P.I.N.G. 12.1

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Electronic ‘Nose’

An , created by researchers from KU Leuven in Belgium, is the most sensitive gas detection system. Made of microscopic sponge-like metal-organic frameworks, this chemical sensor can detect traces of chemical weapons like sarin residue on food present in extremely low concentrations like parts per trillion. implementation of a human neuron are humongous, particularly in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Language. At present, the CMOSbased artificial neuron has been used for

neuromorphically finding correlations in data faster in a more efficient manner as compared to the conventional methods. Although not exactly the same, the artificial neuron can be improved to create a much closer prototype to the actual neurons that are located in the human brain and once that door is unlocked a lot of other doors can be unlocked. Cognitive computing could be revolutionised by this ultra-dense integrated neuromorphic technology. IBM’s neurons can some day lead to the creation of an ‘artificial brain’ which will not only function much faster than a human one, but also retain its cognitive abilities. However, controlling the brain is an extremely powerful and dangerous concept as there is an equal possibility of dire security threats. Terrorism may become much more advanced and uncontrollable if such technology falls in the wrong hands. Imagine hacking into the brain of Presidents of all the countries in one go. Imagine literally programming the Presidents’ brains to rule the world without getting caught, gradually bringing it to ruins. Even if the rest of the people refuse to join them, the humans-turned-robots alone could have CREDENZ.INFO

advanced capabilities to overthrow the world as we know it- or will know it. Ray Kurzweil’s theory of technological singularity foresees exactly this and strongly propagates the progress of security with the equal progress of technology. In fact, it could be any day now that Isaac Asimov’s Three Rules of Robotics could be incorporated in the Constitution. On the other hand, all forms of permanently paralysed, handicapped as well as any temporary kind of disability patients could be treated by a ‘brain transplant’ or an alternative machine to transfer the functioning of those nearly impossible tasks with the same way a dialysis machine works on the kidneys. World’s first sucessful brain transplant in Johannesburg, South Africa was the result of a nineteen hour long surgery that rendered the then thirty six year old patient cancer free! Commercially, finding corelations is already becoming faster and hence consumer statistics can be graphed and utilised efficiently in turn improving the economy as a whole. Controlling the environment would become second nature and with the current growth in technology our beloved mother Earth could breathe safely again. Faster computers are on the way and humans are bound to meet their metal counterparts. Such technologies come with immense power and power as we know it, has the notorious ability to make or break things. We humans stand on the brink of our future and the only thing standing in between is how we use this power; for world peace or personal gain.

- Urjeeta Tule Pune Institute of Computer Technology Pune SEPTEMBER 2016 P.I.N.G. ISSUE 12.1


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