ex president of the National Australian Ex-student Association, bringing to this role his experience and competence, and his great love of Don Bosco and his past experience with the ex-students of Don Bosco all around the world. In fact, he represented us at the 11th EAO congress in Dili, Timor Est the beginning of October last year. «The Congress takes place every four years and that of 2016 was the fourth occasion in which I had a pleasure to attend. The first in 1984 in Bombay-India.

In 1988 I was part of the organization committee that was held in Melbourne, as National President of Australian Ex-Students, I held one of the opening speeches at the 1992 Congress held in Macao.

At that time known as the Asia-Autralia region, Ex-students Congress. For more than 20 years Australia is well represented. Timor Est is a strongly catholic country, with a great Salesian heart. There is a long list of vip ex-students that represent the Govern-

In all of the world, millions of people have received a preparation in life based on the principals of Don Bosco, in a Salesian oratory or in schools. For those who would want to learn more can visit our web-site

After the Congress meeting I have spent a week with the Don Bosco Technical School, Maliana; a new school with a three year activity. Saint Frances of Sales is cited with the phrase: “If you’re not too busy one should pray at least hour a day, otherwise for two”. With three hours of payers a day the students and the Salesian community keeps them occupied and productive. Many things have struck me: hundreds of boys and girls of ages between 15 and 18, all far away from their families, can eat three good meals a day; all are studying to become electricians in well equipped structures and following a solid program. The students clean the school, help in the kitchen, gar-



Ashley Trethowan New Provincial Delegate of Ex Salesian Students

dening and doing laundry. Helping in moving tons of cement and materials for construction. They do sports and play music, all together. All of this surrounded by Salesian fraternity. It was such a pleasure for me to spend some time with these young men and women full of joy, happiness, health, self-confidence, laborious, motivated and amusing: all honest and good Christians. The future ex-students of Don Bosco will help to form and to grow a new nation on the Earth.

It has been a wonderful experience to meet many people from Asia and from around the world in a joyous community of Salesian love and fraternity. This has been my first journey in Timor Est, and hopefully not the last. This country, the poorest in Asia, has a long way to go in terms of economical growth, but at the same time has a solid Salesian foundation in which to do so. Mr. Ashley, Australia DB Alumnus




New Energy and Enthusiasm or the Catholic community in Japan


(ANS – Osaka) – The beatification ceremony of Blessed Justo Takayama Ukon (1552-1615), a Japanese Catholic noble man (daimyo) who died in exile (Manila, Philippines) about 400 years ago, was held in Osaka on Tuesday, 7 February. The Beatification was presided over by Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, Prefect of the Congregation for Saints. More than 20 Cardinals and Bishops from different countries attended. Many members of the Salesian Family of Japan, SYM members, and SDB Aspirants accompanied by their formators, were present in the Osaka-Jo Sports Hall. The liturgy was composed of prayers and songs in different languages including Latin, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Italian and English. The beloved late Bishop Francis Mizobe, SDB, spent a lot of time and energy in research and divulgation of Dom Justo’s life and spirit. Just two years ago he said: «Through many challenges and difficulties, Justo experienced conversion. Under persecution, he freely chose the glory of God, not secular wealth or honour as a local lord. And he lived everyday sincerely and calmly with prayer and kindness to the others. He


was not executed but martyred slowly. Justo shows us that to be a martyr is not only to die through execution, but also in prayer to live life sincerely every day for the Lord Jesus, for ourselves and others. That is a great message to today's Catholics who don't face constant persecution». The Beatification raised the visibility of the Catholic community in Japan with an echo also in secular politic life. Cardinal Amato was interviewed by NHK Television also for a simple reason, that the NHK announcer Seiko Gakuin is also a Don Bosco Past Pupil from the Salesian High School in Osaka. «Yes, we firmly believe that this Beatification is not the GOAL but a START to reform the spirituality of the whole Catholic Church in Japan” says Fr Achille Loro Piana, SDB» commenta il salesiano don Achille Loro Piana.

Don Bosco with the prisoners in Jaén

Jaén, Spagna– We all know the strong impression made on Don Bosco by his visit to the prison. This was an episode that marked him deeply as he got to know the prisoners’ stories of anger, hunger and exploitation. «These young people need a friend to guide them, to help them and educate them and take them to church on feast days». This is why the Salesians in Jaén did not want to spend the feast of Don Bosco without a special memory for those in prison. There were two significant events.The first was on 27 January with a visit to a group of young inmates by some boys of the Don Bosco Foundation Project. The screening of a film on the life of Don Bosco in the Day Centre, was followed by an interesting discussion on what the film meant to each of those present. Then a meal was organized in the parish halls for a total of about 70 people, including several members of the Salesian Family. The activities ended with an exchange of experiences during which some of the detainees, who as boys had attended the Day Centre, were very moved. Another part of the celebration was a second meeting of teachers with

past pupils of the Foundation who are in prison. This was an unforgettable experience both for the twenty detainees who participated, and for the teachers. They recalled the time they had spent together and watched a video that retraced those experiences and showed the care and attention the young people had received. «You were our family when we needed it most»; «I loved you more than my parents»; «Despite the difficulties we gave you, you were always on our side». These were some of the comments of appreciation and affection that were heard in the midst of so much emotion.



A special anniversary for the Salesian Family (ANS – Lviv) – The 25th anniversary of the first catholic grammar school in Ukraine was celebrated on 27-29 January. This event is of special importance for the Salesian Family, because for the past 11 years the school has been run by Salesians.

A conference on the history of the school and the educational system in Ukraine took place on Friday 27 January. The participants in the conference included many professionals from the board of education, teachers, priests and authorities from abroad, who shared their experience of running catholic schools. The event was also attended by the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Mgr. Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the Nuncio for Ukraine, Mgr. Claudio Gugerotti, the president of the European Committee for Catholic Education, Dr. Christine Mann, the World President of Salesian Past Pupils, Michal Hort, and many others. During the evening, there was also a first informal meeting of the president Mr Hort with Past Pupils of the school including coordinators for every class. The director of the school, Fr Oleh Ladnyuk SDB and the provincial Fr Karol Maník SDB, were also present. This was a sort of unofficial launch of the Salesian Past Pupils in Ukraine.

On Saturday, the programme continued. The day started with Mass. In the afternoon, all the people moved to the theatre where more than 500 people came to see the musical prepared by Past Pupils. “Trade with souls” is the title of the production and the story is about the modern Don Bosco in society.


Meeting of Past Pupils of Don Bosco of Santa Fe

Santa Fe, Argentina - March 2017 - The Past Pupils’ of Don Bosco of Santa Fe started their annual activities with a meeting in the presence of Archbishop José Maria Arancedo of Santa Fe. He urged them to live the Lenten season and to continue to grow as the inheritors of the teachings of Don Bosco.

There is a lot of work waiting for the Salesian Family in Ukraine. It is a huge challenge and responsibility and it needs support and prayers.



United States

A cost saving idea for aerospace company, from a Bosco Tech student California, Rosemead – A senior high school student at Don Bosco Technical Institute (Bosco Tech) who interned at The Boeing Company this past summer developed an idea that has the potential to save costs in the factory. Jacob Lovi originally mentioned his concept to a test and evaluation engineer involved in the summer internship.

That engineer stated: «Jacob presented the material in a very clear manner, explained the potential benefit of the change, and approximately how much it would cost to implement. Although his numbers were preliminary, the thought process helped iden10 tify potential savings».

The engineer came to Bosco Tech on Dec. 15 to present Lovi with a certificate of appreciation from the internship program. «We’re extremely proud of Jacob - said Bosco Tech President Xavier Jimenez -. Not only does he epitomize the 21st century skills that are instilled in all Bosco Tech students- -resourcefulness, problem solving strategies, and technological competency-but he was able to use those skills to identify and clearly present to his internship mentor a new, more efficient approach to a complex process». Through Bosco Tech’s unique curriculum, students major in one of five STEM pro-


Feast of Don Bosco: Education to abide by the law Italia, Bari – On the feast of Don Bosco, at the Salesian Oratory of the Redeemer in Bari there were many events and meetings which are a sign of the development of the young and of hope for the future. Among the major events were the award of a plaque by the municipality of Bari to some important Salesian past pupils and a visit to the Salesian centre of Fr Luigi Ciotti, a priest known for his commitment to the promotion of justice and the fight against the mafia. On 26 January last, the mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro, said: «The good or bad future of society depends on the good or bad education of the young». This was during a press

conference for the presentation of the activities planned for the celebration of Don Bosco, running from 23 January to 10 February. The Mayor stressed the importance of the Salesian presence in the Libertà area in Bari. Their great commitment to education directly helps many families in dire straits not only economic - and offers benefits to all the citizens. During the meeting, 6 plaques were awarded to boys who attended the school and the Oratory of the Redeemer, as evidence of their current social and civil commitment in the field of the judiciary, music, cooking and

grams, Lovi is currently studying Materials Science, Engineering and Technology (MSET). After graduation, he plans to major in materials engineering at the university level. While in high school, he has served as junior and senior class president, YMCA camp counselor, and a youth ministry leader at his church.

Celebrating its sixty second year, Bosco Tech is an all-male Catholic high school that combines a rigorous college-preparatory program with a technology-focused education. According to, Bosco Tech ranks in the top three of all-boys schools in the Los Angeles metro area and among the top 100 allboys high schools in America. Founded in 2002 by Carnegie Mellon University students as, Niche provides reviews from everyday experts on neighborhoods, colleges, and K-12 schools to provide students, families and professionals with insight into important life decisions. Visit for more information.

volunteering. The attendance included Giuseppe Gatti and Renato Nitti, members of the Anti-Mafia Directorate of Bari; doctor Michele Parisi of the Bari Court Judge; Chef Daniele Caldarulo, Captain of the Italian National association of cooks; doctor Giuseppe Cifarelli secretary of Don Bosco Today cultural workshop and Francesco and Gaetano Occhiofino, known as Reverendo and Torto from the band "Bari Jungle Brothers".

«We are on the right road today when we reward young people we have formed» said the Salesian Rector, Fr Francesco Preite.

On Tuesday 31 January, day of the feast of Don Bosco, the Salesian activities included a space for discussion of the theme "The family educates to justice and peace".

The keynote speaker was the President of the association against the Mafia, Fr Luigi Ciotti, who also presided at the Eucharist in honour of Don Bosco.

48 Salesian ex-students coming from Malta, Italy; Slovakia, Slovania and Croatia, had a 4 day encounter with a conference and consultations, on the theme of Including the Youthful: education, commitment and opportunity. This project was organized by the National Federation of Ex-students and Friends of Don Bosco of Malta and cofinanced with European Union “Erasmus +” Sliema, Malta — March 2017 — Youthful poverty is a reality today in Europe. Many initiatives of formation and occupation can contribute to face poverty among young people, but we know this is not enough.

Young Europeans, national and local governments have to have a strategy to face every form of juvenile poverty. That is why there was encounter with young people to hear their point of view. These encounters were




Meeting of Ex-students of Don Bosco

taken place on the streets, in schools and among school drop-outs.

will show the results and recommendations brought up in this project.

During this conference, the ex-students also had an opportunity to share their ideas with politicians and members of Parliament. This meeting will bring up a publication that

In this way the ex European students of Don Bosco are working for social dialogue, dedicating time and energy to face juvenile poverty through voluntary service.

Together they discussed questions related to juvenile poverty proposing ideas to the political class.

This initiative will answer the needs of young people in poverty, contributing to a unifying society.




Timor Est XI Congress of Salesian Family in Asia East-Oceania Dili, Timor Est - October 6 2016 It has taken place in Dili the XI congress of the Salesian Family in Asia East-Oceania, organized by the ex-students of Don Bosco on the subject matter “Serving the Lord through our fellow men, promoting good matters, economic solidarity and social justice�. There was 380 representatives of various Salesian Family groups coming from 11 different countries. Also present was Michal Hort, World-Wide President of Ex-students. 12

Interview to Alberto Alves Piedade



Regional Counselor of Asia Young Ex-students of Don Bosco

Dili, Timor Est - Dicember 15, 2016

The 11th Regional EAO Congress of Family of Ex Salesian Students has brought many results for the participants coming from 11 countries around the world.

However there was another unexpecting result, the nomination of Mr. Alberto Alves Piedade (age 32, from Dili, Timor Est) to Regional Counselor of Asia for GEX; he is the first ex Don Bosco student to be nominated to this title.(2016-2021). Your passed Salesian life?

«My name is Alberto Alves Piedade, 32 years old, born in the capital Timor Est, Dili. I am the 4th of 7 siblings (3 boys and 4 girls). My father has passed away last year and now in or home in Dili there are my mother and two younger sisters. Since 2015 I work in the Ministry of Finance as collaborator of public-finance in Capacity Building Center. I attended the Minor Seminary of the Holy Filipe Rinaldi, Venilale (1997-1999), then going to Majority Seminary of San Giovanni Bosco, Fatumaca (2000-2002)». How did you become involved with the Exstudents of Don Bosco Assosiation?

«I am an active member of the Ex-students

Assosiation in Timor Est. In July 2015 together with friends from the Minor Seminary of Venilale have created our locale association: Associacao dos Antigos alunos de Beato Filipe Rinaldi.

I was appointed Secretary. Furthermore after my degree I joined the MGS in 2003, being active in numerous events: MGS Forum, Conforence and Rhetorical, present up until today.

Within the SYM in 2003-2009 I have created a drama club called Teatriku Juvenil, being nominatd as MGS senior and educator.

Since my degree in psychology and master in Management in Human Resources in an Australian university, I am also mediator for UNICEF (2003), in the campaign of HIV/AIDS among young people.

I am a volunteer in auto-workshops and in capacity in communications for SDB and FMA. When necessary I offer my consultations for the youth in Don Bosco Comore».

Your involvement in last Octobers 11th Congress of Dili?

«For the 11th Congress of Alumni of Timor

Est, I was master of ceremony, but also a plan director of brainstorming. I was strongly involved in preparing this Congress, especially in preparing the celebration of the Holy Eucharist (the readings, the songs and the choir during the three days of the Congress)».

Your feelings and thoughts about this new responsibility?

«I am very honored to have been nominated GEX Counsellor of Asia I can’t wait to work side by side with the ex-students of Asia, especially in the EAO region, learning from each other how to approach young people in need.

I dream that as an Don Bosco Alumni am able to give them greater support: formation, enhancing their talents and skills, teaching them to be honest citizens and good Christians.

As a regional counselor I’ll try to extend our network within the Asian counties, with an ever opened communication and to create a better connection between us. In this way we can reach our goals that are pointed out in the EAO Plan of Don Bosco Alumni 2021. This is a new chapter for me and I am ready for any further responsibilities, with the help of our Mother Mary and under the blessing of Don Bosco. Pray for me!».





Success Stories Among Ex-students of Don Bosco Tech in Dimapur


(ANS-Dimapur) - Offers an opportunity of growth of human and professional development, other then spiritual growth, which is always a priority for Salesian members. Don Bosco Tech in Dimapur, India, is one of those salesian structures that point out for this. And the results of this pledge stands out, in the lives of the students and ex-students.

The young Ezonthung coming from Wokha, State of Nagaland. His parents are farmers and he is the eldest son. This is why he couldn’t proceed in his studies as he wished, as soon he graduated from high school he started to work as an real estate agent.

This job permitted him to help his family, but was very difficult, because he had to commute on very few and bad-shaped roads. After a year he heard about the opportunity of a technical formation offered by Don Bosco Tech, so he decided to return to school. He attended the hotel industry course of the Salesian Institute and stared training in a hotel in Cochin. Now he is a representative in public relations in a hotel, and earns 2 times as much as when being a realty agent. And has other opportunities to professionally grow.

That of Velhukholu Keyho is that much similar: even the girl which comes from a tiny village in Nagaland, she is the oldest daughter in her family and when she finished her studies started to work immediately after, in an hotel. But in 2011 she decided to attend a hotel industry course “Beauty and Wellbeing” given by a Salesiarian Center. Starting that way her ever growing carrier, with opportunities to work in many hotels and in many other cities.

«Many people ask me where I come from and in which Management Institute I graduated from» says the young girl.

«With pride I answer that I attended a trimestral course at Don Bosco Tech in Dimapur. When I look back at my past I am very grateful to this Institute. If I didn’t take part of the formation program I would have been looked up in my little world, without knowing the realty of the world. I am very happy and my parents are very proud of me because this way I’m also helping my brothers and sisters. Thank you Don Bosco Tech for giving me this great opportunity at the right time!».




A letter for the Marthyrdom Cause of Akash Bashir, Salesian Ex-Student (ANS-Lahore) - With 450,000 Catholics in Pakistan, Lahoree has the majority.

This city is unfortunately known for several terrorist attacks: like the one at Easter 2016 that killed 78 persons and 300 wounded, mostly Christians; or the double attacks on March 15, 2015, against a Protestant and Catholic church in the Youhannabad district.

In that occasion, a young ex Salesian student, Akash Bashir, sacrificed his life to protect his fellow congregation to avoid a slaughter in St. John’s Catholic Church; and now the Vicar General is attempting a cause to nominate him martyr.

Youhannabad is one of the most populated district of all Pakistan with the biggest number of Christians, founded in 1963 by father Hennry, a catholic priest.

This is where we find “St. John’s” Church, and where father Francis Gulzar, who is the Dio-

cesan Vicar General, that on last January 6th sent a letter to Mons. Francis Shaw OFM, Archbishop, to “officially request and proceed to proclaim Akash Bashir a MARTYR, to honor his sacrifice in church at Yauhanbad”.

«I also - continues the letter - am a witness of this terrifying attack that has taken place in my church during mass, with 2500 faithful present at that moment on March 5 2015 (…)

Akash Bashir, a young boy of 18 years old, was one of the persons in service of security at the doors of the church, with great courage he tried to pull the kamikaze away, even when the bomber showed him what was under his jacket.

But Akash was so full of love for his Church and full strength of the Holy Spirit that he did not think for his own life. He struggled to stop the bomber up until they exploded together. Akash died that instant but saved

many other lives with this courageous act of love».

Unfortunately there were 20 deaths and about 80 wounded, but it would have been worse if the terrorist would have got into the church.

«This is why I’m rending Mr. Akash Bashir’s case, who has sacrificed his life for all his parishioners. (…) The Youhanabad Christian Community is proud of their young hero, Akash Bashir, and is asking Your Excellency to transmit our request to our Holy Pope and to any other relevant Congregation for the case of martyr».

«Our community is praying for this purpose, for you and for all the Churches of Pakistan» the letter concludes. Christians are a minority in Pakistan-only 2% of a population of 190 million people. Here Christians a mostly poor, but rich in faith, highly interested in the Word of Christ.



Mid East

Solidarity Project: “Help your Syrian brother” 16

During 2016, the Worldwide Confederation has collected more than € 7000 in a goal to help Syrian alumni, and that these past 6 years are suffering a dramatic situation caused by the war.

From December 16-20, 2016, Vice President Angelo Gudiña has visited the headquarters of the Province of the Mid East in Bethlehem, in order to cooperate with the Provincial Treasury, P. Alejeandro Leon and Adele Amato,

coordinator of DOP, for a better use of these donations.

Among the goals: maintain families of Aleppo; even though violence seems to have stopped, the needs are enormous.

Second goal is to develop, with the help of alumni of Aleppo and Damascus, a list of all the students that still live in Syria and to start the activities with the ex-students of


Solidario Concert “Encantados con la Navidad” in the Salesian House of Alicante Alicante, Spain - The choir made up of boys and girls, parents, exstudents sang Christmas songs, directed by Anabel Garcia, professor of the Salesian College, has had a goal: a concert to raise funds for “SOS Syria” project.

both Congregations, concentrating their support for families most in need. Third goal is to map out a list of all ex-students that have abandoned the war and that are now refugees in other European countries. This project is aiming to withstand in two ways: putting them in contact with ex-students to help them integrate in the host country and also to ensure a Salesian fellowship among the Salesians in the Mid East.



“Starting with a profound sense of communion and bearing” Thailand, Bangkok - On February 2 Don John Bosco Thepharat Pitisant has taken office as Inspector of Thailand.

Before he was the Superior, from 2005 to 2011 and recently has spent 5 days at General House «to receive the roadmap of action».

This is how he commended on his experience. How do you feel about this nomination to new Inspector? «I was very surprised when I received a phone call from the Major Rector!

After a series of prayers I said yes, with serenity and trust in the guidance in God.

I am already 66 years old and I never expected this new calling.

But in this past month I’m getting used to this new mission».

How was your stay at the Major Rectory?

«I’ve spent 5 days at the “Pisana”, sharing my everyday life with the Major Rector and his Counselors. I had a personal meeting with the X Successor of Don Bosco, Don Ángel Fernàndez Artime, with his Vicar, don Francesco Cereda, and with his 5 Sector Counselors: Formation, Pastoral Youth, Social Communications, Missions and Economy. I have always felt their support and accompanied, they let me listen and talk out; this was very useful for me to start my new role as Inspector». What has this left you after this meeting?

«I’m leaving with a luggage full of books, that I have received by the General Counselors and a new version of the Salesian Cross for our Directors. But most of all with the personal meeting with the Major Rector, I have received the

Plan of Action 2017-2023 for governing: a simple instrument, clear and stimulating, a result of consultations brought up last November by 17 Asian East-Oceania’s Regional Counselors.

Of the twelve passages there are many of extreme importance: formation, to uphold and share missions with laity, and to accompany young men and women in the Cambodia Delegation». How do you feel about this new mandate?

«My thoughts go in particular to the importance of joint responsibility with laity and with Salesian collaborators. n Thailand there are a great numbers of alumni that should be more active and considered. Even though there are few Catholics among them, they love Don Bosco and should be a greater resource for our mission, in particular for the young ones. We should help them to open up towards our worldwide Salesian community».


Father Spadaro

Nominated as a component of the National Presidency of the Italian Federation Of Exalumni of Don Bosco


Rome, Italy - March 2017- Father Antonio Spadaro, Jesuit, Editor Director of theme magazine “La Civiltá Cattolica”, the most ancient in Italian language (1850), has been nominated a component of the National Presidency of the Italian Federation of Exalumni of Don Bosco, in quality of ex-student non salesian. Father Antonio Spadaro was born in Messina on July 6, 1966. He was formed at “San Luigi” High School of Messina and has attended for many years the San Domenico Savio oratory in the

The Interview

How did you become a collaborator of Pope Francis?

«It might sound strange, but the truth is that he simply called me on my cellular phone. I was surprised myself. I didn’t know what to say».

He just called and said “Hello, I’m Pope Francis”?

«Exactly. It was funny actually because that day I had to speak at a seminary at 7 p.m. and my phone rang at 6:55 p.m. I didn’t know the number that was calling and I was puzzled on answering know I was running late.

Well, I answered asking who was calling so I could call back later, but at the same moment I heard: “Hello, this is Pope Francis calling”.

same city. He has been part of Ragazzi of Don Bosco (RDB) and was one of the founders of Young Salesian Movement. He studied philosophy-theology at the Theological Institute “S. Tommaso”, and at the Salesian Pontifex University; degree in Philosophy at the University of Messina in 1988 and in 2000 and a Doctorate in Theology in the Gregorian Pontifex University.

After a moment of pure astonishment I said “oh my God” and then with great disbelief: “Your Holiness?”. I even asked how to call him and he said not to worry about that».

Why does he often talk about the elderly when talking to young people

«It derive from his global vision of the Church. Never leaving anybody out. The young people need a hope for the future, and at the same time the elderly need assistance but frequently excluded. So to have a healthy society all age levels must concentrate on the elderly, because our society needs youthful energy and at the same time their wisdom. Francis sees the worlds’ future and past as one, so that is why he talks a lot to young men and women about the elderly. He doesn’t try to speak ideological when talking to young people. He talks to

them including the whole society-as it actually is-with elderly living with and around them. At a religious level, then again, he uses many signals that can only enforce this identity». For example what kind of signals?

«The washing of the feet during the holy mass on Maundy Thursday. He chooses special places for this celebration: a prison, a refugees center, ect. ect. He personally washes the feet of men, women, prisoners and Moslems. We should take consider of this as a sign that can reclaim our European identity. For Francis, these roots of European Christianity are not abstracted values to defend against enemies. These are roots Planted directly by Jesus: He served and washed others’ feet. These are the real roots of Europe».


Working Meeting For Don Bosco Network (ANS - Rome) - There was a series of encounters with various working groups of Don Bosco Network held in the Salesian building in Rome. Many organizations present: “Via Don Bosco” (Belgium), “VIS” and “Missioni Don Bosco” (Italy), “SWM” (Poland), “Don Bosco Mission” and “Don Bosco Mondo” (Germany), “Jovenes y Desarollo” (Spain), “BOSCONET/PARA” (India), from “Don Bosco International” and Ex-students of Don Bosco. The various representatives shared their experience, materials and “know-how” to plan an efficient cooperation frame-work to support Salesian Mission world-wide.

The members of the Working Group on Education and Development have shared materials and projects for the formation and training of young men and women and their global mission.

An ONG International OXFAM spokesman, specialist in global education, offered many suggestions on effective measures of development on a European level, pointing out the importance to use means of social and digital communication to involve young people and teachers.

Don Guillermo Basanes, Secretary General of Missions and Don George Menamparampil, Coordinator of Missions have also taken part of this meeting.

Together with Don Fabio Attard, General Counselor for Young Pastorals, the Salesian Family have animated a a fine synergy and cooperation with the International Defence of Human Rights; bringing up helpful documents for Sustainable Development Agency, Juvenile Unemployed Agency, to make a Salesian political-legal guardianship. Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union have also offered their cooperation and know-how about this subject.

Mr. Paul Muller, General Economist of the Salesians, showed and presented his initiatives to support and undertake on three points: emergency policy in countries hit with disaster; the strengthening of Planification and Development Office (PDO) and the “Don Bosco Tech Africa”, Technical-Professional Salesian Schools in Africa. Katarzyna Kucic



Family Missionary in the World 20

The great spiritual gathering characterizes the appointment that every year brings together all representatives of the Don Bosco Family. Theme of this 35th edition, as tradition wants, the Major Rector Prize: “WE Are Family. Every home, a school of Life and Love”.

«We have had many new subscribers from the Salesian Family - says Don Joan Lluis Playa, head organizer - to be nourished by God and to enforce their Salesian identity».

The Salesian bibliographer Don Jose Bartolome, talking about «Jesus of Nazareth’s experience in the synoptic gospels» explains: «God wants to resemble us to save us, and wants to be born in a family… God wants to learn and to be one of us, grow as a man in a family, cradle of life and love, a place where man is born and grows». After greetings from Don Eusebio Muñoz, Delegate of Major Rectory of the Salesian Family, Don Artime offered his thought on “good

night”. The second morning was the day of the presentation of Strenna Prize 2017 by behalf of the Major Rector.

«In front of situations that today many families must face, the Salesian Family has to answer back in accompanying and to generate a process in the pastoral-education Community».

It was General Counselor for Young Pastorals turn and said «Today there is a need of a new way to preach that has to be brought up by the pastoral family».

The Spanish psychologist Virginia Cagijal outlined the theme “To Accompany the FamilyKeys to Listening and Understanding”, taken out from the book “Amoris Laetitia”. One of the most beautiful experiences was in meeting Salvo Adamo and his wife, who were hosting in their home boys and girls, teen-agers and young men and women, that

don’t live in their homes. The Salesian “Good night” was given by Mother General of the Daughters of Maria Ausiliatrice, Mother Yvonne Reungoat.

The day after, Don Andrea Bozzolo’s report concentrated on the Salerian reading of “Amoris Laetitia”. The second half of the day was dedicated to present various grupps that work specifically with families.

Among them was the School of Formation For Animated Families, founded in Rome in 2005, born in association with “Cerchi d’Onda”, on behalf of the works of “Borgo Ragazzi di Don Bosco” (600 families and 1.500 persons were helped).

In Giarre, near Catania, next to the Salesian Spiritual Center “Casa Tabor” stands “Metacometa” Association, founded and animated by Salvo and Linda Cataldo, a married couple, (with 500 minors, pointed out by Courts and Social Services, offers the warmth of a family).

S ALESIAN FAMILY The Auxiliary Mary Assosiation (ADMA) has over 20 years developed specific courses for the Families, always based on two pillars identified by Don Bosco: the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary. The same experience we find in “Hogares Don Bosco”, an ecclesiastical movement of Pastorale Familiares, founded in Spain in 1965 by the Salesiani Cooperatori. A worldwide movement found in 8 countries, with over 100 groups of couples in Spain only. At Bratislava in Slovakia, Mr. and Mrs. Bagin, Salesian co-operators, have just started their experience with family consultation. Kamil and Katerina Bagin offer young couples preparation courses and an opportunity for voluntary service, listening and dialogue.

Celebrating the conclusive mass, the Major Rector said: «We, the Salesian Family, live in this world, in our societies, to be witnesses of Light! Two words can sum up the view of the year 2017: High convergence, in all we do». And concluded by saying to all of the participants and to all of the Salesian Family: «We are all called to be salesian missionaries among families all around the world».




First Edition of Salesian Family Day Phnom Penh, Cambodia - On January 14 it has taken place the first edition of the Salesian Family Day in the Inspectorate of the Daughters of Mother Mary in Cambodia. About 50 people have taken part among Salesians, FMA, Salesian co-operators, Ex-students, Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Don Bosco volunteers.



Salesian Family Day Nairobi, Kenya - In January 21 was held the Salesian Family Day 2017 in which many representatives of the Salesian Family of Kenya have participated which was held at “Don Bosco Upper Hill� in Nairobi. During that day SDB, FMA, Catechist Sisters of Immaculate Mary, VIDES, Ex-students, Salesian co-operators and representatives and young men and women of various institutes have carried out the presentation of Strenna 2017 of the Major Rector and have shared moments of giving and brotherhood.


Statute of the World Confederation Præit ac tuetur - Guide and protect Us Rome, 5 december 2015

Preface We know how much Don Bosco loved his pupils. Once they completed their educational programmehe followed them, invited them, welcomed them, guided them, he admonished them when necessary, he worried about their wellbeing, above all, he was concerned about their spiritual life.

«With your presence you assure me that the principles of our holy religion that I taught you are set firmly in your hearts and that these are the guidelines for our lives…»2. On another occasion, speaking to the Past Pupils, he said: «One thing I urge you, my dear children, more than any other and that is: wherever you might be, always show yourselves to be good Christians and honest citizens… Many of you already have families. So, share the education you received in the oratory from Don Bosco, with your nearest and dearest»3.

From a practical point of view, «Don Bosco offered his youths the possibility of making the “education received” bear fruit, either in the committed group of Past Pupils, or in the Pious Union of Co-operators, in the priesthood or religious life, or in his Salesian Congregation. What is interesting to stress, was the importance he gave to the richness of education in the Oratory»4. MB XVII, p. 173-4. MB XIV, p. 511. 4 E. VIGANÒ, The Past-Pupils of Don Bosco, in: “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco”, LXVIII (1987) 321, p. 9. 2


In answer to the deep love of Don Bosco, on the 24th June 1870, on the occasion of the feast of Saint John the Baptist and Don Bosco’s nameday feast, «a dozen Old Boys officially met; they chose as their leader the kind-hearted and generous Carlo Gastini, who always considered the Oratory to be his second family; they were committed to find a 23 greater number of members; then they appointed a commission to be better organised, for the future, the annual expressions of affection and gratitude»5. Amongst the many initiatives achieved in direct contact with Don Bosco, for the benefit of the Old Boys, as they used to be called at that time, we recall a particularly significant one. It was the year 1878. «Don Bosco proposed a Mutual Aid Society to the Old Boys to face up to current difficulties, even financially. “Make sure this advantage is not limited only to yourselves, but is extended to those youths of good conduct that you already know, or to all of you who are here at the meeting”. Carlo Gastini, leader of the Old Boys, immediately took the organization into hand, using a statute drawn up several years before by Don Bosco himself for an identical institution amongst young workers»6.

«Little by little, especially after the death of Don Bosco, the Old Boys organised themselves into local groups, unions and societies, right up to the proper organisation promoted by Don Filippo Rinaldi»7. From 1901 onwards, different stages of organisation followed one another. «The structure was formally created at the 1st International Con-

E. VIGANÒ, op. cit., pp. 6-7. MB XIII, p. 759. 7 E. VIGANÒ, op. cit., p. 7. 5



gress of the Old Boys in 1911, as a Federation of the various local unions, clubs and societies. Until then they had been called “Old Boys”8; from that date onwards they were called “Past Pupils”»9. The creator and promoter of this initiative was Don Rinaldi himself. «Thus he was able to give an overall structure to a movement of affections, of gratitude, of life ideals, that made the “education received” and experienced a more alive and working force»10. Arturo Poesio, a late president of the Confederation, writes: «The eloquence of Don Rinaldi was simple, spontaneous, paternal and convincing. Only once he adopted a language of authority, by declaring, in his capacity as Rector Major of the Salesian Society of Saint Frances of Sales, that the organisation of the Past Pupils must be included in those “novas familias” that have flourished in the Holy Church thanks to Don Bosco, which are alluded to the Saint’s own Oremus»11.

The foundations of this organization started by Don Bosco and completed by Don Rinaldi, the Association of the Past Pupils has been expanding ever more in all Salesian works through organised and coordinated structures.

The various events held over the decades bear witness to this. The Past Pupils have always shown themselves to be affectionate children and with an ever greater commitment to operate in society. The Past Pupil’s Association has over 100 years of life. It is a compre24 hensive institution through the efforts of past and present secular persons, laity, religious and Salesian Priests who were committed with a strong sense of belonging; who led and governed the Association according to established criteria of theirera; who were able to accept both the difficult and the good times without being discouraged, with audicity, steadfastness and dedication; people who were willing to offer their time and their work to consolidate this monument of thanks to Don Bosco, the World Confederation of Past Pupils, with people from generous families who have understood what it means to serve society, the Church, the Salesian Family and the Association itself without complaining12.

As a sign of gratitude and thanks, I think that it is appropriate to, at least, mention the Presidents and the World Delegates who have served the World Confederation with exemplary dedication. The Presidents: Piero Gribaudi, Felice Masera, Arturo Poesio, José María Taboada, José María González Torres, Giuseppe Castelli, Antonio Guilhermino Pires, Francesco Muceo and Michal Hort who was elected on Today in Spain they are using again the term Old Pupils. E. VIGANÒ, op. cit., p. 10. 10 E. VIGANÒ, p. 10; E. Ceria, “Life of God’s Servant Fr. Filippo Rinaldi”, SEI, p. 252. 11 “Congregation for the Causes of Saints”, Positio, Rome 1972, p. 28. 12 J.P. RAMÌREZ, “Un passato glorioso, un presente impegnativo, un futuro incoraggiante”, Key note Speech presented by the World Delegate in the “5th World Elective Statutary Assembly” which took place in Rome between the 3rd and the 6th October 2015. 8 9

Banner the 5th October 2015. The World Delegates: don Giorgio Gustave Seriè, don Guido Borra, don Luigi Fiora, don Umberto Bastasi, don Carlo Borgetti, don Charles Cini, don Henri Alen, don Mark Vellanganny, don Jerônimo da Rocha Monteiro e don José Pastor Ramírez Fernández. I wish to also remember Tommaso Natale, who for many years, served as General Secretary. To all these people, a deep and sincere thanks.

Various successive Rector Majors also gave their contribution in the animation of the Past Pupils, and with them, many other Salesians. Amongst them, which you cannot but mention, are don Luigi Ricceri and don Giovanni Raineri. An authentic example is that of the late don Egidio Viganò who wrote a meaningful and stimulating letter regarding the animation and guidance of the Past Pupils by the Salesians of Don Bosco which will always remain a fundamental document for the Past Pupils themselves. Don E. Vecchi offered a rich contribution to the Confederation in the “8th National Congress of Past Pupils of Don Bosco of Italy. Renew for Renewal” in Rimini on the 10th to the 13th October 1996 in his various interventions. The former Rector Major, don Pascual Chávez Villanueva, during the various animation visits to the Provinces and in various meetings with the Past Pupils has shown interest in the Association inviting one and

all to have «professional skill, moral conscience and social commitment». Further, he asks them to defend their values at all costs, above all: those of life, freedom and truth. The present Rector Major, Don Ángel Fernández Artime, whenever he meets the Salesian Family encourages members to live in communion, in collaboration, to grow in the spirit of belonging towards their own groups and the Salesian Family, and not to com plain. «Our strength is to live a true life of communion and fra ternity that is more evangelical in order to be more consultative, attractive in itself, offer our communial service within each of our institutions or groups, and within our same Family whom we speak the same language».

Don Artime comments: «continually encourages the Past Pupils, not to lament, no need to focus on the past, but project yourselves into the future considering the risks of the local associations, Federations and the Confederation. Dear Past Pupils, strengthen your commitment within the reality in which you work. Let’s go back by being young at heart, offer help to those who need it, to leave a sign of our own existence. Truth must be shown, not only in written form, but to live with courage! It is your turn to act upon the consequences, your turn to save those who need your attention, it is your turn to build a sound foundation for a new future. I believe that all of you, Past Pupils, have the requisites to face these challenges as lay people in the world today, the ability to bring to reality what you received over the years, use


them concretely. Furthermore, appreciate also what you are daily receiving in all the Salesian environments»13. The Salesians’ General Chapter XXII defines how the Past Pupils belong to the Salesian Family and endorses it in Article 5 of the Constitutions. It gives their “received education” as the reason of their belonging: this education actually causes to be born in them through different levels of participation in the Salesian mission in the world… «The Past Pupils are, in themselves, particularly well prepared, thanks to the education and formation they received, to assume responsibilities of collaboration according to the proper objectives of the Salesian project. The choice of evangelisation made by many of them is not an alternative to the education they received, but a privileged expression of it: therefore it does not constitute a different title to be applied to a sort of new Group»14. The purpose of living this “received education” caused various local centres to emerge which were grouped into Provincial and National Federations. These, together, constitute the World Confederation which is the structured body through which the sense of belonging to the Salesian Family is expressed. (Continued in the next issue) V. MARTORANA, “I am the Father of all of the Salesian Family, Let’s Create Communion. Not Complaints!”, Voci Fraterne, XLVI (2015) 1, p. 18 and 19. 14 “Guide to reading the comments to the Salesian Constitutions”, p. 115. 13


Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco Director and Editor Salesiani - Via della Pisana 1111 - C.P. 18333 - 00163 Roma - Italia tel. + 0039 06 656 12609 E-mail: Internet: Editor Collaborator Pierluigi Lazzarini

Staff Stefan Bosnak, Maurizio Bruni, Silvia Bruni, Vito Gentili, Angel Gudiña, Michal Hort, don Jayapalan Raphael, Yeudy Jiménez, Katarzyna Kucic, Peter Kovac, Bryan Magro, Fernando Núñez, Gian Francesco Romano

Translation English (Giulia Pelosi and Ex-students of the Holy Heart Union of Rome), French (journalistic Writing), Portoguese (António Guilhermino Pires), Spanish (P. Eduardo Monje) Photography and Images: ANS Archive



16 - Santa Pasqua 17 - Lunedì dell’Angelo 23 - Divina Misericordia 30 - San G.B. Cottolengo


4 - Beato Piergiorgio Frassati 7 - Beata Maria Romero Meneses



2 - Beato Augusto Czartoryski 25 - Beata Maria Troncatti 26 - Beato Zeffirino Namuncurà

1 - San Giuseppe Artigiano 6 - San Domenico Savio 13 - Santa Maria D. Mazzarello 16 - San Luigi Orione 18 - San Leonardo Murialdo 24 - B.V. Maria Ausiliatrice 26 - San Filippo Neri 29 - Beato Giuseppe Kowalski



13 - Beato Artemide Zatti 15 - Beata Maddalena Morano

22 - Beato Giuseppe Calasanz Beato Enrico S. Aparicio e compagni martiri


8 - Beato Stefano Sándor 12 - Beato Francesco Kesy e compagni 21 - San Luigi Gonzaga 26 23 - San Giuseppe Cafasso 24 - Festa del Grazie al Rettor Maggiore (*)


5 - Beato Alberto Marvelli 13 - Beata Alexandrina M. da Costa 24 - San Luigi Guanella 29 - Beato Michele Rua


5 - Beato Filippo Rinaldi 8 - Immacolata Concezione 25 - Santo Natale

(*) The Salesian’s House, celebrate the festivity “Grace to Major Rector”, Don Angel Fernandez Artime. Since 1870 in Valdocco, on Saint John the Baptist Day, which is celebrated on June 24th, the ex-students gave grace to Don Bosco expressing their gratitude. Reliving this tradition, the Salesians will celebrate the Major Rector with a brotherly encounter.


27-30 Madrid (Spagna) - World Board


21-23 Torino (Italia) - World Advisory


12-15 Samoëns (Francia) - Eurobosco

BIRTHDATES OF THE CONFEDERATION 23 may - Bryan Magro 25 may - Ángel Gudiña Canicoba 23 june - Pierluigi Lazzarini 25 june - Stefan Bosnak 27 july - Vito Gentili 7 august - Polydor Lokombe 9 september - don Raphael Jayapalan 12 october - Michal Hort 24 october - Peter Kovac 6 november - Rajesh Gupta 15 november - Silvia Bruni 29 november - Fernando Nuñez Arce

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