Panda Street - Reimagined

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SINCE GENESIS... Panda Street was launched on Solana on September 15th, 2021. I guess you can call us OGs. It’s been a beautiful journey to see the ecosystem grow and evolve.

MINT DAY Launching at 0.15 Solana, the most competitively priced mint at the time, the day started off slow. First doxxed team on Solana, ever. Through word of mouth on Twitter, the minting got faster and faster as the day progressed. Soon, everybody was talking about Panda Street on the timeline. We sold out. One of the most beautiful days of our lives.

THE JOURNEY With all the hype, Pandas went 10x mint in a few days. Till has and USD

date, the original collection 6500 Solana of trading volume, we have donated over $30,000 to various charities.

Our next course of action was Panda Pentz. A limited collection of Panda homes airdropped to holders with a select few available to mint. The Utility of the Pentz is a NFT viewing gallery, coming May 2022. The Pandas made waves when we unexpectedly airdropped Bamboo Token to our holders. The first token launched by an NFT project on Solana. It was wild. $BMBO went 100x the first day. The airdrop had a peak value of $2500.00 USD per holder. All of this happened when our floor price was less than 0.5 Sol. Next, the Pandas go Pixel. A boutique collection of 222 Pixel Panda Street were released on the NEAR ecosystem. The first project to go cross-chain.

KINTSUGI (n.) (v. phr.)“to repair with gold”; the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver laquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken.

KINTSUGI, EXPLAINED: The story of the streets come from the hustlers. The Pandas are known underdogs. Since mint we have consistently tried to pick up again and build many things for the community. From the beginning, our vision had always been for the Art. For the Culture. As the market got more saturated and focused on utility, the Pandas fell behind. One thing we promised, was that the Pandas are never leaving. And here we are. Once broken, but again reborn.

VISION The vision is to build Panda Street into a household name as the first on-chain hypebeast culture brand on Solana.

CULTURE, ART, AND COMMUNITY The true utility of the Panda Street brand is the Culture, Art and Community. These three things make up the essential trifecta. We want to celebrate and create Art for the sake of Art. Art for the Culture.

OUR ROLE IN THE ECOSYSTEM How can Panda Street help onboard people on the ecosystems and create a better culture? We start by helping introduce diversity into the ecosystem. We focusing on making a cultural impact, and proving that Solana projects do not have to be limited to utility. Web 3.0 culture is coming to life. Diversity is important to facilitate a strong and healthy ecosystem community.




REBRAND As competition and saturation increased in the space, we felt it necessary to give Panda Street a makeover to align with our future vision.

New cohesive and recognizable branding

We had our artist, KRAI, put together a Panda Street transformation. The Pandas are back with a new look, new branding, and vibesss.

WELCOME TO PANDA STREET 2.0 This glow up comes free of charge to all holders, with more details on the rollout in the coming weeks. The new art is going to be game-changing.

New traits that reveal a new narrative for Panda Street over time

NEW LOOK, NEW BRANDING, SAME VIBESSS Your favourite Pandas with a new updated graphic style

Original Panda traits, but better.

THE PLAN The plan for Panda Street is an experience based around bringing hypebeast culture to Web 3.0. After the Panda Street revisioned artwork is complete, and the community build back process has been facilitated, the next goal is how to implement the hypebeast culture and onboarding more individuals on to our ecosystem. Once Panda Street has gone through a successful revival process, we plan on having NFT collection drops throughout the year corresponding with merch drops. With the additional funds aquired, we would love to increase the size of our team to help facilitate marketing and development at a faster pace. If everything goes according to plan, Panda Street will have flagship stores across the world that will not only be focused on streetwear, but become a place for individuals to learn about our ecosystem and purchase NFTs. We will have NFT vending machines and store kiosks. This experience increases the size of the Panda Street community, onboards people onto the ecosystem, and enhances the Web 3.0 cultural experience.

STREETWEAR Streetwear celebrates art, develops culture and creates community. It sets the trends, while becoming timeless and revolutionary. It becomes a way to belong and be recognized as a part of a beautiful community. We are Web 3.0, and we wear it proudly.

UTILITY? Our feelings towards utility-based projects are that they are more short-sighted and try to catch trends that may fade in a future bear market. Panda Street has a long-term vision. As of now, Panda Street is focused on building a brand and presence.

Creating community and culture through art and streetwear will always be our main focus. Our next move is to release a new website and get the latest artwork to our loyal holders. We hope we can make the Panda Street dreams into reality.

Much love, Panda Street


We want to thank everyone who has been on the Panda Street journey with us and we genuinely appreciate your trust and patience.

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