Мега Каталог 2020/2021

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Filozofija Philosophy

Vi nudime materijali koi inspiriraat arhitektonski kreacii. Ohrabruvame idei za kreiranje na dizajnerski rešenija. Podržani sme od silni i inovativni dobavuvači. Imame istorija. Imame znaenje. Imame iskustvo. ...i bi sakale da go spodelime.

We offer materials that inspire architectural creations. We encourage ideas for creating design solutions. We have the support of strong and innovative suppliers. We have history. We have knowledge. We have experience. ...and we would love to share.

Istorija History

MEGA, e uspešna makedonska prikazna koja započnuva vo 1992 god. i zboruva za izvonreden progres na idejata da se bide profesionalen i različen vo svojata rabota. Započnuva so proektiranje i izvedba, no nabrzo vleguva na pazarot na gradežni materijali i stanuva prepoznatlivo ime. Denes, taa pretstavuva sovremena kompanija čie rabotenje obedinuva golem broj na aktivnosti vo sektorot na gradežništvo i vnatrešno ureduvanje. Prepoznatliva e kako generalen zastapnik na poveke svetski brendovi koi se kreatori na globalnite trendovi vo keramika, sanitarna oprema, drveni podovi i grazdežni materijali. MEGA, is a successful Macedonian story that began in 1992. and speaks for the extraordinary progress of the idea of being a professional, and different in its own work. It starts with design and performance, but soon enters on the market of building materials and becomes a recognizable name. Today, it is a contemporary company whose operations brings together a large number of activities in the construction and interior construction sector. Is recognized as the general representative of many world brands that are the quarters of global trends in ceramics, sanitary equipment, wooden floors, and other building materials.




Dalečnata 1992 godina, Mega za prv pat e registrirana kako proektantsko biro, koe se zanimava so proektiranje i izvedba na individualni stanbeni objekti.

Vo 1995 godina, so svojata jasna, profesionalna vizija i strateška transformacija, prerasnuva vo firma za prodažba na gradežni materijali i go otvara prvoto, prodažno mesto vo Kumanovo.

Za nepolni šest godini, kako plod na svojata intenzivna rabota i zgolemen interes, Mega, go otvara vtoroto prodažno mesto vo Kumanovo vo industriskata zona Karpoš.

In the distant 1992, Mega was registered for the first time as a design-office, which deals with the design and construction of individual residential buildings.

In 1995, with its clear professional vision and strategic transformation, it grew into a company for selling building materials and opened its first showroom in Kumanovo.

For less than six years, as the fruit of its intense work and increased interest, Mega opened the second sales outlet in the industrial zone Karposh in Kumanovo.

Mega Mall Boris Trajkovski 62, Kisela Voda 1000 Skopje

Mega Karpoš 1300 Kumanovo

Mega Josko Ilievski 34 1300 Kumanovo



Vo 2003-ta godina, Mega go otvara noviot prodažen salon vo Skopje. Vo slednite nekolku godini, kako rezultat na uspešnoto pozicioniranje na ovoj pazar, go zgolemuva brojot na novi podružnici.

Ovaa godina završuva gradbata na noviot objekt vo Skopje, Mega Mall, koj gi obedini site podružnici vo ovoj grad i stana vistinski “home” centar.

In 2003, Mega opened the new showroom in Skopje. In the next few years, as a result of the successful positioning of this market, it increases the number of new subsidiaries.

This year is completed the construction of the new facility in Skopje Mega Mall, which has united all subsidiaries in this city and has become a true home center.

Važno Site navedeni podatoci se od informativen karakter. Za poprecizni informacii, Ve molime da pobarate sovet od stručno lice vo odredenata oblast. Uslovite na garancija se preneseni od proizvoditelot na dadeniot proizvod i važat spored negovi strogo propišani uslovi na koristenje. Cenite se so vklučen DDV 18%, i se so promenliv karakter. Ponudenite proizvodi može da se od lager ili pak po poračka. Podetalni informacii može da se pobaraat vo nekoj od prodažnite saloni. Odnapred Vi se izvinuvame i ograduvame od odgovornost za možni pečatni greški.

Important All the listed data is informative. For more precise information please seek the advice of a professional in the specific area. The terms and conditions of the warranty are transferred by the manufacturer of the concerned product and are subject to strictly prescribed usage rules. Prices include VAT 18%, and they have variable character. The offered products can be from stock or by order. Detailed information can be requested at any of our showrooms. In advance, we apologize and fence of responsibility for possible typographical errors.

Direkcija | Head office Josko Ilievski 34, 1300 Kumanovo T. +389(0)31 421 555 F. +389(0)31 425 555 Izložbeni saloni | Showrooms Magacini | Warehouses Josko Ilievski 34, 1300 Kumanovo T. +389(0)31 421 555 F. +389(0)31 425 555 Karpoš, 1300 Kumanovo T. +389(0)31 445 588 T. +389(0)31 445 577 Boris Trajkovski 62, 1000 Skopje T. +389(0)2 322 3722 T. +389(0)2 321 6280 info@mega.com.mk www.mega.com.mk

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