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Eight Sabbats and their traditional incense its full power. Good incense to burn: Camomile, Elder, Fennel, Lavender, Mugwort, Pine, Roses, Wild Thyme, Wisteria and Verbena.

What is a sabbat? Sabbats represent the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth, specifically in regards to the cycle of the God, along with representing solar and seasonal changes. Each sabbat brings joy along with deeply felt spiritual, cultural and ecological meaning. They contain framework for transformation, rites of passage, healing, empowerment & manifestation. Kerry (Pagan) explained that “Sabbats are very important to a witches yearly calendar, it’s a part of who we are and helps us to celebrate the magic that comes with nature each season. Personally, sabbats are what maintain my energy throughout the year and keep me powered up and strong minded”.

Lammas Lammas is also known as Lugnasadh as it is the festival dedicated to the god Lugh who is associated with light and fire. It is known as the first harvest but the days are gradually becoming shorter and autumn is on its way. This is the time to think of hopes and fears. Good incense to burn: Acacia Flower, Aloes, Cornstalks, Fenugreek, Heather, Hollycock, Oak Leaves, Sunflower and Wheat. Autumn Equinox This is known as the second harvest as we take the summers crops and await the darkness of winter. It is a time to finish old business as we ready ourselves for a period of rest, relaxation and reflection. Good incense to burn: Acorns, Asters, Benzion, Ferns, Honeysuckle, Marigold, Milkeweed, Myrrh, Passionflower, Pine, Sage and Thistles.

Candlemas The Candlemas sabbat is a time for rebirth, renewal, refreshment and purification - almost a spring clean. Also known as Imbolc, this period is renowned for fire festivals with significance placed under the light of fire. Candles are lit to symbolise the coming of new light. Good incense to burn include: Angelica, Basil, Bay, Benzoin, Celandine, Heather and Myrrh.

Samhain Known to many as Halloween, this is the period of time where the veil between both worlds is at its thinnest. It is the New Year’s Day for witches, as well as the third and final harvest festival. This time is also used to celebrate reincarnation and to note the absence of the Sun God who is reborn at Winter Solstice as the Child of Promise. Good incense: Acorns, Apples, Broom, Dittany, Ferns, Flax, Heather, Mandrake, Mullein and Oak Leaves.

Spring Equinox Also found under ‘Ostara’, the spring equinox marks the day of equilibrium, the harsh winters are beginning to fade and the alluring summers are just around the corner, our unconscious is thriving. Good incense to burn include: Acorn, Cinquefoil, Crocus, Daffodil, Dogwood, Easter Lily, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry and Violets.

Winter Solstice The Winter Solstice also goes under the name of ‘Yule’. This is the longest night of the year when the Sun God is reborn to light the world, to free it from the grip of winter. Yule is a time to get together, a time of parties and a time of festivals. Good incense to burn: Bay, Blessed Thistle, Cedar, Chamomile, Evergreen, Frankincense, Holly, Juniper, Mistletoe, Moss, Oak, Pine Cones, Rosemary and Sage.

Beltane Beltane celebrates the entire living world including plants, animals and humans. At the opposite time of the year we celebrate Samhain and during both of these periods the veil between worlds is said to be thin. We use this time to celebrate fertility and are thankful to the goddess for giving the earth the power to grow such beautiful flowers and fruit. Good incense: Angelica, Bluebells, Daisy, Hawthorn, Ivy, Marigold, Primrose and Rose. Summer Solstice Also known as Lithia, this is the midsummer sabbat and is the most powerful day of the year for the Sun God. Again, fire plays a big role in this festival. Astronomically it is the longest day of the year, representing the god at


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