Miller Magazine / 48

Page 83

• World Canola (Rapeseed) Production and Producer Countries Canola is a plant that is obtained by improving rapeseed and does not contain erucic acid and glucosinolate. The point that erucic acid and glucosinolate are harmful to human and animal health caused the prohibition of cultivating this plant in Turkey in 1979. However; lowering down of the erucic acid content with 45-50% in the varieties called as rapeseed in the past to 0% as a result of the improvement studies made the rapeseed to be re-produced for vegetable oil needs. As the canola was developed firstly in Canada, it was called as “canola” which was derived from “Canadian Oil Low Acid”. Canola is an oil plant with two physiological periods as winter and summer terms. Canola is an important oil plant with 3850% oil and 16-24% protein content. Due to its neutral feature, it is used as frying or canned good oil in the food industry. Besides, it is used in biodiesel production and also as feed raw material. Canola ranks second among the oilseed plants used as vegetable oil source in terms of production amount. Annual production amount in the world is about 60 million tons. According to USDA data; world canola production, which was 61 million tons in 2009/10 season, reached 62,9 million tons in 2012/13 season. USDA estimates world canola production in 2013/14 season as 67,9 million tons.

kanola üretimi, 2012/13 sezonunda 62,9 milyon tona ulaşmıştır. USDA dünya kanola üretiminin 2013/14 sezonunda 67,9 On the basis of 2012/13 season data; China ranks first in milyon tona ulaşacağını tahmin etmektedir. world canola production with 7,3 million-hectare cultivation area and 14 million-ton production amount. China is 2012/13 sezonu verileri bazında Çin, 7,3 milyon hektar ekim estimated to realize 14,2 million-ton production in 2013/14 alanı ve 14 milyon tonluk üretim miktarıyla dünya kanola üre- season. Canada follows China with 8,8 million-hectare cultitiminde ilk sırada yer alıyor. Çin’in 2013/14 sezonunda 14,2 mil- vation area and 13,8 million-ton production. yon ton kanola üretimi gerçekleştireceği tahmin ediliyor. Çin’i 8,8 milyon hektarlık ekim alanı ve 13,8 milyon tonluk üretim The production amount to be realized by Canada in miktarıyla Kanada takip ediyor. Kanada’nın 2013/14 sezonunda 2013/14 season is foreseen as 16,1 million tons. India with gerçekleştireceği tahmin edilen üretim miktarı ise 16,1 milyon 6,7 million-hectare cultivation area and 6,8 million-ton proton. Bu ülkeleri sırasıyla; 6,7 milyon hektar ekim alanı ve 6,8 duction, France with 1,6 million-hectare cultivation area milyon ton üretim miktarıyla Hindistan, 1,6 milyon hektar ekim and 5,4 million-ton production, Germany with 1,3 millionalanı ve 5,4 milyon tonluk üretim miktarıyla Fransa, 1,3 milyon hectare cultivation area and 4,8 million-ton production folhektar ekim alanı ve 4,8 milyon tonluk üretim miktarıyla Al- low these countries. It is foreseen that India will realize 7 manya takip ediyor. 2013/14 sezonunda Hindistan’ın 7 milyon million tons, France 4,7 million tons and Germany 5,8 milton, Fransa’nın 4,7 milyon ton, Almanya’nın ise 5,8 milyon ton lion tons of canola in 2013/14 season. kanola üretimi gerçekleştireceği öngörülüyor. • World Cottonseed Production and Producer Countries • Dünya Pamuk Tohumu Üretimi ve Üretici Ülkeler As a fiber plant, cotton consists of fiber and seed with a ratio of Bir lif bitkisi olan pamuk, lif ile yüzde 40 oranındaki tohumdan 40%. Besides it is a fiber plant, cotton is defined as a good oil oluşur. Pamuk bir lif bitkisi olmasının yanı sıra tohumunda ih- plant as it has 40% oil in content. The mature seeds are brown tiva ettiği yüzde 40 yağ oranı nedeniyle iyi bir yağ bitkisi ola- ovoid weighing about a tenth of a gram. By weight, they are rak değerlendirilir. Olgunlaşmış tohumları kahverengi ve oval 60% cotyledon, 32% coat and 8% embryonic root and shoot. görünümdedir. Ağırlıkları da gramın onda biri kadardır. Ağırlık These are 20% protein, 20% oil and 3.5% starch. Fibers grow dağılımı incelendiğinde; yüzde 60’nın çenek, yüzde 32’sinin from the seed coat to form a boll of cotton lint. The boll is a kabuk ve yüzde 8’nin de embriyonik kök ve filizden oluştuğu protective fruit and when the plant is grown commercially, it görülmektedir. İçeriğinde ise yüzde 20 protein, yüzde 20 yağ is stripped from the seed by ginning and the lint is then prove yüzde 3.5 nişasta barındırmaktadır. cessed into cotton fiber. For every hundred weight of fiber,


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