About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?

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About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? Related

How soon after purchasing a car do you need to get insurance? i live in florida and i just bought used vehicle... how long do i have to purchase insurance... also can i register the vehicle without insurance? What kind of insurance do used car dealerships have and how much does it cost? I looking to start up a small used car dealership. What type of insurance do I need and what would it cost me Im only looking to open a small lot with about 5-8 cars at a time thanks Can a Healthnet insurance bought in California be used in the Philippines during emergency cases? My Aunt is from California and she's vacationing in the Philippines. Due to severe allergy attack, she was rushed to the emergency room in one of the hospitals here in the Philippines. Her health insurance provider is healthnet. The hospital here said they don't accept healthnet card. What can she do ? What other options does she have? If the hospitals here can refuse to accept Healthnet cards, can she just pay the bill and have it reimbursed later by healthnet when she gets home?" Uninsured Motorcycle Driver Question? Recently a friend of mine wanted to purchase a motorcycle that he found a super great deal on. Because his credit is very average he asked me to purchase the cycle and he would make me payments plus interest. I agreed and took out a loan for the bike. However a few weeks later he decided it would be ok to take the bike out for a spin UNINSURED. He had a run in with several trick or treaters and their parents. Since it was an unlit road, they were in the middle, and he was going under the speed limit. The cops ruled it not his fault. However now two insurance companies are coming after me to subrogate the liabilities. Since he was the driver but I am the owner. What are my rights? Can they still blame him? Am I liable?" Teen Girl Insurance on Car? I will be 16 in October, I am interested in a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, I have a 4.0 GPA. How much would that cost? Ball park? Thanks :)" First car ... I need cheap car insurance.. what car offers cheap insurance? Tell me how much the insurance costs if possible, bearing in mind I am a new driver."

Car Insurance? How much around does car insurance cost for someone 18 and under for like a 1989 Mustang GT What if auto insurance does not fully cover property damages? If an insurance company is asking for extra money for the driver at fault because the property damages did not cover all fees and the at fault driver does not have a job or any income what will the consequences be? (If you are bothered by this question or do not agree, please do not answer and move on thank you!)" "Being in the military, can I drive in WA with CA auto insurance?" Im in the military stationed in WA and my home state is California. As of now I'm insured with gieco with a policy from california, can I use the same policy in Washington or I would have to buy auto insurance in washington?" Where can I find private policy health insurance? great insurance at a low rate How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old from allstate in california? does it also matter what kind of a car it is? I have a 1999 chevy malibu Insurance in college? My mom tells me that you have to go to college directly after high school in order to stay on your parents' insurance plan or you get taken off and have to work full-time to get insurance. However, my question is if you get a job after high school and get insurance for yourself and then decide to go back to school a year later can you get back on their plan." If requiring people to have car insurance is the same as requiring them to have health insurance then why? Wont the US government help you pay your car insurance if you cant afford it? Isn't car insurance a basic human right? How much longer will americans put up with health insurance companies? when will Americans demand an end to insurance companies involved with healthcare? how much longer will Americans put up with insurance companies having more control then doctors on medical choices? How can I afford car insurance (17 - 18 year old)?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to afford running a car, especially insurance which would be around 2500-3000 per year. I'm still in sixth form and plan to go to university so I only really have weekends to work. Is it possible to afford to run a car? How to people do it? Thanks" Can i stay on my sister car insurance? right now i am 18 and living with my sister and i am on her car insurance, but in about 4-5 months i am moving out. Can i stay on her insurance even though i wont be living with her?" Car Insurance policies for teenagers? Im 16 and i wanna get a car. First what is the average cost for car insurance a month for a teenager. I know it varies among companies but i just want a reasonable number. Second, would it cost more for my parent to by car insurance for them and then add me to their policy or just get the insurance for me/" Buying a new car..insurance help? So need some help.ive bought a brand new car which is coming on the way from suppliers so will take a few weeks.so i have a car im trading which ive never done before so im unsure wot to do about insurance as the insurance on my current car expires 13th feb and the garage will nd a cover note of new insurance to tax car..and as i dont know the reg plate yet.same for tax of car what do i do when renewal letter comes through(renewal date 31st jan)as hopefully will hv car by then. Health insurance for seniors? My parents are seniors now and my father doesnt work anymore but he owns a restaurant so he cant apply for Medicare.. Does anyone know how and where I can find a affordable insurance that I can have for them. They need to apply for health insurance asap because both of them have diabetes Please help me! Can you get insurance for car hire cheaper than the one offered by the car rental company? I visit Canada a lot, and love to hire cars from the aiport. I am gettting sick of paying over the odds for comprehensive insurance though. The rental company asked for 100$ for 3 day cover for a Yaris. They also said that the law in Ontario says that I will need to pay for damages to the car if I had an accident even if the other driver was at fault, as everyone pays for his own car. Is that true?" Will my Geico go up after 6 months? My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant

answers, please!" Another car insurance Question.? In the UK if you buy a car, it HAS to be insured, but at the moment for someone young to insure a car, i looked on a comparing site, i put myself as a main driver for a 1.2 litre fiesta and it was well past 4K, and insurance companies know they can charge that amount because without insurance it is illegal to drive. If i put myself on 3rd party insurance it either drops by less than 100 or goes up, ive read about this and apparently insurance companies think that if you get 3rd party insurance, you care less for your car so therefore they charge more. Now in the US things are alot better, if you pay car tax you automatically get 3rd party insurance, this is a great idea and i wouldn't mind knowing why they don't introduce it here in the UK, if not, surely the government or somebody will confront the insurance companies so that they can lower premiums, right?" Is there anyway we can boycott all the 'LOOKING FOR CHEAPER CAR INSURANCE ADS'?!?!? They are so annoying!! How to get cheap car insurance? i want to know that how to get cheap first car insurance in u.k? I am looking into getting tenant insurance.? Would it be safer to get insurance from an Insurance Company as apposed to getting it through a bank? About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? Health insurance for 18 year old? I'm 18 years old. I am moving to California June 1st. I currently have a state insurance, but I wanted to know how I could get a new insurance when I arrive to California. Is there one for minorities such as myself? I am going to be living by myself so I'm not sure how to go about this. I have no money whatsoever, and will be working a minimum wage job. Please help, thank you." Should I pay or have insurance pay? I read ended this girls car, and she got an estimate and it's roughly 868 dollars. If I payed for this, is it something that works out for me in the long run, or will it be better for insurance to pay for it. I'm 19, so I know insurance rates are already high, should I just pay for it? Thank you!" Where to find affordable auto insurance?

I have a 2002 Mi Gallant ES , I have had my full coverage insurance for over a year now but its currently 160$ a month and I would like to find something more affordable , any ideas? all comments and suggestions are appreciated BTW: Ive never had any tickets or accidents or a lapse in coverage I am 22 years old Thanks in advance!" Best & cheapest car insurance company in Cincinnati OH? Which is the best and cheapest car insurance company out there that provides full coverage? I am paying about 180 for 2 cars right now and I want to know if there is anything else out there that can be better. I am currently with Geico How much would my insurance cost? Or about how much. (Info listed in detail)? Age: 17 Gender: Female Car type: 1984 chevy silverado side steps. Sitting on 35s. Jacked up. I HAVE taken Drivers Ed I will be added onto my dads insurance Any more info needed just ask. Car burned in fire with no insurance.? My car was at the mechanic's shop in my local town and was parked behind a house that sat in front of the shop. The house caught on fire throughout the night (we don't know ...show more Is there a way to see how much car insurance will cost before I buy a car? I am looking for a starter car and currently think I might have found one. This summer when I come home from college I am planning on getting a summer job and my mom is allowing me to use her car. But I thought if I go a head and buy the car I found that I could save up my money from working to pay for insurance and gas. My only question is how much would my insurance payments be? I know you can get quotes online but can you get them for a car you do not have yet? If not, is there anyway to know?" Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois? Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois? Maternity insurance in Texas? My husband is self-employed and we have previously been getting insurance through my employer. However, I just had a baby and am planning on staying home with him instead of working. We have been researching different family insurance plans - and we have found some plans that are do-able. However, I cannot find a plan that offers maternity benefits. The closest thing I can find are plans that cover you if you have complications - but I need a carrier that provides coverage for the pre-natal visits, labor and delivery and hospital stay. Regardless of the price, this is something we have to have in the future. I am in my mid-20s and will want another baby in the next few years. I was just wondering if there were any companies that were exclusively maternity insurance companies or any bigger companies that offer what I am looking for - maybe a company that I did not see. I appreciate all the answers!"

When buying auto insurance is it better to have your dad own the car and put you as the additional driver to s When you purchase car insurance is it better to have the car under your parent's name for ownership and add your self as an additional driver for your own policy to save money even when you will be driving most of the time? How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ? I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?" How much is your monthly car insurance bill? indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident. Cheapest auto insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? "What is the average car insurance premium in Mississauga, Canada?" Hi, Can anyone please provide an realistic figure of how much it would cost per month towards car insurance in Mississauga. Checked in the below website and gives a high spike in rate : $600 CAN per month ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given 5-6 yrs of clean driving history in US)" Am I eligible for the good student discount for auto insurance if I'm a part-time student? I have the grades (3.0+), but I'm not a part-time student. I live in California, am I still eligible for the good student discount?" What kind of medical insurance can an unemployed 19 year old get? I am 19, currently unemployed and i am living with my mom. I go to the doctor often but we are becoming pretty broke. What medical insurance can i get that can lower the cost of doctor visits and prescriptions. Ive already tried medi-cal but i have a share of cost for some reason." Can i put my boyfriend on my car insurance? okay so im finally getting my own car. The thing is its not really mine its going to be mainly for my boyfriend but going under both our names. That being said, i'm going to drive my boyfriends car. I need to know, being a first time driver, if that is even possible. Can i purchase insurance and make it possible to have my boyfriend as well as me under our insurance?"

How much does insurance cost on a Ferrari? I've always wondered what the cost of insurance would be for a $250k car such as a Ferrari F430. just curious Can't afford college Health Insurance...? I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either." Health Insurance for Low Income? We are looking for an affordable health insurance plan. I'm 39 and my husband is 45 living in San Francisco. Healthy and never had injuries or big illness. We used to have a kaiser plan around $600/m and $25 for every visit. Any better deals? Can I drive other cars with no insurance? I do not have insurance on my vehicle. Can i drive my girlfriends car that has full coverage and not be breaking the law nor risk her car not being covered if i have a accident? I am in FLORIDA How do i get health insurance? im 19 years old, im not pregnant, i have no children... im really clueless to the whats and hows im in college, im not no disabled, or blind or anything.. i just dont have health insurance.. i do have a summer job, but its not steady & once i go to school in the fall i wont be working anymore. i know medicaid is good but idk if im eligible, & idk who will accept me... i really dk anything lol. i do know i need health insurance! please help?" Which Health and Life Insurance Company? I'm 53 and just become a self-employed. I want to have health insurance what is affordable and trust able. Also I'm thinking about a life insurance - any advice thanks, even in my private email." What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?

What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance? Would the health issues I have impact my insurability or rates for life insurance? I'm a 51-year-old female. I've been on disability for six years for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and panic disorder. I also have mild hypertension. I'm on meds for all these conditions. BUT I've never had, nor have any family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any sort of breathing problems or major organ dysfunction. I would think it might even be a plus in terms of insurability that I rarely leave my house!" About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? Can you insure two people separately on the same car? My girlfriend is doing her lessons and driving to work and having her own car would cost more than it does to get the bus with price of parking, and I don't want to put her on my insurance so would she be able to insure her self on my car as well on a different policy?" Do you have Life insurance? Just wondering if you had life insurance, we have insurance for everything else, such as car, home, health. Why do you have Life insurance, or why not?" I don't no where to pay my insurance or how to pay it? telling me how do i pay my insurance and where do i pay it "For Americans, How do you feel about your current health system?" Reason I ask, I saw a segment on television of people in the states lining up in a showground to receive basic health care, instead of clinics, I was horrified, is this the norm? In Australia we have Medicare & Private health insurance, the main difference is one is a bit more comfortable than the other, I would really like to hear your views." Car insurance for young UK drivers and fronting? Whats Best? I've just passed my test. But, the next thing is a car, but the main problem is the insurance... I've looked at companies that offer a smart box which supposedly lowers the insurance, but i'm going to have to be the main driver on the policy and with a box through co-op I was quoted 5000! And as i'm under 18 they wanted it all in one lump sum!! The reason it was so high was because I have absolutely 0 years claims and i'm the main driver. I've spoken to my mum and dad about them being the main driver and me the named, but they both have a car each and are being very stubborn and keep saying they won't be the main driver as they wouldn't be the person driving it the most (I would be). They keep saying this is illegal and called fronting and if anything happened the insurance companies would look for anyway to not pay up. Everyone one at college that I know does exactly what i'm proposing to my parents... They keep saying if something was to happen then they would be the ones not able to get

insurance again and therefore would loose their job as they need their car for their job. If I crashed, or the police pulled me for some reason then I would be insured, so what could they do? Do you think my parents are being awkward about it, and what can I say to make them think otherwise? (Someone I know has a dad as a taxi driver and he is the main driver on his car, as well as his own!) If anything unfortunate happens whilst i'm driving, like a crash, how will the insurance company know who's been driving it the most? What would they do? Should i persevere with my parents (what can I say to them)? And who else is good to try and insure with? I'm thinking of a 1999 Polo or Corsa, just a cheap 750 run around for college Thanks :)" Which is best life insurance company? I want to buy a policy oc life insurance Pl. gude me. Will we be covered by insurance when driving to get a new car? I have bought a new (second hand!) car and will be going to get it today. Not having changed my car before, I have a question. Just before we go to pick up the new car, we will be changing our insurance in town from our old car to the new car. If I change my insurance to the new car, how can I then drive my old car as it will be uninsured? We will need the old car to drive a few miles outside town to get the new car! Is there a special way that this has to be done so that the the old car is still temporarily covered? We will be going to get the new car immediately after sorting the insurance. Please give as much details as possible of what I have to do." Motor insurance policy q2? hi contemplating on making a second claim. how does this effect my renewal premium? situation is the policy holder had an accident where the third party was at fault and this claim was dealt with few months ago. now a named driver had a piece of metal flung at the car. the excess is only 50 and estimated cost to repair independantly 150-200. but i'm not sure how much premiums usually go up by? if for example making a second claim bears not much difference as a claim has already been made then I might as well do it through insurance. If making a second claim bumps up the renewal considerably higher then maybe I should just pay 150-200 GBP by independant garage and save on my premium? Can anyone recommend affordable homeowners insurance? I live in Muscatine, IA. I am interested in either national or local companies. Anyone have a company or policy they think is a good deal? Who has the friendliest agents? Thanks!" Recommend me a cheap car to buy and insure? I've just passed my driving test and all I'm wanting to drive is a runabout for a year just to get me started. Wanted one for below 1000 and cheap insurance is needed. What do you guys recommend? "Where can l find low cost Dental care in Orange County,CA?"

I would like to find low cost dental care in O.C,but the one l find on the net is called Medical Discounts International,Inc, l don't believe it's a government program and l have my reservations. Is government programs better than private ones? Any agencies that are reliable and good? Thanks." What is an average price for mobile home insurance in california ...los angeles? 12 ft. by 50 ft. 0r 20 ft. by 48 ft. and the year matters too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and my age is 50 Car insurance help. please help me? I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad's insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad's insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance? Yamaha 09 R6 insurance? how much would you thing it would cost in insurance for a 19 year old to own a 08 or a 09 Yamaha R6 Car Insurance Quotes? Need help with some insurance quotes. Looking to pay cash for a car maybe a 2001 impala, 2000 honda accord, 2001 toyota camry. Need a couple of estimates on how much insurance would be. Driver is over 25, clean driving record, female driver. Lives in Florida. Thanks" Is liability insurance the same as renters insurance? Is liability insurance the same as renters insurance? How much is aaa liability cheapest insurance for a 3rd car? If I currently have a 2009 ford taurus and a 2003 toyota camry with full insurance for 2000 a year how much extra is it to add insurance for a small, cheap used car (2001 toyota corolla) for just liability rather than full coverage by AAA? Is it going to be cheap as in 200 dollars a year extra or even no extra cost? Thanks" How does insurance in general work? and what are some of the rules of finanace for insurance?? What kind of liability insurance do gyms have? I was playing some basketball on a guest pass at the gym yesterday. I rolled my ankle and just left thinkin it wasnt that bad, decided to sleep on it. turns out, it's a lot worse than I thought and I can't even walk on it today. I dont have any health insurance, or

any means to pay these medical bills right now. Do gyms usually have insurance for things like this or are you on your own?" What would happen if you show proof of full coverage to a lender then drop to liability? Would the lender ever know that you dropped to liability? I am looking to finance a motorcycle and they require proof of insurance (full coverage), but the cost is insane." Auto Insurance Penalities In Ky? If you were without a car and insurance for a period of time, (2 years ) how can you get penalities for not having auto insurance. How do you insure something you don't have?" I need health insurance help? if i were to call 911 and the firefighters came and also an ambulance how much would i have to pay eventough i have kaiser and i have health insurance. around how much? In Northern California on average how much does the minimal amount of gas and insurance cost per month ? I'm 18 and looking into buying my first car this year. From my understanding the cheapest of Vehicles could be anywhere from $500-$1000 dollars. Since I'm doing this alone I'm asking you from your own personal experiences with car finances. Do i qualify for VA insurance? I just found out that i am pregnant last week and we don't qualify for state insurance because we make too much. But my husband just got out of the marine corp in August so does anyone know if we can get insurance through the VA even though he's already out even if we have to pay a little a month. Or if anyone knows of any insurance i can get for cheap, by the way i don't know if it helps but my husband is unemployed right now. Thank you." Car Insurance Liability? Should I go around and get $2000000 in liability, or should I just go with $1000000?" About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? What is the cost of general liability insurance for park rental? need the insurance to cover a softball tournament Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?

I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance." What are insurance rates on a 1992 camaro? i want to buy a camaro but need to know if insurance will cost too much on a 1992 convertible camaro? Car insurance for short locations (2-4 days)? I usually rent a car at Rent a Car service companies once or twice per month. The insurance they offer are somewhat expensive (im 26, never got pull-over, never had an accident). I would like to know if anyone knows of an insurance company who offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank you." Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California? Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California? In California can my car insurance company raise my rates based on my new zip code? I moved to another city within South Orange County, CA, and Allstate raised my rate because of my new zip code. I thought there was a new CA law insurance companies can no longer do that." Would insurance be higher on suv/truck or car/sedan? For example Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi galant." Insurance for full time student in Texas.? I will be attending college full time starting in the spring at Lone Star College in Kingwood, Texas. It is just a 2 year college. I will need insurance from my medicine that I take daily, and seeing the Doctor, if needed. I am in Texas, and will be on a tight budget, as I don't know if my job will let me work part-time or not. I am also a single mother, but won't have to carry him because his father has him covered on his policy. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated:o)" Question about car insurance? if someone gets a car and payes it to the owner in monthly rates, and he gets a insurance for that car. but th car is not signed over to you yet, so legally it is not yours yet. and before you make the first payment you get in an accident. you pay the car off with the insurance money, but the insurance gives you more money than the owner

wanted for it, who gets the rest of that money????? you?" Non-credit based car insurance? i saw a commercial on tv about a car insurance company that bases your premium on your driving record, not your credit score. but i cant remember the name. anyone know? thanks!" What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name? What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name? Can an employer charge women employees more for health insurance than men employees in a group plan? I was offered a job and I asked to review the companies health insurance information prior to accepting the job. I found out that for their group insurance it's broken down by age and gender. A man my age's employee contribution monthly would be $140 cheaper per month than mine just based on gender and not taking any lifestyle choices into consideration. Everything about this screams lawsuit to me but I've found some differing information on this. With the Affordable Care Act Gender rating is not allowed in the individual market but it does nothing to ban this practice in the group setting from what I've found. Thoughts? Ideas? I've turned down employment with this company based on my personal beliefs. Which dental insurance/plan? i recently came to the US from UK and i have 2 teeth at front that were once chipped and now built up with 'cement'. i plan to possibly have a couple boxing matches while im here. so im looking for a purely dental plan that covers things like the possibility of my tooth chipping again etc. but would also like basic dental coverage while im here too (as my wisdom teeth are coming through n its possible i might need them removed?) When buying a phone online can you get phone insurance? so i have insurance on my phone now through sprint and if i buy a phone online like ebay or something and switch it can i keep the insurance of the new phone? What car insurance do u have and how much do u pay? my mom and my brother have progressive i think i might be in there too but the bill came over $2,000....we don't even make close to that much a month" Car Insurance for a 17 year old girl? How do I get the cheapest car insurance possible. Should the car being insured be expensive (ish) or cheap? Should I wait until after my daughter has passed her test? I

appreciate that all insurance for first time drivers is high but would like advice please. Getting my baby on insurance? I'm 20, unmarried, and a full-time nursing student, so I still have insurance through my parents. I live with my boyfriend, my baby's dad, and he has insurance through the hospital where he works. His insurance isn't too expensive for him, but if he were to add the baby onto his policy, the price would nealy double, taking almost half his paycheck every month. I work as much as I can parttime, but with taking fulltime classes, along with clinicals, there's no way I can work fulltime right now. We would be considered low-income, and I know my baby would be eligible for medicaid. I'm only 26 weeks along, but I really want to have everything arranged by the time he gets here. Who would I contact for more details about getting on it? We've never used any kind of supplemental assistance like this, so I really don't even know where to go. It's probably too early right now, but when would I need to start filling out the paperwork?? Thanks for your help!!!" Adding someone to insurance? If my insurance started on jan 2009-2010 and I add another person in few months will the insurance card still say form jan 2009 or will it be the date I added the person? How long does it take to get health insurance? I need health insurance from any company quick. Money is no problem. How long does it take to get me insured once iv'e signed up? and anyone know a company that can get me insured fast? Is there ANY way to get birth control without insurance and not have to spend an arm and leg? I'm 20 and covered by my parents' insurance-i'm a student and part-time server and do not get benefits or insurance through school. My parents however do not want to ...show more How much will insurance rates go up for hitting a parked car? I accidentally hit a parked car and there is a lot of damage to my car (paint, door won't open) and minimal damage to the other owner's car (slight tear on rubber bumper) how much will my rates rise?" Car insurance help? Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated. What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ? What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ?

Will my insurance rates go up? My daughter who is 16 yrs old tapped a car from behind at a stop sign. There was no damage done to either car and no injuries. The guy said he was not going to do anything about it since there was no damages. My daughter gave him her information (insurance etc). I called the guy to make sure everything was ok, he said nothing happened to his car or himself but he went ahead and opened a claim because he thought he had to do that. I know that if he decides to ask for damages the insurance will pay. My question to you is if he decides not to ask for damages, will my insurance still go up and will she get points in her driver's license. Also, I'd like to add that we live in California. I have not talked to my insurance (AAA) yet. Thank you" Registering and Insuring a vehicle in a new state? I have recently moved to Virginia, however I have my car registration and insurance in California and my license in California. Do I need to change all three, if I still have an address in California?" About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl? About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?

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