Paducah Life Magazine - February/March 2022

Page 24

n Judge Alan C. Stout

★ by S U ZA N N E C L I N TO N

Faith, family, and a fair shake

Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Kentucky


HILE IT MAY NOT SOUND PARTICULARLY appealing, bankruptcy is sometimes unavoidable. Going through the process of filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 (individual) or Chapter 11 (for a business), means citizens can potentially get a fresh start by liquidating assets to pay their debts or by creating a repayment plan. In Paducah, people and businesses in that situation inevitably wind up in the courtroom of Judge Alan C. Stout at the Federal Building. A veteran of 12,000 cases as a trustee and 3,000 cases as an attorney—he practiced for 30 years in both Marion and Paducah— Judge Stout was appointed Bankruptcy Judge in 2011 and assumed the role of Chief Judge in January 2020. “The initial appointment was a life-changing event,” he recalls. Almost immediately, upon becoming Chief Judge, he faced the unprecedented challenge of Covid. “When the pandemic hit, I had just taken over, and the whole court system had to pivot,” he recalled. “Court was conducted telephonically and by video. We continued to move the cases along,” he said. “By July of 2021, regular court resumed requiring masks, social distancing, and increased sanitization. The days were very different for a year and a half.” In practical terms, the Judge does not preside over one courtroom only. “My main duty station is based out of Louisville, and I spend the majority of my time there,” he explained. “I hold court in Paducah once a month and the day varies depending on the location. Generally, it involves a lot of administrative work and presiding over trials,” he added. Asked what the most important qualities of a Judge might be, Stout is quick to answer. “I can tell you that I have learned it’s very important to be patient and to


listen and withhold making a judgement until everyone has had their say and all the evidence is in. Then make your decision about what you’ve seen and heard.” Judge Stout brings a great amount of training and experience to the bench having previously

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