The gardening mistakes you need to avoid

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The Gardening Mistakes You Need To Avoid


There are many gardening mistakes that people commonly make. It is important to avoid such mistakes. Problems arise when you plant a new flower bed, manage the lawn or plant a vegetable patch. Spending your time and giving your best could be easy and possible, but it is all the more important to gain proper knowledge about the techniques, so you can make sure that the garden grows. This is the only way out for ensuring the prosperity of the garden in the longer run.


Some of the common gardening mistakes are being discussed in this article so that you can avoid them when managing your garden.

Never use fertilizers towards the end of summer •

Avoiding the use of fertilizers on the shrubs, trees and plants is important when summer is about to end. This becomes even more important in areas that are susceptible to early sudden freezes. These areas witness sudden freezes as early as September. If you fertilize the plants late in the season, then these plants will undergo new growth. This growth could be susceptible to damages due to frost.


This would then be impacting the health of the plants. Another issue is that the majority of the plants would be preparing for winter dormancy period. They usually require rest after a long growing season.

Never scalp the lawn •

Whenever you are cutting the grass, remember to never scalp the lawn. This would leave it weak and stressed. This will make it vulnerable to weed growth and diseases. This is because the sunlight would be reaching the exposed soil. You should try keeping the surface of the lawn at least 3 inches in length

Avoid use of herbicides •

Avoiding the use of pre-emergent herbicide on the garden is essential in case you are planning on laying fresh grass seeds. Weed killing solutions need to be avoided for at least three weeks after the new seeds have been planted. The new seeds need to be given the time to start developing. If your lawn has many weeds, even then try avoiding the herbicides for a short period of time.

Avoid the use of stakes •

Do not use stakes for trees. Stakes should never be seen as a means of planting new trees. The problem is that in majority of the cases, using stakes would leave the growing tree weaker. A tree can be made to be more resilient and stronger if it is allowed to bend and move in the wind without staking it. These are some of the common mistakes that people usually make. This results in severe damage to the lawn. Hence, it becomes important to avoid these mistakes so that your lawn can grow and prosper.

P&M Gonzalez Landscaping Architects provide the most innovative and admired Garden Designs in New Jersey. For further information about Lawn care and Landscape, visit our website at

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