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How do you stay motivated? What is the force that always moves you forward?

You’re stranded on an island and can only have 3 items with you, what items do you have?

For me, there’s no problem staying motivated it’s staying focused which is the part that requires particular effort. I have learned that if you try to take on too much the results of everything will be terribly mediocre so being strategic and making decisions based on an ultimate goal is better than just being a hurricane. When I am overwhelmed I just pray, not for all my whims to be met and not for all the answers but just for wisdom and then I eat a bar of chocolate and all seems well in the world again. Years of practice to get to this point.

White chocolate, dark chocolate and a knife.

Do you ever think of the possibility of a different life? What would your life look like if you weren't in the entertainment industry? I am actually forever inventing gadgets and coming up with the next best thing, so I would definitely be in Venture Capital and have a start-up. I love building things from scratch. Africans are the most resilient people I know, give them a tool like the internet to educate themselves and use to problem solve and the sky will be the limit!! There are certainly a lot of girls and young women who look up to you, but who inspires you, who is your role model? I meet them all the time in the most random places. Yesterday, my new hairdresser told me her life story of how she overcame abuse as a child and is so grounded and happy today. This morning my Uber driver who is also a high school teacher who has three kids of her own, one of which just started at Harvard, adopted her students unwanted baby simply because her student asked her to and thought she would raise her baby well.

If you could choose any actor to play you in the film of your life story who would it be? Charlize Theron. She would nail my accent and can play absolutely anyone and anything. What plans have you got for the near future? I wish I could share the details but all I can say is I start shooting a series in Europe in April which has plenty of action and strong female leads. Excited. If you had a chance to send a message to all the young women in the world, what is the one piece of advice you would give them? F%*K the filters. We all use them on Social Media and in everyday life but honestly, it’s not necessary because you are always enough as you are. The world is dying for authenticity so be the one that gives your authentic self and patiently await the many reward and benefits this will bring. I even give myself this advice daily. How can people follow you and how can they watch “Agent’? My IG is @sarahkozsa. As for Agent, it will be aired in Europe and Africa via Canal Plus International. US details are yet to be released but definitely catch it if you can as it’s truly original, incredibly written and has a killer soundtrack! Addison is starting high school and is looking to “fit in” based on what she was taught as a child, but she soon realizes you cannot simply accept what others tell you. You need to

“One thing I am incredibly passionate about is bringing free, uncensored internet to Africa”



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