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Oh look, another

Portfolio. This one belongs to someone named

Mohamed Zaheer

That’s me. My name is Mohamed Zaheer, a student in Temasek Polytechnic studying Product and Industrial Design. I aim to make the world a bit more interesting to live in, through things like humour, and of course, design. “There will always be someone better, but that person will never be you.” I take comfort in this quote, as sad as it might sound as first. To me it means that you can always learn something from everyone, and that there’s technically no boundaries for improvement.

Skills Manual Model Making Marker Rendering Pen/Pencil Sketching

Digital Keyshot Rhinoceros 3D Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Microsoft Office

Not Pots HTC Vive Outward Bound Remnants Illustrations


Personality With many different stationery sets out there all with its different functions, I decided to distinguish my design purely by form. My target audience was primary school teachers, and since they spend alot of time with kids, I thought that they would like something a little quirky to add to their desks.

Potted plant theme (chosen) Rain theme

These were the other themes and conepts I came up with. Why I chose the plant theme was because it of one of the concepts play on negative space. The rest seemed o be trying too much and were not as simple. Dapper theme

Rain theme

Refinement sketches

Final Models

The final products were the Not Pots, a catchy name playing on the fact that these items look like potted plants, at thte same time they’re not. Further refinements were made for practicality and also to keep the products looking simple. These were handcrafted with pinewood found after a dumpster diving session, as well as molded acrylic. From left to right, A fern plant pencil holder, a cactus post-it note holder, a lilypad container and a small seedling lamp.



Geometric to Organic As a test for myself how well I could 3D model I decided try for the HTC Vive controller as i found its shape really interesting, and because of my interest in the gaming industry. What I saw was a symetrical faceted donut with wings, which smoothly transitioned down to the ergonomic handle and trigger.

Original & Alternate Renders

Raw Model

Alternate poster


Back to the Basics Outward Bound Singapore reached out to Temasek Polytechnic for students for help with designing a tent and a raft. It was a very interesting process in which we kept proposing, and they would suggest improvements, rinse and repeat. There was even a hands on session where we went to their camp site on Pulau Ubin, and tested out the current tents and rafts that they had.

It was something new for us as we realized that ur design would have to be more function than form. We chose to make a tent that was quick to set up and collapse, as the participants at Outward Bound would be moving campsites each day. The braces could be folded like a linkage, and would be able to lock its hinges when setting up. The poles across served as something to hold the canvas up as well as a brace to hold the structure together. The raft was quite a challange to come up with. First, we were to come up with a raft that would enable participants to sleep on it, and move around the island. Having experienced the waters ourselves at Pultau Ubin, the raft needed to be light weight and stable. Ergonomics came into play as well. The raft that we tested was horribly uncomfortable to sit and row on at the same time. We decided to make the main area of the boat out of rope to keep it light weght, and use pool noodles in jackets wrapped around wooden spars to keep the raft afloat, and doubling a seat for the participants to row on.

WRAP RAFT After a first-hand experience of, this raft was designed to be lightweight, and reasonably comfortable, in the context of a rugged camp. Your common pool noodle are what is keeping this afloat, which also acts as a cushion for a better position to row the raft.

Raft Presentation Board

TENTTO-GO The tent-to-go was designed with 2 things in mind, for Outward Bound participants to be able to showcase a certain level of teamwork and coordination, but at the same time simple enough to set up and take down for the context of a contsantly changing campsite.

Tent Presentation Board


Passion Project As a way to test our design and model making skills, I took part in a project to make mini cars to show off at the upcoming Temasek Polytechnic Open House Exhibition. Our theme was a post apocalyptic desert. Our early sketches leaned towards a armored beetle-like vehicle. It reminded us of the BatMobile in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, so we got some influences there as well.

Concept Revisions to Final

These pictures are a lot to take in, but that was what it was lke doing the project. Due to our faceted design, we laser cut plywood to form every single part of our car, and we slowly and painstakingly had to put them all together and make them hold sturdily. There were parts that we had to paint before placing it, as they were overlapping facets and would be hard to paint. The design in our minds had started to manifest itself into a physical form.

This was the most tiring project I had ever done, but the most fun I have ever had, because we were allowed to go crazy, and we managed to achieve crazy.


My other Passion Project I am absolutely fascnated by the concepts from the entertainment industry, such as gaming and movies. Magic, science fiction and many more concepts, are undoubtedly interesting, which, as I said before, is something I would like the world to be more of. So started drawing, and I can safely say that I’ve been improving, and there is defnitely room for more.

Ink and Marker

Pencil Sketches

(With reference) Dabbling in Digital Work


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