News flash en 2017 2

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EXALLIEVI NEWSFLASH YEAR 6 - ISSUE 26 - 24 JUNE 2017 English Edition









THANK YOU to the Rector Major Don Bosco's Pupils' Party




RECTOR MAJOR: "YOUNG PEOPLE, DON BOSCO NEEDS YOU!" When 3 years ago he accepted the appointment of Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, had a goal: to visit the Salesian presence across the globe. So now he is witness to the current state of the Salesian Family. What impressions of the Congregation and the Salesian Family do you have? I would say, without triumphant tones, that God continues to love the charism of Don Bosco and our Salesian Family for the good of the young. By visiting the 62 nations I have reached so far, I have been able to admire the daily good that is being done, despite our limits. But the Lord continues to do so much good thanks to the Salesian Family and to the many young people who give so much of themselves.

My dear Friends, Past Pupils,

How do you see the path of the Congregation in the world? I would define the path of the Congregation and the Salesian Family as a path of great serenity, in which we continue to ask ourselves what we must do in order to continue to respond with fidelity, but also with great serenity. And I do not mean comfort; I do not mean to remain steadily in a comfort zone; on the contrary, we continue to animate, step by step, visit after visit, to boldly respond to this call to the fidelity that the Lord continues to do for us. What are today's challenges for educators and pastors of the Salesian heart? I think a great challenge is how, through education, our boys and girls may truly become men and women prepared for life, and as profound believers.


This combination of "good Christians and honest citizens" includes a look at today's women and men, a look at human rights, social justice, the way we are educated today, and how our young people do not stay in their safe comfort zones, but possess the very consciousness that life has a profound meaning when it is given to others. The Lord needs you, dear young people; Don Bosco needs you; the young people who come after you need you. I believe it deeply. I am convinced that if there is something that keeps young people together in the most diverse contexts, and is something typical of youthful hearts, it is the great capacity to be generous and to give of themselves for a cause that they believe in. Don Ángel Fernández Artime Reitor-Mor

January 24, 2017

Greetings in the name of Don Bosco. It is our anniversary today reminding us of the feast day of Don Bosco, when his past pupils came back to thank him and to tell him how much they loved him. Thus the past pupils’ ‘association’ was started by the past pupils themselves. Hence we keep this day as our past pupils’ day. It is also the day of Gratitude to the Rector Major who represents Don Bosco uniting us as one family. While Don Bosco is the root, Rector Major is the trunk. In this maginificent tree of salesian family, we are one of the 31 branches. It is the day we get back to our roots and thank God for Don Bosco and the Rector major. The power of gratitude changes our life, gives us new vision and can change our destiny. Gratitude takes us to the roots – Don Bosco, the source of our strength. It makes us conscious of the root as the gift of God, not taking him or the salesians or the education we received, for granted. We draw our strength and energy from this root - Don Bosco. The branches should bear fruits, fruits in abundance and fruits that will last. Thus it is the day to remind ourselves to be “salt of the earth and the light of the world” (Mt 5:13-14). It is the day of renewal of our commitment to the values we received in the school of Don Bosco. May this day renew us with sense of belonging to the association and to the salesian family. God bless you


Don Jayapalan Raphael sdb World Delegate

GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENTE Dear Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco,

There are always more people reading our Exallievi Newsflash. With each edition that we publish, there is an increase in the number of its readers. I have a dream that one day there will be millions of people around the world reading about the events and successes of past pupils, about best practices and examples, reading about accomplishments of Don Bosco in the world today.

One of our main objectives as World Confederation is to consolidate our networking. We would like to provide a platform for past pupils to meet and communicate together. It is for this reason that we started to work on an ambitious project and this is the development of a global database of past pupils. This will be a powerful communication and networking tool for all past pupils and friends of Don Bosco, which will help us to unite together and respond to needs of today´s world.

I wish that all of you continue to be inspired after reading this Exallievi Newsflash. I invite you to be part of this publication by sending in your contributions to be included in future editions. It is through our lives and actions that we are witnesses of being: Good Christians and Honest Citizens. This is what Don Bosco wanted us to be . Michal Hort


It is a time when catholic communication sees so many voices fading into a crisis that is perhaps not only economical. In principle, man has, among the various needs of his spirit, to be aware of what is happening, since it is only in this way that he feels he is part of the society in which he lives. Those who walk in time adapt to them, indeed, often anticipates them and precedes them. For Rupert Murdoch, «the world is changing very fast. The bigger will no longer defeat the smaller, but those who are quick will beat the slow». A new editorial choice was about Newsflash exhibition logic. We want to highlight how our magazine wanted to change his face by presenting himself graphically different, while maintaining the traits of that typical line to which we are all a little bit fond of. There are two challenges to front: quality, to ensure an ever wider and more accurate religious information, and consensus within our world. Communicating does not mean "transmitting" but "sharing". There is a need for which we want to respond with a wide and high-level offer, both graphical and above all cultural. A new formula of editorial direction, which, among other things, envisages a greater development of headings and,

consequently, of pages. What has remained unchanged is the spirit and the will to do, to continue a journey that has already begun. To this task we are called by our profession of christians, by our particular position of Don Bosco's ex-pupils. We are called, as sons of God, to bring love, joy, serenity. Aim of our group? Stay together. Interact qualitatively. The medium is the relationship, but the purpose is the goal. Determining that natural appeal that comes from the example of meaning, without any enunciation, but by working, supporting, correcting, lovingly and trusting others, being honest, being Christian is easy. It also responds to convenience calculations for those who want to be respected and valued. Don Bosco never intended to be a preacher towards his boys. This has to be understood; this has to be ours; this has to be how we work. «Even with the pen you can do much of the good, even with the pen ...».Nina often remembered him, repeating the words of his brother Albino (Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I) when, as a young priest, steals hours to sleep to write the articles that were required. Pierluigi Lazzarini 3


Don Jayapalan Raphael World Delegate of Past Pupils Federation

of my journey with Don Bosco ‌I am past pupils of Don Bosco, admirer and follower of Don Bosco. That is the inspiration I got from my school years that made me follow Don Bosco more. In my school years, I experienced the love of salesians for the poorest boys.

About myself I am 58 years old and 40 years salesian. 30 years salesian priest. I am from the family of Card Lourdusamy who was in Vatican for 40 years, prefect of the congregation for the Oriental rites for 7 years. My parents played a vital role in shaping my life and values. They were devout catholics. My father was a teacher and catechist in my village. My mother was an illiterate village woman. But they were pious people. Sociable people of relationship. They taught us ways to reach out to the poorest. Today we are 6 religious people in tahe family among whom 3 are salesians. One commong trait that all of us have is the love for the poorest .

My Vocation I owe my vocation to my salesians. I entered the salesian house when I was 9 years old. So this month, I am entering into 50th year


One coadjutor brother who was the administrator showed me how much salesians loved the poor, cancelling my fees for three years. That one stroke of pen made me salesian today. Thus I am also past pupil. So today I am happy to be the delegate for the past pupils at the world level. I am grateful to the Rector Major for the trust he pla-

ced on me by giving me this wonderful mission.

Happy and Sad moments My happiest moments are the moments of my first profession in 1977, my ordination in 1987 and when I became provincial in 2011. These are the moments of God experience, how God has been guiding me and trusting me and the moments of experience of the maternal guidance of our Blessed mother. On my first profession, when I was not sure of the future, I prayed to our blessed mother to be with me always.

Till today I can feel her closeness and maternal guidance and protection. All that I am and all that I have, I owe to our blessed Mother Mary Help of Christians. I do not remember

any very big sad moment. Problems and sad moments have been there and are part of life but nothing comes to my mind of any great significance. One of the graces that God gave me was to take things are they were and to consider the crisis as the way to clarity.

Salesian Congregation in India The presence and the growth of the salesian congregation is very encouraging and phenomenal. We do have many vocations which is a sign of vitality. In my own province of Chennai, we have an average of 12 to 15 new professions every year and an average of 10 ordinationsn every year. There is lot of focus on the poor particularly on the street chidlen, orphans and children with Aids, young released prisoners, migrant youth etc. There is great attention on the education of the poor young, empowering them with values and technical expertise through DB Tech. More attention needs to be given to reach out to the orphans, the abandoned and the poorest youth, while simplicity of life among the salesians needs to be taken care of constantly.

Future of World Confederation of the Past Pupils Association of Past pupils is a huge potential. In a way, it is a sleeping giant. In my opinion, every year about 200,000 pass out from our institutions all over the world. It offers us a big challenge to organize them into an organization to help them build up their lives, and continue to mould them into apostles who build up the Church and the Society. Strength of the organization Great and focussed lay leadership, united presidency team with a great vision •System is being set up with Executive council meeting, setting up of the secretariat, presidency meeting, continental regional meetings, visit to build up the organization in different counties •Great leap with clarity and vision, setting up 7 priorities focussing on information (da-


tabase, communication), formation (formation, family, salesion family) and transformation (Busines platform and fund-raising for the salesian mission) •Enthusiasm among the salesians and past pupils in different parts of the world •Past pupils who have grown, thanks to the preventive system education of Don Bosco and are well placed in the society and business.

much after the Second Vatican Council. On their part, the past pupils should take more effort to form themselves with values and vision to become competent to take up leadership, committed and generous. On the part of the salesians to prepare the present students with vision and values that will make them good parents in their families and leaders who build up the world and the Church on Gospel values.

ready formed units; to activate the units and federations that are struggling; to sustain the powerful ones; •To make the Federations grow with the sense of gratitude and thus go beyond the desire of power and position and thus to help the organization become self sufficient and to contribute towards the salesian mission, •To form the past pupils into honest leaders and committed christians into ultimately becoming leaders in public pheres, political and social arenas •To help our past pupils open to new realities and signs of the times.

the world, through the formation of the units and federations, helping them to grow as one unit with a clear vision. •Formation of basic units with data base, focusing on their formation towards individual maturity, family values and social consciousness. A life lived well is a life lived for others. •Setting up units and federations with leaders who are committed and generous, and help them form clear vision in their won contexts in line with the vision of the world confederation, adapted to their own contexts •Formation of past pupils into leaders who can build up the Church and the society, with particular attention on the poorest and the most needy children and the young •Strengthening the General Secretariat and the presidency team through animation and organization meetings. .

The challenges: •To help the provinces that need to take the first steps; to enhance the existing and al-

Role of Laity •The formation of laity and their greater role in the Church and in the society remains a big challemge for the Congregation, even

Immediate Action Plan •It is important to make know the seven priorities of the Past Pupils Association all over



Presidency meeting in Madrid Fr. Jayapalan, SDB, the world delegate, opened the meeting offering his reflections on the image of Saint John Bosco – A Fascinating Saint – a figure that past pupils need to know and embrace in order to live Don Bosco’s charism and to carry forward his mission of saving souls.

The reflection of Fr. Luis Fernando Alvarez Sdb, the Spanish national Delegate followed. Mr. Michal Hort presented the programme and exhorted the team to keep the focus.

Madrid, Spagna. The four-day meeting of presidency was held in Madrid Spain, from 27 to 30 April 2017 and it was led by the President of World Confederation of Past Pupils, Michal Hort. The World Delegate, Fr. Raphael Jayapalan, SDB was present. The meeting took place in Casa Don Bosco. It was attended by majority of the World Presidency members – one of the two Vice-Presidents, treasurer, most of the Councilors (Adults and GEX from Europe, America and Asia) as well as the secretary of the Secretariat to assist with the organization of the meeting. Unfortunately, due to other priorities and visa reasons, some members of the Presidency were not able to participate.


The regional reports from each regional councilor followed, highlighting the activities and events occurring in their region in the previous one year. The GEX councilors Fresia Méndez from Costa Rica (GEX Councillor for America) and Alberto Alves Piedade from Timor Leste (GEX Councilor for Asia) coming in for the first time, added value to the group, presenting their reports. During this meeting, we also discussed on how to improve and effectively transmit the monthly reports from the World Presidency

P RESIDENCY MEETING across, through all the Regional councilors and the national Presidents of Federation of Past Pupils Don Bosco and their delegates. It was noted that the World Presidency has received the report of the Strategic Plan from only five out of seventy seven (77) National Federations. The world presidency had come up with the seven big priorities and had requested every national federation to come up with their implementation plan under one world strategic plan, basing their annual activities basing on these goals.

On the last day, the presidency team discussed and made several decisions to enhance the organization: Establishment of Past Pupils Database, Newsflash and enhancement of past pupils Website and the promotion of past pupils activities on our Facebook page. The four day-meeting came to an end, highlighting all the important points and the action plan

In other words, the world strategic plan should guide each province to take the 7 priorities seriously and come out with implementation mechanism.

There followed presentations of reports from councilors on Formation & Family, External Relations, Business Platform and Treasury; External guest speakers on IPDO (Inspectoral Planning & Development Office), Salesian Social Platform (aid to youth in need) and OMAEC (World Confederation Past Pupils of Catholic Education) were inspiring moments.

One of the important discussions was on membership fee and ways to remind and encourage every national federation to make their annual contribution regularly.

to follow up in each region and the role of the members of Presidency. It was decided to have the next Presidency meetings in different continents: 2018 in America (on 8-11 November), 2019 in Asia and 2020 in Africa.

It was a well-prepared meeting and everyone participated with enthusiasm and commitment. Everyone was highly cooperative. There was an atmosphere of familiarity and fraternity with a great sense of belonging. Everyone felt the organization is growing strongly with more clarity and commitment. A hearty welcome to the new members of the Presidency, particularly the World Delegate Fr. Jayapalan sdb.



Confederal Board Meeting 10 june 2017

On June 10, the second meeting of the Council of the World Confederation took place; The World Delegate Don Jayapalan and Fernando Núùez, Councilor for Europe as an adult, participated for the first time. The World Council has reduced to one day for family reasons the President, who is awaiting his third son. First, the monitoring of the agreements reached at the World Presidency in Madrid from 27 to 30 April, including the appointment of the Secretary General and other services and projects that the Confederation wants to launch (Business Platform, Volunteering, Exallievi Academy and National Secretariats), the Code of Ethics of the Platform Business, monitoring of the various regions, and Schedule 2017/2018.

Other topics of interest were: the great progress of preparations for the Eurobosco (can be read in the following pages), the study and development of many communication tools and the evaluation of the great progress made by members of the Secretariat of Rome,

Whose great commitment and constant presence at Pisana are giving results both in the great work they make on behalf of the Confederacy and the Salesian Family, and in the contacts created with other groups in the General House.



Samoëns - France 12-15 october Dear Past Pupils, friends of Don Bosco and Members of Salesian Family,

It is our pleasure to announce the 12th Edition of the EUROBOSCO which is the European Congress for Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco. This Congress takes place every four years and it is an important event for past pupils and friends of Don Bosco from European countries and beyond. It has been already 4 years since the last Eurobosco which took place in Malta and we remember this was an extraordinary occasion to discuss our visions, challenges, and ideas.

Therefore, we would like to kindly invite you to the next European Congress of Past Pupils which will take place from 12-15th october 2017 in Samöens, France. Nowadays, across the whole Europe, the family as the foundation of our society is facing several challenges by politicians on local, national as well as European level and by society itself.

The title and topic for this Congress is: “Good Christians in the Family and Honest Citizens for the Family”.

As this is a very important occasion for the Salesian Family, we wish that every European province is represented in this edition of Eurobosco. We wish to have every pan-European country and province where the Salesians are present to be represented in the 12th Edition of Eurobosco. In don Bosco Fernando Nunez – Councillor for Europe Angel Gudina – Vicepresident GEX Maurizio Bruni – Councillor for Formation & Family Dominique De Lat, Fr. Paul Ripaud – Members of Organising team

To recive more details about price and other information, Please write email:




Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco Via della Pisana 1111 – 00163 Roma Il Rettor Maggiore

draft of the 2017 Strenna

We are a Family!

Every home, a school ofLife and Love

(Continued from previous issue)

3. Every home, a school of life and Love: our educational-pastoral contribution.

3.1. Being close to help construct and repair

In the face of family realities in which complex and difficult situations are often lived:

√ fragmented families (“patchwork” families); √ families that are believing and not unstructured but which are the exception in many contexts;. √ families in which many wounds exist; √ families in which there is selfishness that creates breakups; √ families with situations in which, in particular, the souls of the children are wounded, or where sometimes they are “hostages of discord” (Pope Francis).

We already ask ourselves whether we can do something in favor of these families, starting from our reality as educators and pastors, since:

~ It is in these contexts that we are asked to exercise empathy in the face of the suffering caused by such situations.


~ There are existential situations in which we must help to construct relationships, heal wounds, help to leave behind fears – seeing, as in the biblical text, “a bruised reed he will not break “ (Matt 12:20; cf. Is 42:3). ~ Situations in which we can help to acknowledge that much good and much generosity also exist in these lives. ~ In learning to be a family there are always mistakes that demand humility and understanding, forgiveness and mercy. All are entitled to forgiveness, and all are entitled to forgive in order to build the family and to reconstruct themselves. This is the moral element. ~ Accepting the condition of one’s limits offers each member of the family the opportunity to enrich oneself with the love that is offered and the opportunity of enriching others with one’s own offering. Gratuitousness is the starting point for building the family. This is the affective element. ~ There is a point of constitutive solitude in the human condition that prevents total communication, and at the same time offers a leap of quality for the desire of the Other who is the only One who can fill this desire for fullness. This is the spiritual element. ~Eventually, we are being asked to be present to help build and restore. 3.2. In the school of life that is the family

From a Salesian perspective we cannot talk of the vital educational value of the family without

asking, first of all, that each of us refer to our own personal experience and, at the same time, that we also refer to the family experience of the founder of our Salesian Family, Don Bosco. He lost his father when he was a little child. His mother Margaret was his first, decisive, and transcendental educator, and we know well that Don Bosco was what he was because he had the mother he had. This is one of the keys that I propose: helping families to be aware that, first of all, they are a school of life, and that in this mission, some persons, groups, and institutions intend to stay at their side and help, without ever replacing what is irreplaceable – that warm home that each family is, preparing for life as a real school and, by loving, teaching us to live love. This is so:

~ when the family is more than a “center of income and consumption” or an “affective point of reference,” and in it the adults, especially the parents, accept their responsibilities; ~ when there is an intense intra-familial communication, not limited to discussions of just a useful nature; ~ when the children are so trained that concrete ethical responsibilities are expected of them, through which deep convictions can be expressed and communicated, and not only kept and observed in a hidden way out of the fear of bothering someone; ~ when education is given for everyday family life, experiencing the radical equality of each one with respect to needs, rights, and duties, as well as mutual respect; ~ when there is a space for living with the capability of encouraging real relationships of dialog, of complete reciprocity in which the good of the other is really looked for, out of respect for persons and their activities. ~ when the family is an experience of love, and not a place where one feels the weight of the law, and where one learns to love freely. In this sense, from the viewpoint of faith, each marriage and each family are a history of salvation. ~ A family that is a school of life because it contains in itself opposed but harmonized elements that prepare for life through values such as:

- freedom and responsibility; - autonomy and solidarity; - care for oneself and seeking the good of all; - healthy competitiveness and capability of forgiving; - availability for communication and also for listening and respectful silence. ~ The family, then, is a school of life, because it offers values and hope as well. It offers closeness and love that orients, corrects, prevents, helps, heals, and eventually saves.

3.3. The decisive Salesian pastoral mission: ACCOMPANIMENT

As Salesian Family, we propose this beautiful challenge that is more current than ever:

~ how to accompany parents, spouses, and those head families?


~ how to accompany children, especially those who live in the houses, activities, and services in all the works that exist in our Salesian Family around the world?

~ how to accompany with our youth, family, and parish ministry the young people who are developing a plan of life oriented toward matrimony and forming a family? This requires some decisions from our ministryi:

3.3.1. Firmly deciding to make a priority of educational-pastoral attention to families. 3.3.2. Taking a decisive, definitive, and firm step to make accompaniment a priority service:

~ accompaniment of parents and spouses who accept it. ~ real accompaniment of the children and youths in Salesian presences around the world, especially when they are dealing with family and personal difficulties. ~ vocational accompaniment of youths



with greater attention to the reality of the family, and to the priority of mercy as an essential value of the Gospel, which must be reflected in our educational and pastoral activity.

3.3.4. Delving, therefore, into personal and pastoral discernment that will not lead us to expect univocal answers when facing such diverse situations that are far from the Christian ideal, but rather to offer service that will affect and animate concrete marriage and family histories.

who show concretely that they are developing a plan of life that includes matrimony. ~ accompaniment that offers spirituality and faith as the meaning of life, in the most diverse family realities.

3.3.3. Seeing the urgency, as Salesian Family, of being part of this broad journey of ecclesial reflection and discernment,

3.3.5.In this way of educating in which the family cannot refuse to be a place of support and accompaniment (AL n. 260), we believe that we can offer something which very much belongs to us, is very “Salesian”: Helping the families to educate and grow with affection and heart, with everything this implies in our educational (“preventive”) system.

3.3.6. We must also take ourselves very seriously to help the parents in the sexual education of their children, which for us means an authentic education to love.

3.3.7 We will help to discover sacramental marriage as a “vocation”, the fruit of discernment (as in every vocation), and also as a path to holiness. 3.3.8. We shall contribute in any way possible to take care of and foster in families the sense of the joy of loving.

3.3.9. Let us help families to be “spaces of life” where parents train their children, in freedom, to know and love God.

3.3.10.Even though this could be marginal to family realities, this will be an opportunity to educate families, educators, and young people, and be educated ourselves, to the value of creation, as a responsible answer to creation and to the poverty that is generated when the harmony of creation is not attended to.

3.3.11. Some concrete commitments of the Salesian Family toward families, e.g., the mission of the Salesian Family in the light of Don Bosco’s Preventive System: making of the world a home like a large family playground – of friends, of training for life, of encountering God. To complete our commitment as Salesian Family in this movement of ecclesial revitalization, we commend ourselves to the Mother who is always our guarantor as we make our pilgrim way Rome, June 19, 2016.




The Spanish Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco celebrates the start of their centenary (ANS – Valencia) – The Spanish Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco begins its second century of life with the aim of opening itself up to volunteer work and sharing the Salesian mission.

From June 2 to 4, the Salesians of “Sant'Antonio Abate" in Valencia hosted the National Council of the Spanish National Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco in its ordinary session for 2017, and for their extraordinary elective meeting.

On Saturday afternoon, the Council held its opening ceremony of the Confederation's Centenary. Indeed, it was on June 1917, at the inauguration of the "Pabellón del Milagro" in Via Sagunto in Valencia, that the representatives of sixteen associations of Don Bosco's former students from as many cities congregated at the Salesian school where they decided to organize themselves into the Spanish Federation, precursor of the current National Confederation.

Despite the distance, and via two separate videos, Don Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, and Mr. Michal Hort, President of the World Confederation of Past

Pupils of Don Bosco, congratulated the Confederation. All the speakers discussed the still current nature of the former pupils' movement, and pointed to the opportunity of centenary celebration not so much as an opportunity to remember the last 100 years, but as a chance to plan the years to come.

The session was attended by the Local Council of the Salesian Family, the Local Union, and a representative of the Association of Past Pupils of Valencia-Sagunto, as well as a large part of the local Salesian community.

1917, which showed the courage of those who did not hesitate to take this step forward for the organization. «Never, in a hundred years, has the confederation ceased to function», he said proudly. Then he added: "We must re-form, re-establish ourselves; we must re-orient ourselves towards volunteering, and go outside ourselves, reach out to others, not just the ex-pupils».

«Let us take part in the Salesian mission», he concluded.

Emilio López e Josep Lluís Burguera

Leading the meeting was the President of the Spanish National Confederation, Fernando Nunez Arce, who was re-elected as President for a new four-year term. The President underlined the importance of returning to the roots of the Confederacy's birth, in Valencia, in fact, and to that founding act of June




Don Bosco Ex-pupils Meeting of Central Africa Nairobi, Kenya – From 11 to 15 May, the Don Bosco Youth Educational Services (DBYES) hosted a meeting between former pupils of Don Bosco from central Africa – the provinces of AET, AFO, AFE, AGL and AFW – and Don Raphael Jayapalan, SDB, World Delegate; Michal Hort, President of the World Confederation; and Angel Gudiña, Vice-President Former Students (GEX).

The gathering aimed to relaunch the association in Africa through work on five topics: Identity and Mission; Statute of the World Confederation; Strategic Plan of the World Confederation 2015-2021; GEX Initiatives; four Strategic Projects of the Confederation; Regional Coordination.




The Don Bosco Ranchibile Institute is eighty years’ old

President of the Senate Pietro Grasso attended to the ceremony

Palermo, Italy – may 2017

The Salesian Institute Don Bosco Villa Ranchibile is eighty years old. He celebrates with an exceptional guest: President of the Senate Pietro Grasso, former student of the institute.

«Here I was trained in faith, Latin and football. And with these grounds I ended in the national magistrates’ football team; did you see that career?».

«Thank you Don Bosco - says the Senate president, interviewed by students. - I have played more roles in the judiciary,

I did the Public Prosecutor's Office, but also the Judge. Feeling that you judge your own kind makes you feel a great responsibility. And when I returned to the Public Prosecutor my approach changed. Politics? I arrived after 43 years in the judiciary, when Bersani called me and when elected I was

immediately President of the Senate. But the goal of legality and search for truth has remained in me». The Ranchibile institute was founded by the Salesians in 1937, as the second Palermo seat, in addition to that of Via Sampolo, born in 1902. It’s a secondary school (first and second degree), oratory, church and religious community, theatre and reference point for many associations.


Annual meeting of Oswiecim Past Students Oswiecim, Poland – On 4 June, the traditional annual meeting of the pastors took place at the Salesian School of O wi cim, Krakow Province (PLS), and was presided by Fr. Tadeusz Rozmus, Councilor for North and Central Europe. More than 200 past students attended the meeting, from the eldest, who graduated in 1948, to the class of 2017.




Cheng Chomneth Mathay I was a journalist

Cheng Chomneth Mathay is a Don Bosco ex-pupil in the Social Communication Project of Kep Province, Cambodia and now a cameraman for Channel TV5, working as a journalist. As a Catholic, he represented Cambodia and Social Communication and Don Bosco's Journalism Program at the Marchis Journalis Meeting in Kuala Lumpur in March 2017. March 25, 2017. «As a young journalist in Cambodia, my dream is to do the best for the development of my Cambodian people. What people expect from me and the Media for Cambodia in our time? It's a great question we need to keep in mind when we are working on reporting news and information. The opportunity to meet another 18 journalists from 13 Asian countries in Kuala Lumpur invited by SIGNIS Journalism Desk (SIGNIS Asia) was a good experience to feel that we are not alone in this job. A challenge for our time is the spread of misleading information and false news. It is a reality that affects most of our modern times and reduces hope and confidence in the media. The special guest was Mr. Alan John, director of Asian Journalism Fellowship Program in Singapore and


former deputy director of The Straits Times in Singapore until 2015. He shared his point on "Fake News and Post Truth”.

It is important that our commitment is not to spread false information in the realities of our countries, especially where political and social situations may be complex. The media are challenged by the growing influence of social networks and the spread of misinformation is more powerful than before. Ultimately, people should also be ready to face false news on the media, especially if it is about controlling some powerful interests.

But social media users may have the right training on how to use them and how to re-

spect certain limits of trusted information. Just as we have rules and rules for road traffic, we also need to know the rules to ensure reliable information, which can also give hope.

Having spent many hours working for cambodian media, I feel committed to sharing with these junior comrades these experiences in order to shape the future of our country.

As Pope Francis says in the message for the 51st Social Communications Day, life is not just a succession of events, but a story: "Everything depends on the way we look at things, on the lens we use to see them". (Pope Francis "Fear No, for I am with you" - Is 43: 5 - Communicate hope and trust in our time)».



The Salesians began a great work a hundred years ago (ANS – Camagüey) –Early April was a busy time for the Salesian community of "La Caridad" in Camagüey. There were several celebrations and activities for the conclusion of the year of celebrations for the first century of Salesian presence in Cuba. The celebrations began with Sunday Mass on 2 April. The library at the Shrine inaugurated the “Warrior Peace” exhibition by the young man, Alejandro Casas, a Salesian past pupil.

The community and the other people in the various Salesian houses in the country finally received the "goodnight" from the Salesian Superior of the Antilles, Fr Francisco Batista,

and the blessing of Archbishop Wilfredo Pino Estévez of Camagüey. Activities continued with two conferences

After the historical symposium, a commemorative plaque was unveiled on the porch of the Shrine of Charity - the Church where the Salesians first arrived in the West Indies, on 4 April 1917. At the end of the last day of the centenary, there was a solemn Mass of thanksgiving for the Salesian presence in Cuba "the most beautiful land that human eyes have ever seen" – as it has been called.

on the history of the Salesians in Cuba and in Camagüey in particular, given by Fr Bruno Roccaro, SDB, and by Deacon Rafael Marrero who is a Salesian Cooperator.

The Mass began with a symbolic procession of a hundred children and young people: one for each year of Salesian presence on the Caribbean island. Lily Ramón



On June 24, the Pupils of Don Bosco

The Exallievi Group started to build when Don Bosco still lived. One day...

«… On June 24, 1870, a beautiful core of ex-pupils brought joyfully to the Shrine, and after the Mass of the Venerable, collected in the hall that is on the opposite side of the sacristy, they invited the Servant of God to spend a moment with them. It is not to say how much he enjoyed the delicate mind of the good Father, and how his fiery charity took the opportunity to repeat to his beloved sons the great admonition to preserve and spread the spirit of the Oratory in families». (Sac. JOHN BATTIST LEMOYNE, Life of the Venerable Servant of God John Bosco, vol. second, Chapter VII, For the Church and for the Pope 18701871, The First Filial Demonstration of Ex-Students).

Carlo Gastini has the speech ready. He explains that the internal "old students" of the Oratory have teamed up and offer him the gift of six poor cups of coffee as "a show of affection for their father Don Bosco". The improvisation and spontaneity of Gastini and his companions’s gesture didn’t have immediately echo and testimonies, but they all undertake to look for more members. A Commission is appointed to better organize those annual manifestations of affection and gratitude. One year after the tribute is repeated in a more solemn and detailed way, the real testimony is highlighted in an elegant richly bound booklet, containing the list of "old students" adhering to the greeting festivities (for history 45). With a heart full of joy and emotion, Don Bosco takes note of it, ac-


cepts and validates that spontaneous manifestation, that "union" of past pupils around him. In the following years he promotes and cultivates it, making it habitual and stable. In 1874 - as prof. Alessandro Fabre eye witnessed and tells us, - a new fact happens: Don Bosco, too busy on his name day, wants to devote a day to all the past pupils and return them for the tribute on June 24 with a lunch invitation. The first "fraternal agape" takes place on 19 July 1874: the "Annual Meeting" is born, which is still being realized in every Salesian House once a year.

In the following year, in 1875, the tribute group becomes a discreet crowd with a band in the lead, a band - as it is stated in the Biographical Memories - also constituted by past pupils, and the gift consists of an artistic radially ostensory, one meter tall. The "Salesian Bulletin", which began its publication in August 1877, begins with the July 1879 issue to speak of the "old students" of the Oratory as protagonists and champions of gratitude for Don Bosco's name day festival.

So the party grows year after year becoming a true triumph of gratitude. We know how Don Bosco loved his pupils; Finished their educational curriculum, he did not forget them, he followed them, helped them, invited them, welcomed them, encouraged them, directed them again, warned them if it was the case, he worried about their good and spiritual good. «I see – he told them in one of those many meetings – that many of you already have bald head, hair bent and wrinkled forehead. You are no longer those guys I loved so much; But I feel that I love you more than once, because with your presence I assure you that the principles of our holy religion that I have taught you are firm in your heart and that these are the guide of your life. And then I love you even more, because you tell me that your heart is always for Don Bosco ... (and I tell you) that I am all yours in doing and thinking, in all my actions. You were a little flock: this grew up, grew a lot, but it will multiply again. You will be light shining in the midst of the world, and by your example you will teach others how to do good and detest and flee evil. I'm sure you will continue to be the consolation of Don Bosco» (MB XVII, 173174).

And on another occasion: «One thing more than anything else I recommend to you, my dear children, and this is: wherever you are, always show good Christians and proud men ... Many of you already have family. Well, that education that you have received in the Oratory by Don

Bosco, attend to your loved ones» (MB XIV, 511). In 1883, during his trip to Paris, Don Bosco himself spoke about his educational approach to those who expressed doubts about the perseverance of young artisans once they left the oratory and entered the army or the work world: «In Turin on Saturday night and on Sunday morning many come to confess. In the Italian army is well known that those coming from our labs are practicing; In fact they call them the "Bosco". They are found in all degrees of the militia» (MB XVI, 167).


And on July 26, 1884, he almost as a will recommends to Carlo Gastini and the ancient pupils: «Wherever you go and be, always remember that you are the children of Don Bosco, the children of the Oratory ... Happy if you will never forget those truths which I have sought to caress in your hearts when you were young» (MB XVII, 489).

After the death of Don Bosco, the ancient pupils continue with don Rua annual demonstrations, making the Rector Major's day a great day of gratitude.

They are divided into local groups, in unions and societies, to the true organization promoted by Don Filippo Rinaldi; The first Unions begin to emerge in Italy and abroad. In 1907 a confrere sent to Spain said: «I care very much the Past Pupils: they are our crown; Or, if you want, it is our very reason to exist, because being an Educational Congregation, it is clear that we are not educating for college but for life. But true life, real life begins for them when they leave our Homes». In 1911, on the initiative of some Salesian past pupils, the idea came to erect a monument to Don Bosco in the square in front of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians at Valdocco, to mark the centenary of the birth of the founder of the Salesians which would fall in 1915. The work was to be inaugurated on 16 August, 1915, but because of the First World War the inauguration was postponed until 1920, although the statue was already in place on 23 June 1916. Six scenes are depicted in the base supporting the statue highlighting devotion to Mary Help of Christians.




Two Salesian past pupils victims of violence ANS – Caracas – 21 Aprile 2017 - Venezuela has been going through a very difficult political and social situation in recent times. Pope Francis recently said, referring to Venezuela: «I pray for this people, who are very dear to me, and I urge everyone to persevere without growing tired, avoiding any violence and seeking political solutions».

On 19 April, peaceful demonstrations took place in the country to deliver to the 'Defensoría del Pueblo', the state agency that oversees human rights, a document accusing the government of President Nicolás Maduro of a coup d'état against the National Assembly.

On the margins of the events, two Salesian past pupils were killed.

Carlos José Moreno Barón, 19, was not taking part in the protest march. He was on his


way to a football field at Chuao, but he did not reach his destination. It was about 10:15 in the morning when Carlos José's plans for the future were shattered near Estrella de San Bernardino Square.

A motor-driven group linked to the collective supporting the government opened fire against opponents. The doctors did all they could but Carlos José had been struck by a bullet in the head and nothing could be done. He had been a student at the St Francis de Sales Institute in the Sarría district, and was a member of the Salesian Youth Movement. On the same day of protests, in San Cristóbal in the State of Táchira, a motorcycle group allegedly linked to local government support groups fired on Paola Ramírez Gómez, 23, as she was passing in front of Piazza San Carlos, returning from a job in-

The professional school at Tan Ha

terview. She also was not participating in the protests. Paola was a Salesian past pupil from the Institute of Táriba. Her death was instantaneous, as witnessed by a video taken on a security camera on a nearby building. She fell after being shot by armed members of a pro-government "collective". The Prosecutor General Luisa Ortega Díaz has given signs of independence of the government to which she belongs and has asked the security authorities to guarantee freedom of expression. «I appeal to the political agents who convene the demonstrations. It is a constitutional right to convene peaceful demonstrations and these should not endanger the physical safety of the demonstrators» she said. Source:

Tan Ha, Vietnam – march 2017 - The Salesian professional school in Tan Ha is 250 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, in the Province of Bao Loc. It was started in 1995 by Fr Joseph Chinh, and now has about 400 students and two hostels for boys and girls at risk. Students are offered five different technical courses and numerous extra activities such as music, sports and voluntary work. The school is run by a strong Salesian community of eleven members, with the active collaboration of the neighbouring community of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, as well as Past Pupils and Salesian Cooperators. 20



Stop War! Another young oratorian killed along with her cousin (ANS – Damascus) During the war in Syria, the Salesians have repeatedly witnessed tragic killings of young people belonging to the Salesian oratories of Aleppo and Damascus. Two days ago. it happened again: Grace, a 21-year-old girl who was active at the oratory in Damascus, was killed by a mortar

shot that struck the car in which she was traveling with her cousin Dina. When the Salesians were informed of the incident, they immediately went to find Grace's family at the hospital to support them. Grace's father appeared saddened but lucid, while his wife and sister Maria were suffe-

ring from shock and were hospitalized. The situation in general is full of sadness and despair. We continue to pray for an end to this war that has already devastated many young people in Syria, including many of our Salesian young people.


Spreading the Salesian charism with joy Ky Anh, Vietnam – march 2017 In 2006 the Salesians started a Vocational Training Centre in Ky Anh for the benefit of the local population. Today there are 11 Salesians, 30 teachers and instructors and 220 students in annual courses for electricians, welders, mechanics and automotive mechanics. Most of its 400 past pupils from 2011 to date have already found a job. There is also a hostel for about 200 students and in 2018 three-year courses will be introduced. Meanwhile, the community runs social activities in the locality and collaborates in the pastoral activities of the diocese.




Eurovision Song Contest winners are Salesian Past Pupils

Kiev, Ukraine – may 2017 - Salvador Sobral and Luísa Sobral, Salesian past pupils from Lisbon in Portugal, won the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest with a song entitled "Amar pelos dois". Luísa is the author and Salvador the performer. Salvador and Luisa Sobral, Salesian Institute of Lisbon past pupils, led Portugal to the first ever victory of the Eurofestival or, more to say, the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 with the song "Amar pelos dois" (Love for Us). They won both national and public juries. The song was awarded with 758 points, one hundred percent more than Bulgaria's song "Beautiful Mess" by Kristian Kostov. Salvador Sobral, in fact, Salvador Vila Braamcamp Sobral, from ancient noble lineage, was born in Lisbon in 1989. Not tied to success and media, he has been able to build a career on his own.

In Barcelona he studied psychology and star-


ted making music seriously. Living for a while also in New York has learned perfectly English, Spanish and Italian.

He always composed and played music; In particular, he wrote music inspired by Chet Baker, influenced by bossa-nova and other Latin American music genres.

his sister Luisa, is one of the most famous lusitan jazz singers.

"Amar pelos dois" was written by her, who also performed part of the rehearsal instead of Salvador, as the singer suffers from heart problems and can’t get too tired.

In 2009 he took part in the third season of the Portuguese talent show Ídolos and came seventh.

Luísa Sobral is 29 years old and is one of the most famous and esteemed contemporary Portuguese composer (has already published four discs).

Salvador Sobral followed family business;

Portugal, land of fado, has so reached the epicenter of pop music with a jazz track.

So far he has released a single disc, Excuse me, which does not contain "Amar pelos dois" but twelve songs, some of them in English.

After victory proclamation, Salvador and Luisa sang together "Amar pelos dois" on the final’s stage.

Slovakia A Salesian past pupil and leader wins a silver medal at the European Athletics


Belgrade, Serbia - 6 mach 2017 Ján Volko (centre of photo), past pupil and current leader at the Salesian Centre at Trnávka in Bratislava, in the Province of Slovakia (SLK), won the silver medal in the 60 meters race at the European Indoor Athletics Championships, held in Belgrade. His time of 6.58 set a new record for his country. Afterwards he said: «I set myself the goal that my athletics would be for the glory of God».


Past pupils and friends of the Salesian Family celebrate the feast of Spring

Tokyo, Japan On 1 April, a hundred people between past pupils and friends of the Salesian Family gathered at the Don Bosco Technical School to celebrate the festival of spring - "Hanami" – the traditional Japanese custom of enjoying the beauty of spring and the blossoming of the trees, especially the cherry trees. Fr Mario Yamanouchi, Salesian Provincial of Japan, presided over the event and the blessing of the cherry trees. 23




A “Normal” Salesian house in one of the most inhospitable places World vicepresident for GEX ( young past pupils ) Angel Gudiña has visited refugee camp in Kenya. Here are his reflections to this visit.

«On 15th May due to my current role as Executive Secretary of Don Bosco International, I have the great opportunity to get to know directly the great work done by Salesians inside Kakuma Camp, one of the biggest refugee camps, located in the North of Kenya in which many South-Sudanese, Congolese, Somalians and many other nationalities.

The first impression when you land in the United Nations’ flight is that you have landed in the middle of stony field. Among all the UN cars and staff, the Salesian Rector, Fr. Jose, is waiting for me and guides me to the first step of our visit, the location of the future project of Kakuma Community, a new Sale-


sian House for the hosting community of Kakuma, composed by Kenyans who also live in very poor conditions.

Once we crossed the river, only existing when floods come, we get into the refugee camp, among the many post-signs, a very big one with the face of Don Bosco, indicating the four T-VET centres that provide training to around 1500 young people. In our way, I try to pay attention to every person walking along the bumpy road, and I could see the normal activity of a city, the invisible city of Kakuma.

After a 15-minute drive, we reached Kakuma Centre 1, the biggest centre and the original one, where the Salesian Community lives. By the way, the Salesians are the only NGO that “sleeps” in the camp; therefore, as the con-

freres were sharing with me, they have the same timetable of a refugee. After 6 pm, they cannot leave the camp. Guided by the director Fr. Nicodemus and the headmaster, I visit one by one all the workshops. Most of the instructors, are Past Pupils, and as a leader of the Past Pupils myself, I can only feel a huge pride of these brothers and sisters, working and living with the poorest young people. Indeed, one of them is in charge of organizing the Past Pupils of all the centres. Just a normal fact in any Salesian House, but amazing in a refugee camp!

The workshops, despite the venue, are in good state, slightly better than another Kenyan TVET centre that I had visited few days before: carpentry, masonry, welding, logistics, production (furniture), dressing and tailoring, and secretarial, are among the 10 trades given in


Kakuma I. After visiting the school, Fr. Jose takes me to see the parish inside the camp, a humble church that every Sunday hosts 9 celebrations, including the Missionary Stations, spread around the camp. While heading to the other three centres, he shares with me that Kakuma is a place with great opportunities for the Salesian work. Most of the refugees are young people that need formation; need to learn a job and to learn entrepreneurial skills, so that if they come back to their country, they will not only be able to survive but to develop their local communities. Kakuma 2, the agricultural centre, it is now growing after some years of difficulties. Over a hundred young people learn how to cultivate, and self-sustain themselves. By chance, some people from Nairobi is around to settle

4 new water deposits and the piping system, that will allow them Kakuma 3 and Kakuma 4 provide computer and English skills. Thanks to UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) contribution, both centres are very well equipped, and if possible facilities to host more workshops and residences for instructors, might come if some funds reach the House. Again, the capacity of planning and dreaming of some Salesians, never stops to surprise.

The last moment, was a fraternal lunch with all the confreres of the community, although I had the chance to meet them one by one during my visit. The echoes of the Rector Mayor visit few weeks ago and their work in the different fields (T-VET centres, the oratory and the


huge parish) and getting to know my job in Don Bosco International in Brussels. I would like to conclude this journey with one last fact, which I got to know the day after my visit. The founder of this Salesian presence was Fr. Vincenzo Donati, an amazing missionary, aged 90, who despite health problems continues raising funds to build schools in South Sudan. He was the one starting the mission in the 90s, alone and with the only support of his Past Pupils from Korea. Once again, another fact to feel proud as Past Pupils.

One final message would be that despite the difficulty of the place, Kakuma Salesian Presence, has the same elements of any other Salesian place in the world, and this without any kind of doubt is the most surprising and excellent fact that I came acrossÂť.





Pope Francis and Fr Musante in a historic photograph Vatican City - April 2017 – At the end of the Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in Santa Marta, Fr Roberto Musante SDB, met the Pope and showed him a photograph of them both in the Bernal home, Argentina, in 1949, when the Pope, then 13, was ia boarder at the school of Ramos Mejía and Fr Musante, then 15 years old, was an aspirant. Fr Musante is now a missionary in the Calulo community in Angola.


Semi-finalists in History Channel contest (ANS – Santiago)– A multidisciplinary team made up of about 15 people, including two Salesian past pupils of Alameda Salesian, a present student of the same school and a Salesian Cooperator, are among the ten semifinalists in a competition promoted by the History Channel.

It is entitled: "An idea to change history". Their team entered a project which consists of a device that allows the neuronal control of a wheelchair. According to the World Health Organization "over a billion people around the world live with some form of disability; of these, appro-


ximately 200 million experience considerable difficulties." Faced with this problem, two past pupils of the Educational Centre of Alameda Salesian, Alexis Jara and Felipe González, along with present student David Bianchi and a Salesian Cooperator Mauricio Martínez, decided to work on a project with Rodrigo Quevedo, founder of "Robotics Lab".

"Over Mind" is a device that allows the neuronal control of a wheelchair, through the acquisition of data from neuro-sensors and other information sources, such as a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a video camera and a microphone.

The configurable apparatus of this program then converts this information into an order of movement to one or more motors; action that allows the movement of a wheelchair without using the limbs. This technological project competes in the Applied Robotics category and is representing Chile in the competition.

It seeks to improve the physical capacity of people with limited or no mobility, so they can move around and perform different activities by themselves such as turning on or off the lights, the television…




Salesian Past Pupils and Students winners of a video contest Phnom Penh, Cambodia – april 2017 Salesian Education in Social Communication in Cambodia gave a good account of itself at a video competition sponsored by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to motivate citizens to participate in the 2017 local and municipal elections in Cambodia.

The second prize in the competition went in fact to a video made by four past pupils (and a friend of theirs) of the Don Bosco Institute in Kep City, while the third prize went to a video made by a professor of the same institute, Sann Ngong, along with three of his students. The award ceremony was attended by the Director of the Cambodian Electoral Committee, Puthea Hong, and the Representative of JICA Cambodia, Yuichi Sugano. The winning videos will be broadcast on major Cambodian channels.




“If love is spelt with an L, Solidarity is spelt with the S of the Salesians”

(ANS – Valencia) – On 7 April, hundreds of people attended the first performance of the musical "AMAL, Esta vez amar se escribe con L” (Amar, spelt this time with an L) promoted and performed by the Salesian community "San Juan Bosco" in Valencia. The event was a triumph of solidarity and the spirit of fraternity of the Salesian Family. Over 240 people were involved in the representation - a musical project, sung and played live. They included students, past pupils, parents, teachers and administrative and service staff, all united in an authentic experience of community, sharing and solidarity.

The musical tells the story of an Indian girl, Amal, whose childhood was stolen. She lived a life of misery in a world of adults who trampled on her childhood, throwing her into a sad silence without hope. Sophie is a Salesian volunteer who has just opened a dance school at the Salesian Oratory. She invites Amal to participate in a project on the great music hits. She earns Amal’s trust and becomes her friend and a point of reference. Amal receives the attention and affection that she so much wanted, rediscovers the joy and innocence of being a child and, perhaps, even the warmth of a family.


The Salesian Institute Director, Fr Juan Peris, expressed his gratitude for the event. «This was a musical activity and a shared exercise of solidarity that creates an educational community. The title of this concert is Amar written with an L. It refers to the intrinsic message of the concert. It is a humanitarian project and for that reason we appreciate here the presence of Iván Rodríguez, President of the NGO 'Juegaterapia' which offers games and horizons full of life for children with cancer». The proceeds will go entirely to UNICEF for its project "Drops for Niger", and to programmes of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and precisely the NGO "Juegaterapia".


San Salvador Michele Magone School

In March, the Young Women's Association began an innovative project in El Salvador in terms of access to education for teenagers, unemployed and young people, who live and / or work in the streets of the capital: Miguel Magone School.

The School offers reading and writing learning for illiterate young people, and for those wishing to pursue basic education. It has the peculiarity of offering flexible, tailor-made teaching for its students: for those who never went to school or completed only one or two years of primary school. We started this new initiative with 5 young people, 2 men and 3 women, ages between 15 and 22. We also welcomed an adult worker of 37 years, eager to learn how to read and write.

Soon the young people were excited. They met their limits on learning: patience, repetition, consistency, and lack of confidence. More than an academic education, the Miguel

Magone School is transformed into a lifelong school experience.

young». The psychologist, who conducted an assessment on each young man with personal attention, explains: «I have noticed in the

Victoria, our project manager in El Salvador, makes a comparison between two women in developing the rights of children and adolescents; In fact, a recent law prohibits marriage with minors, subject to parental authorization.

younger misguided ideas about the spouse's dependence, concepts that gradually change». After a month of work and project start, the School Miguel Magone has several anecdotes and exchanges of this kind.

«They are not just learning to read and write - explains Mirna, psychologist who follows the project - they are also learning to live in society when they stay alone without specific rules. They are learning to be citizens because they felt abandoned by government institutions».

A young man says: «Aaah, you see, your boyfriend can not marry», and the other, who is 15 years old and two, confesses to Victoria: «I'm not sure I'm married, I'm still

We also noticed a remarkable absence of young people on Friday because of their need to work harder to raise the unearned money during the week.

However, during the other days of the week, young people were invited to stay an hour longer. So we deleted the Friday classes and added another hour from Monday to Thursday.




The casket with the relic of Don Bosco rests in the new chapel (ANS – Panama City) – According to Fr Miguel Giorgio SDB, Rector of the Basilica: «The Salesian Provincial of Central America received the casket with Don Bosco's relic and decided to place it in Don Bosco Minor Basilica, considered the right place because of the great devotion to Don Bosco in Panama. The casket came from Rome on 16 April 2016».

On 7 May, the chapel was inaugurated where it is now possible to venerate the relic of Don Bosco in the casket.

While the chapel was being built, the casket was kept in a place of honour next to the main altar. Finally, on Sunday 7 May, Good Shepherd Sunday, the casket with the relics of the saint was deposited in the special chapel, designed to put the casket on its own in the centre. «The style is simple and well planned because nothing interferes with


seeing the image of Don Bosco from the Cathedral itself, indeed the faithful can stand close to the casket and remain in prayer», explained architect Juan Carlos Campos, past pupil of the Salesian school of Don Bosco in Guatemala. The Eucharist for the blessing the chapel was presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio in the country, Archbishop Andrés Carrascosa Coso, and concelebrated by several Salesian priests.

The Apostolic Nuncio said: «It is an honour that the Salesian Congregation has given us the casket with the relic of Don Bosco. This will be a pilgrimage site for many people. With great joy we bless this chapel, a place where one can touch and see the relic of the saint. This relic tells us that this man is not mythology, but was made of flesh and blood like us. He followed Jesus Christ in such a way as to be an example, an intercessor and a blessing».



A counter-cultural educational method: the Preventive System (ANS – Mexico City)

Prof. Jorge E.Traslosheros

«The other day, as I left the subway, a man approached me. He had a common look and feel, but there was also something very special about him. He had been my student several decades ago, at the Don Bosco Institute, the first real job in my life, the one that decided my vocation. It is since then that I can call myself a teacher. I am a simple Catholic, a layman, an ordinary citizen and yes, also a teacher».

Here is a unique testimony on the Preventive System by Jorge Eugenio Trasloheros, a teacher who has experienced it throughout his life.

«At the time the school was run by a Salesian named Carlos Armando Morales, to whom I owe my first and most important formation with young people. In addition to being a very good priest, he was a great trainer of teachers. His method was simple: maintain a close friendship, always ready for dialogue.

So every day, almost without realizing it, between talk and jokes, through his example I learned little lessons - presence, friendship and support, in balance with the performance of my duties.

Just a few rules - presence and appropriate accompaniment.

I have tried to apply the preventive system in different situations. In religious or secular institutions, between believers of different religions, agnostics or atheists, and I have never been disappointed. In places where I worked before or after I have had some responsibility as director.

And in every situation, I tried to apply the Preventive System. Because it is based on presence, reason and respect, it is very respectful of the identity of each person. The only problem with this method is that it can be tiring when the vocation falters, which is not unusual in this area.

Sometimes we lack prudence, impatience plays ugly tricks on us and discouragement threatens to suffocate us in routine.

In my case, I usually fight these times through prayer».

Fonte: La Razón

Don Bosco had developed an educational method called 'preventive'. Its active ingredient is the constant presence of the educator among students. His logic is to prevent problems and so keeping pace with, communicating, advising and guiding are a substantial part of it. It is a method that appeals to reason and the heart, and the recognition of the dignity of every person in the dynamics of the Gospel. It differs radically from sentimentalist permissiveness; from a soft, feel-good friendliness that undermines the authority of the educator; from a competitive individualism that is efficiency-oriented; and also from disciplinary techniques based on punishment.



Statute of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco Præit ac tuetur / Guide and Protect Us Rome, 5 december 2015

Chapter I

over the years, is currently grouped into Local Unions or Associations, Provincial Federations, National Federations and other recognised Groups. These, together, make up the “World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco”, which is the recognised organisation through which a Past Pupil of Don Bosco is allowed to genuinely belong to the Salesian Family.

Identity and Mission of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco

Art. 1 - Identity and Origin

«You are the salt of the earth ... the light of the world» . 15

Art. 2 - Types of Identity

a) The Past Pupils of Don Bosco are persons who because they attended an oratory, a school or any other Salesian Presence, received a formation for life, in various and diverse ways and according to: different cultures, religion, the educational experience of each setting, the ability to accept individuals16, pursue the principles of Don Bosco’s Preventive System17 and to form persons by developing their individual authenticity.

a) The World Confederation of the Past Pupils Don Bosco, also referred to as the Association, is a non-profit lay entity. It forms an integral part of the Salesian Family in which the Rector Major – the successor of Don Bosco – is the father and centre of unity. The Past Pupils are: ~ the fruit of the Salesian Mission. ~ A gift of richness to humanity. ~ A powerful energy acting like leaven to the world.

b) In remembering the zeal of Don Bosco, the Past Pupils gathered for the first time, in a spontaneous and filial way, to express the need to unite and form the first foundations of a Movement. c) This association, inspired by Don Filippo Rinaldi and perfected 15

Mt 5, 13-14.


b) We can recognise four of types of commitment of the Past Pupil of Don Bosco which can truly define their identity:

~ For those who were students or attended a Salesian Presence and who build their identity as a life project, which encourages them to unite to continue their formation, to spread the educational charism of Don Bosco in society, and

E. VIGANÒ, Gli Exallievi di Don Bosco, in: “Acts of the General Council” LXVIII (1987) 321, p. 18. 17 Article 1b of the Statutes issued on the 31st January 1990 16


to develop specific projects for youth18.

~ For those who were students or attended a Salesian Presence and who built their identity as a choice, a mission, which they accept with all that it entails. They feel called to transmitthe values received in their Salesian education: the spirit and teaching method of Don Bosco.

~ For those who were students or attended a Salesian Presence and who built their identity as a grace, because they have been touched by the zeal and desire of Don Bosco, in his profound human and saintly experience; this leads the Past Pupil to be identified as a Past Pupil of Don Bosco wherever they are.

~ For those who were students or having attended a Salesian Presence andwho built their identity as a fact of life, an anecdote, which has not really touched their lives.

~ by increasing active communion with all groups of the Salesian Family, ~ by showing care towards those pupils at the end of their educational curriculum20, ~ by promoting activities at the service of humankind involving anyone who, being guided and animated by good will, work for the global and integral growth of the human person and the family according to the Church’s Social Doctrine, ~ actively participating in the transformation of society. ~ by manifesting an updated ecumenical awareness amongst Christians and bestowing an openness to dialogue with other religions without ever forgetting to examine closely their own Christian identity and evangelising mission, thus challenging every form of ethical relativism, ~ by collaborating and or assuming responsibilities in educational centres. c) A Past Pupil of another religion participates in the ideals of Don Bosco, sharing the cultural, spiritual and social educational values of his Educational System and recognising them as a natural and universal common heritage of the human family. He/she becomes a giver of these values in his/her life and work settings, and also supports them with whatever their own religion and culture suggest21.

c) This educational experience has formed a commitment of filial loyalty, gratitude, and witness to the values of Don Bosco’s system, with an ability for service, communion and involvement in the family spirit. d) Gratitude leads the Past Pupils to participate in different ways and levels in the Salesian mission in the world.

Art. 3 - Mission

a) The Christian Past Pupil genuinely lives the promises of Baptism and Confirmation by imitating the original charisma of Don Bosco. This charisma is achieved in an apostolical committed lifestyle based on Reason, Religion and Loving-Kindness, aimed at youth and in keeping with the Joy that results from being a disciple of Christ. b) The Association of the Past Pupils participates in the mission of Don Bosco and the Salesian Family in various ways: ~ by taking care of the “permanent formation” of its members, ~ by giving primary importance and taking care of the family, ~ by undertaking the education of youth with commitment, ~ “by advancing the values within the human person and respect for the dignity of man”19,

J. E. VECCHI, Past Pupil of Don Bosco towards 2000, in: VIII National Congress of Past Pupils of Don Bosco. Conference proceedings, Rimini, 10-13 October 1996, p. 67 and 68 quoted by P. CHÁVEZ, Inauguration speech of the Confederal President, Francesco Muceo, in the IV World Election Assembly 2010, minutes of the IV World Election Assembly of the Past Pupils, 2 October 2010. 19 P. CHÁVEZ, Good night speech during the IV World Election Assembly 2010, minutes of the IV World Election Assembly of the Past Pupils, 30 September 2010.

d) All Past Pupils, considering the urgency of the problems of young people, proactively respond, even on personal level, to the educational needs of all those cultural and learning initiatives that interest young people in helping them develop and take on more responsibilities at all levels. (Continue in the next issue)


20 21

E. VIGANÒ, op. cit., pp. 29-35. Article 2 of the Statutes promulgated on January 31, 1990.



4 - Beato Piergiorgio Frassati 7 - Beata Maria Romero Meneses


2 - Beato Augusto Czartoryski 16 - San Giovanni Bosco 25 - Beata Maria Troncatti 26 - Beato Zeffirino Namuncurà



13 - Beato Artemide Zatti 15 - Beata Maddalena Morano

22 - Beato Giuseppe Calasanz Beato Enrico S. Aparicio e compagni martiri



5 - Beato Alberto Marvelli 13 - Beata Alexandrina M. da Costa 24 - San Luigi Guanella 29 - Beato Michele Rua

5 - Beato Filippo Rinaldi 8 - Immacolata Concezione 25 - Santo Natale


12-15 Samoëns (France) - Eurobosco


Religious and Social magazine of the World Confederation of Ex-students of Don Bosco

Director and Editor Salesiani - Via della Pisana 1111 - C.P. 18333 - 00163 Roma - Italia tel. + 0039 06 656 12609 E-mail: Internet:

Editor Collaborator Pierluigi Lazzarini

Secretariat for Journalistic Publishing Silvia Bruni, Silvia Ciamarra


Name: Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco Bank: Lombard Bank Malta p.l.c. Address: Balzan, Malta IBAN: MT 08 LBMA 0500 0000 0000 0144 0520 986 SWIFT Code: LBMAMTMT Bank Account Number: 01440520986

Staff Stefan Bosnak, Maurizio Bruni, Josep Lluís Burguera, don Jesús García, Diego Genes, Vito Gentili, Angel Gudiña, Michal Hort, Yeudy Jiménez, Peter Kovac, Emilio López, Fernando Núñez, Lily Ramón, don Jayapalan Raphael, Francesco Romano, Mitsuhiro Tateishi, Jorge Eugenio Traslosheros Translation English (Pietro Riparbelli), Spanish (Angel Gudiña), French (Journalistic editorial), Portuguese (António Guilhermino Pires), Italian (Journalistic editorial)

Photography and Images: ANS Archive 34

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