Liver Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Types, Complications, Prevention

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Symptoms, Causes, Types, Complications & Prevention

Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is a disease in which cells in the liver grow abnormally and uncontrollably. The liver is a vital organ that helps with digestion, blood clotting, and removing toxins from the body. Liver cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death worldwide.

Symptoms of Liver Cancer

In the early stages, liver cancer often does not cause any symptoms. As the cancer grows, it may cause symptoms such as:

• Unexplained weight loss

• Loss of appetite

• Abdominal pain

• Nausea and vomiting

• Fatigue

• Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

• Easy bruising or bleeding

• Swelling of the abdomen

• Enlarged veins on the abdomen

Causes of Liver Cancer

• The most common liver cancer causes are:

• Chronic hepatitis B or C infection

• Cirrhosis

• Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

• Alcohol abuse

• Aflatoxin exposure (a type of mold that grows on crops)

• Smoking

• Certain inherited conditions

Types of Liver Cancer

• There are three main types of liver cancer:

• Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): This is the most common type of liver cancer, accounting for about 80% of cases. It starts in the liver cells.

• Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC): This type of cancer starts in the bile ducts that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine.

• Angiosarcoma: This is a rare type of liver cancer that starts in the lining of blood vessels.

Diagnosis of Liver Cancer

• The diagnosis of liver cancer is made through a combination of tests, including:

• Blood tests

• Imaging tests, such as ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI

• Biopsy: A piece of tissue is removed from the liver and examined under a microscope.

Treatment for Liver Cancer

• The treatment for liver cancer depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer, and the patient's overall health. Treatment options may include:

• Surgery: Surgery to remove the cancer may be an option if the cancer is small and confined to the liver.

• Liver transplant: A liver transplant may be an option for some patients with liver cancer.

• Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to kill cancer cells.

• Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells.

• Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy uses drugs to target specific molecules involved in cancer growth.

Prevention of Liver Cancer

• There are a number of things you can do to help prevent liver cancer, including:

• Get vaccinated against hepatitis B and C.

• Avoid alcohol abuse.

• Eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight.

• Avoid exposure to aflatoxin.

• Don't smoke.

• If you have any risk factors for liver cancer, talk to your doctor about ways to reduce your risk.


Liver cancer is a serious disease, but it is important to remember that there are effective treatments available. If you have any concerns about liver cancer, talk to your doctor.

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