Pakgaa Think Tank

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PAKGAA THINK TANK “Pakgaa Think Tank” policy institute is an organization that performs research and advocacy concerning topics such as Geographical policies, Geo-political strategy, geo-economics, geomilitary, geo-technology, and geo-culture. Our think tank are not funded any government organization. Pakgaa thin tank businesses derive revenue from consulting or research work related to their projects. Pakistan's think tanks mainly revolve around internal politics, foreign security issues, and regional geo-politics. Most of these are centered around the capital, Islamabad. Most recently, institutes such as the PAKGAA have embarked on creating industrial linkages to create think tanks focusing on industrial and economic growth issues. PAKGAA is a think-tank in policy advocacy and research particularly in the area of environment and social development. PAKGAA was founded in January 2012. The Association acts as both a generator of original research on sustainable development issues and as a knowledge disseminator. There are several other think tanks as well, such as those concerning the state of education in the country, which hold many former or present educators. There are also think tanks concerning human rights, women rights, labour rights, justice, city development, heritage protection, and environmental protection, all headed by the country's urban dwelling, and educated elite living, most of whom have studied or worked abroad. There remains a vacuum for former high ranking Geographers and PAKGAA members to contribute to the think tank and policy advocacy process in these areas. Other think tanks concern religion and how its influence could grow in an already religious country. These are centered throughout the country and work under the umbrella of the mammoth Jamaat-e-Islami with headquarters in Lahore and has immense global influence, reach and regard among more traditional Muslims. However the Jamat is a political party, and affiliations with reputable think tanks in Pakistan are not clear. “PAKGAA Think Tank” will be delivered a remarkable research work through their Geographers who have great command and research work on religion. Some notable Pakistani think tanks are the MEASAC Research Center, the Institute of Policy Studies, the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz and the Corporate Advisory Council (NUST). PAKGAA are also known to the general public through seminars and newspaper articles, or conducting workshops and lectures at colleges and universities. Geographers make a difference!

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