2011 Parable November Christmas Catalog

Page 15



$ 97 Apply the principles of the Courageous movie to your daily life. SALE



Courageous Randy Alcorn

Four police officers face a challenge that none of them are prepared to tackle…fatherhood. Randy Alcorn creates an action-packed novelization of the movie, Courageous. Jg^lÚ[gn]jÚ ~

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97 each Courageous Living Michael Catt

The Resolution Accept your responsibilities before >g\ÚYf\Ú^mdxÚddÚ?akÚ specific calling on your da^] Ú9]Ú\]l]jeaf]\ÚYf\Ú intentional about it and live out your resolution. Jg^lÚ[gn]jÚ ~ Ú]Y[`

New Novel

The pastor and executive producer of the film Courageous examines the courage shown by 9aZda[YdÚ[`YjY[l]jkÚ like Abraham, Nehemiah, Ruth and Paul. Jg^lÚ[gn]jÚ ~

Strengthen Your Marriage




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NEW A Marriage Carol

NEW 4 Days to a Forever Marriage

NEW A Book of Prayers for Couples

Chris Fabry & Gary Chapman

Dr. Gary & Norma Smalley

Stormie Omartian

<fÚjgml]ÚlgÚYÚ\angj[]ÚYllgjf]q ÚDYjd]]ÚYf\Ú Jacob have a car accident. The homeowner who helps them claims the golden pots on his hearth can restore marriages. ?Yj\Ú[gn]jÚ ~

;][akagfkÚeY\]ÚafÚeYjjaY_]Ú[YfÚ either strengthen your bonds or tear l`]eÚYhYjl Ú<pYeaf]ÚkljYl]_a]kÚl`YlÚ will help you solidify your relationship. Soft cover $16.99

Learn to pray for one another. You’ll see your commitment renewed, and difficult places made smooth. Perfect gift for newly married couples! ?Yj\Ú[gn]jÚ ~

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