PakMag Townsville - March 2014

Page 10

Nutrition pak

Review Food

Breakfast Bag Food


KING of Meals

by Haley Cremer

Breakfast Crowned Most Important Meal I’m sure you have heard the age-old saying

fruit and dairy. For those kids that aren’t the

If your school mornings are hectic Monster Health

‘breakfast is the most important meal of the

biggest fans of breakfast cereals, there are

Food Co. have got the solution for you with their

day’, but how true is this? VERY! This crucial

lots of other options like:

recently released ‘Breakfast in a Bag’ product. You

morning meal packs a punch in regards to childhood nutrition. Aussie kids eating breakfast consume more vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre, and less cholesterol and fat, than those going without. In the last survey of Aussie kids it turns out that one in four are leaving home without eating breakfast but sending an unfed child to school is like not feeding a shark for a

• Fruit smoothie • Home-made wholegrain muffin • Leftovers (i.e. pasta, meat & veggies) – mix

They could also be used as a quick and easy, post school, pre-sport pep up. The berry, sports, tropical and high fibre options

fancy frittata

are all good with good levels of energy, fat and

• Toad in a hole (use egg ring to cut hole in multigrain toast, crack egg in and cook) Parents also need to remember to be a good

of little fish around!

role model and take the time to sit down

child a good start to the day typically

from the bag so it’s perfect for the trip to school!

with an egg and bake in muffin tin for a

month and expecting it to behave with lots

Healthy breaky options that will give your

can add milk or yoghurt or just eat it plain, straight

and enjoy your breakfast too. Those watchful eyes are taking in everything your do!

fibre (4-7g) and they provide more than 5g protein per 60g serve (without milk/yoghurt).

Haley is an Accredited Practising Dietitian at Health Management. You can connect with Health Management and ask questions on Facebook.

include fibre, nutrient rich whole grains,


kfast, lunch and loves fruit and would eat it for brea READER QUESTION: My little one day? I’ve heard have too much fruit throughout the dinner if he could! Is it possible to it has sugar in it? Is this true? some people say it’s bad because in this tropical amount of fruit we consume, especially It’s easy to get carried away with the fruit and two of n datio men with the national recom climate. You are most likely familiar serves two only , tose) (fruc r suga contains natural five vegetable serves per day. As fruit food r othe the all from g eatin little fruit bat is are recommended. In your case, if your them go is in a healthy weight range, then let and ach stom t upse an groups, doesn’t get an make can you t, doub in If ps. of other food grou for it! If not, try to encourage intake appointment with a dietitian.




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