What it is

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WHAT IT IS The magazine, where you can find it all…

Exclusive interview1 with Luisa Pt.


Editorial Do you find it too boring? Have you got mad of what you were doing? Do not know what to do in your spare time? Join us for this first edition of the magazine "What it is" And discover the world of entertainment, and other interesting topics. So say goodbye to boredom! The magazine ”What it is?" Aims to discuss relevant issues on politics, economy, health, nutrition, science and technology, and other topics of interest. The magazine has been made by a group of young high school students for the sole purpose of creating a source of entertainment for all age groups in general. It also includes interviews of experts in different areas as well as anecdotes and stories.


Mexicali Brewery By Miguel Morales

On July 4, 1923, was the date on which opened the Mexicali Brewery, which grew strongly due to the Law Volsteaden United S t a t e s . T h e Vo l s t e a d A c t , w h i c h w a s promulgated on October 8, 1919, prohibited the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in neighboring north. Because of this law, Mr. Quiroz and Don Miguel Gonzalez Ochoa Heraclius set out to create the greatest breweries in the Northwest of the country. The quality of beer caused the rapid growth of the company and so it was only a few years the construction of an imposing building became a reality. In 1928 offices were lifted in 1940 the malt, and from 1947 to 1952 wineries were built, the yard, plus the elevated tank. Mexicali Beer controlled 90% of the regional market in nearby states and in 1940 the Mexican industry could begin the process of export. The production methods used in beer, named for the city, were among the best of his era and modern hygiene and packaging, the proof is that a German chemist was in charge of the formula. Competition from Mexicali beer came with the Cuauhtemoc Brewery, a powerful consortium of Monterrey who tried to buy it several times without success. Despite efforts to keep the brewery closed on October 23, 1973 and in 1980 began its dismantling. Following the fire of 1986, Rudolf Nelson, one of the owners, was given the task of rebuilding respecting the original plans. After refurbishing, now you can see a building that stands out for its large size, which combines the roundness of the parapet and the horizontal body of the tower and dome. Now a maquila currently uses the facilities of the building, which in 2003 was awarded the Merit Award History.


The crisis By Miguel Morales

With the current economic model is very difficult to maintain stability, and more so in the case of economic crises. In the recent ongoing crisis in Europe think of anything out of place. In a small town south of France, the holiday season is in full swing. But it rains, so business level, not much movement. All the people are mired in debt. Luckily, comes to town a tourist Russian billionaire, and heads for the small local hotel. Request a room and put a $ 100 bill on the counter, take your key and goes to check his room and up the stairs to floor 3. The hotel owner takes the ticket and run as the butcher, to pay the 100 euros he owed. The butcher takes the money and run where the wholesaler to pay the debt that was outstanding. The wholesaler takes the money and run where the farmer to pay for pigs that had for some time. The farmer triumphantly takes the 100 euros a small hotel in town, to pay what he owed for the use of a room when he visited his child. At that time, lowers the Russian billionaire to reception and informs the owner that the room did not meet their expectations, making back the $ 100 bill and leaves. No income or profits. But no one in the town in debt. All are optimistic about the future.


The Cassez’s case By Miguel Morales

Florence Cassez gets at Mexico City on 2003 as a tourist, she did not lucrative actions and after she worked in the company “Marketing and Technologies Imported”. On 2005 she works in a hotel group and live with Israel Vallarta, integrant of sequesters band “Los Zodiaco”. That year in December, the French is arrested by the Mexican judicial orders in the ranch “Las Chinitas” localized in the kilometer 29 (18.02 miles) of the highway Mexico-Cuernavaca. In 2009 Cassez was sentenced 60 years of prison for crimes as torture, kidnapping and homicide consequently she has been in the prison. In 2012 a new project submerged to achieve the finally the liberation of the French. This was submitted at the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN for the singles in Spanish). In this specificity that the French’s detention had many irregularities, so violations at the humans rights. But in the situation exist a problem, the case has been politic and induced a conflict between France and Mexico, and not only that but also this is test of the Mexican judicial system.


Steps to Take During An Earthquake: Remain inside the building.   Duck under a heavy desk or table or stand inside a door frame or against an inside wall.   Stay away from windows or at least 15 feet away.   If shaking causes the desk or table to move, be sure to move with it.   Don’t Panic! Organize your thoughts.   Don't be surprised if the electricity goes out, fire or elevator alarms begin ringing, or the sprinkler system is activated. - Expect to hear noise from broken glass, creaking walls, and falling objects. 

Steps to Take Before An Earthquake: Prepare an earthquake kit, with warm clothing, food and water to last at least 72 hours. Organize a planning session to be conducted by your local emergency response authorities.


Steps To Take Immediately After An Earthquake: 

Remain in the same "safe" location for several minutes after the earthquake, in case of aftershocks. Do not attempt to evacuate or leave your immediate area unless absolutely necessary or when instructed to do so by a proper authority. Check for injuries and administer necessary first aid. Recognize and assist co-workers who are suffering from shock or emotional distress. Implement your survival plan. Establish a temporary shelter if rescue teams are expected to be delayed. Use a stairway when instructed to exit building.


Interview Interviewer: Miguel Alejandro Morales Aguilar Interviewee: Martha Verónica Aguilar Quintanar 1. What is the relationship being the story of the captive and the life of Miguel de Cervantes? Chapter 39, 40 and 41 What we have in common the captive and the author of the book is that the two were devoted to arms and both ended up coming to the prison in Algiers. 2. Relate the delusion that the landlord's daughter and Maritornes did to Don Quixote. Chapter 43 One night, when Don Quixote on Rocinante was out of the sale by care, these two women were kept busy talking crazy listening to Don Quixote, who declared his love for Dulcinea. Both decided to make a joke and call it from the inside of the sale, through a hole. And the gentleman, thinking it was a maiden who declares his love from a castle window, and apologizes, saying that his heart is already occupied. The maid asks you to enter your hand to show her love and she tied both hands, and leaving. The moment you decided to move Rocinante, Don Quixote fell from his horse and hung. 3. What they wanted the four horsemen who came to the sale and how you react Don Luis? Chapter 44 They wanted these horsemen was carried Don Luis as his father wished him back, but Don Luis did not want to return because he had left home to marry Dona Clara was the daughter of the judge. He said he was not leaving to marry this.


4. How much would you pay the priest to the barber (not the Master Nicholas) and why? Chapter 45 After much discussion, the priest paid eight reals for the basin. The priest paid the eight real barber Don Quixote without enterase because if this happens would be angry, the priest pays the barber to end the discussion between Don Quixote, Sancho and the barber who had come to the sale claiming its basin and jaetes. 5. Why was Don Quixote caged and who were responsible for that? Chapter 46 Don Fernando, the priest, the barber and the officers and the caged dress to take to his village. 6. Why discussed Don Quixote and the canon of Toledo? Chapter 49 Because the Canon said that the romances had great history and had never been men give their lives for the ideals of chivalry and Don Quixote was opposed by showing that they existed. 7. Define the following characters: Chapter 51 Eugene: It was the narrator of the story told by the goatherd, who was younger when he and another were in love with a lady named Leandra who was very beautiful. Leandra: That beautiful woman one day a soldier was passing by his people, and stealing the jewels to his father. Then this soldier (Vincent) takes advantage of it and steals everything and leave it alone.


Literacy criticism In many ways, Paulo Coelho's career has faced the same difficulties as other wildly successful writers. He is simultaneously adored by millions of fans around the world and completely reviled by the literati of every country his books have conquered. This could not be more true than in Brazil, a country whose literary community feels maligned for lack of attention, and a country whose literary tradition only receives attention for its most commercial, light productions. The world, especially the Englishspeaking world, does not regularly consider Brazil among the great literary traditions, and Brazil was somehow excised from the general fervor surrounding Latin American fiction in the 60s with the rise or Garcia-Marquez, Vargas Llosa, etc. Essentially, Brazil's two best (internationally) known authors have been Jorge Amado and Paulo Coelho. While the substance of the accusation is different in each cases, both of these writers have been accused of being simplistic and sub-literary. Jorge Amado was accused of essentially trafficking in worn-out stereotypes of Brazil and commercializing them for the world's consumption. Paulo Coelho, on the other hand, cannot be accused of any such thing. One reason is that his books have almost no discernible trace of "brazilianness." The fairy-tale quality of his stories, especiallyThe Alchemist, makes it very clear that historical accuracy is not the point of the story. In Coelho's case the arguments against him are of a different sort. First, there is the complaint that his Portuguese is, in fact, not very good. What is interesting is that most of his grammatical missteps are elided in translation. Thus, one only perceives them if one reads Portuguese, something that only a tiny portion of his readership does. In fact, these sins against grammar do nothing so much as give a mild colloquial quality to the language, and do not detract at all from the enjoyability and comprehensibility of the text. The complaint is more political than anything else, since Brazilian Portuguese, a language which still distinguishes sharply between written and spoken language, has also been open to the inclusion of colloquial speech in literature. The problem is political because it is understood that these inclusions were done by members of the intelligentsia whose intellectually elite status made them above reproach. Paulo Coelho was not part of this elite and his membership in the intellectual elite now is contentious.


One aspect of this contentiousness can be seen in reactions to Coelho's inclusion in the Brazilian Academy of Letters, the most prestigious group of literary intellectuals in Brazil. The Academy is a group of 40 poets and writers that meets every week and is a large intellectual force in Brazil. Paulo Coelho's acceptance into the Academy was an extremely controversial affair, in part because his work has been dubbed as sub-literary, as self-help literature, by much of the critical community. Even those who are not instantly repelled by the self-help theme of his books argue that what Coelho is espousing is a sort of religion stripped of all difficulty and hardship that is completely compatible with materialist consumerism. (Ironically, his proponents also point to these things as evidence of the vitality of his philosophy. Coelho indicates a completely pragmatic spirituality, they argue.) Detractors also point out the aforementioned use of Portuguese and the fact that Coelho's style does not warrant serious literary attention. These opinions are so commonplace that they have become something of a reflex in critical circles, prompting many to judge his novels without even reading them. A famous example is the printed remark of a critic for the Folha de Sao Paulo, a major national newspaper: "I didn't read it and I don't like it.� There are, however, proponents of Coelho's membership in the Academy and of his literature in general. Some claim that that his style is simplistic not because of any defect on his part, but because he is seeking to create a fairy-tale world whose depth comes not from the psychological complexity of the characters but from the message that it conveys to readers. On the other hand, there are plenty of proponents who would agree that Coelho's books are not of optimal quality nor are they great pieces of literature. What they are, though, are extremely important cultural artifacts. This is a man who has touched literally millions of lives using the written word. It also could be claimed that he is attracting readers that are in no way accustomed to reading or to literature in general. Thus, Paulo Coelho is doing Brazilian letters in particular a great service - by putting Brazil on the map as a center of relevant literature.


The hunger games -Alejandro Aldrete The new great best-seller of the year has become a great phenomenon, a lot speculation has been made, if this adaptation a worthy of the time they spent doing it, and if it’s loyal to the script of the book. Now the book series that has earned a little space in our heart, it has taken the step to the big screen, an adaptation filled with the greatest scenario and effects. This movie has amazed tons of people, but it isn’t just that, one of the greatest thing that make this movie as epic as spectacular is the contrast, the way people dress and the way they live is such an marvelous effect that makes the differences between society class more visible. The characters and their acting is remarkable and is well supported by the way the history is told, a mirror to society, a more wicked version ourselves, that looks to see other people suffering, but we never care how they feel. All the elements at the end come together and make an excellent movie. Â


Sopa against freedom -Alejandro Aldrete 

In the past few months we have been seeing this phenomenon across all country, changing its name in every city, but at the end it has the same purpose, to stop the unregister information sharing, but that’s not all about this law that wants to change the way the internet works, some thought that is a good thing to have this law, so the creator of the movies, and music can maintain as the ones that receive the money for their effort, but that’s not all the truth about this law, it sure want to stop the illegal distribution of media, but at the end the money that will be said to be save, neither 10% of all of it will reach the authors. The reality of this law is repressing the liberty of expression, is not only to suppress the illegal distribution, is also to suppress what we can write on the internet, the ones that are responsible for this law, want to put vigilance under very single user, to suppress the ideas that flow on the internet, the free expression will be exterminated if we let this going, the constant vigilance to every single person, of what can or can’t do shouldn’t be decided for everyone, the way we learn and the way we express, would be erased if our thoughts are consider useless for someone who claims the right to see every one of us. A constant vigilance under everyone, every single day, every time we go on the internet, they could watch whatever we have in our computer, what we can see, what we can do , what do we download, everything , and what do they offered in this law, safety, so many people know that internet it’s a way to learn about all we can, but there’s plenty of bad things too, but not giving anyone the freedom of choosing what they can put on the internet, it’s just lame, scarifying the liberty of expression, in exchange of living longer, in a world when your voice can’t be heard is a worthless living world, scarifying your opportunity to talk, for safety?, it’s a cowards world.


The other part of the law, the one that protect the intellectual author it has no values, and I will tell you why, let’s say that I buy a movie , that means that I can watch it every time I want, and I can give it anyone I want, and let everyone seen it because I paid for it and I can do whatever I want with it, also with music, if I walk in the park witch the volume to the top, and I put a brand new cd, all around me can hear it, because I let them, and it’s not like they can do anything about it, it’s almost the same as internet, we share things for others people but someone might have brought it first, and let other people hear it is not a crime, it’s just nonsense.

At the end I consider that every one of us in a computer with access to internet should be pissed for this law and do everything that is possible for stop this law against freedom.


Good old days - Alejandro Aldrete

The last few days of vacation were really a reminder of what being a child was, I went in a trip to the city forest, and I spent my visit with my cousins, some that I can’t barely see , they live far away, but the day I spent with my family was very nostalgic time, it remain me what it used to be before everything changed, the time we use to play outside, do sports, reunite all the family, it was great, as a child I did a lot of that stuffs,

I was happy but as soon as we started growing we stop doing that, we stop playing outside in the real world, and not only talk to each other on the internet, without looking in our eyes, without hearing their laugh, without healing the punches we got, not it’s just so different to what it was back then, we have gun because we go out and live, we do things in person, and not behind a camera, one of the greatest joy of my life was being able to go play outside one more time.


Bank account - Alejandro Aldrete

In the past month i try to open a bank account And to make the tale short it was very difficult, some things you may wanna do if you are going to open an account in the bank, first thing, know where the bank is, i didnt research so i have to see if other people i met know the direction and i lost to much time, second, you will need a ID, your passport, if you are a studentyou also need somekind of ID from your school, you need an adress where things you eill receive loke balance of your account. Three; ask all you want to the guy to be sure you dont mess up. Four, learn their working hours so you can program your visits. Five once ypu receive your card, make sure everything inthe card its oj, later you have to access on the cumputer, to sign up your account so you can check it online, do not try to sign up by the first time out of the country that you dont belong, make sure to sign up in the country of the bank, if you dont do that it wont let you access; once you access you can check your account everyday, everywhere. Six and last, try to do a small pay using a card or a check in the name of your account so you see if its working, hope it helps you. Â


New movies vs. old movies Interview to Armando Esponda Written by Alejandro Aldrete Martinez

What do you think about movies today? These days there are two types of movies the blockbuster, the movies that are just there to make money, and there are others that are the movies that are the real deal, the movies that is made for, people to see it, not real for sell, for entertain and to tell a story 

What do you think about movies 30 years ago? All the movies back then it were just art, and not a waste of time, incredible actors, and also the directors. The directors back then were more risky, they tried experiment the way their stories are told, and they were really good, for taking the risk. What do you thing about movies in the 20’s compared to the future generation? It’s so different, 20’s is very incredible, those movies set up all the stories, we have known in our time, movies as epic as metropolis or citizen Kane, change the way the movies were made, and how a story can be tell, also the way the tell the story back then, without colors, without sound, not having anything and make incredible movies that even in these days are famous and are inspiration for others. So many director back then even lend a legacy to the directors now, as Tim burton or others; Christopher Nolan, a really cool director, that it thing just like ones of the 70’s because it has no fear to make experimentation and has really cool ideas.


What do you think of the adaptation of other media in the movie world? Bot bad if it’s well done, some books have the ability to turn into good movies, but it took the right persons to make it happen, and some books, like misery from Stephen king, or the lord of the rings, they make excellent adaptation, but remind that all the adaptation has a percentage that is just like the book, but if the book its good, then you have to find the right director to make it happened 


Review of a movie I can wrap The Covenant up for you in one simple sentence: it’s a movie every teenager loves. The Covenant tells the story of four boys who have received “The Power”. No one knows where The Power came from. It is always passed along family lines, from father to the eldest son and begins to manifest itself when they turn 13. This Power doesn’t fully mature until they “ascend” on their 18th birthday, an experience that looks identical to what happens when one immortal kills another in Highlander. Besides gracing the teenage boys with the bodies of Chippendale dancers, The Power grants them the ability to do anything they want, which usually manifests itself in the form of lifting women’s skirts or hurling beer kegs at each other. However, like the dark side of the force, the power has an addicting seductive side. Using it makes you want to do even more, but each usage causes damage to the user’s body, eventually leading to premature death. There’s some business in there about the families and witch hunts in the 1600s, a covenant and some Book of Damnation too. Caleb is the oldest and most responsible of the four and the most conscientious about using The Power. He and the others attend a private academy where the students spend more time partying than studying. Incredibly enough, all four boys are members of the swim team giving them ample opportunity to wander around in their speedos. The school year takes a twist when two new transfer students arrive on campus. One is the lovely Sarah who steals Caleb’s heart. The other is Chase, yet another swimmer with The Power. The boys discover Chase is a long lost descendant of a line they thought had died during the witch hunts. He has arrived with a hunger for more, looking to steal Caleb’s share of The Power.


Book review 

At the beginning of The Lost Symbol, Brown's "symbologist" Robert Langdon, about to start a frantic quest for the priestly lore hidden beneath the monuments of Washington DC, likens "the recipe for classic Coke" to the occult rites of the Freemasons. Forget about Brown's hints of a closely guarded wisdom that can lead us hierarchically from earth to heaven, like base metals transmuted into gold. His new novel might scavenge for remnants of what he calls "the Ancient Mysteries", but the mystery that really excites him is a modern one, a trade secret known to only two members of a corporate brotherhood at the Coca-Cola headquarters: the magic spell that turns water not into wine, which is all Christ could manage, but into bubbles and money. Brown, like Coke, is a global brand. What he promises consumers is more of the same, and in The Lost Symbol he has stirred up again his formulaic blend of motorised chase and mystical mumbo-jumbo. Langdon, having saved the Vatican from a nuclear blast in Angels & Demons, now comes home to give another dreary academic lecture, after which he sprints off to preserve the US government from a revelation that could destabilise the world. New names are assigned to players familiar from The Da Vinci Code. Saunière, the murdered Louvre curator, becomes Peter Solomon, the kidnapped and mutilated CEO of the Smithsonian Institution; Saunière's granddaughter is matched by Solomon's sister, recruited as Langdon's sidekick. The avenging angel who tracks them is not Silas, the self-flagellating albino monk, but a selfgelding bodybuilder who nicknames himself Moloch, after one of the devils in Paradise Lost. The Last Supper is replaced as a repository of forbidden knowledge by Dürer's Melencolia I, and the cryptex designed by Leonardo recurs as an impenetrable granite cube which only spells out the secret it contains when boiled in a pasta pan. Westminster Abbey cedes its role as a sacred site of illumination to Washington National Cathedral, whose sublimity inspires Brown to take inventory of the bells in its carillon and the pipes in its organ (53 and 10,647 respectively). IM Pei's pyramid in the Louvre courtyard, beneath which Langdon surmises that Mary Magdalen lies buried, is here up-ended as the pyramidal Washington Monument, whose tip contains the paltry solution to the panic that convulses the city.


The writing is as bad as Brown's admirers have come to expect: imagine Coke gone flat. Characters – "systems security specialist Mark Zoubianis" and "sys-sec Rick Parrish", for instance – come with occupational tags, since they're only memorable as the plot's functionaries. They converse with a lack of idiomatic verve that would embarrass an automaton. "Are you familiar with the private air terminal at Boston's Logan Airport?" someone asks Langdon. (He replies: "I am", though I was hoping he'd say: '"Affirmative".) In descriptive mode, Brown composes real estate listings. The villain inhabits a "sprawling mansion", which in an elegant variation 300 pages later is called a "spectacular mansion". Neighbourhoods are "upscale", an office building is "prestigious". No opportunity for product placement is missed. The heroine drives a '"white Volvo", while Langdon more snazzily cruises in a "Falcon 2000EX corporate jet" with "dual Pratt & Whitney engines". Minor characters brandish a BlackBerry, an iPhone and a Browning Citori shotgun. Every few pages, the plot arrives at a precipice, with a vertiginous drop of a few feet in prospect. '"We've got a serious problem," says someone. "What's in that case?!" asks someone else, with a flurry of superfluous punctuation to denote alarm. When Brown gets excited, he emits telegrams. A woman being stalked by the maniacal Moloch feels fear of a new kind: it is "Visceral. Primal". She needn't have worried, because he only wants her Pin number. At moments of supreme intensity, Brown relies on italics to carbonate his limp language. Langdon, drowning (not fatally, I'm sorry to say), sees the face of God, and gasps: "Light!" The fallen archangel, returning to Hell in a weird supernatural sally, reports: "I am screaming in infinite terror." I cocked my ear but despite the italics I couldn't hear a thing.


Though Brown is repeating himself, there is perhaps an added urgency to the enterprise this time because Langdon, after his excursions to Paris and Rome in previous novels, is on home ground, careening through what he informatively calls "our nation's capital city". Rather than researching esoterica in European museums, Brown now confronts his own country, with its neoclassical angels and rabid, fire-breathing demons. To the first class belongs the sainted figure of George Washington, who undergoes apotheosis in the rotunda of the US Capitol: he represents the enlightened origins of the republic, a product of the secular 18th-century's belief that man was potentially a god. The second class includes the televangelist who broadcasts in the background during a scene late in the book, haranguing his "hypnotised viewers" and alerting them to the imminence of the Apocalypse, when only the reborn will be saved from the flames. Brown, a New England liberal, is allegorically deploring America's fall into pious paranoia and religious hysteria. In his view, it's religion that is responsible for the fall of man and the corruption of the body politic. He muddles things up, however, by his own flirtation with mystagoguery. A high-tech subplot deals with noetic science, which sets out to calibrate brainwaves and tap cosmic consciousness. This new age endeavour made its "quantum leap forward" after 9/11, when the world's empathy for wounded America allegedly caused "the outputs of 37 Random Event Generators around the globe to suddenly become significantly lessrandom". The Arabs who burnt the Stars and Stripes that day weren't attuned to this warming oneness, so Brown may be fuzzily deluding himself. He is certainly interested in "the coalescing of millions of minds", but his loftiest aim is to make them coalesce at the cash register as they line up to buy copies of his new book.


There are 81m copies of The Da Vinci Code occupying space in our crowded world, joined now by 6.5m copies of his new book. In the realm of printed matter, Brown defers to only one piece of paper, which happens to be emblazoned with the pyramid that is the enciphered enigma at the center of The Lost Symbol. This, he concedes through the mouth of one of his characters, is "the most widely published" concatenation of words and images on earth, with "over 20 billion" copies circulating. As you will have guessed, he is referring to the one-dollar bill. The exponential numbers humble even Brown, but they give him something to aim for. He may not be able to write, but he knows how to print money: he is a one-man Mint.

By Ivan Bolanos


Not Just another Fake Mona Lisa A researcher at the Prado in Spain has discovered that the museum’s copy of the Mona Lisa was painted by someone working next to Leonardo da Vinci while he created the original. The Discovery Infrared reflectography reveals drawing lines under the paint, invisible to the naked eye. Every adjustment that Leonardo made on his underlying drawing was repeated in the copy, indicating that the two pieces were painted in tandem. The orange dots show where adjustments were made in both paintings. The arrows point to adjustments made to the head by the two painters. The Copy’s Restoration A layer of black paint covered the background of the copy of the Mona Lisa, left. The black layer was removed during a recent restoration, revealing a preserved background. Insights The restored copy provides some insights into the original masterpiece. Its underlying drawing is crisper and helps in understanding the original. The copy shows details in the texture of the mountains and the folds of the garment, for example, that are hidden behind the old varnish in the original.


Coachella Music and Arts Festival It started with a famous band named Pearl Jam, while performing in Indio with 25,000 fans watching the show. Six years later, on October 9 and 10, 1999 the first Coachella festival was held in the Empire Polo Club. First it was a two-day festival and not al artists were excited about receiving an invitation to play at Coachella Fest. Later on the festival got extended to a 3-day duration due to its popularity. On 2012, the festival is now a two-weekend duration event. The people who attended the event had to be divided in two weekends providing the same events to people who attended the festival. This festival promotes sustainability, it tries to reduce carbon footprint on the environment every year. It also promotes carpooling for its attendees wish include rewards for people who participate.


Canon EOS 5D Mark iii Canon's EOS 5D Mark III has a lot to live up to. For a start, the original Canon EOS 5D was the first DSLR to really bring full-frame digital photography within the reach of enthusiast photographers. Then came its replacement, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II , which kick-started the current trend for shooting video on a DSLR. By the time Canon actually announced the EOS 5D Mark III on March 2 2012 priced at $3,499 in the US for the body only. The Canon EOS 5D Mark III has 61-point. This is a big improvement on the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, which has nine user selectable AF points and six assist points, giving a total of 15. Canon hasn't changed much of its specification for the Mark III version, but there are some significant improvements. Firstly there's the introduction of a live view/movie switch on the rear, like on the Canon EOS 7D, to speed up movie activation. There's also a headphone socket for monitoring the stereo audio, which can be adjusted in the same way as that on the Canon EOS-1DX. Canon EOS 5D Mk III is capable of recording and merging three shots to produce a high dynamic range image. This is extremely useful, since it records all three shots as well as the processed HDR image, and if you shoot raw and JPEG images simultaneously, you'll find you have a total of seven images, including three raw files that you can process yourself if you wish Image quality throughout the native sensitivity range is excellent, noise is well controlled and there's plenty of detail. The AF system has been given a serious upgrade on what the Canon EOS 5D Mark II version has, and it puts in an excellent performance..


Roomies One of the conductors of the new program "Roomies" Ana Luisa Perez Tejada was interviewed to learn more about this program that was released last February in Televisa, Mexicali. u  -

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How did you get into Televisa, Mexicali? One of my friends called me and asked me if I was interested in working there. So I gave it a shot, had an interview and I got chose. Who had the idea of the name "ROOMIES”? It comes from the word Roommates, and the whole idea of the show is 4 girls sharing an apartment. How many hours a week do you work? It depends if there are events or interviews, around 4 to 10 hours a week. Which are the subjects you talk about? All of our subjects are for teenagers, we try to provide information for them and talk about subjects they’re interested in. Did you know your colleagues before? Yes, Emma went to school with me since I was 5. Gaby, is one of my sisters best friends and Paula is friends with my family.


Is it hard to work with them? - We obviously don’t agree in every decision we have to take, but it’s fun working with them. It has been a really nice experience. But yes, sometimes it does get hard to work with them. u  Do you like working in ‘’ROOMIES’’? - It’s honestly a really fun job. I’ve met a lot of people, and I’ve had many experiences that no one else could’ve given me. I really enjoy what I do, we sit around and talk about all our experiences and learn many things. u  Have you ever thought of quitting? - I have, but not because I don’t like it, but because of college. u

We appreciate your time and wish you luck in your program, we hope you have the same success or even better in the future.


Spring breaking If you’re traveling in Baja, you’re young and looking for fun, Cabo San Lucas has the essential elements to assure you that a person with all those characteristics will have fun. It also has a beautiful beach called “Nicky beach” where you can relax during the day and charge up your energy for Cabo’s crazy nightlife.

Even though it’s a fun and relaxing place at the same time, money is necessary because it is very expensive also. Be sure to use your money wisely and to take care of yourself, as. For the last note I would like to add to be careful, as the night goes by the un-safer it becomes to be outside your home or hotel.


2 best restaurants in Cabo, San Lucas

Hacienda Cocina y Cantina:

It is a signature restaurant and it’s also opened recently. It has a continental cuisine with exquisite dishes. While eating at Hacienda Cocina y Cantina, you can also enjoy of a beautiful sunset. Pochos Marina Restaurant: Even dough it has food from anywhere in the continent, its specialty is based on Walking the marina boardwalk in Cabo seafood. is a great way to see the sights. You’ll walk past multi-million dollar yachts and a bevy of restaurants and bars. The restaurant forms part of what is called “Restaurant Row” at Plaza Bonita. Pochos is set up on the marina boardwalk giving gorgeous views of the sport fishing and yachts that call the IGY Marina in Cabo home.

How to … Make great presentations 31

Now a days everyone can make a PowerPoint presentation , but not all can make a great presentation. In the following article you will learn how to stand out among all presentations

1.  Choose images - big, clear, relevant : Images can help you explain the information or distract the audience , it’s very important to choose images for support not for decorating the presentation. 2.  Write notes – It’s valid to write speaker notes so you don’t forget anything 3.  When you think you have it down , time yourself : if you got nervous or you forget something take a little time to breath , this will help refresh your mind 4.  Say “so what” : When you are practicing ask so what? To your self , if you can’t answer the question start over. 5.  If you have time left , ask your audience for opinions 6.  Slides are a helper in your presentation not the core - It’s important to be dynamic with the audience and to ask questions according to the topic. 7.  Try to avoid question like "Do you have doubts?" or "What do you think about it?" ; it’s better to ask "How would you like to implement it with additions?" or "What more would you like to see added into it?" You can also try, "What difference can it make to help in our growth and why should we promote it?" 8.  During the very beginning of the PPT, you may give a brief outline or a flow chart about the basic topics you wish to cover. This will help in two ways: First: The audience will be ready to capture the flow of PPT , Second: An uninterested audience will either leave or will come to know about them as you deliver your content. 9.  If your finances permit, give them a text copy of the major points before you begin.


Poems Now that spring is finally here, here are some poems relatives to this theme; these poems were written by an American poet from Indiana who is especially well known for her children’s writings named Evaleen Stein. Enjoy! The First Red-Bird by Evaleen Stein I heard a song at daybreak, So honey-sweet and clear, The essence of all joyous things Seemed mingling in its cheer. The frosty world about me I searched with eager gaze, But all was slumber-bound and wrapped In violet-tinted haze. Then suddenly a sunbeam Shot slanting o'er the hill, And once again from out the sky I heard that honied trill. And there upon a poplar, Poised at its topmost height, I saw a little singer clad In scarlet plumage bright. The poplar branches quivered, By dawn winds lightly blown, And like a breeze-swept poppy-flower The red-bird rocked and shone. The blue sky, and his feathers Flashed o'er by golden light, Oh, all my heart with rapture thrilled, It was so sweet a sight!

Another Sure Sign by Evaleen Stein When pink-cheeked on every hand Little girls are seen to stand Turning skipping ropes,--swish-swash!-While their laughing playmates run Jumping over,--oh, what fun!- Swish-swash! Swish-swash! Two and two now, see them dash! One, two, one, two, Round they scamper, safely through, Swish-swash! such merry skipping, One, two,--some one is tripping! Ah, she's out now and must pay Turning rope while others play! See the bobbing golden curls, Little skirts in rhythmic swirls Rising, falling, to the beat Of the little skipping feet! When these pretty sights appear, It is surely very clear April's here!


Humor The first grade class comes in from recess, and Teacher asks Mary, "What did you do at recess?" Mary says, "I played in the sand box." Teacher says, "That's good. Go to the blackboard, and if you can write 'sand' correctly, I'll give you a fresh-baked cookie." She does, and gets a cookie. Teacher asks Billy what he did at recess. Billy says, "I played with Mary in sand box." Teacher says, "Good. If you write 'Box" correctly on blackboard, I'll give you a fresh baked cookie." Billy does, and gets a cookie. Teacher then asks Bernie Goldberg what he did at recess. He says, "I tried to play with Mary and Billy, but they threw rocks at me." Teacher says, "Threw rocks at you? That sounds like blatant racial discrimination. If you can go the blackboard and write 'blatant racial discrimination' I'll give you a cookie."


How to clean a laptop keyboard 

Laptop keyboards take in a lot of dirt, dust and grime. Occasionally cleaning the keyboard will make your laptop look nicer and preserve its life You’ll need : •  Teaspoon •  1 wipe

1.Start by turning your machine off. Unplug it, disconnect it and remove any USB wires or memory sticks. 2.Tilt your laptop forward. Bang the back and hopefully anything lodged between the keys will fall out! 3.Take the end of a teaspoon and wrap it in a wet-wipe. Drag the tea spoon along all the edges of the keys and keyboard. This will pick up any dust and dirt.

4.Take a vacuum cleaner and run it over the keys. This will rid your laptop of any more dirt. Alternatively, you can use a hair-dryer to blow it away but ensure you repeat step 2. 5.If you are still having problems, remove your laptop keys. Research your laptops brand name and see if you do have keys that can actually be taken off


Peter Sternberg, Professor of Mathematics “One good way to stop the conversation at a dinner party is to say that I’m a math professor. If anyone responds at all, it’s simply to say, ‘I hatedmath.’ Then silence follows until someone changes the subject.” Dr. Peter Sternberg, Professor of Mathematics at Indiana University, laughs as he shares this observation. He goes on to stress that he loves his work—both teaching and conducting research—despite the frustration he encounters when he tries to discuss it with friends. Discussing it with students is another matter, and he strives to stay “aware of which points in a discussion are going to be hard for the students to understand.” Prof. Sternberg brought an impressive educational history with him when he joined the IU faculty in 1988. After graduating as valedictorian from his southern California high school, he attended the University of California at Berkeley. Before graduating with honors from Berkeley, he was accepted to the Courant Institute at New York University, the foremost place in the world for research into Prof. Sternberg’s area of interest: partial differential equations. Here he worked under the tutelage of the eminent mathematician, Prof. Robert Kohn. After obtaining his Ph.D. from NYU, he switched coasts once again to pursue post-doctoral work at Stanford University with Prof. Joe Keller, a worldrenowned applied mathematician. Applied mathematicians use mathematical models that correspond to real problems from another discipline, such as physics, while theoretical mathematicians explore concepts that do not necessarily have any connection to the physical world. Prof. Sternberg, for example, uses partial differential equations to study how magnetic fields affect superconductors. Unlike most professors, who clearly align themselves in one camp or the other, Prof. Sternberg “straddles the fence” between applied work and theory. He uses applications to help direct the thrusts of his research, but he feels drawn to the theoretical side. “For me, the aesthetic is important. I put a really high premium on elegance.”


A businessman walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan. So the businessman hands over the keys to a RollsRoyce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan.

An employee drives the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the businessman returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest , which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is; why would you bother to borrow $5,000? The businessman replied: Where else in New York can I park my car for two weeks for 15 bucks?


Historical Article Mexicali, Apr. 14 -- Japan unconditionally surrendered the hemispheric empire taken by force and held almost intact for more than two years against the rising power of the United States and its Allies in the Pacific war. The bloody dream of the Japanese military caste vanished in the text of a note to the Four Powers accepting the terms of the Potsdam Declaration of July 26, 1945, which amplified the Cairo Declaration of 1943. Like the previous items in the surrender correspondence, the Japanese document was forwarded through the Swiss Foreign Office at Berne and the Swiss Legation in Washington. The note of total capitulation was delivered to the State Department by the Legation Charge d'Affaires at 6:10 P. M., after the third and most anxious day of waiting on Tokyo, the anxiety intensified by several premature or false reports of the finale of World War II on August 14 of 1946. Orders Given to the Japanese The Department responded with a note to Tokyo through the same channel, ordering the immediate end of hostilities by the Japanese, requiring that the Supreme Allied Commander- who, the President announced, will be Gen. Douglas MacArthur- be notified of the date and hour of the order, and instructing that emissaries of Japan be sent to him at once- at the time and place selected by him- "with full information of the disposition of the Japanese forces and commanders.� President Truman summoned a special press conference in the Executive offices at 7 P.M. He handed to the reporters three texts.

38 The first- the only one he read aloud- was that he had received the Japanese note and deemed it full acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration, containing no qualification whatsoever; that arrangements for the formal signing of the peace would be made for the "earliest possible moment;" that the Japanese surrender would be made to General MacArthur in his capacity as Supreme Allied Commander in Chief; that Allied military commanders had been instructed to cease hostilities, but that the formal proclamation of V. J. Day must await the formal signing. The text ended with the Japanese note in which the Four Powers (the United States, Great Britain, China, and Russia) were officially informed that the Emperor of Japan had issued an imperial rescript of surrender, was prepared to guarantee the necessary signatures to the terms as prescribed by the Allies, and had instructed all his commanders to cease active operations to surrender all arms and to disband all forces under their control and within their reach. The President's second announcement was that he had instructed the Selective Service to reduce the monthly military draft from 80,000 to 50,000 men, permitting a constant flow of replacements for the occupation forces and other necessary military units, with the draft held to low-age groups and first discharges given on the basis of long, arduous and faithful war service. He said he hoped to release 5,000,000 to 5,500,000 men in the subsequent year or eighteen months, the ratio governed in some degree by transportation facilities and the world situation. The President's final announcement was to decree holidays tomorrow and Thursday for all Federal workers, who, he said, were the "hardest working and perhaps the least appreciated" by the public of all who had helped to wage the war. Mr. Truman spoke calmly to the reporters, but when he had finished reading his face broke into a smile. Also present were Secretary of State James F. Byrnes and Admiral William D. Leahy, the President's personal Chief of Staff, and two other members of the Cabinet- Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Commerce, and James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy- managed to respond to a hurry call in time to be there. The agreement to issue the statements simultaneously in all the Allied capitals, and the brief period between the call to the Cabinet and the announcement, were responsible. Later the chief war administrators and Cordell Hull, former Secretary of State, arrived to congratulate the President


Pocahontas Pocahontas was the daughter of a Native American chief in Virginia at the time when the British came to settle in the area. Her marriage to an English settler brought eight years of peace between the Indians and the British. Pocahontas's real name was Matoaka. As a child, she was also called Pocahontas, meaning "playful one," and the name stuck. Her father was Powhatan (c. 1550–1618), the chief of a group of tribes that bore his name and spoke the Native American Algonquian language. In 1607 English colonists founded Jamestown. They had been sent by the Virginia Company. As a young girl, Pocahontas often played at the Jamestown fort. She became friends with some of the boys there and charmed the settlers by turning cartwheels with the boys in the Jamestown marketplace. Captain John Smith (c. 1580–1631), who was the leader of the Jamestown colony until 1609, reported that Pocahontas saved his life when he was captured by Powhatan's warriors in 1608. Despite the incident with Smith, tensions between the Native Americans and the colonists in Virginia remained. In 1613, while Pocahontas was visiting the village of the Potomac Indians, she was taken prisoner by Samuel Argall, captain of a ship named Treasurer. Argall wanted to use Pocahontas as a hostage to exchange for Englishmen who were held by Powhatan's group, and for tools and supplies that the Native Americans had stolen. She was taken to Jamestown, where she was treated with respect by the governor, Sir Thomas Dale (–1619). Dale was touched by her intelligence and by her proper behavior. After being instructed in the Christian religion, she was baptized (admitted to Christianity and given a Christian name) with the name Rebecca.


John Rolfe (1585–1622), a gentleman at Jamestown, fell in love with Pocahontas and asked Dale for permission to marry her. Dale readily agreed in order to win the friendship of the Indians, even though Pocahontas may have already been married to a chief named Kocoum. In 1616 the Virginia Company invited Pocahontas to visit England. Rolfe, Pocahontas, her brother-in-law Tomocomo, and several Indian girls sailed to England. She was treated as a princess and introduced to England's King James I and Queen Anne. Early in 1617 Pocahontas and her party prepared to return to Virginia. However, she became ill while in the village at Gravesend.. Pocahontas died from the disease and was buried in Gravesend Church. Her only child, Thomas Rolfe, was educated in England, and later returned to Virginia.

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