Ozark Hills & Hollows August September 2015

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Apple cider vinegar

has been hailed to be a cure-all for warts, acid reflux, arthritis, gout, high blood pressure, diabetes and weight loss, as well as a flea and tick repellent for dogs and cats, a fly repellent for horses, and a nontoxic weed killer for the garden. Although there hasn’t been a lot of scientific studies to prove or disprove the many health claims, it’s use goes back hundreds and even thousand of years.

Good For You...

Vim with Vinegar


In 400 BC, Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, used apple cider vinegar to clean and heal wounds. He also prescribed it mixed with honey for many ailments, including cough and colds. Roman soldiers drank a diluted vinegar and honey drink called “posca” for strength and energy. Japanese Samurai consumed something similar. Christopher Columbus sailed with barrels of vinegar on board for the prevention of scurvy. During the civil war and as late as World War I, apple cider vinegar was used to clean and disinfect wounds.

One of Mother Nature’s most perfect foods



Vinegar can be made from a variety of sources, including grapes, dates, coconuts, grains etc. Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh, crushed apples allowed to age. Whether you make it yourself, or buy it, the best type is made from organic apples, and is raw, unfiltered, a rich brown color, and cloudy. The presence of a cobweb like substance in the vinegar, called the “mother”, is a sign of a raw, good quality vinegar. White vinegar and clear apple cider vinegar have been heated (pasteurized), and filtered. Even though it still has

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many useful properties, this process destroys the probiotics, enzymes, and some vitamins. White vinegar doesn’t have all the health properties of raw apple cider vinegar, however, it still works wonderfully for most household uses. Either type of vinegar makes a great fruit and vegetable wash to remove pesticides and bacteria. Make a solution of 90 percent water, and 10 percent vinegar, briefly soak the produce and swish around, then rinse. I also like to remove lime deposits, and soap buildup with vinegar. Like many people in the Ozarks, our well-water is high in calcium, and so I have a spray bottle of undiluted vinegar to spray on the shower after use. It is my favorite spray for cleaning mirrors and windows. It also makes a great non-toxic disinfectant and deodorizer for countertops and floors.

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