News 0118 eng

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Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco English Edition
















Don Bosco has arrived in the refugee camp of Palabek, Uganda. This is good news of the RESURRECTION OF THE LORD

Yes, my dear friends! It is true. Don Bosco has arrived in Palabek – through his sons, the Salesians of Don Bosco, the SDBs. I write to you to tell you this so that whoever you may be, you may rejoice over this eminently human news. Without a doubt, those who comprise Don Bosco’s Family and who are living his charism recognize immediately how much this news speaks to them of the Gospel and the Salesian way. It also brings much to those who simply feel close to all that is done for the good of children, teenagers, and young adults through this great “tree” which is Don Bosco’s Salesian Family, composed of 31 different, officially recognized groups spread throughout the world. Living all over northern Uganda are about 1,200,000 refugees, mostly from South Sudan. The first refugees arrived in the camp back in March 2016. It is 77 km/48 miles from Gulu, the largest city of northern Uganda, and 340 km/211 miles from Kampala, Uganda’s capital.

Knowing of this place, the Salesian provincial of the Africa-Great Lakes Province visited there and spoke to me of it. I asked a member of our mission team to go there to check out the possibility of setting up a Salesian presence in that place, since there are displaced children, teens, and young adults there – most certainly a place for Don Bosco’s sons. He did so.

Today there are around 36,000 refugees in this camp, 86% of whom are women, children, and a huge number of teens. The elderly are very few. I am taking this opportunity now to provide evidence yet again that the women – and, in this case, the majority of them are moms – bear the greatest burden in their struggles and sacrifices. Yet it is they who in the daily realities of life “save” their children. We offer great thanks to these women and mothers. It fills us with happiness to be able to be there to tend to their sons and daughters. We realized right from the start that nursery schools, grade schools, technical schools, oratories, and Salesian youth centers would be necessary. We will see what steps we can take now, and then later how other persons and institutions can help; but we shall not look to withdraw.

On January 31 the SDBs “pitched their tents” in Palabek Camp. Father Arasu animates the community. With him are three other SDBs – all missionaries – coming from Venezuela and India. Another three young African SDBs are getting ready to become part of this new presence in September. Someone might very well ask whether we have “landed” with some mega-construction. No – we have simply begun living among them and


with them, living the same life they do – putting up with the same intense heat and scarcity of material goods. We shall move forward from here, finding the way to help improve the situation, especially where education is concerned – to prepare the children, the teens, and the young adults for life. The great majority of them are Christians, and we are accompanying them along their faith journey. We realized right from the start that nursery schools, grade schools, technical schools, oratories, and Salesian youth centers would be necessary. We will see what steps we can take now, and then later how other persons and institutions can help; but we shall not look to withdraw.

We are already beginning to seek material aid to animate the liturgical celebrations of the various communities that will be formed. We cannot forget that the 36,000 persons living in the Palabek Camp greatly outnumber those who live in hundreds of towns or little cities in many places around the world. It is truly a moveable city – in tents. We will prepare catechists to animate and accompany these various Christian communities. We will look for and prepare young people who can animate various Salesian oratories because, happily, life continues, and the young need to be filled with joy and hope and have a reason to live each day. We must also think of how to form and prepare others to be teachers for the schools and instructors for the vocational and technology shops. Thank God, we are not alone in this, and some lay people also are beginning to get involved in this mission.

We know that together, little by little, we can do much to give a dignified life to so many thousands of displaced persons. We are also aware that we are not alone in this and that there are hundreds of persons who, once they receive news about it and become aware of it, will feel the desire to join in this effort on-site or to collaborate from afar.

That is why I share this with you and why I said at the start that Don Bosco has arrived at Palabek in Uganda by means of his SDB Salesians, and that the Lord Jesus has risen also among the displaced peoples of Palabek. This is so because the “castoffs” of this world (“cast off” by our acts of violence and evil deeds) continue to feel that they are beloved by our God, who cries out for us to take steps, in thousands of ways, to construct the one human civilization which alone is worthy of the name. This civilization is both possible and perduring: the civilization of human fraternity that can be built only on justice and the right everyone has to a dignified life. May smiles not disappear from Palabek. Blessed Easter of the Resurrection to all.

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime Rector Major


WORLD DELEGATE Born to serve

My dear Past Pupil Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of Don Bosco, our Father and Inspiration. This month, March 2018, we are celebrating the birth centenary of Blessed Alberto Marvelli, a great past pupil who incarnated the spirit of Don Bosco in his life and lived it to the full and thus becomes a wonderful model for all of us, past pupils, to be true sons and daughters of Don Bosco, worthy of the education and formation we received through the Salesians.

He was a past pupil from the Oratory at Rimini, Italy and as Don Bosco wanted, was a good Christian and upright citizen, committed to the Church and the society with a Salesian heart. He grew with a vision, taking St Dominic Savio and Pier Giorgio Frassati as his models, writing down his project of life in his diary already at the age of 17.

Deep Piety: He went for daily mass and brought others to Mass. His Marian and Eucharistic devotion really were the supporting columns in his life: “What a new world opens up to me contemplating Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament”, he wrote in his diary. "Each time I receive Holy Communion, each time Jesus in his divinity and humanity enters into me, in contact with my soul, it awakens holy ideas in me, a burning and consuming flame, but one that makes me so happy!”. Social and Political Responsibility: Past pupils are called to enter into social and political life with the spirit of Don Bosco. Alberto shows us how and why to do it. He followed the spirit of Don Bosco who, though himself keeping away from politics, made it clear that his aim was to do good to poor and abandoned boys, devoting all his energies not only to making them good Christians where religion is concerned but also moulding them honest citizens in all that touches upon civil society. (letter to Marquis Roberto d’Azeglio). Speaking to the past pupils in 1883 he said: «We respect duly constituted authority, we are law-abiding, we pay our taxes and we go forward, asking only that we be left free to work for the good of youth and Save souls. If necessary, we get also into politics, but in a totally harmless manner».

Taking the spirit of Don Bosco in doing good, Alberto became a leader in Catholic Action movement. Later he entered in political life as a candidate for the Christian Democrats and was recognised as a committed Christian by everyone. He was never divisive. Even his communist opponent could say: «I don’t mind if my Party loses, so long as Engineer Marvelli becomes Mayor».

I am writing from Timor Leste, where I am meeting past pupils these days. Many members of the parliament are our past pupils. What a wonderful contribution they can make to build up the nation, as good Christians and remaining honest citizens. Serving the Poorest: We, the past pupils of Don Bosco, are called to be the beacons of Don Bosco and spend our lives for orphans and the poorest of the poor. During his colloquy with Fr. Sala, member of the General Council, Don Bosco said, «whatever I did, I did it for the Lord. I could have done more… My sons will carry on with the work». (DB. Vol 7, Lenti, page 328).

Alberto, in fact, carried on the mission of Don Bosco. During the Second World War he became an apostle amongst displaced persons and a


GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Past Pupils and friends of Don Bosco,

I am very happy because you have found the time to read the new Past Pupils Newsflash. I am grateful that the project based on Newsflash is successful, both in production and distribution and in the projects that make up its content. It is fundamentally a sign that our community is growing, developing and that we are blessed by Don Bosco.

This year, and in particular the month of March, represented an important moment for us as we commemorated the 110th anniversary of the official foundation of the Past Pupils as part of the Salesian Family. In March 1908, thanks to Blessed Filippo Rinaldi, the World Confederation of Past Pupils approved its first Statute.

I invite you to the celebration and joy of the beautiful anniversary and, at the same time, I encourage you to realize the dreams of Don Bosco, and to become, every day, good Christians and honest citizens.

Our dear Don Bosco canonised in 1934 in St. Peter's by Pope Pius XI, on April 1 (at the conclusion of the Holy Year of the Redemption) - And even then it was Easter! Exactly the same day that occurs this year. With this fantastic memory, I wish you a happy and joyful Salesian Easter. With cordial greetings and with prayer Michal Hort Presidente

real source of providence for the poor. He was attentive to the poorest, when he was in charge of rebuilding the city in Rimini: “The poor are on our doorstep”, “the others can wait”.

I would like to invite all of you to focus on these three values from Blessed Alberto Marvelli: Growing as good Christians, for those of other religions, as God-centered persons; Contribution to the society as honest citizens and political leaders; serving the poorest, particularly the orphans. Don Bosco was born to serve the poorest and the orphans. Blessed Alberto followed it as a true son of Don Bosco. May I invite all the past pupils to be attentive to the needs of the poorest and orphans. Let us identify the real orphans and find ways to empower them and make them, in turn, become apostles of Don Bosco to reach out to other orphans. As sons of Don Bosco, all of us are BORN TO SERVE (BTS). May I invite you to make BTS our icon in the tradition of Don Bosco. YOUR SERVANT, BORN TO SERVE Fr. Jayapalan sdb Delegate, Roma



The Easter loved by Don Bosco Dear Friends and Friends,

this issue of Newsflash, we considered it "Easter" because of its quarterly composition and distribution, but we have discovered that this year there are many other reasons that cheer us up. Thus we wish to recall how much and how the Salesian Family is a Easter family. Easter for many historical events, but especially Easter in its spirituality.

April 1, 1788. Margherita Occhiena, Don Bosco's mother, was born in Capriglio, a town of about 400 inhabitants in the diocese of Asti. She is baptized on the same day. March 26, 1826. No child is admitted to the first Communion except at 12 or 14 years. The priest Don Sismondo is quite rigid; Mum Margherita hopes for an exception. Answered! Giovanni is not 11 yet! During Lent his mother takes him three times to confess.

On April 12, 1846, Easter Day, the Oratory, located at the Molini of Turin, moved permanently under a shed rented by Francesco Pinardi, in Valdocco. 8 April 1849. Also for Dominic Savio, Easter is the day of the first Communion. Even at age 7; unthinkable for those times.

1855. On several occasions Don Bosco goes to the Generala prison to meet prisoners. In this year he obtained permission from Minister Rattazzi to take them on a trip to the Royal Palace of Stupinigi. It is an unforgettable Easter, spent in the greatest joy.

At Easter 1858 (4 April) Don Bosco was present at the Urbi et Orbi blessing on the Loggia di San Pietro, with his shoulder... under the feet of Pope Pius IX! For Don Bosco the Christmas and Easter parties have always deserved special preparation: during these festivities he also organizes small retreats intended to cultivate the spirit exclusively to understand the meaning of the birth of Christ and the centrality of the Resurrection in the Christian life. The Easter message that each year sends to his young people is precisely aimed at ensuring that the face of the Church reflects the beauty of the face of the Lord, crucified and resurrected on Easter. He encourages the youth never to forget the teaching that comes from Easter: "It is with the Resurrection of Jesus, our Easter holds that we men are able to communicate the reasons for hope, so that the anchoring of faith becomes a guarantee of personal solidity and social solidarity".

Finally, but it is even more beautiful: on Easter Day 1934 (1 April), at the close of the Holy Year of Redemption (XIX from the Resurrection of Christ) Don Bosco is solemnly canonized in St. Peter's. The Church had never made a canonization coincide with Easter; Pius XI wants an exception to be done. The ceremony, under a heavy rain, is broadcast by radio. The Holy Father, who personally met him on a visit to the Oratory in October 1883, remembers these details in the speeches in honor of the new Saint and adds that this Holy Year can also be called "Salesian Holy Year". Cardinal Fossati, in a subsequent speech to about 20 thousand pilgrims, will recall the definition of the Supreme Pontiff that on that day is just "A Salesian Easter!". To all the Past Pupils of Don Bosco we hope that the reading of our magazine can be the best beginning to a happy Easter of Resurrection. Pierluigi Lazzarini





Opera Salesiana Teresa Gerini Via Tiburtina, 994 - 00156 Roma (Italy) tel. +39 06 409 003

The World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco has a new headquarters. We are in a large office at "Teresa Gerini" Salesian Institute, which we share with two other groups of the Salesian Family. On December 16, 2017, the periodic meeting of the World Council actually inaugurated the work in the new premises, with the welcome presence of Fr Eusebio MuĂąoz Ruiz, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family.



“Sir, give me this Water” (John 4:15)

LET US CULTIVATE THE ART OF LISTENING AND OF ACCOMPANIMENT Dear brothers and sisters of the whole Salesian Family in the world,

As per tradition, at the end of the year I present the Strenna to our sisters, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and from that day it becomes a gift for our whole Salesian Family, in every part of the world.

The purpose of the Strenna and of its commentary is to help us have the same heart and look in the many initiatives in all our works and in the mission each one is called to carry out according to the specific charismatic vocation of the groups of our Salesian Family.

Church has decided to examine herself on how she can lead young people to recognize and accept the call to the fullness of life and love, and to ask young people to help her in identifying the most effective ways to announce the Good News today»1. The Strenna I am presenting to you this year is proposed as a subsidy so that in all 1

SYNOD OF BISHOPS. XV ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment. Preparatory Document and Questionnaire, Elle Di Ci, Torino 2017, p. 22-23. Hence forth quoted as PD.

our presences in the world as Salesian Family we can achieve the objective stated in the Preparatory Document of the Synod.

The theme chosen, which I consider simple and very direct, contains two elements of vital importance in today's world: listening and personal accompaniment. To enlighten these two aspects I offer you a beautiful Gospel icon, which lends itself to multiple reflections: Jesus and the Samaritan woman. An episode is narrated in which, despite the presence of ethnic diversities and re-

The theme chosen is in continuity with that of the previous year and refers to the forthcoming major ecclesial event of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, convened by Pope Francis for the month of October 2018, which is entitled: "Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment". This is a subject that directly concerns the heart of our charism and that we will try to prepare in the best possible way, sensitising ourselves and making many lay and young people aware of this important event of the ecclesial life and of the need to take part in it. With this Synod, «the


S TRENNA 2018 ligious antagonisms, the encounter takes place at the deepest level of the person, to the point of arriving at a change in life. I invite you to accept the Strenna with the positive openness of each year and to benefit from what may be useful to you according to the different pastoral situations in which we operate.

I can testify to you that, in the hundreds of meetings I have had in these almost four years with young people from the five continents,

I have gained the certainty that in the houses and works led by the groups of the Salesian Family there are thousands and thousands of good young people, open to life, eager to be formed, to learn; young people in search.

Many of them have a great and generous


heart, and wish to serve others, to do something for others, to help, to donate themselves.

They are young people who request our help to continue to grow and mature in their faith. And there are others who do not ask explicitly, but who feel a great need for a personal encounter and for being listened to. There are many who would be willing to take a personal and communal path of discernment and accompaniment.

So I ask myself: what are we waiting for? Why do we not decide to be much more available to accompany all our young people in what is most important to their lives? What is holding us back? Why "being busy" or "spending time" in other things when this is a real priority for

education and evangelization?

We will take many more significant steps, my dear brothers and sisters, on the day when we will truly convince ourselves that, more important than what we do, is what we are and who we are; that more important than the things and activities we offer to teenagers and young people and their families, is our presence, our listening and our openness to dialogue. This is what leaves "traces of life" forever. It leaves them in young people and in their families.

All this is at the basis and constitutes the real and profound motivation for this year's choice of the Strenna. Fr Ă ngel FernĂĄndez Artime Rector Major

(Continue in the next issue)

S TRENNA 2018... J APANESE VERSION Tokyo, Japan, 29 December 2017

"We created this poster with a hope that whoever looks at it (students or adults) would be encouraged to “approach with courage and accompany those who are wounded. In the process were involved many person, also all SDB rectors in their November meeting. ~ Jesus, who is the supreme model of life and the inexhaustible “living water”, is surrounded by the Samaritan woman and the characters of the manga (comics) book “Coraggio!!”.

~ Following 2016 and 2017, also for the poster of 2018, the illustration was done by Suzuki Guri, manga author of the “Coraggio!!”.

~ The poster was planned and produced by the Salesian Social Communication team (staff at Don Bosco Sha) and designed by Nakamura Takaya.

Characters in the illustration: caption

* Jesus is tired and thirsty from the journey (1), the Samaritan woman who came to fetch water, avoiding to meet fellow villagers (2) - they meet at the well. Jesus speaks to the woman and listens to her sorrow and suffering. In the illustration, Jesus is saying, «Whoever drinks the water that I give will never thirst» and the Samaritan woman is asking Jesus, «Sir, give me this water».

* Don Bosco (3) and a boy from the oratory (Bartolomeo Garelli) (4) are seen behind the well. As the boy is looking into the well, Don Bosco, closely accompanying him, encourages him to look at Jesus.

* On the right side of the well is a modern day couple who look rather sad. They are an multi-cultural couple, the husband (5) is Japanese and the wife (6) is from a South Asian country, they have difficulties and disappointments in life. Mamma Margaret (7) is by their side, showing them Jesus. * At the foot of the couple is a young and

crying girl (8). Mana (9), a high-school student, is smiling and bending down, trying to comfort the little girl.

* On the left side of the well is a Latin American youth sitting on the ground, looking depressed (10). Riku (11), another high-school student, is encouraging the boy, inviting him to approach Jesus.

* Behind Riku also Domenico Savio (12) is gazing lovingly at Jesus. The Blessed Mother Mary (13) is gently supporting and watching over Domenico. Grigio (14) is by Mary’s side, also looking at Jesus.

* The composition of the 2 main characters, Jesus and the Samaritan woman, is based on the famous work by the French artist Pierre Mignard, “Jesus and the Woman of Samaria” (AD 1681).



East Timor

The Rector Major in a land steeped with Salesianity

(ANS – Dili) – The Animation Visit of the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, to the Vice Province of Indonesia-East Timor proceeds with widespread enthusiasm shared by all. The celebration of the feast of Don Bosco, on Wednesday, January 31, gathered thousands of people who were grateful and devoted to the Saint of the Young and to his Spiritual Sons. Meanwhile, the local media have also been giving ample space and coverage to the presence of the X Successor of Don Bosco to the country.

1 February, the Rector Major met Dili's Past Pupils of Don Bosco and, in the afternoon, at Fatumaca, he met members of


the Association of Mary Help of Christians, together with all the members of the Salesian Family of the country's eastern part.

In the first of two meetings, before circa six hundred Past Pupils, the President of the National Federation welcomed Fr Á.F. Artime, and presented him with the contribution offered by the Past Pupils to the nation.

He reminded all that the country's first President and the current President of the Republic are Past Pupils. He also cited the project "Belun Ba Misaun Don Bosco" (Friends of the Mission of Don Bosco ) as an example of service to the spread of the charism among the people of East Timor.

The Rector Major, by turn, thanked all those present for their commitment and testimony and invited them to always look ahead towards serving others.

The festive meeting with the Past Pupils extended over time the Salesian joy already experienced on 31 January for Don Bosco's feast.

On that occasion, the X Successor of Don Bosco presided over the Eucharist for about 5000 faithful - including the President of Timor Est, Francisco Gutteres Lu Olo. In his homily,the Rector Major invited: thanks to God for the gift of Don Bosco; thanks to God for the great missionaries who brought the Salesian charism to East


Timor; finally, for all to seek "the true happiness of life", whose name is Jesus.

The visit of the Rector Major to East Timor sees the whole nation participating, again like the great manifestations of joy that characterized the pilgrimage of the relics of Don Bosco in the country, in 2011.

Thanks to the work of the Delegate Social Communication by ITM, Fr Jose de Sa, and to the precious work of many past pupils, the Animation Visit of the Rector Major is receiving prominence in the country's main newspapers and radio and television stations. Source: AustraLasia.



United States

Past Pupils in East United States & Canada I visited the United States during Christmas and New Year time. I could see vibrant past pupil units and delegate. With the vast experience in his life and with youthful enthusiasm in his heart, Fr. Thomas Dunne sdb, former provincial and now provincial delegate of the past pupils, is activating and organizing the past pupils' movement in Eastern part of United States and Canada.

The understanding, intervention and commitment of Salesians is an essential contributory factor for the growth of the past pupils. Therefore I had an animation programme for the candidates and the Salesians in formation together with the community, in Don Bosco, Orange, New Jersey. Their enthusiasm and commitment was very vivid.

The commitment and enthusiasm shown by Salesians, the delegate Fr. Thomas Dunne sdb, and Fr. Abe Feliciano sdb, the youth ministry delegate, promise a very bright future for the past pupils in United States and Canada.

A very noteworthy meeting was Don Bosco, Ramsey, New Jersey. The top leaders together with the provincial delegate and local delegate, Fr. Jim Heuser, himself the former provincial, came together for enlightening each other and clarifying. I found a very committed team comprising Mr. Noel Selegzi, Vice President of Insti14

tutional Advancement, Mr. Richard Wisniewski, Director of Alumni Relations, Mr. Craig Dietel, Associate Director of Public Relations and Alumni, Mr. Robert, past pupil and present teacher.

I was very impressed at the status of the past pupil association in Ramsey, already putting into practice with focus, the seven priorities of the world confederation. They have an office with a full timer.

are bishops. The meeting of groups takes place batchwise, for example, in the coming year, 1968 batch.

The organization of the past pupils of Don Bosco, Ramsey, takes place in different cities as well: Boston, Florida, Washington DC, California etc.

There is a Directory published in the centenary year with all names of students who have passed out. The website

In New York and New Jersey, meetings are organized in different regions. Another notable venture is, the past pupils meet the present students every year and absorb them into jobs.

has been launched recently, asking the past pupils to sign up. At the entrance itself, there is 'Hall of Fame' with photos of 5 students receiving best students award every year. A touching contribution of the school has been 125 vocations - Salesians, religious and diocesans among whom 2

A similar organization is active in other places in Don Bosco, New Rochelle and Washington DC.

As you see in the attached photo, the recent buildings have been made possible due to the contribution by the past pupils. How great and what a sense of belonging and gratitude to Don Bosco and Salesians!



Though the schools in Patterson, Boston, Toronto have been closed, the past pupils meet regularly under Salesians and staff of their time. There are 4 groups in Canada. One admirable situation in United States is the presence of past pupils from different countries: Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, India etc.

I had a memorable meeting with one such group from India, particularly Tamil Nadu, organized at Don Bosco, Los Angeles.

people who are here in Stony Point this week on a Salesian retreat/workshop for leaders in the schools. He reported that all of the students in our schools were excited about the prospect of developing the past pupil association in our province. (At LONG LAST!!).

The alumni office director at Don Bosco Prep, Ramsey, is enthused as well, more

about ministry to past pupils than about an association. Certainly, your teachings, conversations, and experiences have made a definite impact in our province. For that I am grateful. I am starting to look at the past pupils as something that is within our reach within this provinceÂť. Fr. Jayapalan Raphael sdb World Delegate, Rome

Response from the Province Delegate, Fr. Thomas Dunne to my visit: ÂŤPeople who interacted with you during your visit to our province are all appreciative of the animation that was offered to them and their communities. Probably the most enthusiastic response has come from Fr. Abe Feliciano, province YM delegate. Fr. Abe went over your sharing with his staff and with some young 15



Former Salesian student will decorate the altar of Mass celebrated by Pope

From 15 to 18 January, Pope Francis will visit Chile. On the last day, he will celebrate Mass in the city of Iquique, 1700 kilometers from the capital. The Holy Father will crown the image of the Virgin of Carmen de la Tirana, being exhibited together with the images of San José, who represents the first migrant, and of San Lorenzo de Tarapaca.

(ANS - Iquique) Yoing Koo was appointed as architect for the altar's construction; the decoration features traditional flowers produced in aluminum called "salitrero funeral art".

The production of flowers in tin is a tradition of Iquique and the surrounding areas, a region with a particularly hot climate that does not allow for fresh flowers for very long, why villagers reuse cans and other objects to compose flowers, crowns and crosses to bring their loved ones in cemeteries.

Mr. Humberto Alache, a visual arts professor and former pupil of the Salesian College Don Bosco of Iquique, is creating 12,000 flowers in the style of the traditional local funeral art to decorate the altar Pope Francis will celebrate at on January 18.


The teacher, and collaborators Aurora Cordano, Norma Araya, Yolanda Cañas, Sandra Godoy, Patricia Herrera Chacón and Silvana, have been doing an immense amount of work since October to complete the work in time. They are creating roses and other works of art from tin cans painted in gold and copper.

Inserted in 48 paintings, the flowers shall then be delivered to the institutions and parishes as testimony of Pope Francis' visit to the city.

Figures carved in the church of Tarapacá are also being prepared. The origin of the tin flowers dates back to the time of the British who, on seeing that the natural flowers could not survive in the arid desert, began to use flowers fashioned from tin.



Salesian craftsmanship again at center of papal celebrations

(ANS – Puerto Maldonado)

After three days in Chile, Pope Francis reaches Peru today, January 18, the second and last stage of his apostolic journey to South America.

Also in Peru to accompany the celebrations of the pontiff there will be a bit of "salesianity" - as previously in Iquique, where to adorn the altar of the mass there were 12 thousand traditional aluminum flowers by the Salesian past pupil Humberto Alache.

This time, however, it is a crucifix and chairs for the Pope and the main concelebrants, all works created by the youth of the "Taller Don Bosco", to be used for the Eucharist scheduled, in Puerto Maldonado.

Source: Periodista Digital




For an unmissable renewal

At Fatima, on January 13, u.s., after the closing of the day dedicated to the presentation to the Salesian Family of Portugal of the Strenna of the Rector Major for 201819, one of the most engaging conferences of the past pupils of Don Bosco in Portugal was held.

Some Local Unions (Estoril, Evora, Funchal-Madeira, Oporto) have kept the flame and identity of Don Bosco Past Pupils alight with certain specific activities of plural dynamization. But others not so much. So we arrived at the certain moment to involve everyone with the interpellation of the National Federation related to the possible "resurgence" challenging, combining united and enthusiastic the verb "to be" in the present, to lead to the updating of the modus operandis with greater effective-

ness and visibility, also with regard to "salesian spirituality". The aim of the meeting was set to close a way and open a new page to be written together with the Local Unions and the Federation itself.

Therefore some past pupils 'marked by the spirit of Don Bosco' have been involved and challenged, led to use synergies, strengthening their wills, to increase the overcoming of inertia. Looking back on them, they realized that they still had the pride of being Salesian Past Pupils and the generosity to do and share. It was aimed at the concrete change, returning to history, to put the Exallievi Group, of the Salesian Family - in the place that belongs and distinguishes it - with the

quality of heirs of the paternal affection of Don Bosco in person, who, at Valdocco, with the first of the "immense crowd" began the association organization, in 1870, calling them "beloved sons" and advised him to be faithful and to promote each other good.

Since then, the organization has gained a structured form at local, national and international level with don Filippo Rinaldi. Then comes Don E. Viganò to reignite and reactivate the size of the Group and bring to light the Past Pupils... even if not always focused...

The current Rector Major and the Congregation still today consider the branch of the Past Pupils as the group that grows most, flourishes and makes the Preventive

In the attached photograph, the elected members of the Portuguese Federation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. Three are missing (two son GEX). Above: Luis Miguel Roquete; Don J. Taveira (National Delegate), Don. J. Anibale (Inspector), Jorge Santos, J. Search F. Miranda; Below: A. Ramos, J.M.C. Noites, Antonio G. Pires, CĂŠlio Nogueira, LuĂ­s Pires and Daniel Lago.



The Portuguese Federation is renewed System prestigious in all parts of the world.

Meanwhile, among the Portuguese past pupils, optimism has been thought to improve motivations and "sense of belonging" especially among the young, through the stimulation of voluntary adhesion to the lay and Salesian association in a propositional / operative way, to visibility. This results from the increased credibility of the example as a dynamic force of the true "union" (number and testimonial quality) of people with an apostolic spirit in the Church, an active presence in active citizenship.

Living in the constantly changing world involves being careful and adapting, making the best possible to make it better. With this awareness, therefore, in the country of Our Lady of Fatima (without thinking that maybe there will be something else to change elsewhere), there was to update the organizational structure and awaken those who had fallen asleep. For this purpose, meetings were held

(Oporto, Mogofores, Fatima) in times of reflection with the most committed, animated by the idea of a true renewal.

Finally, a working group (GL) or "ad hoc commission" was set up and, with patience, wisdom and humility, the project was carried out to change in a way that is rather dynamic, full, yet peaceful and effective, thinking about the future of the organization on the rails at a speed and two levels: national / local. Together with the Salesians, the National Delegate and with the support of the Provincial, the Portuguese Past Pupils stopped to face a desirable future.

And so an Extraordinary General Assembly (AGS) was convened and set up, specifically dedicated to the election of the Federation's leading members, who will then come to involve the local Unions by dynamizing them with the contributions of male and female Past Pupils.

In addition to some of those still in office, some leaders of the local associations and a small number of eligible Past Pupils par-

ticipated in this AGS, with considerable human and Christian Salesian profit, who had shared the anticipated renewal project, and they accepted the challenge of 'offering themselves' to carry out managerial tasks at the national level.

With the presence of the Provincial and the Delegate they presented themselves to the voters, by now well known by all. Among others "in order" there were three ex-presidents of the Federation, with the right to vote. And the election was made by unanimity and acclamation. It ended with festive applause.

Finally, a prayer of thanksgiving to Our Lady is recited (in Fatima, on the 13th)... and we also sing to Don Bosco. Who will read this issue of Newsflash could conclude, looking at the reality of their structures, especially in the countries of the European Union, which perhaps and unfortunately will not be only the organization of Portugal to face a deep and indifferent renewal... Antรณnio G. Pires Confederal President Emeritus




Report about a start of hope

In Estoril, Cascais, on the 3rd of February, in the magnificent headquarters of the Past Pupils - which is a recognized private institution of social solidarity (IPSS), the whole "team" of the National Federation elected at Fatima on January 13th gathered.

Around the Provincial, Fr. J. Anibal Mendonça, with the National Delegate, Fr. Joaquim Taveira, after the recitation of the prayer recommended by the Confederal Statute, each member of the three (Corporate Bodies) made his promise and signed the "parchment possession sheet"

"Of the appointment assumed.

With the past pupils of the Salesian School of Estoril, who celebrated that day the Annual Convention, all the elements took part in the lunch-banquet.

The Executive Directorate then met with the other members, to determine the programmatic and binding lines of the mandate. They focused on simple principles, looking for the efficiency of direct actions with the past pupils of the houses where they are

Slovenia Salesian Institute of Želimlje introduces itself to young people

less active, with a clear strategy of personalized contacts, meeting them to find them and stimulate the younger members of the association.

Waiting for the collaboration of those who have never separated, and of the Salesians on the spot, above all to arrive at the identification of as many as possible, in order to wake them up, proposing action and interest them to revive the Unions. With these intentions there is to wait! Best wishes. Antonio G. Pires

Želimlje, Slovenia - February 2018 - For over 25 years, in mid-February, the Salesian Institute of Želimlje, the first private high school in Slovenia - with its Don Bosco boarding school, opens its doors to introduce itself to young people who wish to obtain instruction and education according to the Preventive System. This year the presentation could also count on the use of a new video prepared by the former student of the Vid Planinc institute and a team gathered in the "Studio Siposh", a video which shows daily life in the Salesian center, with its broad range of activities offered to its students .The institute, dedicated to St. Francis de Sales, welcomes only about 300 young people, but is well known throughout the country for its educational work. The video is available at: https://youtube/4mIDGX-KdOM




50th Anniversary of Savio College 2018 is a special year for the Salesian Family in Malta as they celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of Savio College.

In recent years, the GEX past pupils are one of the most active group in Malta through the Salesian Animators.

The College opened its doors in 1968 and it is calculated that over 1500 past pupils have been educated in the school.

It guides young people after they leave their school to engage in prayer and spiritual growth. This spiritual growth is an ac-

Savio College is one of the most distinguished secondary school in Malta.

The Maltese National Federation of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco, together with the community of Savio College and representatives from the Past Pupils of Savio College have launched the compilation of a new database to be able to contact past pupils and friends of the school.

The Salesian Animators group is a project which involves a strong group of young past pupils and friends of Don Bosco.

companied growth in a group and then the possibility of individual accompaniment is also offered.

The young people are involved in organising youth ministry activities and they also meet for monthly reflections on the Word of God through the means of Lectio Divina, Spiritual Companionship and Counselling are given great importance in the formation of our young.

The Savio College community have already launched an intensive programme to mark this special anniversary of the school.

The 50th Anniversary celebrations will open on Sunday 11th March were all past pupils and friends of Don Bosco are being invited to gather together at the College.

The programme will include the commermoration of the first stone and a new memorial of the 50th Anniversary dedicated to Fr. Joseph Mangion SDB who was responsible for the building of the College. A solemn mass will be celebrated by the Archbishop Mons. Charles J. Scicluna. 21



Dream of Don Bosco Past Pupils in Panay

Iloilo, Philippines - On 11 January, Fr Godofredo Atienza, Provincial of the Salesian Province of the South Philippines, and his Provincial Council, travelled to Iloilo, on the island of Panay, to meet with Salesian past pupils. During the meeting the Salesians gave precious indications for the realization of the dream of expanding the Salesian presence at the service of the young people of Iloilo and Panay. Iloilo, the Philippines, 11 January 2018

The Don Bosco Alumni (DBTI Victorias) of Panay are grateful to Fr. Godofredo Atienza, FIS Provincial and the members of the FIS Provincial Council for their visit and for their valuable inputs toward the realization of our dream for an expanded Salesian presence and service to the young in Iloilo and Panay.

We are now a step forward; we begin working even as we continuously discern God’s will in keeping Don Bosco’s legacy alive.

The old dream of the Don Bosco Past Pupils in this part of the Philippines goad back to the 1990s, when the Archidiocese of Jaro, through Archbishop Alberto J. Piamonte, dontated a piece of land at Baran-



gay P.D. Monfort, Dumangas, Ilo Ilo to the Salesians. Since 1998 there was growing rural Salesian work (Vocation Training Center, Don Bosco Boys Home, Public Chapel, Youth Center and large farm-land), now with 4 SDB, Rector Fr. Aguedo B. Palomo (former missionary in Timor Leste, ITM). Since last December 9, 2017 there was launched our concerted effort towards establishing a Primary and Secondary Education program there. And another meeting of discernment happened just yesterday with the presence of the whole SDB Provincial Council of FIS (Philippines South). The Don Bosco Past Pupils of DBTI Victorias are determined to make this dream a reality. Pray for this intention!




Emergency education and support

Salesian commitment in Nepal

(ANS – Kathmandu)

Transforming Nepal's poor communities, beginning with children and young people, through education, vocational training and reconstruction of school buildings and related, necessary after the 2015 earthquakes: this is the commitment of "Nepal Don Bosco Society" (NDBS), the NGO representing the Salesians in the country.

Through their 7 centers scattered in different regions, the 18 Sons of Don Bosco active in Nepal offer quality, up-to-date, timely formation, as well as a typically Salesian environment.

«Salesian institutions are welcoming centers where everyone feels at home and the formation given and the diplomas awarded help many in finding work in Nepal or abroad», says Ram Kaji Rai, a former teacher of the institute, now responsible for


a company that imports IT components. Many of the Salesian past pupils are able to boast rapid integration into the labor market, as employees or entrepreneurs.

And it should not be underestimated that most came from poor communities: as in Sirsia, where the Salesian school was for many the only opportunity to receive an education, and where for 9 years the Salesians, thanks to the help of an Austrian NGO, implemented an integral development program that included the entire population, from children to the elderly.

The NDBS, moreover, has been fundamental for the relief to poor people after the natural disasters, such as the Terai region floods in 2017, and previously, the earthquakes of 2015. On that occasion, Salesians and their collaborators gathered aid and distributed food, tools and medical assistance to 3451 families in 12 districts;

materials useful for life in shelters to 450 families in five districts; and uniforms and stationery materials in over 50 schools in Lalitpur and surroundings.

«If it was not for the NDBS, my family and I would not have eaten for a week» says one of the elders of Lalitpur today.

In the subsequent stages of restoration and reconstruction, NDBS came to the aid of 87 schools in 12 districts for the construction of Temporary Learning Centers to prevent school pupils from interrupting their education. And currently, ten new permanent school buildings in 4 districts are near completion and set to open.

Being at the side of the poor and needy was - and is - the hallmark of the Salesian presence in Nepal.



Dr. Thomas Taban Akot

A doctor on the footsteps of Fr Lee Tae-Suk (ANS – Busan) Thomas Taban Akot, a Don Bosco Past Pupil of Don Bosco School Tonj, South Sudan, is an international student at Inje University-Medical College in Busan, Korea. He graduated from the medical college and passed his Medical Licensing Examination in Korea. Fundamental in his fundamental professional and human journey was the meeting with Fr. John Lee Tae-Suk (19622010), a doctor and a Salesian.

How did you become a medical student in Korea? «Yes, I was lucky. The late Fr. John Lee, SDB, recommended me. During Christmas 2009, I got a phone call from one doctor who asked me if I would like to study medicine in Korea. First I thought the study would be in English, but then I spent a long time to master also the Korean language».

Do you remember your first encounter with the late Fr. John Lee? «Yes, it was during my junior high school studies. I was an altar boy in Tonj and Fr. Lee invited me to join the youth music band. So I learned the flute and guitar. Our band grew to up to 30 members and I was entrusted with the alto saxophone. I had

also seen that Fr. John after the Mass went every day to the small clinic and helped so many patients. All of them looked very happy. I told to myself: “I should also become like him!”».

Who was Fr. John for you, Thomas? «I spent about eight years with him. It’s difficult to describe it in one word. What is sure, Fr. John brought joy to everyone in Tonj. He was talking to all, young and old, without exception. At first it was difficult for me to approach him since he was a priest, but later on I overcame the distance. When I reflect on him as a medical doctor, it’s amazing. Especially in Korea to become a medical doctor means to receive a lot of fame and wealth. But Fr. John gave up all of this in order to come to the poor country of Sudan and serve us. It was his life choice».

To study medical university in Korea was not easy. How do feel now after graduation? «I still don’t believe it. It was really difficult from the time of enrollment until now. However I was not ashamed to ask the help of

my classmates. In this way I became very close to my classmates and was never tired to ask their help. I was studying very hard, but without the daily help of my fellow students it would have been impossible to graduate and pass the government exam».

You told us that Fr. John Lee was your life-model? «In my life I never reflected who is my role model. However, when I met Fr. John and lived together I learned from him many things. He was not just a teacher in the classroom who transmitted knowledge. He never taught us how we should live, what we should do. But observing his life attitude, I realized he approached everybody as a friend, with a humble heart in order to make other people happy. This is a precious life attitude I learned from Fr. John Lee. When he passed away, the people of Tonj were crying like his family or relatives. Thanks to this attitude - to always take the first step towards others - I have received in Korea a lot of help from other people». Source: Korean News Service

Fr. John Lee Tae-Suk





99 years of memories of Fr Di Mauro (ANS – Catania)

He will be 100 years old next May and at his venerable age, still very lucid, he works as Delegate for the Past Pupils of the Union of Salette-San Cristoforo, in Catania: Fr Rodolfo di Mauro, Salesian since 1938, a priest for over 70 years, with a store of incredible memories linked, above all, to the Salesian house "Salette" in Catania.

Fr di Mauro outlines his biography by linking it to history's great events. He was born on May 18, 1918, during the Great War,


in Militello. As a child he was enrolled in the fascist youth organs; the Great Depression of 1929 forced him to suspend his studies, which he resumed only thanks to a brother Carabiniere, an Italian military police, who kept him in the Salesian Institute of Pedara.

He then taught in Marsala, where, during the Second World War, he was saved from a bombing by chance. He arrived in Salette in 1947. With the other Salesians he founded the oratory and the musical band and took care of the poorest

of the poor. «We were feeding eight hundred children. We would cook in a pot stirred with a stick».

Among the many things to narrate, his words touch on criminality.

The district's mafiosi, he has known them all and, in such a context, had to earn respect. «Once a man threatened me» he says, «told me “if it were not for that white collar you wear...”. I took it off immediately and replied: “what can I do for you…?”».



Salesian, the living history of "Salette" house in Catania

Fr Rodolfo has looked after so many lives on the brink: sometimes the distorted logic of crime prevailed, but in most cases Don Bosco's teachings have been successful.

As in the case of a nephew of a mafia clan leader who today is studying as a priest in Messina.

And then the many exemplary biographies: university professors, doctors, engineers, actors, typographers such as Salvatore Caliò, President of the Past Pupils Union, who deals with social assistance and who has created the "Quartiere Vivo"

award, in view of the one hundred years of Fr Rodolfo, too. At the age of 100, Fr di Mauro can only be grateful to God.

«I have to thank the Lord for what I have done. I have gone from oil lamps to the digital age. Every day that passes is one more day».

And he concludes: «To Salette, I have given and received a lot, and above all I have learned not to be afraid of anything, not even of death».





Francesco: a person I will never forget

A past pupil of the Sacred Heart at the Pope's Mass in Santa Marta

That afternoon of June 20, 2017, in my home in Rome, sheltered from the strong summer heat wave, I was absorbed in reading an article "A person I will never forget" by Mervin L. Kline, published on Selection by the Reader's Digest of December 1959 Even the ringing of the cell phone seemed to come from far away. The insistence of sound forces me to reemerge from today's reality: it is my president of the Union of Past Pupils Don Bosco of the Sacred Heart Institute of Rome, Claudia Cardacino.

ÂŤHi Gerardo. Good news for you: Friday, June 23, you must represent our "Past Pupils Union" with the Parish "Sacred Heart" in the participation in the Holy Mass at 7.00 of Pope Francis in Santa Marta in the Vatican. I have work things and I can not. For details, contact the parish priest of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, don Raffaele Panno. Thank you and, with the Holy Father, pray for all of usÂť. I was still incredulous and I phoned to the


parish priest don Raffaele, who confirms everything and provides appropriate indications for that event very happy for me and for the parish, which a month before celebrated the 130th anniversary of the Dedicazione della Basilica (1887 - 14 May 2017) built from Don Bosco on behalf of Pope Leo XIII.

Friday, June 23, together with no more than 30 people, I was sitting in the chapel of the Domus "Santa Marta" in the Vatican. I was visibly excited. At the stroke of 7.00, from a side door, Pope Francis entered. With rapid step, even if slightly limpid, reached the altar. I get distracted to watch it. I saw him rather tired, but absorbed in the celebration.

The homily, with its simple and sweet way of offering one's thought and teaching, the fruit no doubt of his personal meditation, is particularly engaging. He reminds us how God chose us, and not vice versa. In fact we have not chosen anything, because it is He who has chosen us and is linked to us. I look around and see the serene face of the others around me and I am sure that everyone has accepted the evangelical message of the Vicar of Christ.

At the moment of Holy Communion it is evi-

dent the enormous weight that weighs on this man, who lives in first person the world problems, spiritual and not, and seeks for them the most appropriate solutions following their own "worldview".

At the end of the celebration, a few minutes of meditation are allowed to sit between us: it is precisely the Good Shepherd in the midst of his flock! A little later he gets up and disappears from the door where he had come from.

A master of ceremonies invites us to leave the chapel. With pleasant surprise we are faced with Pope Francis waiting for us to meet individually, giving us a warm and strong handshake and a reassuring smile. They are a few moments that represent the compendium of a life, a moment of intimacy with a few news about the dearest affections: I feel within myself an immense joy, truly indescribable, and a serenity of mind that I have never felt before!

Later, while with the other parishioners of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart I leave the Domus Santa Marta, I reflect to myself that this really 23rd June 2017 is a memorable date in my life;in fact I met a "person I will never forget". Gerardo Pagnotta



Czech Republic

A short film about Titus Zeman wins First Place Prize at Film Festival (ANS - Ostrava)

The International “Festival dobrých správ” (of Good News) honoured a short film about the life of blessed Titus Zeman SDB. The video entitled “Titus Zeman - a martyr for spiritual freedom to follow one’s vocation” was first place in the category of short films under 15 minutes and takes a closer look at the heroic sacrifice of the Salesian.

The festival, now in its tenth year, is organized by Sdružení Telepace and Czech Television Noe in cooperation with students of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia. The best films were chosen by

four members of a jury and TV viewers. This years’ festival took place in November in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

The author of the winning film is Salesian past pupil Roman Maturkanic from Slovakia who currently works as a film director.

«Probably the biggest challenge was to narrate the very eventful life of Titus in such a short time. We won the first place prize, but we could say that this is Titus’ victory», said the director of the film's achievement in the competition. The film editing and graphic design were by Róbert Chovanec, a member of the

media office of the Salesians in Slovakia.

«On hand we had some photos and a few documents from the archives. Because of this, we worked in a couple of graphic elements which at the end helped to add dynamics and a modern feeling», he said.

The short film about Titus Zeman, produced even before the event of the beatification, is translated into six different languages - English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, German, Hungarian - and can be seen on YouTube channel of the Slovak Salesians. Terézia Liptáková




Spain A former Salesian student nominated for the Goya Awards

Paco Plaza, of Salesianos San Juan Bosco of Valencia

No less than seven nominations to the prestigious Goya awards are those that the film director Paco Plaza has garnered with his recent film "Verónica": three nominations are directly for him: the best film, best director and best original screenplay; the other four are for the best revelation actress, original music, best sound and special effects.

The Valencian director Paco Plaza has always been proud of the training he received in the 80s at the Salesian school in his neighborhood, San Juan Bosco, and keeps his connection with him alive. A few years ago, in exclusive statements to

commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ancient Province of Valencia, he affirmed from the theater of his school: «From my years of formation in Salesianos I have inherited the values of solidarity, teamwork, coexistence and tolerance: I think they have been very useful for my work.». And he said: «The Salesians always instilled in us the effort to help others, the lack of personalism and misunderstood ambition, and the desire to be protagonists». Josep Lluís Burguera

Source: Salesianos María Auxiliadora


Best film Best address - Paco Plaza Best original script Fernando Navarro e Paco Plaza Best original music Chucky Namanera (Eugenio Mira) Best revelation actress Sandra Escacena Better sound - Aitor Berenguer, Gabriel Gutiérrez e Nicolas de Poulpiquet Best special effects Raúl Romanillos e David Heras

The film director Paco Plaza with Sandra Escanes on the set of 'Verónica'.





“Aristophanes” Transmitting a message like Don Bosco used to (ANS – Montevideo)

Although not everyone has passed through the doors of a Salesian institute, those who are part of "Aristophanes" feel absolutely part of the example of Don Bosco and try to transmit his values through their art. This is what three members of this parodic theater company claim; they are: Juan Ignacio Cristóbal, Winston Gorgal and Daniel Javier.

Aside from their artistic representations, what moves their most intimate fibers is the possibility of transmitting a message wherever they go and the desire to reach an audience with their shows, just as Don Bosco did. Juan, a Salesian past pupil, answers some questions.

How was the idea of forming a theater company born? «In 2006 there was a company of "Grupo

Texas" called "Aristophanes" which staged "Momogedia" and, for this, it won a prize.

It was then that the idea came to create a group, and from the beginning we wanted to convey a message through our shows. We represented the life of Don Bosco. The figure of Don Bosco and the show that we created marked us profoundly».

Are all the company members Salesian past pupils? «Some were Salesian past pupils, while others who joined were not. But they still understood the values we wanted to convey, which were those of Don Bosco».

Has the union of the group been given by art and by sharing the fundamental premises of the charism?

«I am a past pupil, but when we did a show about Don Bosco's life, when we learned about his teachings and his values, they fa-

scinated me and the whole group... We have absorbed all the values.

In fact, every time we performed in the oratories, in the youth centers, we saw and strongly felt all that the Salesian charism is in concrete terms. I think that even if we are not all Salesians, "Aristophanes" is a Salesian group. With Winston, we are among the few people present from the beginning and we believe we are on the right track, trying, through art, to leave our message».

Starting from this experience, are you going to stay in the art world in the future?

«I intend to continue, together with the study of Economics. I do not know until when, but it is a joy to present ourselves at the "Sagrada Familia", or at the oratory theater... The important thing is to transmit values to other young people».



United States


Outstanding Math Teacher in New York: a Bosconian!

(ANS – New York)

Math is no man’s land for many, both young and old. But not in the class of New Yorkbased Filipino teacher Ramil ‘Ram’ Buenaventura, Salesian past-pupil. Students are all eyes and ears as he sways and dances in front of the white board to teach equations. Those who used to hate Math are suddenly interested in numbers. Yawning, doodling, and staring out the window or on the floor are unheard-of in his classroom at Renaissance Charter School, Jackson Heights. Even cellphones are welcome in his class because some of the apps aid learning. Moreover, students have fun playing games as a reward for a job well done. Parents and fellow teachers know how Ram’s singing and dancing in the classroom catches everyone’s attention and helps them learn, and even love, Math.

Success did not come easy for Ram. He had to eat humble pie and let his tears fall before he earned back-to- back honors: the Big Apple Award for educators who inspire students, model great teaching, and enrich their school communities, and the Hometown Heroes in Education Award for teachers who touch students’ lives. Ram’s journey as a teacher in the Big Apple began in early 2002. Demand for English-speaking international teachers was on the rise. Ram’s wife Jane saw an ad in Bulletin Today and urged her husband, who was then teaching Math in La Salle Greenhills, to apply. With a wife, a son (Raphael, now


17) and daughter (Julienne, now 15) to support, the family man was looking for greener pastures.

“We took the risk,” recalls Ram in an interview at the office of his friend, Family Matters adviser Fr. Drans Nolasco, SDB. The couple spent almost $6,000—a fortune then and now. Fortunately, Ram’s brother who owned a lending agency lent him money sans interest, of course. Ram’s apprehensions vanished when a member of the school board came all the way from New York to interview him in the Philippines. He passed the interview. But his fears returned because Jane and he had to wait a long time for Ram’s work visa to be delivered. He finally arrived in the USA in September 2003, shortly after the new school year opened. His baptism of fire in the classroom came soon after. True to its tough neighborhood, the public school in Hollins, Queens, proved to be a test of patience even to the resilient and mild-mannered Ram. “It was 50% Afro American, where the likes of rapper 50 Cent and Nicki Minaj grew up,” Ram describes the site of his first job. Thirteen years of teaching in the Philippines had not prepared him for his first day of school.

“It was back to zero, even negative. Students wouldn’t listen. They were telling stories to each other. They could hurl a notebook at you behind your back. Scold them and they would ignore you. It was a

class of 30 students, but I felt I was in front of 150 people. You were happy if two students did the homework you assigned.”

Ram, a product of the Don Bosco Seminary, Canlubang (Laguna), asked for divine intervention. “I prayed for snow so classes would be canceled”. He could have marched to the Principal’s office and report the problem, but he would have had to wait for some time before help could arrive. “Members of the NYPD (New York Police Department) come over. They have metal detectors with them. And you can’t touch the students”. The thought of his family, his passion for teaching, and his huge debt kept Ram from walking out of his class even if his whole being wanted to. He went on as if nothing happened, and consoled himself with the thought that no student stepped out of class. But even the best of people have their vulnerable moments. He realized that students in the USA are not totally to be blamed for their indifference to education. Young people could always get a job even without a college degree. “Education is not a priority. So they lack family support. Media also plays a big role,” observes Ram. Maridol Bismark




25 years in Nepal

Tour of Indo-Nepalese friendship commemorates Don Bosco's

(ANS – Darjeeling)

A radio from the university community in the hills of Darjeeling has organized a historic "Indo-Nepalese Friendship Tour" with a team of radio journalists; a visit to 7 institutions in Nepal run by former students of the Salesian College Sonada (SCS) is planned to celebrate its 80th anniversary, as well as the 25th year of the presence of the Don Bosco Society in Nepal.

The show also recorded the first year of Radio Salesian, the original university radio station in Bengal and in North-East India. The tour on Radio Salesian Maruti Omni Van begins on Sunday 7 January from Sonada, passing through the IndoNepalese border of Kakrabitta near Siliguri and then proceeding to Dharan, from where the Don Bosco Society's activity in Nepal began; it will then reach Kathmandu, in western Nepal. The station director and vice-president Prof. C.M. Paul, program coordinator RJ Samir Chhetri, Mr. RJ Sagar Rai, and the driver Kabi Rai make up the team.

Dharan, Biratnagar, Ithari and Kathmandu)».

Radio journalist Chhetri adds: «We will create radio programs for the 25 years of the Don Bosco Society of Nepal and interact with the community radio stations, in particular in Dharan - the cradle of the Don Bosco Society in Nepal».

The history of the Nepal Don Bosco Society began in 1992 with the center of Dharan, in eastern Nepal, started by the late Fr George Alakulam.

The Salesians reached Sirsia (1996), then the capital Kathmandu, with two centers in Lubhu, founded in 1996, and Thecho in 2001; Baroul and Chakkarghatty then opened (2014) in eastern Nepal; and finally Biratnagar in 2017, for a total of seven houses, now run by 18 Salesians from various states of India.

On 11 November 2017, the silver jubilee was celebrated at the Don Bosco School Biratnagar (1992-2017).

The Nepal Don Bosco Society is engaged in numerous activities dedicated to young people in the country: two technical schools, four academic schools, three social awareness centers, four boarding houses and various non-formal education centers. A number of social programs are also offered: scholarships for students and emergency response projects, such as the consequences of the tragic earthquakes of 2015.

According to the 2011 census, 81.3% of the Nepalese population were Hindu, 9.0% Buddhist, 4.4% Muslim, 3.0% Kyratian (indigenous ethnic religion), 1.4% Christian, 0.2% Sikh, 0.1% Jainist and 0.6% follow other or no religion. Out of circa 29 million people, about 7,000 are Catholics.

The SCS vice-president Paul illustrates the program: «To promote higher education in the Salesian College Darjeeling and the Siliguri campus we will in a week visit the institutions of Don Bosco, as well as two secondary schools (Kakrabitta, Birtamod, 33



East Timor

First National Conference of GEX Dili, East Timor - January 2018 On 13 and 14 January, the first national conference of East Timor's Don Bosco Past Pupils took place on the theme: the social impact of social media on youth in the era of globalization. 150 Past Pupils of East Timor attended the meeting.

Dili, East Timor, 14 January 2018

GEX (Don Bosco Young Alumni) TimorLeste has recently nominated three responsible members namely: Mario Martinho, Americo Valentim and Antonio Salles and with the support of the Councilor of GEX-EAO, Alberto Piedade, the TimorLeste National Federation of Don Bosco Past Pupils and Association of Past Pupils of Don Bosco in Dili, organized the first ever National Conference of GEX in Dili, on Saturday, 13 & Sunday, 14 January 2018, which was participated by 150 young past pupils from School and Organization that have Don Bosco past pupils across TimorLeste.


The main objective of this conference was to raise the awareness of our young past pupils of the impact social media offers to the development of characteristics and mental health of youth nowadays.

The approach GEX used is to help young past pupils to under impact of social media from4 different point of views: “how church perceives social media, psychology’s view on advantages and disadvantages, academic description of technology development and percentages of growth of social media, and the economic benefits if social media used to start up and grow a business”. In the two half-days conference, the young past pupils were challen-

ged to think together and reflect on their behaviors and approaches towards utilization of social media. Questions were given to them as guidance to help them reflect on the actual impact social media has on youth social and interpersonal skill.

There were 5 speakers who are Salesians and some past pupils of Don Bosco: Fr. Bento Barros, Pr. (who is a now a Diocesan priest), Mr. Roberto Sousa (an academic graduated from Swinburne University, Australia – a Salesian Family), Fr. Mário Sousa, SDB (who is also a Pastoral Juvenil and Media Communication Social expert), Mr. Joaquim Pires (a past pupil of Don Bosco, a former Jesuit Brother and a


Psychology graduate from India) and Dr. Azevedo Marçal, PhD (a former Salesian who is now an advisor for Macroeconomic in the Ministry of Planning and Finance Timor-Leste). The conference was also participated by the President of National Federation, Mr. Agostinho Gonçalves, SDB Delegate to the Don Bosco past pupils in Timor-Leste, Fr. Mario do Rosario, SDB, President of Dili DB Past Pupil Association, Mr.Alex Gusmão and SDB Delegate for the Youth Ministry, Br. João da Costa Boavida, SDB together with the EAO Councilor of GEX, Alberto Piedade. The first day was closed with prayer and a

good night message from the Provincial of ITM, Fr. Apolinario Neto, SDB to encourage the young past pupils to be the agent of change, to follow Don Bosco’s teaching and become the Salt of the earth and the Light of the World. Provincial also invited all the GEX to participate in welcoming the Rector Major who is visiting Timor-Leste on 31 January until 5 February 2018.

Taking the opportunity also Councilor GEXEAO explained about the 3 main programs of GEX: 1) School of Leaders, 2) Youth Exchange Program and 3) Youth Volunteering Projects and together with GEX National decided that National Conference of Youth will take place 2-3 times a year


with rotation of municpalities to invite more young past pupils across the country to be involved. Also, the GEX TimorLeste Facebook Group and Page were launched.

The overall impression of young past pupils of the first National Conference was excited and happy and they are looking forward to the next conference in April 2018 in Baucau with the topic: “Finding Our True Call: What do I need to do in order to discover my true calling?”. This First National Congress closed with Past Pupils Prayers and Promises in Tetum. Alberto Piedade





Let's start again, together!

More than a year has passed since I was elected as National Youth Counselor of the Italian National Federation of Don Bosco Past Pupils in November 2016. During the first year of the presidency, I had the opportunity to continue the work done by the previous young presidency, a work that ended with the national consultation of Solanas. The new year, on the other hand, saw a change of direction with the formation of

young past pupils of Italy on bioethics issues.

The idea, which has been inspired by a proposal from the other young national councilor Nicoletta Iuliano, met the approval of the presidency, so much that last February there was the first training meeting.

Furthermore, during my presidency in February, there was my election as young national vice president. I welcomed this charge with great pride, and I commit my-

self to be a worthy representative of the young Italian past pupils, who will try to listen to the needs of everyone and if it were possible to help all those who need it, of course, with the support of the other two councilors: Nicoletta Iuliano and Roberto Spotorno (Gex of Liguria, who took over the presidency after the dismissal of Federico Parodi, which took place in November 2017). Jacopo Sanna Young national vice president

Promise and Prayer Prayers in the world

The new year 2018 is bringing many positive news towards world Confederation.

One of tasks that world confederation defined after election in 2015 was to start disseminating the Promise and Prayer among all countries with Past Pupils´s present and to get as many language mutations as possible.

For now we can declare of having Promise


& Prayer in eleven languages.

We are very encouraged that during past two months we collected another versions in Indonesian language and language of Tetun that is official language at East Timor. Having as many language mutations as possible means having a network of people connected by prayer declaring of values

of Past Pupils of Don Bosco.

We would like to encourage all past pupils in the world to translate the Promise and Prayer to their national or local language and share these versions with the secretariat of World confederation.

Let´s continue in building and sharing our values and richness! Stefan Bosnak



Fundación Bosco Social

A new Salesian entity for the care of young people at risk (ANS – Madrid)

On December 19, the new "Fundación Bosco Social" was established in Madrid, created by the Salesian Province "St James Major" (SSM). Starting 31 January, the foundation shall manage projects for children, young people and families at risk of social exclusion.

Bosco Social was born to bring together the social platforms of the aforesaid Salesian Province where, until now, three different groups operated: "Boscos", "Juan Soñador" and "Pinardi".

The new foundation will manage projects in Galicia, Asturias, Castile and León, Cantabria, Basque Country, Navarra, La Rioja, Community of Madrid and Castile La Mancha. This year the three entities that now adhere to Bosco Social have implemented 71 projects in favor of 8,000 children and

young people and 1,400 families thanks to the work of 460 educators and 200 volunteers.

of Comillas professor, Fernando Vidal, has also been sought and included.

"Fundación Bosco Social" was established on August 16th; its patrons, members of the Council of the SSM Province and several members of the Salesian Family: Toñi Ranz, of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA); Fernando Llamazares, Salesian Cooperators; Aurelio López, Past Pupils of Don Bosco; and Beni Testón, of "Damas Salesianas" group.

For his part, Fr José María Blanco, vicepresident of Bosco Social, explained that for some time "Boscos", "Juan Soñador" and "Pinardi" will coexist even if they are already working together, in terms of training, communication, project coordination, common projects...

These programs range from socio-educational assistance projects for children at risk and young migrants to those involving education, vocational training and job placement; from youth emancipation to work for refugees and ethnic minorities...

In addition, the presence of experts in the sector, such as COPE journalist, Ángel Expósito; Director of the Cabinet of the Minister of Justice, Pilar Ponce; and University

Fr Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, SSM Provincial and the new foundation's President, underlined the challenges to «respond to so many young people and their families who live in difficult situations and to accompany thousands of people so that they can achieve their dreams».

Some of Bosco Social's objectives shall be: to have greater influence in society, to give a global response to the people who will be served, always in the Salesian style, and to create a community committed and identified with the needs of the recipients.





For making Christmas more beautiful for necessitous families If the good that was spread before Christmas were countable, it would be one van, four cars and postal item.

More than 150 donors from all over the Slovakia donated through these canals gifts to necessitous families. We are gratitude for their cooperation, time, self-sacrifice and gifts that were given to the fourth edition of public collection “Darujme úsmev“.

In this pre-Christmas project that is annually organized by National Association of Past Pupils in Slovakia were gifted thanks to donors total 52 families, two charity houses, two Salesian centers, foster home, Christian school and crisis center. Benefactors donated for the purposes of


the collection the sum of 4 938, 21€, that was redistributed among Slovak families and Ukraine boys. Gifts, so called schoeboxes, pleased under the Christmas tree 184 children. IMoreover, donors gifted concrete things such as fridge, washing machines, microwaves, tea pots, school facilities, clothes, shoes, toys, home furniture, food, hygienic and cleaning stuff and more based on necessary needs of families in financial crises or people under the care of foster homes or charity centers.

These necessary needs were found by “tipers” – sisters FMA, VDB and social workers from charity houses within the Slovak Catholic Charity who were acquainted with hard situation of all recipients. The help went to 12 cities: Bratislava,

Trnava, Nitra, Turzovka, Dolný Kubín, Liptovský Mikuláš, Spišská Nová Ves, Humenné, Michalovce, Rožnava, Košice and to L’vov, Ukraine.

The organization of the public collection and gifts sorting was provided by Secretary of National Association of Past Pupils Slovakia with the help of many voluntaries and the project partners.

The voluntaries also helped with the distribution of gifts among the Slovakia to the president of the Association of Past Pupils Slovakia Robert Mruk, who is together with his wife authors of this successful social activity of Past Pupils. On behalf of all recipients THANK YOU for your help! Peter Kovac



The silence of the oppressed

What scares me is not the violence of the bad; it is the indifference of the good. (Martin Luther King) Social networks have been overflowing with images and comments regarding the tragedy in Syria. It is difficult not to be moved by images that present us with such great suffering of the weakest.

The Salesians have been present in Syria since 1948 and experience the anguish of thousands of children and young people across Damascus and Aleppo.

A Salesian has raised his voice to warn us of a fundamental aspect of this war: the objectivity of information, or lack of. Fr Mounir Hanachi recognizes that the Syrian government is not made up of "saints or angels", yet he claims that in this conflict most of the suffering population of Syria is on his side. «Ghouta is not a district of victims persecuted by the regime, as they report», says the Salesian. «It is the exact opposite. For years, they have fired missiles on the capital, killing innocent, poor civilians. How many children are dead here that nobody talks about? These are not the opposition. They are terrorists. They come from all over the world, and the Syrian army has the right to defend the di-

gnity of Syrians and the country».

The bombing of Ghouta has intensified in the last week as the government prepares the final assault to retake the district.

«All day army planes are heard flying over the capital. I hope the attack will start soon and that the area will finally be freed, as Aleppo has been freed», he says. The war in Syria is now in its eighth year. A war described on social networks through images and messages that only "partially inform" us with facts, feed and form prejudices in our consciences, reinforce false perceptions of reality.

Many questions remain unanswered. How did this conflict start? Who finances these rebels who for years have been entrenched in Damascus, Aleppo, and other cities in Syria? And finally, are there any other interests for the forces involved in this war?

It is important for these powers to exploit the capacity of digital media and to create a blur the boundaries of objective information, maintain a cloud of disinformation, provide its own.

Just this year, Pope Francis warned of this danger: «The effectiveness of fake news is primarily due to their mimetic nature, ie the ability to appear plausible. In the second place, these false but seemingly true news articles are captious, in the sense that they are able to capture the attention of the recipients, relying on stereotypes and widespread prejudices within a social fabric».

It is important to exercise critical ability and to ask oneself if everything that is said, seen or read is true. It is good to ask if everything that appears on social networks is true, are facts.

In the case of Syria, one fact is that the disinformation is evident and the great absentee is the mainstream media, the voice of Christians and people on the “this” side.

«Much of what has been narrated about Syria in recent years has been manipulated», concludes Fr Hanachi. «Why does nobody ask us what is happening here? I beg you, all we ask is that you narrate what we have been living here for the past seven years».

Foto: Missioni Don Bosco




A heart full of gratitude: past pupil Pius Dappa Ole The Valdocco of Indonesia (ANS – Sumba)

Thirty-three years after the first Salesian presence in Indonesia (Jakarta), the large tree of the Indonesia Salesian presence has grown into seven centers in Java and Sumba Island. The most numerous community hosts 7 perpetually professed confreres (4 Priests, 3 Brothers), three working trainees, and 8 prenovices, this in the remote, poor and Christian majority island of Sumba (Rector Fr. Adie Prinanto).

Sixteen years after the first confreres landed in Sumba (2002), our presence has rooted itself solidly ineducation thanks to the BLK Budi Daya Don Bosco (Vocation Training Center), the Oratory and the Secondary Technical School (SMK) Salesian Don Bosco, which opened in 2014.

It is truly a good place to form our younger generations: the novitiate stage was present in Sumba for the past 12 years; now there are only Aspirants and Prenovices. Beyond the walls of our large rural compound, our Salesians are involved in a number of support projects to the local Church with youth ministry and the Eucharist in remote mission stations.

Below, a recent interview with one of the first Don Bosco Alumni of Sumba, Pius Dappa Ole (teacher, Carpentry section of the VTC) who first got in touch with Don


Bosco in 2002; he offers profound insight into the charismatic growth of Indonesia Valdocco.

When did you meet Don Bosco for the first time?

«I joined Don Bosco VTC through the ADM Sisters of Sumba, in my home village. I wanted to learn carpentry, and I approached Fr Andres Calleja in 2003 and was soon accepted to the Don Bosco boarding house and started a regular life of common prayers, training for technical skills, discipline, recreation time with the Salesians.

Our first group of trainees was of 32 students and only 13 of us concluded the first course after two years.

Since the transfer of VTC in 2006 from the cathedral site to the Don Bosco compound I became a teacher. Now I feel happy that I can give back the skills received from Don Bosco and teach younger generations!».

What do you treasure most in the Bosconian education in Sumba?

«I appreciated most our spiritual formation, how to arrange our own time within the 24-hour timeframe, how to be orderly, how to forge close relationship with the


Salesians who always showed us the way to becoming good person».

What makes you happy as a Lay Mission Partner of Don Bosco?

«I feel that I can also give skills and knowledge to other young people to make them better, like the vision and mission of Don Bosco. I had a dream of Don Bosco: I met him at the foot of the hill. DB gave me many coconuts and asked me to share with other young people, but in order to share, I needed to climb the hill. And I did! The meaning of this dream… Before this dream I had an already grateful heart for all the things I received from DB. I could not imagine what my life would be without Don Bosco». You dream about Don Bosco Salesian family in Sumba?

«First, we need to get to know our Don Bosco VTC more within local society and visit the parishes like in the past! My second concern is about our graduates who are not yet employed. It would be very good to gather a small group of Alumni (Carpentry section) with some seed money to start-up and organize a small carpentry in the town». don Adie Prinanto, SDB

Source: AustraLasia




Salesian Spirituality Days of Salesian Family “Don Bosco's dream is a dream that becomes reality”

(ANS – Turin)

With the Sunday Eucharistic celebration in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and the subsequent summary meeting in the Teatro Grande of Valdocco, the 36th edition of the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family has come to an end.

They have been four days of sharing, of open and serious efforts towards growing yet more in the service to young people around the world. The Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, presided over the Eucharist. In his homily, he repeated the invitation of Pope Francis to pay attention to the liturgical prayers. Thus, to the Sale-


sian Family he pointed out the traits required to be effective in their actions in favor of the young: be "contemplative and with open eyes", because only by contemplating God was it possible to bear witness; be a "pilgrim in places and in hearts", because the Pope's invitation to be an outgoing and outreaching Church must find the Salesian Family at the very forefront; be a "Salesian Family of the already and immediately (done)", that is, to be aware that the time to act was here and now, because the many children all over the world "thirst for God" and "are waiting for a helping hand, for a heart that welcomes them".

Back in Valdocco's Teatro Grande for the second part of the final day, a summary


and conclusions were drawn up of all the experiences lived by participants throughout the Spirituality Days 2018.

Fr Eusebio Muñoz, the Rector Major's Delegate for the Salesian Family, presented a summary of work produced by various teams.

He cited the numerous resources available to the Salesian Family, starting with the well-formed and committed young people, with members of the Salesian Youth Movement. He then illustrated the challenges for educators and concluded with several recommendations: keep the Preventive System at the very center or core; work in synergy; foster a Vocation Ministry that make all the Salesian Family groups known.

Another instrument proposed on the occasion by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians was the "Decalogue of the Salesian Companion", much appreciated by the Rector Major himself.

Finally, Fr Á.F. Artime called and presented onstage the artist of the Strenna 2018 poster, the cartoonist "Fano", present with all his family, after which the Rector Major concluded the Days with an invitation to all members of the Salesian Family, looking with hope to the future: «Today we all have to be the new Don Bosco, the Mothers Mazzarello, the different founders of the various groups in the world. Don Bosco's dream is a dream that becomes reality». Gian Francesco Romano




A thousand admissions

Xuan Hiep, Vietnam, 8 February 2018

To the annual tradition of the Salesians in VietNam, the Salesian Family Day of this year 2018 was held at the Day of the Kitchen Gods (December 23 of lunar calendar, a week before the Tet holidays in VietNam) at Xuan Hiep – Thu Duc. It was on Thursday February 8th, 2018 of solar calendar.

Present at the annual gathering were the members of the Salesian Family in VietNam: Fr. Joseph Nguyen Van Quang, the provincial, and the Salesians, the FMA sisters, VDBs, Salesian cooperators and Salesian past pupils. The total number is about one thousand.


At 8:30 in the morning, all members of the Salesian Family gathered at the Philip Rinaldi hall to listen to Fr. Joseph’s explanation of the Strenna 2018. The FMA sisters performed a dance to illustrate the meaning of the Strenna. This year, the Salesian Family in VietNam decided to introduce and disseminate the ADMA (Associazione di Maria Ausiliatrice) to publicity: parishioners in all Salesian parishes, and all those in other Salesian works.

To help the members of the Salesian Family have a basic knowledge of this association, Sr. Thuy FMA had 15 minute talk to the Salesian Family and shared her own experience of this. Hopefully, the Salesian

Family in VietNam would have some groups of ADMA in the near future.

Through dragon dance and traditional songs, the groups of Salesian Cooperators and Past Pulpils gave the traditional Tet greetings and best wishes to the provincial and all members of the Salesian Family.

At 10:45, a mass in honour of Saint John Bosco, presided by Fr. Joseph with the concelebration of 80 Salesian priests and the attendance of all members of the Salesian Family, was in the new church which was blessed and consecrated in last January 31st. don Peter Chinh, SDB





Salesian Family Day

Mumbai, India

On Sunday 21 January, at the "Don Bosco Learning Center" in Kurla, near Mumbai, the "Salesian Family Day" was held for the members of the India-Mumbai Province. Among the 150 participants: Ketan Gala, National Vice President of Salesian Past Pupils, and Fr Noel Madichetty, former National Delegate of the Salesian Family.


Kampala, Uganda – January 2018

Feast of the Salesian Family

On 27 January the Salesian Family in Namugongo - Kampala met in the presence of the Salesians, members of the Association of Salesian Cooperators and Past Pupils of the communities of Kampala, Bombo and Kamuli. The Eucharist was presided by Fr Calixte Ukwitegetse, Delegate for the Salesian Family. During the meeting the Strenna 2018 of the Rector Major was presented, with deepening and reflection of the participants.



Statute of the World Confederation Præit ac tuetur / Guide and Protect Us Roma, 5 december 2015

Chapter IV

Relations with the Salesians of Don Bosco Art. 14 - Presence of the Salesians in the World Confederation a) The World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco recognises the Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation, as the father and centre of unity of the Salesian Family, and, as successor of Don Bosco, considers him the World Confederation’s primary reference.

b) In the Confederal Presidency and in the Confederal Executive Council of the World Confederation, the Rector Major is represented by the Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family and the Confederal Delegate. c) The World Confederal Delegate and the World Confederal Presidency are responsible, with the understanding of the Provincial, for the animation and assistance where the Past Pupils Association is not yet established.

d) At Province level, the Provincials and the Directors of Salesian Houses are responsible for the animation, likewise assisted by their respective Delegates in the National or Provincial Federations and in the Associations, Unions and Local Groupsi.

e) At any level, the Delegate carries out his role in the name of his Superior. He participates in the planning and coordination of the Movement’s educational activities. He is present, at all levels, in the governing and executive bodies, in the role of advisor while closely following the Past Pupils, valuing and providing leadership to the laity.

Art. 15 - Salesian Animation

a) The World Confederation recognises, demands and considers the commitment of the Salesian Congregation in the role of animator of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco with the task of maintaining unity of spirit, stimulating dialogue, encouraging brotherly collaboration and promoting an enduring spiritual formation. b) This animation also involves the Past Pupils and Religious Past Pupils (male and female).

Art. 16 - Autonomy in communion

The lay character, the secular nature and the autonomy of the World Confederation, do not hinder the perpetual union with the Salesian Society of Saint Francis of Sales and the other groups of the Salesian Family, but rather serves as a mutual enrichment and for an improved functioning of the Movement.

(Continue in the next issue)



6 - San Domenico Savio 13 - Santa Maria D. Mazzarello 16 - San Luigi Orione 18 - San Leonardo Murialdo 24 - B.V. Maria Ausiliatrice 29 - Beato Giuseppe Kowalski


8 - Beato Stefano Sandor 12 - Beato Francesco Kesy e c. 23 - San Giuseppe Cafasso


Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco Director and Editor

Opera Salesiana Teresa Gerini Via Tiburtina, 994 - 00156 Roma (Italy) tel. +39 06 409 003

E-mail: Internet:

Direction and Editorial Coordination Pierluigi Lazzarini

Secretariat for Journalistic Publishing Veronica Messano, Silvia Bruni


Name: Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco Bank: Lombard Bank Malta p.l.c. Address: Balzan, Malta IBAN: MT 08 LBMA 0500 0000 0000 0144 0520 986 SWIFT Code: LBMAMTMT Bank Account Number: 01440520986

Collaborators of this issue Fr Ángel Fernández Artime sdb, Maridol Bismark, Stefan Bosnak, Josep Lluís Burguera, fr Peter Chinh sdb, Vito Gentili, Michal Hort, fr Jayapalan Raphael sdb, Peter Kovac, Terézia Liptáková, Gerardo Pagnotta, Alberto Piedade, António G. Pires, fr Adie Prinanto, SDB, Gian Francesco Romano, Jacopo Sanna

Translation English (Veronica Messano), Spanish (Angel Gudiña), French (Editorial board), Portuguese (António Guilhermino Pires), Italian (Editorial board) Photography and Images Archivio ANS, AustraLasia, Korean News Service, Missioni Don Bosco, Periodista Digital, Salesianos María Auxiliadora

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