Kiwiparent Issue #290 June 2019 - July 2019

Page 67

The writing’s on the wall Anyone with small children will tell you kids, pens and walls don’t mix, but who can bear to deprive a child of the wonder of drawing? That’s where chalk walls come in. Allowing children a set wall space to scribble to their heart’s content will discourage them from taking to walls around the rest of the house, right? Well, let’s hope so. The best thing about today’s chalkboard paint is that it comes in a whole spectrum of colour choices. Resene Chalkboard Paint is a waterborne finish that can be tinted to a range of Resene colours to create a chalkboard. Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen can also be tinted and used as a chalkboard finish or be wiped clean with a wet cloth if your chalk artist happens to wander. Jackie Jones of Jackie Jones Interior Design says it’s easy to change a chalk wall once your child gets sick of scribbling. “My daughter had one whole chalk wall she used for studying notes, and friends would write her messages on it or I would write ‘clean your room’,” says Jackie. “Last year, she decided she’d outgrown it. Painting over it meant using a couple more coats than usual, but you’d never know it had been under there.” She suggests using Resene Quick Dry undercoat rather than going straight in with a base coat to get better coverage. Keep in mind that white chalk won’t show up on lighter colours, so you need to make sure you have a good contrast between your wall colour and your chalk.

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Let your ideas loose all over your walls with Resene Write-on Wall Paint.


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Simply apply over your existing light coloured wall paint. Then once dry and cured you can use whiteboard markers to write all over the wall without damaging the surface. And when it’s time to delete an idea just grab a soft cloth or whiteboard eraser, rub out the marker and start again. With Resene Write-on Wall Paint there’s no limit to your ideas.

The magazine of Parents Centre

0800 RESENE (737 363)


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