Ambassador Magazine Winter 2020

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A final thought from our editor Amy Storms is a wife, mother, Strong Hall dorm mom, and director of marketing and communications at OCC.

PREACH. Amy Storms When my kids were young, we practiced a Bible memory work project from the book of Philippians. We repeated the passage aloud several times, using different voices to make memorizing more fun. “Now let’s say it in a cowboy voice,” I said, and we recited our verses with a drawl. “This time, let’s say it like a mouse,” and together we squeaked through the text. Finally, my youngest daughter, then about six years old, had an idea. “Let’s say it like Dudley Rutherford!” I smiled. We lived in Southern California at the time, and she had heard the OCC grad preach at our church the Sunday before. “Okay,” I said, intrigued. “How will that sound?” Molly leaned back and sucked in a big breath. Then, she let it out in a yell: “PAUL AND TIMOTHY! SERVANTS OF CHRIST JESUS! TO ALL THE SAINTS IN CHRIST JESUS AT PHILIPPI!” 1 2 3

2 Timothy 2:15 2 Timothy 4:2 2 Timothy 4:5

My daughter had learned what thousands of people already knew: Pastor Dudley can preach. As a mom, I’m thankful for the preachers my kids have grown up hearing each week. As a dorm mom, I’m proud of the many young preachers training at Ozark. And as a preacher’s kid, I’m amazed at the hours my dad spent in study and preparation, how he stepped up to the pulpit every Sunday (even after late-night hospital calls on Saturday)... and how thousands of preachers around the world do the same, week after week, not for their own glory, but for God’s. Preacher, may I tell you two things? First, thank you. Thank you for your dedication to God’s Word. Thank you for “rightly handling the word of truth”1 in every sermon, and for “correcting, rebuking, and encouraging—with great patience and careful instruction.”2 Thank you for faithfully proclaiming the gospel to the senior saint who has heard it many times, and to the six-year-old taking it all in. Thank you!

And second, don’t stop. We need you. How we need you. In a world where the person with the most social media “likes” wins the battle, we need you to remind us of God’s Word that wins the war. We need you to “keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and discharge all the duties of your ministry.”3 We need your unseen hours of Spirit-led preparation. We need your humility and your boldness. Don’t stop! Preacher, your hours are long, and sometimes your listeners won’t listen. Thank you for answering the call anyway. This week, when you step up to your pulpit, may you take in a big breath and let it out as you boldly proclaim the truth. May you preach.

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