February 18, 2011 Panther Prints

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February 18, 2011 || PANTHER PRINTS

Powder puff game ends in tie BY Taylor Harris | News Editor


Pulling Away Senior Brittnei Finn pushes away from a junior defender to gain yardage during the Powderpuff game. (Heather Butler Photo)

Seniors 18 - Juniors 18

Lining up Halftime entertainment for the game was provided by the junior and senior boys who dressed as cheerleaders and danced to a song cheoregraphed by the High Hats and Mrs. Kristi Beaty. (Keria Jinks photo)

ame time was set for 7:30. Pili ng into the Panther Stadium Jan. 26, fans came out to see a goo d old-fashioned football game. Boys made sure their eye shadow was on just right so they would look “cute” cheering on the sideline. Football players had their whistles on calling the plays. Girls, who closest spot to a football game is usually on the sideline, were right in the mid dle of the field, running and (unofficially) tacklin g each other for the ball like this was their last cha nce to play the game. All of this was done in an effo rt to win the annual game of Powder Puff Football. “It was really fun to be a che erleader,” senior Darrius Smith said. “Honestly the reason I chose to be a cheerleader was becaus e my brother did it his senior year, and he got a picture in the yearbook for it, so I wanted to be in there too.” While Smith was practicing his tumbling sills, junior Paisley Brown was es his d a r working on t h mit her football dominance on the arius S te as a cheerD r fiel d for the io n junior team. She was just one role Se t to participa ball game. of the girls on t ir Reverse k o s fo a her team that helped the jun for rpuff iors pull off a pants in the Powde last second run to the endzon in e for an 18-18 leader Butler photo) tie with the seniors for the firs er h t a e t time in the (H history of the game. “I’m glad I was able to score the first touchdown, and tha us juniors did really good,” Bro t wn said. “Playing in the gam e made me feel like I was really a junior and made me realize I’m really going to be a senior next year.” The game started off with the seniors in the lead, however, the soon made a name for thems juniors elves by tieing the game up at 12 shortly after the second half started. “As coaches we talked to pla yers and ran some good plays back,” junior coach Malcolm to come McKenney said. “It was a goo d experience to see the girls get to play the game that some of them really love. “ Although the juniors were exc ited about their big comeback, niors were not so delighted sin the sece they won the game as juniors last year. “It was a wonderful game, but I felt like I let my team down as a coach when the juniors tied the gam e” senior coach Derrick Johnso n said. “The best part was when Karolyn Pal mer mixed up everybody on the field.” Acting as the amusing announ cer during the game was histor er David Wallner. Even though y teachWallner’s announcement of the tie didn’t exactly leave everyone “laughi ng,” the game still gave juniors and seniors a reason to smile. “As seniors, we really expected to win,” senior Tiara Iwegbu said since our class is so big, we had . “But, to get to know each other, and the game really brought our senior clas s closer together.”

Consoling his teammate Senior coach Blake King consoles his player Chelsi Martin after the juniors scored in the last minute of the Powderpuff game. (Heather Butler photo) Endzone bound Senior Tiara Iwegbu turns the corner looking to score the touchdown for the seniors (Heather Butler photo)

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