Dubbo Photo News 11.04.2019

Page 35


Dubbo Photo News April 11-17, 2019



Dubbo Regional Council has secured $150,000 to upgrade CCTV infrastructure in Wellington.

• Maranatha House in Wellington receives1.5 million Federal Government grant to build an intergenerational child care centre

The funding has been secured under Round 3 of the Federal Government’s $30 million Safer Communities Fund which delivers on the government’s ongoing commitment to keep Australians safe and secure. Council will install new CCTV cameras and upgrade ageing and outdated cameras in crime hotspots HJYVZZ >LSSPUN[VU [OH[ OH]L ILLU PKLU[PÄLK I` local police, with the intention to reduce crime and improve safety in the community. Only safe communities can be strong and prosperous, and the better CCTV will be welcomed in Wellington. Well done to Dubbo Regional Council and Mayor Ben Shields for their proactive work on this. It’s a great example of a federal and local government partnership.

• $3,000 for the Bodangora Public Reserve Trust to improve access to the Bodangora War Memorial • $8,000 for the Stuart Town Advancement Association to install new entry signs to the village

Andrew with Jason Yelverton, Ben Shields, Mayor of Dubbo and Michael McMahon, CEO Dubbo Regional Council.


FEDERAL BUDGET BACK IN THE BLACK ;OPZ `LHY MVY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL PU V]LY H KLJHKL [OL Government will deliver a Budget surplus of $7.1 billion. This means we can start repaying debt and remove this burden within a decade.

The Australian Government has committed to creating 80,000 HKKP[PVUHS HWWYLU[PJLZOPWZ V]LY Ä]L `LHYZ PU WYPVYP[` ZRPSS ZOVY[HNL areas, such as carpentry and plumbing, through a new incentive payment of $8,000 to employers and $2,000 for apprentices.

Running a surplus is important and is like running your household budget. If you keep racking up debt, at some point, the debt has to be paid back. The debt we rack up now, will have to be paid by our children and grandchildren and it is not fair on them to keep maxing out on the nation’s credit card.

This package will ensure Australians develop the skills they need to succeed in a changing workplace and will provide businesses (including those in rural HUK YLNPVUHS HYLHZ ^P[O H WPWLSPUL VM X\HSPÄLK ^VYRLYZ [OL` ULLK [V NYV^ HUK prosper. Further information about the payments will be published on www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au

PROTECTING AUSTRALIAN FARMERS’ PRIVACY The Aussie Farms activist website will be brought under the Privacy Act, exposing it to potential penalties of more than $400,000 if it breaches the Act. The activities of Aussie Farms created an unacceptable risk to hardworking farming communities and producers by publishing personal information online including names and addresses. Our farmers have enough to worry about with the drought, without having to fear their farms being targeted by city activists who could turn up at any hour of the night.

Aussie Farms was previously exempt from the Privacy Act but by listing this activist group as an organisation under the Privacy Act, means that the group will have to abide by the provisions of the Act. Aussie Farms have been repeatedly asked to take the website down before someone was hurt or worse, but the group behind the website refused. State Governments have been called on to beef up trespass laws to provide real penalties for trespass, and to publicly state that they expect the police will uphold these laws.

INSTANT ASSET WRITE-OFF EXTENDED FOR SMALL BUSINESSES ;OL PUZ[HU[ HZZL[ ^YP[L VɈ [OYLZOVSK OHZ ILLU PUJYLHZLK [V HUK HJJLZZ expanded to medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of less than $50 million. TOLZL JOHUNLZ ^PSS HWWS` MYVT (WYPS [V 1\UL HUK ^PSS ILULÄ[ HYV\UK TPSSPVU businesses employing around 7.7 million workers. TOL [OYLZOVSK PZ HWWSPLK VU H WLY HZZL[ IHZPZ ZV LSPNPISL I\ZPULZZLZ JHU PUZ[HU[S` ^YP[L Vќ T\S[PWSL HZZL[Z )\ZPULZZLZ ^PSS IL HISL [V ILULÄ[ MYVT [OL PUZ[HU[ HZZL[ ^YP[L Vќ HZ [OL` NYV^ WYV]PKPUN a direct incentive to reinvest in their business. It means they can buy assets such as vehicles and LX\PWTLU[ HUK NL[ [OL [H_ ILULÄ[ [OH[ `LHY YH[OLY [OHU V]LY ZL]LYHS `LHYZ

• $10,000 for the Wellington PCYC for new gymnastics equipment • $3,481 for Binjang Community Radio for new carpet in the studio • $200,000 for upgrades at Kennard Park • $5,000 for the Wellington Multi Service Centre for the reimbursement of fuel and training costs • $2,800 for the Geurie Lions Club for new tools • $5,000 for the Wellington CWA Branch • Upgrade of Wellington Hospital Emergency Department as State MP • Wellington to Dubbo Bus Service as State MP • Secured CCTV link between Wellington Courthouse and Wellington Correctional Centre • Successfully secured Cobbora Transition Fund money - $2.9 million for upgrades to Wellington Caves, Rygate Park, Wellington Showground and Wellington streetscape

TAX RELIEF FOR LOW TO MIDDLE INCOME EARNERS (U HKKP[PVUHS IPSSPVU PU PUJVTL [H_ YLSPLM MVY OHYK ^VYRPUN (\Z[YHSPHUZ PZ ILPUN KLSP]LYLK VU [VW VM [OL IPSSPVU PU [H_ J\[Z SVJRLK into legislation last year. This includes immediate tax relief of up to $1,080 for low and middle income earners and up to $2,160 for a dual income couple. [H_WH`LYZ PU *HSHYL ^PSS ILULÄ[ MYVT [H_ YLSPLM PU HZ H YLZ\S[ ^P[O YLJLP]PUN [OL M\SS [H_ VɈZL[ VM

ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Suite 1/179A Anson Street, ORANGE NSW 2800 | POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 673 Orange NSW 2800 P: (02) 6361 7138 or 1300 301 740 | F: (02) 6362 3480 | E: andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au | W: www.andrewgeemp.com.au Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, National Party of Australia, Suite 1/179A Anson Street ORANGE NSW 2800. Produced and printed using parliamentary entitlements.

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