Panlibus Magazine 37 | Autumn 2015

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ISSUE 37 | AUTUMN 2015

Spotlight on the future Libraries in the vanguard of digital transformation App vs. responsive website? Expert advice to help you solve this digital dilemma

Paying fines and fees online Innovative payment methods are good news for libraries and customers

Unlock your library’s hidden treasures

Introducing Full Library Discovery: the key to everything your library has to offer



The autumn issue 2015

Building a true picture of students’ expectations for digital

Hello and welcome to Panlibus Magazine, issue 37, autumn 2015. In this issue, we focus on the your digital future and how libraries are moving forward in the technological age.

15-16 Payment innovation: changing the way you collect fines and fees

4-6 Go native or not? Apps vs responsive website design Which is best for your library? Capita’s Matt Machell weighs up the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed choice.

14 Discover more: Capita to launch Full Library Discovery briefing report Karen Reece introduces an innovative discovery tool for both public and academic libraries.

7 Sector news New Jisc chair lays down vision for the future Looking ahead with Professor David Maguire, digital technology champion Jisc’s new Chairman.

15-16 Payment innovation: changing the way you collect fines and fees Andy Davies explains why the rise of contactless payments is good news for libraries.

National College of Ireland chooses Capita to improve students’ library experience New LMS to help attract and retain the very best students.

18-19 What next for library Wi-Fi? Philippa Bryant,at Lorensbergs reports on progress towards free Wi-Fi availability in every UK library.

9 Providing easy online library payments for Greenwich Leisure Limited Easier all round – it’s win-win with Capita’s ePayments module. 11-12 Building a true picture of students’ expectations for digital David White discusses Jisc’s plans for a national digital student data service.

There’s no doubt that digital technology has the potential to revolutionise higher education, and on page 7, be inspired by Professor David Maguire’s vision for the future with Jisc, and how National College of Ireland’s choice of Capita’s Chorus LMS and web-based interface Soprano benefits both students and staff. Turn to page 11 to find out how Jisc is exploring the creation of a national digital student data service to help institutions assess and improve the digital experience they offer, not just software and hardware, but tools, channels and platforms. The future is undeniably digital when it comes to interacting with customers. However, with the increasing diversity of digital devices, libraries face a tricky dilemma: downloadable app or responsive website? Help is at hand on page 4, as Matt Machell offers some expert advice. On page 15, Andy Davies explores how libraries will benefit from new innovations in the way we pay, while on page 9, you can see for yourself how a new online payments system helped GLL improve customer service. On page 18, Philippa Bryant assesses the roll-out of free Wi-Fi in libraries: the challenges and opportunities, and what has already been achieved. Finally, wouldn’t it be wonderful if users could discover absolutely everything your library has to offer, from books and video footage to institutional repository and archive contents, using only a single search box? That’s the aim of Full Library Discovery, the revolutionary discovery concept that aims to make it easier for users to locate the resources they need. Go to page 14 for details and how to secure your briefing report.

20 Events, webinars and training Stay in the loop – catch up with Capita online or face to face.

We hope you enjoy our autumn issue, and if you have any stories, ideas or experiences you’d like to share, please get in touch.

21 Partner news Introducing opus™, Bibliotheca’s eBook system that puts librarians back in control, while collectionHQ announces its latest customer events.

Victoria Wilson Editor, Panlibus Magazine

Panlibus Magazine is a Capita production

22 Nielsen LibScan data Includes Richard and Judy Summer Reads’ volume loans and sales data. ISSN 1749-1002 6190 Knights Court Solihull Parkway Birmingham Business Park B37 7YB United Kingdom 0870 400 5000

The views expressed in this magazine are those of the contributors for which Capita accepts no responsibility. Readers should take appropriate advice before acting on any issue raised. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. ©Capita. All rights reserved. Capita and the Capita logo are trademarks of Capita or its licensors in the United Kingdom and/or other countries. Other companies and products mentioned may be the trademarks of their respective owners. | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine


Go native or not?

Go native or not? Apps vs responsive website design Matt Machell Senior Developer Capita

Matt Machell, Senior Developer within Capita’s libraries team, discusses which approach could be the best solution for your library: a downloadable app or a website that has been designed to be device responsive. When it comes to interacting with your library service, people expect a lot more these days. Visitors and customers expect to be able to interact with your library wherever and whenever they have the need and always on their devices and their terms, not yours. It’s not just the demands and expectations of your service users that have changed; those of library staff have as well. This shift is partly driven by smartphones, but also by an explosion of connected devices, from watches to phones to consoles to connected fridges. People are now used to improved experiences on websites and from mobile apps, and due to these experiences they are demanding the same from all their services whether that is online shopping, booking a train ticket or renewing a library book. The expectation is that your services should always be available via digital channels and will be as engaging and cleverly constructed as any other they use. User experience and efficient design have set the bar high.

Which brings us to the question of how are you going to work in this environment of diverse devices? There are two approaches that vie for your organisation’s attention and budget, each with their own advantages and disadvantages: • Responsive website design, which focuses on building device-independent websites • Downloadable apps, which focus on building device-specific solutions.

As a way to deliver your digital service, responsive websites offer several distinct advantages, but the primary one is platform independence. Responsive websites don’t care if you are on a PC, a laptop, an iPad or an Android mobile phone. Responsive websites Although the term was coined back in 2010 by Ethan Marcotte,1 responsive web design is the latest evolution of a core part of the web: its device independence. Tools like a flexible grid, flexible media and media queries allow a browser to adjust the visual display of a webpage to fit the space available. It’s worth being clear on what a responsive site is not. It’s not a separate mobile website that redirects you to a slimmed-down version of content or an adaptive site where some features aren’t available on some devices. Responsive web design is building your site to adapt to the constraints of any device, adjusting the display of content depending on the amount of space available. This isn’t really a new thing, but the tools to do this are much better today making it much easier for a growing number of organisations to develop their websites using this design approach.

Websites are good at getting content to a number of different devices (including the many assistive devices used by people with disabilities to access), and they also provide different ways to use technology. Developers have more experience building accessible websites for screen-reader users as well as those without keyboard access. Not only this, but organisations have more experience in judging those claims of accessibility, something that is not always true for downloadable apps.

Being part of the web also gives you the benefits of linkability. Your digital presence can be easily shared via email, discovered by search engines, shared on social media and linked into other tools by the simple method of the hyperlink. This is a powerful tool for the promotion of your digital presence. The other distinct advantage of a website that’s designed to be responsive is fast deployment and updates. There’s no waiting for App Store or Google Play approvals for the web, so you can push your updates out every day if need be. You don’t have the same issues with managing older versions of your digital presence in the wild as you do with an app. If there are any bugs you can simply push fixes out and you can be sure your users will receive them. Fig 1. Soprano at varying device sizes


Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |

Go native or not?

One distinct disadvantage of a responsive website is that the web won’t always have access to the device features you get if you build an app. Websites rely on standards; (dis) agreement on those can delay the arrival of features to the web, and they don’t always arrive on all platforms at the same rate. Websites can now use features like location data and device cameras, and work offline, but newer tools like real-time webcam access are taking time to arrive everywhere. That lag in implementation might not be right for what you’re building. Tools like can help you identify how broad the adoption of particular web technologies is. All this of course brings us to the bugbear of developers everywhere: browser quirks. Experienced developers are used to managing the varying levels of functionality, or poor implementations of features in web browsers, but the sheer volume of devices and custom browser variants can trip up the unwary. While

a basic responsive website should work across all devices, the further you move into new features, the greater the likelihood of odd bugs.

Downloadable apps Apps are a ubiquitous part of the experience of using mobile devices and have a number of advantages that make them appealing. Apps tend to feel like they are part of the underlying operating system, be that iOS, Android, Windows or Ubuntu. They use native components to build their interfaces, which means the overall experience is closer to that of the underlying device (e.g. iPhone, Android phone, iPad); therefore, it is more familiar and accessible for the end user. Being closer to the underlying hardware, they can also be faster and the interactions may feel slicker. Not having the browser as a middleman also gives the benefit of having more and deeper access to the device. It’s easier to hook into your phone contacts, cameras, NFC card readers, notifications and newer features. It’s also easier to do fast computations, say if you want to scan a barcode or search a complex data set. These are the areas where native apps excel. The main draw for developers of apps is monetisation: app stores are designed around making money. They make paying for things easy, from your app itself to purchasing new content or services within it. However, selling your app might not be the priority for you, and your organisation might not have finance systems set up to handle the workings of an in-app purchase. The processes around the app stores and, more critically, their approvals can be a surprise to new providers. Choosing to build an app forces you to adhere to somebody else’s process, and that process is not always transparent.


Your library’s/organisation’s app launch may suffer if initial approval is slower than expected, especially if you have the additional overhead of using an external team to build it. You may also be surprised by the unexpected content warnings your library app acquires, simply because it could conceivably give access to 18+ content (such as library DVD collections). These seem like small things but can have a big impact on the take up of your app. Discoverability is also something to consider carefully. Apps are often hard for your end users to find in the store, particularly if your app lacks an obvious connection to your library or wider/parent organisation. Organisations often end up putting lots of work into promoting the app on the web, which of course would be something you’d already be doing with a responsive website. Selecting a platform for your organisation’s app is also a complex issue … Your iOS app won’t work on Android or Windows or the PlayStation. And your Android app won’t work on iPads. It’s all too easy to succumb to ownership bias and assume that whatever is your favourite platform is also that favoured by your users. Popular platforms globally aren’t necessarily popular with your users, so it’s vital to conduct some research among your customer base before you begin. Multiple platforms also mean more development work. Who does it? More importantly who pays for it? And how do you handle users locked out by your decision? Ideally, you would develop an app for the two most popular platforms (iOS and Android) and perhaps even Windows, but app administrators must remember that all developments and updates will be required across each of these, essentially tripling the load. These are all things you need to consider before selecting the app path as your route into the future.

Even once you’ve chosen platforms, there can still be a minefield ahead Mobile operator customisations and different device versions can mean your users are using a subtly different operating system to the one | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine


Go native or not?

you expected. This is called fragmentation and is particularly a problem for Android devices. As an example, the company Imagi produced an Android app and 99.9% of their support queries post launch were complaints it didn’t work on a particular device. They supported 707 different devices.2 There are shortcuts to developing across platforms such as tools like Adobe PhoneGap, which allow you to build across multiple devices using web technologies wrapped in an app container.3 This hybrid approach also exists in platforms like Firefox OS for phones, or Google’s Chromebook laptops which build everything in the Chrome browser. Sometimes, when building a native app, you are actually simply building a web app. Something developers often forget is that any app requires a strong buy-in from the end user. Users will return to apps where they are required for an ongoing interaction, but the drop-off in usage after download is very high.4

Ofcom’s research on media usage5 points out that while the average user of a smartphone has 23 apps, they only use 10 regularly. Those same statistics point to a 62% who preferred to look up information using the web, rather than in apps. This kind of preference means you need to keep in mind the primary function of your app and how that relates to people’s preferences.

Forget features and devices to begin with and focus instead on the problem you want to solve and the experience you want to deliver. When you’ve done that, you’ll be in a position to choose which tool is best for the job.

So just how do you pick the best option for your library? So, we have one platform that works with the most possible devices and one that is tailored to particular devices: which is best for your library? Like all choices in digital strategy, how to approach building your digital experience should be guided by a firm understanding of your audience: Who you are building this service for and why?

Our ten-point plan for setting out your approach is as follows: 1. Define your aims Be clear about what you are trying to achieve 2. Define your audience Be clear in your mind who you are building the service for 3. Research user needs Make sure you are building for real people’s needs, not your organisation’s assumptions 4. Define a clear purpose What tasks will your product improve for your users? 5. Pick the platform that best suits your users’ needs 6. Build a prototype A prototype will help you assess whether you’re heading in the right direction

7. Test with real users Observe how they interact with your product, and act on those observations 8. Have a plan to promote your product Don’t just launch and forget to tell your users about it! Offer users who visit your library on-the-spot help with using the new service 9. Set measurable goals Look at your users’ levels of interaction with your new digital service so you can assess your success 10. Remember, digital products are an evolution Launch, measure, improve, repeat. Just as the world never stops turning, technology doesn’t stop developing – as new technological capabilities change and demand from your users increases, your service must adapt to meet them.

2 3 4



Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |


Sector News

New Jisc Chair lays down vision for the future Professor David Maguire Chairman Jisc

Digital technology champion Jisc has appointed the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Greenwich, Professor David Maguire, as the new Chairman. David is a vocal advocate of technology, with almost 20 years’ practical experience in IT. Before moving into education he acted as Chief Scientist and Director of Products at global software company Esri and is a respected leader in computer mapping and geographic information systems. For the past year David has been involved in promoting the use of technology in education as a member of the Jisc board of trustees. His new role will see him continue to work with senior sector leaders and experts to enhance

learning, teaching and research through digital, both at an institutional level and within the UK. David tells us about Jisc and his role in promoting innovative technology within education: “Digital technology has the power to effect deep-seated, positive change within universities and colleges. But when that change involves such a seismic shift from traditional practices, driving the uptake and effective use among students and staff is no small task.

“Today’s learners still want to be in the presence of inspiring teachers. They want to bring in and use their own digital devices without encountering major barriers. They also still wish to actively visit and use the library, and for their experiences in this space to enhance their digital skills development. “I believe one of the most important factors here is supporting the confidence and capabilities of the people responsible

for embedding these technologies and approaches – from teaching staff to HR, finance departments to librarians. “Jisc has long played an important role in supporting the sector through collaborative approaches, infrastructure and tools that save UK education millions of pounds every year. Now, as universities and colleges find themselves operating under increasingly squeezed budgets, Jisc’s work becomes critical. “In my role as Chair of Jisc, I am committed to extending the good work being done to provide digital capabilities and tools across further and higher education, to support the entire sector.” You can find out more about Jisc and David by visiting

National College of Ireland chooses Capita to improve students’ library experience Capita’s software services business has been selected by National College of Ireland to deliver its library management system (LMS), following a competitive procurement process. The college has purchased Capita’s fully hosted cloud-based Chorus LMS, along with its Prism resource discovery solution, enabling students and staff to seamlessly search and access physical and electronic resources, as well as other institutional databases such as the institutional repository. The resource discovery solution will also allow students to search for learning materials, both on and off campus, with a mobile interface they can use no matter what smartphone or tablet they have. In addition, the college will use Capita’s web-based interface Soprano, which will

enable library staff to assist students, anywhere in the library and on or off campus. Designed specifically for mobile devices, Soprano will give staff the ability to issue and return items, make reservations and answer enquiries, without having to be stuck behind the enquiries desk. It will also improve stock checking, circulation and picking efficiency. Mary Buckley, Head of Library and Information Services, National College of Ireland, said: “We chose Capita because we recognised that in order to attract and retain the very best students we needed a library system that would enable us to deliver a high-quality and responsive service now and in the future.

Karen Reece, Head of Libraries at Capita, said: “We are very proud to be supporting National College of Ireland in its efforts to utilise the latest technology to deliver a firstrate library service.

“Capita’s fully hosted system will not only provide an enhanced experience for the library’s users but will also help reduce overheads, improve the security and accuracy of the college’s data, and ensure that staff are using the most up-to-date software by delivering regular updates with new features.” You can find out all about Capita’s library solutions by visiting libraries

“By enabling staff to perform key tasks anywhere and at any time, we will be able to provide a more flexible and personalised user experience.” | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine


‘’D-Tech understood what our success meant to us’’


Greenwich Leisure Limited

Providing easy online library payments for Greenwich Leisure Limited Operating 23 public libraries across two London boroughs means Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) knows the importance of keeping things simple. An easy online payment system for customers’ overdue charges and fees helps achieve this, which is why the team at GLL implemented the ePayments module for Capita’s library management system (LMS).

Customer-focused approach

As a charitable social enterprise with a 22-year track record in public services, GLL wanted its libraries to offer an excellent service to customers. GLL already offered an online payment system for its library users, a service which few public libraries provide, but it was rather unwieldy and in need of an overhaul. The opportunity to move to a much more efficient ePayment system came when GLL moved to Capita’s LMS. Daniel Andrews, Deputy Head of Libraries at GLL, explains, “We evaluated the library systems on the market and discovered that the ePayments module within Capita’s LMS was one of the ways it could help us deliver a much-improved customer experience and ensure our library users could make payments when and where they wanted.”

“Capita’s ePayments module makes it easy for customers to pay us, quickly and simply, whenever and wherever needed.” Daniel Andrews, Deputy Head of Libraries, GLL

When the LMS went live across GLL’s Wandsworth libraries, Capita integrated their ePayments module and it went live simultaneously. The ePayments module is linked to GLL’s online catalogue and allows customers to access details regarding their accounts, see any outstanding fees and gives them the option to pay immediately online. As a result, customers can now settle their overdue charges and reservation fees quickly and simply, without being restricted by library opening hours.

“Capita’s ePayments module has enabled us to deliver the improved customer experience that we were aiming for.” Daniel Andrews, Deputy Head of Libraries, GLL

Simplifying online payments

GLL is already experiencing the benefits of the new online payments system. “Previously, our online payments had gone through the council, and the onus was on us to reclaim the funds,” says Daniel. “Now, the money is paid straight through to our organisation, which is much simpler and better for our audit trail.” Following the success of the ePayments module at Wandsworth, online payments have been rolled out in the Borough of Greenwich as well. The new approach is better for GLL’s library users. “Our old system was credit based,” explains Daniel. “Customers used to manually place money on an account, which was available if they had a charge or a fee to pay.

“Capita’s ePayments module makes it easy for customers to pay their overdue charges and library fees online, quickly and simply, wherever and whenever needed. They simply log on to their account to pay for all their necessary items in one go. It is a much more sensible, straightforward and customerfriendly system.” The new payments system has been straightforward to set up, according to Daniel. “We work very well with Capita. They are always ready to move things forward and we went live earlier than expected.” Daniel is pleased with the level of support he receives too. “We don’t need support on a regular basis, but if there is ever an issue, Capita gets things sorted for us quickly. The team are very approachable.”

Getting priorities right

GLL has achieved considerable efficiencies thanks to the ePayments module, and this helps them achieve their overall aim of improved customer service, according to Daniel. “Capita’s ePayments module has enabled us to deliver the improved customer experience that we were aiming for.” Key benefits for GLL • Improved customer experience • Easier management of revenue from overdue charges and reservation fees • Online payments go straight to GLL with no need to reclaim funds from the council • Customers pay what they owe rather than putting money on an account • Reports on outstanding debts are run automatically, saving time • Easy access to service support

Key benefits and functions of Capita’s libraries ePayments module • Quick and efficient online payments • Customers can make payments outside library opening times • Easy integration between the LMS and payment provider

FIND OUT MORE | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine


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Students’ expectations for digital

Building a true picture of students’ expectations for digital David White Head of Technology Enhanced Learning University of the Arts, London

Just as businesses aim to fulfil the needs of customers by analysing what it is they actually want and tailoring their services to fit this gap, so too must educators look at meeting the needs of learners. However, as a sector we know all too well that the process of learning is not the same as simply consuming a product, and there are other nuances that come into play. Perhaps the area where this is most evident is in the use of digital technology. Prospective students bring with them certain expectations about the sorts of technologies, devices and digital learning experiences that will be offered to them in further and higher education. Often,

these will be based on their experiences at home and at school, which doesn’t always properly reflect actual use – something that I explored in a previous article in Panlibus issue 34 (you can download Panlibus 34 at Thankfully, most colleges and universities today recognise that in order to meet students’ technology requirements, they first need to have clear sight of what these expectations are. This means knowing not only what software and hardware they expect you to provide but also the context in which it is used – so, what tools, channels and platforms they want to use to engage with the various parts of the institution.

Surveying students

To try and get a better understanding of these issues, many colleges and universities will run regular surveys to gain insight to inform them of what needs improving. This is fine in itself, but it does miss the bigger picture.

While individual surveys are a good way to get a snapshot of requirements at an institutional level, where we then struggle is to apply this knowledge more broadly. Through the Jisc digital student project we discovered that the character of these surveys varies significantly across institutions. This is despite the fact that the sector as a whole tends to be concerned with similar issues. For example, with demand for high-quality connectivity being high, seamless access is a big priority across all groups. Similarly, bring your own device (BYOD) is popular, as students want to use their own smartphones and tablets in learning and social spaces. When it comes to interactions with the library, these same expectations still exist, but there are also other considerations. Just as they want to be able to bring their own devices to other areas on campus, so too will they want to use them to access library content, meaning librarians need to align their own BYOD policies with other departments. They may also expect materials to be available in a range of text and digital formats, such as ebooks and audio-visual content, and that library staff are competent in advising how to find and use these services. | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine


Students’ expectations for digital

Seeing the bigger picture

There’s an obvious value in being able to track technology use and expectations between organisations, and see how your institution is faring on key aspects of provision and practice. To achieve this, you need clear, comparable results. So, building on the findings from the digital student project, that’s what we’re attempting to do. Jisc is exploring the creation of a national digital student data service, which can be used by colleges and universities to gather information from students. How we think this will work is through a set survey format and question bank around students’ experiences of digital. While we are still very much in the scoping phase, we would anticipate that layers of narrative will need to be built in to guide institutions’ strategic decision-making. For example, questions around the provision of fixed computing resources are interesting because previous surveys have shown that students often demand their institution provides this option, even though most of them will bring their own devices to use. Our intention, then, is that each question will have a short background explaining its heritage, value and what it is designed to reveal. As in the example given, sometimes the expectations of students may be at odds with their apparent needs. In such circumstances


the narrative provided needs to help colleges and universities map the expectation against actual requirements.

Tailored advice and guidance

As part of the digital student data service we also intend to include data analysis, which will provide pointers to targeted advice, guidance and resources. For example, colleges wanting to better understand what their learners expect from the digital environment would be able to draw benefit from our FE digital student project. For example, we’ve created a learner profile tool to identify how you can go about supporting different student groups. Or if they are keen on conducting their own focus groups, then we’d point them towards guidance produced from our own experiences in conducting them, such as card-sort activities to spark discussions about access and use of technology items. Facilitating discussions between staff and students is actually an excellent way of aligning expectations with experiences; if you’re not talking with learners, how do you expect to understand what they are thinking? Colleges and universities that want to start conversations about technologies would be advised to check out our postcards on enhancing the digital student experience. Using these cards is a useful way of bringing people together, staying on topic and ensuring you cover the key issues.

Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |

We’ve also been working with the National Union of Students (NUS) to create a new benchmarking tool. Following the criteria both staff and students should be able to use this to assess at what stage their institution is in relation to providing a digital experience for their students, and whether it is achieving good practice. Based on their positioning they should then be able to take appropriate action to improve their standing.

Informed decisions

We believe the data service can act as a yardstick for colleges and universities, while the analytics will empower them to make informed decisions about the technologies and online services they provide. As ever, the input of the community is invaluable in making sure that the solutions we provide are fit for purpose and put the sector in the best position possible. Please do let us know what you think, by following progress on the digital student blog (digitalstudent. and getting involved in the conversation on Twitter using #digitalstudent.

FIND OUT MORE #digitalstudent

Capita white paper

Discover more: Capita to launch Full Library Discovery briefing report Karen Reece Head of Libraries Capita

Full Library Discovery is a concept that’s beginning to gain traction in libraries seeking to increase the value of their offer to their customers. To help library managers learn more about this emerging concept and how it could be used in their library, Capita will shortly launch two briefing reports, one each for public and academic libraries. You can learn how to receive a copy at the end of this article.

So what exactly is Full Library Discovery? In today’s busy libraries, users can easily search for all content available through their library’s discovery tool, typically books, journals and electronic resources. However, these tools do not search the entirety of all the information and resources that a library can hold. Libraries have a plethora of information that is contained in other locations or ‘hidden’ deep within library databases.

This means that, for example, someone carries out a search on a historical figure; the results returned to the user could include books, journals, video footage, letters, images and material from the organisation’s archive. Academic institutions might also include a study guide from the history department, along with dissertations, PhD theses and old exam papers. The list of materials that can be searched is virtually endless.

Why is Full Library Discovery important? Essentially, with FLD existing users start to discover resources they would not otherwise have found. Whether you’re an academic library facing ever-increasing student and researcher expectations or a public library keen to demonstrate your importance to the community, FLD can help you increase the value of your library on offer to your customers. FLD also increases user satisfaction by making it easier for customers to find the resources and access the help they need. It

Whether you’re an academic library facing ever-increasing student and researcher expectations or a public library keen to demonstrate your importance to the community, FLD can help you increase the value of your library. Full Library Discovery (FLD) takes the unearthing of these resources to the next level by aiming to provide a single search box that enables users to discover absolutely everything the library has to offer. With Full Library Discovery databases, research repositories, archive contents, images, video and details of experts within the organisation can all be included in a user’s search. Sources of data external to the organisation can also be included, enabling a library to deliver an extremely comprehensive discovery tool.

also helps to promote and increase the usage of under-utilised resources by ensuring that unique and precious collections are more readily accessible and available. With greater awareness of the rich information and range of services available, returning customers are encouraged to make more use of their library, while the promotion of the newly accessible unique and precious resources acts as a draw for new users.

Delivering on the promise With the list of sources that can be included in a search potentially unlimited, the biggest


Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |

challenge with FLD is not actually the ability to discover everything. Instead, providing a tool that ensures library users find what they’re looking for with effectively structured search results to avoid information overload is a vital task libraries now need to tackle. It’s early days for FLD, yet with potentially huge benefits many libraries are beginning to consider how they can use it to their advantage. From deciding what resources to include in each search to structuring the search results to ensuring users find what they’re looking for, there’s clearly lots for libraries to consider. These topics and more are covered in Capita’s new briefing reports.

Find out more with your free briefing report Recognising that different libraries will benefit from Full library Discovery in a multitude of ways and as mentioned at the beginning of this article, Capita will soon be launching two briefing reports, one each for academic and public libraries. It’s easy and free to receive a copy of either the academic or public library briefing report; simply go online and register at: You will be emailed your copy as soon as the briefing report is published.

Payment innovation

Payment innovation: changing the way you collect fines and fees Andy Davies Head of Business and Innovation Payments, Capita

“Can recent innovations in card payments help libraries collect more fines and fees?” asks Andy Davies, Head of Business and Innovation at Capita’s payments business. Back in July, Apple launched Apple Pay. After much talk, mobile payments had finally made it into the mainstream. Innovative as Apple Pay is, it’s just one example of how the way we pay for things is changing rapidly.

The demise of cash for low-value items Eighteen months ago if you’d have purchased a coffee or another low-value item, the chances are that you’d have paid for it using cash. Today, there’s a good chance that you’d have paid for it using one of the 54 million contactless credit and debit cards now in circulation.1

With library fines and fees being relatively low value, you might not have seen huge numbers of customers demanding to pay them with a credit or debit card (unless online or through a self-service kiosk). However, with the rapid growth in contactless payments, that looks set to change.

The rise of contactless payments If you’ve not yet paid using a contactless card you really should give it a go… For transactions up to £20, instead of inserting your card and entering a PIN all you have to do is simply tap your contactless card on the card reader. Not all Chip & PIN devices support contactless, so look out for the symbol. Finding an outlet that accepted contactless payments used to be something of a challenge, but over the last year this has changed and things have taken off in a big way. In fact, a greater number of contactless transactions took place over the first nine months of 2014 than over the previous six years combined.1

In total, 2014 saw a 331% increase in contactless payments leading to £2.32 billion being spent across 319 million transactions.1 RBS expects this to treble this year and there’s good reason to think they will be right. Firstly, from 1 September the maximum value of a contactless payment will rise from £20 to £30. Secondly from 1 January 2016, MasterCard have mandated that all new Chip & PIN devices support contactless payments. In preparation for this, most payment providers, such as Capita, have already been rolling out contactless devices.

Libraries will benefit Contactless payments are growing in popularity because it’s quick and easy for consumers to use, and like many other organisations taking advantage of this, libraries will certainly benefit from the new payment technologies. Previously, many people wouldn’t have thought to make a low-value payment by card, so if they didn’t have cash on them, the chances are that library fine or fee went unpaid. Now, it’s much easier for them to pay you, regardless of the amount. From a library’s perspective, taking contactless payments is fast and reduces cash-handling charges. The technology can also be used in selfservice machines. For example, Bibliotheca already offers contactless readers in their latest range of self-service kiosks. 1

(The UK Cards Association, 2015) | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine


Payment innovation

Changes to debit card fees make it a cost-effective choice In the past, some libraries have seen collecting very small fines using debit cards as expensive due to the merchant fees involved; libraries had to pay a fixed pence charge for each debit card transaction regardless of the amount being paid. This meant that for very small transactions the fee could be a very high percentage of the payment’s total. This has now changed and most payment service providers such as Capita are able to offer a fee based on percentage, ensuring that taking card payments for small items is a costeffective option.

Mobile payments and Apple Pay As the statistics demonstrate, contactless payments are firmly established in the UK. The other significant trend is undoubtedly mobile payments. With smartphone ownership among the 16-24s age group having reached 88%,2 university libraries look well placed to benefit; however, it’s important not to forget that ownership among UK adults in total is also over 60%.2 While not the first mobile payments solution, the launch of Apple Pay has introduced mobile payments to the mainstream. For those not familiar with how Apple Pay works, it essentially enables customers to make payments by holding their iPhone or Apple Watch near a contactless payment terminal. The system is secure as users authorise the transaction using the fingerprint reader on their phone. Additionally, no card data is stored on the phone or watch. Since the system uses the UK’s existing contactless payment infrastructure, the chances are if you can already accept contactless payments, you can accept Apple Pay. The main limitation with Apple Pay is that it requires customers to have the latest iPhone, which few people do. However, we expect Samsung to launch Samsung Pay and Google to launch Android Pay later in the year. Once this happens, you’ll see many more people waving their phones over your library’s payment terminals.

Optimised for touch Of course mobile payments aren’t just about waving your phone magically over a contactless device; they’re also about making payments over the internet using your phone. When it comes to paying a library fine (or other payment) online, many payment service providers can now detect that you are using

smartphones and tablet devices. Ultimately, offering a more attractive mobile payment option will support an increase in self-service payments to your organisation. There are additional financial benefits to South Derbyshire District Council too: payments made using Barclays’ Pingit ‘Mobile Checkout’ typically cost less than taking that same payment by debit card.

Like any other organisation, libraries, whether public or academic, need to respond to this change and see it as an opportunity to both meet customer expectations and also to secure revenue from fines and fees in a cost-effective way. your phone or tablet and provide the user with a specific set of pages optimised for a mobile device. This means that the pages on which you entered the card details are designed to fit on a small screen and buttons on the screen are easy to touch. Ultimately, this makes it easy for your customers to pay their fines and fees wherever they are, and improves their overall customer experience with your organisation. There are also a number of apps that make it easy to make payments from any smartphone or tablet:

Pingit Launched in 2012, Pingit is an app from Barclays which initially enabled people to send money to their friends and pay bills, with the money being transferred from the user’s bank account. The functionality has recently been expanded to enable users to make online payments. Earlier this year, South Derbyshire District Council become the first organisation to enable its customers to make online payments using Barclays Pingit ‘Mobile Checkout’. When a customer of the council uses their smartphone or tablet to make an internet payment, Capita’s Pay360 online payments solution detects that the customer is using a smartphone and provides them with a choice of paying through traditional debit or credit card, or paying through Barclays’ Pingit.

Pay by Bank The concept of paying directly from your bank account, rather than a credit or debit card, looks set to gain further traction later this year with the launch of Zapp. From October, you can expect to see a new ‘Pay by Bank’ symbol online. Clicking the Pay by Bank app symbol online will automatically open a consumer’s bank app on their phone. Once securely logged in, the user can quickly complete payments. Consumers will be able to see their account balances before they pay and choose different accounts to pay from, thereby maintaining better control of their finances.

How much longer will cash be around? How much longer we continue to use cash remains to be seen, but what is for certain is that new technologies, such as those outlined in this article, are driving usage of cash down. Of course, there will still be those who choose to pay by cash, but for many people the convenience of electronic payments means it is now the default option. Like any other organisation, libraries, whether public or academic, need to respond to this change and see it as an opportunity to both meet customer expectations and also to secure revenue from fines and fees in a costeffective way.

The council implemented the Pingit checkout to make it easier, quicker and more convenient for the ever-increasing number of customers choosing to visit their website using their



Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |


What next for library Wi-Fi?

What next for library Wi-Fi? Philippa Bryant Marketing Manager Lorensbergs

With public libraries in England receiving a £7.4m boost in Wi-Fi funding in the 2015 budget announcement, and further library funding available as part of Scotland’s public wireless programme, Lorensbergs looks at the work left to be done to meet the Sieghart report’s recommendation of Wi-Fi availability in 100% of libraries. It also considers the opportunities that this will create for libraries and their users with examples from Nottinghamshire’s and Fife’s library services. According to Lorensbergs research among its public library customers late last year, 60% of UK library authorities were yet to roll out Wi-Fi in all library branches. Funding has often been responsible for the delays in realising expansion plans, and the 2015 budget provision of £7.4m for library Wi-Fi, and the new BT and Barclays initiative to offer free Wi-Fi to libraries in deprived areas, will help achieve progress faster. But there are other factors and opportunities that add complexity to these important projects. In this article we consider these factors and also explore the significance of building on Wi-Fi networks to introduce wireless printing in libraries.

Roll-out progress Firstly, where have libraries got up to in terms of roll-out? Based on research across a third of all UK library authorities, it’s estimated that 60% of branches now offer Wi-Fi. However, library authorities with Wi-Fi in 100% of their branches are in the minority – only 40% of authorities have achieved this. A further 20% have achieved roll-out in a majority of branches, but plans may be lacking for smaller branches, for example due to uncertainty for some authorities over future community branch funding or management arrangements.

As the Sieghart report highlights, greater Wi-Fi provision has the potential to invigorate the library service and encourage new generations of users. It’s been seen that this is increasingly the case as roll-out progresses. Meanwhile, 30% of authorities have Wi-Fi in only a minority of branches. These authorities are more likely to have firmer plans for expansion though, mostly within the next 6-12 months, although a few authorities are looking longer term to the next one to two years. 10% of library authorities are yet to clarify their timelines for Wi-Fi expansion, and there is a small minority of authorities who haven’t begun their projects at all.

Challenges and opportunities Longer lead times are often due to libraries being part of authority-wide wireless network agendas. Over recent years and with restructuring continuing into 2015, ICT staffing at the library level has been declining. Increasingly, technology planning and decision-making takes place at a centralised corporate ICT level: 60% of library authorities’ ICT resourcing and support is completely centralised within councils and a further 25% outsourced. For Wi-Fi roll-out, this centralisation may bring cost savings, but the projects can become a lot bigger and less tailored to libraries’ needs. Some Wi-Fi projects buck this trend though. There are Wi-Fi solutions administered at the

It may be a natural priority to offer new services such as Wi-Fi in larger branches first, but as Wi-Fi provision attracts higher footfall, it’s a vital service for all service points to offer and will help promote their viability.


Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |

library level that provide valuable filtering, usage reporting and session control that may have not been facilitated if the project had been at a corporate level. Particularly, the ability to measure and report on library Wi-Fi usage helps to monitor the importance of providing this library service and contributes to validating libraries’ futures.

Achievements at Nottinghamshire and Fife At Nottinghamshire Libraries, ICT personnel facilitate access to public PCs and Wi-Fi throughout and beyond library branches. Library-based expertise and their use of netloan software makes it possible to set up and extend access throughout local authority sites. As Wi-Fi needs grow, the library continues to add new Wi-Fi hotspots to cover youth centres, children’s homes and day centres.

The netloan Wi-Fi software requires login credentials that use library membership details for authentication, resulting in more library membership registrations and visits from younger members following Wi-Fi roll-out in their clubs and homes. Steve Baker, Principal Librarian – Information and Systems, Nottinghamshire County Council, says: “The solution that was developed to enable libraries to offer public access to computers, including the use of netloan, has proven so successful that it has been used as the default model for other parts of the council who need to provide computer access to members of the public.”

Mixed ICT model − some resourcing at the library level, and some centralised or outsourced ICT department at the local authority level ICT department at the charitable trust/enterprise level Outsourced ICT support

What next for library Wi-Fi?

Certainly, the expansion of library PC and Wi-Fi networks, with coverage increasing to include community centres and other council run buildings, helps extend the reach of libraries as hubs within the community. At Fife’s libraries, which also uses the netloan Wi-Fi solution, new library memberships have increased by 10% over the previous year as Wi-Fi roll-out has expanded from an initial eight sites to include all 50 library sites. Wi-Fi provision has also encompassed police and fire stations, leisure centres, schools and children’s centres. Wi-Fi sessions have increased exponentially from 5,300 in 2014 to 113,000 in just the first four months of 2015. Its widespread provision is considered timely given welfare reform and increasing needs for library customers to get online. Yvonne Melville, Service Development Team Leader for Fife’s libraries, comments: “Over the last year, Fife’s libraries have been fortunate to secure additional funding from Fife Council and the Scottish Library Information Council, which has enabled us to install Wi-Fi in all of our libraries. We have seen computer use continue to rise as welfare reform is introduced. Being able to offer Wi-Fi has given us another option for our customers. “Fife’s libraries vary in size and opening hours quite dramatically from 23 to 200 hours a month. Quite often our libraries are one of the few public buildings in small villages. Due to the restricted opening hours in smaller villages it has been a

great bonus to the community that our Wi-Fi is available 24/7 if it is able to be picked up outside of the building. This is especially important over public holidays, which enables customers to meet their claimant commitment without having to incur any travel costs. The other benefit is for colleagues who offer job clubs in our buildings. While we have a limited number of desktop computers they can access, they are now able to bring laptops to supplement our IT equipment and help more customers.”

Wireless printing in libraries With library funding often in short supply, but a prevailing need to incorporate the latest technologies, it’s useful for libraries to build upon existing ICT investment when introducing

It contributes to a more modern service offering

new services. Wireless printing is a good example of this, where the right solutions capitalise on wireless networks, printer hardware and self-service payment stations. It meets the increasing expectation for users to print from their mobiles, tablets and laptops. Indeed, according to Lorensbergs’ research, 90% of authorities agreed that library members require wireless printing as a service in the library. Nearly half of library authorities are planning to introduce wireless printing in the foreseeable future or are currently considering it. This is up from a third who were considering it at the end of 2013. Nearly a quarter of libraries expect to roll out a solution in the next 12 months. This offers an exciting opportunity for libraries and their users, with libraries being the first to offer this service to the public within their communities.

Technology in libraries – investing in the future

It introduces a new revenue stream It will help attract different kinds of users to the library

Strongly agree Agree Quite agree

It will help increase library footfall

The opportunities for libraries as they roll out Wi-Fi availability are considerable, especially with the right planning, support and technology in place. Further data and discussion on this topic is available in a white paper ‘Technology in Libraries: investing in the future’.



It will help increase library membership

01992 415505

Visitors or guests require this service

Library members require this service

This article was first published in the Lorensbergs blog at 0%





50% | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine


Events, webinars and training

Events It’s September already! Most people’s holidays have come and gone and we’re all back to work, which means the events season hits the road in earnest again. Make sure you don’t miss Capita at the following events over the next few months:

The Northern Collaboration Conference 10 September, Leeds Beckett University

CILIP LMS Supplier Showcase 2015 15 September, Edinburgh

Connect, debate, innovate

CILIP LMS Suppliers Showcase Autumn 2015 13 November, London

With a theme of ‘Being digital: opportunities for collaboration in academic libraries’, this will be the Northern Collaboration’s third annual conference, with approximately 100 delegates attending. The Capita libraries team are pleased to be exhibiting again at this year’s event. Keynote speakers: Fiona Parsons, Director of Academic Support at the University of Wolverhampton, and Professor Phil Cardew of Leeds Beckett University.

Capita is pleased to be exhibiting at CILIP’s LMS Supplier Showcases at the end of the summer in Edinburgh, and during the autumn in London. CILIP’s LMS Suppliers Showcases give you the opportunity to talk to the experts on how to get the most out of your library management system.

To ensure you have the opportunity to meet with us, we are now offering you the chance to book an appointment directly with us by emailing To see all Capita’s events, training and webinars, please visit

Webinars How could your library software solutions improve the service your library offers to users while delivering efficiency gains? Find out with one of our informative and free webinars. Visit to find out more about each webinar and register to attend.

Chorus: Your LMS in a hosted environment 11:00-11:45, 25 September 2015

Stock Management: Getting more out of Soprano 11:00-11:45, 23 October 2015

Prism: Refreshing your knowledge and improving services to users 11:00-11:45, 9 October 2015

The benefits of online payments 14:00-14:45, 2 November 2015

Prism: Augmented Discovery – surfacing data from other sources 11:00-11:45, 16 October 2015

Integrating your online joining form process with your LMS 11:00-11:45, 27 November 2015

Training sessions Whether it’s a refresh of your existing knowledge around your LMS or a session for new staff members, we have just the thing for you. However, if you can’t find a course that fits your needs, we’ll arrange something dedicated to just you and your team.

Using Decisions: A refresher on reporting basics 10:00-11:30, 24 September 2015 (training webinar)

Scheduling in Decisions 10:00-11:30, 20 October 2015 (training webinar)

Exploring the Decisions universes 10:00-11:30, 8 October 2015 (training webinar)

Managing parameters in Alto 10:00-11:45, 3 December 2015 (training webinar)

Merging and synchronising in Decisions 10:00-11:30, 10 November 2015 (training webinar) Visit to find out more about each webinar and register to attend. For further details and to book your training course(s), register for a webinar or find out what event Capita will be at next, please visit


Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |

Partner news

Partner news Bibliotheca introduces opus™ Bibliotheca believes that because every library is different, every library’s ebook system should be different. That’s why they have designed opus to be fully customisable for each library, so you can recommend the best and most relevant collections and titles to your members and your community. With opus, you can choose which ebooks to recommend to your members — not a computer algorithm or a programmer halfway around the world. Bibliotheca’s unique approach to ebooks puts librarians at the heart of content recommendations, offering you complete control of your site by using the staff-facing curator tool, liber8:curator™. Through this module, you can discover new titles and create lists of your expert recommendations for good reads, festive occasions, events and local interests that best suit the community you serve. You can also share your carefully chosen lists with other libraries, as well as receiving the recommendations that they are promoting to their members.

collectionHQ announces latest series of customer events Building on the success of previous events, collectionHQ is delighted to announce the following dates for their customers to come and network, meet the development team, join group discussions with other libraries about the key issues dominating the library world today, and learn new hints and tips about getting the most out of evidence-based stock management. London - Wednesday 11 Nov 2015 Manchester - Wednesday 25 Nov 2015 Glasgow - Thursday 3 March 2016 For more information and to register, please visit www. Early registration is suggested as places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

For more information, please contact or sign up to one of their webinar-based information sessions at | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 | Panlibus Magazine



Nielsen LibScan library borrowing data period 6 four weeks ending 13 June 2015 Overall library loans recorded through Nielsen LibScan grew by 0.8% between Period 5 (four weeks ending 16 May) and Period 6, 2015 (four weeks ending 13 June). An additional 47.5k books were borrowed from libraries in Period 6 pushing the overall loans for the month to just under 6.0m.

In Trade Non-Fiction: Politics & Government was once again in growth YOY for Period 6 with a staggering 13.6% increase. The top title in the category continues to be The Establishment: And How They Get Away with It by Owen Jones with 545 loans for the combined formats in Period 6. The book has also sold well through the Nielsen BookScan Total Consumer Market (TCM) panel this year with 85.3k volume sales for all editions in 2015 so far.

Fiction loans increased the most, by 1.6%, but the Trade Non-Fiction and Children’s categories were also boosted slightly, by 0.5% and 0.4% respectively. However, year-on-year (YOY) loans for the period are still down for all top-level categories and at -5% overall.

In Children’s, the only category in growth is Children’s Annuals although starting from a very low base of 746 loans in 2014 to 993 in 2015. The most borrowed book in this category for Period 6 was Bart Simpson Annual 2015 with 54 loans. Interestingly, sales through Nielsen BookScan TCM for Period 6 were 27 copies.

However, there are some lower level categories in growth – Adult Fiction: Historical and Mythological Fiction has grown by 1.6% YOY. The most borrowed book within this category for Period 6 (four weeks ending 13 June) was Paying Guests by Sarah Waters, which had 1,169 loans.

Top 10 titles for Period 6 (four weeks ending 13 June 2015): Position





Pub Date


Personal: Jack Reacher

Lee Child


BB Hardback

28 Aug 14


The Girl on the Train

Paula Hawkins


BB Hardback

15 Jan 15


Mightier than the Sword: The Clifton Chronicles

Jeffrey Archer


BB Hardback

26 Feb 15


Time of Death: Tom Thorne Novels

Mark Billingham


BB Hardback

23 Apr 15


Memory Man: Decker and Lancaster

David Baldacci


BB Hardback

23 Apr 15


14th Deadly Sin: Women’s Murder Club

James Patterson


BB Hardback

26 Feb 15


The Burning Room

Michael Connelly


BB Hardback

6 Nov 14


NYPD Red 3

James Patterson


BB Hardback

9 Apr 15


The Stranger

Harlan Coben


BB Hardback

26 Mar 15


Gray Mountain

John Grisham


BB Hardback

23 Oct 14

The Top 3 titles for library loans in Period 6 (four weeks to 13 June) have remained the same when compared with the previous four weeks (period 5, ending 16 May) but Time of Death and Memory Man have moved up the ranking to the positions of fourth and fifth place from further down the chart in Period 5.

Richard and Judy Summer Reads

Given the dominance of fiction books in library loans and the time of year, we’ve had a look at Richard and Judy’s Summer Reads and

how they’ve performed through Nielsen LibScan library loans in the latest Period. Combined, for Period 6 (four weeks ending 13 June 2015) the overall loans have been 8,889 across all eight books. The Richard and Judy Summer Reads are as follows, with their overall 2015 year-to-date (YTD) sales alongside their overall 2015 YTD library loans for all editions combined:



Volume loans

Volume sales

Originally published


David Nicholls



30 Sep 14

No Safe House

Linwood Barclay



25 Sep 14

Funny Girl

Nick Hornby



6 Nov 14

The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair

Joël Dicker



1 May 14

I Let You Go

Clare Mackintosh



6 Nov 14

A Song for Issy Bradley

Carys Bray



19 Jun 14

A Man Called Ove

Fredrik Backman



3 Jul 14


Vanessa Lafaye



1 Jan 15

[© 2015 Nielsen Book Services Limited [trading as Nielsen BookScan and Nielsen LibScan]] For further information about Nielsen BookScan TCM Panel or LibScan panel, email:


22 Panlibus Magazine | Issue 37 Autumn 2015 |

3M Library Systems

On site, on time, on side. On site, time, on side. The bestonservice and 3M is committed to support for 3M customers. 3M Library Systems

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