Passport Summer 2015 Brochure

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Summer 2015 Passport Day Camp

Passport celebrates 10 years! Register Online!

Passport embraces the mission of Cambridge Montessori School, which encourages independent, self-directed learning in a child-centered, international community valuing peace, respect for others, and pride in individual difference.

Welcome to Passport! Passport is a vibrant, summer day camp for children ages 21 months to 14 years. We’re celebrating our 10th year of operation, and are excited to offer traditional and specialized day camp programming for campers from all over the globe!

“ Passport offers children a community that encourages confidence, independence and cooperation with others. Our daughter looks forward to making new friends and reconnecting with old friends each summer.� - Passport Parent


Daily activities are age-appropriate with special attention given to each camper’s individual needs. Upper Campers will have their choice of activities each day. Nature



Nature-based art projects • Danehy Park exploration • Environmental consciousness • Local ecosystem discovery • Plant and animal studies

Songwriting and recording • Instrument creation • Playing new instruments • Music education • African drumming



Weather research • Simple robotics • Lego® engineering • Gardening • Experiment explorations

Team-building activities Challenge and obstacle courses • Cookie Monster • Hula Hoop tag • Camouflage

Visual Art

Theater Arts

Printmaking • Sculpture • Painting • Photography • Cultural art

D 2

Yoga • Circus • Dance • Eurhythmics • Martial arts

Improvisation Storytelling • Puppet theater • Directing • Skill workshops •

Check out our website for sample program schedules

Soccer Flag football • Ultimate frisbee • Basketball • Kickball •

Team Games • •



“ I loved what a great experience my son had, how pleasant and communicative the counselors and staff were, the variety of experiences, and that he always came home a little tired out from a busy day!” - Passport Parent

Field Trips

Special Visitors

Recreational swimming • Storytellers and • Local field trips for Middle puppeteers and Upper Campers • Music and dance • Museums performers • Overnight trips and • Magicians community exploration • Live animal demos for our oldest campers • Art workshops •

Camp Spirit Weekly all-camp assemblies • Theme-based activities • Dress-up days • Camp songs • Counselor vs. camper games •

Family Fridays • Popsicle

party Art show • Theater performance • Talent show • Photo slideshow •


Lower Camp AG ES: 21 M O NTH S – 2.9 YEAR S O LD

Our Lower Camp program is based on the Montessori Toddler Classroom, taking advantage of your child’s natural love of learning and drive to act independently. Toddlers explore a language-rich classroom in which they learn to care for themselves, preparing for the adjustment to separation in a safe environment. To ease this transition, Lower Camp is structured into two separate four-week sessions.

“ Children are thrilled to be in a diversified camp that offers a full range of activities.” - Passport Parent


Middle Camp

Upper Camp

AG ES: 3 – 5 YEAR S O LD

AG ES: 6 – 8 YEAR S O LD

Our Middle Campers explore a day filled with creative camp activities

Upper Campers engage in a wide range of special activities with

including specialist-led experiences, recreational swimming, local field

a careful balance of structure and choice, fostering collaboration

trips and special visitors on campus. Our program is developed to

and independence. These campers swim, partake in creative camp

accommodate your child’s individual skills and abilities in an atmosphere

performances, explore during off-camp trips, and have opportunities

that focuses on safety, respect and independence.

for individual decision making, allowing them to meet challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.

“ My daughter enjoyed all the field trips and regular trips to the pool, and we thought those outings were well planned, supervised and fun.” - Passport Parent


Outdoor Adventures

Emerging Leaders

AG ES: 9 – 14 YEAR S O LD

AG ES: 9 – 14 YEAR S O LD

Outdoor Adventure campers have the opportunity to explore the

The Emerging Leaders program fosters friendship, fun, and group unity for

Cambridge community and beyond. Campers learn effective team-

young adults, and is designed to specifically target leadership development

building, leadership, and survival skills, and form lasting friendships as

and life skills. Emerging Leaders choose their activities and trips, and have

they participate in overnight adventures, in addition to the traditional

the opportunity to work with younger campers as well as in the community.

Passport camp activities.

They attend leadership workshops, play team games, and explore science,

Passport partners with the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Youth

nature and the visual arts.

Opportunities Program, which makes the outdoors accessible and

Passport partners with a number of organizations such as The Food

meaningful to campers, and offers guidance, leadership and support as

Project and The City School, with a focus on social justice, leadership

they discover and explore the great outdoors.

development and youth power. Campers are encouraged to step outside of their comfort zone and learn about their place in the world.

“ Every year Passport is on the top of our list of camp options.” - Summer 2012 parent


Montessori Mornings AG ES: 2.9 – 9 YEAR S O LD

Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural development. In a Montessori classroom, every exercise, method, and piece of equipment takes advantage of a child’s inherent desire to learn. Children are free to work in groups or on their own, sit at a table or move about the room. The curriculum and teacher’s role are all carefully designed to honor self-paced growth while encouraging social cooperation. Primary Montessori Morning is a five-day program for students 2.9 to 5 years of age who will be entering a Primary classroom in the fall. Campers enrolled in Montessori Mornings and Passport Middle Camp will also have the option of attending field trips on Wednesdays. Elementary Montessori Morning is a four-day program for students 6 to 9 years of age who will be attending Elementary school in the fall.

Montessori Mornings is a great opportunity for children to experience a Montessori classroom, continue to build skills over the summer, and transition successfully between levels.


Check out our website for sample program schedules


Vacation Camp AG ES: 2.9 – 14 YEAR S O F AG E Â

Passport offers four-day Vacation Camps during February and April school breaks. A variety of age-appropriate activities, games, and projects are made available to campers, as well as field trips based on a weekly theme. Vacation Camps include healthy snacks, stories, art projects, group activities, cooking projects and outdoor play. Campers, ages 9 and up, are invited to participate in our Outdoor Adventure Camp. During February school break, campers will travel to Noble View Outdoor Center in Russell, MA, where campers will take part in their Winter Week festivities. Campers participating in April school break will explore the treasures of historical Cambridge and Boston!


Early Care/Extended Day

Camp Dates and Rates


Camp Dates Early Care and Extended Day is open five days a week and provides campers

Summer: June 22nd – August 21, Camp is closed July 3rd

with a fun and meaningful extension of their camp day in a safe and familiar

February School Break: 17th – 20th

environment. Early Care is offered from 7:45 – 9:00am (summer only), while

April School Break: 21st – 24th

Extended Day is available from 4:00 – 5:30pm (includes all camps). Drop-ins are also available if space permits.

Camp Rates Half Day – Middle/Upper Camp Full Day – Middle/Upper Camp Outdoor Adventure/Emerging Leaders Lower Camp (4-week program) Lower Camp (4-week program)

9:00am —12:00pm 9:00am — 4:00pm 9:00am — 4:00pm Half Day Full Day

$300/wk $495/wk $395/wk $1,340 $1,980

Montessori Morning Rates Ages 2.9 to 5 yrs Ages 6 to 9 yrs Montessori Morning + Camp

9:00am — 12:00pm $375/wk 9:00am — 12:00pm $300/wk $525/wk

Vacation Camp Full Week Single Day

8:30am — 4:00pm $395/wk $110/day

Early Care/Extended Day Early Care (Summer only) Early Care (drop-in rate) Extended Day (All camps) Extended Day (drop-in rate)

7:45am — 9:00am $75/wk $25 4:00pm — 5:30pm $75/wk $25 9

“ Dedicated and fun staff members, field trips and music sessions. My daughter is still singing ‘P-A-S-S-P-O-R-T, LET’s go!” - Passport Parent 129 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 Tel: 617-206-4662 Fax: 617-499-0088

Fast. Easy. Green.

Registration and more information online:

Passport must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (105 CMR 430.000) and be licensed by the City of Cambridge Public Health Department.

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