Quantum Anthology

Page 133

They are now sleeping together in bed. CHELSEA turns away from MARK, curls herself up, and begins to SHIVER. MARK puts his hand around her, and moves in close to her. MARK (V.O.) You would curl and shiver at night, and I'd bring you in close to me. CHELSEA (V.O.) I used to sleep in cold, dark, motel rooms after I left the group home. FLASHBACK TO: INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Chelsea is lying alone, curled up in a dark motel room. One small suitcase is on the floor with all her belongings. She covers herself with a blanket without going under the sheets. Next to her bosom she holds a small, white, furry bunny. CHELSEA (V.O.) On the night of my eighteenth birthday I was alone... scared... with... with no place to go and no one to cry to. I just lay there, alone in that motel room bed, numbed by fear and helplessness. BACK TO PRESENT INT. ROOM - NIGHT A WIND enters the room and blows through Chelsea's hair. No wind touches Mark. THUNDER is faintly heard in the background as Mark continues to speak MARK You would receive strange phone calls and walk out on me, talking quietly so I couldn't hear. CHELSEA


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