Holistic Therapies for Healing: Empowering Transformation in Texas

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Licensed Psychotherapist

Certified Hypnotherapist

Trained Trauma

PTSD Specialist

Marriage Recovery

Sufi Master Teacher

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About Me

I'm Paige Newberry. I'm 52 years old, a mother of two college kids, and a mom to a fluffy, white puppy-dog. As a 4th generation, native Austin Texan, I find rest and comfortin my home, and my huge extended family. I am SO BLESSED TO GET TO DO WHAT I LOVE FOR A LIVING! I’ve been in private practice as a master’s level psychotherapist for 12 years. I’ve worked with thousands of clients as a hypnotherapist for 25 years. My professional training is informed by developmental neurobiology, hypnosis, PTSD treatment, Attachment Therapy, Internal Family Systems (aka: parts work) and Somatic Experiencingfor chronic pain and trauma. I use the healing wisdom of the Sufis to help reach the innerchild within ...the child whose heart was (and still is) so broken. I am honored to bring everything I know, and everything I AM, to my clients. It's a uniquely rare, and emotionally connected relationship. I can't wait to meet YOU. Let's talk for free. Schedule your phone consultation with me today.

Until then. Paige

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Therapy for Awakening

“Do you consider yourself to be on a healing path? Have you already done some amount of personal work, reading on self-help topics, or counseling? I work a bit differently than others, as you might say that I’m a cross between a clinical therapist, and an intuitive-empathic healer.”

Have you done a lot of personal work, but feel like something still isn't "clicking"?

Are you aware of a feeling that "There's more to life than what we can see"?

Is there an inner knowing that "There's more to ME than what I currently know myself to be?

Are you aware that something amazing is birthing within you? Do you long for something, like a homesickness, but don’t know what it is?

“If you answered yes to 5 of these questions, then you’re likely on your personal journey to awakening. This work is unique, as there are very few licensed therapists in the U.S. who work with emerging empaths. You have special challenges that others don’t seem to have because of your awakening heart.”

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Highly Sensitive People Require a Unique Therapeutic Approach

"If you want quick results that deeply change you from the inside out, Paige's knowledge of Complex PTSD, hypnosis-trance, innerconstellation-work, with a sprinkle of ancient Sufi healing, together have given me the most effective therapy I've ever had. She's worth it!"

The Methods I Use:

Neurobiology Treatment and Trauma


Hypnotherapy and Internal Family Systems

(aka: Parts Work)

Attachment Theory

1. 2. 3.

1) Neurobiology and Trauma Treatment

In sessions with me, I'll also be looking for the way your nervous system is "wired". The study of neurobiology has taught psychotherapists a whole new way of working with people.

We know that trauma of various sorts has a tremendous impact on the way a child, adolescent or adult, feels inside, and behaves outwardly.

Trauma is defined as any event or relationship which overwhelms the nervous system's ability to protect itself. Any event, big or small, that throws us into fight, flight or freeze has the potential to cause a long-lasting trauma.

But what does trauma do to the brain? When a personundergoes a traumatic event, extreme fear, or chronic mis- treatment and mis-attunement, the brain chemistry actually CHANGES. This is called "Fear Circuity". It is the way our brain tries to protect us frombeing hurt again. The problem is that Fear Circuitry often sets up behaviors that are mal-adaptive or unwanted. At this point, a persontends to realize they need help to change the patterns in their brain. Doing this, in turn, will change they way they feel and act.”

2) Hypnotherapy and Internal Family Systems

Hypnotherapy is analtered state of awareness that uses deep relaxation to bypass the active mind and to access the subconscious. It makes space for a person to experience improved focus and concentration, which is vital when dealing with painful emotions that typically don’t want to be found or felt. Hypnosis is best practiced under the guidance of a psychotherapist using progressive relaxation,imagery and sensory exercises. During hypnosis, most people feel calm and relaxed. Hypnosis helpsthe emotional mind to open so that it doesn’t feel so overwhelmed or frightened. In fact, during hypnotherapy, most patients report agreater trust in themselves to be able to access painful feelings with surprising ease and calm. You are always in control of your hypnosis experience. A good practitioner follows the signals that your subconscious-self gives her. She does not lead, as you are the leader.

Paige uses hypnotherapy in conjunction with Internal Family Systems therapy (aka: Parts Work). IFS is a treatment modality that can quickly clear old, outdated belief systems and behaviors that are no longer serving your life. With her unique combination of treatments, clients report swift experiences of emotional improvement, leading to feelings of lightness in the body, and clarity of mind that they may have never felt before. Intense and real feelings of self-love and selfforgivenessprecede feelings of love and forgiveness for others. Sessions often end on a note of tearful gratitude – which is a good sign that permanent change has occurred.

Internal Family Systems is especially good for treating childhood abuse or“relational trauma” (C-PTSD). It’s also an excellent treatment for adult relational trauma such betrayal, abandonment, abuse, gaslighting, and Parental Alienation Syndrome, or depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsion, panic, grief,and loss.

3) Attachment Theory

In my graduate training as a Marriage and Family Therapist, my focus was on Attachment Theory and Trauma. Attachment theory is a lens that therapists use to look at a person's development within relationship. From the time we are tiny babies, we form a fast and deep attachment with our primary caregivers. It's more than love - it's literally a survival instinct. The relationship we have with our primary attachment figures through childhood shapes our personalities. It shapes how well we engage with the world, whether we feel a general sense of safety out there (or don't), how well we learn, how well we cope with stressors, and how we will eventually do within our adult pair-bonds.

In adulthood, we continue to form attachments, not just for love, but also for survival. When I'm working with an individual or couple, I'm looking for your attachment style. How open are you in sharing your vulnerable self? How much do you trust others? When do you withdraw, how and for how long? Do you tend toward the "needy" side, or toward the "withdrawing" side? All of these things affect our sense of self-confidence and our sense of other-connectedness.

During our time together in sessions, it's important that you and I form a TRUSTING and CARING BOND. Many therapists don't work this way, but I have faith in the latest research which shows that a loving, trusting friendship between therapist and client brings about the best healing results. You and I will develop more than a weekly conversational relationship, in that I will be available to you via email, text, and phone anytime you need my encouragement and care. I'm not just going to be your counselor, I'm going to be your support system.

paige@paigebartholomew.com EMAIL I can't wait to meet YOU! Let's talk for free. Schedule your phone call with me HERE. GET IN TOUCH Contact Us www.paigebartholomew.com WEBSITE PaigeNewberryTherapy FACEBOOK

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