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THANK YOU Fr. José Pastor!

RECTOR MAJOR’S VOICE My dear Confreres, Dear Salesian Family members all over the world, and those who receive this message, I greet you from Valdocco on this day, 24 May. On this great feast of Mary Help of Christians, To say “Valdocco” means to remember Mary Help of Christians, Don Bosco’s Madonna.

Let me briefly refer to some aspects that can be food for thought during this great feast. WATCH VIDEO

It means to recall Don Bosco, Father and Teacher of Youth. It means to think of young people, in this house, in this courtyard, the school of youthful holiness.

PRESIDENT’S WORD Dear friends in Don Bosco, In 1870, on the day of celebration of Don Bosco´s namesday, some former students of Valdocco came to congratulate him. In remembrance of this day, Past Pupils annually celebrate their holiday on 24 of June for the purpose to remember their foundation. Due to this occasion, I would like to speak to you and to congratulate to all of us to be members of such a wonderful salesian family. The name John has a Jewish origin and it can be translated as “gift from the Lord“ . Indeed, Don Bosco´s personality and spirituality were so catching that they have preserved as a huge

gifts to the whole world till today. This great saint replied to God´s voice and he started the journey we still live on today. I strongly encourage you in your work for good of young, families, orphans, refugees and all people outcast of the society. Let Don Bosco shows us how to be good Christians and honest citizens so we become salt of the earth and light of the world.

EDITOR’S COMMENT Dear friends, I am proud to share this newly improved and updated edition of Newsflash, number 24, a significant number for the Salesian Family. This new edition was only possible through the kind help of number of people who contributed to its publication. I am aware that some of our regular readers have been missing Newsflash, but the New Presidency is working hard to improve its communications. Newsflash, as an effective tool, needs a good team working on it, that is why the Presidency has approved a call to appoint an Editor-in-Chief and Regional Councillors will be looking for volunteers to constitute a wider editing team. As Editor for the last 5 years of this publication, I would like to thank all the people who contributed to this publication: Fr José Pastor, as World Delegate, our effective translators: Luisa (Italian), Simon Pierre (French) and Prof. Antonio Pires and Ana Gomes (Portuguese). All together we made this first step possible and now we gladly look to the future to continue to improve on this important tool of communication. Thank you very much and “ad multos annos”! Ángel Gudiña

World Presidency reports Presidency letter Dear Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco,

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We are preparing Guidelines/manuals for the specific level (e.g. to occupy WC secretariat, collecting of best areas and roles to help us in implementing our work practises, etc.) The first call that will be issued in the I am writing this letter to start a new practice with properly; following days will be that of Editor-in-Chief of our the aim to keep you better informed about what is Newsflash; happening on the World Confederation level. The We agreed that main communication channels will be purpose is to improve our communication with you and through Monthly reports and the quarterly publication We are preparing a World Calendar that you will find hopefully be of a better service as much as possible. of “Exallievi Newsflash” and our web page; soon on our webpage; Since October 2015, 8 months have already passed and we have been working very hard during this period. Last week, we had the World Confederation Presidency meeting in Rome, where we started the new era/period of our World Confederation.


We have finished “Phase One” of our web page and we will continue to work on translations for our Web page to be in 5 languages to be able to widen our communication with all Past Pupils all over the world.“(The main sections of the Web page will be: best practices section, pictures A lot of things are happening and we are taking on new section (Photo gallery), newsflash section, news initiatives; I will inform you on a monthly basis about section (collecting of all news from InfoAns), structure the events and activities of our Confederation. I want and manuals section, calendar section) to start today with a short review – the Decalogue which are the most important issues that we wish to We are working on an updated Contact lists - our aim is share with you; to build the Database of contacts and communication platform to be connected with all Past Pupils in the We are building the structure of our Confederation to world – at national, provincial, and local level. be better organized (more can be seen in our webpage); To recruit the best persons to implement the projects We established a precise system of Roles and and perform the operations of the Confederation, we Responsibilities for every area of our interest –both by will be issuing Calls to all National Federations to give geography and thematically; everyone the opportunity to participate on a world

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We started the preparation sand work on all Flagship projects (Permanent Secretariats, Business Platform, Exallievi Academy, Exallievi Voluntary Service). Our main priority will be to create Business platform: employment – cooperation – solidarity)


We are preparing to launch the Don Bosco Solidarity Fund with the aim to support charitable projects for young people; Finally, a special thanks to Jose Pastor Ramirez for his work. We wish him all the best and we will remain praying for him!!! In Don Bosco Members of the World Confederation Presidency


WORLD PRESIDENCY (ANS – Rome) – The newly elected World Council of the Don Bosco Past Pupils held its first annual meeting last week (June 14-19) in the Salesianum, Rome. It aimed to put concrete strategies and steps for the 7 main priorities of their Six Year Plan.

The World President Mr. Michal Hort, three Vice- • Permanent secretariat at all levels (Federations and presidents - Mr. Rajesh Gupta (Vice-president Adults Confederation) with paid secretaries, that will take 2016-2018, councilor for Asia), Mr. Eduardo Pessoa care of the Alumni contacts. The Presidency aims to Cavalcante (Vice-president Adults 2019-2021, reach some 5 million of Alumni contacts during this councilor for America), Mr. Angel Gudina (Vice6 year period. president Young Past Pupils - GEX, councilor for GEX in Europe) - and 4 other Councilors were accompanied • Business Platform: a Union of entrepreneurs (Past by the SDB World Delegate Fr. Jose Pastor Ramirez Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco) which try to apply and the Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Christian and Salesian principles and ideals to the Family, Fr Eusebio Munoz. Business world. They try to support actively the The 20 page Working paper includes also very concrete Salesian Family projects. targets, like: To ‘train 1000 Past pupils worldwide in the ‘School of Life’, involve 2000 Past pupils at national • Past Pupils Academy: umbrella project that gathers level, in collaboration with the Salesian Youth ministry to all the formation and education. One volume of Past rejuvenate the Past Pupils (GEX - Giovani EXallievi) etc. Pupils Formation Handbook and new Statutes in 5 languages were offered to the Rector Major after On the evening of June 16 (Thursday) the Rector Major the good night talk. and his Council held a simple evening prayer concluded with the Prayer - Promise (Art 5 of the Confederation • Past Pupils Voluntary Service - both in Salesian Statutes, ed. 2015). Then the present new Provincials Youth Ministry or in Missionary activities, always in and the General Councilors listened to a wonderful cooperation with the Salesian Congregation. good night talk of the Alumni World President, Michal Hort. All participants were deeply impressed by the wide and bold vision of the 6 years plan including four main flagship projects:


Annual Encounter of the Presidency of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco

Rome, Italy – June 2016 – The annual Encounter of the Presidency of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco is being held at the Salesians’ General house, guided by Michal Hort, President of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils, with the participation of Fr. José Pastor Ramírez, World Delegate for Past Pupils, and of Fr. Eusebio Muñoz, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family. During the encounter, the Strategic Plan was presented to the General Council and to the new Provincials

Sri Lanka Reunion of Salesian Past Pupils of Don Bosco, Dankotuwa Dankotuwa, Sri Lanka - May 2016 - On 15 May there was a gathering of 51 former Salesian seminarians and past pupils of Don Bosco Dankotuwa, chaired by Fr Joseph Almeida, Superior of Sri Lanka, and Fr Felix Mellawarachchy, Economer of the Vice-Province and Provincial Delegate for the Past Pupils. SEE MORE

France Lyon, France - March 2016 - On 19 and 20 March representatives of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco in France gathered in Lyon to evaluate the progress made so far and to plan future initiatives, starting with Eurobosco, the European continental meeting to take place next year in France. Michal Hort, President of the World Confederation of Past Pupils, was present at the meeting. He presented the Strategic Plan for the next six years, and the project of the “Business Platform”, a platform of entrepreneurs at the service of the Salesian Family. It started in Slovakia and has become a model also for other countries. Fr Daniel Federspiel, Provincial of France-South Belgium, took care of the spiritual moments.

Paraguay The first Past Pupils’ Centre in Paraguay (ANS - Asunción) - “For a long time the Salesians of Paraguay cherished in their hearts a wish for the creation of a Province of Paraguay” according to a chronicle of the time. Indeed Paraguay depended on other provinces until the then Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Renato Ziggiotti, in a decree of 8 September 1954, created the new Province of Paraguay, called “Maria SS. Assunta”. The Salesian College had already been in existence for many years before. Founded with the name “Monsignor Lasagna”, it has become the biggest Salesian Work in Paraguay and it is now 119 years old. In telling the story of the past pupils, we should not forget that the “Monsignor Lasagna” College had very difficult beginnings and was closed in 1902. However, the first past pupils came from this impressive work. On Saturday 19 March the Juan Bosco Centre celebrated 107 years since its foundation. It was the first centre of the Past Pupils in the country. For more than a century it has worked on a continuous basis, with weekly meetings of the Steering Committee and other groups.


India Puducherry, India - June 2016 - In this Holy Year of Mercy Salesian past pupils of Puducherry in the Province of Madras decided to do a Jubilee pilgrimage. They passed through the Holy Door at the Carmelite convent of Puducherry and attended a penitential liturgy, Eucharistic adoration and Mass.

Going back to the past, we recall the first committee formed by the Rector, Fr Domingo Queirolo, with Justo Pastor Candia as President, Manuel González as Vice- President and other founding members, Santos Enciso, Prime Ibarra, Alejandro Benítez, José Bozzano, Emilio Rivero, Juan Filippi , Alejo López, Jorge Amarrilla, Pedro Torres and Antonio Tavarozzi. This last-named became the third Salesian priest in Paraguay. SEE MORE


Argentina Santa Fe, Argentina - May 2016 - Gustavo Rossi (second from right), Salesian past pupil of Santa Fe (Argentina), will be one of the referees designated for the America Soccer Cup. Mr Rossi has already refereed matches of Copa Sudamericana, Copa Libertadores and “the classic” Boca - River. During an interview he said that Don Bosco was everything in his life and thanked all the Salesians who helped to form him as a citizen and as a Christian.

Whispered words by World Delegate Unforgettable Years with Magnificent Friends In the last 5th World Assembly, held in Rome between the 3rd to 6th October 2015, I named my contribution and analysis of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils as: “A glorious past, a challenging present, an encouraging future! “. Along these eight years or so of service as World Delegate, I had the opportunity to learn about the past and participate day after day in the building of the Association. But above all, I had a chance to dream about the future together with other accompanying friends (past pupils and Salesians) who really fell in love with Don Bosco, the Association and the Salesian Family

Pupils and Salesian Delegates who believe in our magnificence and in reaching our dreams. All together, we have dreamed with our feet on the ground. With our choices, we wanted to shape the future. The World Confederation has made some wonderful and challenging choices that are now being implemented. I particularly refer to the Statute, the Prayer-Promise and the Strategic Plan 2015-2021.

The secret of my experience was in being amongst people with the same goal. People who in life did not stop at the nearest finishing line to avoid remaining alone at the start point but to reach out and go beyond our imagination, as Don Bosco did in his life.

Along with these friends, who share our mission and our many adventures, I have highlighted the importance of the long-term goals that turn aside our feeling of frustration because of our short term failures. It is not enough to do good, we must be sure that we do it well. The best time of life is now and that true generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present and that procrastination is not part of our belief. The goal is to plan, work together and communicate. Working together means winning together. The Past The secret of my experience was in being amongst Pupils will win as we grow in identity and remain people with the same goal. People who in life did not committed to our mission as lay people in the stop at the nearest finishing line to avoid remaining Church and in society. The team of past pupils will be alone at the start point but to reach out and go beyond successful if we have one heart beat. In this sense, the our imagination, as Don Bosco did in his life. entrepreneur and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie said As an Association, we have an encouraging future. that “teamwork is the ability to work together toward I am convinced that the future belongs to the Past a common vision. It is the ability to direct individual

accomplishment toward reaching the systematized objectives. It is the fuel that allows common persons to attain uncommon results.” The Italian judge of Russian origin, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, on one occasion said that “the ideas that are inward looking will dry up and rot. Only those that circulate and mingle will survive and live, those which feed from each other and contribute to community life - that is culture.” The Confederation is developing interesting projects to create a communion between past pupils in the world, these are: a new database, the online magazine “New-Flash”, the monthly newsletter of the World President, the website and social networks. The World President of the Past Pupils wishes to achieve this goal and is aware that good communication is an essential characteristic that must be implemented through clarity, completeness, conciseness, concreteness, correctness. To communicate is to grow. I wish to congratulate all the past pupils and delegates of the world that are committed in their work on the various indispensible platforms particularly the local unions and federations. I am indebted to the many things that you have taught me. At the same time, I assure all of my friendship, gratitude and prayer. On the 26 June 2016, I shall return to my Province of origin, The Antilles. We will keep in touch.

Fr José Pastor THE EDUCATION RECEIVED IS THE PASSPORT FOR THE PRESENT AND FOR THE FUTURE (ANS - Rome) – In an open and frank discussion Fr José Pastor Ramírez shares a profound reflection after eight years at the Salesian Generalate in Rome as World Delegate for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. Fr Ramírez is a native of the Dominican Republic. He answers a series of questions and states categorically: “The past pupils are the fruit of the Salesian mission and a force that leavens the world”. They have just one passport, which is “the education received”. Fr José, how did you come to this position? When I finished my term as Provincial in 2008 the Rector Major Emeritus, Fr Pascual Chávez, appointed me coordinator of the Salesian Family and World Delegate for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. What is the global situation of the Past Pupils? It is so diverse! There is no homogeneity. The main challenges are for the Past Pupils to grow in their identity as Past Pupils of Don Bosco; to strengthen the local unions; to carry out educational projects and solidarity projects; to rejuvenate the association promoting the registration of new generations of pupils. About 100,000 past pupils are currently enrolled in about fifty federations. In what areas did you concentrate your formation efforts? I focused on identity and mission, because they are two dimensions which support and enrich each other and should be lived in fruitful complementarity. In today’s world marked by so much confusion and relativism it is all the more urgent for the Past Pupils to be true to their identity and their mission. Past Pupils who have a clear identity and mission in the Church and in society live fully the invitation of Don Bosco to be “honest citizens and good Christians”. What should a past pupil of Don Bosco be like in everyday life? The past pupil should leave the Salesian house in the belief that his commitment and responsibility, in the face of all the difficulties, will change the world, starting with himself and his family. Moreover, by virtue of ‘’the education received” the Past Pupil of Don Bosco must have the value of solidarity as a way of life. This means that he must be a builder of “social charity” or “political charity” because only love will change the world.

Getting to know World Confederation Statute

Dear Past Pupils: I am writing on the feast day of Blessed Philip Rinaldi. A man open for newness and was adept to recognise the needs of people and society. He gave particular attention to encourage the involvement of the laity. Don Rinaldi uncovered the value of associations and gave significance to the role of the laity as diverse from clerical life. He promoted the Association from an embryonic, sentimental and loose group to a living active organisation with concrete proposals and clear objectives. The founding of the Association as such was the work of Don Filippo Rinaldi, who gave it a juridical structure in 1911. Now, in he context of the bygone centenary of this foundation, I myself have the pleasure to introduce the new Statute of the World Conederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. I believe this is a providential coincidence and a very significant one too because it llows us to look back at the past and know what the original purpose was, and then address the present and the future to discern what God expects from an organization such as this. What

matters s our creative, dynamic fidelity to Don Bosco’s original inspiraion and to the current situation of the world and the Church. This Statute is the result of a long process of work throughout the World Confederation which ended in “5th World Statutory Elective Assembly” held in Rome between the 3rd and the 6th October 2015. That is, after six years of the approval ad experimentum where the Association has studied and lived the Statute before finally approved. Now, a new spring begins, in which the identity and mission of the Past Pupils will bloom profusely within the Salesian Family, in the Church and in the World. I want to highlight some points which enrich this document. In Chapter 1 on the ‘Identity and Origin’, the new Statute inserted a biblical text where every past pupil is called to be “the salt of earth and light of the world” (Mt. 5: 13-14). You have also introduced a new chapter, Chapter 2 on “Belonging, Commitment and Formation

Getting to know World Confederation Statute in the Association” which is emphasising three key aspects of the Association to all present and future members of Local Associations, Provincial and National Federations. The sense of commitment and belonging are solemnly declared in the “Prayer-Promise of the Past Pupil of Don Bosco” which can be individually recited by members, in meetings and especially publicly when one decides to live his commitment as a past pupil in the Association as «a project of life, as a choice or as a mission». Among the Past Pupils there is a natural diversity which has to be convincingly understood. The World Confederation, alternatively called The Association, affirms its belonging to the Church. However, there are other Past Pupils of different denominations nd faith communities whom, by title and right, consciously acept and practice their own beliefs. It is Don Bosco himself, with his educational system and his mission who inspires unity in the Association and brings all its members together in communion. Dear Past Pupils, at this particular historical moment, society, the Church and the Salesian Family is asking you to take to heart the protection and promotion of those values we all consider to be “non-negotiable”. They are indeed the guarantee of a truly human life for all. I refer especially to the values of life, freedom and truth.

Bosco”, and it will offer them the opportunity for their ongoing formation, and be an effective group for their social involvement.

I would like to tell you that the Past Pupils’ Association gains its true energy from the Local Unions. They are the natural field for the integration, formation and involvement of the members of the Association. Therefore, it is imperative that the Local Unions are strengthened in number and quality. Then we have the Salesian Delegate who accompanies them with perseverance and dedication, following an appropriate formation programme. Finally, they express their vitality through initiatives and projects that are significant in their own local area. When leading and governing the Association, do not forget to use the tools that leaders and managers use which are synonymous with success, particularly “the strategic plan and the annual operating plan”, as rightly stated in your Statute (Art. 21f). The “education you have received” in the past cannot remain a mere memory; you have to turn it into a force that draws the Past Pupils along with it, to influence the world, transforming it and making it more human.

You are part of the living fabric of society, and are called on to be the defenders of these values. In this mission you will show the world what it means to be “salt of the earth” and “light for the world”, by living out your life as lay people guided by a clear conscience, doing your work with thoroughly professional competence, and expressing your openness to today’s world through practical social involvement.

Dear Past Pupils, I give you the Statute as a most valuable gift while invite you to study and put it into practice.

Don Bosco is calling you again to be “honest citizens and good christians”, to promote human dignity and the identity of the family, to exercise solidarity within the Association and beyond it, especially towards young people who suffer the most disadvantage, to keep in contact with young people who are concluding their education in Salesian houses, so as to invite them to become actively involved in the Association. This will make them feel they are always “Past Pupils of Don

With great affection and the same respect that Don Bosco had,

I entrust all of you, individually, your loved ones and your commitments to the care and maternal guidance of Mary Help of Christians!

Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime Rector Major


Umberto Eco SEE FULL TEXT (ANS - Rome) - About midnight on Friday, the Italian newspapers shocked the world of literature and culture with the news of the death of Umberto Eco, writer, philosopher, and also a Salesian past pupil. Eco received his Salesian education and, indeed, in many of his works he made reference to the Salesians and Don Bosco. In an interview he remembered the good times spent with the Salesians and expressly remembered Don Celi: “This Salesian taught me how to play a musical instrument.” Speaking of Don Celi, his memory is almost immobilized in time. “On 5 January

1945 I went to see him. I was not really at peace and I said, ‘Don Celi, it’s now 13 years’. He replied gruffly: ‘Yes, years spent very badly!’. What did he mean by that? Did he mean that now that I had arrived at the age when I should start a serious examination of conscience? What I think is that Don Celi knew, and taught me, that a teacher must always cause a crisis for his pupils.” No doubt, and despite what people think, Umberto Eco received a Salesian formation which pervaded his whole life.

Angelo Santi Founder of “The great educator” (ANS – Verona) “Don Bosco went in search of souls; I go in search of ... e-mail to reach many people through the newsletter to help them to open their soul to salvation.” So says Angelo Santi, half joking, half serious. He was a pupil of the Don Bosco Institute in Verona in the ‘60s. Angelo is an experienced and skilled graphic artist with the local newspaper “The Arena”, with twenty years of professional experience in contact with journalists. When he retired he opened a Salesian pedagogy site. And in honour of Don Bosco could not call it anything other than...

SEE FULL TEXT The site is divided into Series on topics ranging from the family to children to young couples, from spirituality to short stories, from ethical challenges to personal articles on Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello... From the various series about 1000 entries have been collected on cards which can be read and printed, each one dealing with a specific topic. There are plenty of pictures, some of them comic, easy to read and understand, based obviously on the Preventive System, still “unquestionably valid and current all over the world” says Angelo Santi.

Solidarity Corner

Don Bosco Solidarity Fund


Exallievi - Alumni - Past Pupils – Friends of Don Bosco Africa – America – Asia Oceania - Europe


In recent years, the World Confederal Presidency has sought ways and means of how to support past pupils of Don Bosco and the Salesian mission through raising funds for specific projects. Every year at Christmas launched an appeal for donations from Italian Past Pupils to support a project.

The Don Bosco Solidarity Fund will ask for appeals and receives financial donation during the year. Every year, the Don Bosco Solidarity Fund will issue an expression of interest for those past pupils, organisations and entities who wish to benefit from the funds that are requested.

As Past Pupils of Don Bosco in our prayer-promise, we The following are criteria which the Don Bosco state: Solidarity Fund aims:

“ ... We promise you to fight against injustice, blackmail, superficiality, indifference and to defend against all costs, the values inspired by Don Bosco, especially life, freedom and truth with a spirit of social, political and financial commitment, and to be ‘the salt of the earth and the light in the world’ with a strong influence in the world and in the Church. ...”

• To support young poeple who are disadvantaged and require material support to help them alleviate their distress and lead a healthy and nourishing lifestyle; • To sustain the mission of Don Bosco in Salesian Presences who are working with young people who are at risk and vulnerable; • To reach out to the basic needs of children and young people who are the poorest among the poor.” • To help young people and children improve their standard of living through better nutrition, shelter, medical needs, and other material needs that they It is through the influence and inspiration in our prayer may require. that the Past Pupils of Don Bosco are setting up the • To support past pupils who dedicate their lives Don Bosco Solidarity Fund as a permanent structure to the benefit of young people and children who in its organisation with the aim to turn its prayer into are undergoing hardship and difficulty in their action and financially support the mission of Don Bosco childhood and youth. with the young people.

Dear Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco, We have just concluded the fund raising activity for Syria project in order to help our confreres who are the victims of the ongoing war and collected nearly €7000, thanks to the generous contribution of many of you. We have started the contacts with Provincial Fr. Munir El Rai and Fr. Alejandro José León, Provincial Economer to distribute these funds in the most effective way possible. In the next Newsflash Edition, we will keep you informed.

Solidarity Corner

Juan Carlos Montenegro VOLUNTEERING: A RISK TODAY, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE FUTURE (ANS - Bellflower) - Juan Carlos Montenegro is a past pupil of the Don Bosco Kennedy Salesian Technical Institute in Quito, Ecuador. From his years in the Salesian school he felt that his life “should not be a meaningless life.” As a student, he decided to go as a volunteer among the native Achuar people in Wasakentsa. “It was an experience that changed my life forever,” he says. Juan Carlos, how did your vocation as a volunteer start? I believe that my vocation began in the family. My parents were an example. A second reason was the opening of a Salesian school that taught me to help the needy as a Salesian volunteer. What have you done during these years as a volunteer? My first experience was in Wasakentsa. Then at the age of 25 I was invited to work in the St Dominic Savio parish in Bellflower, California, in charge of youth ministry. In 2007 I took the position of Manager of the Salesian Provincial Volunteer Program and continued my missionary experiences. You are now finalizing a study on volunteers. What are the implications for the Congregation? A survey was conducted among 428 former volunteers from 28 countries around the world. In this research, we realized that a missionary experience changes your life. 93% of the former volunteers surveyed believe that the volunteer experience has helped them and has changed their lives. SEE FULL TEXT

JEX Corner Nicaragua (ANS - Granada) - Research on global leadership says that what is most important for the success of a leader is “not good judgment or crisis management, nor decision-making, nor their collaborators, nor the understanding of the problems, nor the strength of convictions, nor experience or charisma, but leadership skills.” According to N. Portugal, “A leader is one who exerts influence on people.” The Province of Central America held a leadership school which will ensure the present and the future of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. The Fourth “Central American School of leaders for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco” took place from 23 to 27 March at the Salesian institute of the city of Granada, Nicaragua. The four Schools of leaders all over the world - American Southern Cone, Central America, Europe and Asia - have as their main purpose to train future generations that will guide the Centenary World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco. The event was organized by Fresia Méndez, Councillor for Young Past Pupils of America, and Maria de los Ángeles Martínez, Coordinator of the Young Past Pupils of El Salvador. Among those present were the Salesians Fr Ángel Prado Mendoza, Vice-Provincial of Central America and Delegate for the Salesian Family, and Fr José Pastor Ramírez, World Delegate for the Past Pupils.

Argentina MEETING OF YOUNG SALESIAN Counting on the support of Argentinian Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, and working together with National Secretariat, last 4th and 5th June we organized the first Provincial meeting of Salesia Youth, at Don Bosco School in the city of Paraná. Around 40 young people between 20 to 35 years took part in the event coming from Tucumán, Concepción del Uuruguay, Corrientes, Paraná and Santa Fe. We had two days we had time to discover, reflect and share the identity of Salesian Past Pupil, this does not mean only does who have spent time in our classrooms but also in the patios as a member of the different groups that composed Salesian Youth Movement.

“The Salesian past pupil” - said Don Prado – “Cannot be conceived as a solitary being, but is called rather to be a leader within the Association of the Past Pupils, in the Salesian Family and in the Church”. SEE FULL NEWS

Chile Salesian Past Pupil will participate in the Libertadores Cup in Futsal SEE MORE

Salesian Family Corner

World Consultative Body of the Salesian Family

(ANS - Rome) - The World Consultative Body of the Salesian Family is made up of representatives of the various groups born of the charism of Don Bosco. In the meeting they share projects and activities. They note how, each according to its own specific mission, they reflect and live the same “spiritual heritage and teaching of Don Bosco.” From 27 May until Sunday 29 May the members of the World Consultative Body of the Salesian Family gathered at the Salesian Generalate for their annual meeting. There were 39 participants including superiors or their delegates of the 30 groups of the Salesian Family and several spiritual assistants. The work, centred on the theme of the Family, was coordinated by Fr Eusebio Muñoz, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat for the Salesian Family. The Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, will open proceedings on Friday afternoon. In the evening it was the turn of Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) who gave the traditional Salesian “Good Night”. Then, to promote mutual understanding and the

family atmosphere, the new Leaders of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco and of the FMA, of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus, the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians and the Witnesses of the Risen Lord were introduced. On Saturday, after the morning Mass in St Peter’s Basilica, the members of the Consultative Body heard a talk by Bishop Domenico Sigalini of Palestrina on “The Synod and the Apostolic Exhortation on the Family: Challenges and opportunities for the Salesian Family”. This was followed, in the afternoon, by a workshop led by Fr Roberto Carelli on the theme: “Fostering family: anthropological, pastoral and educational guidelines according to the Salesian charism.” On Sunday morning the participants heard a report on the results of the seminar to promote the causes of beatification and canonization in the Salesian Family. The Secretariat for the Salesian Family was introduced as well as a proposal for communication between the various groups and some insights on the “Identity Card of the Salesian Family”. Finally the gathering proceeded to the election of two new members of the Secretariat and an evaluation of the work done.

Salesian Family Corner INTERVIEW

Eusebio Muñoz THE SALESIAN CHARISM IS ALIVE Fr Eusebio, the members of the Salesian Family have come together. How many groups participated? There are representatives from 24 groups belonging to the Salesian Family. There was once again a family atmosphere that facilitated the work and achievement of the objectives. How many people, more or less, are working with the Salesian Family around the world? Every time I go around the world, I see first-hand that the charism of Don Bosco is fully alive. The members of the Salesian Family number about 300 thousand. The groups of the Salesian Family have managed to keep alive the charism left by Don Bosco for the benefit of young people. The meeting was attended by the Rector Major as the leader of the Salesian Family. The Rector Major’s presence is crucial because he is the Father who unites the Salesian Family. The Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, has expressed his satisfaction at this beautiful reality that is the Salesian Family. He reminded us that “we are obliged to make it grow especially through the testimony of communion between us.” Were there elections? The Secretariat for the Salesian Family was completed with the election of Mr Ricardo Sá, leader of the “Canção Nova” community in Rome, and Ms Dina Moscioni, General Coordinator of the Spiritual Movement “Witnesses of the Risen Christ”. What conclusions were reached during these days? We had opportunities for formation and a chance to meet as a family. In addition to this, some decisions were taken, as, for example, the choice of Turin as the venue for the next meeting of the Consultative Body in 2017; the new edition of the book “The Salesian Family of Don Bosco”; some suggestions were given to the Rector Major regarding the Strenna for 2017; and approval was given for the creation of a web space to facilitate communication between the groups.

Flagship Projects


Permanent Secretariat

Business Platform

Permanent secretariats all around the world, composed with paid staff, that will guarantee the daily work in Past Pupils Federations and World Confederation, and taking care of technical part of projects and activities.

A Union of entrepreneurs (Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco) which try to apply Christian and Salesian principles and ideals to the Business World. They stand for responsibility, uprightness and human dignity. As part of their commitment, they try to actively support the Salesian Family projects.

Flagship Projects

Exallievi Academy Umbrella project which gathers all the formation and education initiatives for Past Pupils, adults and GEX, in several ďŹ elds: professional, personal, spiritual and Salesian.

Exallievi Voluntary Service New initiative that gathers all the volunteering activities organized by Past Pupils, whether in Youth Ministry or in Missionary activities, abroad. Cooperation with Salesian Congregation is crucial for the proper development of this initiative. They stand for responsibility, uprightness and human dignity. As part of their commitment, they try to actively support the Salesian Family projects.

13/16 October



4/8 October 29 October/ 01 November






24/27 November


Regions of World Confederation Dear past pupils and friends of don Bosco. Four important meetings are waiting for you in different parts of world this year.





Presidents and Delegates of the past pupils of Don Bosco in Latin America.

European meeting of presidents, GEX representatives and Salesian Delegates

African Meeting of Past Pupils and Salesian Delegates from Southern Provinces.

KEYWORDS OF MEETING: training, spirituality, integration and mission

*all matters relating to the meeting communicate to

(AFC – RD Congo, ANG – Angola, MOZ – Mozambique, ZMB – Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Botswana, AFM – South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho, MDG – Madagascar and Mauritius)

The 11th Congress for East-AsiaOceania for Salesian Family Organized by Past Pupils of Don Bosco with topic: S erving God through our fellows by promoting good education, e conomic solidarity and social justice.

Eduardo Cavalcante

Fernando Nuñez Arce

Angel Gudiña

Rajesh Gupta

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