Love Street Lamp Post 4th Qtr 1998

Page 27








Arti was held in the beautiful Baba cheon tables chatting with a few ofthe men, when he slowly slumped forward. At first they room—the room He slept in while here—ev thought he was falling asleep, but then they ery morning and evening. Meheru, looking so realised he was unconscious! Luckily Roy very regal, gave us some wonderful talks each evening. Hayes was on the spot with homeopathic medicines he administered, and an ambulance here was always something on the prowas called which arrived within a very few gram, yet the feeling was never one of minutes. Prettygood service, considering this rushing from one event to the nexf. There is the country and on top ofa mountain! seemed to me Between Roy’s wife Ros and Janice to be an all Rice, both intensive care nurses, and 6 men, they managed to get pervading ;: i;j Jal into the ambu sense of tran _; quility—per lance. By the time he haps itwas the and Dolly drove off, I J” was waving to the natural beauty of this most j crowds whowere all, 4 beautiful of all voice, huge one as j Centers. the calling out “Avatar towering MeherBabakiJai!” %*\ Gums (Euca He was given a CAT scan and all lyptus trees), or the rolling showed to be normal. They thought it had green lawns, or the banks of flowers every probably been a CVA (stroke). He was prowhere you looked, or the brilliantly colored nounced ‘A—OK’ and released. native parrots that flew overhead in great When he and Dollywalked into the Big flocks, happily shrieking all the way, or the bril Top that night, the concert was brought to a liant blue skies with flufl5rwhite clouds ladly halt, a great roar went up from the crowd, and drifting by, or was it the wonderfully warm theywere given a standing ovation. With his usual humor quite intact,Jal told winter temperatures of around 70 75 de us “I thought I was going Home. My passport grees? Whatever it was, it really got to me. At times I would feel the tears come to my eyes, was in order, but my visa was reftised. I couldn’t get in through the gates as hundreds ofprayers just strolling around feeling the loving atmo sphere, seeing everybody so happily enjoying from His lovers had been sent to stop me!” Meheru added with a grin, “Baba threw themselves. Yes, you could definitely say that Baba was very present with us all there! him backbecause he was too much trouble to It was a very family-oriented Anniver glad very are we reason, the Whatever keep you strolled around you could see clus sary. As for— Jal keep us let to decided Beloved the of 3 generations seated on the grass ters longer! while great we hope—a chatting, with the babies happily rolling on the blankets laid out for them. The teenagers had their own Youth Sahavas so ably run by Buz and Wendy Connor and the littlest ones also had their own tent with wonderful things planned for them. Previously, I had only experienced Sahavases at Meherana (Northern Califor nia) and the Los Angeles ones held at Pilgim Pines. Both of these charge a fee, which is very natural seeing as it costs many thousands of dollars to produce a mega affair such as they do. It came as quite a shock that there was only a suggested donation of$50 for this magnificent Anniversary! And that this was the first year that the committee had even considered asking for a donation. My feeling


At times we had TedJzidson, Elaine Cox and Buz Connor all cii stage togethei What a delight!

music of Kishore Mistry and Veena Rangnekar, (the Love Street Bookstore sells one oftheir tapes Huma,) so it was wonderftil to hear them live. But for me, the big treat and wonderftil suprise was Sam Saunders and The Wineshop Singers.Theywere incredible! First class performers! Not something you would expect to hear out in the country more like on the stage of a great theater. Sam’s arrangement and leading (along with singing and playing the guitar) ofa fortypiece choir singing the stirring People, also the beautiful Meherc Necklace, two ofFrancis’s ghazals, was nothing short ofbreathtaking. Then, with a smaller group, which performs locally as Muzika, Sam gave us some great listening and dancing music. I was so taken with it that I brought backtwo different CD’s for sale in the Bookstore. See Sam’s story in the Bookstore report.The music and rhythm was so infectious that a number oftimes half the tent was on its feet dancing. How pleased Baba would have been—and was, I’m sure! The afternoon of Sunday the 7th gave us excitement of a very different sort: Jal Dastoor had been sitting at one of the lun—















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