OGM July/August 2013 Queen City Special Edition

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One day, I went searching for Love in the Temple of the past. I exchanged every piece of common sense I had in the bank of my mind for a rickety Time Machine. I set the course for the Past and zoomed off to search for Love. When I arrived at the location where the Temple was supposed to be, I found nothing but rubble, dust, and a few unrecognizably eroded statues. As I stood there in bewilderment and despair, a haggled rogue appeared suddenlt from behind one of the statue rembrandts. "Those who search for Love in the Temple of the Past will only find a place to feed your sorrow and increase your longing. The only thing that is ever to be found in the Past are crumbling relics of your Wanting. Return to the Present. That is the only place Love can be searched for and can be found in a tangible state."

Moral: Don't go mucking through the past searching for what was. It is only in the present that what you want can actualize within the heart.

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