Free Elite Profit System Basic Membership With The Pasha Group VIP Insiders Club

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THE PASHA GROUP V.I.P Insiders Club!

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Now, before jumping into a method that is going to reveal to you secrets of how to go about making upwards of $10,000 a month online, I want to tell you a bit more about myself.

I'm Pasha Rana. Nice To Meet You!

At 29 years old I'm pretty proud of the life I've been able to create for myself. After successfully launching online businesses, I now help others be more successful in theirs. I'm passionate about that.

I was introduced to network marketing few years ago by a friend. For a very long time, I struggled with learning how to build a profitable online business.

I would get frustrated & overwhelmed because marketers would be promoting every single launch offer, a different offer to me daily and weekly.

And that frustration caused me to spend more money than I was making, ending up with over $40,000 worth of debt. I was stuck in a rut – lost, confused and hopeless.

I made a commitment to myself to learn from the real Internet Successful Entrepreneurs so I could finally create the success I truly desired and then go on and share what I learned with people just like you who are looking for the answer.

Immediately I stopped following the get-rich-quick tactics so common in the Internet marketing world and, instead, started really studying business growth. I took everything I studied and put it into concrete mind maps, processes and techniques that anyone can follow to create massive results.

I’ve studied from the top-notch entrepreneurs and what they revealed is currently helping me grow my company really fast. And I haven’t looked back since.

I live life on my own terms, I think that’s what Ultimate Success is. Success is doing the things that make you happy, with no restrictions. Do you want it? How bad do you want it? It comes down to two critical components, traffic & conversions with a sales funnel that converts cold-traffic to red-hot sales....

In 2014, I started making products on ClickBank and have done pretty well since. I have been teaching many friends & people just like you, how to make money online with affiliate businesses, realized there could be a market in training people online on how to create their own affiliate businesses and now we offer free lessons as well as range of comprehensive training, software and support.

I build successful marketing companies on the Internet. I guess above all I'm a creator. I love building stuff that people will love. I consult marketing companies to expand their revenue streams. Love helping others achieve their goals: financial or personal.

That's what I'm most passionate about and gets me excited every week. I'm a strict believer that happiness is the highest form of success. If I can make you a little bit happier in this life than my hard work was worth it! I've helped succeed many... YOU'RE NEXT! Because I really like to solve problems. I like to give people the little secrets that I know will work which will give them real success! That is exciting to me. That has become my passion.”

“I have a system that any business can use to quickly double their business in one year or less, and have locked-in customers for life.”

LET’S GET STARTED! How To Make $500-$1000 Everyday Working Only 30-40 Mins From Home? Quick Introduction. First of all, you need to know that there are really only 2 ways for you to make money online -- which is either by selling your own product, or selling other people’s products.

If you think about it, selling your own product should be the best option, right?

However, that’s far from the truth and is also what most people fail to understand! You see, in order for you to sell your own product, you must have these TWO issues sorted out first:

∑ Your product has to be really amazing. The fact is, there are hundreds or even thousands of similar products to yours for a consumer to choose from – so your product has got to have its own “secret recipe” to stand out from the crowd. Otherwise, it’s not going to get the attention. ∑ You got to master internet marketing! The point is having an awesome product is just one part of the equation. The second part is, being able to sell it online (profitably) and that means you MUST have the following:

A converting, professionally-designed website. A great web copy or a video sales letter to do the selling job for you

Then what about product fulfillment, follow up marketing, building your brand and so on?

It all needs taking care of. If you’re just starting out, you could end up losing a lot of money by trying to sell your own product and worse still, emotionally drained of not seeing any results for months!

So what’s the secret to getting started and making some money online? It lies in promoting someone else’s products and earning a commission! This is called affiliate marketing. If you want to get started quickly, even as fast as making money online by NEXT WEEK, you should be promoting affiliate programs; because they’re already proven to convert well.

The product creators have already developed an awesome product and tested that their website is able to convert the visitors aka, it converts traffic into sales!

What type of products should you go on to sell? My immediate response would be information products like courses, software, eBooks, etc., simply because of these THREE reasons:

∑ Usually, you can earn a very high commission, as much as 100% because the product creator/owner has almost zero cost to his business.

∑ It’s VERY EASY to get yourself started ∑ It usually converts better if it’s presented to the right prospects because information products solve a “how to” problem, where, people are willing to pay for the information that they need.

Note: If you’re completely new to affiliate marketing, I’ve written a separate PDF called “Quick Guide To Affiliate Marketing” that will bring you up to speed. Download Your Copy Here.

Let Me Ask You A Question… Would you like to find out how to make more money while working fewer hours with timely strategies?

That’s pretty much a no brainier, right? Of course the answer is yes. That’s the dream we’re all working towards.

And I tell you what, I feel pretty blessed that I’ve achieved it.


Most people struggle, fail and get overwhelmed with a gazillion things that don't really add to the bottom line. I see this everywhere I go to.

You must realize by now as Russel Brunson says "You're Just ONE Funnel Away..."

∑ Financial Freedom... ∑ Providing For Your Family... ∑ More Time Freedom... ∑ Changing The World... ∑ Serving More People... ∑ Quitting Your Job... ∑ Travelling The World... ∑ Turning Your Adversities Into Adventures... ∑ Sharing Your Message With More People... ∑ Spending More Time With Your Loved Ones...

The most common problem that everyone is facing is not having a high converting sales funnel that turns leads into sales day after day... How would you like my team to literally build you an entire sales funnel?

And the second biggest issue everyone is facing is not having the right online business vehicle to create a solid monthly income from affiliate marketing...

Here's What You Will Get By Getting Started Today: 1- Top Tier Direct Sales System (Elite Profit System – Basic Membership included) I have worked out a deal with the founder of Elite Profit System Inc, when you join V.I.P Insiders Club today, you'll get free EPS Basic Membership. (Total Savings: $1138/Year) I have been working directly with the Founder Joe Yagudaev to build and grow Elite Profit System ever since it was founded back in 2015.

2- My $1K/day custom sales funnel My sales funnel converts really well, even the founder of EPS is building his business with my funnel system. (Over $1500 Value - Total Savings: $250)

3- All My Traffic Training Courses ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

Facebook Ads Training Course (15 Demo Videos) Increase Blog Traffic (26 Demo Videos) Web Traffic Blueprints (6 Demo Videos) Mobile Marketing Training (17 Demo Videos) Voice Boardcasting Marketing (All done for you)


The EPS Compensation Plan!

ARE YOU READY TO MOVE YOUR WORLD? The EPS Compensation Plan Explained!

EPS (Elite Profit System) is a marketing and business training company catering to small business owners and entrepreneurs. We offer a large selection of business training products, services, live training events and exclusive masterminds to help you along your business journey.

Anyone can become a Standard Affiliate and promote the EPS and earn 100% commissions on Silver, Gold, Diamond, Elite and V.I.P Memberships.

As a Standard Affiliate you can generate commissions as high as $500, $1,000, $5000 , $10,000 and $25,000 from each client.

All successful entrepreneurs recognize the value of consistently updating their skills and knowledge. EPS affiliates are no different. We are in an industry that moves very fast, and in order to keep up we must keep evolving.

Standard Affiliate Memberships! EPS offers 5 levels of Standard Affiliate Membership!

EPS Affiliate Types! Regular Affiliate ! Refers to BASIC Membership. Regular affiliates get 0% commissions on all products.

Standard Affiliate ! Refers to affiliates who have at least 2 active memberships (Basic & Silver). Regular affiliates get 100% commissions on all active level products.

Fully Positioned ! Refers to the investment in all 6 EPS partnership levels (Basic, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Elite & V.I.P)

Pass Ups ! Refers to the commissions a person gets when someone in their organization makes a sale but is NOT eligible to receive the commission on that sale (and so the commission is passed up)

Expired Affiliates! Refers to affiliates whose time clocks for Gold, Diamond, Elite or VIP membership have hit zero. Expired affiliates are not qualified to receive commissions for that membership only. Commissions will be passed up to affiliate above.


No other high-ticket can give you 100% Instant Residual Commission AND Break-Even with just one person!


Elite Profit System Complete Business Overview Watch Video Here

HOW THIS WORKS? When you decide to become a member, you will get Free EPS basic membership (Exclusive for VIP Insiders Club Members Only) After you have successfully created your account, you will need to position yourself to receive commissions by upgrading to EPS standard affiliate memberships. (Silver, Gold, Diamond, Elite & V.I.P)

Complete Business Overview Watch Video Here This includes: ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

Your Website and hosting Back office Built in capture pages Done for You email follow up sequence Contact manager Track sales Analytic Link Tracker (for conversion rates) Access to our done for you marketing sources Unlimited Premium Support Access to our Mastermind FB & Skype groups …and much more!

The Pasha Group team and staff will always be there to support you. We go above and beyond to help all members be part of the 3% that succeed in owning a home business.

EPS SILVER MEMBERSHIP! The Silver Level has a Reverse 2 up comp plan and this is how it works:

When you make your first sale, you break even and you get your money back Your 2nd sale passes up to your sponsor Your 3rd sale, you make $500 instantly, putting you in profit Your 4th sale, gets passed up to your sponsor

Anything after the 5th , 6th , and so on FOREVER to infinity is yours to keep.

Remember not only are you making $500 commissions on your personal sales, but you are also making $500 instantly from everyone being passed up to you!

Let me explain to you how powerful this compensation plan is and how you can create a substantial income using the power of 4 by helping your team.

In your backoffice, you will have an option to create your own team build with the simple click of a button. This is a very unique and one of a kind concept created by the CEO to help you build your team.

This feature is optional but highly recommended.

The matrix will fill up left to right, creating spillover for everyone. Also to help you and your team, you’re automatically placed in a company forced matrix.

Please note that you should not depend on the company matrix to build your business, this is just an added bonus to help you.

Let me explain why it is recommend to build deep, using the power of 4, rather than wide‌.

Out of the 4 sales, you will keep 2. When you help those two get their 4 sales, 2 will be passing 2 sales up to you, remember, each passup pays you $500 each.

Now those 4 sales, that were passed up to you will pass up 2 each, which equals 8 new paylines.

Those 8 pass up 2 each and now you have 16 new paylines, directly under you. 16 passup 2 each and now you are at 32 new direct referrals. 32 creates 64 new direct referrals….and each of these referrals are you $500 EACH!

You get the picture…. This goes on and on…to infinity!

Now you can see why we recommend to use the forced matrix option to help build your team, because remember, by helping everyone make money this allows you and your team to upgrade to the higher levels and this is where the REAL excitement starts…

EPS Gold, Diamond, Elite & V.I.P Membership! When you upgrade into the Gold level, your referrals will follow you and do the same, now you will be receiving $1,000 commissions and $500 commissions simultaneously.

Once you are in profit, reinvest back into your business and upgrade to the next level, which is the diamond ($5,000) level.

So now you’re qualified to receive commissions on the Silver, Gold and Diamond levels all at the same time!

With your profit money, you will then reinvest back into your business and upgrade to the Elite Level ($10,000). So now you are qualified to receive commissions on the Silver, Gold, Diamond AND Elite levels and this happens simultaneously. Once again, you will use your profits to upgrade into our Elite VIP Level ($25,000) and all your direct referrals will follow you, paying you $25,000 each.

Now you are qualified on all levels to receive 100% commissions.

Remember: Each upgrade was possible using your PROFITS, never out of pocket.

This is a follow your sponsor system, so all your direct referrals and all your passupsfrom the Silver Level ($500) which is also considered your direct referrals …..will follow you through all of the levels.

Now, Let’s talk about the residual component to our high ticket program and how it works….This is a very unique concept and exists NOWHERE in the world except for in Elite Profit System

*Please note that this applies for the Gold, Diamond, Elite and Elite VIP levels only…

Once you have upgraded to the gold level, you will have a lifetime membership to the products and services. As soon as you make your first sale on the gold level, a time clock in your back office will startcounting down from 30 daysall the way to 0. When your timeclock hits 0, your membership is now expired and you are no longer able to receive commissions or have access to the products and services at the gold level.

There are 3 ways that your account can be reactivated! ∑ Through your profit money: Reserve $1,000 from your profit money and when you are expired, just pay your sponsor or the next active sponsor, which the software will automatically track for you in your back office. Once you have successfully paid your gold level fee, the sponsor that you paid will grant you access which will automatically reactivate your account and again you will be qualified to receive commissions and havea lifetime membership to the products and services.

∑ Upon making another sale: The timeclock will again start counting back, from 30 days to 0. This process repeatsitself over and over, creating residual income. What if you don’t have money reserved? Just make a new sale. When making a new sale at the $1,000 level the commissions will bypass you and go to the next active sponsor. When that sponsor gets paid, he will grant access to the new member that you referred and in doing so, the software automatically reactivates your membership again, giving you a lifetime membership to the products and services. Upon making another sale, the timeclock will again start counting back from 30 days to 0. This process repeats over and over, creating residual income.

∑ From Team Effort: Let’s say that you don’t have reserve money and you haven’t made a new sale, then your account can be reactivated by your team members

Now let me explain how this works….

This is YOU, (expired) You referred John (expired) John referred Mary (expired) And Mary referred Julie Julie Upgraded to Gold

Now, let’s say you, John, Mary and Julies’ time has expired and Julie makes a sale, the commissions will bypass Julie and all sponsor above with expired time. The software will find the next active sponsor and once the active sponsor marks payment received, it will reactivate Julies, Marys, Johns and your account.

Once again, giving you a lifetime membership to the products and services. Upon making another sale, the timeclock will again start counting back from 30 days to 0. This process repeats over and over, creating residual income

Please note: Regardless of your status or your membership level, anyone you refer will always stay with you. Only commissions may be passed up during inactive status. Again, this only applies to the Gold, Diamond, Elite and Elite VIP Levels.

So now you can see the power of Elite Profit System!

We have the highest paying compensation plan, allowing you to earn the highest commissions with the least amount of people, than any other company. The EPS Done For You Marketing Formula! Now let’s talk about how EPS can help you maximize the compensation plan through our All Done for You System.

1)Traffic You will have access to our trusted traffic sources, where all you have to do is order traffic by clicking a button in your back office. Thousands of people will look at your business.

2) Voice Broadcasting Another powerful way to market is through our voice broadcasting system. All you have to do is contact our lead source in the back office and order your campaign. Voice broadcasts reaches thousands of people that are interested in starting their own home business on your behalf. Just text back the ones that requested information. We are always adding more ways to help you market your business which you will have access to in your back office with the click of a button.



∑ The access to software to create your clone of our profitable business. ∑ The entire back-end software system to track your commissions, leads & sales. This handles everything for you. ∑ Done for you & Done with you email marketing system ∑ Sales team to help you close sales and talk to your prospects. ∑ Weekly live conference calls & training webinars ∑ Massive Affiliate Resources & Tools ∑ 45 Days Professional Written Follow Up Email Swipe copies ∑ A solid online business ∑ Premium unlimited support


EPS Online Business Breakthrough Intensive! If you don't have a list of your own then take advantage of someone else's to increase web site traffic! What if I told you that there is a cost effective way to increase web site traffic and get your ads in front of an audience of 50,000, 150,000, 200,000, or even 1,000,000 targeted, eager-to-buy, people?

∑ Drive targeted traffic and build your lists with ezine advertising, solo ads, article marketing, joint ventures and more! (Video Training Course) ∑ Bulk Email Marketing Software


EPS Success Blueprint delivers an extensive business plan to help you build a successful online

EPS Success Blueprint delivers an extensive business plan to help you build a successful online business. This blueprint covers all the steps needed to build your business from scratch. It also comes with propriety marketing videos and examples to explain every step outlined in the plan.

EPS SUCCESS BLUEPRINT! ∑ Our internet marketing courses that include List building, Targeted Traffic, Social media marketing, YouTube marketing and many others. ∑ Step by step review video marketing training course ∑ Super Targeted Traffic Training course ∑ Step-by-step YouTube traffic training course ∑ Paid Advertisement, SEO, Social Media Marketing and much more... ∑ How To Get Leads For Pennies & Turn Them Into Sales ∑ Money making methods & tips (Extra Daily, Weekly & Monthly Income) ∑ Fast Track Online Cash Training (Boost your online income Instantly)

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

Plug & Play CPA Cash Code Training & System Free Autoresponder to build your list Discover our secret to get paid traffic for FREE Life time 100% commissions on sales (Unlimited income potential)


Are you interested in learning how to buy and trade stocks? EPS is one of the most successful companies in helping people learn about the stock market, trading stocks, and smart investing strategies. When you buy a stock, you own a piece of a publicly traded company. Because of its popularity and available historical data, the stock market is a great place for a new trader or investor to find good stocks and begin trading. It's important for beginning investors to understand stocks and how they are traded in the market. Stock market trading also provides useful experience for trading other asset classes, such as futures or Forex. In-person or online stock market courses, such as those taught at EPS, can help you start investing and trading stocks with confidence and a methodical plan.

HOW TO UNDERSTAND STOCKS Are you fascinated by the idea of making lots of money picking stocks? Do you feel overwhelmed getting started in stocks? This simple course is designed to help you get started. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of the stock market. Included: How to start investing right now. How the stock market works. Why stock prices go up and down. Explanations of stock market terms. This Course Includes: An easy to follow guide on how the stock market works. Examples to help form a complete understanding of concepts. Free resources and tools you can use to right away.

STOCKS POSITION TRADING IN 3 STEPS This course assumes no previous experience, and takes you from the absolute beginner concepts such as showing you the tools you need to pick stocks, determine the future direction of a stock, and decide when to sell your stock. All the essential stock fundamentals and technicals are explained in three quick-start lectures.

Swing trading is too time consuming and risky. Investing is too slow and brings low yields. The solution for the investor/trader who wants a happy middle-ground? Position Trading! Damon Verial woukd like to ask you to come with him on a journey as he takes you from a beginner to an experienced position trader in three steps!

FINANCIAL LITERACY PROGRAM! Want to learn how to manage your credit card debts or student loans? Need to manage your money better? Haven't started saving for retirement yet? These questions and many more will be answered in our online financial education program, which helps increase financial literacy in young adults or any adult wanting to learn more about finances.

In about three hours, you'll learn the essentials of financial, credit and debt management through a series of short, interactive video modules. Each module covers an important financial topic, and in all, ten major financial literacy topics are covered.

FOREX, STOCK AND BITCOIN AND BINARY!! Looking to make a living (or side-income) as a Trader? Or maybe you're seeking a life change that gives you more free time and flexibility? Whatever your motivation is to become a pro Trader, you've come to the right place.

At the end of my course, students will be able to‌ Understand Trading Main benefits Choose What to Trade Identify the Best Broker Learn to Trade using Different Platforms.


Buying real estate is about more than just finding a place to call home. Investing in real estate has become increasingly popular over the last fifty years and has become a common investment vehicle. Although the real estate market has plenty of opportunities for making big gains, buying and owning real estate is a lot more complicated than investing in stocks and bonds. In this training course, we'll go beyond buying a home and introduce you to real estate as an investment.

THE MONEY IN REAL ESTATE This informative presentation has been created with the beginning investor in mind. Through a series of integrated lectures, We will take you through 5 different ways you can find the money to finance your real estate deals as well as introduce you to many of the foundational principles that can lead to success as an investor and entrepreneur.

INVESTMENT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT This online video training gives you all of the details you need to begin earning more through managing real estate investments. How and Where to Find the Tools Professional Property Managers Use. Facts You Must Know About Rental Property Management. How to Automate the Landlord Process. Exactly how the Professionals Earn More.

Once an owner decides to rent out a property, it is now an investment. Professionals know these properties should be treated like a business because rental properties can become a great source of income when managed like a business. From the very beginning, when an owner begins to consider what needs to be done to the property to rent it out, and how to find a good renter, there are regulations and guidelines that should be followed.

SELLING REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION Would you like to list more property and earn more money as a real estate agent? Or are you already an experienced agent with a number of successful deals under your belt?

Whether you’re just getting started as a real estate agent or a seasoned real estate broker, learning how to sell real estate at auction is the key to earning a six-figure income in today’s economy and this Free Real Estate Auction Training will show you exactly how to get started.

MOTIVATED SELLERS THAT NEED TO SELL Look over my should as I show you how to go from zero leads to several motivated sellers leads in a couple of hours a day. You see exactly how to start from nothing - no experience, no money, no sales and no leads to generating several motivated seller leads and earning $3,000 to $10,000 per deal...Plus scale up massively from there.

Everything I do to earn $3,000 to $10,000 just by generating motivated sellers leads will be done before your eyes.

Here is just some of what I'll show you in this system... Learn why your not making money in Real Estate. Why attending seminar after seminar is a waste of time. Learn why you are not really in the Real Estate business.

The #1 and only activity you need to focus on each day. Get all the Motivated seller leads you can handle... and make thousands of dollars per deal without ever looking at a house. How do this all in just 2 hours a day or less. How to outsource 90% of your work. Scale up to multiple pay days a month with no extra effort from you.



Elite Profit System Complete Business Overview Watch Video Here

Questions? If you have any remaining questions.

Send Email Email: Phone: (347) 391-8020


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