704 Farm to Fork Special Issue 9-8-22

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ForkFARM to No. 704 • September 8, www.outwordmagazine.com2022 Dining Yountvilleinpage16 Special Issue

4 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine 27thanniversary 27 Years Serving the Community Nat. Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Nat. Gay & Lesbian Journalist Association Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce PHONE: (916) sales@outwordmagazine.comwww.outwordmagazine.com329-9280 Outword Magazine Inc. Mailing Address 1026 Florin Road, #344 Sacramento, CA 95831 ISSN # 1084-7618 United States Library of Congress PUBLISHER Fred Palmer ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION Ron Tackitt GRAPHIC DESIGN Ron Tackitt EDITOR editor@outwordmagazine.com ARTS EDITOR Chris Narloch SALES Fred Palmer CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS Chris Allan Matthew Burlingame Faith LaurenChrisDianaColburnKienleNarlochPulidoRonTackitt PHOTOGRAPHY Chris Allan Ron Tackitt ON THE COVER “Bread and Butter Experience” Wine tasting at Handwritten Wines, Yountville, CA Photo by Ron Tackitt ADVERTISING SALES Sacramento and Northern California (916) 329-9280 Fred Palmer OutwordStaff

Sacramento State PRIDE Center and friends joined local LGBTQ+ non-profits to build and strengthen community bridges at the Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce August Mixer, Greater Sacramento Area's PFLAG's 40th Anniversary, and Cirque du Soleil's Alegria.PRIDE Center Hornets enjoyed meeting their off-campus community and becoming part of the local LGBTQ+ history happening every day. Tranh Pham, PRIDE Center Coordinator at said this about the magic that happened this week: “As an Anchor University in the Greater Sacramento Area, community engagement, especially LGBTQ+ community engagement, is important for our students and community's vitality and success. Students' learning, lived experiences, and choices can shape the communities they are part of.” We can’t wait to see what our future Sacramento State LGBTQ+ leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs have in store for community, the Sacramento region, and beyond next!”

&Out Off-Campus Partner - at PFLAG/s 40th Anniversary Celebration Off-Campus Partner - at the Rainbow Chamber of Commerce's Aug. mixer at Scott's on the River About

In November of 2021, the Sacramento LGBT Community Center lost its most influential co-founder, Jerry Sloan. Most famously, Jerry was known for his successful 1984 lawsuit for breach of an oral contract against the late televangelist Reverand Jerry Falwell, who reneged on a promise he made on live television to pay Sloan $5,000 if he produced an audio tape of Falwell making derogatory remarks about the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (a Christian church founded in 1968 and the communicants are primarily gay, lesbian, bisexual, andJerrytransgender).usedfundsfrom the settlement to open the first Lambda Community Center in 1986, which is now known as the Sacramento LGBT Community Center. Beginning Sunday, September 4, the Sacramento LGBT Community Center will have a public memorial on display for community to visit during open hours which will feature a variety of Jerry’s mementos that tell the story of his legacy of equality and activism in Sacramento. For more information about the memorial please reach out to Center Event Manager, Camille Adams, at camille.adams@saccenter.org.

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Keeping Sacramento comfortable for 40 years

As the second season cools to an end in late October, the West Sacramento Mobile Market will retire until June of 2023, giving staff just enough time to facilitate the Community Ambassador program, engaging a cohort of Affordable Housing residents and customers in an eight-week community health education curriculum, culminating in a graduation and opportunities to earn a living wage stipend working on the Mobile Market in the following season. The goal: to grow economic stability and community health that nurtures a thriving ecosystem.

The Center for Land-Based Learning’s Mobile Farmers Market Drives a FullCircle Food Equity Movement

The Mobile Market in Action

6 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine •2 Convenient Locations •Evening Appointments Available •Open Saturdays •PEP and PREP •We are proud to be Telehealth Providers GREENHAVEN 7248 SOUTH LAND PARK DR. #205 SACRAMENTO, CA 95831 APPOINTMENTS: 916-392-4000 WEST SACRAMENTO 2101 STONE BLVD., SUITE 190 WEST SACRAMENTO, CA 95691 APPOINTMENTS: 916-371-4939 Please Follow Us on Facebook: @RiverBendMed and Check Out Our Website: www.rbmafamilydocs.com You’ll Get Mail! But Don’t Worry, Not Too Much. Stay informed with what’s going on by joining our email list - Click Here (online)

For a full schedule of Mobile Market stops in West Sacramento visit followthetomato. org.To support the Center for Land-Based Learning and join the full-circle food equity movement visit landbasedlearning.org.

Heavily focused on creating access for community members residing in the city’s Senior Affordable Housing complexes, the Mobile Market was able to immediately remove both physical and financial barriers, ensuring that the most vulnerable had access to locally grown, nutrient dense foods offered at steep discounts – 50% off for all customers purchasing with their CalFRESH benefits – literally at their doorstep. During this inaugural season, the Mobile Market moved 8,531 pounds of locally grown produce into just over 200 West Sacramento homes, and 80% of those purchases were made with a CalFRESH EBT card. Cultivating a full-circle food equity movement must, by definition, include impact on both sides; producer and consumer equity became a focal point of the Mobile Market’s second season. With the expansion of two additional stops and a grassroots style Community Ambassador education program, Center for Land-Based Learning staff identified what produce their customers were looking for, and then worked with Farm Business Incubator Farmers in West Sacramento to grow and harvest exactly what the customers wanted. The creation of a low-barrier market opportunity for beginning farmers allows them to grow their business, refining their understanding of market demands, pricing, harvest rhythms, and building a customer

In the wake of such success and community support, West Sacramento’s neighbors in the City of Woodland took notice and, by unanimous vote in early July, Woodland City Council approved a proposal from the Center for Land-Based Learning to launch a second Mobile Market. A minimum of one year of community specific research and development is dedicated to the launch, while a custom truck is built and outfitted to meet the unique needs.

In 2019 the Center for Land-Based Learning’s West Sacramento Urban Farm Program began research and development for Yolo County’s first Mobile Farmers Market. With a mission to address food access and equity in the City of West Sacramento’s urban food desert neighborhoods of Broderick and Bryte, the Mobile Farmers Market opened for its inaugural season in the summer of 2021. What began to blossom was the start of a fullcircle food equity movement. base for long term success. These vital skills have been linked to a farm’s ability to survive its first five years.

Defending Democracy and Celebrating the Freedom to Read by Bonnie Osborn

Organized by community volunteer Richard Alcala, the Sacramento event will mark Banned Books Week 2022 (Sept. 18-24, thirdSacramentoveterans.McClintockMcCartyCaliforniaandArmsGallegos.Sacramento’scampaignrecognitiontoyearsPark.TransitionsworkingCensorshipInternational,Americaninternationalfreedombanned.AreTimes2022Honoraryhttps://bannedbooksweek.org/).ChairofBannedBooksWeekisGeorgeM.Johnson,theNewYorkbest-sellingauthorofNotAllBoysBlue,whoseownworkhasbeenTheannualcelebrationofthetoreadissponsoredbyancoalitionthatincludestheLibraryAssociation,AmnestyNationalCoalitionAgainstandPFLAGamongothers.AlcalamaybebestknownforhisdecademanagingDr.NeilFlynn’sopioidaddictionclinicinOakSinceretiringfromtheclinictwoago,Alcalahasdevotedhisenergiesadiversearrayoflocalcauses,fromforU.S.veteranstotheforthesainthoodoflateBishopAlphonseAlcalaservesasSergeantatfortheVeteransAffiliatedCouncilwasrecognizedrecentlybybothAssemblymemberKevinandCongressmanTomforhisworkonbehalfofOnNov.11hewilldirecttheVeteran’sDayParadefortheyearrunning.

Sacramento readers, teachers, students, book sellers, librarians, writers and anyone who’s ever gotten lost in a great book are invited to bring a picnic lunch, perhaps something to sit on, and a favorite banned book to the California State Capitol West Steps on Sept. 22 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The free event is open to the public and will feature local speakers and readings from banned books, as well as displays of banned books by local bookstores and community organizations.Alcalasays

“I’m so sick of the hypocrisy and the goons, the fundamentalist Christians who don’t practice what they preach,” Alcala says. “We’re American; we have a democracy. They are undermining our democracy by telling us what we can and cannot read. I question everything, and I think everyone should question everything, make your own decisions. Believe fact and science, and not believe just what people tellAlcala’syou.” own reading habits tend to history, and he just finished Maus, the oft-banned graphic novel about the Holocaust by American cartoonist Art Spiegelman.Community organizations, bookstores, libraries, schools and book lovers of all ages who would like to speak, read or participate in this important celebration of democracy, contact Richard Alcala at 916-202-8613.BonnieOsborn is a Sacramento County writer.

7outwordmagazine.com September 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704 Outword Magazine

he was inspired to launch a Banned Book Week event after watching the escalating conservative attacks on fact-based education and the undermining of democratic values following the 2016 election of Donald Trump, which he views as a betrayal of all that U.S. veterans have fought to preserve.

27 Years Serving the Community

Banned books graphic courtesy of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Have you ever dreamed of growing food for your community and running your own farm? Starting on that journey is where some people get lost. Multiple barriers to entry can make farming a daunting challenge, but the Center for Land-Based Learning’s California Farm Academy provides aspiring farmers the foundational knowledge to launch an agricultural business and career. community of similarly inspired beginning farmers. After graduating, Glen partnered with Marites Antonio to launch Six o’Clock Farm in West Sacramento. Using the knowledge and experience Glen gained from the Beginning Farmer Training Program, they built the farm from the ground up and now sell their produce at the Oak Park Farmers’ Market and Nugget Market in West Sacramento.BoththeExplorer Course and Beginning Farmer Training Program are based at CLBL’s beautiful headquarters in Woodland, where participants gain hands-on experience on site. The California Farm Academy encourages military veterans to apply and offers tuition assistance and stipends to support their success and transition into agricultural careers. Explorer Course: October 1-November 12, 2022. Saturdays 9 am-noon Applications due September 15 and can be found at beginsacademy-explorerlandbasedlearning.org/farm-BeginningFarmerTrainingProgramFebruary2023ApplicationswillopeninSeptember, 2022 To learn more about these programs and the Center for Land-Based Learning, visit landbasedlearning.org. Subscribe to receive news about programs and events at landbasedlearning.org/signup.

Students in the Explorer Course / Training Program

The Center for Land-Based Learning Offers Local Agricultural Training for Aspiring Farmers

8 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine You’ll Get Mail! But Don’t Worry, Not Too Much. Stay informed with what’s going on by joining our email list - Click Here (online) OUR SERVICES: Compounding • Specialty Medications • HIV • Hep C & More Home/Office/Mail Delivery • Accepts Most Insurance Plans Vitamins, Health & Beauty Aids • Herbal Remedies & Natural Products • Immunizations & Travel Vaccines We Also Offer Curbside Delivery Service! Text: (916) 796-4514 HERE TO SERVE YOU! We are committed to be open and ready to serve the community even through challenging times. OUR LOCATION: 3257 Folsom Hours:FaxCallEmailwww.puccirx.comSacramento,BlvdCA95816us:clint@puccirx.comus:(916)442-5891us:(916)442-4432M-F9 am-6pm • Sat: 9am-1pm

The Center for Land-Based Learning (CLBL) is an agricultural education nonprofit headquartered in Woodland, CA, and its California Farm Academy programs offer diverse opportunities. Whether you grew up farming, are an experienced gardener, or need more practice getting your hands in the soil, the California Farm Academy helps people explore and develop their agricultural dreams.

The Explorer Course is a seven-week program, designed to help people decide if farming is right for them. This is a perfect opportunity to learn what it takes to start and manage an agricultural business. Explorers are guided as they assess personal motivations, business and farming skills, and available resources to build a clear understanding of their next steps. Graduates of the Explorer Course can move on to launch their business or join the California Farm Academy’s Beginning Farmer Training Program. In this seven month course, students gain the fundamentals needed to own and manage a farm. Since its beginning in 2012,166 students have graduated from this program, and many of them have gone on to grow successful farm businesses. One of these is Glen Baldwin, who joined the program in 2013 and learned the basics of farming while becoming part of a


When local business owner Alan learned about his heart condition, he couldn’t believe the severity. He had been going to doctors regularly for years, yet none had picked up on it. It took the cardiology team at UC Davis Health to find the problem and immediately take action to save Alan’s heart and put it right back into his greatest passions: food and family. Find a UC Davis Health doctor you connect with today.


27 Years Serving the Community

Find Out Who Is “Best In Dough” On Hulu

In a world where there seems to be little agreement on anything, there is one great unifier — the universal love of pizza. “Best In Dough” brings together pizza obsessed competitors from all walks of life to showcase their pizza slinging skills and battle it out for a cash prize. Fire up the oven, and grab the parmesan cheese because the first ever pizza competition is on! “Best In Dough” premieres Monday, Sept. 19th on Hulu.

10 September 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine



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A Town Hall with California Assembly District 10 candidates Eric Guerra & Stephanie Nguyen will be hosted by the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs as part of their 2022 Election Series Sept. 21 and Sept. 22. The event will be at the APAPA HQ, 4000 Truxel Rd. Apapa.org Kennedy Gallery, 1931 L St., invites you to a special Second Saturday art exhibit on Sept. 10 for the Take Me To The Zoo: Creating A Sanctuary For Endangered And Rare Animals through the Arts. Kennedygallery.netWishyoucouldgo back to a simpler time? Live vicariously through Marty McFly by seeing a special showing of Back to the Future (1985) at the Crest Theatre, 1013 K St, Saturday, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. Marty accidentally travels 30 years into the past in a time-traveling DeLorean invented by the maverick scientist Doc Brown. Crestsacramento.comChilifests,nightmarkets and now a Taco fest! I love this month! Blue Note Brewing Company presents Taco Fest, 750 Dead Cat Alley in Woodland on Saturday, Sept. 17 at 12 p.m. How many tacos can you eat? Come on down to tacos and beer and a day of family fun… and Bluenotebrewing.comtacos!Averyhappybirthday to Jimmy Short on Sept. 9! Events? Announcements? Birthdays? Anniversaries? Send them to me matthew.burlingame@gmail.com.at

Out & About Last November our community lost one of our most important founding fathers, the iconic Jerry Sloan. Almost a year later a public memorial is now on display at the LGBT Center, 1015 20th St. during open hours. The display features a variety of mementos that tell the story of his legacy of equality and activism in Sacramento. Props to Camille Adams for organizing the memorial.Comevisit up for the Outword Happy Hour at Badlands Sacramento, 2003 K St., on Friday, Sept. 9, at 5:30 p.m. Each month join us for drinks, music, mingling and almost always a chance to win some super fun prizes!Who wouldn't be into an featuringeventchili and cars! It sounds like a total gas! Rocklin’s Hot Chili & Cool Cars event will be Saturday, Sept. 17 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Rocklin Quarry Park and will feature nearly 200 classic cars, a chili cook-off, booths, kids activities p.m.-1SeptembercomRocklinchamber.optionstruckstherechilientertainment.andIfisn'tyourthingwillbefoodwithotheravailable.OnSaturday,106a.m.cometothe

Courtesy photo Kennedy Gallery

12 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine Advertise Your Business Here To Sponsor this Page with a Page Header, Contact Fred! 916-329-9280 with Matt Burlingame

R Street Corridor for the Our Street NGT MKT! One of the largest night markets in the country inspired by traditional night markets in Asia, experience street food culture at a gathering place for people from all walks of life to enjoy amazing food prepared by chefs from all different backgrounds. Chefs and restaurateurs alongside mom and pop restaurants along with five outdoor bars, Sacramento’s largest silent disco, Outdoor Arcade and a live art experience. There will be an amazing one night only event on Saturday, Sept. 24 as the Harris Center for the Arts, 10 College Parkway, Folsom, presents a black tie optional evening celebrating the return of touring companies to its venue. For one night only, take a nostalgic journey through the legendary musical stylings of one of the greatest rock and roll duos of all time: The Righteous BrothersBillMedley and Bucky Heard, and enjoy the additional option of purchasing tickets to September holds the promise of late summer festivals celebrating the early harvest and there are so many festivals and fun events to enjoy this month! This issue is dedicated to Farm-To-Fork, and the month’s events kick off Thursday, Sept. 8 with Legends of Wine at the State Capitol, followed by the Tower Bridge Dinner on Sunday, Sept. 11, and culminating with the free two-day Farm-to-Fork Festival Sept. 23-24. Farmtofork.com a gala event before the show. Proceeds help fund the center’s operations. Find out more about the evening’s offerings at Harriscenter. net.Feeling political?

13outwordmagazine.com September 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704 Outword Magazine Advertise Your Business Here To Sponsor this Page with a Page Header, Contact Fred! 916-329-9280

P!NK Is Anything But “Irrelevant”

The late, great David Bowie is a larger-than-life figure in the history of rock music, so it is only fitting that “Moonage Daydream,” the highly-acclaimed new documentary about his life and career, would find a home this month on super-sized IMAX Theatre screens. Long before terms like “non-binary” were even dreamt of, Bowie was pioneering a brilliant, shape-shifting, gender-bending pop career that has never been equalled, before or since. Told through sublime, kaleidoscopic, never-before-seen footage, performances and music, Brett Morgen’s feature-length experiential cinematic odyssey explores David Bowie’s creative, musical and spiritual journey. The film is guided by Bowie’s own narration and is the first officially sanctioned film on the artist.

Iwasn’t crazy about the recent, over-hyped collaboration between Britney Spears and Sir Elton John, on “Hold Me Closer,” which was nowhere near as good as John’s divine duet with Dua Lipa, on “Cold Heart.” With “Hold Me Closer," the vocals are so processed and synthetic-sounding that it was hard for me to tell which artist was singing which section of the song. P!nk, on the other hand, doesn’t require much sleight of hand in the studio on her terrific new single “Irrelevant,” which is a clever clap-back to the haters who slammed her on Twitter for decrying the U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding Roe v. Wade. P!nk is a fierce feminist (and a humanist, I would say), and she refuses to bite her tongue politically, despite the potential risks to her career. You can check out the dynamite video for “Irrlevant” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54TqACn_9V8

“Moonage Daydream” plays Sept. 16-22 at Sacramento’s Esquire IMAX Theatre. Visit: www.imax.com/imax-esquire-oo

A “Moonage Daydream” of David Bowie

The largest fresh food event of the year in Sacramento is the Farm-to-Fork Festival, held Sept. 23-24 on Capitol Mall. On Friday, Sept. 23, the event runs from 4-9 p.m., and Saturday is longer, running from 11 a.m.-9 p.m.With dozens of vendors, food trucks, chef demonstrations, beer & wine and more, it’s a food-lover’s paradise, but it’s even more than that – a full lineup of live music keeps the crowds entertained for the whole duration of the Gregoryevent.Porter headlines the Friday night event, and Japanese Breakfast will headline Saturday. Other musical performances include sets by The National Parks, Southern Avenue, Jocelyn & Chris, Last Bandoleros, Island of Black & White, Carter Faith, Rainbow City Park, Dear Darlings, and several local DJs. For a full list, with bios, performance schedule and even a Spotify playlist, visit farmtofork.com. When it comes to the food vendors, the best of the Sacramento region is showcased, and with Visit Sacramento’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, a series of vendor grants are offered in partnership with Bank of America for first-time vendors who identify as a minority/person of color and/or LGBTQ, and demonstrate a financial need. While applications are closed for this year, recipients have been chosen and will be announced soon, so be sure to go to the festival and visit the recipients. Last year, five recipients, including Wellnut Farms and One Love Toffee, enjoyed the festival and shared their products with thousands of foodies. For a list of last year’s recipients and news of this year’s, visit farmtofork.com. Fall is one of the best times of the year in Sacramento, and that’s thanks in no small part to a host of events, including the Farm-to-Fork Festival. So come on down, raise a glass at Legends of Wine, support a local restaurant, farmer or rancher, and enjoy a fantastic series of community events.

14 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine Advertise Your Business Here To Sponsor this Page with a Page Header, Contact Fred! 916-329-9280

When it comes to events in Sacramento, it’s hard to think of a better setting than the California State Capitol, watching the sun set over the iconic Tower Bridge with a glass of wineLocalin-hand.wine legends David Berkley – who curated the White House wine list under several presidents – and Darrell Corti, who is said to know “more about food and wine than anyone in America,” select the wines poured at the event. With approximately 40 local wineries in attendance, there is no shortage of varietals to taste, and the tastings are unlimited. Bites prepared by local chefs accompany the wine, and there’s no better way to spend a Thursday evening in Sacramento. The winemakers certainly know that, and that’s why there’s a good chance the person pouring your glass and telling you about what makes the wine so special and unique is the actual winemaker. New this year are the awards. Three local sommeliers will be judging the wines and selecting the best, but that’s not to say the people won’t have a vote: There will be a people’s choice award, so bring a discerning palate and be sure to vote on your favorite. Legends of Wine is held from 6-9 p.m. on

Celebrate in America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital

Sacramento celebrates local food as America’s Farm-toFork Capital this September, with events produced by Visit Sacramento from the Legends of Wine tasting event Sept. 8 on the west steps of the California State Capitol to the free two-day food and music event that is the 2022 Farm-to-Fork Festival Sept. 23-24. Sept. 8, 2022 on the west steps of the California State Capitol 10th Street and Capitol Mall). Tickets are $77 each (including fees) and are available at farmtofork.com. The hardest ticket to score in Sacramento every year may well be a seat at the Tower Bridge Dinner, and while this year – like all others – the event is sold out, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the same quality, local food year-round in Sacramento’s restaurants. Each year, a team of local chefs is selected, and they work with Visit Sacramento Culinary Adviser Brad Cecchi of Canon to bring a meal to more than 800 diners on Tower Bridge. This year’s chefs are Tyler Bond of Lemon Grass, Nina Curtis of Plant’Ish & Co. Culinary Arts, Patrick Prager, Q Bennett of Q1227 Restaurant, and Greg Desmangles of Urban Roots.


Dining In Yountville

Regiis TempuraOvaFried Chicken Tenders Regiis Ova Tater Tots North Block Uni BiteNorth CheesecakeBlock with Figs North LibertyBlockFarms Aged Duck

Exquisite Cuisine In A Lovely Little Town, Just A Short Drive Away

It’s not very often I indulge in fine cuisine. Not that I don’t like it, but usually there are budgets to consider, and practical, economically friendly food almost always wins out. In more ways than one, that is a shame.

words and images by Ron Tackitt

I recently had the privilege of spending a couple of days in Yountville and was able to sample some truly amazing food as well as experience some of the other treats the town has to offer. This article recounts my dining experiences, and in the following issue of Outword, I will tell you about my other Yountville adventures.

Even here in Sacramento, there are some terrific restaurants - and starting now, I vow to try more of those places. But just up the road, north of the town of Napa is a small community called Yountville. (It’s named after one of the first settlers of the area, George C. Yount).

The first official destination on my tour was a champagne and caviar lounge called Regiis Ova. It is owned by the same person that owns the world-famous French Laundry, Chef Thomas Keller, which is also right down the street on the main drag in Yountville. (There is only one Main Street, Washington, in the town, so most everything you would want to see or do is on that street - and they are all within a short walk of each other, including my hotel).

So, Regiis Ova. Wow. What a beautiful place. You approach and enter through the beautiful outdoor area with comfortable, cushioned seating, glass tables and flowing curtains. A slight breeze was making the curtains do a gentle dance to and fro. It was the perfect setup for indulging, and learning, about the food, the caviar and the custom champagne made just forOfRegiis.course, we ordered several items that could be shared and would allow a good sampling of the cuisine available. From the sound of some of the items, you would maybe wonder why that item was on a menu of this nature. That ended up being part of the beauty of Regiis Ova. For example, we ordered the Tater Tots, the Waffle and Eggs, the Tempura Fried Chicken Tenders and Cheese Balls (Gougere).

We also got a sampler plate of six different caviars that we could try on a small pancake (Blini) with other toppings, like crème fraîche and egg. The first items came with a dipping sauce, complete with caviar on top, or they had caviar incorporated into the recipe. They were not mundane, as the names might imply. The Tots and the Tempura were standout favorites of mine and absolutely delectable. I made sure I tried the six variations of caviar, along with the other sides that they had recommended. I had never really had caviar before, and I was more than surprised. All six were delicate and flavorful, and certainly not overpowering or overly salty. I loved them -- all of them -- and as you might expect, the food paired beautifully with the champagne. Food of this caliber does not come inexpensively. But I will say that without a doubt, this is a once in a lifetime dining experience, and if you like caviar and fine food, or want to give it a try, put this on your bucket list and make a reservation. www.regiisova.com

The Restaurant at North Block

Regiis Ova Caviar & Champagne Lounge

16 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine

Not long after sitting, sampling, and drinking at Regiis, we walked down the street to the North Block Hotel’s restaurant for dinner. I have to say that this is an example of the finest hotel restaurant dining I have ever experienced. It is a world class restaurant that happens to be attached to a fine hotel. The menu was bountiful but not overwhelming. Unfortunately, they were out of the oysters and the roast chicken. Apparently on Saturday for happy hour they have one-dollar oysters. I made a note: next time, Saturday happy hour at the North Block restaurant. We may have gone a little overboard ordering things off the menu, but so much sounded so enticing that we wanted to sample it all. We started with two personal size pizzas, spring onions for one and duck sausage for the second. They were quickly devoured. Next up was house made sourdough bread and butter, an heirloom tomato Caesar salad - amazing, Liberty Farms aged duck, and we all had a Uni Bite (toasted brioche with seaweed, avocado and Sea Urchin meat on the top). Sea Urchin was something else I had never experienced, and it was very good. It was a small bite, so there was only one shot at getting to know its flavor, but the taste and texture were perfect. We rounded out dinner with two desserts, again, so we could all try a bite or two. There was a delicious cheesecake with figs and a chocolate glaze, and we also had some yogurt with fresh fruit. Both were sweet and delicious. I’d like to point out that while the service I had received everywhere else was top-notch, the staff at the North Block was exceptional. Granted it was a Sunday night, and they were not very busy, but they were very personable, friendly, and knowledgeable. As with Regiis Ova, the North Block should be on your list for dining. northblockhotel.com/dining/


Napa Valley

CoquetaPaella de PrimaveraCoquetaCharcuterie Platter

On the second day in Yountville, we went to Coqueta. It is a Spanish Tapas restaurant owned by Michael Chiarello of the Food Network, restaurants and retail store fame. The menu was copious and again, we ordered an assortment of items to try. A couple of the menu items had an asterix next to them. When you looked up what the asterix meant, it said below “What chef Michael is eating now.” I thought that was cute, so we ordered several of the items with the asterix next to them, which included a roasted eggplant dish and a Huevos Robos with a sunny side up egg and skinny fries. We also ordered a paella and a charcuterie platter to start. The platter was ample, and the selection of meats, cheeses and nuts paired well and was truly delicious.ThePaella de Primavera was my favorite. (From the menu: a spring vegetable paella with fava beans, English peas, white asparagus, and wild mushrooms). It was not only beautiful but also fairly large, probably enough food for the three of us, even if we didn’t have all the other items we had to sample.

Lunch on the last day was something I was very much looking forward to. I looked up the R+D Kitchen before going on this trip and found out that the parent company of R+D is the same as the former Bandera restaurant that used to be here in Sacramento, and the Houston’s in San Francisco, neither of which are still around. I have really missed Bandera, so going to this sister restaurant was a real treat for me. It was almost identical, and it was everything I expected and hoped for. For lunch, we dialed back our ordering since we’d all had plenty of food during our adventure. But we had to try the Dip Duo (jalapeño queso and guacamole with chips) and the deviled eggs, for starters. Other things that came to the table were a Rainbow sushi roll, a Shrimp Louie salad, and a Tuna Tartare main dish. As you might expect, all the food was delicious, and the service was, as expected, brilliant. Consequently, in the small town of Yountville, on a Tuesday afternoon, the R+D Kitchen was packed the whole time we were there. rd-kitchen.com/locations/yountville/

17outwordmagazine.com September 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704 Outword Magazine

RH ShrimpRestaurantCocktail

RH Restaurant at RH Yountville R+D Kitchen Tuna Tartar Main Dish R+D Kitchen Dip Duo R+D DeviledKitchenEggs and Martini

Yes, we walked away from there quite full. www.coquetanv.com RH Restaurant at RH Yountville Dinner on night number two was something I was really looking forward to, being a fan of Restoration Hardware. The dining space was unlike anything I had ever seen. Immaculate and beautiful, with full size, live olive trees and chandeliers throughout the space. There were a couple of furniture display rooms in the back of the restaurant, but they were not really a retail story, more like an idea-gathering gallery. We started with crispy fried artichokes, a classic shrimp cocktail and a Caesar salad. We also ordered a lobster roll and an order of Fusilli pasta in a pesto sauce with plenty of grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese on top. I loved everything but the lobster roll. I blame myself though, because it was not what I was expecting. Since then, I have been told that that is an east coast thing. We had plenty of amazing food and yet again, we politely ate way too much. However, we were told to save space for their homemade cookies, so of course we did. They were so delicious and made for a perfect ending to a wonderful meal. After dinner, we strolled through the back of the RH complex and gawked at the beautiful displays they had laid out. After looking around, we walked next door to our hotel. (Yes, it was that close, which was rh.com/yountville/restaurantnice).IrealizeIwasonlyableto scratch the surface of what is available in the wonderful little town of Yountville. Places like Bouchon and The French Laundry came up more than once in various conversations, and I would jump at the chance to repeat this experience, but with different eateries. Be sure to make room in your schedule for a quick trip, about a two-hour drive, and check out our next issue for other things to do in Yountville, besides eating! yountville.com

R+D Kitchen


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Verge’s largest public program, Sac Open Studios spotlights the diverse range of artists who fill our region with art and culture. The central piece of Sac Open Studios is a selfguided artist studio tour that spans all of Sacramento County, West Sacramento and Woodland, which takes place this year over the weekends of September 10th & 11th and September 17th & 18th. This year's tour features over 270 participating artists and is expected to attract around 30,000 attendees. The Kickoff Party and Opening Reception are scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 8th. For more information, please visit: https://sacopenstudios.com

Get Ready For Sac Open Studios

If you want to see what brilliant acting looks like, get thee to Sacramento’s Tower Theatre and check out “The Good Boss,” which stars the great Spanish actor, Javier Bardem (“Before Night Falls,” “No Country for Old Men”). Bardem plays the charismatic but very manipulative boss of a large factory in Spain who meddles in his employees’ personal lives and is obsessed with winning an award for excellence in business, no matter the costs. Almost unrecognizable in glasses and grey hair, the actor gives a performance here that is a master class in how to create a complex character you love to hate. The movie's devastating final scene probably helped the film win almost every trophy at Spain’s Goya Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor. “The Good Boss” opened on Sept. 2. Visit: https://www.angelikafilmcenter.com/tower

Javier Bardem Deserves Another Oscar for “The Good Boss”

Food Beverage and More

27 Years Serving the Community

It was the culmination of a 335-mile march that started in Delano 24 days earlier. A core group of peregrinos (pilgrims) led the way and were joined at different points by thousands of supporters. After a brief program at Southside Park, they completed the final mile to the Capitol around 11 a.m. “All they’re asking for is to have an opportunity to vote to join a union without intimidation,” said former legislator Dennis Mangers, who was a school principal in 1968 in the Delano area near the newly formed UFW. He’d seen firsthand the inhumane conditions in the fields and wanted to help.

22 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine

“Later, when I came to the realization that I was gay and I came to the realization of how much Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez had supported the LGBT community, I decided ‘that really seals the deal and

Teresa Romero, the first woman and immigrant to serve as president of UFW, told disappointed supporters about Newsom’s decision before they left Southside Park.

“The governor has announced that he cannot sign our bill,” she said. “He says he cannot sign the bill, but what we are saying is, ‘Yes, he can… ‘“ The crowd broke into “Si se puede!” with Romero before she continued, saying, “And what I’m here to tell you is that we are here to do whatever it takes.”

Note: As Outword went to press, farmworkers promised to continue pushing to get the bill signed. and Governor Newsom has indicated he is interested in working with farmworkers to find a solution. Stay tuned.

UFW March Draws Thousands photos and text by Chris Allan

On Friday, August 26, a sea of marchers carrying red and black United Farm Workers (UFW) signs, pictures of Cesar Chavez, and yes, even a few rainbow flags, flowed through the streets of downtown Sacramento. Over and over, they chanted, “Newsom, escucha!” (“Newsom, listen”) and “Estamos en la lucha!” (“We are in the wheneverfight!”)they have an issue, it is our issue.’” Friday’s event was a historical reenactment of the famous 1966 march led by Chavez. Like that event, this year’s peregrinaje (pilgrimage) was designed to put political pressure on the State’s leadership, in this case to pass AB2183. “We are here to support the workers and their right to unionize,” said Kristen Hollon Miller, who brought her nine-year-old son Nicholas to the event and identifies as non-binary and pansexual. “This is the best form of education, and we need to teach directAB2183action.”would give farmworkers more options for choosing their union, such as letting them vote from home, by mail, or by asking someone to drop off their ballots.

Currently, farm workers are forced to vote on union-related topics in the presence of farm owners. They say this has left them vulnerable to harassment, abuse, and termination.“Marching for people to have a fair vote in whether or not they want to unionize without retaliation from owners is really important,” said Mayela Gillan, who is bisexual, Latinx/Chicanx, and a PhD student at U.C. Berkeley. “My grandparents were both farmworkers. My grandmother’s mom was a farmworker, and because of that my grandmother was able to get a scholarship to go to college and it impacted generations…I wouldn’t have gotten the education I have if my grandmother had not had the opportunity. Having unionization and having rights for workers is very important, and it impacts people for generations to come.” Governor Newsom vetoed AB616, a similar farmworker bill, last year, and the morning of this year’s march his office released a statement explaining that he would also not sign AB2183. The statement noted that while Newsom is eager to sign legislation that expands opportunity for agricultural workers to come together and be represented, “we cannot support an untested mail-in election process that lacks critical provisions to protect the integrity of the election and is predicated on an assumption that government cannot effectively enforce laws."

27 Years Serving the Community

Rounding off the weekend on October 22, Chef Fieri will prepare a BBQ feast to honor the residents of Yountville Veterans Home, the healthcare providers, and the first responders of the community. The day will also include the inaugural Game for Heroes, a celebrity softball classic where McGraw and Fieri will trade in their cowboy boots and chef coats to compete. Both teams will be comprised of hometown heroes, including first responders, veterans, healthcare professionals, and sponsors who love the game of softball. Fans can expect a friendly, fun yet competitive game, all in the spirit of the cause."Veterans, first responders, and healthcare professionals are facing significant stressors, burdens, and mental health challenges as a result of their work. We cannot afford the cost of failing them," said McGraw, who has continued to contribute to his father’s foundation since his Tim McGraw and Guy Fieri to Headline Wine Country Weekend

27 Years Serving the Community

Grammy award-winning singer and actor Tim McGraw has partnered with renowned American restaurateur, Emmy award winning and Food Network star, Chef Guy Fieri to announce Wine Country Weekend, a fun-filled, multi-day event to raise funds for brain health and wellness on October 21 & 22, 2022 in the Napa Valley. Created in association with The Guy Fieri Foundation, The Neighbor’s Keeper Advised Fund and The Tug McGraw Foundation, McGraw and Fieri hope the event raises awareness and support for our nation’s veterans, first responders and healthcare providers. passing in 2004. “Guy and I are going to have a lot of fun working together in honor of some of our country’s most important heroes.”

Wine Country Weekend kicks off on October 21, with ‘Cabs, Culinary and Country’ at Silver Oak Wine Cellars in Oakville, CA. This exclusive event will feature culinary experiences by Chef Fieri, an exciting auction, followed by a performance by superstar, Tim McGraw. The night will also feature The Silverado Pickups, a wine-country all-star band whose members include Napa Valley wine industry notables David Duncan of Silver Oak and Twomey Cellars, Jeff Gargiulo of Gargiulo Vineyards, Shane Soldinger with Silver Trident Winery, Dan Zepponi of Cuvaison and more.

“I’m honored to team up with Tim McGraw, one of country music’s greatest icons, to recognize and support the men, women, and families that have made the commitment and sacrifice for our country for this epic weekend,” said Fieri. “I can guarantee it's going to be an event that people will never forget.”

25outwordmagazine.com September 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704 Outword Magazine

"These foundations have been so supportive to the men and women who live and work here at the veterans home in Yountville," said home Administrator Lisa Peake. "Along with raising money for activities and events at our home, this fun-filled weekend will go a long way in lifting the spirits of our employees and residents, who have all been dramatically impacted by the ongoingTicketspandemic."andsponsorships are now on sale, and the Foundations are making a limited number of VIP tickets and game positions available to the public. Individual tickets begin at $50. To purchase tickets, learn about sponsorship opportunities, or for more information, please visitAllwww.winecountryweekend.org.proceedswillbenefitTheGuy Fieri Foundation, The Neighbor’s Keeper Advised Fund, and The Tug McGraw Foundation, to further their work with our nation's heroes and vulnerable populations.

Riotron & Big Freedia Team Up For “Drop A Bomb"

The Canadian electropop artist Riotron recently collaborated with Big Freedia, the Queen of Bounce music, for the tasty track “Drop A Bomb” which is about being yourself fearlessly without worrying about who you are going to offend. Just as fun as the single itself is the eyepopping video for the song, with its colorful animated versions of both artists. You can enjoy that queer-tastic video www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YAEeEt9uJYhere:

We haven’t seen much of Susan Sarandon lately — aside from getting into hot water on social media — but the Oscar-winning actress, who appeared on a soap opera in the early ‘70s, returns to TV in a big way this fall, as Nicky Roman, the matriarch of a country music clan, in “Monarch." The new series, costarring real-life country singer Trace Adkins as the husband of Sarandon’s character, will also feature guest appearances by Shania Twain, Martina McBride, Tanya Tucker, and Little Big Town. “Monarch” premieres on FOX on Sunday, September 11th.

Susan Sarandon Returns to TV in “Monarch"

26 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine Advertise Your Business Here To Sponsor this Page with a Page Header, Contact Fred! 916-329-9280

by Chris Narloch

“The Royale” takes the Band-Aid off the ugly, segregated early days of boxing and tells a very compelling story that I knew nothing about. The terrific Capital Stage production continues through Sept. 25th. For more information, go to: https://capstage.org

The Royale Marco Ramirez’ powerful play is loosely based on the life of Jack Johnson, the first Black boxer to become world heavyweight champion.

Variety is the spice of life -- or so the saying goes -- and there is most definitely variety on display this month, on local stages. Fans of the Broadway musical will want to check out the Sacramento premiere of “Come From Away,” a fascinating story set on and after 9/11. Fans of meaty drama, meanwhile, need look no further than “The Royale,” a gripping tale of a Black professional boxer who hopes to keep racism from derailing his career in the early part of the 20th century. Come From Away Sacramento will finally get to see the long-awaited, delayed-because-of-COVID musical “Come From Away,” and if you don’t already have tickets, purchase them while they are still available. This remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded airline passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them is exactly the sort of show we need right now, during these cynical, dark days. Cultures clashed and nerves ran high at first between the stranded travelers and the local citizens, but uneasiness eventually turned into trust, music soared into the night, and gratitude grew into enduring friendships.

27outwordmagazine.com September 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704 Outword Magazine Advertise Your Business Here To Sponsor this Page with a Page Header, Contact Fred! 916-329-9280 It’s About People & Places. Homes & History. Spaces & Stories. Preservation Sacramento is proud to announce the 46th Annual Historic Home Tour in the charming neighborhood of Poverty Ridge Sunday, September 18, 2022, 10 am to 4 pm Tickets:Day-ofpreservationsacramento.org/hometourticketsareavailableattheticket/informationboothat22nd&UStreets. Cost: $30 ($25 for members) Gain a deeper understanding of Sacramento’s history & discover the special stories behind these fascinating homes! MORE INFORMATION Sunday , September 18,2022 poverty ridge home tour September 9, 2022 5:30 - 7 pm brought to you by: Free StuffGood Times Lovely Cocktails HappyHour Outword’s monthly J o i n U s 2003 k street • Sacramento @

Don’t miss “Come From Away,” which performs this Sept. 20-25 at the SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, courtesy of Broadway Sacramento. Visit: www.broadwaysacramento.com

A perfectly-cast Corneilus Franklin plays Jackson in this lean Capital Stage production, which TKOs the audience in under 90 minutes thanks to Anthony D’Juan’s excellent (and efficient) direction, and very effective lighting and set design.

Nominated for seven Tony Awards, “Come From Away” might just restore your faith in humanity and the capacity for kindness during times of great stress.

In “The Royale,” Johnson’s name has been changed to Jay “The Sport” Jackson, but the character faces the same prejudice and discrimination that every black athlete “invading” a white-dominated and white-controlled sport faced during the early part of the 20th century.

What’s New on Local Stages?

The plot concerns a scheming boxing promoter (a wonderful Matt K. Miller) who devises a plan for “The Fight of the Century,” knowing full well the trouble that could result if a Black man were to defeat the reigning (white) heavyweight champ.

Lomi is a countertop appliance that promises to transform your food and other organic waste into natural fertilizer you use to feed your plants (even your lawn), and vegetables, within hours. I was recently given the opportunity to take Lomi for a spin for Outword Magazine. The appliance uses heat and abrasion to speed up the natural process to break down food scraps and allows micro-organisms to easily begin digestion of the waste. Kept of the counter, you can scrape your food waste, including meat and fish (just not large bones, fruit pits, or branches) into its bucket, until filled to the capacity line, at which point you can begin to process with the press of a button. When the Lomi arrived, it took only a few minutes to set up, which primarily consisted of emptying bags of activated charcoal into two separate bins, reading a few “do and don’t’s,” transferring the scraps from my old-school composting bin, plugging it in, choosing the cycle, and pressing “start.” There are 3 cycles to choose from: “Eco Express Mode,” which breaks down the scraps into a top soil or compost-starter within 3-5 hours, “Grow Mode,” which makes ready to use fertilizer in 16-20 hours, and “Lomi-Approved Mode,” which processes Lomi-approved compostable bioplastics (including the plastic that wrapped the device and the bags of activated charcoal). The first cycle I chose was “Grow Mode,” which resulted in a small batch of ready to use fertilizer in about 15 hours, which I incorporated into one of our raised beds with heirloom tomatoes. I have since been using the “Eco Express Mode,” which is quicker, and results in top soil that will continue to break down and feed our vegetables and houseplants, and help make our clay soil more, well, loamy. Pela, the company the makes Lomi, states that the environmental benefits include eliminating CO2 emitted from transport of food waste, as well as the methane released as it sits in a landfill. Although Lomi uses electricity to process organic matter, there is no emission from transport, and the carbon from the waste gets sequestered and used for plant growth. According to Pela, using Lomi

Ilike dirt. As an avid year-round vegetable gardener, dirt, or more specifically soil, is part of my everyday life. Throughout the year, my husband and I frequently amend the soil of our raised beds, and, at times, the clay soil of our yard, for optimal output from our garden. I am also passionate about the environment, a passion that preceded my horticultural hobby (actually, it is more akin to a lifestyle, as it is integral to my ethos for healthy living). So naturally, my gardening led to an ongoing practice of composting. The primary methods of composting I’ve employed over the years are via compost pile and compost barrel. Each of these require a certain amount of effort, including monitoring and tinkering with the mix of wet, dry, brown and green elements, and temperature, in addition to turning and mixing the pile or barrel. Results took months, and, in the case of the barrel method, yielded a disappointing amount of usable compost. Enter Lomi. reduces the footprint from food waste by 65%. If you are running the machine of renewable energy, one can achieve footprintyouremissionsnegativeandreducefoodwasteby127%.

The Nitty-Gritty:

28 outwordmagazine.comSeptember 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704Outword Magazine by Peter Milinazzo-Palmer

27 Years Serving the Community

We have been using Lomi for several weeks now, and it makes the process of managing our organic waste simple and nearly effortless. And I love being able to have an instantly usable product for the yard. Even if we are not ready to use the fertilizer or top soil immediately, I keep it in a bucket just outside kitchen. We now have to figure out what to do with our single and doublebarreled composters and the space they used to take up in our yard.

The activated charcoal eliminates all odor from the process, and the appliance cuts a stylish, curved silhouette with a matte white finish that is a vast improvement on our old compost bin. Lomi is a handsome complement to our (or any) kitchen décor. Actually - truth be told- we are still using our old counter-top bin, as Sacramento (finally) began its curbside compost service this summer. I have been eagerly awaiting this service so that I could compost meat products and oily cardboard. Although Lomi allows processing of meat, I divert larger bones (when I’m not saving them for soup stock), paper towels, and greasier items in the city compost (Lomi makes no statement regarding paper towels on its website or instructions). So Lomi has turned out to be the perfect companion for the new city service; one that allows us to keep the beneficial fertilizer that results.

Whether you are a gardener, have houseplants, have a yard with plantings you wish to support, want to reduce your waste and carbon footprint, or, if you’d like to keep and use the yield from your compostables rather than send them out to be processed by your local municipality, Lomi has a place in your https://pela.earth/products/lomikitchen.

Getting Down and Dirty With Lomi

The drawbacks: One, it isn’t as quiet as we thought it would be. Their website suggests that the Lomi is about as quiet as a dishwasher, but I would say it is slightly louder (at least as compared to ours.) One of the two of us in our household (hint: its not me), is more sensitive to sounds, and our home is small, so we decided to make sure Lomi is run during the daytime while we are working – this is not even close to a deal breaker. Two, at $499, this machine is not inexpensive, but one can spread out the cost over months. Purchase of activated charcoal and “Lomi Pods,” which are small tablets with microorganisms that help break down the compost and enrich the resulting dirt, add to the yearly, or semi-yearly cost (about $85 for a 6-month supply of both, or $76 with a subscription plan). Given the cost of some barrel systems, as well as the time, space, and effort they encompass, Lomi seems like a good deal to us, but could still be prohibitively expensive to others.

Lomi on the kitchen countertop. Before After

Use Lomi to reduce your carbon footprint, and improve the health of your houseplants, vegetable garden, yard, and the planet.

Peppery Love Hot Sauces

Dicky Waffles

Reinberger Nut Butters

Kinky’s Dessert Bar, New York City’s first (extremely) adult bakery, has a no-prudes policy when it comes to its XXX-rated confections, like blush-worthy Dicky Waffles, crisp phallicshaped cakes filled with an array of homemade creams and finished off with finger-licking glazes. Anatomically correct Va-JayJay versions of the waffles also are available, along with “Fuck Me” graphic cookies and cupcakes with pierced nipple toppings. Might need a Marlboro after scarfing these down. KinkysDessertBar.com

Traveler’s Treat, a trail mix/peanut butter hybrid packed with bits of raisin, banana and coconut. ReinbergerNB.com

Everything Rainbow Spice Being LGBTQ+ is just like being straight – except fun to be around. That’s the idea behind Curio Spice Co’s Everything Rainbow Spice; it’s the everything seasoning you know and love but zhuzhed up with sass and pizazz. There’s sumac for tartness, maras chile flakes for umami heat, turmeric for earthiness, and blue cornflower for a floral, honeyed touch. In gayman’s terms, it’s like you cut open a rainbow bagel and a purse fell out. CurioSpice.com

Some products naturally lean into a gay-ish aesthetic, like Reinberger’s Nut Butters, created by namesake co-founders Luke Rein, who identifies as bisexual, and Joseph Berger – a team of Olympic-trained rowers who sought to fill a hole (in the spreadable nut market) for a plant-based source of vital nutrients and energy-providing protein. Our favorite?

Cool Cat Wine Spritzers

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. Connect with Mikey on Instagram @ mikeyroxtravels

Looking for more ways to support your queer community postPride? Pack your pantries with these swishy snacks and swills created by and for LGBTQ+ friends, family and foodies.

You Are What You Eat: Gay Foods and Where to Get ’Em by Mikey Rox

We’re not saying your queer counterparts are trying to get you drunk and take you home (with consent, of course), but it’s not not what we’re saying, what with the abundance of LGBTQ-created alcohol options on this list, like Cool Cat Wine Spritzers from founder Rocco Venneri. Named Best Spritzer of 2021 by Liquor. com, this frosty pussy squad is available in original (elderflowermint-lime), citrus, berry, and grapefruit. DrinkCoolCat.com

29outwordmagazine.com September 8, 2022 - September 22, 2022 • No. 704 Outword Magazine 27 Years Serving the Community

If sampling locally made foodstuffs is your weekend (bacon) jam, pay a visit to Brentwood, Maryland’s miXt Food Hall, home to lesbian-owned Relish Market, to stock up on proprietor Stephanie Freeman’s signature Peppery Love hot sauces, like Stinger, a tart-and-spicy blend of citrus and ginger to tingle your tastebuds. Turn your mouth-burner down with one of Relish’s handcrafted bottled teas in flavors that include hibiscus, lavenderThai basil, and honey mint. RelishMarket.com

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