Palakkad Toastmasters Newsletter Retrix

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Message from Club Growth Director - D20


Message from Division D Director


Message from Club Mentor


Message from Club sponsor


Message from EXCOM Members


Message from Past President


Aur Revoir


Joy of Creativity


The Zoom Factor


Rediscover the better You


What’s your breakfast


Life Hacks


Time Management


First Step




I am a Toastmaster Too


Learn to Appreciate


You are not Alone


Unseen cord


My journey


Getting of to Good start


Click from Contests


Achievements & Accolades


Awards & Appreciation




Contestants in Action


Journey through Meetings


Milestone meeting




Thank you





EDITORIAL Dear Toastmasters,

“I discovered that a fresh start is a process. A fresh start is a journey – a journey that requires a plan.” – Vivian Jokotade Turn the pages of this edition of RETRIX, the newsletter of Palakkad Toastmasters. As we are heading towards the end of a successful term and beginning of a new journey of Palakkad Toastmasters we chose the theme “Igniting New Beginnings”. We took utmost care in including all the golden moments of club’s and member’s achievements happened in the past. I express my sincere gratitude to the dignitories includes District 20 CGD DTM Khalid Abdulla, Division D Director DTM Sajitha Satheesh, who showed their immense support by sending their words of love. The pages were filled with messages from Charter members, Past presidents, Past members, and all the members with their toastmasters life. I thank all the members of Palakkad Toastmasters who contributed in various ways to make this newsletter a reality. I take this opportunity to thank our Club President TM Sreejith Raja, and the executive committee for entrusting me with the responsibility as the editor. I thank my Editorial Team members, TM Diviya Ramesh, TM Dr. Aathira Aravindan and TM Ammu Ramesh, for their dedication and efforts in bringing this edition a memorable one. Relax, Sit back and Enjoy reading… TM Sumesh Manimel VP Public Relations Chief Editor

Chief Editor Sumesh Manimel, TM VP Public Relations

Content editor & Proofing Dr. Aathira Aravindan, TM

Sub Editor Diviya Ramesh, TM

Content editor & Proofing Ammu Ramesh, TM

Published on June 2020-2021 PTM OFFICERS © All rights reserved





Sreejith Raja, TM President

Dr. Bindhu Nair, TM VP Education

Dr. Aathira Menon, TM VP Membership

Sumesh Manimel, TM VP Public Relations

Sajeev Menon, TM Treasurer

Ammu Ramesh, TM Secretary

Jayakumar, TM Sergeant At Arms

Deepa Sajeevan, TM Immediate Past President


Sigi Lal, TM President

Sunitha Raghu, TM VP Education

Mohd Shafi, TM VP Membership

Sumesh Manimel, TM VP Public Relations

Santhosh Pulickal, TM Treasurer

Bindu Ajith, TM Secretary

Vysakh Unni, TM Sergeant At Arms

Sreejith Raja, TM Immediate Past President




Message from CGD Khalid Abdulla, DTM Club Growth Director

Dear Palakkad Toastmaster Family members, Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be part of your newsletter issue. It’s an urge and truth to be told, everyone of us has felt it no matter where they in the hierarchy are. Everyone of us has felt the urge to quit! We might have felt it in every virtual meeting we attend or in every single infection of our closed ones. We might have felt the urge to quit when the economy got affected and many of our loved ones got released from work. We might have felt the urge to quit when we lost many senior Toastmasters in the island due to the tough situation we are going through. Many of such reasons closed clubs and stopped other from renewing. The difference between all of the above and Palakkad Toastmasters is just one word… VISION “The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have” – Norman Vincent

When the vision is clear, no matter what obstacles on the path, a leader will know how to deal with. We are on the verge of closing this term and igniting new beginnings. My humble request to my brothers and sisters of Palakkad Toastmasters family is to keep on believing in the vision. Yes the urge to quit will definitely be felt from time to time but only those with clear vision and only those who will lose themselves in something bigger than themselves will survive all obstacles. I wish all the best to Palakkad Toastmasters family members. Keep on believing in yourself and keep on inspiring others. Stay safe. Regards, Khalid Abdulla, DTM District 20 Club Growth Director




Message from Div D Director Sajitha Satheesh, DTM Division D Director

Legacy Continues… “Learning, Leading, Transforming” – Wow, A Toastmasters Club that envisaged, enacted & enriched these three fundamental steps of leadership, an innovative Toastmaster Club in the Island of Pearls – Kingdom of Bahrain – Palakkad Toastmasters Club – My heart is full of pride to acknowledge your wonderful journey up to the 10th anniversary – Kudos, Kudos, Kudos to all who contributed to reach this amazing moment of pride! I realize the journey wouldn’t have been that smooth enough to all who were on board, but you have shown the confidence & leadership skills to overcome such hurdles & reach your dream destination, once again my hearty congratulations! I could see the right amalgam of Past, Present & Future generations in the membership data of PTM which is the very best sign that a club achieves & should achieve, since this is not just a day’s journey but it’s a journey that takes with it generations. What I see in the leadership data is that, PTM has been fortunate enough to get capable & confident captains & crew all along their journey & the current Team certainly reiterates the fact & is highly capable of maintaining & enriching the legacy that they got. Bravo! PTM has contributed many leaders for District 20, many contest winners for District 20, many role players for many of its events, many models’ milestone events for others to cherish & follow and, above all, has proved that nothing can stop the excellence, by conducting regular quality club meetings in varied styles! From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate the club & wish the best in its onward journey! Let the club’s name & flag fly high always & become a pride for the Island, Toastmasters fraternity & the whole world! When Retrix’s pages unfold, let its narratives turn out to be the guiding lights for others to commence & continue their onward journey! DTM Sajitha Satheesh Division D Director




Message from Club Mentor Madan Mohan Ambat, DTM Club Mentor

Dear Leaders! Greetings from Kerala! The relentless onslaught of Covid 19 is still continuing in varying degrees across the world… The good old days of carefree life and travel seems to be a faraway dream…will the world be the same after this pandemic? Many lives have been lost…this disease poached so many known and dear ones from our lives…physical and social distancing have become the new slogan… if at all we meet a friend face to face, we scramble to wear our masks, even before we wear our smiles…Let us hope that we are able to live a normal life again without the fear of disease and death… As leaders how can we handle one of the biggest challenges posed by this pandemic, the lockdown? We Toastmasters are sworn agents of self-development… we all decided to take that one single step to join Toastmasters to improve our communication and leadership skills. In this lockdown times, probably we should enlarge it a bit more to include other skills that we are not very proficient with… Identify couple of things you want to learn a bit more and understand better… difficult? Let me give you some ideas… How about learning a bit more about the mobile device you are using? The settings, the features, different apps you have on your device and their features and possibilities? How about the remote control of your TV, your AC? How about the microwave oven that you bought spending a sizeable amount of money? The gas cooker, washing machine, the camera? The list is endless… it is a golden opportunity to learn to use the devices properly so that you don’t have to run to your spouses or kids with the proclamation, “I don’t understand these things”…remember always that technology is here to stay… we have to start somewhere for not to be left behind from the new technologies and the joy of using it without fear or intimidation… During changing times, the winners would be those who learn and practice the art of adaptation… As we have heard countless times… the only thing that does not change is change itself… the earlier we understand this and prepare ourselves, the better for us! Stay healthy, Stay active and Stay Safe! DTM Madan Mohan Ambat




Message from Club Sponsor Krishnadas Nair, DTM Club Sponsor

Dear Friends, As we move in to the 11th installation ceremony of Palakkad Toastmasters, it gives me intense pleasure to write few lines about Palakkad Toastmasters. Enthusiastic members are always the pillars of any organization and Palakkad Toastmasters are not different. Our members are so dedicated that any event of the club is celebrated with utmost importance. Now you can hardly find any club in the island who publish a newsletter frequently but we are very exceptional that we are still continuing with the ½ yearly newsletter started back in 2012 when I was the President with the name RETRIX. Now RETRIX is one of the famous online news letter in Bahrain Toastmaster community with it’s presentation and style. That’s what the commitment of the Excom and the team members, no words to appreciate the members working behind it, really good work of all who contributed to share lots of information for the betterment of our members and the society. I am sure this initiative will continue for ever and thanks and congratulations to the current Excom who did exceptionally well during this pandemic time with innovative ideas, celebrations and adding a new event “Speech craft” in Palakkad Toastmasters annual calendar. Best wishes and all the best for the new Excom to meet all challenges put forward by your predecessors. Keep it up. Thanks & regards, Krishnadas Nair, DTM Club Sponsor




Message from Club President Sreejith Raja, TM President

Dear members of the Palakkad Toastmasters Family, Greetings! Every end is a new beginning. As we come close to the end of a Toastmasters Calendar, we are stepping into a new beginning with a new and wonderful team waiting to take charge. We are actually igniting a new beginning. In spite of the world facing a grave pandemic caused by the Corona virus, Palakkad Toastmasters Club has moved ahead in a very positive way. We learnt how to cope up with online meetings confirming to social distancing norms and in a way doing our best to prevent the spread of the disease. We celebrated our 10th Anniversary this year and at the same time, we were also able to organise two batches of YLP for the first time in our history. Organising a Speechcraft program was yet another first in the history of PTM. All these happened due to the dedication exhibited by our valuable members who worked tirelessly behind these flagship programs. I urge all our members to continue showing this enthusiasm and dedication to our club in future and support our incoming Executive Committee to take Palakkad Toastmasters to great heights and continuing to keep the flag of our club flying high. I wish the incoming Executive Committee to ignite new beginnings and make all of us proud. Good luck team! Together let us all Ignite New Beginnings. Best Regards, Sreejith Raja President Palakkad Toastmasters Club




Message from VP Education Dr. Bindhu Nair, TM Vice President Education

“Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better”. Bill Bradley I started my Toastmasters journey in 2016 and had taken up the ExCom roles of VP-PR, VP-Membership and now VP - Education. Each role opened avenues to experiment and implement creative ideas that apparently helped in exhibiting a different phase of the club. The Vice-President Education is endowed with the privileges of glowing roles of educating the members, assessing how well the trajectory of members is, and making timely interventions whenever required to ensure non-derailment of the journey. My role as VPE was invigorating given it envisioned leadership and practiced influence. The role demanded extreme professionalism and service minded attitude. I always tried to be the catalyst in the members change in potential. When the pandemic happened, it was again challenging to push members out of the comfort of in-person meetings to virtual ones. However, members quickly adapted to the new normal. The best feeling of approving the first official transcript of level completion, path completion & DTM is something to cherish as a VPE since I can see the visible results of the constant push that moved the members forward. As a VPE, coordinating everything right from the discussions to scheduling speeches of members needs thoughtful deliberation. The leadership exercise comes in the form of persuading inactive members to come for speeches, asking the members to make necessary amendments in their write-ups if they happen to comfortably share the speech with us when mentors are in the process of being assigned, making constant communications and convincing members to take roles, providing alternate club platforms if the speech or evaluation sessions are jam-packed and taking impromptu roles in any unforeseen situations. All of this demand a comprehensive exercise of influence; this portrays what leadership challenge is all about in Toastmasters. Joining Toastmasters has been a blessing in disguise for me since I have realized through myself and others that leadership is not just about leading with orders, rather it is about leading with care, empathy, and a passion to lead your members. It is all about diverting your personal drive to a group of beneficiaries and towards their successful journeys. Having said that, my advise to the upcoming leaders is that, aim for being a successful leader not because there is a requirement of a leader under a protocol but because real leadership trait is reflected in your efforts. I would like to thank all members, particularly those engaged with me whole heartedly to make my term as VPE a successful one. To name a few, the YLP coordinators, Speechcraft Coordinators, event chairs of various events including the 10th anniversary celebrations and the speakers who helped to achieve DCP goals. I would like to thank my sub-committee members DTM Shivdas Nair & TM Sunitha, club mentor DTM Madan Mohan and club sponsor DTM Krishnadas for their support and guidance. Last but not the least, thanks are due to my fellow EXCOM, it was a pleasure working the amazing team. Dear incoming team - when you have great aspirations and when you complement that with great actions, great achievement is a natural outcome. All the very best. Signing off, TM Dr Bindhu Nair VP Education, 2020-21




Message from VP Membership Dr. Aathira Aravindan, TM Vice President Membership

Great things are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people. - Steve Jobs

It was in early January, when I received the call from our club president asking if I was interested to take up the role of Vice President Membership. I was elated on hearing that. We had already completed half the term, yet I agreed to take up the role. I was new to the Ex-Com and completely unsure of the duties and responsibility. Fortunately, I was blessed to have an opportunity to work with an excellent team of ex-com members who guided and helped me through the process. Very soon I was able to understand and fulfill my role. Within just one month of my term as VP Membership, we were able to induct 8 new members into our club. This was a great achievement in itself. The times have been difficult. With pandemic, it was a fog sight to be able to involve more members into the fraternity. But, with strong determination and support of all the members of Palakkad Toastmasters we were easily able to attain more than the required number of members leading us to gloriously achieve the DCP points. Palakkad Toastmasters is a platform signifying unity and perseverance. With the involvement of every member equally we have built a space for self-development and persuading people to join this amazing journey of Toastmasters for their development. My term as VP Membership has been memorable and joyful throughout even if it was for only a period of 6 months. The experiences that I had during taught me some valuable lessons of working in team and to face challenges head on. No situation is difficult if you have a great team who share the same passion and dream to change the world with a smile. It was my extreme fortune to serve you all as you VP Membership for the term 2020-2021. Wishing the incoming ex com all the best for a remarkable journey. Until next time. Aathira Aravindan Menon VP Membership 2020-2021




Message from VP Public Relations Sumesh Manimel, TM Vice President Public Relations

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." –C.S. Lewis “What is the most important thing that I need to excel in my career?” This is probably the most common question that many of my friends, employees, and acquaintances have asked me so many times. And pretty much all the time, when I share my answer, they seem to get surprised because my answer to this pointed question is limited to just one word – communication. According to me, good communication skills are vital to an individual’s success in their career. Sadly, this is something that many professionals overlook and fail to develop. You will agree with the fact that the need for communication is everywhere, be it your personal life or professional life. Especially, for growing in today’s fast-paced work environment, you cannot take your communication skills lightly. It doesn’t matter whether you are a software developer or a digital marketer, you must know how to interact and put forward your ideas among the people. “Without proper communication, even the greatest of ideas can easily go unnoticed, and eventually, wasted.” How to excel in communication? • Developing self-confidence is a must if you want to master the art of communication. • Communication always goes well when you and your audience respect each other. • You need to be an active listener to understand what others are saying. • The next important communication skill that you will always need at the workplace is emotional intelligence. • The tone and the volume of your voice play a crucial role in setting the right atmosphere for a productive conversation. • Honestly, feedback can be scary sometimes. But it is an essential ingredient for effective communication. • Communication is not only limited to verbal and written forms. Nonverbal communication also offers a great way to communicate your message effectively. • Communication can never be effective if you do not believe in the information that you are sharing. Communication is an imperative part of our lives. And when it comes to advancing in your professional career, you need to be good at communication. Developing good communication skills will likely bring positive results and help you succeed in your professional life. You'll improve your interpersonal communication and be more persuasive and confident when giving speeches. Joining Toastmasters can help you achieve your personal and professional goals.... And Toastmasters' safe and supportive club environment means there's no pressure, so you can work at your own pace. It’s never too late… Sumesh Manimel VPPR 2020-21




Message from Treasurer Sajeev Menon, TM Treasurer

There is no better time to become a TOASTMASTER. These days the one advice I give to others if they are looking for self-improvement is to join Toastmasters. With the new digital environment in working, lifelong learning will become a norm and growth mindset will be crucial for all to survive in the future.

With many of the employees now working

remotely, communication has become a main factor for the success of the individuals. It is easy to see who is communicating successfully and achieving the results. Every day we find people struggling to put their point across in the official meetings and unnecessary usage of filler words and the time they take to put across simple points to the meeting attendees. Ability to communicate successfully has become a key factor to achieve growth within the organization and gain promotions. This is where the relevance of being a Toastmasters gain significance. -

To develop boarder Leadership competencies, be an effective communicator to larger

audience, and help others to achieve their targets. I personally have achieved a lot of improvement in communication skills which wouldn’t have happened without being a Toastmaster. I have now requested all my mangers to be part of the Toastmaster club in any part of the world. -

There is no better time to become a TOASTMASTER




Message from Secretary Ammu Ramesh, TM Secretary

THE BEAUTY OF COMRADERY I am sure that everyone has come across the word teamwork. An American self-help author Napoleon Hill had once said, “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed”. Helping my fellow club members in whatever they required and being able to complete goals together brings a different kind of satisfaction. As a secretary I was given the duties to keep the records of the daily club meeting and the attendance. Receiving such a responsibility was an honor which I felt delighted to fulfil. Being the secretary for a year helped me experience a new sense of responsibility. Moreover, I was able to improve my skills and learn a lot while I carried out the role. The specialty of our club, Palakkad toastmasters club is that all the members would open heartedly help other members without any sense of burden or hesitation. Even during programs or events that are conducted, for instance the speech craft or the youth leadership program, all the members assisted the ones in charge without a second thought and we were able to stay united as a team and support each other until the end. The beauty of comradery could be seen in every moment in our club. The assistance provided to our members were not only limited to club activities but also for self-improvement. I was able to receive immense support and guidance in terms of pathways and roles from my mentor and other senior members of the club. Just like how I am fortunate enough to be a part this wonderful club, I truly wish more members could join and experience the beauty of this teamwork. I am sure, that the upcoming ex-com will surely achieve more and prove the strength of our club. I give my sincere best wishes to the upcoming ex-com. Ammu Ramesh Secretary 2020-21




Message from Sergeant at Arms Jayakumar Poovamkunnil, TM Sergeant at Arms

Dear fellow Toastmasters, I joined Palakkad Toastmasters in the year 2019. During this period, I had an opportunity to learn and upgrade my skills. My mentor and fellow toastmasters are very cooperative and motivate me to do club role activities. I broke the ice with a gentle push by delivering my ICE breaker speech titled “Gentle Push”. Now I plan to break my Level 1 in the year 2021 and enter Level 2. In 2020, I was elected as Sergeant Arms (SAA) for the Year 2020-21. I accepted this position as a challenge and during the pandemic situation, through online platform, gave the best service as SAA to the club. I am happy to be part of this EXCOM and wishing all the very best for the Incoming EXCOM to take PTM name to newer heights. Thanks to Palakkad Toastmasters Club for providing an excellent platform for everyone to showcase and develop their communication skills. Regards, Jayakumar SAA 2020-21




Message from IPP Deepa Sajeevan, TM Immediate Past President Palakkad Toastmasters

Dear fellow toastmasters, “Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born” Dale Turner, an American singer-songwriter had rightly said.

All of us have dreams and goals in our life. Most of us plan to do so many things but there will always be a reason to procrastinate. We find excuses like I don’t have enough time, money, education or experience right now. We tell ourselves that when circumstances become better, we’ll start and that perfect time never comes. We know these are mere excuses. The real reason maybe we’re scared of what might happen if we try. Or what others will think? If you really want success Stop making excuses and start focusing on all the reasons why you must make it happen. Just start and walk confidently towards your dreams. Simply begin is the best way to get things done. Palakkad toastmasters is the place where we get opportunity to make new start- new start in communication and leadership development. Now we are heading towards new toastmaster year. It is the right time to plan and progress towards our renewed dreams. As the immediate past president, it gives me immense pleasure that outgoing Ex-com has done incredible initiatives even in this trying time of covid -19 pandemic. Indeed, you are an inspiration, a challenge and an avenue for the incoming ExCom to continue the legacy and take PTM to greater heights. I wish a great toastmaster’s experience to all PTM members under the efficient leadership of new executive committee. Deepa Sajeevan, TM Immediate Past President




Au Revoir

One of my childhood’s dream was to converse in English fluently. In order to achieve the same, I used to watch English news channels on TV regularly. Initially

Chithra Ramesh, TM

I never understood a word but eventually I started grasping the bits and pieces. First the words, then the content and slowly the grammar. When I reached college, even though I had started speaking in English, I had no confidence.

Few years later I moved to the Middle East after my marriage and that opened a world of opportunities to improve my communication skills and thereby my confidence. I started my career as a teacher in an English medium school with students from all over the world and I felt it was time to put my English lessons to use. It took time but I never gave up. Books of Wren & Martin became my friends. Eventually, I joined Palakkad Toastmasters (PTM) where sky was the limit. I prepared my speeches and did the required research tirelessly until I reached my goals. Fast forward to several years later, numerous achievements and a lifetime of experiences, it’s time for me to move on to the next phase of my life – return to my homeland. As a result, I am forced to leave PTM physically, but emotionally I would be with you all. I would be the happiest to share my knowledge and experiences anytime to keep the torch of PTM burning. Special thanks to all the flag bearers of PTM who have relentlessly worked for the growth and stability of the club. Thank you for helping me build and achieve my childhood dream. I would be forever grateful to you all. Farewell! Chithra Ramesh CC, AL




The joy of creativity

To be creative means to be in love with life - Osho

For the past two years, we are in a situation where we Diviya Ramesh, TM

can’t do anything to relax or enjoy ourselves. Get-togethers, traveling, fun at the workplace, dinner with friends, we miss a lot of things. Most people are upset and depressed. It is human nature to look at what we miss, not what we have. If you take this opportunity to do something creative and useful, we can change depression into cheerfulness. To get over the depression and boredom in today's life, the best way is to learn new things or find new ways to do the things that you were doing. In one word, be creative. It is easy to say. But how can you be creative? In what way? You can bring in creativity in whatever you do. It can be in cooking, folding clothes, arranging your room. We always do things in the same fashion. The most dangerous statement is, “We have always done it this way”. Then why should we change? To make life interesting and to feel worthy, you should change the

lesson, it is ok to make mistakes, but learn from your mistakes. Toastmasters is not just about public speaking and leadership, it even gives us more courage to face the problems, it gives us energy to inspire others and ourselves and helps in making our life feel worthy by appreciating even the small things we do and above all, to come out of our comfort zone. Dear members, the comfort zone is the great enemy of creativity. Come out of your comfort zone, don’t fear the failure, don’t fear the change… enjoy the life journey by being creative. TM Diviya Ramesh

way you do things. We are afraid to make a change. More than the fear of change, we fear failure. Toastmasters is the platform that taught me, not to fear failures. Palakkad Toastmasters taught me the life




The ZOOM Factor

"Zoom In and Zoom Out” are known terms to all.

Shivdas Nair, DTM

The term Zoom means ‘Change smoothly from a long shot to a close-up or vice versa or move or travel quickly.

I am bit aggressive in learning and used to look into pictures and articles of interest from various angles to know in detail. In life we all pan out various aspects to visualize something which has never happened or at times to the event which has happened. All human beings’ intent to connect with one another in physical world. Togetherness always eases pain, increases joy and makes us remain connected to matters in our life. Year 2020, beginning of pandemic and the world came to a standstill. To remain inside four walls of the home was the call to remain safe. At this juncture came in a web-based platform named Zoom and in no time the whole world was glued to it. The word Zoom got another meaning and from corporate meeting, club meeting, family meeting, exercise, dance, learning music and what not all started using Zoom the new technology to come closer as if in real life. ZOOM Cloud meetings (often referred to as just zoom) is a video proprietary software program developed by Zoom Video Communications. The free plan provides a video chatting service that allows up to 100 concurrent participants, with a



“Opportunities Vary, Life is different, Resources differ, Problem’s change Solutions are different”

40-minute time restriction. Users have the option to upgrade by subscribing to a paid plan. The highest plan supports up to 1,000 concurrent participants for meetings lasting up to 30 hours. As the popularity grew many companies came up with different platforms which had better security feature of end user at some point. But till today Zoom remains the most popular and as I use it today, I feel it not only served the purpose but the ease of using remained the main attraction. Time and tide wait for none. As the time passes, I am sure Zoom the popular at present will be replaced by something else. But at present the world is ruled by Video conferencing software’s to interact, enhance, and grow. Accept and adapt to move forward wherein technology plays a predominant role. Remaining positive and the hope that the situation will change. Hope to See you all in face-to-face toastmasters meeting wherein Zoom factor fades and every individual feels safe to mingle, giggle and work forward to.


Rediscover the better you

When I was an Elementary school student, I had learnt that little drops of water make a mighty ocean. I realized the impact of this simple line when I got a chance to organize a

Aathira Menon, TM

speechcraft program this year as its Chief Coordinator. Initially, I used to wonder how am I going to train a batch of people who don’t know the basics of public speaking. But I trusted the participants’

self-motivation, the Team that I had to bank on with and the exposure that PTM had given to me for the past two years. Unknowingly, like the little drops of water, the training and the experience I received through PTM & the toastmasters fraternity had a heavy influence on the way I was thinking and behaving & make the 6 week-long speechcraft a grand success. I learned that the secret of life is to let every segment of the journey produce its own yield at its own pace. Every segment has something new to teach us and truly, I consider & realize that the harvest of my Toastmasters journey through Palakkad Toastmasters is the enrichment of the leader in me & my communication skills. Ever since I joined the club, I have been enjoying each role: minor or major: MC or Timer, Target speaker, contestant, and even a mentor. I am proud to acknowledge the club’s efforts in this regard. Fellow toastmasters, the outcome at the end of conducting this speechcraft was that I had learned that it's us who determine the length and depth of our journeys. By using all the training tools received I was able to expand my ocean of talents in the right direction and I urge all the members of this club to utilize every opportunity given by the club and learn from it, rediscover yourself by applying those techniques and expand your ocean of talents.




What’s your breakfast

Sunitha Raghu, TM

After the outbreak of

and Laziness

Pandemic, Work from

The frog I eat – The most important and bigger task of


the day…


c o n v e n i e n c e ,

Brian Tracy gives tips to eat the frogs …He says, if you


have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one...


and became

There are many more frog eating techniques in his

common terms for many of us.


But I have been self-made work from home person

Being accessible 24X7 at home, like me has its

for more than a decade... from financial consultancy

advantages and disadvantages.

to medical tourism to mutual funds to shares to

We can either utilize the time properly or allow others

financial consultancy, I have come a full circle.

to use our time at their advantage.

From a decade of self-designed work style, I

Eat the big frog(task) help me to focus on that task, and

understood one thing. For any business, whether its

push back all distractions, either external or internal.

profitable or non-profitable (like Toastmasters), the

As Brian Tracy says, if your job is to eat a frog (The

basic requirements are systematic planning and

tougher and bigger task), its best to do it first thing in

disciplined approach.

the morning.

Motivational speaker and writer Brian Tracy’s famous

If we can’t eat and its big, break it and eat, still finish it

book “Eat that frog” encourage us to eat frogs.

in the morning itself…

Current US Vice President Kamala Harris once

Whether it’s my kids project work assistance,

famously said: “I eat NO for Breakfast”

researching and preparing report on a company to

What??? To eat a Frog for Breakfast or a NO for

invest on equities, Toastmasters assignment, preparing


a speech, or any other transactions, each day one thing

Though the terms are very amusing, if we eat NO and

stare at me as a bigger task…

Frog simultaneously for breakfast, we can achieve

I choose the tough one and finish first thing in the

more and be at peace for the rest of the day. I was

morning. The result and the rest of the day is indeed

really fascinated by these terms.

amazing and productive.

Long before knowing these terms, I have been

What do you eat for breakfast?

practicing these only, for almost a decade, how do I do? Break the frogs and Swallow the NOs... The Nos I try to swallow everyday - Procrastination





pain, happiness, achievements and

experiences of today are merely stories of tomorrow, stories from which we ought to learn a lot. We, mortals, go through different stages and phases in


life. Phases that are influenced by hormones,


environment and most importantly the society. But




Flydi Sumesh, TM

planned and set a goal, be

to pass through these phases, the women in this

it long-termed or short –

world face a much greater difficulty. Difficulties

termed. A goal must be set and achieved. While setting a

caused not just physically but mentally and

goal, make sure it is a goal you can achieve, a goal you

emotionally as well. These difficulties are common to

want to achieve.

all the women regardless of their economic, religious or social background. Unfortunately, the society

2. Secondly, while in the age where you have been

doesn’t see these difficulties and changes the same

sent to study, try your best to not fall in love, be it a girl or

way for every woman.

a boy, be good friends with everyone. Do not fall for the infatuations that are caused due to changes in hormones

I shall give a simple example of postpartum

during that period of time. Relationships like those during

depression. This is as common as common cold in a

the school or college time can be a distraction and may

woman after her delivery. Postpartum depression

divert you from your actual goal. So, try hard to not fall in

isn't a character flaw or a weakness. Sometimes it's

love. Even if you do, make sure your path and goal isn’t

simply a complication of giving birth. Postpartum

distracted. But later on in life, when you achieve your goal

depression caused after childbirth commonly

and then you find someone at that moment make sure u

include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and

select someone who accept you for who you are, a person

difficulty sleeping. When these symptoms are put

who demands no change from you. Only such a person

forward by celebrities or women who are

can truly love you for you and no other external factors

economically in a higher status it is accepted by the


society, but if the similar was to be expressed by a village girl, then it would be considered as their

3. Next, this is important especially when you live

weakness or them showing off a bad attitude. For

in this society, Stay Away from Negativity. Not everyone

these women, it’s never accepted as a health

around you is nice and kind hearted, not everyone wants

condition. This was just and example to show how

you to do best in your life. So, there might be people who

the society treats the same gender of the same

may try to bring you down. But when this happens and

species with such a great difference.

they tell you that you’re not good enough then you must keep these in mind, “The ones trying to bring you down

So here are few tips that will help you move

aren’t above you, they are below you and trying to bring

forward and reach greater heights in this toxic world.





Life Hacks continues ....

you down to their level”, so for this very reason you mustn’t allow yourself to be dragged down. Fight those negativities, even if you can’t fight it then stay strong and be aware of the negative and positive people around you. 4. The ones who are best at pointing out the above said are your parents. So, make sure to keep your parents beside you, make sure to keep them happy. Listen to your parents, pay heed to their words, use it as a warning. Besides them guiding you and taking care of you, you must give a promise to them at some point in your life. Give them the promise that you will be there for them when they need you. Keep in mind that this promise must be mutual, from you to your parents and from your parents to you. 5. Now the last but extremely important, Prayer. Prayer is very important not to bring in divinity in you but just simply to set you on the right track. Praying, helps you concentrate and helps in making your goal and its path clearer. If you have a feeling that there is someone looking down at you and observing you and watching you over then you wouldn’t do anything that makes your conscious feel guilty. So, it is for this very simple reason why prayer is important. So dear readers, these were the few hacks that will make life simpler and easier to handle. Especially for the ladies and women out there in the society. Thank you TM FLYDI VISWAM





Time is our most precious resource, therfore time management is one of the most important skills we must adopt.

K. T. Ramesh, TM

Nowadays we use a word quite often… ”Busy?”. Even if we telephone someone, after saying “Hello!”, the next question will be, “Are you busy?” Everyone in the world has 24 hours in a day, whether they assign a dollar value to it or not. Some wisely manage and relish it while others unwisely use it and

become sleepless. Here the Time Management roles become important. “Time management” is the process of organizing and planning your valuable time, basically how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management helps you to work smarter so that you can achieve more in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. It will help you to reduce your stress and make you happier. In general, it benefits you in every aspect of your life. There are many techniques you can use for Time Management.  Prioritizing the activities / tasks you have to do  Save time for priority tasks, routine tasks and breaks.  Make notes and prepare the checklists  Scheduling the tasks with reminders  Self-Management.  Make use of note-taking software, time tracker and new time management Apps The Time Management will help you to  Improve your self-discipline  Improve the quality of your work  Improve the balance between family and official life  Improve your personal relationship  Improve your career  Reduce the stress  Open up new possibilities  Accomplish more Instead of going with the flow, having the good time management skills, lets you control the life and take the lead. The world will be yours.




First Step

A Speechcrafter to Toastmaster

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”- Mark Twain.

One-day I got a call from TM Diviya Ramesh and she informed me about the Palakkad Toastmaster meeting and suggested joining as a guest. It was my first day when I stepped into the meeting of toastmasters’ club as a guest. It was a very nice experience. I observed how all members gave their

Nimisha Vijayan, TM

positive thoughts and comments. Palakkad Toastmasters is a platform to develop their communication skills, leadership skills, confidence, etc. So, I decided to join this club for improving myself. All members were very cooperative and helpful to make me comfortable. In a few days, I started my leadership roles as Ah- Counter, timer and my communication skill to deliver my Ice breaker speech. As quoted by Mark Twain, I am going ahead to my destination of becoming a better communicator and have started the journey by becoming a member of Palakkad Toastmasters Thanks to the Palakkad Toastmasters club for providing me such an opportunity to improve my communication and leadership skills. TM Nimisha Vijayan





Sajina Satheesh, TM

“It’s never too late to start something new” “Toastmasters”, I heard this word for the first time when our association PAACT started Palakkad Toastmasters club. But I thought it was not my cup of tea. My husband’s 2 meetings in one month during weekends literally pissed me off. Moreover, whenever I met our gorgeous TM Chitra Ramesh, she insists me to join toastmasters. There were times I purposely avoided going in front of her to escape from this situation.

Over the years I saw the shining stars of Palakkad Toastmasters flaunting their talent in various stages on various occasions. Still, I was reluctant to change my decision. I believe there is a proper time for everything. This pandemic has changed the way many things work. I wouldn’t have given it a thought if the situation remained the same. Few months before I got a call from our charming DTM Shivdas Nair to join the Speech Craft Program organized by the PTM. This time I couldn’t say any excuses as the meeting is happening in my comfort zone itself. I said, Yes and started my toastmaster’s journey. These 6 months’ journey so far has been an exciting one for me. This learning phase has brought interest in me for the fascinating journey ahead. This toastmaster journey gave me some beautiful friendships that I would cherish in my whole life like my bestie in PTM, our beautiful TM Diviya Ramesh. Now I am considering PTM as my extended family and wish to continue this togetherness for the betterment of many traits in me. “No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude”- Alfred North Whitehead TM Sajina Sathish




I am a Toastmaster too

A Speechcrafter to Toastmaster

“Every moment is a fresh beginning” – T.S ELIOT Though being teacher by profession, my knowledge about Toastmasters was, it is only for students. But once I received a message in PAACT Ladies Wing Sheeba Chirakkal, TM about speechcraft. I knew nothing about speechcraft. So, with curiosity I joined the speechcraft program. I was nervous when I joined the program. Ice breaker speech, table topic all these were new for me, but one month's speechcraft program gave opportunities to undertake many roles which helped me build my confidence level. After that, I decided to join Palakkad Toastmasters Club. I started my journey and enrolled into pathways, Innovative planning, gave my ice breaker speech, took up roles as timer and table topic master and moving ahead to achieve another milestone to become a good communicator. Thanks to Palakkad Toastmasters Club for providing me an excellent platform to showcase and develop my skills. I take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me in the journey of Toastmaster. Thank you By Sheeba Chirakkal

“Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.” — Kobe Bryant




Learn to Appreciate

The need to be appreciated is one of the deepest desires of human nature. Do you Bindu Ajith, TM

think appreciation has any role in ones’ life? For me, appreciation inspires respect, gratitude and it makes me realize that there are good things in life. It encourages me a lot and provides joy and happiness.

How much do you value “appreciation” in your life? I argue that it may play an important role in mental health and well-being. Appreciation can change a person’s day, even change their life, and sometimes make a tremendous impact. A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected. It takes a moment to appreciate the good things, but the value will be priceless. Appreciation shows someone that you value them. It can change their life, empower them, and boost their confidence. This is what I am getting from our Palakkad Toastmasters. They encourage, motivate & boost me by the most heartwarming words of “appreciation”. When you appreciate others, you do not immediately realize how much impact your words can have on them. That makes it more meaningful. It is something powerful and reflects more on the receiver. When you commit to appreciation, your life becomes richer, colorful, and more satisfying. I do appreciate my blessings, the value of appreciation I got from Palakkad Toastmasters. I should appreciate PTM that shows my thankfulness that they have made my life better.






we are alive now! So, we have to do something for mankind, especially in this pandemic situation. Now everyone understands their limitation very well. So, we need to try to do something about it. The world is a better place because there is always someone ready to help you. We all agree Mohd Shafi, TM negative situation coil around us and we don’t know when this is going to end. The technology is ready to support us if we are willing. I believe irresponsibility makes a bad impact on society, whereas responsibility fills goodness in our surrounding. Are you ready to make good impact on your total life? PALAKKAD TOASTMASTERS CLUB is waiting for you. Just a month before, TM Deepa Sajeevan called me and declared, “You are the Vice-President Membership in the coming executive committee term”. I was excited and worried at the same time. I replied “No, I am not suitable for this position’’. As per my observation I have a bunch of disabilities, so I try to escape this responsibility. But TM Deepa, she was never ready to hear my excuses. After all her motivational approaches she told me, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We, PALAKKAD TOASTMASTERS CLUB is with you”. ‘You are not alone’ is not just a simple sentence. This sentence has a magical power. Dear readers, I invite you and persuade you to bring your friends and family to be a part of PALAKAD TOASTMASTERSCLUB where, you are not alone. TM Mohamed Shafi




Unseen Cords

There is a belief, that we all are cords that are

bound together which connects us in a unique bond. The Palakkad Toastmasters strives in ensuring that every meeting is focused on its member's quest to progress and achieve their personal growth, in a motivational environment filled with teamwork and encouragement. PTM creates a haven for members wanting to be speakers & leaders. Teamwork is the foundation of our club. None can be at their best unless they feel free to make mistakes, and that requires an environment where they feel it’s okay to take risks and not be judged or ridiculed. Palakkad toastmasters always maintains that environment where our members get connected with those unseen cords. Our club members’ work hard towards continuously improving their leadership and communication skills. PTM is an educational experience, not a competitive arena. It provides various opportunities to gain skills and provide a place to learn lessons that will resonate with the members. I have learned a lot about leadership, but at PTM I have learnt a lot more about friendship. The club’s conducive atmosphere, the bonding between members & the care like one family enables each member to perform without hesitation. We are bound with that unseen cord gifting us with lifelong friendly relationships. We make daily efforts to stay in touch, reach out and engage with each other.



Sigi Lal, TM My family recently suffered from Covid-19. It brought with it feelings like anxiety, stress, intense fatigue and uncertainty. Though fellow TMs were unable to visit us or be physically close by, they made sure to reach out to us almost every day, checking on us and dropping off meals & groceries. It was this comforting touch that helped us stay positive mentally, it never made us feel that we were isolated or alone. We are united with this kind of bonding among us that helps us grow together. Palakkad Toastmasters is one close knit family that learns, enjoys and most importantly grows together. It’s been an amazing year and we are more than excited to see what the future holds. I invite you to come to PTM and be a part of our ever-growing family and experience the unseen cord that will be a unique learning experience for you. Let us all look forward to a much better future with all of us out of the screens that we are at the moment and meet in person to enlighten ourselves with this wonderful organization called Toastmasters.



A Speechcrafter to Toastmaster

” Hope allows us to enter into the darkness of an uncertain future to journey in the light” Pope Francis

I still wonder how I could made it to Toastmaster!!! I still remember when I received an invitation from one of the Toastmasters from Palakkad toastmasters for

Kripa Rajeev, TM

the Speech Craft Program. I just ignored the invitation because it brought back the phobia which I always had during my school youth festival. Even though I am an active person in co-curricular activities, I would just make a quick escape from “elocution”. Since childhood I am very scared of impromptu speech. I had a feeling that I don’t have much knowledge in it, and it is indeed a tedious job for me. So, I used to ignore these invitations. One evening that person called me directly and asked me about the invitation. I told him am not having that much talent to be a toastmaster, I rarely used to read newspaper. He just laughed and told “Everyone has a hidden talent inside; the only thing is you must come out of the shell.” Those words made me to think once more and I decided to enrol into Speech Craft Program. One of the best decisions I have ever made. The moment arrived. My first table topic session. My heart was beating so fast and I was so nervous, but when I got the topic, I spoke for 48 seconds. Even though I was disqualified, for me it was a great achievement. I never thought I can stand in front of the audience and can speak even a single word, but I just broke the shell and came out and spoke for few seconds which created a great confidence in me. At that point I realized we all can do what we want to do in our life, the only thing is we have to be confident about our self. That speech craft journey took me to another level, and encourage me to be a member of “Palakkad toastmaster “. Indeed, it’s a great experience for me with a handful of helpful toastmasters who are always there to motivate and guide us to our best. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” – Eleanor Roosevelt, like wise through this toastmaster journey I started to believe in the beauty of my dreams and started to focus the fruit from that dream.




Getting off to a good start...

When I got an invitation for speech craft program from Palakkad Toastmasters, as usual I read it twice and scrolled, but the wordings kept striking me and it read “Would you like to become a better speaker, thinker, listener and leader? With

Praveena Chakkingal, TM

the guidance of award-winning Toastmasters, kick your fear and become the great speaker you were destined to be!” So, by reading the above, one thing I was assured of that I was to get one of the best team that I can join to. Now only question remaining was is it possible for me? Usually this thought blocks me always to go-ahead. But this time fortunately I called one of my friend and toastmaster and she motivated me to enrol into the programme. When I first joined, I was like “Alright, I will try it for a few weeks”. Each session was like learning by doing and ended with curiosity, what will be next? The approach of chief coordinator, mentor and other team members influenced me. After the programme, I decided to join with Palakkad Toastmaster so that I won’t miss this wonderful team. It opened a new door to areas that I never thought or googled. I am continuing my journey here with a handful of hopes that we would learn at our own pace and eventually master it.




Club Contest 2021




Area Contest 2021




Division Contest 2021 (BTAC 2021)




















Member’s Achievement

DTM Shivdas Nair Palakkad Toastmasters wish to congratulate you on achieving the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) designation was earned after the completion of your educational programs.

We wish to congratulate you and we firmly believe that you will inspire many other Toastmasters to follow your example.




Member’s Achievement Tripple Crown awardees

DTM Shivdas Nair

TM Sreejith Raja

TM Sunitha Raghu

Appreciation for winning Tripple Crown award from TMI

TM Sunitha Raghu

DTM Shivdas Nair

Advanced Leader Silver


EC5 (Path completion)



Member’s Achievement LEVEL 3 COMPLETION

TM Diviya Ramesh

TM Sreejith Raja


TM Diviya Ramesh

TM Sreejith Raja


TM Deepa Sajeevan

TM Sunitha Raghu 41


Member’s Achievement LEVEL 1 COMPLETION

TM Sunitha Raghu

TM Karthikeyan

TM Aathira Aravindan

TM Ammu Ramesh

TM Meenakshi Kaul

Members of Palakkad Toastmasters extend their warm wishes and support to the newly elected

Area 10 Director TM Sreejith Raja 2021-2022





TM Bindu Ajith

TM Sajina Satheesh

TM Kripa Rajeev

TM Praveena Chakkingal

TM Santhosh Pulickal

TM Sheeba Chirakkal

TM Deepa Suresh

TM Niisha Vijayan

TM Ramesh K. T.

TM Flydi Sumesh

DTM Shivdas Nair

TM Mohd Shafi

“There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills.” — SHIV KHERA, author, motivational speaker




Contestants in action.....




Journey through meetings....




Milestone meetings.... 10th Anniversary








Comments and suggestions to




To know more about Palakkad Toastmasters visit:

We met on 1st & 3rd Friday of every month

Palakkad Toastmasters


For private circulation only

Articles inside


page 44

Getting of to Good start

page 32

My journey

page 31

Unseen cord

page 30

You are not Alone

page 29

Learn to Appreciate

page 28

I am a Toastmaster Too

page 27


page 26

First Step

page 25

Life Hacks

pages 22-23

Time Management

page 24

Rediscover the better You

page 20

What’s your breakfast

page 21

The Zoom Factor

page 19

Joy of Creativity

page 18

Message from Club Growth Director - D20

page 5

Message from Club sponsor

page 8

Aur Revoir

page 17

Message from Past President

page 16

Message from Division D Director

page 6

Message from EXCOM Members

pages 9-15

Message from Club Mentor

page 7
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